I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 230 Please choose your plug-in!

"Although the soul notes have been converted into soul power and stored in your soul, if you don't absorb it, you won't feel anything." Zhao Tian said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded after hearing this.

Then, he tried to absorb ten points of soul power.

Suddenly, a sense of comfort spread throughout his body, and he also felt that his soul seemed to have improved a little bit.

Although it was only a little bit, he could also feel this change.

"It's really a magical power." Mu Rufeng opened his eyes with a faint smile on his face.

"If Mr. Mu wants to absorb more, it's no problem. You can go upstairs to open a rest room. It's quieter there and the absorption is faster." Zhao Tian said.

"There's no rush for this. Let's go and play first." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then walked towards the corner cage area.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the first corner cage.

However, this corner cage was empty. There were only ten in the entire corner cage area.

Now, five of them are fighting.

There were people all around, and Mu Rufeng came to the one closest to him, which was also the one with the most people.

Inside, there was a level 5 weird plus a level 5 weird creature.

Both sides were fighting frantically in hand-to-hand combat.

"Fight, kill him."

"Long Hu, if you lose this time, I'll twist your head off."

"Ghost beast, come on, eat that guy."

A group of weirds were shouting loudly around.

"This ghost beast and the weird are both very strong." Mu Rufeng said as he watched the battle between the two sides.

"That's natural, that weird should be the challenger, challenging the ghost beast, and if he wins, he will get one-tenth of the bet on the ghost beast."

"If you lose, then there's nothing to say, everything belongs to the dealer." Zhao Tian said.

"Oh? You mean, can you still play like this?" Mu Rufeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, but few people do this." Zhao Tian said.

"Can you still bet now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, you can place a bet as long as the battle is not over. Mr. Mu, do you see that screen? You just need to release your soul power and click on one of the parties."

"You can release as much as you bet. Now, it should be just a matter of winning or losing. The two are still evenly matched, and the odds are one to one."

"When the situation has a decisive change, the betting channel will be closed as soon as possible." Zhao Tian explained.

Mu Rufeng did not speak and immediately used the skill [Life and Death].

Suddenly, a powerful force emerged, but Mu Rufeng did not emit his breath, and still maintained his original breath.

[Strength]: 9364.3 (851.3+8513)

[Spirit]: 8244.5 (749.5+7495)

[Constitution]: 8222.5 (747.5+7475)

At this time, Mu Rufeng looked at the two fighting parties again.

A few seconds later, Mu Rufeng immediately bet 10,000 soul power on the ghost beast.

Just at this moment, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[The host has entered the dungeon and the plug-in has been successfully loaded]

[Please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Luck: Your luck value will be multiplied by ten times]

[2. Gambling skills MAX: Your gambling skills in all aspects will become the best in the world]

[3. Bad luck: You can reduce the luck value of any target by ten times]

"This." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

This plug-in seems to be very good.

Almost without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly chose the first item, luck.

This multiplied his luck value by ten times.

He glanced and immediately found that his luck value reached 260 points.

Ordinary people only have about five points, which is 52 times.

This is not over yet, Mu Rufeng took out the [Gambler's Dice] and threw it.

[The throw points are 6 points, and the luck value is +6]

In an instant, Mu Rufeng's luck value soared by another 60 points to 320.

Mu Rufeng immediately bet all of his remaining 90,000 soul power on the victory of the beast ghost.

"Mr. Mu, who did you bet on?" Zhao Tian asked.

"The ghost beast, if you want to make some money, bet on the ghost beast." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ghost beast? Okay, then I bet 10.100." Zhao Tian gritted his teeth and bet 100 soul power on the ghost beast.

"Well, I don't have much soul power on me." Zhao Tian looked at Mu Rufeng's eyes and explained immediately.

"Haha, if you want to make more money, put all yours in." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, how much did you bet?" Zhao Tian did not answer, but asked instead.

"I bet 100,000." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"One hundred thousand?" Zhao Tian was a little shocked.

It was really the first time she had seen someone go all in and bet 100,000 soul power for the first time.

"Mr. Mu, are you crazy?" Zhao Tian couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hehe." Mu Rufeng smiled lightly and didn't answer.

Seeing that Zhao Tian didn't want to go all in, Mu Rufeng stopped talking. After all, it was her own fault for not seizing the opportunity to make a fortune, so she couldn't blame anyone else.

Although Mu Rufeng didn't know who would win in the end, as long as he placed a bet, whoever he bet on would definitely win.

Time passed slowly.

The two sides in the corner cage collided again.

This time, they were not evenly matched, and for some unknown reason, Long Hu was actually knocked out directly.

Before everyone could react, they saw that the ghost beast's originally broken tail had grown back, and then hit Long Hu's head fiercely.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Long Hu hit the corner cage directly.

This scene appeared, and immediately caused an uproar among the people at the scene.

The strangeness that bought Long Hu to win was cursing, while the ghost beast that bought the ghost beast to win was cheering.

At this moment, the bets were closed, and it was obvious that the winner would be decided soon.

Long Hu barely got up, his whole head was dizzy, and he dodged as soon as he saw the ghost beast attacking.

Just to say, his feet suddenly slipped, and he had avoided it, but because of this slip, he sent his chest forward.

A sharp bone pierced Long Hu's heart directly, and then a ferocious big mouth bit off Long Hu's head in one bite.

The winner has been decided!

"Fuck, this guy is too useless, he was killed by the ghost beast."

"Damn, my 100 soul points are gone."

"Damn it, it's a good thing that this guy died inside, otherwise I would have twisted his head off if he survived."

"Haha, cool, I said the ghost beast can win."

"Hehe, I bet a full 1,000 souls."

"What a bull, I only bet 100."

A noisy voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"Dongdongdong, dongdongdong!"

Suddenly, the sound of a gong sounded on the betting screen.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mu, you bet on a ghost beast with 100,000 soul power and successfully won 200,000 soul power." (100,000 principal, 100,000 compensation, a total of 200,000)

As the voice fell, a thick soul power flew out from the screen, and then sank into Mu Rufeng's body in the eyes of everyone.

Then, a large amount of soul power flew out and began to fly towards the weirdness that won the bet.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng frowned and looked at Zhao Tian.

"Mr. Mu, as long as you win more than 100,000 soul power, there will be this gong sound, which can also stimulate the guests' desire to bet more."

Zhao Tian hurriedly explained after hearing this.

"So that's how it is." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Fuck, this guy is so rich?"

"Oh my god, 100,000, that's 100,000 soul power."

"This guy is too bold, he actually bet 100,000 directly???"

"Wait, this guy seems to be a contractor?"

"No way? How can a contractor come here? And he is so rich???"

Everyone looked at Mu Rufeng and talked about it.

Mu Rufeng ignored it, but said to Zhao Tian: "By the way, Zhao Tian, ​​can you bet on the props here?"

"Of course, but only level 9 props and rule props are accepted here." Zhao Tian also calmed down and said.

He felt a little regretful in his heart. If he had known earlier, he would have listened to Mu Rufeng and bet everything.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded and continued: "I want to enter the corner cage to challenge, how to operate it."

"Yeah? Ah? Mr. Mu, you want to challenge in? But it's very dangerous inside." Zhao Tian was shocked.

"Tell me how to do it." Mu Rufeng said.

"You just need to go to the challenge on the screen outside the corner cage."

"Mr. Mu, are you really not going to consider it again? In the corner cage, you can only use your own abilities. Ordinary props can be used, but rule-based props cannot be used." Zhao Tian said again.

Mu Rufeng did not answer, but directly hit the word "challenge" on the distant screen with ghost power.

Can't use rule-based props? He never thought of using rule-based props. Even if he didn't use the Qilin Magic Wand, Mu Rufeng's strength was not low.

"If I bet on talent and ability, how will the compensation be compensated? If the odds are one to ten, will I be compensated with ten talents?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

Zhao Tian shook his head and said, "If you are betting on talents or abilities, or props, you can only bet on the outcome, and the highest odds are only one to one."

"If the odds are lower than one to one, you will be compensated with talents or props of equal value and equal odds."

"Only one to one?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly: "Only one to one?"

"Mr. Mu, if you bet your talents and abilities on high odds, it's not impossible, but at that time, you will only be compensated with soul power of equal value multiplied by the odds." Zhao Tian said.

"Is that so? I understand." Mu Rufeng nodded after hearing this.

Just at this moment, the ghost beast that was gnawing on the strange corpse was startled, opened its mouth wide, and bit the corpse tightly.

The next second, a suction force came from above, and the ghost beast and the corpse were sucked into it in an instant and disappeared.

"Click!" With a sound, the iron door of the corner cage opened automatically.

"Please welcome the next challenger, Mr. Mu Rufeng!"

A voice came from the screen again.

"Hua La La~~!"

When the people around saw that it was Mu Rufeng who was going to go on stage, they immediately burst into an uproar.

Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Tian and said slowly: "I should be able to bet on myself, right?"

"Yes, but if you, Mr. Mu, want to go on stage, you can only bet on your own victory and not on others, and the highest odds are only one to one." Zhao Tian explained.

"That's fine. By the way, if you want to make a fortune, get more money and bet on my one-hit kill. There should be such a bet, right?" Mu Rufeng said softly.

"Yes, yes." Zhao Tian was stunned for a moment and nodded.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and prepared to walk towards the corner cage.

Zhao Tian suddenly thought of something and quickly pulled Mu Rufeng: "Mr. Mu, please remember that if you bet on a certain ability, talent or prop, you can't use these bets."

"Huh? You can't use it if you bet?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, but soon calmed down.

Although he couldn't bet, it didn't matter. He had a lot of props and skills.

"I know. If you want to make money, you have to be bolder. Trust me." Mu Rufeng said, and walked towards the corner cage with big strides.

Zhao Tian saw that Mu Rufeng was so confident, thought about it, gritted his teeth, and turned to his little sister.

Mu Rufeng came to the corner cage under the urging of the crowd.

With a loud bang, the big iron door of the corner cage was firmly locked on it.

If you want to leave the corner cage, you can only win.

"Please choose your opponent. You can bet on yourself to win."

A screen suddenly fell from above, and on the screen was the opponent chosen by Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng took a look and found that there were two major categories on it, one was to fight against strange creatures, and the other was to fight against guests.

Mu Rufeng naturally chose the first category, fighting against strange creatures.

There are many types of strange creatures, more than a dozen, and each type has levels from 1 to 9.

It's hard to imagine that there is even a level nine ghost emperor, which is enough to prove how powerful this golden city is.

Mu Rufeng flipped through it and chose the ghost beast he had seen before.

As for the level, Mu Rufeng thought about it and directly chose the level seven ghost beast.

Mu Rufeng had seen the level eight ghost king and killed one. Zhu Shixuan was extremely powerful. If it weren't for the thunder element plug-in, he really couldn't beat him at that time.

So, to be safe, choose the level seven ghost beast. At level seven, he will definitely be able to kill it in one hit.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng directly chose the level seven ghost beast.

"Mr. Mu, please note that you are a level three contractor and you chose a level seven ghost beast. Excuse me, are you sure to choose the level seven ghost beast?"

A voice came from the screen.

"Confirm!" Mu Rufeng directly clicked on the level seven ghost beast again.

"The opponent has been selected. Mr. Mu, a level three contractor, will fight against the level seven ghost beast. The battle will start in three minutes. Please start betting!"

When the voice fell, the guests around were in an uproar again.

"Fuck, this guy is a fool. A level 3 contractor chooses a level 7 ghost beast?"

"He must have clicked the wrong button, right?"

"He clicked the wrong button? He could have clicked the wrong button twice?"

"Is this guy going to die?"

"Is he saying that there are some powerful items or abilities that can defeat a level 7 ghost beast?"

"You're kidding me. Don't you know that when fighting in a cage, you can only use your own abilities and ordinary items, and you can't use rule-based items. Even if you have level 9 items, the gap between the two cannot be made up by level 9 items."

"This is a level 3 contractor. It must be his first time here. He doesn't know that he can't use rule-based items."

"Haha, then isn't it a sure win to bet on the ghost beast this time?"

"Although it's a sure win, I estimate the odds to be very low."

"Low? It's okay if it's low. It's fine as long as I can win. I haven't won once today. I'll just go all in this time."

A group of weird people were talking and laughing. When they looked at Mu Rufeng, they all sneered, and then they started placing bets one by one.

At this moment, Zhao Tian had already borrowed a lot of soul power from the sisters, adding up to 3,000 soul power, plus more than 1,000 of her own, that is 4,500 soul power.

Although those sisters had some friendship, it was impossible for them to be open-hearted. After signing a contract and paying high interest, each person only borrowed 500 soul power.

Those sisters also followed to watch the fun.

When Zhao Tian saw clearly that Mu Rufeng chose a level 7 ghost beast, she was dumbfounded.

She originally thought that Mu Rufeng chose a level 4, and the highest might be level 5, but it turned out to be level 7? Would she dare to place a bet?

"Zhao Tian, ​​this contractor challenged a level 7 ghost beast?"

"I said, why did you come to us to borrow soul power? You are so cunning. You are not sure to win by betting on the ghost beast."

"Although the odds may be a little less, it is still no problem to make some money. I will go all in on the ghost beast."

Several ladies prepared to place bets.

"Wait, I want to bet on that contractor." Zhao Tian suddenly said.

"Hmm? Zhao Tian, ​​who do you want to suppress?"

"Zhao Tian, ​​are you crazy? You said you want to suppress that contractor?"

"I said, you borrowed our soul power not to suppress the ghost beast that is sure to win, but to suppress that third-level contractor???"

"If you suppress it like this, it will definitely lose. No, you have to give me back my soul power now."

"Yes, give me back my soul power."

The sisters around Zhao Tian looked at Zhao Tian with shock, as if they were looking at you as a mentally retarded person.

When Zhao Tian heard this, her face looked a little ugly. After a moment of silence, she said, "We have signed a contract. I will borrow the money for one day and pay it back tomorrow."

"A level three contractor challenges level seven by himself. Do you think he is stupid? Does he want to die? If you believe me, then bet on that contractor and kill him instantly with one blow."

Zhao Tian was not a fool. Although she felt that Mu Rufeng had no chance of winning at level 3 versus level 7.

But with Mu Rufeng's self-confidence, her unhurried self-confidence and her own wealth, Mu Rufeng is not the kind of fool who would just lie down and die.

Therefore, Zhao Tian chose to believe in Mu Rufeng.

She looked at the odds. The simplest outcome, Mu Rufeng's odds of winning was 1:10.

The odds of the ghost beast winning are 1:0.1

Let’s look at other things, including how long Mu Rufeng can hold on and how many moves he can use. Then there is the ghost beast that can kill instantly with one hit or kill with multiple moves. The odds of each are very different.

Zhao Tian directly chose the one with the highest odds, Mu Rufeng killed the ghost beast instantly, the odds were 1:100

Without hesitation, he directly bet all the remaining 4,500 soul power points on Mu Rufeng to kill the ghost beast instantly with one strike.

Then, she hesitated a little whether to put her talents and abilities to the test.

"It's really stupid. If you want to pay for yourself, don't come to me. Tomorrow, if you can't pay back your soul power, huh huh huh."

"Only a fool would overpower that contractor. Even if he has a ninth-level item, can he make up for the gap in strength between the two parties?"

"I'm telling you, if you still don't have soul power tomorrow, then use your talent and ability to give it back to me. I've been coveting your talent for a long time."

"An instant kill with one move? It really makes me laugh to death. What an idiot."

Several little sisters mocked, and then bet all their soul power on the ghost beast.

However, one of the little sisters did not agree. She lowered her head and wondered what she was thinking.

Zhao Tian ignored the ridicule of these people and just looked at Mu Rufeng in the corner cage expressionlessly.

Mu Rufeng sensed this, turned around and smiled at Zhao Tian.

Seeing this, Zhao Tian finally made up his mind and put his talents and abilities to use.

However, he put his talent over Mu Rufeng's victory, and bet on his ability to pay a hundred times the odds of soul power.

"The odds of a one-hit kill are 100 to 100. If Zhao Tian beats me this time, he will make a lot of money. Unfortunately, as a challenger, I can only beat myself to win."

"I can't trade with others, otherwise, I can just ask Zhao Tian to place my bet and it will fly straight away."

Mu Rufeng still felt a little pity.

Now he has completed his bet, betting his two hundred thousand soul power on himself to win.

In addition to the two hundred thousand soul power, Mu Rufeng bet all the other things that he could bet on, except for his necessary props and skills, so that he could win.

Through the conversation with Zhao Tan, he also learned that as long as he bets on talents, abilities or props, if the odds of victory are one to one, after winning, he can choose whether to compensate for talents, etc., or to lose all soul power. is allowed.

Now, all Mu Rufeng has left is the Kirin Wand, the Chosen One, the crazy Chosen One, and life and death.

Everything else that could be bet was placed on, even regular skills or even super powerful skills like Vulcan's Advent.

Mu Rufeng can already imagine that his strength will be further improved.

Three minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

"We invite a seventh-level ghost beast!"

As a voice sounded, a huge figure fell from the sky and landed heavily on the ring.

A seventh-level ghost beast, three meters tall, with a strong body and weak joints covered with sharp bone spurs.


When it saw Mu Rufeng for the first time, it roared excitedly.

Fragrant, so fragrant, it has never smelled such fragrant flesh and blood.

Also, the seventh-level ghost beast has never seen a human being, and it is even more difficult to resist the fresh flesh and blood of human beings.

"Kill, kill him. The ghost beast will eat him. This is a living person."

"I'm really envious. The ghost beast actually took it orally today."

"Hey, what do you think, after the seventh-level ghost beast eats this contractor, I will challenge it immediately, kill the ghost beast as soon as possible, and then take out the human flesh from its belly and eat it?"

"Huh? It seems possible, but the digestive power of the ghost beast is a bit strong, so I'm afraid it will be digested directly."

"It shouldn't be that fast. Anyway, I'll try it later."

"You guys have a lot of ideas, so I'll give it a try and see who of us can grab them faster."

"I haven't eaten fresh human flesh for a long time. It seems that after winning this time, I must go upstairs to eat some fresh living human flesh and blood."

"No, there are so many of you trying to steal from me. I want to make an appointment to challenge."

The person who has the idea first will choose to challenge the next winner immediately.

"Damn it, which Dogecoin chose to make an appointment?" This weirdo suddenly cursed.

"Fight, start! Boom!"

With the sound of the gong, the battle between the two sides began directly.

"Roar!" The ghost beast roared excitedly, turning into an afterimage and flying over.

Just the next second, Mu Rufeng waved the Qilin wand wrapped in bandages in his hand, and then hit the ghost beast's Tianling Cap hard.

The magic wand was seen moving downward from the ghost beast's crown with an unstoppable force until it hit the hard floor.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The magic wand smashed a deep pit of several meters on the floor.

The entire corner cage shook.

On the other hand, the ghost beast had disappeared.

Looking at the corner cages around, they were covered with some vicious liquids and minced meat.

They even passed through the corner cages and splashed on the weirds who were watching.

[Triggering success, killing the seventh-level ghost beast, spirit +0.5, ghost energy +0.5%]

In an instant, the whole scene became weirdly quiet.


A weird screamed.

It was none other than Zhao Tian.

At a ratio of one to one hundred, she bet 4,500 soul power, and here, he can get 450,000 soul power.

Betting on talent can compensate for a talent of equal value, which will definitely make her strength soar.

Betting on her own ability, her ability is probably worth about 5,000 soul power, which means another compensation of 500,000 soul power.

The total benefit this time is an equal talent plus 950,000 soul power.

Let’s not talk about the talent for now, just this soul power, converted into soul notes, is a full 950 million soul notes! ! !

She is only a level 7 ghost general now. With such wealth, she is likely to reach the level 8 ghost king.

What is she staying here for? Isn’t it just to become stronger?

“What’s going on here?” A weird licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and stared at the scene in a daze.

“Fuck, there is a conspiracy.”

“How is it possible, how is this possible.”

“That’s a level 7 ghost beast. How could a level 7 ghost beast be killed instantly by a level 3 contractor?”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible.”

“How could a level 3 contractor kill a level 7 ghost beast directly in seconds? ? ? ”

All the guests shouted angrily.

You know, when Mu Rufeng came on the field to challenge, he attracted all the weirdness in other corners of the cage area.

I don’t know how much was bet this time.

“Impossible, how is this possible, how did I win, it’s over, I suppressed all my soul power.”

“How could this happen, how could this happen, Zhao Tian, ​​I lent you my soul power out of kindness, and you just cheated me? Ah?”

The ladies who bet on the ghost beasts stared at Zhao Tian with red eyes.

They were originally very beautiful human forms, but because of anger, they had revealed their terrifying bodies.

A cracked lip, densely packed with sharp teeth.

A cracked eyebrow, a mouth appeared, and a dark tentacle stretched out of the mouth.

A body directly split from the middle, and a strange monster emerged.

A head full of white hair turned into a small white snake spitting out tongues.

A body swelled up all over, and the rotten body exuded a foul smell.

If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't fight here, these five weirdos would probably tear Zhao Tian apart alive.

Zhao Tian completely ignored them, because she was now in an extremely excited state.

Mu Rufeng was in a situation of choice at this moment.

Because of his victory, the compensation would be given to him, and he had too many things to bet on.

Ninth-level powerful props, rule-based props, various skills, internal abilities, and even external talents.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and decided to pay half of the compensation with soul power and half with props or talents of equal value.

"Dong Dong Dong, Dong Dong Dong!"

Suddenly, the sound of a gong rang out on the betting screen.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mu, you bet 200,000 soul power to win, and successfully won 400,000 soul power."

"Congratulations, Mr. Mu, bet 15 rule-based props, bet 5 level 9 powerful props, bet 15 abilities, bet two rule abilities, bet seven talents, bet four titles."

"Bet return, successfully won 8 rule-based props, three level 9 powerful props, eight abilities, two rule abilities, four talents, four title upgrade cards, and obtained 8.8 million soul power."

As the voice fell, a very strong soul power flew out from the screen, and then sank into Mu Rufeng's body in the eyes of everyone.

At the same time, there was a special power descending and sinking into Mu Rufeng's body. These were the talents and abilities that Mu Rufeng won.

Those props won were piled at Mu Rufeng's feet.

Mu Rufeng directly let Xiaoying appear, and then sucked them all into the different space in one breath.

In this wave, Mu Rufeng's worth skyrocketed, and his own strength also skyrocketed.

However, what Mu Rufeng cared about was that several talents did not give him new talents, but directly converted them into soul power for him.

It was because of this that Mu Rufeng could directly obtain 8.8 million soul power.

"Is there no talent like mine?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

Before those weirdos could react, the sound of the gong rang again.

"Dong Dong Dong! Dong Dong Dong!"

"Congratulations to Ms. Zhao Tian, ​​bet 4,500 soul power and successfully win 454,500 soul power."

"Congratulations to Ms. Zhao Tian, ​​bet one talent, bet one ability, the principal will be refunded, successfully win one talent, successfully win 500,000 soul power with the same value of ability."

"Hahaha~~!" At this time, Zhao Tian laughed loudly, shaking all over and unable to suppress it.

Rich and prosperous, this wave is really rich and prosperous.

Talent, soul power, flew out from the screen and sank into Zhao Tian's body.

"Dong Dong Dong! Dong Dong Dong!"

However, just when those weird things were about to explode, the sound of the gong rang again.

"Congratulations to Murong Qingqing, betting 10,000 soul power and successfully winning 1,010,000 soul power."

An equally thick soul power flew out and then landed on a woman who was equally excited and unable to extricate herself.

This Murong Qingqing was one of the six sisters that Zhao Tian borrowed money from.

Unlike the other five sisters, Murong Qingqing did not mock Zhao Tian, ​​and believed Zhao Tian's words.

She ruthlessly bet half of her assets, that is, 10,000 soul notes, on Mu Rufeng's one-shot killing of the ghost beast.

With a 100-fold odds, she directly won 1 million soul power.

This is also a huge fortune.

It's a pity that she is extremely regretful now, regretting why she didn't bet all of them, why didn't she bet her talents and abilities and even props?

At this time, Mu Rufeng had already collected all the props under his feet.

When he heard the sound of the gong, he looked at Zhao Tian with some surprise.

Zhao Tian really chose to believe him, and really bet everything on it.

However, what Mu Rufeng cared about most was that Murong Qingqing actually bet on her, and directly bet 10,000 that she could kill the seventh-level ghost beast in seconds.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to go down, suddenly, a voice came from the screen again.

"The total soul power bet on the ghost beast this time is 2.31 million, and you have obtained 231,000 soul power points."

"Bet more than 2 million?" Mu Rufeng glanced around, and it was almost full of people. They probably thought they would win for sure, so they all went all in? Even ability? Talent?

"Please note that there is an eighth-level ghost king who wants to challenge you. Do you agree?"

"An eighth-level ghost king wants to challenge me?" Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought at this time.

He could kill a level 7 ghost general in seconds, but the difference in strength between the two is huge.

To reach the level 8 threshold, a single item must exceed 10,000 to reach the threshold.

And Mu Rufeng, even if he used the bloodthirsty attribute, could only reach 10,000 at most.

Reaching the level 8 threshold, fighting against the level 8 ghost king, the battle will not end so easily.

In the Gluttony Cruise copy, the reason why he was able to kill the level 8 ghost king Zhu Shixuan so easily.

The most important reason is that he obtained the thunder element plug-in, which made his strength soar, and even his ghost power reached level 8.

Mu Rufeng looked at his luck value of 320 points and directly agreed to the challenge of the level 8 ghost king.

With 320 points of luck, there is no reason why he can't kill this guy.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng did not forget that his title of the Chosen One has a special attribute.

Although the probability of that probability being triggered is very low, he has triggered it twice when he was in the last copy world limit monster spawning, and he has seen how terrifying it is.

"Click!" With a sound, the iron door of the corner cage was opened.

The next moment, a beam of light fell directly on a rotten weirdo in the crowd.

"Please invite the challenger Mr. Sulfuric Acid to the stage."

At this moment, everyone's eyes were all focused on Mr. Sulfuric Acid.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to win. It's just right. This time I can eat alone." Sulfuric Acid walked towards the dragon with a grim smile.

Don't look at Mu Rufeng killing the level 7 ghost beast in one hit, but so what, if he goes on the stage, he can also kill it in one hit.

He is the level 8 ghost king. Even if Mu Rufeng has many means, he is confident that he can defeat Mu Rufeng.

Sulfuric Acid quickly went into the corner cage.

"The champion of this challenge is Mr. Mu, the level 3 contractor who killed the level 7 ghost beast in one hit!"

"And this time the challenger is the level 8 ghost king Mr. Sulfuric Acid. The five-minute countdown for betting time begins. Please start betting."

As the voice fell, the scene was in an uproar again.

"Sulfuric acid, it turns out that you stole my first place, damn it, leave me one leg." A weirdo shouted loudly.

"This one is not enough for me, and I'll leave it for you?" Sulfuric acid rejected the weirdo mercilessly.

"This kid is dead this time, betting on sulfuric acid, you will definitely win, but, why did the odds become so much lower?"

"Fuck, the odds are really lower."

A group of weirdos glanced at the odds, and they were all angry.

The highest option for betting on sulfuric acid to win is to kill Mu Rufeng in one move, with an odds of one to two.

The lowest is naturally the win or loss, which is the same as the previous ghost beast, with an odds of one to 0.1.

Compared with the previous ghost beast odds, it has dropped a lot.

On Mu Rufeng's side, the odds are also similar.

The highest is that Mu Rufeng killed the eighth-level ghost king in one move, with an odds of one hundred times.

And the odds of Mu Rufeng's victory are also okay, one to three.

At this moment, more and more people gathered here.

The three gongs and announcements just now were so loud that they attracted people from other areas around.

It can be said that the entire corner cage area is now full of guests.

Some corner cages are even full of people, just to watch the fun and place bets.

"Mr. Mu, what are you betting this time?" Zhao Tian squeezed to the front and asked loudly.

Murong Qingqing was also following her, and she was obviously ready to continue betting.

"Well, be safe, just bet on me to win." Mu Rufeng had seen how powerful Zhu Shixuan was, so he was safe.

"Okay." Zhao Tian nodded heavily, and then went all in again.

Of course, he didn't go all in this time, but he kept his talents and abilities, and went all in the rest.

The opponent was an eighth-level ghost king, and even Mr. Mu said to be safe, so she had to be safe.

As for the odds, one to three, it wasn't bad.

After hearing this, Murong Qingqing thought for a while, and bet all the soul power she had won before on Mu Rufeng to win the final victory.

"Haha, these two girls are really stupid. They actually believed what the contractor said."

"The opponent is level 8. Don't you know the value of the level 8 ghost king?"

"But it makes me laugh. The winner just now will definitely lose everything."

"Who cares? I'm going to bet everything this time. I'm going to bet all my talents and abilities. At least let me get back my money, otherwise I'll have no soul power to use."

The weirdness around them all started to mock.

Even those sisters also bet all their abilities, talents and props on the level 8 ghost king.

Zhao Tian and Murong Qingqing didn't care about it at all. They just watched the battle in the field.


"Contractor, tut tut tut, it's the first time I've seen a contractor come to the Golden City."

In the corner cage, sulfuric acid looked at Mu Rufeng with a greedy look on his face.

"What's wrong with the contractor? You can come, why can't I come?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Bug, you have so many good things on you. How about adding a prize? If I am satisfied with the prize, I can spare your life." Sulfuric Acid said.

Thanks to I am A Kun for the 500 points! Thanks to Book Friend 20170509133628812, Book Friend 20220412134826724, Pie and Stars, My Girlfriend is Dark Lychee, Lin Huowang, and Soul Eater for the 100 points!

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