I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 231: Ten thousand times attack, instantly kills the eighth level ghost king

"Bet? What can you offer?" Mu Rufeng glanced at Sulfate and said slowly.

"Then it depends on what you can offer." Sulfate showed a smile on his face.

"Forget it, you are also a poor guy, I will take out a talent, which should be equal to your entire fortune."

Mu Rufeng said, and took out his talent of [10% discount coupon] as a prize.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng was still a little surprised. What was surprising was that this 10% discount coupon was actually useless in the Golden City.

Whether it was when exchanging soul power before or when betting, the 10% discount coupon was not triggered.

Mu Rufeng felt that he should not be used to this type?

"You want to use a talent to equal my entire fortune. You think too highly of yourself and underestimate me too much." Sulfate said with a cold snort.

A balance scale slowly fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the two people.

"Please put the two people's prizes into the balance." The voice on the screen sounded again.

Mu Rufeng went forward and threw his 10% discount coupon directly on it.

It must be said that when the balance scale appeared, Mu Rufeng could take out his talent and materialize it, and what was materialized was a ball of light flowing with dazzling brilliance.

"Bang!" There was a sound.

The balance on Mu Rufeng's side fell down heavily.

Seeing this, sulfuric acid on the opposite side also took out his talent and threw it on the balance.

However, when his talent was thrown on the balance, the balance on Mu Rufeng's side did not move at all.

The inclination on Mu Rufeng's side was still far ahead.

Obviously, sulfuric acid's talent was completely incomparable to Mu Rufeng's [10% discount coupon].

"It seems that I underestimated you. Your talent is really amazing."

Sulfuric acid was slightly surprised, and then threw his second talent on the balance scale.

Unlike betting, if you bet with your own talent or ability, you will not be able to use that talent or ability.

But if you bet against the customer, you can still use it even if you bet on talent, ability and props.

Mu Rufeng could see that the scale on his side was slightly raised, just a little bit.

"Good boy, I really underestimated you." Sulfuric acid said in a deep voice, and then threw his third, last and most powerful talent on the scale.

At this time, the scale on Mu Rufeng's side was raised a little, but that was it.

Mu Rufeng still had an absolute advantage.

At this time, Sulfuric acid's face became a little ugly.

What a joke, he put all three talents on, but it was not as strong as the other party's talent?

Sulfuric acid was silent, and threw all his five abilities on it.

However, what made him speechless was that although the scale was raised again.

Sulfuric acid stared at Mu Rufeng, and finally threw one of his rule props, a level nine powerful prop, all his soul power and even his world bank card on it.

In this way, the scale began to rise slowly.

However, the gap between the two sides was still very large.

"Look, you should have taken out all your wealth, but there is still so much difference. It seems that I overestimated you." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Impossible, what talent did you take out? How could it be so strong." Sulfuric acid was full of disbelief.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll change it." Mu Rufeng shook his head and took back his 90% discount coupon.

When the 90% discount coupon was taken back, the scale fell to the opposite side.

Mu Rufeng scolded, and then threw [Hundred Times Explosion Rate] on it.

Suddenly, the scale began to fall slowly and finally maintained its balance.

Of course, if you look closely, you can find that Mu Rufeng's side is still a little heavier.

"That's it, it's almost there." Mu Rufeng said.

"Humph!" Sulfuric acid snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Soon, the talent on the scale flew back to Mu Rufeng.

And the things on the opposite side also flew back to the body of sulfuric acid.

Then, Mu Rufeng continued to bet.

Like last time, he left the talents, abilities and props he would use later, and bet all the rest.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that he could not take on so much.

"Why, is there a betting limit?" Mu Rufeng asked the screen beside him.

"Mr. Mu, hello, our first floor is just the most basic gameplay, and the maximum limit can only bet 10 million soul power or talents and abilities of equal value." A voice came from the screen.

"But, the last time I bet, it should have exceeded 10 million soul power, right?" Mu Rufeng said after thinking for a moment.

In the last bet, the soul power alone won 8.8 million, and you said it didn't exceed 10 million soul power?

"Mr. Mu, since you are a first-time visitor to Golden City, you have the opportunity to bet more than 10 million yuan in the gambling area on the first floor."

"You have already used it last time, and this time, you can only bet up to 10 million soul power or talents, abilities, etc. of equal value." The screen explained.

Mu Rufeng was silent for a while, and then turned to look at Zhao Tian and Murong Qingqing outside the corner cage.

"Mr. Mu, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that there is such a rule." Zhao Tian said hurriedly.

First of all, he never thought that Mu Rufeng could bet more than 10 million soul power.

Secondly, she made too much money this time, and was a little excited and excited, so she forgot to tell Mu Rufeng about it.

Mu Rufeng was speechless when she heard this.

There really is a limit.

Helpless Mu Rufeng was too lazy to choose, so he directly suppressed his 9.5 million soul power, and then took out a talent to make up 500,000 soul power.

A total of 10 million soul power was bet.


Time passed slowly.

The five-minute betting time was up.

The battle was about to begin!

At this time, the corner cages that were originally only a dozen square meters in size were seen to expand to hundreds of meters in an instant.

Mu Rufeng was a little surprised when he saw this scene, but he quickly came to his senses.

It should be that during the battle, the space will expand.

However, looking at the guests below, it is estimated that it is still possible to see clearly from the outside.

Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand, put it in his mouth, and then bit it hard and sucked his own blood.

Suddenly, the bloodthirsty attribute burst out, and all attributes increased directly by 10%.

[Strength]: 10300.7 (851.3+8513+936.4)

[Spirit]: 9068.9 (749.5+7495+824.4)

[Constitution]: 9044.7 (747.5+7475+822.2)

Mu Rufeng originally wanted to use Maotai and other auxiliary spiritual objects that could increase strength, but was told that they could not be used.

This also made Mu Rufeng a little regretful, but it didn't matter, because his strength was now extremely strong.

When the battle started, the entire corner cage was instantly covered by the ghost.

It was the ghost of sulfuric acid.

The terrifying corrosive liquid quickly emerged from under his feet, and the corrosive gas began to drift around.

Because of the special nature of the corner cage, even if the entire corner cage was covered by the ghost den, those outside could clearly see the battle scene between the two sides.

The ghost den is already a standard feature of high-level weirdness.

In other words, if you can't comprehend the ghost den, you can't step into the eighth-level ghost king at all.

"Boom!" A muffled sound.

But a terrifying flame broke out in Mu Rufeng's body.

The flame instantly swept the entire corner cage, directly corroding the corrosive ghost den of sulfuric acid, turning the corner cage into Mu Rufeng's flame domain.

Mu Rufeng was wearing flame armor, and his figure became particularly tall, like a fire god, full of majesty and a feeling that could not be desecrated.


Seeing this, sulfuric acid's face suddenly became extremely solemn.

He found that his domain was instantly broken by the opponent, and now he could only shrink back to protect his body against the terrifying flame.

"To be honest, I miss the time in the wilderness pioneer dungeon. Compared with physical combat, I actually prefer to cast spells remotely."

Mu Rufeng's voice sounded.

In the wilderness dungeon, his fighting style was completely changed.

Then, Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand.

Ring of Fire--

Suddenly, a ring of fire rose from under Mu Rufeng's feet.

Mu Rufeng did not hold back, he directly turned on the infinite casting mode.


Explosive Fire--

Fire Meteorite Falling from the Sky--

Qilin Collision--

Evil Fire Sacrifice--

In the blink of an eye, the flame armor on Mu Rufeng's body turned purple.

His momentum became more powerful, and the flames became more terrifying.

At some point, the sky was covered with huge fireballs as thick as foot basins.

Above the fireballs, a huge meteorite over a hundred meters appeared again, directly covering the entire corner cage.

In front of Mu Rufeng, a row of evil fire unicorns composed of purple flames appeared, rushing directly towards the ghost king, Sulfate.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng's attack was overwhelming.

However, Mu Rufeng was not satisfied and kept waving the magic wand in his hand.

A large number of attacks continued to rise.

Sulfate, who was standing in the distance, looked at this scene in a daze, his face turned a little pale: "How do we fight this TM?"

However, he naturally would not give up. Sulfate suddenly shouted, and his ghost power burst out without reservation. This was going to fight desperately.

However, an accident occurred.

After Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand, he actually released a purple-black fireball.

When this fireball appeared, the surrounding space was distorted.

The flames rushing towards Sulfate also stopped in place instantly, and then immediately turned around and rushed towards the purple-black fireball.

Even the meteorites in the sky broke directly and were then absorbed by the purple-black fireball.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the flames on the entire field disappeared, including the flame field that Mu Rufeng had cast and the flame armor on his body.

Only the purple-black fireball that burned and distorted the space remained.

Mu Rufeng's eyes widened, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that the 10,000-fold attack of the Chosen One would actually be triggered like this.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng immediately activated [Absolute Defense].

Mu Rufeng had to open it. The eighth-level attack was amplified 10,000 times. Mu Rufeng didn't know whether it could kill the ninth-level ghost emperor, but the eighth-level ghost king had no pressure.

Because if he didn't open the absolute defense, Mu Rufeng himself would be killed by the aftermath.


The fireball arrived in an instant and exploded before the sulfuric acid could react.

The horrible explosion directly destroyed the entire ground of the corner cage, and the surrounding space was burned and a hole appeared.

The ground turned directly into a piece of magma.

Outside the corner cage, the eyes of those weird customers were pierced by the terrifying light and they were temporarily blinded.

They could still feel the terrifying high temperature and breath, which made them terrified.

[Triggering successfully, killing the eighth-level ghost king, strength +0.6, ghost power +0.6%]

Seven seconds later.

Mu Rufeng cast a spell again.

The God of Fire descended-

Ring of Fire-

Evil Fire Sacrifice-

Flame Armor-

Then, Mu Rufeng removed the absolute defense.

The impact of the explosion has disappeared, the magma under his feet is still emitting terrifying high temperatures, and the air around him is still burning with purple flames.

But this little bit of heat and flames can't affect Mu Rufeng now.

Even, Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and saw the purple-black flames burning the space quickly gathered in Mu Rufeng's palm.

At this moment, he was suspended in the air, his body was extremely tall, and his body was covered with purple flames. His eyes swept over everyone, and no one dared to look at him.

"It's still too small, otherwise I can try the moves of the God of Fire." Mu Rufeng thought.

The God of Fire's advent is not only to increase the power of fire spells, but also has greater power.

It's just that before he could make a full-strength move, he actually triggered a ten thousand times attack.

Mu Rufeng looked at the place where sulfuric acid stood before, and didn't find anything falling out, which surprised Mu Rufeng.

"Is it because he has made a bet with me, so it can't fall." Mu Rufeng could only guess this way.

"Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!"

Suddenly, the sound of a gong rang out on the betting screen.

"The winner of this battle is Mr. Mu!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Mu, bet 9.5 million soul power and a talent, bet on yourself to win, bet on the principal to be returned, and successfully win 10 million soul power."

A large amount of soul power descended on Mu Rufeng and then directly merged into his body.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng already has 19.5 million soul power.

If this is converted into soul notes, it would be 19.5 billion.

Sure enough, gambling is the fastest way to make money, but it is also just as fast to break up a family.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Congratulations to Ms. Zhao Tian, ​​you bet 950,000 soul power and successfully won 3.8 million soul power."

"Congratulations to Ms. Zhao Tian, ​​you bet 2 talents, 1 ability, and 1 powerful item, and your principal will be refunded. You successfully won 2 talents, 1 ability, and 1 powerful item."

"Hahaha~~!" At this time, Zhao Tian laughed out loud again.

This time, although the odds were only three times, she definitely earned more than she did last time.

Moreover, her talent also increased, which greatly improved her strength.

Suddenly, the talent and soul power flew out from the screen and sank into Zhao Tian's body.

"Dong Dong Dong! Dong Dong Dong!"

The sound of the gong rang again.

"Congratulations to Murong Qingqing, bet 1.02 million soul power, and successfully won 4.08 million soul power."

"Congratulations to Murong Qingqing, bet two talents, three abilities, one powerful prop, and one rule-based prop, bet the principal back, and successfully won two talents, three abilities, one powerful prop, and one rule-based prop."

An equally thick soul power flew out and landed on Murong Qingqing, along with those talents, abilities, props, etc.

This girl made more money than Zhao Tian.

The people around were numb to Mu Rufeng. After all, others were really rich and powerful, and could kill the eighth-level ghost king in seconds.

But Zhao Tian and Murong Qingqing were both seventh-level ghost generals, and they had seen it many times.

Now seeing their acquaintances become prosperous, they were so envious and jealous.

If it weren't for Huang Jincheng's inability to make a move, they would have wanted to die now and then snatch all their things away.

Especially the sisters who were with them, they were jealous and crazy.

"The total soul power bet on sulfuric acid this time is 18.3 million, and you have obtained 1.83 million soul power." A voice sounded again on the screen.

Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned when he heard it.

Good guy, these people really bet a lot.

But think about it, this battle has attracted too many weirdos to bet.

It can be said that no customer is optimistic about Mu Rufeng, and all bets are on the eighth-level ghost king sulfuric acid.

"Ka~!" A crisp sound.

The door of the corner cage opened.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng slowly flew out of it and then fell to the ground.

He still exuded a terrifying aura that made people unable to look directly at him.

Those weirdos also didn't dare to look directly at Mu Rufeng. Those who were clamoring before were all speechless at this moment.

Soon, Mu Rufeng put away the flame armor and then put the magic wand on his waist.

At this time, Zhao Tian and Murong Qingqing came over quickly.

"Mr. Mu." Zhao Tian was still extremely excited at this moment.

Murong Qingqing on the side was also like this.

"Zhao Tian, ​​you said before that you could get a room upstairs?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, the 4th to 10th floors here are all hotel rooms, a total of seven floors, divided into seven grades, the fourth floor is the lowest, and only one hundred souls are needed every day..."

(The Golden City has a total of thirty floors, and the previous mistake was written as five floors)

Before Zhao Tian finished speaking, Mu Rufeng interrupted directly and said: "Lead the way, and get the highest grade directly."

"Yes, Mr. Mu, please follow me." Zhao Tian immediately led Mu Rufeng to the elevator in front.

Murong Qingqing didn't say anything, but followed behind him.

Obviously, this is ready to hug Mu Rufeng's thigh.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it. Anyway, it was just a gamble. It was more pleasing to have two girls around.

Moreover, with the two of them, Mu Rufeng could know more clearly what was happening in the Golden City.

Just when Mu Rufeng and the other two had just walked to the elevator, they saw a man in a suit leading several staff members to come over.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am Tang Feng, the lobby manager of Golden City. It is an honor to meet you." Tang Feng stretched out his hand and said.

"Hello, Manager Tang." Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

"Mr. Mu, your fight in the corner cage just now was amazing."

"Manager Tang is too kind." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, now your assets have exceeded 10 million. I wonder if you have any idea to go to the second floor." Manager Tang said.

"Second floor? Of course I am interested, but it will be later." Mu Rufeng said.

The upper limit of the bet on the first floor is 10 million soul power, which is too slow. Mu Rufeng's luck is bursting now, and he must make a lot of money.

Otherwise, it would be a shame for the plug-in he got this time.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I will wait for you on the second floor." Manager Tang had a slight smile on his face.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and it happened that the elevator came at this time.

Mu Rufeng and the other two immediately walked into the elevator.

Zhao Tian immediately stepped forward and pressed the tenth floor. Then the elevator door slowly closed and went upstairs.

"What's the situation on the second floor?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, the second floor is also a casino, but it is more high-end and the number of people will not be as many as the first floor."

"If you want to go to the second floor, you need a certain amount of assets. Only those with assets of one million soul power can go to the second floor."

"Moreover, the gambling method on the second floor is slightly different from that on the first floor." Zhao Tian said.

"Different, what's the difference?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Zhao Tian was about to speak, but the elevator slowly opened.

The tenth floor, here we are.

"Let's go get a room first, and then talk about it in the room." Mu Rufeng immediately walked out of the elevator.

Because the center of the Golden City is hollowed out, these hotel rooms are surrounded by the hollow, and standing in front of the railing, you can still see the lively scene of the lobby on the first floor.

However, the sound from below could not be transmitted at all, and even the second floor could not be transmitted.

Mu Rufeng, led by Zhao Tian and Murong Qingqing, walked in from a gate.

As soon as he entered, Mu Rufeng could feel the extremely strong ghost energy here, which made Mu Rufeng feel refreshed.

"Welcome, distinguished sir." When he entered the gate, he saw several waiters coming up and said very respectfully.

Mu Rufeng looked at the lobby, not to mention, it was also very luxurious.

"Help Mr. Mu open a room." Zhao Tian said.

"Okay, sir, please follow me."

Soon, he came to the counter and after some operations, Mu Rufeng successfully opened a luxury suite on the tenth floor.

Every day, 10,000 soul power must be paid. Mu Rufeng was generous and directly renewed it for ten days.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that only 90,000 soul power was deducted, which means that the 10% discount coupon was also valid.

Now he has won three times, and the clearance task only requires three wins, but there is no time limit.

Each additional win will get 100% clearance.

Similarly, there is no mandatory return time limit.

Mu Rufeng now knows that the upper limit of the clearance is 10,000%.

In other words, Mu Rufeng can reach the upper limit by winning 100 times here.

It’s just that Mu Rufeng is a little worried about whether he should keep winning here.

To be honest, although Mu Rufeng’s luck value is so high now, it does not rule out that the controller of the Golden City has some terrible ability.

After all, even talents can be bought and sold here. Who knows whether the controller of the Golden City can ignore his luck value.

Or, it can reduce his luck value or increase his own luck value.

The most important thing is that if Mu Rufeng keeps winning and wins to the point that the Golden City cannot bear, Mu Rufeng believes that they definitely have the means to control Mu Rufeng.

He dare not challenge this terrifying force.

"It seems that I have to stop while I am ahead. I still need to think carefully about how much is appropriate." Mu Rufeng thought to himself after hesitating for a moment.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived at the door of his room.

Without swiping the card, Mu Rufeng directly reached out and pressed the handle.


"Authentication completed, distinguished guest, welcome home!"

The door's lock was unlocked, and Mu Rufeng pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as he entered, Mu Rufeng glanced at it and nodded with satisfaction.

It is a pure white minimalist style. There are many green things in the house. At the same time, there is also a huge floor-to-ceiling window through which you can see the scene outside.

The scene outside the floor-to-ceiling window is an extremely vast sea.

There is also strong sunshine falling down, which makes people feel extremely comfortable.

On the way here, Mu Rufeng also found out from Zhao Tan's mouth.

This luxurious suite will change the guest's favorite room style and view according to the guest's truest thoughts.

This is why Mu Rufeng is very satisfied with this room.

"It's so rich in ghost power and soul power. I wish I could live here every day."

Murong Qingqing closed her eyes slightly, opened her hands and took a deep breath, her face full of enjoyment.

"It is indeed very rich and suitable for practice." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

After he entered the room, he felt as if he was soaking in a warm hot spring, and his body felt an indescribable sense of relief.

"Sit down." Mu Rufeng came to the sofa and motioned for the two of them to sit down.

The two of them were very obedient and came directly to sit on the sofa opposite Mu Rufeng.

"Now tell me about the situation on the second floor. How is it different from the gambling method on the first floor?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, to be honest, I don't know much about the second floor. I don't know what the specific game is because I have never been to the second floor." Zhao Tian said a little embarrassed.

"Huh? Never been to the second floor?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

"Because it takes one million souls to go up to the second floor. I only learned a little about it through chats between some guests." Zhao Tian said.

"I haven't been there either." Murong Qingqing also said.

The two of them only work as guides on the first floor. Their most customers are new customers, and occasionally unfamiliar customers will hire them.

As for the second floor, they really didn't have the ability to go up there.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng chatted with the two for a while and asked them to tell them everything they knew.

"Okay, then the employment ends today, you can withdraw." Mu Rufeng said.

He didn't bother to go to the first floor. They didn't know the news on the second floor. In this case, there was no need to take the two of them.

"Mr. Mu, we have enough assets now. We will go with you later."

Zhao Yan and Murong Qingqing looked at each other and then spoke.

"No need, I'll just go by myself. You two can go and do whatever you want." Mu Rufeng waved to the two of them.

After hearing this, Zhao Yan and Murong Qingqing wanted to persuade them to stay, but in the end they did not say anything.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, then we won't disturb you."

The two said goodbye and left the room.

Outside, Zhao Yan and Murong Qingqing walked towards the elevator.

"Qingqing, tell me, should we stay on the second floor?" Zhao Tian suddenly said.

"Of course we have to guard, maybe we can continue to place bets with Mr. Mu, and we can go to the second floor to explore first, and then tell Mr. Mu the information we have discovered."

"In this way, Mr. Mu probably won't care about us following him." Murong Qingqing said.

"Well, yes, but we have never been to the second floor, so we have to be careful. I don't want to lose all the money I just earned in one go." Zhao Yan said.

"That's natural. I don't want to lose all my money. Just be steady and bet at the lowest limit." Murong Qingqing said.

Immediately, the two of them went to the second floor together.

inside the room.

Mu Rufeng sat on the sofa and began to check the harvest this time.

Putting aside those regular props and level nine props, they were almost the same as what he had bet on.

As for talents, that is, plug-ins, he originally had seven. He had bet on seven talents before, but only four were paid to him, plus the three talents he won vitriol.

In other words, Mu Rufeng now has fourteen talents. The other three talents that she bet on to win do not seem to have the same value, so she can only compensate for the soul power.

In other words, it is impossible to find a talent like Mu Rufeng.

But it still left Mu Rufeng a little speechless. There was no way his talent was worth millions of soul power, right?

However, Mu Rufeng was too lazy to dwell on it.

He looked at the four talents he had obtained by betting on victory.

[Fire Element]: You have the power to control fire.

[Frenzy]: After sucking blood, you can enter a violent state, with all attributes +10%.

[Defense extension]: You can double the duration of your own defensive talent.

[Thieves do not leave empty]: When you kill an enemy, you can drop one item owned by the opponent, including items in the storage space.

Mu Rufeng could tell at a glance that these four talents corresponded to [Thunder Element], [Bloodlust], [Absolute Defense] and [Hundred-fold Explosion Rate].

However, what Mu Rufeng was a little concerned about was that the thunder element was probably stronger than the fire element.

After thinking for a long time, Mu Rufeng realized that although the thunder element is powerful, it cannot be said to be determined by strength, but by the element.

The thunder element is the power of the natural element, and the fire element is also the natural power of the fire element.

Regardless of whether they are strong or weak, they only look at their equal rank.

Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something else.

If this is the case, does it mean that when betting on talents, the lowest value will also be used for calculation.

For example, his [Modify Rules], there is no such rule in the talent library in the Golden City, but there may have been talents related to it before.

Then, based on this related one, the price is set, and then the soul power is directly compensated.

Mu Rufeng guessed that this is most likely the case.

Speaking of which, the fire element is not bad. After obtaining the fire element, Mu Rufeng's control over fire spells will definitely become stronger.

Mu Rufeng looked inward directly, and then pierced the light ball representing the fire element talent.

As the light ball shattered, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Gained Talent: Fire Element]

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt a burning energy appear in his body.

This energy actually immediately absorbed and fused the fire attribute power possessed by the God of Fire.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then smiled.

As he had guessed, possessing the power of the fire element not only made the spell more powerful, but also reduced the consumption.

Then there was the rage, which would make people more irritable, but it could increase the attribute by 10%.

It could also continue to make Mu Rufeng's strength surge.

Immediately, without hesitation, Mu Rufeng pierced the rage light ball again.

[Talent Obtained: Rage]

This is very good. Whether it is the talent or ability you won, it will only exist in your soul.

You can trade it at any time. If you want to get it yourself, just pierce the light ball.

Then, Mu Rufeng looked at the talent of [Defense Extension].

This [Defense Extension] may not be too valuable to others, but if it is to Mu Rufeng, its value can definitely be very high.

It can actually double his absolute defense time, from ten seconds to twenty seconds.

However, Mu Rufeng still cares a little, not knowing whether it will work.

If it doesn't work, it will be super useless. If it works, it will be a big profit.

Mu Rufeng immediately broke it without hesitation.

[Talent Obtained: Defense Extension]

Immediately, Mu Rufeng looked at his absolute defense, and then he showed a happy expression on his face.

[Absolute Defense]: After turning on absolute defense, ignore all attacks, even the rule-erasure. It can only be turned on for 10 seconds x2 per day, and can be turned on or off at any time.

It's really useful, it has become 20 seconds.

It is estimated that this is why the Golden City compensated Mu Rufeng with this talent that is obviously not as valuable as [Absolute Defense].

After calming down, Mu Rufeng looked at the [Thief Never Goes Empty].

To be honest, this is also very powerful. After killing the enemy, an item will definitely drop.

It's just that I have the title of the Chosen One and the Chosen One. With this [Hundred Times Explosion Rate], after killing the enemy, it can be said that all items will be dropped 100%.

So, although this is very strong, it is a bit useless to Mu Rufeng, so he didn't keep it and didn't learn it himself.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng checked the three talents he won from sulfuric acid.

After reading them, Mu Rufeng curled his lips: "What rubbish talents."

[Corrosion]: Everything related to oneself has a strong corrosive ability.

[Tyranny]: Let oneself fall into a tyrannical state, and the strength can increase by 30%.

[Enhanced Corrosion]: It can double the corrosion ability of oneself.

Although it may seem extremely powerful here in Weird, it is absolutely rubbish here in Mu Rufeng.

The former will definitely make Mu Rufeng look like a ghost.

The latter will definitely make people lose their minds.

The third one is even more matched with the first one.

"Xiaoying, Bai Jingwei, Xiaolong, do any of you want these three talents?" Mu Rufeng asked.


"I don't want it either."

"Oh, oh, oh!"

After getting the answer, Mu Rufeng nodded: "Don't worry, I'll find some good talents for you when the time comes."

"Thank you, dad."

"Brother Mu~~!"

"Oh, oh, oh!"

Then, Mu Rufeng looked at his own abilities again.

The abilities include the abilities of the contracted ghosts that Mu Rufeng can use plus his own skills.

Counting them up, there are really quite a lot, a total of seventeen.

He had bet on winning before, so it stands to reason that he should have given seventeen abilities, but Mu Rufeng only asked for ten abilities, and the rest were all paid in the form of soul power.

Among them, eight abilities are regular, and two are rule-based skills.

Among the eight abilities, only two are suitable for Mu Rufeng, and the other six are all Mu Rufeng. Although they are okay, they are useless to Mu Rufeng.

The reason why he was not allowed to change to soul power is naturally that Mu Rufeng wanted to convert them into skill cards to take out.

Yes, the talents or abilities won here can be converted into skill cards by consuming soul power in the Golden City.

Otherwise, if he takes it out directly in the form of a light ball, he can only use it himself.

If he takes it out, he can give it to his parents and friends.

It must be said that those two abilities are very suitable for Mu Rufeng.

[Power of Thunder and Fire]: The power of the thunder element and the power of the fire element can be combined and released to produce a more powerful force.

[Space Affinity]: It can make oneself have affinity for space and increase space-related abilities.

[Thunder and Fire Power] is indeed very useful to Mu Rufeng, but in the skill library of Golden City, it is probably a chicken rib.

After all, it seems that Mu Rufeng is the only one who possesses the power of thunder.

And space affinity, the corresponding one is naturally teleportation.

Mu Rufeng immediately punctured the light ball of the power of thunder and fire.

As for space affinity, Mu Rufeng did not use it, but gave it to Xiaoying.

Teleportation is Xiaoying's ability, not Mu Rufeng's. Mu Rufeng only obtained this ability through Xiaoying.

If Xiaoying uses space affinity, then Mu Rufeng will also get it.

Moreover, because Xiaoying is Mu Rufeng's contracted ghost, they are counted as one, so Xiaoying can use the ownerless ability.

"Thank you, daddy! I like this ability." After Xiaoying obtained this ability, she was very happy and kissed Mu Rufeng hard on the face.

"As long as you like it." Mu Rufeng pinched Xiaoying's cheek, and then let her return to the contract slot.

Mu Rufeng looked at his ability list, and as expected, there was an additional space affinity.

He looked at the attribute of teleportation again.

[Teleportation]: You can teleport briefly within the sight line. The initial teleportation distance is one meter. With each level increase, the teleportation distance doubles. When the level reaches level 5 or above, you can teleport without sight requirements and obstacles.

Current teleportation range: 200 meters in radius, ignoring obstacles, and no sight required.

Mu Rufeng calculated that his current ghost power level is level 8, and the teleportation range is 128 meters, but now it has reached 200 meters.

It is obviously because of space affinity.

Moreover, as Xiaoying's strength becomes stronger, space affinity will also become stronger, and the teleportation range will be farther.

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