I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 232 Talent: [Limitation Destroyer]

Mu Rufeng looked at the two rule skills that Huangjincheng compensated him.

[One Cut in Half]: A rule skill. After using it, it will definitely cut through the enemy's clothes.

Note: To cut through high-level props and clothes, it depends on the strength of both parties.

[You are a Chicken]: A rule skill. After using it, you can specify a target to turn into a chicken. The duration depends on your own strength and the opponent's strength.

Note: At least you can force the target to turn into a chicken for one second. After specifying ten targets, you need to turn into a chicken for ten minutes before you can continue to use it.

Well, this [You are a Chicken] has almost the same properties as [You are a Pig].

As for that [One Cut in Half], it is even more bizarre. It doesn't cut people, but only cuts clothes, right?

After a moment of hesitation, Mu Rufeng did not use these two rule skills.

They are useless to him. He can use them for betting when the time comes.

Then, Mu Rufeng set his eyes on the four title upgrade cards in his palm.

[Title Upgrade Card]: After using, you can upgrade your own title.

"Strange, I can't understand why you didn't give me a title, but gave me a title upgrade card instead?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

He now has a total of four titles, namely [Crazy Driver], [Pig Killer], [Game Terminator], and [Crazy Chosen One].

Among these four titles, the strongest one is [Crazy Chosen One].

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng immediately took an upgrade card and used it on [Crazy Chosen One].

[Use Title Upgrade Card Successfully, Crazy Chosen One's Attributes Improved]

Mu Rufeng immediately checked the attributes.

[Crazy Chosen One]: This is a crazy Chosen One...

Effect: When wearing this title, the attribute of the rule prop: [Chosen One] doubles, and the luck value increases by an additional 15 points.

Mu Rufeng glanced and immediately found that his luck points increased by another 50 points, reaching 370.

"It's a pity, it would be better if the 10 points of luck of the chosen one were doubled." Mu Rufeng said with some regret.

The attributes blessed by the title are doubled, only the three special attributes at the back, and the increased 10 points of luck are not doubled.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng's current luck value will have to increase dramatically.

However, Mu Rufeng soon laughed.

He thought that he still had three title upgrade cards.

Mu Rufeng immediately used the title upgrade card again.

Then, Mu Rufeng was a little dumbfounded and couldn't use it.

[Please note that this title upgrade card does not match it, please upgrade other titles]

Mu Rufeng figured it out at once.

The four title upgrade cards he got should be for the four titles he bet on.

Mu Rufeng immediately upgraded the remaining three title upgrade cards to the other three titles.

The attributes are also similar, roughly increased by about 50%.

There is no change in the game terminator, obviously it should only increase the probability.

Finally, Mu Rufeng looked at his soul power.

Now he has 21.73 million soul power.

With so much soul power, Mu Rufeng can be said to have made a huge profit.

Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry to go to the second floor. Now, he has no shortage of time.

He began to try to absorb and refine soul power.

It must be said that when the soul power enters the body, the sense of comfort is enhanced again.

Although his own attributes have not increased, Mu Rufeng can clearly feel that his soul power is increasing rapidly.

What benefits can the strong soul power bring?

There are really too many benefits.

When a person's soul power is enhanced, it means that it is easier to concentrate and focus.

Memory improvement is only secondary, and the understanding of things and various aspects of comprehension have become stronger.

At the same time, it can also enhance one's perception of danger.

Zhao Tian said that when the soul power is strong to a certain extent, there is a certain probability that the talent of danger perception can be awakened.

Each awakened talent of danger perception is undoubtedly extremely powerful.


In the blink of an eye, 2 hours have passed.

"Huh!" Mu Rufeng slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It must be said that the increase in soul power brought him great benefits.

It's just that the speed of refining is too slow. In 2 hours, only about 20,000 soul power was refined.

In other words, 10,000 soul power was refined in one hour.

This speed may seem slow or fast to others, but to Mu Rufeng, he still thinks it's very slow.

"Eat something, and then go to the second floor."

Mu Rufeng originally wanted to go to the food area on the eleventh floor.

But suddenly I thought of whether my food tablecloth can also use soul power?

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the food tablecloth, and then tried to use soul power on the food tablecloth.

To Mu Rufeng's surprise, soul power did not work.

This made Mu Rufeng a little disappointed, but it didn't matter. It was the same to go to the food area.

It was just right to see if there were any dishes that could increase physical attributes.

Mu Rufeng came to the bathroom, washed up, and went out refreshed.

He didn't take the elevator, but walked up the stairs to the eleventh floor.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the eleventh floor, the layout was completely different from the floor below.

In the middle was a huge transparent glass, which could be seen from above.

But when Mu Rufeng was down there, he couldn't see the top, he could only see the top.

Mu Rufeng looked up and found that he still couldn't see the top. Mu Rufeng sighed, guessing that the people on the upper floor could see the bottom in the same way.

It was as if the upper floors didn't exist, and the eleventh floor didn't exist either.

Because the layout of the Golden City is a pointed cone, the lower floors are large, and the higher you go, the smaller the floor space is.

On the eleventh floor, the area is about two-fifths less.

As soon as he entered the eleventh floor, Mu Rufeng smelled the fragrance that made him salivate.

As far as the eye could see, there were snack stalls everywhere, all over the middle square.

Every few distances there was a snack stall of a different kind, neatly planned.

And the whole circle of the wall was filled with a large number of shops.

Obviously, there were many, many kinds of food here.

Although the weirdness of the eleventh floor was not as many as the first floor, it was not small, and it was also lively here.

It was estimated that there should be more than ten thousand people here.

I looked at the time and found that it was about 12:30.

Obviously, it was lunch time, so there were so many people here.

Mu Rufeng looked at a notice posted at the elevator entrance.

[Notes on the Golden City Food District]

1. Here, you buy as much as you eat, and no waste is allowed.

2. All food will be paid with soul power.

3. Please pay before picking up the food.

4. Please try not to conflict with the staff.

5. Please keep the ground clean and do not litter.

6. Please note that fighting is prohibited in the food district.

7. If you encounter a conflict, please participate in the big stomach king challenge.

8. The best store is [Charcoal Grilled Whole Person]. (Please note that this is an advertisement)

The first seven items are okay, but the eighth item makes Mu Rufeng a little speechless.

This note also includes advertising?

In this case, maybe these stores are opened by others?

Mu Rufeng came to the nearest snack stand.

This is a barbecue stall, and the iron rack is full of shellfish the size of basketballs.

The whole body is black, which is somewhat similar to the oysters in the real world.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the sign, [Braised Weird Oysters] Well, it is really oysters.

Mu Rufeng glanced at it, which he couldn't eat, but it smelled very good.

"It smells so good." At this time, a weird came closer.

He said "It smells so good" not to the grilled oysters, but to Mu Rufeng.

Obviously, he didn't say that the oysters smelled good, but that Mu Rufeng, a living person, smelled good.

"It smells so bad." Mu Rufeng looked at the fat weird with disgust.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect to meet a contractor here. Boy, how about selling me an arm? I'll give you ten soul points." The fat weird was not angry, but said.

"Ten soul points?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

Could it be that transactions can be made here?

"Ten points of soul power are worth ten thousand soul notes, so it's not too expensive to buy your arm." The fat weird licked his lips and said slowly.

"As far as I know, private transactions are not allowed here, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"We can go to the challenge of the big eater, which can add a prize. If I win, your arm can belong to me." The fat weird said.

"Big eater challenge? Is there anything special?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"You will know if you come with me. It's in the center of the square." As he said that, the fat weird was about to pull Mu Rufeng away.

It was obvious that he had already felt that Mu Rufeng agreed.

"Sorry, I won't go. Go and have fun by yourself." Mu Rufeng immediately said to the owner of the snack stand: "Please give me three grilled weird oysters."

"Okay, sir, 30 points of soul power." The staff was a big octopus, who used his hands and feet to pack three weird oysters for Mu Rufeng, and then pointed to the small machine on the side and asked Mu Rufeng to pay.

"Boy, are you kidding me?" The fat weirdo looked at Mu Rufeng with anger on his face.

"Don't stay here if you have nothing to do. It stinks."

"How dare you, a level 3 contractor, talk to me like that?" The fat weirdo said angrily.

At this time, Mu Rufeng had successfully paid and brought all the weird oysters over.

"Come out, it's time to eat." Mu Rufeng said softly.

The next second, Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei appeared beside Mu Rufeng.

At the same time, Xiaoying was holding a frost dragon the size of a puppy in her arms.

"Thank you, Brother Mu (baba), 嘤嘤嘤!"

Bai Jingwei took the three weird oysters, took one for herself, gave one to the frost dragon, and gave the remaining one to Xiaoying.

"I'm talking to you, do you hear me?" The fat weirdo stared at Mu Rufeng with his big eyes, and had no reaction to the two women and one pet who appeared.

"Get lost. If you don't agree, how about going to the cage area on the first floor to fight?" Mu Rufeng shouted coldly.

"Haha, you want to fight me in the cage?" The fat weirdo suddenly laughed.

He was about to agree with a mocking look on his face, but he saw a very thin weirdo suddenly rushed over, jumped on his shoulder, and then covered the fat weirdo's mouth.

"Skinny monkey, what are you doing?" The fat weirdo directly picked up the skinny monkey.

"Fatty, don't go looking for death. This contractor is very powerful. He killed a level 7 ghost beast in one move. He even killed a level 8 ghost king in one move." The thin monkey said hurriedly.

"What? Say it again???" The fat weird seemed to think he had heard it wrong.

"I saw it with my own eyes. This guy is a big guy. Don't provoke him. If you don't believe it, look at the people around you. Are they waiting to laugh at you?" The thin monkey said in a low voice, pointing at the weird around.

Hearing this, the fat weird looked around. Sure enough, those weirds looked at him with a look of laughter.

He had noticed it before, but he just thought that their eyes were looking at Mu Rufeng, a level 3 contractor.

Unexpectedly, they were looking at him?

However, he still found it hard to accept that a level 3 contractor could kill a level 7 ghost beast in one move, and even a level 8 ghost king in one move?

In this way, wouldn't he, a level 7 ghost general, be unable to survive a single move under this contractor?

"Well, sorry, sir, I was reckless just now. I will treat you to four cups of milk tea as an apology."

The fat weird immediately paid forty soul power at the snack stand: "Make four cups of signature milk tea for these four people."

"Okay, guests, please ask if you want iced, room temperature or hot." This weird is still a giant octopus.

Mu Rufeng looked at the employees of the two vendors, and then looked at the others, and found that it seemed that the employees were all giant octopuses.

"I want iced, iced." Xiaoying glanced at Mu Rufeng, and saw the latter nodded slightly, and hurriedly shouted.

"I want hot, this little guy wants iced." Bai Jingwei said.

"嘤嘤嘤~~!" Xiaolong suddenly shook his head.

"Wait, Xiaolong wants iced." Xiaoying suddenly said.

"I am a human, is there anything I can drink?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, of course there is." The giant octopus nodded repeatedly.

The fat weird and the lean meat on the side had already quietly slipped away when Xiaoying agreed.

The weirds who were watching the fun around also scattered and stopped joining in the fun.

"Dad, this oyster is so delicious." Xiaoying was so good at eating, she had already eaten one.

"Little girl, it's so delicious, do you want to eat another one?" The big octopus picked up a roasted weird oyster and said to Xiaoying temptingly.

"No, I want to save my stomach for other delicious food." Xiaoying refused.

"Oh, okay, then you can have some stinky tofu, which I also opened, right next to the milk tea shop." The big octopus pointed there and said.

"Okay, okay." Xiaoying nodded repeatedly.

"Haha, there is stinky tofu here too." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Sir, stinky tofu can be eaten by humans, you can try it." The big octopus said again.

"Okay, I'll try it." Mu Rufeng nodded and came to the third snack stand.

"Give me four servings of stinky tofu."

"Okay, sir, it's 40 soul powers. Please wait. It will be ready in about two minutes." Behind the snack stand stood a giant octopus that looked exactly like the one.

"I say, why do you all look exactly the same? Are you all relatives?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, it's all me. Look, all the shops on this street are opened by me. My talent is split." The giant octopus said with a smile.

"There are at least 20 snack stands on this street. Are they all opened by you?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's just a small business. Sir, your milk tea is ready. You can go get it." The giant octopus said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng nodded and glanced at Bai Jingwei. The latter immediately understood and walked over to get the milk tea.

One cup per person. Mu Rufeng took it in his hand, looked at it, and was a little surprised.

[Original milk tea (ice)]: After consumption, it can increase one's concentration, make it easier to concentrate, and increase weak soul power and ghost power.

It feels like everything here has attributes.

Mu Rufeng immediately inserted the straw and took a sip of milk tea.

"Hmm? It tastes really good." Mu Rufeng's eyes lit up immediately.

Not only is it full of milk flavor, the pearls and a small topping that tastes like coconut fruit are very elastic when chewed.

It is definitely better than any milk tea in the real world, even better than the milk tea that appears on the food tablecloth.

After the stinky tofu was ready, Mu Rufeng took Xiaoying and others to wander around here.

It's just that Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei were already full before they finished walking through the twenty stalls of the big octopus.

Mu Rufeng was okay, he only ate half full, mainly because there were too few foods that humans could eat here.

As for the Frost Dragon, it didn't seem to feel anything yet, and it seemed to eat more than Xiaoying.

"You two go back to the contract slot first, I'll take Xiaolong around again." Mu Rufeng said.

The two nodded when they heard this. They were just full and could go back to sleep and rest.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Xiaolong happily flew onto Mu Rufeng's shoulder and pointed to a human sashimi stall in front of him.

There were many customers at this human sashimi stall, seven or eight of them gathered there waiting.

"You are not allowed to eat human flesh, even if it is cloned flesh." Mu Rufeng flicked Xiaolong's forehead hard and said.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Xiaolong immediately covered his head with a look of grievance on his face.

"Eat this." Mu Rufeng immediately came to a stall, and saw a large amount of fresh beef on it.

There are quite a few customers here, but when they saw Mu Rufeng coming, they all consciously gave up a seat.

Obviously, they knew about Mu Rufeng's heroic deeds on the first floor or were witnesses.

In the weird world, the bigger the fist, the more truth it has.

"I didn't expect you to see fresh beef here." Mu Rufeng said.

The big octopus heard this and smiled and said, "This is the fresh beef from the real world that I bought specifically on Scarlet Optimum."

"With my secret sauce, the taste is unique. How much do you want?"

Scarlet Optimum? Mu Rufeng smiled slightly in his heart. Not to mention, Scarlet Optimum is doing a big business now, and there are customers in Golden City who buy it.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to go shopping. How many do you have left? I'll buy them all." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ten points of soul power means ten strings. I'll count here. There are about a thousand strings left. Are you sure you want all of them?"

"All of them." Mu Rufeng said, and directly swept a thousand soul powers.

[Discount successful, 900 soul power paid successfully]

As expected, soul power payment, 10% discount coupon is also useful.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment, I will make yours after I finish grilling them." The big octopus was overjoyed.

In this way, this stall will be closed for today, so he can also spare a clone to play there.

Those weird grilled skewers were almost copied out, and it was only two or three minutes, and only Mu Rufeng was left in front of the vendor.

"Sir, I will grill them for you now, about ten minutes." The big octopus said, and took out a bunch of beef skewers and lined them up to fill the entire iron rack.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, drinking the milk tea in his mouth, sweet and delicious.

Xiaolong stood on Mu Rufeng's shoulder, staring at the grilled beef, his saliva almost flowing out.

Three minutes later, the first wave of skewers was ready, almost more than 300 skewers.

"Eat it. You're so hungry." Mu Rufeng took a handful and handed it to Xiaolong.

Xiaolong's claws were so big that he could barely hold one, so Mu Rufeng asked Bandage to hold it and feed Xiaolong the skewers.

It must be said that when Mu Rufeng tasted the taste, it was really very different from the taste of the skewers in the real world.

The taste of the two can be said to be very different. Fortunately, Mu Rufeng is not picky about food, otherwise, he is afraid that he can't eat the food in the real world and can't adapt to it.

After a while, all 1,000 skewers were grilled.

If it were normal, Mu Rufeng would definitely not be even half full after eating these 1,000 skewers of beef.

But he was full after eating only more than 100 skewers.

Obviously, this skewers with secret sauce are very useful.

Xiaolong couldn't eat more than 50 skewers and had already returned to the contract slot to sleep.

Mu Rufeng immediately put the unfinished beef skewers into the inventory.

Not to mention, this beef skewers were automatically fused and only counted as one grid, which also made Mu Rufeng quite satisfied.

"It's time to go to the second floor. I want to see what's different about the gambling methods on the second floor."

Mu Rufeng murmured a few times, and then walked towards the elevator.

However, he suddenly remembered something, and immediately spent a lot of soul power to buy food that he could eat from the vendors at Octopus's house.

At the same time, Xiaoying and the others also bought a lot of food, and then asked Xiaoying to put it all in her stomach.

When I return in the future, I can also eat to satisfy my cravings.

After doing all this, Mu Rufeng took the elevator to the second floor.

When Mu Rufeng walked out of the elevator, he saw a booth sitting near the railing not far away.

The casino on the second floor is a box, and the booths near the railing are for people to rest.

You can see the lively lobby on the first floor.

At this time, Murong Qingqing happened to look up at the elevator entrance and saw Mu Rufeng.

Immediately, he stood up in surprise.

"Xiao Tian, ​​Mr. Mu is here." Murong Qingqing said.

Zhao Tian heard this and immediately turned around to look. Sure enough, he saw Mu Rufeng coming over.

"Mr. Mu." Zhao Tian stood up and shouted.

Just as the two of them were about to leave the booth, Mu Rufeng had already walked over.

"Why are you here?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, we are waiting for you here. We have figured out the rules of the second floor." Zhao Tian said quickly,

"Oh? Then tell me." Mu Rufeng gestured to Murong Qingqing to sit inside, and then he sat directly in the booth.

"It's just right. I bought some food. I haven't finished it yet. You can try it too."

Mu Rufeng didn't rush to speak. He took out twenty skewers of beef and two cups of milk tea and put them on the table.

"Octopus's secret beef skewers and milk tea?" Zhao Tian exclaimed when he saw the beef.

"I like the beef skewers and milk tea from this restaurant the most."

"I like them too, but the food up there is too expensive."

The two stared at the beef skewers and milk tea.

Most of the guests were reluctant to go up to eat, after all, the cheapest ones cost ten soul powers, and they could eat a lot at one time.

Some people could eat enough with ten soul powers, but some could not. Once they went up, they could not bear it without spending dozens of soul powers.

Dozens of soul powers were enough for them to stay in Golden City for dozens of days.

"Eat, tell me what's going on." Mu Rufeng said.

After hearing this, the two of them were no longer reserved, took the beef skewers and started eating, and at the same time began to explain the situation on the second floor to Mu Rufeng.

First of all, the gameplay on the second floor is completely different from those on the first floor.

The second floor is for one-on-one or one-on-one betting for multiple guests.

There is also a pair of bankers, or multiple people betting on the banker. The banker here is played by Golden City.

At the same time, the gameplay here is box by box.

Each box is played differently.

From the first box to the last box, there are a hundred in total.

Zhao Yan and Murong Qingqing went to Box 1, which was the closest to the elevator entrance.

At the same time, people who have just climbed to the second floor can only go to Box 1, and once you win once in Box 1, you can go to Box 2.

Of course, if you lose twice in Box 1, you can also go to Box 2.

If you want to go to Box 3, you have to win once or lose twice in Box 2, and so on.

At the same time, in the box, the minimum bet is 100,000 soul points, but they don't know the upper limit.

"Qingqing and I lost two hundred thousand soul power in Box 1."

Zhao Tian said with some heartache.

Although he now has a lot of assets, losing the two hundred thousand yuan also made her heartbroken.

Murong Qingqing also felt almost the same, so even though the two of them could go to the second box now, they didn't want to go.

After all, the most wealth I had in the past was only a small amount, but now I lose so much, how can I not feel heartbroken?

"I see, then tell me, what's the way to play in Box 1?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Box 1 is for playing marbles. It's really a bad way to play." Zhao Tian said angrily.

"Playing marbles?" Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Tian with a puzzled look.

Soon, Zhao Tian said it.

Marbles are not the kind of marble game that children play in the real world, where they draw circles and knock out the opponent's marbles.

Instead, guests participating in this gameplay appear in an area and then avoid huge marbles that are tens of meters high.

Most importantly, it's more than just a giant marble.

Betting is also very simple, that is, insist on the time. At the minimum, if you persist for one minute, the odds are 0.1 to 1.

If you persist for two minutes, the odds are 0.2 to 1, and so on, up to 1 to 1.

Neither of them could hold on for a minute.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng frowned: "The odds are so low? Then I might as well go downstairs. At least the odds are in the dozens or hundreds."

"Mr. Mu, it's different. Let me tell you this. If some people's powerful talents are bet on the first floor, and there is no matching equivalent talent in the talent library on the first floor, they will only be compensated with soul power."

"Although soul power is good, it is undoubtedly incomparable to talent."

"The second floor is different. There are higher-level talents here that can be compensated. After all, starting from the second floor, what is missing is not soul power, but truly powerful talents, abilities, props, etc." Murong Qingqing explained. road.

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Not to mention, if this is really the case, then Mu Rufeng does think it is better to play on the second floor.

"You guys just eat here slowly, I'll go and see it first." Mu Rufeng stood up and walked directly towards Box 1 before the two of them could reply.

When Mu Rufeng pushed the door and walked into Box 1, she discovered that it was actually a luxurious game room.

There are dozens of pinball machines in the game hall, and the occupancy rate is about two-thirds.

It has to be said that there are really many rich people, and none of these people's assets are less than one million souls.

Exchanging soul coins for soul coins would cost one billion. Of course, there are probably not many people who would actually exchange soul power for soul coins.

After all, once you change it, you can't change it back.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to a controlled pinball machine and sat directly on it.

A line of words suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Dear guests, please place a bet, the minimum is 100,000 soul power, the maximum is 20 million soul power, there is no limit on talents, abilities and props]

Mu Rufeng thought for a while, bet 100,000, and planned to play it first to see what the situation would be.

[Dear guest, you have placed a bet of 100,000 souls, please click the start button to start the pinball game]

Mu Rufeng immediately pressed the start button.

Then, Mu Rufeng suddenly appeared on a huge and empty land.

[Please note that the marbles are about to attack, please avoid the incoming marbles as much as possible. When the marbles hit you, you will not suffer any loss, but the marble game will end directly]

[The ten-second countdown begins, ten, nine, eight...]

Mu Rufeng quickly looked around and found that there seemed to be several super tall objects standing in the distance, but they were too blurry to be seen clearly.

Mu Rufeng didn't have time to look, so she immediately bit her finger and sucked the blood. [Bloodthirst] and [Frenzy] were directly triggered, and immediately, her attributes skyrocketed one after another.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng had already used [Life or Death], which had the same attribute surge.

At this moment, the countdown ended, and a marble dozens of meters in size quickly struck from above.

When Mu Rufeng saw this, he released a fireball directly.

However, to Mu Rufeng's expectation, the fireball was directly smashed by the marbles and continued to attack Mu Rufeng without any hindrance.

The speed is not very fast, just like the top level three weird attack speed.

With Mu Rufeng's current strength, it was still very easy to avoid it.

"Zhao Tian and the others said that the marbles that attacked were probably at the top level of level seven, but only level three remained when they came to me."

"So, it was based on one's own strength?" Mu Rufeng guessed slightly.

As the first marble fell, one after another, multiple marbles came from all directions.

Although there were many of them, Mu Rufeng easily avoided them.

During this period, he also used his ability to try to repel these marbles, but found that these marbles seemed to be invincible.

No matter what ability Mu Rufeng used, even some rule-based abilities, he could not stop these marbles from falling.

In this way, he could only dodge.

Soon, a minute passed, and Mu Rufeng had already won the first stage.

After a minute, the speed of the marbles suddenly increased, directly reaching the level of level four.

Mu Rufeng still avoided it easily, but he was still a little confused.

According to this, will it be upgraded to a higher level every minute?

If that's the case, then no one can last until the tenth minute.

After all, if it's a level eight ghost king, then he would have reached level nine from the second minute onwards?

But soon, Mu Rufeng knew that it wasn't the case, because the strongest was only level eight, and would never reach level nine.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

Mu Rufeng came back to his senses and returned to his pinball machine.

[Congratulations, Mr. Mu, you have successfully lasted for ten minutes. You bet 100,000 soul power. According to the odds, you have received 200,000 soul power.]

Mu Rufeng had no expression on his face after receiving 200,000 soul power. After thinking for a while, he directly bet 20 million soul power.

Then Mu Rufeng bet all his talents, props, abilities, etc.

Although soul power has an upper limit of 20 million, fortunately, there is no upper limit for talents and abilities.


Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Mu Rufeng returned to his seat.

"It was so thrilling. I almost didn't avoid it later. I didn't expect that I had to have a high luck value, otherwise I really couldn't hold on to the end."

Mu Rufeng was a little confused. It was very easy the first time, but the number of marbles in the second time increased dramatically from the back.

It can be said that the difficulty was increased. If two marbles hadn't collided at the end, he estimated that he would have failed in eight minutes.

[Congratulations, Mr. Mu, you successfully held on for ten minutes. You bet 20 million soul power and bet on talent... The bet principal will be refunded. According to the odds, you get a talent]

"Huh? What's the situation? I bet so much, why did you only give me one talent, where is my soul power?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

"Wait, is this one talent directly replacing all my talents??" Mu Rufeng was shocked and immediately checked the talent light ball in the soul sea.

[Restriction Breaker]: You can break any of your own restrictions, and after breaking, you will break the existing restrictions.

"Restriction Breaker?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

This talent made Mu Rufeng a little confused.

Breaking the limit, can any limit be broken?

Limit, what is a limit? What is restricted about oneself?

Mu Rufeng pondered and had some guesses.

Then, he became a little excited.

Is the limit of the contract slot considered a limit? Directly break the limit of the contract slot, and then can the contract be weird without limit?

Does the limit of the level count? Directly break the limit of the level, does Mu Rufeng not need to clear one copy after another, and can directly break through the level?

Also, is the limit of life span considered a limit? What kind of changes will be caused by directly breaking the limit of life span? Infinite life span?

"Do you want to try to break the limit of life span?" Mu Rufeng's heart suddenly beat violently.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng slowly calmed down.

Forget it, it's not the time yet. I don't know much about this [Restriction Breaker], so I'd better not make a decision so quickly.

Anyway, now it's here, is it still afraid that it will run away?

However, Mu Rufeng still directly pierced this gift light ball.

Just one talent can match Mu Rufeng's many powerful external talents and 20 million soul power. If you don't use it yourself, you're stupid.

Although he only gave him one talent, Mu Rufeng was still happy.

Originally, Mu Rufeng wanted to continue for the third time, but thinking that the difficulty of the second time would increase, Mu Rufeng thought about it and left Box 1 directly.

Outside, Zhao Tian and Murong Qingqing were still sitting in the booth chatting.

When Mu Rufeng came over, they both stood up immediately.

"Brother Mu, you're back, how are you?" Zhao Tian asked first.

Mu Rufeng took out three cups of milk tea, one for each person: "Drink milk tea, let me ask, when you played marbles for the second time, did the difficulty increase?"

"The second time, no, it felt about the same as the first time." Zhao Tian took the straw and inserted it into the cup and said.

"Me too, no change." Murong Qingqing sipped a sip of milk tea and said.

"Go to Box 1 and help me find out how difficult it is and whether it's enhanced the first time. It's best to ask the guests who can last longer."

"You can spend some soul power and ask me to reimburse you later." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, we'll go now."

The two responded in unison, and then quickly went to Box 1.

Mu Rufeng sat inside, drinking milk tea while looking at the noisy hall below.

I have to say, it's still comfortable to have someone doing things under you.

About ten minutes later, the two came back.

The news they brought to Mu Rufeng was the same as what they had experienced. No matter how many times, the difficulty did not change from beginning to end.

In this way, it seems that only Mu Rufeng is like this.

"Is it because I bet too much, so I received special treatment?"

"Or I have been targeted by the Golden City, and they want to increase the difficulty for me?" Mu Rufeng guessed in his heart.

This possibility is still very high.

Sure enough, whether it is the real world or the weird world, as long as it is a casino, it will never want you to win all the time.

In this way, Mu Rufeng has to consider whether to put all his talents and abilities on it every time.

Otherwise, if the Golden City played tricks and made Mu Rufeng lose, Mu Rufeng would really want to die.

Even though Mu Rufeng now had such a high luck value, he was still worried.

"How much soul power did you spend?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No need, Mr. Mu, we made a lot of money on the first floor because of you." Zhao Tian said.

"Yes." Murong Qingqing also nodded repeatedly.

"Okay then." Mu Rufeng nodded and stopped struggling, then stood up and said: "Let's go to Box No. 2 to take a look."

Soon, the three of them went to Box No. 2 together.

However, just when they arrived in front of the door of the box, a strange person suddenly jumped over and stopped Mu Rufeng and the other two.

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