I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 233 Fusion Talent [10,000 words]

"Something?" Mu Rufeng looked at this strange and said calmly.

"Well, Mr. Mu, I don't know if you need a contracted ghost. I have good abilities and want to sign a contract with you." The strange said.

"Sign a contract with me? If I'm not mistaken, you should be an eighth-level ghost king, right? I'm only at level three, how can I sign a contract with you?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, I can destroy my own strength and reduce myself to level four, so that I can sign a contract with you."

"And, because I reduced myself to level four, as long as you upgrade, I can also upgrade again." The strange said.

Mu Rufeng looked up and down at this strange. To be honest, he was really surprised. Would an eighth-level ghost king lower his strength and sign a contract with him?

There are three possibilities.

One is that he has some conspiracy.

Second, he sees that Mu Rufeng is rich and powerful, and must have a big secret, so he wants to cling to his thigh.

Third, this guy is running for his life or hiding from something. As long as he signs a contract with him, when Mu Rufeng returns, he can follow him back to the real world.

The eighth-level ghost king lowered his strength to Mu Rufeng and became a contracted ghost. To be honest, Mu Rufeng was willing to do so.

After all, an eighth-level ghost king, no matter how rubbish his talent was, was not that bad.

Those who could reach the eighth level could be said to be gifted.

Unfortunately, Mu Rufeng's three contract slots were full, so he could not make a contract with this eighth-level ghost king.

"Although I agree in principle, it's a pity that my three contract slots are full now." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? All three are full?" The eighth-level ghost king was stunned for a moment.

"It's over, it's over, then I'm done..."

The ghost looked extremely panicked, turned around and ran away, leaving Mu Rufeng and the others hanging there.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng shook his head and then entered Box No. 2.

After entering, Mu Rufeng was stunned.

The air was filled with a fragrant odor.

This turned out to be a snail noodle shop.

The shop is not small, with tables one by one, about a hundred tables.

There are not many people, only about one-fifth of them are seated.

Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

"There are too many tricks on the second floor. Is it a noodle eating competition this time?" Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Mu Rufeng immediately looked at the game next to him.

The gameplay is very simple, that is, eating, who eats more noodles, the time limit is one hour.

And here the game betting is opened every two hours.

You can't join in the middle, you can only wait until the hour.

And now it's 1:50 in the afternoon, and there are ten minutes to start the next round of challenges.

At the same time, the betting is also very strange, you can only bet on yourself, and the highest ratio is also one to one.

Only the top three can win, and those who are outside the third place will lose.

Even if you get the top three, if the amount of noodles you slurp does not reach the standard of one hundred bowls, it will be considered a failure.

If you meet the standard, then the odds are 1:0.1.

Starting from 100 bowls, every additional 10 bowls will increase the odds by 0.1.

Betting will only start when there are at least 10 people.

Whether you win or lose, the noodles here are free to eat, and they are also considered spiritual objects, so eating them can fill your stomach.

Therefore, there are often some weirdos with big appetites who come to eat. As long as they get the top three, they can guarantee to make some money and eat for free.

Of course, because of this, the competition is also very fierce.

"Eat, I feel that I am not very good at it this time." Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

He looked at the guests who were waiting, each of them was huge and looked like a big eater.

"Wait." Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a rule-based prop.

[Hungry Stomach]: The stomach of a powerful starving ghost.

Effect: Rule-based props, you can replace the stomach with your own stomach. After the replacement, the digestive ability is increased tenfold, and even highly toxic substances can be easily digested.

Note: Hungry, so hungry, I want to eat. After the replacement, the stomach will devour your stomach and replace it. Once you take off the prop, you will face the risk of having no stomach.

If his digestive ability is enhanced tenfold, Mu Rufeng feels that none of these weirdness can fight.

However, seeing the gaze behind him, 'Once you take off the prop, you will face the risk of having no stomach. '

Mu Rufeng can't always equip this stomach, otherwise, he feels that he must be eating all the time.

"Give it to Xiaoying? No, Xiaoying's level is too low. Even with this stomach enhancement, she will definitely not be able to eat more than these eight-level ghost kings."

Mu Rufeng immediately fell into deep thought.

"Mr. Mu, should we bet?" Zhao Tian asked.

To be honest, Zhao Tian and Murong Qingqing didn't want to bet.

Because this is a must-lose, that is, the two of them must lose 200,000 soul power to go to the next box.

200,000, equivalent to 200 million soul notes.

"Why not do something normal?" Mu Rufeng sighed.

"I don't lack soul power, what I need is a strong talent, so of course I still have to bet. If you want to go to the next box with me, then bet at the minimum."

"If you don't want to go, you can do whatever you want." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, we can't help you anymore. How about we wait for you outside?" Murong Qingqing said.

"Well, there's no need to wait for me. You can go about your own business." Mu Rufeng nodded and said.

The two nodded after hearing this, and then turned and left the box.

They still couldn't bear to part with the 200,000 soul power.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it, because they were really useless anyway.

"Hey, wait, I seem to have forgotten something." Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something.

If he remembered correctly, he had bet on a rule-based item on the first floor.

And it just so happened that he also bet on this stomach bag, and similarly, he also paid for a rule-based item.

If the value is the same, generally speaking, the properties are likely to be similar.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng began to search in the alien space in Xiaoying's stomach.

After a while, Mu Rufeng took out a machine.

[Organ Limb Blood and Flesh Growth Device]: Broken hand? Broken foot? Kidney cut off? It doesn't matter. With me, you won't have any worries.

Effect: Rule-based props. Consume a certain amount of soul notes to grow lost organs, limbs, or flesh and blood at will. The stronger the strength, the more soul notes consumed.

"Good stuff." Mu Rufeng's eyes lit up immediately.

The first thing Mu Rufeng thought of was not to grow a stomach, but the cost of an arm generated by the landing bracelet to save people.

Can this rule-based prop make this erased arm grow?

"I hope so. I'll know after I try it after returning." Mu Rufeng whispered softly.

Then, Mu Rufeng directly equipped the stomach of the starving ghost on his body.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng felt that the food he had eaten before was being digested rapidly.

With this ten-fold enhanced attribute, coupled with the increase in appetite brought by Mu Rufeng's current powerful attributes.

He believes that he must have a place in the top three, and even the first place is not impossible.

It's just that the odds of the top three are one to one, which is still a bit unpleasant.

Looking at the time, there were only three minutes left before the opening.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the betting area and prepared to bet.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and finally decided not to bet on talent, but to bet on 10 million soul power.

He actually wanted to see if the difficulty would increase if he didn't bet on talent and only bet on soul power?

It should be the safest to try the pinball machine in Box 1.

It's just that Mu Rufeng didn't think about it before, but now he can go, but the noodle slurping competition is held every two hours.

He doesn't want to wait for another two hours.

When the time comes, after the noodles are finished, go to Box 1 and try it again.

"By the way, please ask, I am a contractor, I should be able to eat the snail noodles here, right?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked the staff standing behind the window.

"Of course, our snail noodles can be eaten by both weird and human beings." The staff said.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him, and then found an empty table and sat down.

A few minutes later.

"Dong, dong, dong!"

"Please take your seats, guests participating in the challenge!"

A chef in white clothes came out with a big gong in his hand.

All the guests woke up instantly, and then sat up straight, waiting for something.

A bowl the size of a washbasin suddenly appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

Then, a large bowl of snail noodles appeared out of thin air.

A large bowl full of soup, full of red oil, and many small ingredients, smelling the fragrance, made the already hungry Mu Rufeng swallow his saliva constantly.

Because he used the stomach of a starving ghost, with ten times the digestive ability, he had already digested the food that he had eaten in the food area on the eleventh floor.

"The last three seconds, you take your chopsticks, and you can eat after I count down."

The chef shouted loudly.

Mu Rufeng immediately took the chopsticks beside him and got ready.

"3, 2, 1! Dong!"

As the countdown ended, all the guests participating in the challenge immediately put down their chopsticks.

Then, the slurping sound of a large amount of noodles spread throughout the box.

Mu Rufeng ate very quickly, took a big bite, stuffed it all into his mouth, and then slurped it and chewed quickly.

While chewing, Mu Rufeng looked up and glanced at the weirdo facing him in front of him.

Then, he was shocked.

This weirdo was three meters tall sitting in front of the table. This guy picked up the bowl and poured the noodles directly into his mouth.

Mu Rufeng just took a bite, while others finished a bowl.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng didn't dare to chew it anymore, and swallowed it directly without chewing at all.

In this way, it took him 30 seconds to finish this big bowl.

In fact, 10 million soul power is a lot, and he is reluctant to lose it.

When Mu Rufeng finished a bowl, before he could catch his breath, the snail noodles were full again, and it was still a full bowl.

Mu Rufeng didn't care and continued to eat crazily.

Fortunately, the snail noodle tasted good. If it tasted worse, Mu Rufeng would be afraid that he would vomit.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Mu Rufeng ate one bowl of noodles after another.

However, sometimes, because I eat too fast, my stomach can’t digest it, so I wait for a while, wait for my stomach to digest, and then continue to eat.

In this way, there is no problem eating for an hour.

Now, half an hour has passed, and Mu Rufeng glanced at the number on the left hand side of the table: 60

This is the number of noodles he ate, sixty bowls, a full sixty bowls.

Mu Rufeng looked at the ranking list of noodles on the big screen on the left.

Mu Rufeng is currently ranked third.

The first place has eaten a full hundred bowls.

And that person is the huge weird in front of Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng looked at the fourth place again. The fourth place has eaten 55 bowls, which is also close behind.

Mu Rufeng can’t eat so fast now. After eating a bowl, he has to digest it before continuing to eat, otherwise he really can’t eat it.

The weird in the first place also ate much slower. He didn’t pour it out one bowl after another, and he was also slurping noodles with chopsticks.

Another half an hour passed, and the time for the noodle slurping challenge was up.

Mu Rufeng put down his chopsticks and touched his swollen belly and chubby cheeks.

Yes, Mu Rufeng forced himself to digest the food, and it all went into his flesh.

He has gained a lot of weight now.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"The challenge time is over, everyone please stop immediately, and the ranking will be announced now."

The chef stood up again and struck the gong in his hand.

"First place, Mr. Rou Rou Dan, the eighth-level ghost king, ate a total of 143 bowls of snail noodles."

"Congratulations to Mr. Rou Rou Dan, who bet 200,000 soul power and successfully won 300,000 soul power."


"I'm lucky this time, the noodles taste so good." Rou Rou Dan grinned and laughed happily.

The taste of the noodles is different every time, sometimes it tastes very salty, sometimes bitter, sometimes even sweet or spicy, and even very, very spicy.

And this time, the taste was surprisingly good, which made him eat 143 bowls.

Otherwise, according to the first time he came, he ate the super salty snail noodles, and barely ate 110 bowls, and also won the first place.

"Second place, third-level contractor, Mr. Mu Rufeng, ate a total of 141 bowls of snail noodles."

"Congratulations, Mr. Mu, bet 10 million soul power and successfully obtained 15 million soul power."

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The chef also rang the gong vigorously, obviously to celebrate Mu Rufeng.

The sound of the announcement and the sound of the gong attracted everyone.

"This is impossible, a level 3 contractor can eat 141 pots?"

"Hey, hey, hey, pay attention to the key points, this guy bet 10 million soul power, that's 10 million."

"Not surprising, this big guy is super powerful, the level 8 ghost king was killed by him in one move."

"What? The level 8 ghost king was killed in one second? What's the situation?"

"Is it true?"

"Of course it's true, I'm at the scene, I'm telling you..."

The crowd immediately talked about it.

Almost immediately, everyone knew about Mu Rufeng's deeds on the first floor.

"Third place..."

So much so that even if the chef said the name of the third place, no one paid attention.

After taking the soul power, Mu Rufeng left Box 2 directly.

Mu Rufeng did not go to Box 3, but went directly to Box 1.

After finding a pinball machine, Mu Rufeng bet 1 million soul power and participated in the challenge.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng successfully obtained 2 million soul power.

This time, he felt that it was probably a little more difficult than the second time.

Similarly, it was almost equivalent to ten minutes of persistence relying on luck.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng bet [Rage] and [Bloodthirstiness] plus 10 million soul power on it.

Three minutes later, Mu Rufeng came back, his face became a little solemn.

This time, he only persisted for three minutes.

The difficulty of this time soared directly. It was level 8 difficulty at the beginning. By the third minute, it had reached the peak of level 8, and the number of marbles was almost like rain.

At this time, Mu Rufeng knew completely that this Golden City would increase the difficulty and make you lose when facing customers who often win and bet big, or have strong betting talents.

I think there should be no one like Mu Rufeng, who can win every time and bet so huge.

Mu Rufeng was definitely targeted. The difficulty of the new gameplay may not increase that much, but when you challenge a new gameplay for the second time, the difficulty will soar.

This Mu Rufeng has already tested it out.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the line of words on the screen.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mu, you bet 10 million soul power and successfully obtained 13 million soul power."

"Congratulations, Mr. Mu, you bet two talents and successfully obtained two talents, one talent of the same value and odds. Do you want to exchange the three talents for a new talent?"

"Huh? Can you also exchange the three talents for a more powerful talent?"

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

Originally, he thought that he could mix the talents of the compensation and then give a stronger talent, and that was the case with the [Limit Destroyer].

Unexpectedly, this time even the principal and the talents of the compensation could be exchanged like this.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and agreed.

Although [Bloodthirst] is a legacy of the plug-in, to be honest, the attribute is a bit behind.

The same is true for [Rage]. Both are talents that will change one's emotions for the worse.

If the three are combined into a more powerful talent, Mu Rufeng will certainly accept it with pleasure.

"Congratulations, Mr. Mu, you bet on two talents and successfully won one talent."

Mu Rufeng immediately checked the talent light ball.

[Potential Explosion]: After using this talent, you can explode your own talent, increase all attributes by 20%, and increase concentration and thinking by 20%. The duration is one hour. Each time you use it, you consume 10% of your own physical strength, and the physical strength consumption during the duration is increased by 20%.

"Hmm? This is good." When Mu Rufeng finished reading this attribute, a smile appeared on his face.

This potential explosion is definitely far beyond the two attributes of [Rage] and [Bloodthirst]. Although there are side effects, it just increases some physical strength consumption.

Mu Rufeng immediately pierced the talent light ball.

[Gained Talent: Potential Explosion]

Then Mu Rufeng directly used this potential explosion.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's attributes increased a little, and at the same time, he could clearly feel that his physical strength was about one-tenth consumed.

This doesn't matter, he can recover by eating something.

Speaking of food, Mu Rufeng suddenly found that he was hungry again.

Yes, the stomach of the starving ghost is still on his body.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took off the stomach of the starving ghost, and in an instant, Mu Rufeng felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Mu Rufeng is powerful, even if he loses his stomach, there will be no problem for a while.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the organ growth device.

After understanding the usage, Mu Rufeng pressed the machine on his abdomen.

Then, an amount appeared on the screen of the machine.

One million soul notes!

"One million soul notes? So expensive?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

If it is so expensive, in the real world, it is estimated that only Mu Rufeng can afford it, or the senior figures of the relevant departments.

He immediately took out one million soul notes and stuffed them into the cash inlet.

Soon, a magical energy emerged and poured into Mu Rufeng's abdomen.

The intense pain disappeared at once.

In just ten seconds, the machine stopped working. Mu Rufeng looked inside himself and found that his stomach had bulged out.

After putting the things away, Mu Rufeng walked out of Box No. 1.

Simply betting on soul power, this targeted improvement will be much less difficult, but if the soul power bet is too large, it will also increase.

And once betting on talent, props, etc., this improvement will become even greater.

So great that even if Mu Rufeng has such a high luck value, it cannot be avoided.

Of course, even so, his luck value can also allow Mu Rufeng to successfully get back the principal, but the profit is relatively small.

In this way, the risk and income are not proportional.

Mu Rufeng looked at the No. 3 box, thought for a while, and did not go there. Instead, he came to the booth and looked at the lobby on the first floor.

Mu Rufeng looked at his clearance task.

[Current number of bet wins: 9]

Three times is the minimum task, with only 100% clearance, and the subsequent six times can reach 600%.

In other words, if Mu Rufeng wants to reach the clearance limit, he needs to win 93 times.

"Then let's reach the clearance limit first, and then go to the No. 3 box to have a look." Mu Rufeng immediately walked towards the first floor.

Of course, he would not be stupid enough to bet a lot at one time. What he wants now is the number of wins, not the soul power.

Because it was only the second floor, Mu Rufeng was too lazy to wait for the elevator, and was ready to go down the stairs.

However, before he even reached the stairs, he was stopped by someone.

"Mr. Mu, are you going to the first floor? Is the gameplay on the second floor not to your liking?" Tang Feng, the lobby manager, looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"I don't want to play anymore. I've eaten more than a hundred bowls of snail noodles. I'm full. I'm going downstairs to take a walk and digest the food."

"Look, am I a little fatter than before?" Mu Rufeng said, pointing to his double chin and chubby face.

"Yes, I didn't expect Mr. Mu to be so good at eating." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"Being able to eat is a blessing."

"By the way, Manager Tang, I'd like to ask, how do I get to the third floor? Do I have to play all the games in the boxes before I can go up?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, there are three ways to get to the third floor."

"The first one is as you said, you can go to the third floor after playing all the games in boxes 1-100."

"The second one is that as long as your assets reach 100 million soul power, you can go there. The assets here only count soul power, and innate abilities are not counted."

"The third one is that as long as your strength reaches the ninth level of Ghost Emperor, you can go directly to the third floor, and there is no limit on funds." Tang Feng said.

"So that's how it is. Thank you, Tang Jingli, for clearing up my confusion." Mu Rufeng thanked him politely and then walked downstairs.

Tang Feng did not stop him and stared at Mu Rufeng until he could no longer see him.

Mu Rufeng came to the first floor. The noisy sounds and lively scene made Mu Rufeng feel a little uncomfortable.

Mu Rufeng came to the nearest table and found that it was blackjack.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng didn't know much about many gambling methods, and he only knew the most basic ones.

For example, fried gold flowers, Landlords, betting on big and small, etc.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't care whether he could win or not, as long as he could win.

Of course, Mu Rufeng also saw a small notice on the side of the table.

There is a way to play blackjack on it, and Mu Rufeng knew how to play it immediately.

Mu Rufeng directly threw away 10,000 points of soul power, and then said to the dealer: "I only need two cards. Please help me open them when the time comes."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, she walked directly to the next stage.

The croupier heard this and nodded without saying anything. Anyway, if he wins the bet, he can fly to the bettor himself.

Mu Rufeng had already told him that as long as he had two cards, the dealer would naturally not let him stay.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to wander around the lobby area on the first floor.

Every time you pass a gambling table, just place your bet.

Every time he bets, it's not high, it's all 10,000.

In just half an hour, Mu Rufeng had reached 103 victories.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng had already completed all the customs clearance tasks.

Mu Rufeng did not continue to bet, but took the elevator directly to the tenth floor and returned to her room.

He was going to recharge his batteries and build a big one. After he had accumulated enough soul power, he would go to the third floor to take a look.

The next morning.

Mu Rufeng, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly opened her eyes.

Mu Rufeng spent the whole night digesting soul power, and his strength had improved a lot.

The improvement of soul power really improved oneself in all aspects. Mu Rufeng even had a vague feeling that her lifespan had also become longer.

"I wonder if the lifespan here can be traded?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of this.

"Gu Gu Gu~~!"

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's stomach felt like thunder.

He is hungry.

"You can only be so hungry, huh? Have I lost weight?" Mu Rufeng suddenly found that she had changed from a chubby state back to her previous appearance.

Mu Rufeng was using his ghost power, and suddenly, he noticed something was wrong.

My stomach seemed a little out of place with the rest of my organs.

This is equivalent to the fact that the other organs in his body are all level three, but his newly grown stomach has reached level eight.

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment and then understood.

It should be because of his organ growth device. At that time, he was an eighth-level physical body, so what grew must also be an eighth-level stomach bag.

At the same time, it also requires one million soul coins.

"Wait, if that's the case, then if I replace all the organs in my body, can I spend a little money to turn my whole body into an eighth-level body?"

Mu Rufeng suddenly had this idea.

But soon, Mu Rufeng gave up. He didn't know what the consequences would be.

No matter what, I have to give it a try. It is impossible for Mu Rufeng, a big boss, to just do it by himself.

This eight-level stomach bag actually has some disadvantages.

The first step was to increase Mu Rufeng's food intake and digestion power to the level after Mu Rufeng used [Life or Death].

However, although the food intake and digestion power have increased dramatically, the organs, blood and flesh in all aspects of the body are unable to absorb the energy converted from digestion.

In other words, if Mu Rufeng eats too much, he will not quickly absorb the energy and become stronger, but will accumulate it in his body and turn into lumps of fat.

However, there was nothing that could be done. Mu Rufeng was hungry, so he had to eat if he was hungry. If he got fatter, he would get fatter. The worst he could do was exercise more.

Mu Rufeng immediately stood up from the sofa and walked out of the room.

Not long after, we came directly to the food area on the eleventh floor.

It's breakfast time now, and there are still a lot of guests. Of course, there are not as many guests as there are at noon or evening.

Mu Rufeng called out Xiaoying, Bai Jingwei and Xiaolong and told them to buy whatever they wanted to eat.

By the way, each of them was given 100,000 soul power.

As Mu Rufeng's contract agent, he can naturally transfer his soul power directly.

They couldn't leave within ten meters of Mu Rufeng, so they just wandered around. However, they enjoyed being able to buy what they like to eat.

As usual, Mu Rufeng bought a lot of food that she could eat, and then asked Xiaoying to put it away in case of emergency.

After eating and drinking, and letting the three of them return to the contract tank, Mu Rufeng took the elevator directly to the second floor.

After getting out of the elevator, Mu Rufeng went straight to box three.

After pushing the door open and entering, Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly after seeing what was inside.


There was a violent splash of water.

Ahead is a huge pool, or it should be considered a lake.

However, this lake is completely built with a swimming pool.

The most concerning thing is that the water in this swimming pool is not water at all, but magma.

A wave of heat hit her face, making Mu Rufeng feel even more comfortable.

He now has the ability of [Fire Element]. To be honest, coming here is like going home.

"It seems that I'm really lucky. The venue in the third box is quite suitable for me. Let's see how it works."

Mu Rufeng looked at the gameplay rules aside.

[How to play the magma pool competition]

1. All guests entering the swimming pool will not be able to have any physical contact.

2. Guests entering the swimming pool will not be harmed by attacks from others.

3. Guests can only enter the swimming pool from the initial jumping platform. After entering the swimming pool, they need to reach the other side within a certain time to win. The odds are one to one.

4. If the guest cannot reach the other side within the specified time, the challenge fails.

5. The minimum betting amount is 100,000 soul power.

6. Once the magma falls, the challenge will start immediately, and the prescribed time is one hour.

7. Please note that one-third of the body cannot leave the magma for more than three seconds, otherwise the challenge will fail.

"It's really weird." Mu Rufeng shook her head and sighed.

"Bandage, please go back to the inventory for a while." Mu Rufeng rubbed the trembling bandage.

When Bandage heard this, he immediately shook his head and signaled Mu Rufeng to put him in the inventory immediately.

The temperature here is extremely high, which is a living hell for the bandage.

Although the bandage also has flame resistance, the temperature of the magma is not low. If Mu Rufeng takes it into the water, it will definitely not be able to withstand it.


Another challenger jumped off the platform and submerged into the lava.

Mu Rufeng watched the strange thing enter the magma, quickly get out of the water, and then move through the magma quickly with hands and feet.

Mu Rufeng looked at the opposite side again and estimated that it was only ten miles away.

In the real world, it would take about 2-3 hours to swim ten miles.

In the strange world, the time for swimming ten miles of magma is not only not lengthened, but also shortened to one hour.

But yes, these are all weird, and they all look like eighth-level ghost kings.

"There are so many eighth-level ghost kings here." Mu Rufeng muttered.

Also, in this weird world, there is a large population, and these weird people seem to have long lifespans? Or is there no lifespan at all?

Mu Rufeng seemed to have never understood this.

Mu Rufeng counted carefully and found that there were at least more than thirty eighth-level ghost kings challenging them in the magma.

However, Mu Rufeng also discovered that the magma was relatively undulating and the waves were relatively large. You had obviously swam a certain distance, and suddenly a big wave hit you, so you immediately retreated.

Mu Rufeng looked at the ranking list on the side of the screen again.

There are two rankings, one is today’s ranking and the other is overall ranking.

The former is naturally just a list of challengers who have completed the challenge today.

The first and fastest one was a strange creature called the Octopus, which only took 30 minutes.

As for the second place, they immediately pulled away, which took them a full fifty minutes.

Mu Rufeng looked at the thirteenth place. The speed was 59 minutes, which was also the last place.

In other words, thirteen weird challenges have been successful today.

Mu Rufeng looked at the overall list again, and he found that the eight-clawed octopus still ranked first, and the speed only took 26 minutes and 35 seconds.

"This big eight-clawed octopus doesn't come here every day, right?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

Mu Rufeng came to the betting area and took a look at his soul power. Now, his soul power has reached 3015W.

Mu Rufeng directly bet all his soul power on it. Except for some necessary plug-in talents, Mu Rufeng bet all the remaining talents, abilities, rules and props, etc.

After placing the bet, Mu Rufeng immediately used [Life or Death], and then his potential exploded.

[Strength]: 11271.3 (853.9+8539+939.2)

[Spirit]: 9926.4 (752+7520+1654.4)

[Physique]: 9893.3 (749.5+7495+1648.8)

Mu Rufeng took one step forward, and a ring of flames instantly bloomed under her feet.

The god of fire descends——

Evil Fire Ritual——

Flame Armor——

A tyrannical momentum and an even more terrifying high temperature erupted from Mu Rufeng.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng flew directly onto the platform and immediately plunged into the magma.

After entering, Mu Rufeng felt nothing. The magma could not affect Mu Rufeng at all.

Even because of the rich fire element, Mu Rufeng's consumption has been reduced a lot.

Immediately afterwards, powerful flames suddenly shot out from Mu Rufeng's feet.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng's speed increased and she quickly headed towards the other side.

At this moment, several large waves suddenly hit Mu Rufeng.

However, Mu Rufeng was at the bottom of the magma at the moment, and the big waves could not affect Mu Rufeng at all.

In only about half a minute, Mu Rufeng was already halfway through.

At this moment, a terrifying magma giant emerged from the magma.

He raised his huge fist and smashed it towards Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng could clearly feel the terrifying strength of this magma giant.

Moreover, this is a magma pool, which can be said to be the territory of the magma giant.

However, precisely because this is a magma pool, it can also be regarded as Mu Rufeng's territory.

"Fire falls from the sky!"

Mu Rufeng moved instantly to avoid the attack of the magma, and then, Nu Rufeng directly used Fire Meteor to Fall from the Sky.

Almost instantly, a huge meteorite appeared in the sky.

The meteorite fell very fast, and before the magma giant could continue to attack Mu Rufeng, the meteorite fell with a bang.

The magma giant waved his fist, trying to hit the meteorite, but it muttered the horror of the meteorite.

The magma giant was smashed into a sieve by the meteorite without any surprise, and turned into magma again.

At the same time, because the meteorite fell into the magma pool, it also reminded the magma of huge waves.

And Mu Rufeng took advantage of this huge wave to move forward faster.

At this moment, there are still many strange challenges in the magma pool.

Everyone looked solemn and even horrified at the falling meteorite.

Even if they were level eight ghost kings, facing such a terrifying meteorite, they could only run for their lives, and even wanted to run for their lives.

But soon they came to their senses. In the swimming pool, as long as it was the challenger's attack, not a single ray could cause any harm to them.

When the huge wave emerged, the challengers in the pool felt a violent ripple in their hearts.

The huge waves caused by the meteorite falling went in all directions.

There was almost no monster that could resist this huge wave.

And the challengers in the first half of the meteorite were directly sent back to the starting point by the huge wave.

The challengers on the two sides were fine, just moving horizontally, and they were directly sent to the rock walls on both sides.

And in the second half of the meteorite falling, they were directly sent to the end because of this huge wave.

Mu Rufeng touched the end, and then turned over and jumped directly onto the shore.

This time, he successfully completed the challenge again.

At this time, Mu Rufeng suddenly found that a large number of magma giants emerged in the magma pool.

However, when Mu Rufeng got ashore, it quickly disintegrated.

"Fortunately, I was faster, otherwise so many magma giants would be really hard to handle." Mu Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

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