"Haha, I've done it, I won." At this time, there was a loud and excited laugh from one side.

Mu Rufeng turned around and found that the man looked familiar. It was the eighth-level ghost king who stopped him in front of the second box and wanted to be his contract ghost.

"Fuck, I'm actually the second in the overall ranking?" A short weirdo also exclaimed.

"The first one is a god, right?" A weird look fell on Mu Rufeng with respect.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Mu!!!"

The eighth-level ghost king also knew that it was Mu Rufeng who helped him, and hurriedly came up, bowed and thanked him, which was not the appearance of an eighth-level ghost king.

"You're welcome." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile, and then looked at the ranking list over there.

A lot of updates have been made on the headquarters.

Mu Rufeng ranked first in the overall ranking with two minutes and fifty seconds.

The second was a short man named Hougui, with a time of 25 minutes and 58 seconds.

The third was the eight-clawed octopus.

The fourth place is another one, which was just refreshed.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng's wave directly refreshed a lot of the list, and at the same time, it also made some people who should not have been able to complete the challenge complete the challenge.

Among them, the eighth-level ghost king was included.

You know, it took him 45 minutes to swim across half of the swimming pool.

In just 15 minutes, he could not swim to the other side.

This time, he bet all his talents and abilities on it.

"Congratulations to Mr. Mu for betting 30.15 million soul power and successfully winning 60.3 million soul power."

"Congratulations to Mr. Mu for betting on talent..., breaking the first record of the overall list, and the time is within ten minutes, odds x5, betting principal refunded, winning a talent, soul power 45 million."

Those who completed the challenge were still immersed in Mu Rufeng's powerful strength. Suddenly, when they heard the broadcast, they all looked at Mu Rufeng with wide eyes.

Sixty million plus forty-five million soul power, this means that Mu Rufeng has one hundred million soul power.

One hundred million, what the hell is this? Even if it is converted into soul notes, it is a full one hundred billion.

What can one hundred billion do? It is enough to buy some ninth-level group forces.

Even in the real world, it is a huge fortune.

One hundred million soul power can already allow Mu Rufeng to go to the third floor.

Mu Rufeng was also very surprised and pleasantly surprised by this. He did not expect that the odds this time would be directly multiplied by five.

In this way, Mu Rufeng's soul power was directly collected to one hundred million.

This time, he bet on many of his talents and rule props. When paying, he first let his compensation soul power collect one hundred million.

Then all the rest were directly merged, and finally, it became a talent.

Mu Rufeng was very much looking forward to this and clicked to see it directly.

[Rule Suppression]: The target's rule suppression can be reduced by one level.

The simple, ordinary introduction made Mu Rufeng feel something unusual.

Mu Rufeng can lower the target rule by one level.

He had heard about the level from Lu Xueqing.

At that time, he met the Dead Sea overlord, the ninth-level ghost emperor crab demon.

The ninth-level treasure branch summoned by Lu Xueqing could not completely suppress the crab demon, so Mu Rufeng proposed to use his own rule props to influence the crab demon.

Lu Xueqing told him that the crab demon controlled certain rules and had a high level, and Mu Rufeng's rule props could not have any effect on it.

If Mu Ru had this at the beginning, could he lower the crab demon's rules by one level?

In this way, the crab demon's rules were suppressed, and Mu Rufeng's rule props could play a role.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly pierced this talent light ball.

Such a powerful talent must be extremely useful to Mu Rufeng.

[Gained Talent: Rule Suppression]

Now that he has completed the requirement of 100 million soul power and can go to the third floor, Mu Rufeng naturally does not want to stay here any longer.

He immediately took off from the spot and headed for the entrance.

However, Mu Rufeng still did not fly to the magma, but flew over from the side shore.

To avoid any trouble in the magma pool.

When Mu Rufeng flew to the entrance, he just landed and saw the door of the box was pushed open directly.

Manager Tang hurried in with several employees.

When he saw Mu Rufeng wearing flame armor, he was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Mr. Mu, congratulations on your assets successfully reaching 100 million soul power."

"Now I formally invite you to the third floor."

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng took off the flame armor and revealed his figure.

"It's just right, I'm going to the third floor too, lead the way." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, please follow me."

Manager Tang responded, and then respectfully led Mu Rufeng to the elevator.

After taking the elevator to the third floor, Tang Feng led Mu Rufeng out, then said goodbye and respectfully walked downstairs.

In Tang Feng's words, with his level, he could not stay on the third floor.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am Zhao Chen, the city lord of Golden City, welcome to the third floor."

A middle-aged man dressed very stylishly came up to greet him.

Behind him were four very beautiful women in professional attire.

"Hello, City Lord Zhao." Mu Rufeng stepped forward and shook hands with him.

"It's been several years, and you're the only new guest to enter the third floor in the past few years." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"I'm flattered that City Lord Zhao came to greet me personally." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng didn't expect that it was the City Lord of Golden City who came to greet him personally.

"Speaking of which, you are the first to enter the third floor with 100 million soul power, and you are also the first contractor to appear in Golden City."

"You are also the first to kill the eighth-level ghost king with the strength of a third-level contractor."

"With so many firsts, I naturally want to see Mr. Mu's style." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"I'm ashamed, I'm just lucky." Mu Rufeng said modestly.

"Indeed, Mr. Mu's luck is really good. Judging from your luck value, you should be second only to me in the world." Zhao Chen patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder and said.

Mu Rufeng was shocked when he heard this, but said calmly on the surface: "City Lord Zhao, you are joking. I naturally cannot compare with you."

"By the way, City Lord Zhao, what are the ways to play on the third floor?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The ways to play on the third floor can be customized at will. You can play whatever you want. However, there are some changes in the stakes." Zhao Chen said.

"What changes?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Let Mr. Mu find out for himself. I have something else to do, so I will go first." After Zhao Chen finished speaking, he left here directly.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng was a little confused. This City Lord Zhao really has personality.

He was obviously here to greet him, but he left after meeting and talking a few words.

He didn't even leave him a guide.

But think about it, with Mu Rufeng's identity, it is not necessarily possible to attract the attention of the City Lord of Golden City.

It is estimated that Mu Rufeng won too much, so he wanted to come and see who Mu Rufeng is in person.

Mu Rufeng looked at the layout of the third floor. What puzzled Mu Rufeng was that there was only one door on the entire third floor.

The rest of the place was all walls.

Mu Rufeng came to the door and found some strange runes carved on it.

Mu Rufeng didn't care, he pushed the door open and went in.

After entering, Mu Rufeng was a little disappointed. This was just an ordinary room, about 100 square meters.

At the same time, there was no one inside.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused, and then he found a notice on the side wall.

It introduced the gameplay in detail, and even the changes in the bets.

The gameplay, as Zhao Chen said, can be customized at will, even if you bet on who speaks louder.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that the bets on this level can only be bet on talents or rule-based props and rule-based abilities or special props, etc.

There are many special props here, one of which is the shares of the group's power.

You know, the shares of the group power are a very special existence, although there is a market price here.

But no shareholder will ever sell the shares of the group power, it can be said that there is no market for it.

At the same time, the most important thing is that this layer can bet on life.

And soul power, here, can not be bet, unless it is added when gambling with other guests.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, and directly spoke to determine a way to gamble.

Suddenly, the surroundings changed, and the next second, the surroundings turned into a ring.

And Mu Rufeng was standing on the ring at this moment.

This time, the player chosen by Mu Rufeng was also very simple, that is, to defeat the opponent at the same level.

Mu Rufeng is now level three, and the one fighting with Mu Rufeng is naturally level three.

"Please bet." A voice suddenly sounded.

"I didn't expect it to be possible? Who is my opponent?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"We will arrange an opponent for you, please bet, Mr. Mu."

Mu Rufeng heard the words, and then glanced at the virtual panel.

All his talents, rule-based abilities, etc. that can be bet on are presented in front of him.

In addition, there is an additional option for life span.

[Current remaining life span: 121 years]

"121 years, can I still live that long?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

But soon Mu Rufeng thought that his current physical attributes have reached 700 or 800 under normal circumstances.

This value is already very high, compared to ordinary people, it has increased by hundreds of times.

Mu Rufeng felt that there should be no third-level existence that can beat him, so he considered whether to bet big.

But soon Mu Rufeng thought of Zhao Chen's face again, and after thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng took out a special prop and pressed it on it.

This special prop is nothing else, it is [Zombie King City Invitation Letter]

[Zombie King City Invitation Letter]: Invitation letter for the ribbon-cutting ceremony after the successful establishment of Zombie King City.

Special prop: With this invitation letter, you can go to Zombie King City to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony at a specific time.

Ribbon-cutting time: 10:00 on November 1, 2024.

Owner: Mu Rufeng

Note: When the contractor holds this invitation letter, he can summon the holder from the real world in the form of a copy to the Zombie King City for the ribbon-cutting ceremony within a specific time.

Mu Rufeng just wanted to try to see if he could place a bet, and he actually succeeded.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng bet on his life span of fifty years and ten million souls.

This is safer, and he can't bet all on it. Otherwise, if there is a slight mistake, Mu Rufeng will lose a lot.

The odds are also one to one.

As Mu Rufeng's bet was successful, a pool of black mucus appeared opposite Mu Rufeng.

"The battle between the two sides is limited to ten minutes. If there is no winner within ten minutes, it will be considered a draw."

A voice sounded.

"Huh? A draw if there is no winner within ten minutes? I don't think I have set this rule." Mu Rufeng frowned immediately.

"Mr. Mu, the rules of the game are set by you, and we can also make some small rules." The voice sounded again.

"Don't worry, the small rules we set will not interfere too much with the rules of the game, and they will all be stated. This is protected by the rules."

Mu Rufeng heard this and said nothing, waiting for the battle to begin.

"Both sides take their positions, countdown three seconds."

As the words fell, a pool of black liquid appeared on the ring.

"Boom! The battle begins! The sound of the gong rang out, and the black mucus disappeared directly on the spot.

Suddenly, only Mu Rufeng was left on the entire ring.

Mu Rufeng was a little surprised when he saw this.

He immediately waved the magic wand in his hand, and a terrifying flame field suddenly broke out, directly covering the entire ring.

However, what puzzled Mu Rufeng was that he did not find any existence in his own field.

"Where did it go? Why can't I find it?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

I think this level 3 monster must have hidden.

"If you want to hide, then you think too simply. If I can't find you, then I will use a large-scale attack to force you out. "

As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, a terrifying fire attack erupted, instantly covering the huge arena that was hundreds of meters long.

After a round of bombing, the entire arena was riddled with holes.

However, what puzzled Mu Rufeng was that he still did not find the existence of the opponent he was fighting with.

"So, since the third level couldn't beat me, he created a special and strange creature that could hide? "

At this time, Mu Rufeng finally knew that even though you can set the rules at will, Huangjincheng has plenty of ways to beat you.

Just like now, Mu Rufeng has used the skill of full-screen bombing, but he still can't find his opponent.

As long as it drags on for ten minutes, it will only be a draw, and Mu Rufeng is betting on his own strength.

In this way, although it is a draw, Mu Rufeng has also lost.

Mu Rufeng stopped attacking and began to think.

Mu Rufeng set the rules, and the rules must be fair and just. If it is said to be level three, then the monster must be level three.

Now there is no trace of it, either the magma has left the ring, or it is hidden in the different space.

The former is naturally impossible, leaving the ring is considered a loss.

Then, it is naturally the latter, hiding in the different space.

Mu Rufeng and his opponent are not in the same dimensional space, so no matter how Mu Rufeng attacks, he will naturally not be able to affect his opponent.

"Don't come out, okay, hit me and break the space to see if you can dodge. "

Mu Rufeng was suspended in the air, and then began to release spells frantically.

Although he could not break the space with his current strength, if he was lucky enough to trigger the ten thousand times attack.

When he fought against the eighth-level ghost king in the corner cage on the first floor, he triggered the ten thousand times attack.

Just an ordinary fireball killed the eighth-level ghost king in seconds.

Even the space was burned through.

Once the ten thousand times attack was really triggered, the third-level weirdness would definitely be killed by his attack.

One minute, three minutes, five minutes passed.

The entire ring had turned into magma, and Mu Rufeng's attacks were still falling continuously.

Mu Rufeng's brows were frowning more and more deeply.

It had been so long, and the ten thousand times attack had not been triggered.

He looked at the time and found that the distance There were only two minutes left in the ten minutes.

Mu Rufeng continued to attack, but his mind was already thinking frantically.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng thought of something, and his eyes fell directly on a talent.

[Space Affinity]: It can make oneself have affinity with space and increase space-related abilities.

This was obtained by Mu Rufeng from Xiaoying.

However, Mu Rufeng did not feel anything unusual in the surrounding space.

However, Xiaoying was different from Mu Rufeng. Xiaoying had two space-related abilities, teleportation and alien space.

Although Mu Rufeng's current strength far exceeded that of an ordinary eighth-level ghost king, his sensitivity to space was definitely lower than that of Xiaoying.

Mu Rufeng immediately woke up Xiaoying who was sleeping soundly.

"What's wrong, dad?" Xiaoying appeared on Mu Rufeng's shoulder.

Although he was now covered in flame armor, he did not hurt Xiaoying at all.

"Xiaoying, there is an enemy hiding in another space. Can you find and sense it?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I'll try. "Xiaoying immediately closed her eyes and then sensed something.

After a while, Xiaoying opened her eyes, shook her head and said, "Dad, I can't sense it. It may be because my level is too low."

"Don't worry, you can sense it again now."

While Mu Rufeng was speaking, he immediately activated the ability of his own domain and strengthened Xiaoying's ability to perceive space.

He almost forgot that his domain has an ability that can double one of his abilities.

"Okay, Dad, I'll try again." Xiaoying immediately closed her eyes again.

Mu Rufeng also looked at the time, and there was only one and a half minutes left.

Suddenly, Xiaoying opened her eyes suddenly, and then pointed behind Mu Rufeng: "Dad, I found it, it's there."

"There?" Mu Rufeng looked at the place where Xiaoying pointed.

There was nothing there, probably because Mu Rufeng himself couldn't see it.

Then, Mu Rufeng enhanced his spatial affinity, but still couldn't find it.

It was obvious that Xiaoying's perception was stronger.

"Xiaoying, do you have any way to force that guy out? Let Dad kill him." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Kill it? Dad, its strength is so weak, I can kill it directly." Xiaoying said.

"Hmm? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng looked at Xiaoying in surprise.

"Of course it's true, look at me."

Xiaoying finished speaking and took out a pair of beautiful scissors.

Xiaoying just cut downwards.

Then, nothing happened.

Mu Rufeng didn't see any changes.

However, the next scene shocked Mu Rufeng.

Where Xiaoying pointed before, the space was rippled, and then a pool of black liquid suddenly emerged.

Before Mu Rufeng could see clearly, it was directly burned to ashes by the high-temperature magma.

[Triggering success, physical fitness +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

"Did he die just like that?" Mu Rufeng looked at Xiaoying in a daze.

"Daddy, Xiaoying is very powerful." Xiaoying raised her little head and said proudly.

"Yes, yes, my Xiaoying is the most powerful. Are you hungry? If you are hungry, take some milk tea and barbecue." Mu Rufeng rubbed Xiaoying's head and said.

"Yeah, yeah!" Xiaoying nodded happily upon hearing this.

Although a lot of the food was placed in Xiaoying's space, she could eat it at any time without being discovered by Mu Rufeng.

But since Mu Rufeng said so, she was naturally very happy to eat openly.

"Congratulations to Mr. Mu for winning."

A voice sounded.

Then, the broken ring disappeared, and Mu Rufeng returned to the previous place.


In a luxurious office.

Zhao Chen leaned on the soft sofa, smoking a cigar, and looked at the picture on a huge TV screen hanging in front of him with a comfortable face.

It was playing the picture of Mu Rufeng bombarding the ring.

"Lord City Lord, the value of his bet this time is not high, why send it, shouldn't he be allowed to win once, and then when he bets heavily..."

Tang Feng said standing aside.

"You don't understand, didn't you see Mu Rufeng betting continuously on the first floor before?" Zhao Chen said.

"Lord City Lord, forgive my slowness, is there any connection between them?" Tang Feng said.

"He is different from ordinary guests. He is a living person, a contractor who does not belong to our world."

"The contractor entered our Golden City in the form of a copy, so he came with a clearance task."

"If I guess correctly, his clearance task should be the number of times he won in gambling. Later, he went to the first floor. Do you know how many times he bet?" Zhao Chen said.

"I know, the total is..."

Tang Feng was interrupted by Zhao Chen before he finished speaking: "He must have completed the clearance task and can return to the real world at any time."

"Then, here comes the question. This time, he has bet a special item and 10 million soul power, and a life span of 50 years."

"He should have discovered something in the previous gambling. If he wins this time, I am sure he will return to reality directly."

"So, this time, he must lose. He can't bear a life span of 50 years."

"I will continue to gamble and test the bets. I can let him win these few times, but once he bets heavily, it will be time for us to reap the harvest." Zhao Chen exhaled a puff of smoke and then pressed the cigar on Tang Feng's outstretched hand.

"Zizizizi~~!" The hot cigarette butt rubbed against Tang Feng's palm.

"The city lord is wise, I didn't think of this." Tang Feng nodded and said, not feeling the cigarette butt in his palm at all.

Tang Feng's strength is the eighth-level ghost king, and his strength is definitely the top of the same level.

But after all, he is not a ninth-level ghost emperor, so he can only be like this in front of Zhao Chen.

Just at this moment, the picture suddenly changed.

A pool of black liquid emerged and then burned to ashes. Zhao Chen saw this scene clearly.

"How is it possible!" Zhao Chen sat up straight, his face full of disbelief.

"That's Yougui, who has a spatial talent since birth. Even a third-level Yougui and an eighth-level ghost king can't detect it."

"Unless the strength reaches the ninth-level ghost emperor, it is impossible to discover the existence of Yougui, let alone kill him!"

Seeing this, Tang Feng was also horrified: "Lord City Lord, it must be that little girl who has a spatial talent."

"Don't I know? But a level 4 trickster, even if he has space talent, can't find the ghost. Is that scissor a special space prop?"

Zhao Chen slowly leaned on the sofa, lit a cigar again, and his expression returned to normal.

"Lord City Lord, what should we do now?" Tang Feng said.

"He should be back. The Golden City event that takes place once every ten years will start in more than a month."

"Go and send him an invitation letter." Zhao Chen said.

"Yes, Lord City Lord." Tang Feng responded, and then quickly left the office.

"Contractor, an unseen talent, gluttony cruise ship real world, haha, it's really interesting." Zhao Chen flicked his cigar with a smile on his face.

He didn't feel any heartache at all about the many things Mu Rufeng had won away, because to him, they were nothing.

As for Mu Rufeng's talent, he was determined to get it and was just waiting. He had plenty of time.

"Congratulations to Mr. Mu for betting 10 million soul power and successfully winning 20 million soul power."

“Congratulations to Mr. Mu who bet on a life span of fifty years and successfully won a life span of one hundred years.

"Congratulations to Mr. Mu for betting on a special prop and getting your principal back. You successfully won a special prop."

Mu Rufeng looked at her lifespan, which was a full one hundred and seventy-one years.

This also means that even if Mu Rufeng does not increase in strength now, he will naturally die of old age at the age of 195.

Mu Rufeng had the urge to bet on her life span. If it were doubled, she would be over three hundred years old.

More than three hundred years old, what kind of concept is this? Even from the end of the Ming Dynasty to 2023, it is only more than three hundred years.

But soon, Mu Rufeng threw away this idea.

Greed is not enough, but the snake swallows the elephant. The harvest from this copy is enough.

Mu Rufeng walked out immediately.

He was going to exchange his soul power for some soul coins. Although he had a lot of soul coins, he felt that it was still a little short.

After all, after leaving the Golden City, Mu Rufeng didn't know when she would come in next time.

Mu Rufeng turned back and glanced at the closed door. Mu Rufeng was a little confused as to why there were no guests inside.

"Mr. Mu, congratulations again, you have won again." Tang Feng walked over from a distance.

"Manager Tang, you are quite well informed. You found out about me before I even left." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

As expected, the top brass of these Golden City were indeed paying attention to Mu Rufeng all the time.

"There is no way, Mr. Mu's bet is really too big. As long as you win, we will be notified."

"No, I rushed over as soon as I received the notice." Manager Tang said with a smile.

"I wonder what Manager Tang is doing here? I remember you said that you can't stay on the third floor?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, I cannot stay on the third floor for more than three minutes. Once exceeded, I will be forcibly expelled from this floor."

"Only ninth-level ghost emperors or people with sufficient assets can stay here for a long time." Manager Tang said.

"By the way, why is there no guest on the third floor except me?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Normally, not many Ghost Emperors come here. Even when they come to the Golden City, they always go to the food area or the entertainment area in the accommodation area upstairs."

"Only for the golden city event that takes place once every ten years, will these ghost emperors swarm here." Manager Tang said.

"Golden City Gala?" What is that?

Mu Rufeng suddenly became interested.

"I can't tell you more about this, but we still sincerely invite you to participate in the next Golden City event."

Manager Tang said, taking out a golden invitation and handing it to Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng was a little confused but still took it directly.

[Invitation letter to Golden City Grand Event]: Invitation letter to Golden City’s ten-year event.

Special props: With this invitation, you can attend the Golden City's event at a specific time.

Event time: 00:00 on January 1, 2024.

Owner: Mu Rufeng

Note: When the contractor holds this invitation, he can summon the holder from the real world to participate in the Golden City event in the form of a copy within a specific time.

"Invitation letter? A grand event that occurs once every ten years?" Mu Rufeng began to think after reading the properties of the invitation letter.

It can be known that the people in Golden City definitely know that they want to return, so they don’t want to give up their talents, so they sent this invitation?

Just to win over Mu Rufeng’s powerful talent in the next grand event?

"Manager Tang, what does this invitation to the grand event mean?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, your assets have reached the standard, so you can naturally participate in the Golden City's grand meeting. There will be many ghost emperors coming by then."

"Our Golden City grand event is held once every ten years. Every time it is held, there are never less than a hundred ghost emperors participating." Manager Tang said with pride on his face.

"One hundred ghost emperors? Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's such a big deal." Mu Rufeng marveled, and then directly collected the invitation letter.

No matter what, this can be considered a dungeon, and now Mu Rufeng is already LV3 (2/4).

After this copy is completed, it will be 3/4, and the distance to level four will be fast.

"I'll accept the invitation letter. I'll definitely come when the time comes." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then I'll be waiting for you, Mr. Mu." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"You go and do your thing. I'll go downstairs to exchange some soul notes." Mu Rufeng said, and then walked downstairs.

"Mr. Mu, take care!" Tang Feng complimented, and then took another elevator to the top.


Mu Rufeng went down the stairs to the first floor, and then went straight to the exchange area.

"Mr. Mu, what business do you need to handle?" A staff member asked.

"Help me exchange 10 million soul power for soul notes." Mu Rufeng said.

"10 million? Okay, Mr. Mu, please input the soul power." The staff member was stunned for a moment, and then immediately pointed to a card slot and said.

Mu Rufeng didn't hesitate, and directly scanned the 10 million soul power.

"Mr. Mu, please take out your bank card, and we will transfer the soul notes to your card now." The staff member said.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his black gold card.

Soon, Mu Rufeng received a transfer of 10 billion yuan.

[Your card with the last number 3318 received a transfer of 10000000000.00 yuan at 9:01 on October 27, and the balance is 13.927 billion yuan]

More than 10 billion soul notes are enough for the time being.

As for the remaining soul power, Mu Rufeng will naturally not continue to exchange it.

This thing is very useful.

Then, Mu Rufeng took the elevator to the tenth floor and returned to his room.

Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry to go back, as there were still a lot of things to deal with.

He took out his phone and called Lilith.

Mu Rufeng was a little worried that he couldn't get through, but it was obvious that he was overthinking, and the call went through smoothly.

Mu Rufeng asked about the recent situation, chatted for a while, and then transferred another 10 billion soul notes to Lilith.

One is to let Lilith expand the industry under Mu Rufeng's name, and the other is to continue to go to Baibaolou for acquisitions.

The acquisitions are all life minerals, which are the materials for making landing bracelets.

In addition to life minerals, other types of minerals are also bought, bought, and collected, even some special props.

Mu Rufeng also specially asked Lilith to rent a warehouse inside Scarlet Optimum to store these materials.

When Mu Rufeng has the opportunity to go to Scarlet Optimum, he can bring back some things.

After hanging up the phone with Lilith, Mu Rufeng called Zhao the first officer again.

After asking about the gluttony cruise, he was ready to ask about the Golden City.

However, the words were already on his lips, and Mu Rufeng suddenly couldn't speak.

Mu Rufeng could clearly feel that a force of rules sealed his mouth.

Mu Rufeng immediately thought that the things about the Golden City could not be told to people outside.

Even if that person knew about the Golden City, even if Mu Rufeng was inside the Golden City, he couldn't speak.

In this case, Mu Rufeng could only shut up and then hung up the phone.

After dealing with everything, Mu Rufeng checked the special item he had obtained before.

[Mysterious Invitation]: This is an extremely mysterious invitation.

Special item: After the owner tears up the invitation, he can be invited to participate in a mysterious event.

Owner: To be determined

Note: When the contractor holds this invitation, he can summon the holder from the real world in the form of a copy to participate in a mysterious event within a specific time.

"Invitation to a mysterious event?"

"Although I don't know what it is, I can also make up for the copy number." Mu Rufeng was still quite satisfied.

Immediately, he chose to bind.

[Binding Successfully]

I seem to have a cold today. I feel dizzy all day and very sleepy. Today I have only written 9,000 words. Sorry.

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