I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 236 Experimental Rules and Props [10,000 words]


This time, everyone answered in unison, with great momentum.

"Very good, first of all, if anyone is scared to the point of peeing their pants, the consequences will be cruel to you."

As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, a black ghost cave spread out from under his feet, and in the blink of an eye, it enveloped everyone.

Everyone was calm when they saw this scene, and they were not too panicked.

Although he had not used [Life and Death], Mu Rufeng's strength attribute had reached 883.9 points.

He had previously used [Potential Explosion], which increased all attributes by 20%, and had already exceeded 1,000.

[Strength]: 1060.6

[Spirit]: 938.4

[Constitution]: 935.5

And once his strength exceeded 1,000, he could use his own ghost cave.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng immediately used the ability of the ghost cave illusion.

All of a sudden, everyone fell into the illusion.

"Ah~~!" Suddenly, a scream rang out.


One after another, the reserve players screamed in fear.

Some people wanted to run, but because of the illusion, they just stood still.

Of course, there were also guys with strong psychological qualities, and they didn't even make a sound.

Looking at their appearance, they even fought strangely?

Mu Rufeng looked at Liu Yan, and he found that although Liu Yan's face was very pale and terrified, she didn't shout.

"It's worth training." Mu Rufeng looked at Liu Yan and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to pay attention to other people.

He was going to train some people, and now he could see which ones were worth training.

Time passed by minute by minute.

More and more people began to faint.

Their spirits couldn't bear it, but Mu Rufeng didn't lift it, so Mu Rufeng would remove the illusion after they fainted from fear.

Some people also woke up from their coma one after another, looked at the situation around them, and didn't dare to speak. They left the crowd in disgrace and stood behind Mu Rufeng.

As time goes by, fewer and fewer people can persist.

At this moment, there are only seven people left on the field.

Surprisingly, Liu Yan is one of them.

Among them, there are two contractors, which can be ignored.

The remaining four people are three men and one woman.

The three men are obviously military men, with a tough aura that makes people look sideways.

There is another person who is particularly strong, two meters tall and extremely strong.

Yes, this two-meter-tall little giant is a woman.

Originally, Mu Rufeng thought it was a man, but after careful observation, he found that this burly man was actually a woman.

"Xiao Zhao, where did that woman come from?" Mu Rufeng asked.

The player named Xiao Zhao hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Captain Mu, her name is Pang Li, and she seems to have been transferred from the military district. In terms of physique, she is quite gifted."

"It's a good seedling." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"You kid, you are already a player, but you are not as good as those reserve players. In the future, you will double your training and theoretical training."

"And you guys, too." Mu Rufeng said to the eliminated players.

"Yes, Captain Mu." The players did not dare to refute and could only respond.

Although these players were ordinary people before, for their own lives, strengthening training will only benefit them and not harm them.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and began to check the information of those people.


After another ten minutes, only the burly female man was left on the field.

Mu Rufeng immediately withdrew the ghost.

Suddenly, the female man regained his sight, and his eyes were extremely vigilant, but when he saw the surroundings clearly, he relaxed a little.

"Everyone, gather and line up!" Mu Rufeng shouted again.

After a while, the line-up was over.

"Personally, I am not very satisfied with this training."

"You still need to strengthen your training, especially the basic theory training. However, I am very satisfied with a few of them, and even the contractors are not as good as them." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

When he said this, the two contractors lowered their heads, a little embarrassed.

"Pang Li, Liu Yan, Wang Zhendao, Chen Erdao, Lei Dahu, step out!"

Soon, the five people walked to the front of the team.

"You five are very good, especially Pang Li." Mu Rufeng's eyes swept over the five people one by one, and then said slowly.

The five people heard this, although they did not speak, but the expressions on their faces had betrayed them.

"I am a person who clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments. Those who are eliminated in the top ten will have two more hours of training today. The five players will double the amount of training in the future."

"You two contractors will also have two more hours of training today." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Captain Mu." These people did not dare to refute and responded in succession.

"What makes me happy is that no one wet their pants at last." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Have you five eaten the attribute fruit?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes (no)!" The five people said immediately.

Liu Yan, Pang Li and Lei Dahu did not eat it, but the other two did.

Liu Yan joined too recently, and Pang Li and Lei Dahu came after the last batch of attribute fruit was used up, so they have not eaten the level 1 attribute fruit yet.

The reserve players who joined before have already eaten the level 1 attribute fruit.

When the next batch of attribute fruits arrive, they should be available to these preparatory players.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out five sets of second-level attribute fruits and threw three sets of first-level attribute fruits to them.

"Eat it. The first-level and second-level attribute fruits will be counted as rewards for the five of you."

"Thank you, Captain Mu." Liu Yan and the other two were suddenly surprised and thanked Mu Rufeng.

"Let me explain here, every month, I will assess once or twice. As long as they stick to the top five, I will reward them with attribute fruits."

Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Captain Mu!"

At first, everyone was a little disappointed, but when they heard Mu Rufeng's words, there were 1-2 assessments every month, and there were rewards, everyone became excited.

Although some of these people have already eaten the first-level fruit, no one has eaten the second-level fruit yet.

The two contractors had eaten it, and it was Mu Rufeng who gave it to them.

"Another point is that the theoretical exam must also be conducted at the same time. If you fail, the reward will be cancelled."

"Physical training is important, but theoretical knowledge of dungeons is even more important."

"You five will stay, and the rest will disperse and continue training." Mu Rufeng said.

When he finished speaking, those people immediately dispersed and went to training.

Those players went directly towards the mental training room.

The two contractors didn't have the shame to stay here and ran to the corner to practice their abilities.

"Eat the attribute fruit first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Captain Mu."

The five people immediately stuffed the attribute fruit into their mouths.

After a while, they clearly felt the enhancement of their attributes.

"Go run around the training ground twice and get familiar with the strength."

The five of them were very obedient and went running directly.

A few minutes later, all five people ran two laps. The fastest was Pang Li and the slowest was Liu Yan.

"The physical fitness of the five of you has reached the standard, and the mental stress tolerance has also reached the standard, so I want to ask you a question."

Mu Rufeng said this, paused, glanced around the faces of several people, and continued: "You guys, do you want to enter the dungeon now?"

When the five people heard the words, they did not respond immediately, or in other words, they did not know how to answer.

Liu Yan said: "Team Mu, even if we want to go in, we can only enter randomly."

"Answer my question." Mu Rufeng ignored Liu Yan and continued to ask.

"Think!" Pang Li was the first to answer.

"I think so too." Liu Yan responded and nodded.

"I think!" The other three people nodded immediately.

These preparatory players not only undergo high-intensity physical training every day, but also receive a large amount of theoretical knowledge training.

Coupled with Mu Rufeng's assessment just now, it can be said that their chances of surviving in the dungeon are much higher than ordinary people.

Even Liu Yan had just joined not long ago, but before she applied for the exam, she crazily crammed in relevant knowledge, and only then did she reach the tenth place in the written exam.

When the state revealed the news about the strange world on October 1st, it also released a large number of copies of information related to the strange world.

People across the country are also encouraged to check and learn this information.

In fact, all schools across the country will add a new subject, which is to prepare for the future.

"Very good, then I will satisfy you." Mu Rufeng said, taking out five login bracelets from the inventory.

Although the login bracelet is considered a prop, because it is made in the real world, all five of them can see the existence of the login bracelet.

When they held it in their hands, after seeing this attribute, their expressions changed.

"I believe you have also seen its properties. This is a login bracelet that can only be owned by third-level contractors."

"Not only can ordinary people be qualified to enter the dungeon world, but it can also ensure that you return to the real world in times of crisis."

"I believe you also know how important it is. This is something I give to you privately."

"This is in the outside world. I don't know how much it will cost, but I believe that even if it sells for one billion, there will be a lot of people who want it." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

When the five people heard this, they were extremely excited. Obviously, they did not expect that Mu Rufeng would come up with such a prop.

"Put it on and bind your identity information." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Captain Mu." The five people responded and immediately put it on their hands.

"Team Mu, after I bound, a prompt appeared in my mind asking me to enter the dungeon now." Liu Yan exclaimed.

"Me too." Lei Dahu said.

"Me too." Several other people said one after another.

"Don't worry, you go take a shower now, then make a phone call with your family, and finally come to my office to find me." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes." The five people responded and then left the training ground.

And Mu Rufeng also walked slowly towards her office.

There are many reserve players in the branch now, but there are too few contractors. There seem to be only eight people in total.

In addition, sometimes contractors will enter the dungeon. Whether they can come back is another question.

The manpower can be said to be seriously insufficient.

And Mu Rufeng now has no shortage of login bracelets. These people are good prospects, so they naturally need to be cultivated.

Otherwise, how could Mu Rufeng be free?

He just needed to command his subordinates to do things. He didn't want to do everything himself and be exhausted every day.

Of course, it was just to prepare for the future.

Mu Rufeng returned to his office.

Before he could even sit down, Cheng Youlin pushed the door and walked in.

"Hey, Director Cheng, you don't have anything else to tell me? I haven't even sat down yet." Mu Rufeng looked at Cheng Youlin and said.

"I can't help it. I was supposed to go, but there was an emergency meeting and I had to go to the headquarters."

"I'm afraid this meeting won't be over for a while, so I can only trouble you to make a trip. And it's nothing big, just go and see Shen Yu." Cheng Youlin said.

"Shen Yu? What's wrong with him? Calculating the time, he should be level three, right?" Mu Rufeng said with some doubts.

Shen Yu is the reserve player seen in the second copy, that is, on the bloody train.

On the bloody train with another Xue Fan.

However, Xue Fan died in the subsequent dungeon, while Shen Yu successfully contracted the strange and became a contractor in the third dungeon.

"Well, he entered a dungeon last week, and on the third day, he returned. He failed to pass the level, and his hands were gone. He was in a low mood." Cheng Youlin said.

"Both hands are gone? What's going on? The login bracelet should only erase one arm, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"His left hand was lost in the dungeon, and his right hand was erased by the login bracelet. Now he has no hands. Although the login bracelet can be worn on the foot."

"But he has no hands, even if he enters the dungeon. He thinks so himself. He hasn't come to the branch for three days."

"Anyway, I have applied for the login bracelet for him. Please bring it to him later for me to visit."

As he said, Cheng Youlin took out a login bracelet and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

"Okay, I'll go there later. Where does he live?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"He lives in Yuejiangge Community, Unit 1, Building 5, No. 2007."

"Well, then you go to the meeting."

"I'll leave it to you. I'll leave first."

Mu Rufeng looked at the login bracelet in his hand and smiled slightly in his heart.

"It's just right. I can see if the [Organ Limb Flesh Growth Device] can be used for the erased limbs."

Mu Rufeng originally wanted to find someone to try it out, and was thinking of asking Zhou Bu.

It just so happens that Shen Yu can be used as this test subject.

I really don't know whether Shen Yu is lucky or unlucky.

But no matter what, the arm that Shen Yu lost in the copy must be recoverable.

"Shen Yu is a good subordinate. It's not bad to bribe him with some low-level props and let him work hard." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

"Knock, knock!"

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The door was pushed open, Pang Li lowered his head slightly, and then entered the office.

"Sit down first, and wait until everyone is gathered." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Captain Mu."

Pang Li immediately walked to the sofa and sat aside.

It must be said that Pang Li is really tall. Mu Rufeng felt like a child when he stood in front of Pang Li.

It was the first time he saw such a tall woman, and he was really ashamed of himself.

"Xiao Pang, have you been so tall since you were a child?" Mu Rufeng asked when he saw that the scene was a bit cold.

"Yes, Captain Mu, I have been strong and powerful since I was a child. My parents, my grandparents, and my brother are also very strong." Pang Li said.

"That's really genetic, haha." Mu Rufeng said with a big laugh.

"Actually, I want to be a housewife, but I feel like I can't get married." Pang Li said with a wry smile.

"Housewife? No, no, no, with your talent, being a housewife is really wronged for you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Captain Mu, when I came here just now, I saw your video. Can I have the same power as you?" Pang Li suddenly said.

"Video?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

"It's the video of putting out a fire. Your news is going viral all over the Internet now." Pang Li said.

"Oh, I see, Xiao Pang, I believe you can do it." Mu Rufeng encouraged.

"Thank you, Captain Mu." Pang Li nodded repeatedly.

"Report!" At this time, Lei Dahu, Chen Erdao and Wang Zhendao stood at the door.

"Come in, have you seen Liu Yan?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Report to Captain Mu, I haven't seen her."

"Well, then you sit down first and wait for Liu Yan to come."

Five minutes later, Liu Yan finally came.

"Report, sorry, Captain Mu, I'm late." Liu Yan came in and apologized quickly.

"It's okay, sit down, close the door." Mu Rufeng pointed to the sofa and said.

"Yes, Captain Mu." Liu Yan responded quickly, then closed the office door and immediately sat on the sofa.

"Now, you can choose to enter the dungeon. You should have ten minutes to prepare." Mu Rufeng said.

The five people were shocked. Although they had been prepared, they were still a little panicked when they had to face it directly.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but looked at them quietly.

Soon, the five people gritted their teeth and chose to enter the dungeon directly.

Soon, their respective copy prompts appeared in their minds.

"Team Mu, I entered a copy called the Horror Dormitory."

"Captain Mu, mine is a terrorist construction site." Pang Li said.

The other three people also revealed their copy information.

The three of them are [Fuyun Funeral Home] [Singing in the Sewer] [Mountain Cabin]

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, then searched for a software on the computer, and then sent all the copy information to them.

"You are lucky. They all have existing copies and have strategies. You can take a look."

"One more thing, I've prepared a prop for the five of you."

With that said, Mu Rufeng took out five level three electric batons.

"This is an electric baton. It can instantly paralyze weird things of level three and below."

"Remember, if it is just to paralyze, it can be used multiple times. If you use an electric baton to electrocute weird people, you can electrocute several more at level one, two at most at level two, and you can only paralyze but cannot electrocute them at level three." Rufeng reminded.

"Props?" When the five people heard this, their faces showed joy.

They have also been exposed to a lot of information about dungeons, so they naturally know the importance of props.

Unexpectedly, Mu Rufeng not only gave them login bracelets and attribute fruits, but also gave them such powerful offensive props.

"Thank you, Captain Mu!" Everyone thanked them quickly.

"Liu Yan, your physical fitness is barely up to standard, and your combat effectiveness is not at all, so I will give you one more item."

Mu Rufeng said, took out another prop and placed it in front of Liu Yan.

"Thank you, Captain Mu." Liu Yan also knew how dangerous the next copy was, so she did not refuse.

"Midnight dormitory, the most important thing is not to make any sound. This item can make the target or yourself temporarily unable to make any sound."

"Although it is relatively useless, it is very useful in your copy."

"I am very optimistic about the five of you. If you want to repay me, then successfully pass the level and become an official player, and even become an official contractor in the next copy." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Captain Mu, we will definitely live up to our trust!"

"Go ahead, there should be space in the safe room on the third floor below. By the way, remember to report to the person in charge." Mu Rufeng said.

"I got it, Captain Mu."

The five people then left the office.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time and found that it was already eleven o'clock.

Just in time, you can go and see Shen Yu now.

"Ah, I almost forgot, I need to call Li Yaocun."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Yaocun's number.

"Oh, Brother Feng, you are finally out. I have been waiting for a long time." As soon as the call was connected, Li Yaocun's voice came.

"You kid has successfully passed the level and reached level 3, right?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Of course, you don't even know who I am."

"By the way, it just so happens that you are back. Let's have a dinner together tonight to celebrate my promotion to level three." Li Yaocun said.

"Okay, at your house?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No, let's go eat outside. The weather is getting a bit cold. How about having a hot pot?"

"No problem. You can find your location and send it to me after you decide. Remember to call Brother Qiang and the others," Mu Rufeng said.


Mu Ru hung up the phone, then went downstairs and drove the van towards Yuejiangge Community.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Rufeng parked the car and took the elevator to the first floor.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng looked at the number of buildings one by one.

There were quite a lot of people in the community, people were coming and going, and Mu Rufeng even saw familiar people and said hello to Mu Rufeng.

"Xiao Mu, have you found a girlfriend? I have a few good girls in my hands recently. Do you want to ask them out to have a look?"

Zhao Dayong's mother took Mu Rufeng's arm and said enthusiastically.

"Auntie, auntie, I still have something to do, let's talk about it next time, next time."

After breaking free from the pull of Zhao Dayong's mother, Mu Rufeng found Unit 1 of Building 5 within a short while.

Taking the elevator all the way to the 20th floor.

"Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!"

Mu Rufeng stood in front of the door and rang the doorbell.

Soon, there was a little movement inside.

Not long after, the door opened, and a woman with a haggard face came into view.

He is not very old, probably around 25 or 26 years old. He looks relatively delicate and very attractive.

"You are." The woman didn't know Mu Rufeng.

"Hello, is this Chen Yu's home?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, are you his colleague?" The woman nodded.

"Well, I'm his colleague Mu Rufeng, come to see him." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, my name is Wang Hui, Shen Yu's wife. He is in a bad mood right now and may not want to see you." Wang Hui said with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, just ask and tell me I'm here." Mu Rufeng did not enter directly, but asked Wang Hui to go over and inform him of his arrival.

"Please come in and sit on the sofa for a while. I'll go talk to Shen Yu."

Wang Hui welcomed Mu Rufeng in, and then went to look for Shen Yu in the room.

After a while, Shen Yu came out.

"Brother Mu, you're here." Shen Yu looked even more haggard than Wang Hui, and he had lost a lot of weight.

When he saw Mu Rufeng, he forced a smile, but it was awkward no matter how he looked at him.

"Shen Yu, it's been a while since we last met, and you look so haggard all of a sudden." Mu Rufeng looked at Shen Yu and said.

"Alas, I'm like this now." Shen Yu shook his empty long sleeves, and did not continue to talk, but sat on the sofa.

"Drink tea." At this time, Wang Hui brought two cups of hot tea and placed them on the table.

It's November now, and the weather is starting to get cooler.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him.

"Ah Hui, Xiaohua should be out of school soon, go pick her up, and buy some more vegetables by the way." Shen Yu said.

"Okay, I'll go now." Wang Hui nodded, and without saying anything, she took her bag and car keys and left.

"Can you tell me what copy you went to last time?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Shen Yu was silent for a while, but finally said it.

Shen Yu's last copy was a new copy called [University Canteen].

He was a canteen staff member in it, responsible for serving food to students.

It was going very smoothly, but he was cheated by a contractor, and then he was punished by the canteen supervisor and lost an arm.

Of course, he could return directly, but that would also mean losing an arm.

So, he gritted his teeth and endured it. Fortunately, he was a contractor, and it was not a big deal to lose an arm.

Unfortunately, he was unlucky later and was cheated by the contractor again, and a bucket of soup was overturned.

If you overturn a bucket of soup, you have to pay ten times the compensation. If you don't have money to pay, you have to pay with your body.

Shen Yu didn't have that much money to pay, and he had already lost an arm. If he lost it again this time, he wouldn't even be able to work in the canteen.

Shen Yu had no choice but to activate the login bracelet and return directly.

After returning, he also thought about revenge. After reporting the matter, he did not find out the identity of the contractor.

Obviously, the contractor who cheated him was a casual person, and it was possible that he was an illegal resident.

Of course, it is also possible that some props were used to change his appearance. As for the name, it is probably fake.

Shen Yu, who lost his arms, began to become depressed.

Because in this state, he will definitely die in the dungeon next month.

Many dungeons require you to play a position, and all the positions require hands to complete.

And he, who has no hands, is not suitable for more than 90% of the jobs, so he is definitely dead in the dungeon.

In this case, how can he not be depressed.

He also thought about buying some limb props, but as soon as the login bracelet came out, this type of props became popular.

In the national prop library, more than 90% of the limb props have been exchanged.

The remaining 10% is either too expensive or not applicable.

Some people say that you can ask the contracted ghost in your body to help.

Yes, some contracted ghosts will help you, but most of them will not.

Once the contract is signed, as long as the contractor dies, the contracted ghost will also die.

Once a contractor really wants to commit suicide, the contracted ghost will not just watch.

If the contractor fails to provide flesh and blood to the contract ghost according to the contract, the contract ghost can also devour the flesh and blood of the contractor.

Once the violation occurs multiple times, when the contractor is eaten up, the contract ghost will occupy the contractor's body.

Of course, in this case, the contract cannot be terminated.

At the same time, this contract ghost cannot go to the real world, and cannot make a contract with other contractors.

"Then you are so lucky." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Lucky? Brother Mu, stop joking." Shen Yu's face became even uglier after hearing this.

"I came here today not just to see you, but also to do an experiment." Mu Rufeng said, taking out the rule-type prop.

"Let's take a look."

Shen Yu looked at the props on the table and didn't know how to start for a while.

"Sorry, I forgot that you don't have hands. Otherwise, you can use your feet to see the properties?" Mu Rufeng said.


Shen Yu was silent, and finally did not use his feet, but leaned over and touched the prop with his forehead.

After reading the properties of this item, the whole person became extremely surprised.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, this item it it it." Shen Yu was extremely excited.

"But, Brother Mu, I don't have soul notes, and this one will cost a lot of soul notes." Shen Yu thought of this, and his excitement calmed down a little.

"I have soul notes, don't you know about the slaughterhouse?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah, yes, Brother Mu, I will definitely pay you back this money later." Shen Yu became excited again.

As for Mu Rufeng's affairs, Shen Yu actually couldn't know.

But the strange thing is that Shen Yu was also a player at the time, working behind Zhou Wen.

Even the positions of the slaughterhouse, Shen Yu was involved.

So Shen Yu knew about the transaction with the Scarlet Optimization of the Weird World, that is, he didn't know how much money he could make, but Mu Rufeng must have made a lot of money.

"First grow the arm you lost in the copy, and see how much soul notes it will cost."

Mu Rufeng said, took the machine and pressed it on Shen Yu's left shoulder.

Soon, a price was displayed on the screen of the machine: 10,000 yuan.

"Not bad, only 10,000 yuan." Mu Rufeng immediately took out 10,000 yuan and stuffed it into the cash inlet.

"Bear with it, there may be some strange feelings." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yeah." Shen Yu nodded in response.

A special force emerged from the machine and was then injected into the body.

The next moment, a snow-white bone was growing rapidly at the broken arm of his left shoulder.

And around the bone, some blood vessels, muscles, etc. began to grow rapidly.

In just over ten seconds, a complete arm grew out.

Shen Yu immediately waved his arm and felt extremely powerful, without any obstruction or discomfort.

"Great, it really works. I feel that my arm is much stronger than my previous arm." Shen Yu looked at the snow-white arm with surprise.

"Your hand is so tender. Compared with your skin, it's just like Snow White and the African giant Khan, haha." Mu Rufeng looked at it and laughed.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Mu." Shen Yu was full of energy, and there was no trace of the decadent feeling before.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. There is still an arm. I don't know if the arm that was erased can grow out. Turn around."

Mu Rufeng motioned him to turn sideways.

Shen Yu nodded repeatedly, then turned around and pointed his right shoulder at Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng immediately pressed the prop on Shen Yu's right shoulder.

"Hey, it really works. Compared with ordinary ones, the price has doubled tenfold." Mu Rufeng exclaimed.

The amount of soul notes this time is 100,000. For Mu Rufeng, it is naturally nothing, but compared to other people, 100,000 soul notes is a sky-high price.

"One hundred thousand? Well, Brother Mu, I think we should forget it. Anyway, I have grown another arm and can wear the login bracelet. I can have some confidence in the next dungeon." Shen Yu said in a low voice.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but directly took out 100,000 soul notes and stuffed them into the cash inlet.

Just like before, in more than ten seconds, Shen Yu's arm grew back.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Mu, Brother Mu, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would be like in the future."

"Wow, thank you, thank you..." Shen Yu looked at his snow-white hands, and his emotions could not be controlled for a while, and he choked up.

"What does it look like for a grown man to cry? Here, rebind it, don't make mistakes in the next dungeon."

Mu Rufeng took out the login bracelet.

"Login bracelet? Thank you, thank you Brother Mu, I will definitely repay your kindness in the future, and I will also work hard to return your soul notes."

"In the future, as long as you have any instructions, I will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation." Shen Yu was very serious when he spoke, and it was obvious that he was really grateful to Mu Rufeng.

"This login bracelet was applied for by Chengbu, I just came to give it to you."

"As for going through fire and water, it's not that serious. Now I have recovered. I should be able to go to work officially tomorrow, right?"

"I was still thinking about being lazy. Without you working, I can't be lazy." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Brother Mu, I can go to work in the afternoon, no need to wait until tomorrow." Shen Yu patted his chest and said.

"Then there is no need to be so anxious. I think your family members are not in a good mood these days. You can accompany them in the afternoon." Mu Rufeng said.

Shen Yu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then nodded and said, "Yes, I have been too depressed these days, and my wife and daughter have been affected."

"Alas, I think they must be very worried about me, I am really damned." At this point, Shen Yu slapped himself.

"This is unavoidable. You have lost both hands. Your family is basically just concerned about you in the next copy."

"Take a leave for the children in the afternoon and go to the Window of the World to play." Mu Rufeng said.

Shen Yu nodded in agreement.

To be honest, when he thinks of what he has done these days, he is really ashamed and blames himself.

"By the way, why did the contractor who cheated you do this?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"It should be a problem of work positions. We both chose the position of serving food, but only one person can do it."

"We played rock-paper-scissors, I won, he lost, and went to the kitchen to help." Shen Yu thought about it and said.

"You still have to be more careful in the future. No matter what, you have to be more careful."

"Brother Mu, I will definitely pay attention in the future." Shen Yu nodded.


About ten minutes later, there was a noise outside the door.

"My wife and daughter are back."

Shen Yu, who was chatting with Mu Rufeng, stood up immediately and walked towards the door.

Before Wang Hui turned the door lock, she saw Shen Yu open the door.

"Husband, why did you come to open the door?" Wang Hui looked at Shen Yu with a smile on his face and was a little surprised for a moment.

She couldn't figure it out. In just over twenty minutes, her husband went from being depressed to a person with a smile on his face?

"Dad, are you okay?" Xiaohua poked her head out from behind Wang Hui and looked at Shen Yu.

"Yes, Xiaohua, Dad is okay, come to Dad to hold you." Shen Yu said, and directly picked up Xiaohua.

"Pah!" The dish in Wang Hui's hand fell to the ground.

"Ah, husband, your hand"

Wang Hui covered her mouth and looked at Shen Yu in disbelief.

"Come in first." Shen Yu said with a smile, without any explanation, and walked to the living room with Xiaohua in his arms.

"Dad, dad, your hand, how did your hand grow?" Xiaohua also exclaimed.

At this time, Wang Hui closed the door and walked in with the dishes.

She put the dishes on the dining table, and then came directly to Shen Yu's side, and put her hands directly on Shen Yu's arms.

Suddenly, Wang Hui and Xiaohua kept pinching Shen Yu's hands, and exclaimed from time to time.

"Husband, your hands are so tender, whiter and tenderer than mine."

"Dad, how did your hands grow?"

"Okay, don't touch it, there are guests here."

"I still have to thank Brother Mu for my hand growing out." Shen Yu had a happy smile on his face, and then looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Brother Mu, thank you, thank you." Wang Hui looked at Mu Rufeng with a grateful look.

"Thank you, uncle, thank you, uncle." Xiaohua also thanked Mu Rufeng.

"You're welcome. By the way, sister-in-law, what do you want to eat for lunch today? I'm a little hungry." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, Hui, go cook."

"I bought beef, ribs, elbows, a fish and a roast duck. I'll cook now."

Wang Hui hurriedly took the things to the kitchen.

"Dad, put me down, I'll help mom." Xiaohua said hurriedly.

"Okay, okay, go." Shen Yu immediately put his daughter down.

"Is your daughter in elementary school? How old is she this year?" Mu Rufeng said as he looked at Xiaohua's back as she left.

"Yes, she's in elementary school, and she's seven years old this year."

"No, I remember you seem to be one year older than me. If your daughter is seven years old this year, then she must be eighteen..."

"Well, cough, I'm young and ignorant." Shen Yu said with a dry cough and a bit embarrassed.

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