I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 237 Entering the copy: Clone Factory

After lunch, Mu Rufeng left Shen Yu's house.

He was not full, so he went back home again, ate a meal with a gourmet tablecloth, and then drove to the headquarters of the relevant department.

Since his props are useful for erasing limbs, Mu Rufeng will naturally go to Zhou Bu to talk about it.

If any contractor in the department loses an arm, he can come to him to have his arm grow again.

As for the money, Mu Rufeng naturally can't pay it himself.

However, most contractors should not be able to pay this money.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and decided to lend it to those contractors, write an IOU, calculate it according to the bank's interest rate, and then pay it in monthly installments.

Mu Rufeng's soul notes are already too much to use. In this way, he will not lose money, and at the same time he can also gain a large number of favors from contractors who are at least LV3.

At first, there may not be many people, but after waiting, with the precipitation of time, Mu Rufeng feels that a large number of high-level contractors will owe him money and favors in the future.


When Mu Rufeng arrived at the headquarters, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

He came at the right time, as the meeting at the headquarters had just ended.

The group was walking towards the cafeteria and ran into Mu Rufeng.

"Xiao Mu, why are you here? Didn't you go to Shen Yu's place?" Cheng Youlin was a little surprised to see Mu Rufeng appear here.

"I went there, I just came from him, I have something to do with Zhou Bu." Mu Rufeng said.

"You have something to do with me, what is it? You guys go eat first, I'll talk to Xiao Mu." Zhou Wen said to the people in the meeting.

Those people nodded, and then went to the cafeteria to eat.

Cheng Youlin and Qu Lianhong didn't leave, but came over.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"It's like this, the copy I entered this time."

Just when he said this, Mu Rufeng was suddenly stuck. Yes, the content of the Golden City cannot be told to outsiders, even in the real world.

Even the three words "Golden City" cannot be said.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Wen looked at Mu Rufeng and asked in a strange way.

"The copy I entered this time is protected by rules, and I can't tell the outside world about any information related to this copy." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? There is such a copy?" Zhou Wen was slightly surprised when he heard it.

"Really? Do copies that cannot be explained exist?"

"If there is another way to tell the information?"

Qu Lianhong and Cheng Youlin also said immediately.

"I tried it, whether it was handwritten or in other ways, I couldn't tell it. You see, as long as I typed, my phone would freeze." Mu Rufeng said.

"Since it can't be explained, don't say it. Just report the situation of this copy information that can't be told." Zhou Wen said after a moment of silence.

"Besides this, is there anything else?" Zhou Wen asked again.

"Yes, this is the most important thing."

"I got a rule-based item in the last dungeon, take a look."

Mu Rufeng said as he took out the [Organ Limb Flesh Growth Device] and showed it to the three of them.

The three of them immediately reached out and pressed it. After checking the properties, they looked at Mu Rufeng with surprise.

"Wait, Xiao Mu, you went to Shen Yu's house before, did you restore his arm?" Cheng Youlin remembered something and said hurriedly.

"Yes, and it's two arms, even the arm that was erased by the login bracelet has been restored." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? Are you sure?" Zhou Wen couldn't keep calm this time.

If this item works, then as long as there are enough login bracelets, it means that no high-level contractors will die in the dungeon.

"Yes, I'm sure. If you don't believe it, you can ask Shen Yu to come over."

"Or, is there a contractor with a broken limb at the headquarters? I can just test it on the spot." Mu Rufeng said.

"We don't have one yet, but Zhou Liulong from the Yongcheng Daoxian branch lost an arm in the last dungeon."

"I applied for a login bracelet a few days ago, but he arrived at noon. He is now in the lounge, waiting to get the login bracelet." Zhou Wen said.

"Zhou Liulong? Okay, let's go find him now." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Immediately, the group went straight to the lounge.

On the way, Zhou Wen asked again: "I saw from the attributes that this requires soul notes. How much is the amount of soul notes?"

Mu Rufeng heard this and said bluntly: "I restored Shen Yu's left arm for 10,000 soul notes."

"Ten thousand, that's not too expensive, it's acceptable." Zhou Wen nodded.

"The right arm is the one that was wiped out by the login bracelet. It's ten times more expensive, and it costs 100,000 soul notes." Mu Rufeng said again.

"One hundred thousand? That's no use. How many people can have so many soul notes? Is RMB okay?" Cheng Youlin was also scared away by the 100,000.

"Rule-based props, do you think it's okay? But 100,000 is really expensive." Qu Lianhong said.

"Don't worry about that. They don't have money, but I do. I will lend it to them personally. Just write me an IOU." Mu Rufeng said.

"You invest? Oh, yes, I forgot, you are a big dog owner who earns 20,000 a day." Cheng Youlin nodded repeatedly.

"Big dog owner? Minister Cheng, next time you break your hand, don't come to me." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Hey, hey, hey, Brother Feng, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"It's not impossible to do this. In this way, those people will owe you a big favor." Zhou Wen also said with a smile.

When he heard that Mu Rufeng was investing himself, Zhou Wen was relieved.

Because if he had such a thing, he could also ask Mu Rufeng for money.

In this way, it can be said that he doesn't have to worry about dying in the copy.

As the director of the Changsha headquarters, he can use the login bracelet at any time, almost unlimited.

With Mu Rufeng's rule props that can make arms grow, there is really no need to worry about safety issues.

Soon the four came to Zhou Liulong's rest room.

Cheng Youlin knocked on the door, and soon the door opened.

"Mu Rufeng? Zhou Bu? Why are you here?" Zhou Liulong only knew Zhou Wen and Mu Rufeng, but Cheng Youlin and Qu Lianhong didn't know each other.

"Can we go in and talk?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course, please come in, please come in." Zhou Liulong immediately welcomed everyone in.

"Brother Long, did you lose this hand in the last copy?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes." Zhou Liulong nodded.

"Can I ask what the reason is?"

Zhou Liulong was silent for a while, and then said: "In order to contract a weird, I encountered danger, so I activated the login bracelet to return."

"Contract a weird? Did the contract succeed?"

"The contract succeeded, my strength has also become stronger, and it's no big deal to lose an arm." Zhou Liulong said here, with a smile on his face.

Obviously, the weird ability of this contract must be very good, otherwise it would not be worth it for Zhou Liulong to exchange an arm for this contract opportunity.

"Then I have to congratulate you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Congratulations, anyway, I lost an arm." Zhou Liulong said.

"That's not necessarily true." Mu Rufeng took out the prop with a smile.

Then, he directly told Zhou Liulong his intention.

"Really? This item can make my hand grow?" Zhou Liulong said, stretching out his hand to touch the item.

After checking the properties, Zhou Liulong's face became a little excited.

"You don't have to worry about the money. I can help you. Just write me a promissory note." Mu Rufeng said.

"How much money do you need? I still have some soul notes in my hand." Zhou Liulong said.

"The broken arm of an ordinary third-level contractor costs 10,000, but the erased arm costs 100,000." Mu Rufeng said.

"Sorry to bother Captain Mu, I will write you a promissory note." Without any hesitation, Zhou Liulong directly chose to borrow money.

Just kidding, this is 100,000 yuan, and he only has more than 30,000 soul notes in his hand. How can he take out 100,000?

"Xiaohong, ask someone to prepare a contract. Xiaomu, show us the effect of this item first." Zhou Wen ordered.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to prepare it." Qu Lianhong immediately took out his mobile phone, made a call, and explained the matter.

"Then let's get started, Brother Long." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, I'll record a video." Zhou Wen suddenly thought of something and immediately took out his phone and pointed it at them.

Mu Rufeng and Zhou Liulong didn't say anything. For Mu Rufeng, it would be best if the relevant departments across the country knew about this matter, so that his interests could be maximized.

Soon, the white and tender arm grew out under the gaze of everyone.

Zhou Liulong was very excited.

He grabbed Mu Rufeng's hand and thanked him repeatedly.

Soon, someone delivered the contract, and Zhou Liulong naturally signed his name immediately, and said that he owed Mu Rufeng a favor.

The soul banknotes would also be paid back as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Zhou Liulong got the login bracelet and hurriedly left the headquarters and rushed to Daozhou.

His job was not easy, and it would take a long time to go back, so he couldn't delay.

Zhou Wen looked at Mu Rufeng and asked, "Xiao Mu, are you going to accept everyone who comes to you for help?"

Mu Rufeng heard this and said, "It's not that I will accept everyone. I will definitely not help free of charge. People from our relevant departments will be given priority."

"As for the contractors of the group company, it's not impossible."

"Anyway, you can do it yourself. I estimate that in a few days, you will have a lot of people looking for you." Zhou Wen said.

"Look for it, anyway, just treat it as a job." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Mu Rufeng left the headquarters.


In the evening, Mu Rufeng came to a shopping mall according to the location sent by Li Yaocun.

Originally, Mu Rufeng thought he had found a delicious hot pot restaurant, but he didn't expect it to be Haili Lao Hot Pot.

To be honest, the taste of Haili Lao Hot Pot is no different from other hot pot restaurants. The main feature is that it is expensive.

As for the service, although it is very good, it feels a bit over-serviced.

But since it was someone else's treat, Mu Rufeng didn't say anything.

Fortunately, Li Yaocun booked a private room, otherwise it would be inconvenient to eat and chat in the hall.

Mu Rufeng was the last to arrive, and everyone else was already in place.

"I say, Brother Cun, I haven't seen you for so many days, you look so stylish."

Mu Rufeng looked Li Yaocun up and down, and it's no wonder that this guy has a lot of props on him.

First of all, the bandage on his forehead is a piece of equipment.

Then there's the tie around his neck and even the socks on his feet.

Of course, because Mu Rufeng is a contractor, he can naturally see it, but ordinary people like Zou Qiang cannot.

"Hey, aren't those the soul coins you gave me? I bought them in the copy, just to make up the amount." Li Yaocun laughed.

"Brother Feng, stop standing and sit down quickly. I'll ask the waiter to serve the food." Long Meijuan asked Mu Rufeng to sit down.

"Sister-in-law, if you count the time, it should be five or six months ago, right? Forget about eating hot pot, why do you still prepare such spicy ingredients?"

"I said, Brother Cun, don't you pay attention?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Hey, she just wants to eat something spicy. I can't stop her. She wants to eat hot pot too." Li Yaocun sighed.

"It's okay to eat less. There are a lot of fruits here. I'll eat more fruits, and this is a mandarin duck pot." Long Meijuan said with a smile.

Soon, all the dishes were served, and there was a table full of them. There were also five small carts next to them, all filled with dishes.

"Brother Cun, if you order so much, we can't finish it." Lin Fuding said.

"Yes, it's too much. Is this enough to feed a dozen people?" Huang Mei agreed.

"That's not necessarily true. They are all contractors, so they should eat more?" Zou Qiang said.

"It's just a drizzle. I guess it's not enough for our captain Mu, right?" Li Yaocun looked at Mu Rufeng with a smile.

"Ah, by the way, speaking of which, I saw that fire-fighting video today. Is that you, Brother Feng?" Zou Qiang slapped his head and said quickly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately turned to Mu Rufeng.

"It was me. The situation was urgent. If I had been slower, those trapped people would have choked to death from the smoke." Mu Rufeng took a sip of juice and said.

"It is indeed Brother Feng. Brother Feng, you are so handsome. You are covered in thunder and fire, and you can also fly."

"Not only can it fly, but it can also control flames. I also saw that the entire warehouse was frozen. It was like a combination of ice and fire."

"It's so awesome, it makes me want to enter the dungeon world."

"Brother Cun asked us to have dinner together a few days ago to show off his abilities, and today Brother Feng showed off his abilities again. I'm really envious."

Zou Qiang and others on the side kept complimenting him.

"Brother Qiang, Mr. Lin and sister-in-law, how have you considered what I told you last time?" Mu Rufeng asked Zou Qiang and the others at this time.

"I agree. I've wanted to talk to you for a long time, but I couldn't get through to you on the phone. I'm just waiting for your words." Zou Qiang was the first to respond.

"Huang Mei and I also thought about it, and Huang Mei and I agreed." Lin Fuding and his girlfriend looked at each other and said.

"Okay, the situation will get worse and worse in the future, so I'm very happy that you can agree."

"But one thing I want to make clear is that I specially recruited you to enter the relevant departments. In other words, it is through the back door."

"Although no one will say anything, they will squeeze you out intentionally or unintentionally."

"So, I will not expose our relationship. At the same time, you have to work harder on physical training, basic theoretical training and mental training."

"Brother Qiang, I won't say much more. The salary will definitely be better than your current job."

"Mr. Lin, your current income is 60,000 to 70,000 yuan a month. Are you sure you want to join the relevant department?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Money and other things are not important. You also said that in another year, a strange world will come. Even if we have money, we are afraid that we will lose our lives to spend it."

"Besides, I sold the agent in my area, which made a lot of money." Lin Fuding said.

"It's not a year, it's almost only ten months." Li Yaocun said.

"Okay, you train hard, it's just right, you can take advantage of these attributes."

Mu Rufeng said and took out several sets of attribute fruits from level one to level three.

Li Yaocun has eaten the first level, but has not eaten the second and third levels.

After Mu Rufeng explained it to them, they all became extremely excited.

Soon they were all stuffed into their stomachs.

"Fuck, I'm so strong. I feel like I've become so powerful." Zou Qiang stood up, waved his fist and said excitedly.

"Lin Fuding, look, I can actually pick this up." Huang Mei came to the corner of the box and picked up a larger green plant with both hands.

The green plant and the soil in the porcelain basin weighed at least sixty or seventy pounds, but Huang Mei picked it up easily.

"Okay, okay, stop showing off and eat first. I think you are also hungry, right?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

As soon as they talked about eating, they heard the growling sounds coming from the stomachs of Zou Qiang and others.

As their strength increased, so did their consumption. It was already dinner time, but now they were even hungrier.

"You train first and follow along. When it's almost done, I will arrange for you to enter the dungeon directly."

"And this, remember, stay close to you. If you are suddenly selected, I won't be able to be by your side."

"Once you enter, the contents of this small bag will be your biggest help to survive." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Brother Feng." After Zou Qiang and others took the small purses, they thanked Mu Rufeng.

"Let's eat first, I'm hungry too." Mu Rufeng immediately asked everyone to start eating.


Soon, a month passed.

It's December 4th, half past five in the afternoon.

During this month, Mu Rufeng really didn't take a day off.

He stayed in the office day after day to receive contractors from all over the world.

Of course, all of them became disabled due to various reasons. Among them, the highest contractor Mu Rufeng had seen was a sixth-level contractor, who asked him for a full million soul notes.

Even some wealthy people or ordinary people who were not ordinary people, who became disabled for some reason, came here after getting the news.

Mu Rufeng never refused this.

What made Mu Rufeng speechless the most was that some people with disabled third legs ruthlessly cut off their own legs and then came to Mu Rufeng for treatment.

Not to mention, after they grew back, their functions were extremely complete.

This time, it was like stirring up a hornet's nest. The most people who came were not contractors, but these guys.

Mu Rufeng almost vomited when he saw Jill.

In the end, Mu Rufeng chose a compromise method. As long as the contractor came to him, Mu Rufeng would come himself.

If it were an ordinary person, they would just put the soul notes into the props in advance, and then let the staff of the branch use it.

"Thank you, thank you, Captain Mu." A level 4 contractor took Mu Rufeng's hand, his face full of excitement.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and said, "Brother Liu, work hard and strive to reach level 5."

"Don't worry, I will definitely reach level 5 next time, otherwise I would have already cleared that little devil." Brother Liu said viciously.

"Then I won't bother you. If you have anything, call me and I will definitely help. I will also return the soul notes to you as soon as possible." Brother Liu said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded and watched Brother Liu leave.

"There are more than two hours left. Eat a meal and take a shower. It's almost time." Mu Rufeng turned off the computer and walked out of the room.

Mu Rufeng came to the lobby on the first floor and was about to go to the cafeteria when he suddenly heard a huge quarrel outside the door.

Mu Rufeng also heard his own name and frowned slightly.

Now they have moved to the new Wancheng branch.

It is bigger than before, with higher floors, more complete facilities, and more eye-catching location, completely exposed to the public.

However, it is precisely because of this that there are always many people who will inquire at the headquarters of the relevant departments, or want to find a job.

Mu Rufeng came to the door immediately.

It was not some people arguing with the guards, but a group of strong men in black clothes wearing suits.

And there seemed to be a leader, but the leader was a young man with a weak step and a rebellious face.

This is a second generation whose body has been hollowed out by alcohol and sex.

"I warn you again, retreat immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

The guard at the door grabbed the gun with both hands and stared at the young man.

He didn't point the gun at them, but at the ground.

"You dare to stop me? Let me go quickly, otherwise..."

"What else are you going to do?" Mu Rufeng interrupted coldly.

"Captain Mu!" The guards saluted Mu Rufeng as soon as they saw him coming.

"Are you Captain Mu? Hello, hello, I'm Xue Zhengyuan." When the young man saw Mu Rufeng coming, his expression instantly changed from his previous arrogance to a flattering look.

"Xue Zhengyuan? I don't know you. What are you doing here?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Well, Captain Mu, I came to ask you to help me recover my limbs. I had something to do today, so I came a little late and missed it."

"I heard that you were going to enter the dungeon today, so I was a little anxious and had a conflict with a few brothers."

"I'm sorry, I was too anxious. It was my fault before. I apologize here."

Xue Zhengyuan's attitude was extremely sincere, and the speed of his face change made the three guards look at each other in bewilderment.

"I see that you have all your limbs intact. Is there anything you need to recover?" Mu Rufeng saw that this guy knew that he was going to enter the dungeon today, and it seemed that he was really powerful.

"Well, my kidneys need to recover." Xue Zhengyuan paused, and then said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, just looked at Xue Zhengyuan quietly.

"That. Captain Mu, not only the waist, but also my little brother." Xue Zhengyuan gritted his teeth and said.

"Is your family rich?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"Quite wealthy." Xue Zhengyuan said.

"Okay, then you donate 100 million to the Hope Project in Changsha, and I will restore you after the donation." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I will donate now, Xiao Wang, and transfer 200 million to the Hope Project." Xue Zhengyuan said.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng immediately looked up to Xue Zhengyuan.

In any case, being able to donate an extra 100 million also made Mu Rufeng look up to him.

"Okay, young master." A man in a suit with glasses immediately took out a computer and operated it.

"Young master, the money has been transferred." The man in the suit said.

At the same time, a text message was sent to Mu Rufeng's mobile phone.

Mu Rufeng opened it and saw that it was a message automatically sent by the Hope Project that 200 million had been credited. .

This is because Mu Rufeng has communicated with the Hope Project specifically. As long as there is a large amount of money in the Changsha area, a text message will be sent to him in real time.

No other reason, because when Mu Rufeng treats these ordinary people, he does not charge money, but asks them to deposit the money into the Hope Project.

In order to know in real time, Mu Rufeng did this.

"Got it, now go to the ambulance for surgery." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Captain Mu, I'll go right away." Xue Zhengyuan nodded excitedly, and then walked towards the ambulance parked nearby.

"Xiao Tang, come here." Mu Rufeng shouted to Xiao Tang who was watching the excitement from behind.

"Captain Mu, what's the matter?" Xiao Tang immediately trotted over.

"Go, follow him to treat him, and come to the cafeteria to find me after the treatment." Mu Rufeng threw the props to Xiao Tang, and then turned and walked towards the cafeteria.

"Okay, Captain Mu." Xiao Tang, an ordinary player, nodded repeatedly, and then took the props and got on the ambulance.

In the ambulance, a doctor and two nurses were already in place.

When Xue Zhengyuan lay down and anesthetized, a terrifying scene appeared.

The doctor just scratched his object with a pinch, and a bunch of objects fell on the iron plate.

This was not over yet, the doctor scratched another important place and directly took out the two objects inside.

Wow, this doctor's operation is really fast and accurate.

"Mr. Tang, you can start."

The man in a suit and glasses beside him also shrank his legs unconsciously when watching this scene, but he still reminded him professionally.

Xiao Tang didn't feel anything. After all, he had seen too much, because he was the one who received ordinary people.

Then Xiao Tang pressed the prop on his body.

Soon, his stump grew out quickly.


At 19:02 in the evening.

Mu Rufeng sat quietly in the secret room, waiting for the arrival of the time copy.

[Copy information has been generated]

[Abstract: Clone Factory]

[Copy type: Multiplayer copy]

[Number of participants: 15 people]

[Please note, LV3 contractor Mu Rufeng, you will enter the clone factory copy in ten minutes, please be prepared. ]

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