I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 238 Please choose your plug-in

"Clone Factory?"

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and started searching in the database.

Soon, Mu Rufeng frowned. He did not find any information about the clone factory copy in the database. Obviously, this was a brand new copy.

Unable to find any information, Mu Rufeng could only wait quietly for the passage of time.

When the time came, Mu Rufeng lost consciousness and disappeared on the spot.


"Tick, tick, tick~~!"

In a daze, Mu Rufeng heard the sound of water drops.

There was a cool feeling on his head. Obviously, the water was dripping on his head.

"Where am I?" A question popped up in Mu Rufeng's mind.

Soon his memory was revived, and Mu Rufeng knew that he had entered the [Clone Factory] copy.

At this time, another drop of water fell on Mu Rufeng's head.

Mu Rufeng reached out and wiped his hair and found it wet.

At this time, Mu Rufeng found that there was someone standing in front of him, wearing very simple clothes, just a white loose robe.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to speak, he suddenly found that there seemed to be people standing all around.

He immediately looked around.

People, all people, standing at a short distance.

Their body shape, hairstyle, and clothes were exactly the same.

Mu Rufeng took a step, but suddenly found that his clothes had been changed at some point, and changed into clothes exactly the same as these people.

It was still in neutral, which made Mu Rufeng feel a little chilly.

Mu Rufeng ignored these, but came to the person next to him.

However, when Mu Rufeng saw the man's appearance clearly, he was stunned.

This person was none other than Mu Rufeng.

"Why do you look exactly like me?" Mu Rufeng's face changed slightly, and then he quickly checked other people.

However, no matter who was in front, behind, left, right, or farther away, they all looked exactly like Mu Rufeng.

Even when Mu Rufeng lifted her dress and checked the birthmark on a private part, it was exactly the same.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that it seemed to be a huge square warehouse, and she was in the middle.

It was at least a hundred meters away from the edge of the wall.

How many Mu Rufengs are there? There must be at least tens of thousands of Mu Rufengs, right?

"What is going on? Why are there so many of me?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused at the moment.

But soon he thought that this was a clone factory, so did that mean that all these 'Mu Rufengs' were clones?

Mu Rufeng pinched 'Mu Rufeng' and found that these people were exactly like real people, and their bodies were still warm.

You could even hear their heartbeats when you put your hands on their chests.

However, these 'Mu Rufengs' did not react to the outside world at all, but just stood there quietly.

Even if Mu Rufeng pinched them, these people did not react at all.

Mu Rufeng immediately checked his inventory, contract slot, and his own abilities.

When he found that his props were all in the inventory, and Xiaoying and the others were also staying in the contract slot, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as his strength was still there, there was nothing to worry about.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out the bandages, a set of clothes and the Qilin wand.

In just over ten seconds, Mu Rufeng was completely refreshed and distinguished from those clones.

He now wanted to figure out what was going on? Why were there so many clones of himself?

[Enter the copy: Clone Factory]

[Copy type: Multiplayer copy]

[Participants: 15 people]

[Main event: The Bohai branch of the clone factory supplies meat to four cities including Bohai City, Lanshan City, Heifeng City, and Qingtian City.

And you, as a spy secretly sent by Qingye Farm, a competitor of the clone factory]

[First stage clearance task: Please make sure that your true identity is not discovered by the employees of the clone factory]

[Please note that when the first stage clearance task fails, the entire dungeon will fail directly]

"I am actually a spy?" Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

What is going on this time? Mu Rufeng has become a spy sent by the competitor of the clone factory.

However, although there is already some clues, Mu Rufeng still doesn't know why there are so many clones of his own.

[The host has been detected to enter the dungeon, and the plug-in has been loaded successfully]

[Please select one of the following three plug-ins from the host]

[1. Transposition: It can be difficult to detect the position of any target in sight]

[2. Please ignore me: Say the four words "please ignore me", and everyone who hears this sentence will ignore your existence for ten minutes]

[3. Secret spy: Every hour, you will get a secret message]

Mu Rufeng stopped where he was.

How should I describe this time's cheats? They are not offensive, but auxiliary.

His current identity is a secret spy sent in. I guess the final mission should be to destroy this factory?

Then, the first cheat was directly PASSed.

The second cheat, please ignore me, is also a magical skill, but the duration is too short and the effect is not great.

And the third plug-in can get a secret message every hour.

You know, no matter where you are or what you do, the message is the most important.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng directly chose the third plug-in: secret spy.

After choosing the plug-in, Mu Rufeng walked towards the gate in the distance.

At this moment, the gate in the distance suddenly vibrated.

He knew that someone was coming in, and Mu Rufeng thought of the first stage of the task.

Mu Rufeng reacted very quickly and immediately returned to where he was standing before.

Then he put away all the things on his body, and took out the white clothes and put them on again.

In addition, he also restrained his breath and maintained a steady breathing and heartbeat.

Now he is exactly the same as the clones around him, and no one can detect it.

"Tick!" Another drop of water fell on Mu Ru's head.

Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something, looked at his feet, and found that they were wet, obviously the water stains that fell from above when Mu Rufeng left just now.

Immediately, a cluster of flames appeared under Mu Rufeng's feet, which quickly dried the water stains. At the same time, he took out some water and poured it on his head.

In this way, Mu Rufeng was no different from when he just came in.

It was at this time that the door finally opened, and a staff member walked over quickly with a tablet in his hand.

The footsteps were a bit strange. Mu Rufeng heard that it sounded a bit like high heels, but it was a bit different.

Soon, the staff member walked in front of Mu Rufeng.

This was a strange woman, about two meters tall, with an extremely tall figure, and a pair of strong and milky white snow-white hair.

From this point of view, she was completely a woman who was a little tall, a little beautiful, and a little good in figure.

However, what was surprising was that there was a body behind this woman, and at the end of that body, there was a pair of thighs standing.

Good guy, isn't this a centaur?

However, except for the body shape, this is definitely a person.

There was no hair on her skin, and her clothes were cool, but she was covered in everything she should be covered in, and she was wearing high heels.

Sure enough, they were high heels, but it was weird to walk on four legs.

The centaur stood in front of Mu Rufeng, holding a tablet and swiping it continuously.

A fragrant smell entered Mu Rufeng's nose, making Mu Rufeng unable to resist.

I don't know what delicious food this centaur had eaten before coming here, which made Mu Rufeng's index finger move.

Suddenly, the centaur leaned down and used his own capital to directly hit Mu Rufeng's face, and then kept still.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, Mu Rufeng didn't dare to move rashly, but it was indeed unusual to wash his face with facial cleanser.

It even made Mu Rufeng a little excited, but he was no longer the same as before, and he directly suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

Even his heartbeat did not speed up at all, and it remained calm.


At this time, a drop of water dripped down.

It didn't drip on Mu Rufeng's head, but on the head of the centaur.

"Sure enough, it's leaking here, we need to fix it."

The facial cleanser slowly left Mu Rufeng's face.

Afterwards, the centaur operated on the tablet computer again, and then waited quietly in the same place.

"Tick-tock!" Another drop of water dripped down.

It seemed that the centaur felt a little bored, and suddenly stretched out his hand and stroked Mu Rufeng's head.

"Sure enough, it's all wet." The centaur immediately picked up Mu Rufeng and put him aside.

Just at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[You got a secret, please check it]

"Check it." Mu Rufeng immediately muttered.

[Damn Bud, you definitely can't imagine that you had diarrhea yesterday because I poisoned you, and you searched my dormitory? Would I tell you that the medicine bottle was hidden under the first brick on the left side of the dormitory entrance? 】

[Secret Owner: Centaur Girl Li Lina]

"So this Centaur girl is called Li Lina." Mu Rufeng muttered to himself.

Li Lina's strength is not that strong, only level 4, even the current Mu Rufeng can easily take her down.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't dare to move. If his true identity was discovered, he would fail to pass the level.

After a while, a spider robot the size of a puppy came over.

Then, Li Lina pointed upwards, and the spider robot immediately jumped high and jumped onto the top.

A burst of fire flashed and was accompanied by a sizzling sound.

Then, the spider robot jumped down from above.

Li Lina walked to the dripping water, then raised her head and waited for a while, but no water dripped down.

She nodded with satisfaction, then put Mu Rufeng back in place, and left with the spider robot.

After the door was closed again, Mu Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't dare to move at all.

Because the centaur girl could actually know that water was dripping from above, and then came to check and repair it.

Is this a surveillance? Or some other kind of sensing?

However, Mu Rufeng remembered that he had changed clothes and walked around without being noticed.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while, and shot a ghost energy towards a pipe on the roof fifty meters away.

The ghost energy was very weak, but it easily created a small crack in the pipe.

"Tick tock! Tick tock! Tick tock!"

Water started dripping over there too.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng stood quietly.

Although it is boring, there is no other way. This is the safest method.

Soon, nearly two hours passed.

At this time, the door opened again.

Several kobolds who were only half a man tall walked in and began to patrol among the crowd.

After walking around in a circle, these kobolds gathered at the leaking place.

Then they all left.

In less than ten minutes, the centaur girl came in again.

She came to the leaking area to check, and then called the spider robot to come over and repair it.

He was still muttering: "There's water leaking here. It's really strange. Could it be that the materials of the water pipes were cut corners?"

After the centaur girl left, Mu Rufeng could finally move automatically.

He immediately stretched his muscles and bones, and then quickly changed into his own equipment and clothes.

He now knows that there is no surveillance at all here.

Only the kobolds came to patrol, and in terms of time, I guess it was once every two hours.

As long as you come back within two hours, no problem.

Mu Rufeng immediately headed towards the door.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the door and walked around, only to find that the place was completely sealed.

It was naturally easy for him to go out, but it was simply unrealistic to go out quietly without being discovered.

Although these clones are unconscious and unable to respond to external things, they still have normal human organs and need oxygen and breathing.

So this must not be a closed space.

Mu Rufeng looked up at the pipe above.

Finally, above the roof, several vents were found.

Apparently it was this vent that provided enough oxygen to the clones.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to a vent, then jumped up with a slight jump, then reached out and grabbed the edge.

Then Mu Rufeng opened the barbed wire and went directly through the vent.

After getting in, there was a strong wind blowing from the side. This was the air blown in.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng restored the barbed wire fence.

Immediately, he crawled toward the inside along the ventilation duct. After crawling for a while, he encountered a fork in the road.

Mu Rufeng calculated the distance and found that he should have already left the place where he was.

Mu Rufeng immediately crawled towards the left side.

Unfortunately, this is a dead end. There is no road ahead. At the end, facing downwards, there is a barbed wire fence.

Mu Rufeng looked down through the barbed wire fence and saw that they were all clones.

However, unlike Mu Rufeng's, these clones are all women.

Mu Rufeng looked carefully to see if any of these clones could move, similar to contractors like him.

Unfortunately, Mu Rufeng stared at it for ten full minutes and found no clones moving, not even any vacant positions.

"Everyone here is a clone. Are there no contractors?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

The information on the copy said that fifteen people participated.

However, it is not surprising. After all, this factory looks very big at first glance. With so many factories, it is probably very scattered.

Of course, it is possible that not every contractor who enters the dungeon is pretending to be a clone.

Mu Rufeng immediately turned around and crawled towards the direction he came from.

Soon they came to the fork, and Mu Rufeng headed towards another road.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng saw another barbed wire fence.

Looking down, there are also densely packed clones.

What Mu Rufeng was more concerned about was that there was actually a person moving inside.

Mu Rufeng knew it, that person must be the contractor.

Mu Rufeng secretly glanced at the man's face and left quickly.

Although they are contractors of the same dungeon, it is better not to have any contact if possible. There are many people who deceive people, and Shen Yu is a good example.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the bandage and covered her whole body, leaving only a pair of eyes outside, and then continued walking forward.

He climbed very carefully without making the slightest sound.

In this way, Mu Rufeng kept moving forward in the vent.

From time to time, there were forks in the road, but Mu Rufeng chose to walk in a straight line and not take any forks.

More than ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng reached the end and climbed out of the pipe immediately.

He appeared on the roof of a building.

Mu Rufeng was very careful and looked towards the roof.

The roof was not small, but to Mu Rufeng's surprise, he found that the building seemed to be about five stories above the ground.

However, he clearly remembered that the distance he climbed up was more than thirty meters.

Therefore, the warehouse where the clones are stored is in the underground level.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the edge of the roof and looked around.

There is not only one such building, but there are at least more than twenty buildings.

Moreover, each building is far apart.

Farther away was a thick fog, obviously beyond the scope of the factory.

Just when Mu Rufeng was considering whether to go to another building to check the situation, suddenly there was some movement in the pipe.

Mu Rufeng saw this and immediately hid behind another ventilation duct.

It was dark all around and there was no light, so Mu Rufeng didn't have to worry about being discovered hiding here.

Soon, three people came out of the ventilation duct.

Two men and one woman.

They were not wearing the white dresses of clones, but Mu Rufeng guessed that these three people must have come out of the pile of clones.

"Finally crawled out, but I was suffocated."

"It's so dark here, I can't see the outside scene at all."

"It was night when I came in. In the weird world, shouldn't it be daytime now?"

The three people whispered a few times.

"Or, let's go down and see, there is a light downstairs."

"You are stupid, there is a light downstairs, there must be someone, if you are discovered, then you will fail to pass the level."

"Forget it, let's go back first, it seems to be just a rooftop here, I only have half an hour there, and the mechanical dog will come to check."

The woman said, and she was going back.

At this moment, a cold air suddenly hit the three of them, and they almost didn't react. Except for their heads, their whole bodies were frozen into lumps of ice.

Before the three of them could scream, the bandage flew over and covered their mouths directly.

"Shh~~ Don't talk, otherwise, I don't mind sending you to reincarnate in advance." Mu Rufeng said softly.

The three of them didn't dare to say anything now, and nodded repeatedly.

They could feel the strong killing intent from Mu Rufeng, and Mu Rufeng could definitely kill the three of them easily.

Even the contracted ghosts in their bodies were facing a great enemy.

"Name, level, who are you, tell me honestly." Mu Rufeng asked.

At this time, the bandage on the woman's mouth was untied.

The woman naturally reacted and whispered: "My name is Zhao Mai, and I am a third-level contractor of the relevant department of Zhuang City."

Mu Rufeng glanced at his arm, then blocked the bandage again and released the second man.

"I'm Sun Liancheng, a level 3 contractor, and I'm a lone man."

Then the third person spoke up: "I'm Qi Wei, a level 3 contractor of the Dahan Group."

"Tell me, what is the clearance mission for the three of you." Mu Rufeng said again, and at the same time took back the bandage.

The three people spoke tremblingly.

Mu Rufeng heard this and fell into deep thought.

They were also on the first stage of the mission, and they also didn't want to reveal their identities.

Obviously, everyone's mission was exactly the same.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng didn't stay here for too long, so he went back first and explored the factory office again.

"In three minutes, the ice layer on your body will melt, and you can also use your own ghost power to catalyze it. It should be about two minutes."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he went directly into the ventilation duct and disappeared.

"Is that also a contractor?"

"It must be, otherwise he wouldn't ask us about the clearance task."

"This contractor is so strong that he subdued the three of us in an instant. He must be at least a level 4 or even 5 contractor."

The three of them discussed in a low voice, and at the same time, they used their ghost power to try to melt the ice on their bodies.


Mu Rufeng kept walking back along the way he came.

After walking for about ten minutes, Mu Rufeng went directly to one of the branches, and then came to a wire mesh.

Mu Rufeng looked inside and saw a dark utility room.

Calculating the time, he had been out of the clone warehouse for half an hour, which means that there was still an hour and a half.

There was plenty of time, so Mu Rufeng carefully opened the wire mesh, and then entered the utility room, and restored the wire mesh by the way.

When Mu Rufeng pushed open the door, the small window on the door found that it was also dark outside, and there was no one at all.

Mu Rufeng, who could see at night, could see clearly that there was just an ordinary corridor outside.

Mu Rufeng moved instantly and came directly to the corridor.

Mu Rufeng looked to the right and found that there was a wall on the right, so he could only walk to the left.

He walked only more than ten meters and passed a corner.

At the corner, there was a faint light, and Mu Rufeng went to check carefully.

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