I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 239 The Horrifying Clone Slaughterhouse

Mu Rufeng poked his head out from the corner, and saw a glass on a wall more than ten meters away.

And the faint light was emitted from the glass.

After checking, it seemed that there was no monitoring or guard.

Mu Rufeng walked over immediately.

However, when Mu Rufeng saw the scene in the glass room, he was shocked, and then his scalp was numb.


Mu Rufeng breathed heavily and forced himself to suppress his emotions.

This glass room is simply a huge fully automated slaughterhouse.

This slaughterhouse is very large and also a huge high-rise.

Near the walls on all four sides, there are a total of eight huge spiral conveyor belts, which connect one conveyor port after another on the wall.

On these conveyor belts, there are hooks, and there is a person hanging on each hook.

These are clones wearing white robes.

There are men and women, old and young, densely packed here, and it is impossible to count how many clones there are.

This is not the point. The point is that above the ground, under each spiral conveyor belt, there is a whole production line of automatic slaughtering machines, cleaning areas, and incineration areas.

These clones are sent to the slaughtering machine like livestock.

Then they are directly torn apart by five horses, each part is cut accurately, and the bones are removed, and even the hair is plucked!

When the last process is completed, they enter a huge carriage.

When the carriage is full, the conveyor belt will transport it to another place, most likely to the warehouse on the first floor, and then wait for the employees who will go to work the next day to drive the truck to tow the carriage away.

Even though Mu Rufeng saw a lot of corpses and killed a lot of weird and even people.

But when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel numb.

"Are these all fresh blood and flesh supplied to major cities?" Mu Rufeng's face was extremely ugly at this moment.

Before, he saw a lot of this kind of food in the cafeteria of the first copy, Scarlet Optimization.

At first, Mu Rufeng thought they were all living players like Mu Rufeng.

But later he heard some weird complaints and conversations, and knew that they were actually clones.

The taste of clones is much worse, and there is a smell of mutton, but even so, it is better than other foods.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is cheap, and it can be said that there is almost no limit to the supply.

It is enough to prove how many clones this clone factory slaughters every day.

Although these are not real living people, they are just clones without any consciousness.

But he watched these clones who looked like ordinary people, even Mu Rufeng himself, being slaughtered like livestock, and each part was transported to another place, which made Mu Rufeng feel very absurd but very angry.

Moreover, this is just one building.

Mu Rufeng saw a full twenty buildings on the roof before.

It is hard to imagine how many are produced and slaughtered every day.

The most important thing is that this is just a branch factory.

How many clone factories are there in the whole weird world?

Ten? Hundred? Or a thousand?

Mu Rufeng can't manage so many factories, but since he met this factory here, if there is a chance, Mu Rufeng will definitely destroy it.

Just to say, this difficulty is definitely hell-level.

Because, this factory is not like those factories in the real world, where you can just destroy some equipment. You don’t even need to think about it. It is definitely a ninth-level group force.

In this way, Mu Rufeng can almost say that there is no way to destroy it.

“I just hope that the enemy force that sent me here aims to destroy this factory.” Mu Rufeng thought to himself.

“Da Da Da~~!”

Suddenly, the strange footsteps sounded again.

Mu Rufeng heard that it was the centaur girl, Li Lina.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng jumped directly to the top and stuck directly to the roof, and then hid quietly behind the huge pipe.

The height of this roof is also about four meters, and it is full of large and small pipes, which is very suitable for Mu Rufeng to hide his body.

After a while, Li Lina came over with a sexy ponytail.

Then disappeared around the corner.

"Strange, where are we going? There is no road over there except for a utility room." Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng quietly followed Li Lina.

Li Lina was completely unaware of this, and soon she came to the utility room.

Taking out a key and unlocking it, Li Lina pushed the door open directly, and then the door was closed again, and locked.

Mu Rufeng immediately fell from above, and then secretly looked inside through the small window.

Suddenly, there was light and some strange gear turning sounds coming from inside.

In the innermost part, a half-man-high hole cracked from the wall.

The centaur immediately knelt on the ground, and then slowly moved inside.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng thought for a while, and immediately used instant movement to enter the utility room.

Then, he appeared silently on the left side of the hole.

Now the centaur's head is facing inward, so naturally he can't find Mu Rufeng's existence.

After a while, Li Lina finally forced her butt into the hole.

Immediately, the hole began to close slowly.

"Da da da~~!"

Strange footsteps sounded again, and it was obvious that Li Lina had stood up and left the vicinity of the cave entrance.

When Mu Rufeng saw this, he immediately stretched his head to the entrance of the cave and looked inside.

Inside, there is a small space of about fifteen square meters. The walls inside are covered with pipes. It is obviously a pipe room, and then Li Lina discovered it and opened up this secret place.

There are also many things placed in it, such as maps, personnel relationship tables, work schedules, etc.

At this moment, two-thirds of the cave entrance has been closed.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Li Lina, who had her back turned to him, and counted the time again. There was still more than an hour, which was enough time.

He made a prompt decision and entered it with a teleportation.

Of course, in order to prevent accidents, Mu Rufeng took a screw from his feet and stuffed it into the hole before entering.

In this way, even if the hole is closed, there will still be a slight gap.

Through this slight gap, Mu Rufeng could see outside and teleport out again.

As for being afraid of being discovered by Li Lina? That's simply impossible.

Because there was a lot of debris around the hole, and the way Li Lina entered, it made sense to get a screw to block the hole.


After Mu Rufeng came in, she immediately jumped up and then hid behind the huge pipe again.

Through the gap, he began to check Li Lina's movements. At the same time, he also distractedly looked at the things attached to the walls or pipes.

There is a lot of information on it, such as the patrol time of the robot dog, the guard's shift time, and even the working hours of the employees.

In addition to these, there are also a series of positions such as factory director, deputy director, etc. with corresponding weirdness.

"So it seems that this Li Lina is also a spy? It is impossible that the next task is to contact the old spy who was lurking in the factory earlier, right?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of this in her heart.

"It's really disgusting clothes. I really don't know why the higher-ups require you to wear them like this."

Li Lina complained, then took off all the clothes on her upper body, and had a frank meeting.

Maybe it was because the restraints were too tight. After being pulled off, the basketball kept bouncing around and was so elastic.

This scene made Mu Rufeng's mouth twitch slightly.

Soon, Li Lina took out an old-fashioned flip phone from a table, and then with a few operations, she got an extra-long antenna, and then dialed a number.

In just a few seconds, the call was connected.

"Boss, have you sent the people in place?" Li Lina lowered her voice and said.

"Everyone has been dispatched and a total of fifteen people have been dispatched. There are five people in your building. Remember, I have arranged people in three buildings in total."

"In an hour and a half, when I take action, you will take action immediately, and the same goes for the people in the other two buildings." The boss said.

"Five people? There are enough people. However, are you sure they can contact me? It is absolutely impossible for me to take the initiative to find them." Li Lina said.

"Don't worry, I've already told them. If they can't find you, it's just bad luck."

"When the time comes, the bombs implanted in their bodies will explode directly and help you attract attention." The boss said.

"Well, I understand, then I'll hang up first." Li Lina breathed a sigh of relief, and then hung up the phone.

To be honest, Li Lina actually wanted to act alone rather than having five people help him.

Then let the five contractors explode directly, causing chaos. Coupled with the boss's actions, there will be even greater chaos. Only in this way can her actions be more convenient.

"A bomb implanted in the body?" Mu Rufeng's heart tightened.

He didn't expect that a bomb would be implanted in his body.

But how is this done? Could it be that it was during the time when he was in a coma?

However, this is impossible. If he is unconscious, then how come his items appear in his inventory?

Just when Mu Rufeng was puzzled, a notification sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Your identity has not been exposed, the first stage clearance task is completed, and the clearance completion rate is increased by 100%]

[Second stage clearance mission: Please find your joint boss, the centaur girl Li Lina, immediately. The sooner you find her, the higher your level of clearance will be. If it is not found within an hour and a half, the bomb in the body will explode directly]

"Fuck, is there really a bomb?" Mu Rufeng cursed inwardly.

He obviously didn't feel any changes in his body, so how could he be transplanted with a bomb?

Mu Rufeng circulated her ghost power and wandered around her body, but she did not notice any foreign objects in her body.

Suddenly, another notification sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[The second stage clearance mission is completed. Players find their boss Li Lina in a very short time and gain 500% clearance completion rate]

[The third phase clearance mission will start in one and a half hours]

"The third phase of the mission will be in an hour and a half. Isn't this the same time as the boss said?"

Mu Rufeng understood immediately that the third phase of the task was what Li Lina was going to do.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng used Potential Explosion, and then used [Life or Death] towards the centaur.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that it was ineffective against this centaur.

"What's going on? Is this centaur alive? Isn't it that weird?"

Mu Rufeng suddenly recalled that when she used facial cleanser, it seemed to be warm, without any cold feeling at all.

Immediately, he jumped down from above and sat firmly on the horse's waist.

Moreover, he took out the ninth-level prop: Xiuchun Dao, and put it directly on Li Lina's neck.

At the same time, his ghosts spread out instantly, directly covering the entire small secret room.

"Ah~~!" Li Lina was startled by the sudden attack and screamed immediately.

"Shut up and ask me to cut your head off again," Mu Rufeng scolded.

As if aware of the terror of Mu Rufeng's blade, Li Lina immediately shut her mouth and did not dare to speak again.

"Let me ask you, who is the boss who is talking to you?" Mu Rufeng said.

Li Lina's whole body was shocked and she didn't react for a while.

She couldn't figure out why someone would appear in her little secret room.

Someone from the factory? No, if he was from the factory, he would have been taken directly to the security office. It was impossible to ask questions here.

But if it’s not from the factory, then who is it? It can't be those contractors sent by the boss.

Are those contractors so powerful?

"Speak!" Mu Rufeng slapped the horse's butt with her left hand.


A crisp sound spread throughout the small secret room.

"Uh-huh!" Li Lina snorted suddenly, and her face suddenly turned red.

"Boss, boss, is the boss, I work for him." Li Lina replied.

"Please tell me the boss's name, strength, and identity clearly." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Yes, the boss's name is Niu Ben. He is the boss of Qingye Farm and a ninth-level ghost emperor." Li Lina said.

"Qingye Farm? Ninth-level ghost emperor?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly in her heart.

Unexpectedly, this boss is actually a ninth-level ghost emperor. It seems that the third phase of the mission will definitely be more risky.

"What is the purpose of your coming in?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"I don't know what it does specifically. The boss asked me to wait until there is a big mess to turn on the main valve," Li Lina said.

"Master valve switch? Turn that on for what?"

"have no idea."

"I don't know? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng slowly lowered the blade of Xiuchun Dao a little.

The sharp blade cut Li Lina's skin instantly.

"I don't know, I really don't know, I'm just a part-time worker, wuwuwu~~~!" Li Lina was so frightened that she sobbed.

"Are you really not aware or are you just pretending?" Mu Rufeng's voice became even colder.

"I really don't know. I'm a part-time worker, and I work for money. If I had known better, I wouldn't have rebelled for 100,000 yuan." Li Lina suddenly sobbed.

"Now, let's talk about the problem of the transplanted bomb in my body." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Ah? Bomb? Are you the contractor?" Li Lina suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, I really can't figure out how your boss transplanted the bomb into my body." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, sir, sir, I really don't know. I was just bribed by the boss, a poor man who is relatively short of money. I really don't know anything except his identity."

Li Lina really didn't expect that the person holding her hostage was actually a contractor, and he was also the contractor who assisted her in completing her plan.

It had only been a while before she had been found. No, it should be said that the contractor had been eyeing her from the beginning. This living person was too terrifying.

Mu Rufeng slowly put away the embroidered spring knife in her hand, then jumped off his back and said calmly: "Okay, now put on my clothes."

"Yes, yes, yes." Li Lina nodded, her face flushed, and she quickly put on the clothes she had taken off earlier.

"Now, go ahead and do whatever your boss asks you to do."

"Are you meeting here in an hour and a half?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, this place is very hidden and safe. Well, sir, do I want to find the other contractors?" Li Lina said softly.

"Well, let's find them all." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, I know the appearance of three of them. You go over there and hang out. As for the remaining one, it depends on his luck."

Mu Rufeng said, controlling the illusion and presenting the faces of the three people in front of Li Lina.

Li Lina was slightly surprised when she saw these faces. She didn't expect Mu Rufeng to have such ability.

"I understand. With their faces, it will be easy to find them." Li Lina nodded.

"Tell me about the situation in the factory and what obstacles we will encounter when we take action next." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Sir, we..."

Immediately, Li Lina started talking.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng nodded slowly, and then said: "You can leave."

When Mu Rufeng finished speaking, the whole person disappeared directly on the spot.

Li Lina looked at Mu Rufeng who had disappeared, and was slightly shocked that this person could actually leave directly from this secret room.

What kind of ability is this? It’s really too strong.

In fact, when Mu Rufeng disappeared, he just used the ability of illusion to shield it.

Mu Rufeng walked to the cave entrance at this moment, leaned down, and could see the scene outside through the gap.

Then, Mu Rufeng immediately used instant movement again, and then left the secret room directly and appeared in the utility room.

Without waiting for Li Lina to come out, Mu Rufeng quickly left the utility room through the ventilation duct. Of course, he also restored the wire mesh.

According to his memory of coming here, Mu Rufeng spent some time to return to his clone warehouse.

He opened the wire mesh of the ventilation duct, jumped out from it, and then pressed the wire mesh again.

Mu Rufeng returned to his initial position.

However, after thinking about it, Mu Rufeng moved himself to the corner of the edge and let it stand there.

Then Mu Rufeng stood on the empty space.

Mu Rufeng was not worried about being discovered. After all, the light inside was not very bright. Unless you have the ability to see in the dark like Mu Rufeng, you can't see clearly at all.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng restored his clone costume, and then waited here quietly out of boredom.

About half an hour later, the mechanical dog came to patrol again.


After forty minutes.

Mu Rufeng calculated the time, and there were only twenty minutes left in an hour and a half.

Immediately, he jumped onto the vent again.

He took a last look at the tens of thousands of himself, and still felt absurd.

Mu Rufeng really didn't know why this clone factory cloned so many of himself?

Where did they get Mu Rufeng's blood sample from?

Mu Rufeng couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it anymore.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng, fully armed, came to the utility room again.

This time, the entrance was closed, without a single gap, which prevented Mu Rufeng from entering again.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't need to enter, because Li Lina was probably inside now, and she would come out by herself when the time came.

Mu Rufeng hid in the dark and continued to wait.

Ten minutes later, the entrance to the secret room slowly opened, and the Centaur Li Lina came out first.

Then came the four contractors.

Three of them were naturally the ones who were frozen by Mu Rufeng on the roof, and there was one who surprised Mu Rufeng.

This was a female contractor, and Mu Rufeng had seen her clone, but he said that Mu Rufeng did not find anything unusual at the time.

It was obvious that Mu Rufeng was also kept in the dark at the time.

"Miss Lina, are we going to act now?" a contractor asked.

"No, stay here and wait." Li Lina said coldly.

"Sir, are you there?" Li Lina suddenly said.

As soon as this was said, the other four contractors were surprised.

"I'm here." Mu Rufeng's voice came from the darkness.

Everyone was startled, and then they saw Mu Rufeng coming out of the darkness.

"Ah, yes, it's you." A contractor exclaimed when he looked at Mu Rufeng, who was like a bandage monster.

The other two also found that Mu Rufeng was the one who froze them, and they were extremely surprised.

The last contractor was also surprised, because she didn't notice Mu Rufeng's existence at all.

"It's good that you are here, sir. The boss's appointment time is almost up." Li Lina said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then disappeared into the darkness again.

The contractors wanted to ask, but they didn't dare to ask in the end.

"Do you know that contractor?" At this time, Sun Guo came to the three contractors and asked in a low voice.

"I can't say I know him, but he is very powerful and subdued the three of us in an instant."

"Yes, he is very powerful. He didn't embarrass us at that time. He must be a principled person."

"Silence." Li Lina said coldly.

The contractors immediately shut their mouths after hearing this and dared not speak again.

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