I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 242 Stealing cloning technology

"Forget it, I'll just send you off."

Mu Rufeng waved the staff in his hand and released a fire explosion.

Suddenly, a huge fireball that almost occupied the corridor appeared, and then smashed into the clones in the distance with terrifying power.

The fireball did not explode immediately, but crushed the clones for a distance, and then hit the wall at a corner before exploding.

The terrifying flames instantly attacked both sides of the corner.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng lightly tapped the attacking flames, and the flames rolled back directly.

This scene made the power of that flame even more fierce.

After a long time, the flames gradually subsided, and no clones were seen in front, leaving only a ground of magma.

Moreover, the range of this magma is still very large, from the beginning to the corner.

There should be magma on the other side of the corner, but Mu Rufeng just can't see it.

[Explosion Fire Technique]: It can cast a huge fireball, which flies ten times faster, has strong penetration ability and explosive power. After the explosion, it will also generate a magma zone on the spot, causing burning damage to the enemy.

With this magma, Mu Rufeng believes that he can sit and watch the show.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out a chair, sat on it, took out a cup of milk tea, crossed his legs and looked forward.

After about a minute, a large number of clones ran out from the corner again and came towards Mu Rufeng.

However, this time it was different. There was no good meat on their bodies.

Especially the legs, all of which were burned by the high temperature and only charcoal was left.

But even so, they relied on their leg bones to run.

Once they fell, they would directly face the high temperature of the magma and be roasted into slag.

But even so, because there were too many clones, a clone carpet was formed, covering the magma, allowing the clones behind to come safely.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if this kind of plot appeared in a movie, it would definitely be a super science fiction blockbuster."

"It's a pity. They are all at level two and can't trigger [Become Stronger by Killing Monsters]." Mu Rufeng said with some regret.

Looking at the clones that had covered all the magma and were less than five meters away from him.

Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand again.

Suddenly, the fireball appeared again, directly clearing the clones in the entire corridor, and then hit the wall at the corner and exploded.

The terrifying flames attacked again, and Mu Rufeng was still the same as before.

When the flames were cross-legged, the magma on the ground became more viscous and deeper.

The wall at the corner that was hit twice by the explosive flame technique was directly burned, and the black soil outside could be seen directly.

The black soil also melted directly because of the terrifying high temperature, which expanded the range of the corner several times.

That's why Mu Rufeng can see more clones.

Of course, the range of the magma has also expanded.

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!"

A lot of sizzling sounds were heard, accompanied by the aroma of meat and the smell of burning.

The clones came again, one after another, filling the magma with their bodies.

However, this time, because the magma was deeper and the temperature was higher, more clones were needed to fill it.

However, the clones were still endless and attacked madly.

"It's okay to have a lot of clones, but why are there so many chips? Don't they cost money?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

Immediately, he pushed open the alloy door and said to Li Lina inside: "Miss Lina, is the cost of the chip in the clone's head high?"

When Li Lina heard Mu Rufeng's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The cost is not high. As far as I know, the cost of the chip produced by the factory itself seems to be only two soul notes."

"The factory's inventory should be no less than one million pieces, and if it is produced, it can produce 100,000 pieces every hour."

"You keep turning around." Mu Rufeng secretly smacked his lips, and then closed the alloy door again.

The cost is only two soul notes, there is no cost at all.

At the same time, in the clone production and slaughterhouse.

The eight huge spiral machines still maintain the previous state.

It's just that the slaughterhouse below has stopped working.

Instead, another assembly line has started.

On the huge spiral machine, a large number of mechanical arms suddenly appeared.

These mechanical arms directly cut open the clone's head and then inserted a chip.

After inserting it, the chip was instantly activated, and the clone opened his eyes and gained the ability to move.

The hook also fell off automatically, and the clone ran towards a place as soon as it landed.

You can see that these clones keep falling off the hook.

The densely packed clones all attacked in a certain direction.

And from the conveyor belts above those floors, there are still a steady stream of clones.

It's hard to imagine how many clones there are here! ! !

Half an hour passed in a flash.

Mu Rufeng was bored watching the clones being melted by the huge magma pool.

To be honest, he felt uncomfortable when he saw this scene before.

But after seeing it so many times, he became numb.

At this moment, a prompt sound suddenly appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[The third stage mission is completed, and the clearance rate increases by 500%. Because the player has accepted the fourth stage mission, he cannot return.]

[The fourth stage mission is open. Please go to the laboratory to obtain information related to cloning technology.]

"Hmm? The main valve is open?" Mu Rufeng stood up from the chair and immediately put the chair into the inventory.

Immediately, an explosive flame spell attacked the clone again, and then directly opened the alloy door and entered it.

"Done, Boss Mu." Qi Wei looked at Mu Rufeng and said hurriedly.

"Well, you should be able to return. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. I also need to complete the fourth stage mission." Mu Rufeng responded and said.

Everyone nodded when they heard it. They also knew that Mu Rufeng must have a fourth stage mission.

They, of course, did not have it, but being able to return was enough to make them happy.

Moreover, the third stage mission actually directly obtained 500%, plus the previous two stages obtained 100%.

In other words, this time their total clearance rate reached 700%.

What a concept, they have never achieved such a high dungeon clearance.

"Thank you, Brother Mu, if you have any problems in the future, you can come to me."

"Yes, yes, me too."

"Boss, I will definitely help!"

Several people said one after another, and then left a contact number for Mu Rufeng, and returned one by one.

It was not surprising that they knew Mu Rufeng's name, because when Mu Rufeng and Niu Ben talked before, Niu Ben called out his name.

He didn't care that these contractors knew Mu Rufeng's name.

"That. Mr. Mu, can you save me." Li Lina looked at Mu Rufeng pitifully.

This centaur is a traitor, and staying here will inevitably lead to death.

According to Niu Ben, when the eighth-level ghost king comes in to find information, he will rescue Li Lina by the way.

However, the eighth-level ghost king died before he could succeed, and now she can only rely on Mu Rufeng.

"Okay, follow me." Mu Rufeng said, and then walked out.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu." Li Lina thanked him gratefully, and then quickly followed Mu Rufeng's steps.

When Li Lina came outside and saw the terrifying magma and the clones who were still coming one after another, she froze in place.

In particular, it seemed that she saw a lot of Mu Rufeng's clones, which made Li Lina a little creepy.

"Every time I see my clones, I always feel weird. By the way, why are there so many of my clones?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, Mr. Mu, your clones are indeed more. As far as I know, your clones started to be produced seven days ago."

"There are ten warehouses full of your clones." Li Lina said cautiously.

"Ten warehouses? Seven days ago?" Mu Rufeng was slightly startled. He was still wondering what was going on with him, but he didn't expect Li Lina to know a little bit.

The most important thing is, seven days ago.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his phone and checked the date.

As expected, today is December 11th.

In other words, he was in a coma for seven days.

On the first day of Mu Rufeng's arrival, the clone factory got his flesh and blood, and then produced crazily.

"My brain is almost bald, alas, I don't want to think about it." Mu Rufeng sighed, too lazy to think about such complicated things.

"Let's go." Mu Rufeng immediately used the flame armor and flew forward.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, I'm all magma here, I can't fly."

Li Lina was shocked when she saw Mu Rufeng's image at the moment, and then reacted and shouted hurriedly.

"Oh, sorry, I almost forgot." Mu Rufeng in the air also reacted and flew back immediately.

Then, Mu Rufeng sat directly on Li Lina's back.

Before Li Lina could react, she saw the flame armor on Mu Rufeng's body quickly extended out, covering Li Lina together.

At this moment, Li Lina suddenly turned into a super fire horse wearing flame armor.

"Let's go." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Yes, Mr. Mu." Li Lina felt the power gushing out of her body and nodded quickly.

Then she saw Li Lina running.

What surprised her was that Li Lina actually ran directly in the air.

And as soon as her four legs landed, they could leave a trail of flaming footprints in the air.

This scene shocked Li Lina extremely.

After a while, Li Lina crossed the magma and came to the clones.

Without waiting for the clones to rush over, Li Lina opened her mouth and spit out a huge flame.

Wherever the flame passed, it instantly burned all the clones into ashes and cleared a large area.

Li Lina originally just wanted to release a sound wave to open a way.

But who would have thought that a large mouthful of flames would spurt out of her mouth.

The power of this flame shocked Li Lina a little.

"When did I become so powerful?" Li Lina now has ten thousand question marks in her heart.

But she soon realized that it was definitely Mu Rufeng who gave her the power of fire.

"Don't just stand there, go and produce at full power. You can't kill all these clones." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu." Li Lina nodded quickly.

Just at this moment, a violent roar sounded.

Then, the entire project began to vibrate violently.

"Boom boom!"

A series of roars exploded.

Cracks of varying degrees suddenly appeared on the surrounding walls.

Even the pipes above were damaged to varying degrees.

"Hurry up, it should be Boss Niu who suppressed this factory." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

Li Lina responded, and then turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into the passage where the clones were still pouring in.

These clones could not be stopped at all. Wherever Li Lina passed, the clones died.

Soon, Li Lina brought Mu Rufeng to the gate of a factory.

It was also in this huge gate that the clones continued to emerge.

After Li Lina entered the gate, she came to the huge production workshop and slaughterhouse.

This is also where Mu Rufeng saw through the glass in the corridor before.

Of course, it is now crazier than before.

The speed of these machines was at least five times faster than before, and the clones could be seen falling to the ground like dumplings.

Before, they were rushing outside, but now that Mu Rufeng, the target, appeared above, none of them ran away.

All gathered below Mu Rufeng, and each of them played a game of stacking people like the zombies in "World War Z".

There were also clones falling off the eight huge spiral machines, and then fell on top, rushing towards Mu Rufeng below.

Unfortunately, before they could touch Mu Rufeng, Li Lina directly carried Mu Rufeng to the top.

Floating below the top ceiling, no matter how hard these clones tried, they would never be able to attack them.

"Mr. Mu, what should we do now?" Li Lina asked.

"What should we do? Of course, we should break through the ceiling to go to the laboratory." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Break through the ceiling?" Li Lina looked unbelievable.

"Mr. Mu, this ceiling is made of special materials, even the eighth-level ghost king can hardly destroy it."

"Hehe." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and took out the clown's crazy chainsaw.

"Chainsaw?" Li Lina was slightly stunned when she saw Mu Rufeng take out a chainsaw.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, turned on the switch, and accompanied by the roar of the engine, Mu Rufeng directly hit the chainsaw on the hard ceiling above.

Mu Rufeng calculated the time, and the one-hour [Life and Death] was over in only ten minutes.

So, Mu Rufeng had to speed up.

Whether it was entering the laboratory to obtain cloning information or finding a weird in the laboratory to perform the [Life and Death] skill, it was all possible.

It seemed that Mu Rufeng's strength was strong now, and the chainsaw easily cut into it.

Mu Rufeng was afraid that the ceiling was very thick, so he directly stuffed all the saw blades into it.

Then he started to cut a hole directly.

The hole was not big, just the size of a circle of the chainsaw in place.

This saves time and effort.

When Mu Rufeng took out the electric saw, two fist-sized stones fell out.

Mu Rufeng looked inside through the hole, and then teleported directly to the laboratory with Li Lina.

He looked around the laboratory. No, it couldn't be considered a laboratory, it should be a dormitory.

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