I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 243: Got caught, weird rules and props [ask for guaranteed monthly pass]

However, there was no one in the dormitory at this moment, and the quilt was still a little messy. It was obvious that the strange person who was originally sleeping was suddenly awakened by the alarm and then left the room.

Mu Rufeng got off Li Lina's back and took off the flame armor on his body.

Mu Rufeng did not rush out, but looked at the wall.

There was a map of the laboratory hanging there.

Mu Rufeng looked carefully and wrote down the map directly.

The dormitory area only occupied a small part, and the dining area was on the left side of the dormitory area.

Then the rest of the departments were all laboratories, and the laboratories were also divided into multiple departments.

Mu Rufeng's eyes finally fell on the database.

Needless to say, cloning technology must be in this database.

"Let's go." Mu Rufeng immediately opened the door and walked out directly.

Centaur Li Lina followed closely.

As soon as he went out, Mu Rufeng quickly went to the dining area on the left.

According to the map, if you want to go to the laboratory, you must pass by the dining area.

Along the way, they did not find any weirdness.

Soon they came to the door of the laboratory.

The door of the laboratory was a glass door. Mu Rufeng could see many weirds inside looking at Mu Rufeng and Li Lina in shock.

Those weirds were all wearing the same uniform, and they were security personnel at a glance.

Different from the security guards on the tenth floor underground.

These security guards were all level five weirds, and there were two level six weirds, and the leader was even a level seven weird.

They couldn't figure out why Mu Rufeng appeared here from below.

But they couldn't figure it out. When Mu Rufeng and his friends came out of the dormitory, they were known by the security guards from the surveillance.

Then they gathered in front of the door as soon as possible.

"Not bad, really good." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction when he saw so many weirds.

First, it can refresh his own attributes.

Second, he can increase a wave of attributes.

"Mr. Mu, there is one level 7, two level 6 and ten level 5," Li Lina said with some fear.

She was just a small level 4 weirdo, and she was really afraid of so many powerful weirdos.

Not to mention, they were inside the branch, which could call on the power of the branch to increase their own strength by one level.

In other words, there were ten level 6 weirdos, two level 7 weirdos and one level 8 weirdos.

"This person is quite powerful, use all your strength just in case." The security supervisor gave the order.

In an instant, a large amount of power emerged from their bodies, and all of these security guards were upgraded by one level.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it at all, and walked up to the glass door, waved the magic wand in his hand, and hit it heavily.

"Hua La La ~ ~!"

A crisp sound rang out, and the extremely hard special glass was smashed by Mu Rufeng without any obstruction.

This scene startled the security weirdos inside.

But he soon calmed down, and the security director said, "Go."

The weirdos immediately took action after hearing this.

No one rushed forward, but each of them showed their magical powers.

A large number of long-range attacks rushed directly towards Mu Rufeng.

A halo of flame suddenly rose under Mu Rufeng's feet.

Then a layer of flame armor formed by the convergence of blue thunder and purple-red flames quickly covered Mu Rufeng's body.

Ring of Fire——

Evil Fire Sacrifice——

Flame Armor——

Power of Thunder and Fire——

Facing the attack, Mu Rufeng just waved the magic wand in his hand, and a row of tall unicorns rushed out instantly.

Before those attacks got close, they were directly smashed to pieces by the purple unicorns, and continued to pounce on those weirdos without slowing down.

The level 6 security guards were startled and quickly retreated.

But the level 8 ghost king took a step forward, his face solemn, and punched directly, sending out a terrifying fist wind.

Although this security supervisor had to summon his strength to defeat the eighth-level ghost king, his strength was definitely extremely powerful.

This punch actually destroyed one of his unicorns.

Fortunately, there were still nine unicorns left, which directly cleared out a bunch of small soldiers.

[Triggering successfully, killing the fifth-level weirdness, gaining physical fitness +0.3, ghost power +0.3%]

[Triggering successfully, killing the sixth-level weirdness, gaining spirit +0.4, ghost power +0.4%]

When the unicorn dissipated, the security team was left with only the eighth-level security supervisor and the seventh-level deputy supervisor.

It was also because the deputy supervisor reacted quickly and hid behind the supervisor to escape.

As for the other deputy supervisor, he was already killed by the unicorn.

"How could a third-level contractor like you have such strength?" The security supervisor was shocked.

"Not bad, you can actually stop one of my fire unicorns." Mu Rufeng raised his right hand after he finished speaking.

Seeing this, the security director took out a prop without any hesitation.

Mu Rufeng also saw it, so he immediately used the Explosion Flame Technique.

Before the security director could use the prop, the fireball of the Explosion Flame Technique arrived in an instant.

The security director was shocked and immediately crossed his hands, and a ghost power expanded and rose up.

However, at this moment, the security director seemed to be deflated, and the strength of the eighth-level ghost king instantly dropped to the seventh-level ghost general.

The security supervisor's face instantly became extremely ugly. He knew that he was dead.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The power of terrifying flames and explosions spread out.

[Triggered successfully, killed level 7 weirdos, strength +0.5, ghost power +0.5%]

At this moment, another notification sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[You are hit by a rule prop and will enter a random mini-game]

"What?" Mu Rufeng didn't react for a moment.

Then, Mu Rufeng lost consciousness.

When Mu Rufeng woke up, she realized that something seemed wrong with her.

"This is...in the water? No, how can I breathe in the water?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

"Where are my hands, where are my feet? What's behind my butt? Why can I control it to move?"

Mu Rufeng raised her eyebrows and discovered a terrifying thing.

He actually turned into another species. His current state is definitely not human.

【Welcome to the survival game of ‘Tadpole Looking for Mom’. 】

[Task: You have become a lost tadpole, please find your frog mother within the time limit. 】

[Task time limit: 1 hour]

[Please note: When the frog mother is within one meter of you, a radar arrow prompt will appear]

[Complete the mini-game and you will receive a mysterious reward]

[Please note that all your abilities will be banned and you will receive additional prompt abilities]

"What the hell, turned into a tadpole? So, the one behind the butt is a tail?" Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Also, why are all my abilities blocked? ? ?

[I advise you to flick your little tail quickly, because in five seconds, you will be locked by the water mantis and become its prey. 】

Seeing the prompt, Mu Rufeng's whole body was excited. Without hesitation, she immediately raised her tail and swam forward.

After a while, Mu Rufeng saw some green plants in front of them. They were so big that Mu Rufeng couldn't see them clearly and didn't know what they were.

"Huh? What's that in front? It's so big and looks familiar." Mu Rufeng suddenly saw something different among the green plants.

[A grass carp that only weighs one pound. Are you still looking at it? You were eaten by it in five seconds. 】

"Fuck!" Mu Rufeng still didn't know what this behemoth was.

This grass carp is really the natural enemy of tadpoles. As long as the grass carp rushes over and takes a sip, he will burp.

Mu Rufeng immediately swam to the left, her tail waving desperately.

However, it was too late, the grass carp had already discovered Mu Rufeng.

It swam out from the green vegetation, its fish eyes staring intently at Mu Rufeng who was still swimming.


I saw grass carp flying towards me at an extremely fast speed.

Mu Rufeng only felt a huge wave coming from behind, causing his body to drift with the wave involuntarily.

Mu Rufeng knew that the grass carp had already arrived. He was just a tadpole now. How could he compete with a fish?

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate, turned around and swam downward.

Sure enough, the next second, the grass carp flew past Mu Rufeng.

At the same time, it also caused a huge movement, and the rising water directly lifted Mu Rufeng away.

Mu Rufeng's heart suddenly sank.

He has been targeted by grass carp, and it is difficult to escape in this open place.

At this time, we can only find a place to hide before the grass carp comes.

Mu Rufeng suddenly focused on the huge green vegetation from before.

Just as she said, Mu Rufeng immediately swung her little head and tail and swam quickly towards the vegetation.

It seems that Mu Rufeng's physical fitness is relatively strong, and he managed to enter the vegetation when the grass carp swam towards him.

As soon as he arrived here, Mu Rufeng immediately crawled towards the narrow place.


A huge force hit from behind, and a large amount of vegetation was knocked away. Mu Rufeng was mixed in the vegetation and was also knocked away.

The grass carp did not slow down and actually crashed into the vegetation. It was obvious that it was unwilling to give up Mu Rufeng as food.

Mu Rufeng carefully hid under a groove of vegetation leaves, not daring to move at all.

"Damn grass carp, if you have a chance, you must eat it as much as you want, steam it, braise it, grill it, fry it, and leave no one behind." Mu Rufeng said through gritted teeth.

He, a powerful boss, actually got into this little survival game and turned into a tadpole?

"Little game, little game. It's over. I don't seem to be wearing the title of Game Terminator." Mu Rufeng felt a little annoyed. He really didn't expect that there was such a weird prop.

If he fails the survival challenge, will he die here?

Mu Rufeng really didn't dare to gamble, so she could only be more cautious.

However, it seems that he is physically very strong and can swim very fast, but he still cannot compare with that grass carp.

The grass carp was still running rampant in the vegetation at this moment, as if it wanted to force Mu Rufeng or other hidden 'food' out.

Mu Rufeng was almost knocked out of the hiding spot several times, but Mu Rufeng clung to the vegetation and was not knocked out.

After more than a minute, the grass carp seemed to have lost its strength and stopped not far away. It opened its mouth and spat out, as if it was waiting for something to happen.

Mu Rufeng's heart sank at this moment, and he didn't dare to move at all.

As long as he left the hiding place of this vegetation, he would be discovered by the grass carp 100%.

[An ordinary black algae, not only has a tadpole hiding here, but it seems that there is another small life on it that is avoiding natural enemies. ]

"Huh? Is there an insect hiding on it?" Mu Rufeng's eyes turned, and he immediately thought of a way.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng carefully followed the roots of the black algae and used the scattered leaves to cover him. He slowly swam up.

At the same time, he paid attention from time to time not to be discovered by the grass carp. Of course, he was more looking for the other life hiding.

[A water mantis avoiding natural enemies. If you go up again, it doesn't mind if there are grass carps watching from a distance and having a feast. ]

Mu Rufeng found a water mantis. It was not big, not even as big as Mu Rufeng, but it was very long, and its claws were many times bigger than Mu Rufeng's tadpole when they were opened.

Because of the color, it was clinging to the black algae, and if you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it at all.

The dead fish eyes of the grass carp definitely couldn't see it.

Mu Rufeng immediately leaned on the black algae tightly, and didn't dare to swim up any further.

If the water mantis found him, it would attack Mu Rufeng directly, and then he would definitely be discovered by the grass carp, and finally be killed.

"How can I let this guy be discovered by the grass carp?" Mu Rufeng began to think.

[An ordinary black algae, it seems to be about to break at the bottom. ]

Seeing the prompt, Mu Rufeng immediately had an idea.

Following the rhizome, Mu Rufeng slowly swam down. After a while, Mu Rufeng found the place that was about to break ten centimeters away from his previous hiding place.

The pond was very calm at this time, and the black algae was floating slightly in the water. Only one-third of the broken place was still connected.

Mu Rufeng looked at the surrounding environment and sighed.

The farthest vegetation was also thirty centimeters away. It was the grass carp that rushed around and broke all the nearby black algae, leaving only this one.

Mu Rufeng came here carefully, opened his mouth, and began to chew.

Although the bite force of the tadpole is very weak, very weak, and can be completely ignored.

However, Mu Rufeng is not an ordinary tadpole. In addition, he was about to break. After a few bites, the rhizome of the black algae broke directly, and the upper part immediately floated forward with the water flow.

Mu Rufeng reacted and immediately swam down and hid behind the black algae.

The water mantis seemed to know that the black algae was broken, but it did not move.

The grass carp in the distance found the broken black algae, but did not care. After all, there were many floating vegetation here.

When the black algae collided with another floating vegetation, the water mantis moved.

This movement was directly attracted by the grass carp.

Immediately, it swam over there with its tail swinging.

It was not sure whether it was wrong, but it would not be troublesome to take a look anyway.

When the grass carp swam halfway, the water mantis knew that something was wrong and immediately rushed towards the vegetation in the distance. It was very fast, faster than Mu Rufeng.

"Hua La La!" The grass carp found the target and immediately swung its tail quickly, speeding up suddenly, and crashed into the vegetation in the blink of an eye.

"Now." Mu Rufeng immediately swam in the opposite direction of them to the vegetation.

When Mu Rufeng fled into the vegetation, the other side was still turning upside down. It seemed that the destructive power of the grass carp in the pond was really unparalleled.

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