"No problem."

Niu Ben didn't hesitate, and waved his hand, and a large number of items were taken out and placed in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Fortunately, I have all of them on me, so I'll give them to you. As for milk, these are enough for you to drink for a year. When you finish, come to me for more." Niu Ben said.

Mu Rufeng saw the floating fruits and vegetables and a large bucket of milk in front of him, and he put them into the item column with a wave of his hand.

Then Mu Rufeng reported his bank card number, and immediately, two thousand W was directly credited to his account.

[Your card with the last number 3318, received 20,000,000.00 yuan at 06:33 on December 11, and the balance is 12.947 billion yuan]

"Brother Mu." Li Lina pulled the corner of Mu Rufeng's clothes and said in a low voice.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then said to Niu Ben: "Boss Niu, can you please send Miss Lina to Qingye Farm in Shugui City?"

"I have shares anyway, so it should be no problem to arrange a position for her, right?"

"No problem, of course no problem, the little girl has helped me a lot, I will give you another one million soul notes as a reward."

Niu Ben, who has obtained the cloning technology, is now very happy, and he directly transferred one million soul notes to Li Lina's bank card in an unusually generous manner.

"Ah~~ One million, one million, I'm rich, I'm rich, haha." Li Lina screamed excitedly.

"Go to the branch and work hard. Now, I'm your boss." Mu Rufeng patted Li Lina on the shoulder and said.

It's just that Li Lina is too tall, and Mu Rufeng can only pat her with his hand.

"Okay, Boss Mu, I will definitely work hard." Li Lina said seriously.

Immediately, after leaving a contact number with Li Lina, Mu Rufeng prepared to return.

Suddenly, he remembered something. He had a secret that he hadn't checked.

[Mu Rufeng is still a contractor. It seems that he is a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization. Humph, Scarlet Optimization will not have many good days. January 1st, tsk tsk tsk]

[Secret owner: Wan Yue, the general manager of the clone factory]

"???" Mu Rufeng immediately had a series of question marks in his mind.

"What's going on? Is Scarlet Optimization going to have trouble?"

Mu Rufeng immediately looked at Niu Ben and asked, "Boss Niu, do you know Scarlet Optimization?"

"Scarlet Optimization? Of course I know. It is the latest rising ninth-level group force. Its strength is growing day by day. It relies on the fresh blood and flesh of the real world to kill in the market." Niu Ben said with envy.

Although in terms of foundation, Scarlet Optimization is still not as good as their Qingye Farm, but they can't stand the large traffic and strong funds of others.

Sooner or later, they will surpass them.

However, they were too far away, and there was no branch of Qingye Farm in Qingshan City, and there was no business exchange, so they didn't have any ideas.

Mu Rufeng heard this and thought about it. It was obvious that Boss Niu knew nothing.

After a moment of silence, Mu Rufeng said: "Boss Niu, I am a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization. If you want to do business with Scarlet Optimization, I can help you."

"Oh? Really? You are a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization?" Niu Ben was slightly surprised.

"Haha, that's great." Niu Ben nodded repeatedly.

As a ninth-level group force, although it has branches in many cities.

But not every city can build it. If some local forces do not allow you to build it, you can't do anything.

It's impossible for you to directly summon the headquarters to suppress those forces? If that's the case, the local forces will definitely unite together.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the countdown to return, and there was only one minute left.

"Boss Niu, wait a minute. I'll call my subordinate and ask her to contact you."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he called Lilith directly.

There was no further chat, just a brief explanation, and then he left Boss Niu's contact information and hung up the phone.

"Boss Niu, Lilith is the director of the Scarlet Preferred Product Management Department. She will call you later to discuss cooperation with you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Lilith? Wait, your subordinate is Lilith?" Boss Niu immediately looked at Mu Rufeng with wide eyes.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Mu Rufeng looked at Boss Niu with some confusion.

"Ring, ring, ring~~!" Just at this moment, Boss Niu's phone rang.

When Boss Niu saw that it was a call from Qingshan City, he immediately understood and quickly answered it.

When he heard that it was Lilith on the other end, an excited smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Immediately waved to Mu Rufeng, and then quickly disappeared from the spot.

At this moment, there are only forty seconds left to return.

Mu Rufeng raced against time and called Xu He, the general manager of Scarlet Optimization.

After three rings, the call was connected.

"How come Mr. Mu has time to call me? Did you enter the dungeon again?" Xu He's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Xu, I will be back soon. Time is short. To make a long story short, someone will take action against Scarlet Optimization soon, and the specific time may be January 1st."

"I don't know the specific situation, but I got this news from Wan Yue, the general manager of the clone factory. This guy almost killed me."

"You must be careful and careful." Mu Rufeng said.

"January 1st? Clone factory and general manager Wan Yue? We have a very important event on the 1st."

"I know, Mr. Mu, your information is very important. I will be careful. If I don't know, they may catch me off guard."

"But now I know that someone will target me. Then I will have a good time with them." Xu He sneered.

"No matter what, it's better to be careful. It's better to get some familiar groups..."

Before Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he lost consciousness and the phone was hung up naturally.

Xu He looked at the hung up phone, thinking, and then prepared to hold an emergency meeting.

But then he thought that holding an emergency meeting at this time would inevitably alert the enemy. For such things, it is best if only a few people know about it unless it is necessary.

Immediately, Xu He called Xu Yin and asked him to come to the office directly.

After chatting with him for more than ten minutes, he called Lilith and talked with her again for a few minutes.

After sending the two away, a few hours later, Liu Dao came to the office with several documents and made a work report until an hour later before leaving.

When Mu Rufeng came back to his senses, he was already in a familiar secret room.

Mu Rufeng first took out his mobile phone and switched to the real world mode.

He glanced at it and saw that it was 18:36:11 on December 8.

“This harvest seems to be pretty good.” Mu Rufeng smiled.

However, the only thing that concerned him was the success of the Black Body Project of the Clone Factory and the secrets he learned from Wan Yue.

“Forget it, who cares, let those big guys worry about it.”

“Settlement of rewards.”

The most important thing now is the settlement of rewards.

[Congratulations to LV3 player Mu Rufeng for clearing the multiplayer dungeon: Clone Factory]

[Your level has been upgraded to LV4, inventory weight +2000 jin, contract slot +1]

[Player successfully completes the first stage task, clearance completion rate increases by 100%, player successfully completes the second stage task, clearance completion rate increases by 500%, player successfully completes the third stage task, clearance completion rate increases by 500%]

[Player successfully completes the fourth stage task, obtains 20% equity contract of Qingye Farm Branch in Shugui City, 10 million soul notes, several spiritual objects, and several milk]

[Total clearance rate is 1100%, obtains special props: mobile phone transformer, obtains one rule skill card, one mark card, and 1100 soul notes]

[The host has cleared the dungeon, the plug-in has been uninstalled, congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: Secret Spy]

[Cow King Milk]: Special spiritual object, all attributes +10 for the first time, take 500ml daily for ten consecutive days, all attributes +1.

[Mobile Phone Transformer]: Cutting-edge technology of mobile phone manufacturers

Effect: Special props, can transform any mobile phone, and the transformed mobile phone becomes a level 3-5 prop.

[Marking card]: Special props, can mark an item, and the marked item can be directly recycled within a thousand kilometers.

Note: The marked target can be changed at any time.

[Ability Copy Skill Card]

[Ability Copy]: Your ability is mine!

Effect: Rule-based skills, can copy any ability of the target, lasting for one minute, can only be used once a day.

[Secret Spy]: Every other day, you will get a secret message.

"A secret message a day?" Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, this is not bad.

As for the rule skill card, how to say it, if it is specified, it would be great, but unfortunately, it is random.

Now who doesn't have multiple abilities, who knows which ability will be randomly selected.

Mu Rufeng didn't use it, but put it in the inventory.

As for the marking card, it is a good prop.

Then, he took out the attribute spiritual objects given by Boss Niu Ben.

But soon, Mu Rufeng showed a disappointed look on his face.

Because, most of these spiritual objects with attributes, Mu Rufeng had already eaten.

That is, they were already included in the large number of spiritual objects he bought in Baibaolou last time.

After screening, there were only three types left, which Mu Rufeng had not eaten.

The three types together can probably increase his total attributes by 15 points, and five points of additional physical fitness.

And then there is the milk of the cow king, which can also increase all attributes by 10 points.

Mu Rufeng naturally swallowed them one by one.

Suddenly, the attributes in his body increased again.

"It seems that I have to drink two cups of milk every day in the future."

Fortunately, there is no need to worry about the shelf life in the inventory, otherwise, so much milk will definitely go bad.

"With so much, I can give some to my parents." Mu Rufeng thought.

It is not realistic to drink it every day. It is also very good to have a total attribute +10.

Mu Rufeng immediately checked his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV4 (0/5)

[Strength]: 959.4

[Spirit]: 1007.5

[Constitution]: 860.2

[Contract Slot]: LV5 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV4 (Bai Jingwei)/LV3 (Mu Xiaolong)

[Ghost Power]: Level 5

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Good Luck in Gambling]

[Skills]: [Life and Death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Burst]... [Limit Breaker] [Rule Suppression]

[Luck Value]: 62 (normal 31 points)

Props: [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract]...

Soul Power: 104.25 million

Soul Coins: 12.947 billion

Bound Soul Coins: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

"Huh? Why is my soul power less by one million? Also, my strength and physique have increased by 50 points, and my spirit has increased by 200 points???"

Mu Rufeng was a little shocked.

"Could it be that after I upgraded, I automatically refined one million soul powers? It was this one million soul powers that made me improve in all aspects?"

Mu Rufeng took a deep breath and then exhaled.

The excitement in his heart also slowly subsided.

Good, this is great. I have soul power. When I upgrade, I can refine it and improve my strength.

This feeling is really great.

"I have reached level 4, Xiaoying has reached level 5, and Xiaolong has jumped directly from level 1 to level 3." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, both Xiaoying and Xiaolong fell into a deep sleep because of Mu Rufeng's upgrade.

Because they are also in the process of upgrading.

Only Bai Jingwei is still LV4, without any movement.

"Bai Jingwei, why are you still level 4." Mu Rufeng called Bai Jingwei out.

"Brother Mu, I don't know." Bai Jingwei shook her head and said.

"Are you lazy every day and not practicing?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, how could I be lazy." Bai Jingwei said quickly.

"During the days of the contract with you, I have given you a lot of soul notes and good things, but why haven't you improved your strength at all?"

"Look at Xiaoying, she is already level 5, and Xiaolong is also level 3, and will soon catch up with you. It's impossible that your talent is too poor and you can't reach level 5?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, my talent is definitely not as strong as Xiaoying and Xiaolong. I will definitely have no problem reaching level 5, but it will take a little time."

"I understand, you must be lazy. In the future, your soul notes and food will all be cut off. When you run out of resources or reach level 5, I will replenish them for you."

Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Ah? Brother Mu, don't, I will be serious, and I will definitely reach level 5 soon." Bai Jingwei was a little anxious when she heard this.

If the resources and food are cut off, she will go crazy.


"I know, Brother Mu, I will work hard to practice now." Bai Jingwei returned to the contract slot without saying anything else.

Bai Jingwei's talent is indeed not as good as Xiaoying and Xiaolong's.

Xiaoying has the attributes of a starving ghost, and can devour and digest powerful ghost power, even weird, and does not need to practice much, just eat and it's done.

Not to mention that she had eaten so many soul notes before.

As for Xiaolong, it was a dragon egg laid by the Frost Dragon, and the strength of the Frost Dragon is definitely the top existence among the eighth-level ghost kings.

The dragon egg laid by the Frost Dragon, the eighth-level ghost king, that can be achieved naturally, as for the ninth-level ghost emperor, there is also a chance.

In this comparison, Xiaoying's talent may not be as strong as Xiaolong's.

Xiaolong does not need to practice either, he is still in the larval stage, and he also just needs to eat, eat, and grow up.

These two little guys eat, drink and play every day, and Bai Jingwei who follows them naturally eats, drinks and plays with them, so how can they have the mind to practice.

In this way, Bai Jingwei's strength is difficult to improve, how can she compare with them.

Mu Rufeng stood up, stretched his body, and then pushed the door and walked out.

Because they had moved to the newly built Wancheng branch building, dozens of secret rooms were built.

As Mu Rufeng walked along, he also found that many lights outside the secret rooms were on.

If they were on, it meant there were people inside, and if they were off, it meant there were no people inside.

Because it was past six in the evening, some people had already gone off work.

But there were still many people at work, and they all shouted respectfully when they saw Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng took the elevator and prepared to find Cheng Youlin.

"Xiaoying? Haven't you gone off work yet?" But the elevator opened on the first floor.

Mu Rufeng immediately saw Xiaoying standing outside, holding a packaged meal in her hand.

"Captain Mu, you're back? I have to work overtime today, and there are still a few documents to deal with." Xiaoying looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise and said.

"Do a good job, I'm optimistic about you. It's just right. Let's go to my office and write my report first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Well, OK, Captain Mu." Xiaoying was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Soon, Mu Rufeng took Xiaoying back to the office.

"You eat first, I'll go talk to Director Cheng, and I'll give you something good to eat later." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Then he turned around and left the office, heading towards Cheng Youlin's office next door.

The light in Cheng Youlin's room was on, and it was obvious that this guy hadn't gotten off work yet.

Mu Rufeng pushed the door open and walked in. This time, Cheng Youlin didn't slack off, but was typing on the keyboard, seemingly inputting some information.

"Xiao Mu? You're back? Why did it take so long this time? It's been a week, right?"

"Hey, don't mention it. I went to sleep for seven days this time. After I woke up, I cleared the level in two hours. What a waste of time." Mu Rufeng complained.

"Hey, what kind of dungeon are you talking about this time? I have never heard of anyone having to sleep for seven days after entering the dungeon." Cheng Youlin said with a smile.

"The copy of the clone factory, alas, there were three ninth-level ghost emperor bosses appearing behind them. Two ghost emperors even summoned the headquarters for a collision. I almost died there." Mu Rufeng sighed and said.

"Ah? Ninth-level Ghost Emperor? Is your copy so high-end?" Cheng Youlin was shocked.

He had just entered the dungeon two days ago. The most powerful weirdness in the dungeon was only level six. On Mu Rufeng's side, good guys, even the ninth-level ghost emperor came out.

And there were more than one, and they also summoned the group headquarters for a collision. This really touched Cheng Youlin's blind spot.

"Quick, tell me in detail." Cheng Youlin also became interested.

"Farewell, you can read it yourself after I finish the report." Mu Rufeng said.

"If you don't tell me, then what are you doing here?" Cheng Youlin rolled his eyes.

"I see you haven't gotten off work yet, why don't you come over and say hello? Okay, you continue to work. Also, don't arrange things for me today. I will start work again tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, okay, it's okay anyway. Our department now has sufficient manpower and a lot of contractors, which is enough to cope with the current situation." Cheng Youlin said.

"That's good, by the way, I got a good thing in the dungeon this time."

Mu Rufeng said, looking at the empty mineral water bottle on Cheng Youlin's table that had been finished.

He immediately reached out and saw a stream of milky white liquid flying out, filling the water bottle directly.

"What is this? Milk?" Cheng Youlin said, reaching out and grabbing it.

"This is good stuff. Remember, drink it all in one go. Otherwise, if you don't drink 500ml, it won't add any attributes." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Huh? Good guy, you can do all this stuff, Xiaofeng, brother, I really love you to death."

After reading the attributes, Cheng Youlin's face was filled with surprise, and he drank it without any hesitation.


"Not to mention, it tastes quite delicious." Cheng Youlingba smacked his lips, still not satisfied.

"You go ahead, I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng said, about to leave.

"Wait a minute, have you forgotten that your organ, limb, and flesh growth device has a lot of people living in the guest house next door to us?" Cheng Youlin said.

"Is there anyone who wants to enter the dungeon today?"


"Then screw it, let them wait, we'll talk tomorrow." Mu Rufeng waved her hand, turned around and left.

When Mu Rufeng returned to her office, Xiaoying had already eaten half of her meal.

When he saw Mu Rufeng come back, he immediately prepared to clear the dishes.

"Don't worry, you can finish your meal first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Captain Mu, I'm full." Xiaoying said quickly.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. After thinking about it, she took a bottle of mineral water from the table and poured it directly into the plant pot nearby.

Then he came to the table and placed the bottle on it.

When Xiaoying saw this scene, she was a little surprised as to what Mu Rufeng was going to do.

Soon, Mu Rufeng stretched out her hand, and then, a white liquid emerged, and finally sank into the empty bottle, and finally filled it directly.

"Drink, it will be good for you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Captain Mu, what is this?" Xiaoying looked at the bottle of white liquid in front of her with a look of reluctance.

"Milk, a special spiritual object in the strange world, can increase all attributes by 10 points after taking it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Really?" Xiaoying couldn't believe it.

She has been working in the branch for more than half a year, so naturally she has heard about attribute panels, spiritual objects and the like.

She also knew about the attribute fruit that increases the attributes of spiritual objects, but that kind of thing was extremely precious, and it was not her turn to eat the attribute fruit.

Now that Mu Rufeng has taken out this milk with +10 attributes, is he lying to her?

If it's true, is Team Mu interested in me?

In an instant, Xiaoying's heart started to beat wildly.

"Drink quickly and start working." Mu Rufeng urged.

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