I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 245 The Grown Frost Dragon [Free Chapter]

If Mu Rufeng knew what Xiaoying was thinking, he would really have to shout that it was a huge misunderstanding.

Although Xiaoying was indeed pretty, and she was a beautiful girl from a small family, and looked very pure, it was really not that bad.

It was just milk. He still had several thousand kilograms, and taking out one kilogram was only 500ml, which was just a drop in the bucket.

He often asked Xiaoying to report and asked her to work overtime. Xiaoying worked hard and had no complaints. Maybe she could develop a subordinate, so Mu Rufeng just gave her some milk.

Anyway, there was no rush to finish it, and he could ask for more from Boss Niu Ben.

"Remember, drink it all in one breath, otherwise the effect might be worse if you drink it slowly." Mu Rufeng reminded.

Xiaoying's face turned a little red. After nodding, she reached out to take the milk and drank it all in one breath.

After drinking the milk, Xiaoying's face became even redder, and even her whole body began to steam.

Yes, it was steam.

It is December now, and it has been raining these days. The temperature has dropped to seven or eight degrees.

Xiaoying, whose attributes are +10, is red all over, and steam is coming out.

"Xiaoying, why are you like you are on fire? Do you want me to cool you down?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Hot, Captain Mu, I am so hot, and I don't know what's wrong." Xiaoying's forehead began to sweat, and she kept pulling at the collar of her sweater.

"Then I will help you cool down." Mu Rufeng said, and blew open his mouth, and a stream of cold air gushed out.

Mu Rufeng controlled the power and did not freeze it, but just cooled it down.

Almost instantly, Xiaoying, who was originally steaming, began to shiver with cold.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng stopped immediately.

"It's so cold." Xiaoying said shivering.

"It's okay, it will be warm soon." Mu Rufeng said.

Sure enough, Xiaoying was no longer cold soon and returned to normal.

"Do you feel a lot stronger?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yeah, yes, I feel a lot better. I had backache from working overtime a few days ago, but now I don't feel any pain at all." Xiaoying felt so magical.

"Okay, eat something. I think you should be hungry." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? I'm not hungry. I~~Gurgle!"

Before Xiaoying finished speaking, her stomach started to growl.

With a stronger physique, she naturally eats more.

The food she had eaten before had been digested, so she was naturally hungry.

Xiaoying blushed and quickly opened the lunch box on the table and ate up the remaining food.

"You probably haven't eaten enough yet. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat later. Help me finish the report first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Captain Mu." Xiaoying nodded in response, not daring to look at Mu Rufeng at all.

Ten minutes later, Xiaoying finished her report and left the office directly.

Mu Rufeng stood up, stretched, and walked towards the water dispenser.

Just then, a prompt sounded in his mind.

[A secret was obtained. Do you want to check it?]

"Huh? There is a secret?"

I didn't expect to have it today, which made Mu Rufeng curious about what this secret is and whose secret it is.

"Check it." Mu Rufeng muttered in his heart.

[Alas, what reason should I find to date Qu Lianhong? Should I confess my feelings? Will she kill me? She shouldn't like me, right? I heard that her family also arranged a blind date for her. What if she was... Oh, it's so annoying. ]

[The owner of the secret: Cheng Youlin, the director of the relevant department branch of Wancheng District, Changsha]

"???? Ah???"

"What's going on?" After hearing this secret, Mu Rufeng was confused.

Cheng Youlin actually likes Qu Lianhong? ? ? What kind of international joke is this?

Wait, it seems to be true.

When they meet, they often quarrel with each other. According to movies and TV series, aren't they a pair of happy enemies?

And happy enemies usually stay together.

"Since you don't dare, then I'll help you."

"Hehehe~~~!" The smile on Mu Rufeng's face gradually became abnormal.

Of course, Mu Rufeng didn't act immediately. After all, he had more important things to do now.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone and called Liu Yan.

After a long time, the call was connected.

"Captain Mu, you are back?" Liu Yan said with a little surprise.

"Well, where are you now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Captain Mu, I'm in the library now." Liu Yan said.

The library, strictly speaking, is a place for players to learn the basic knowledge of the copy.

"Are Pang Li and the others here too?"

"Yes, everyone is here. We are now living in the dormitory of the branch." Liu Yan said.

"Okay, all of you come to my office."

"Okay, Captain Mu."

The area of ​​the newly built Wancheng branch is more than ten times larger than the previous one.

Not only has a dormitory building been built, but the underground is also dug deeper.

This allows some reserve players or employees to live directly in the dormitory, so that they can better deal with emergencies.

Another thing is that players will not be divided into rooms, only contractors will be divided.

Because there are indeed too many players now, if every player is divided into a room, it would be too extravagant.

As for the dormitory, it is still no problem.

It took only about five minutes for Liu Yan and the other five to appear in Mu Rufeng's office.

It must be said that these five people made Mu Rufeng very satisfied.

It has been a month and seven days since they first entered the dungeon.

Among these five people, two have already reached level three.

The remaining three are also level two.

According to the time, it is indeed necessary to reach level three, but because there will be time consumption in the dungeon, so there will be two levels.

As for those who have reached level three, they are basically the kind who have completed the clearance task on the same day and then returned.

The two level three players are Pang Li and Lei Dahu.

Liu Yan, Wang Zhendao and Chen Erdao are level two players.

Among them, Pang Li, Lei Dahu and Liu Yan are all contractors, while Wang Zhendao and Chen Erdao are still players.

It must be said that these five people are indeed the top players among the reserve players.

In addition, with the help of Mu Rufeng's attribute fruit and props, the login bracelet has not been used once.

"Not bad, especially Pang Li, Liu Yan and Lei Dahu, they are all contractors." Mu Rufeng looked at the three and praised them.

"Thanks to Team Mu."

"Yes, thanks to Team Mu."

"If it weren't for Team Mu's help, let alone contractors, it might be difficult to pass the first dungeon."

The three said.

Chen Erdao and Wang Zhendao on the side bowed their heads slightly, as if they felt embarrassed that they were not contractors yet.

"You two are also very good. Although you don't have a contract, you have reached level two. Try to contract in the next dungeon."

"However, I still want to tell you that if it is some garbage weird, it is best not to contract. At least, you need to contract level two, or even level three weird." Mu Rufeng reminded.

To be honest, if you contract a level one weird, your strength will not increase much, and your abilities are generally rubbish.

Of course, those new weirds are not included.

After all, this kind of weird can still grow. For example, those who have grown up are still level one weirds, which are definitely the bottom of the weird world, the rubbish kind.

"Yes, Captain Mu." Chen Erdao and the other two nodded in response.

"These are some spiritual objects I got in the dungeon. Let's share them. The same goes for this milk."

Mu Rufeng said, taking out the spiritual objects he got from Niu Ben and giving each person one.

All added up, it can probably make their all attributes +60 or so.

Sixty, that's six times more than ordinary people.

When they ate these things and felt the surging power in their bodies, their expressions became extremely excited.

They looked at Mu Rufeng with more respect and awe.

They were all considered senior players, so they naturally knew the preciousness of these spiritual objects.

But they didn't expect that Mu Rufeng and the Mu team would just give them to them so easily.

Such a great favor, you can only go through fire and water without hesitation.

"Okay, go back, go to the training ground to practice physical training for an hour and get familiar with the strength." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Captain Mu."

Everyone responded in a row, and then turned around and left Mu Rufeng's office.

Mu Rufeng left the office and glanced at Cheng Youlin's office, and found that the light was still on.

I could vaguely hear my aunt laughing.

No wonder Cheng Youlin is watching drama again.

Mu Rufeng pushed the door open, and Cheng Youlin reacted very quickly, quickly turning off the screen, and his smiling face suddenly became very serious.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Cheng Youlin looked up at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"Take this flesh and blood growth machine. I may have to enter the dungeon again tomorrow. I have something to do in Yongcheng tonight."

"I recharged the soul banknotes in it. Please help me treat those people overnight. I'll trouble you to prepare the contract."

"Wait until I return, and then give me the contract." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? You just returned, why are you going to the dungeon again?" Cheng Youlin looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

"Well, I got a medium in the last dungeon. I have nothing to do, so I went to take a look." Mu Rufeng said.

"You, don't you take a break? I think you enter the dungeon too frequently."

"Time waits for no one. I need to upgrade as soon as possible. If it weren't for the time limit of the dungeon, I would like to go every day." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll help you. Let's stay up all night tonight." Cheng Youlin nodded after taking the prop.

"By the way, I should enter the dungeon when I wake up tomorrow morning, and I will take this prop back by then."

"If the prop is missing, don't make a fuss." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Take it back? How do you take it back in Yongcheng?" Cheng Youlin said with a frown.

"Don't worry about this, Brother Lin. I have my own way. I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, have a good trip, drive slowly." Cheng Youlin said.

"Driving? Driving is too slow. I'm going to fly over. Oh, Brother Lin, please help me report to the relevant departments to avoid being chased by fighter jets." Mu Rufeng said.

"Uh, flying? Oh, I'm here to say hello to you." Cheng Youlin remembered the time when Youxuan was on fire and nodded immediately.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the corridor and was about to put on the Thunder Fire Armor when suddenly, there was a movement in the contract slot.

Mu Rufeng took a look and found that Xiaolong had woken up.

However, Xiaolong at this moment was completely different from before.

The little dragon at the previous level is so small that it can be carried with one hand and is very cute.

Now that it has been promoted to level three, my dear, my size has increased dramatically, reaching more than three meters in height.

It's more than three meters. What kind of concept is this? It's almost as tall as two Mu Rufeng.

The little dragon had just woken up and had plenty of energy. He wanted to come out and play. At the same time, because his wings had developed, he wanted to try flying.

"Don't worry, I'll find a place first." Mu Rufeng comforted her, then looked down and found that there was no one in the open space below.

Mu Rufeng immediately jumped down and summoned the little dragon.

Suddenly, a huge creature appeared from the side.

A cold air emanated from Xiaolong's body, making the surroundings even colder.

As the little dragon spread its wings, a more violent storm of cold air spread around.


There was actually ice and snow in this storm.

The surrounding buildings and the ground froze instantly.

"Ah~~!" screamed.

But it was several female clerks in the distance who were getting ready to get off work who saw Xiaolong.

"Little dragon." Mu Rufeng scolded immediately.

Xiaolong immediately folded his wings and moved behind Mu Rufeng with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Sorry, sorry, this is my contract trick, Xiaolong. It just reached level three, and it used its ability without holding back for a while."

Mu Rufeng immediately explained to the employees around her.

"Ah, it's Captain Mu."

"Oh my god, is this a giant dragon? I didn't expect that Captain Mu actually contracted a giant dragon?"

"Nah, Captain Mu, this dragon is so handsome."

All of a sudden, many employees jumped out of nowhere and came together one by one.

Even some people upstairs poked their heads out of the windows.

It's obviously after seven o'clock in the evening, why are there so many people in the company?

As a contractor, ordinary people can also see the contract secrets.

Mu Rufeng didn't give these employees too many opportunities to take photos, so she turned over and jumped up behind Xiaolong.

"Let's go." Mu Rufeng patted Xiaolong's head.

"Roar~~!" Xiaolong suddenly shouted excitedly, and then spread his wings.


Suddenly the strong wind raged, and Xiaolong's body jumped into the air, quickly rising into the sky.

After a while, it disappeared into the clouds and disappeared.

"I'm sorry, when did Xiao Mu contract a giant dragon? He's so handsome!" Cheng Youlin in the corridor was shocked as he looked at the disappearing man and the dragon.

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