I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 247 Special Single-Player Dungeon: Ancient Battlefield

"Hey, hey, hey, the direction is wrong, wrong, go left."

"No, no, too much, go a little to the right, right, follow this line."

Mu Rufeng looked at the navigation that was constantly refreshing the position, and finally pointed out the direction for Xiaolong.

Xiaolong's flying speed was also very fast, almost reaching more than 200 kilometers per hour.

In this way, it would take about an hour to fly home.

This is still very convenient.

That is to say, it was too high and a little cold, and Mu Rufeng was lying on Xiaolong, the posture was a little indecent, and he was resting his butt.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng directly wrapped the bandage around Xiaolong's neck quickly, and then took out a chair.

After fixing the bandage, Mu Rufeng immediately sat on the chair, and all of a sudden, Mu Rufeng felt much more comfortable.

The bandage was also fixed very well and would not fall off at all.

"Xiaolong, release some ghost power, I'm freezing to death." Mu Rufeng said.

"Um~!" Xiaolong couldn't speak yet, so he cried out as a response.

Soon, a layer of ghost power film covered Mu Rufeng, and the strong wind was completely blocked outside.

Xiaolong's body is still too small now. If it is bigger, it will be more comfortable to ride.

Now, it is just barely OK.

Soon, half an hour passed.

"Woo woo woo~~!" Xiaolong shouted a few times.

Although he can't speak, as Xiaolong's contractor, Mu Rufeng can still understand what it means.

It is tired, and its physical strength is almost exhausted. It is also exhausted. It needs to rest for a while. It is better to eat something to fill its stomach.

Mu Rufeng also agreed happily.

He pointed to a mountain top casually and let Xiaolong fall down.

Although there is a highway halfway up the mountain, and there is also a service area.

But Mu Rufeng is driving a frost dragon, so he still has to be careful not to cause unnecessary trouble.

It is enough to show your power once or twice occasionally, but there is no need to make a high-profile appearance every time.

"Hua La La~~!"

The strong wind spread out, making the grass and trees below rustle.

"Bang!" A muffled sound.

The little dragon fell heavily to the ground, and two small pits were trampled on the hard soil on the ground.

The little dragon, which was more than three meters tall, was not light in weight.

Mu Rufeng directly took out a roasted whole pig and put it aside, letting the little dragon gnaw on it.

And Mu Rufeng took out the food tablecloth and made some delicious food.

Although he didn't know why he didn't feel hungry after sleeping for seven days in the last dungeon, he was a little greedy when he saw the little dragon eating.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng thought again that he seemed to have not checked the new abilities that the little dragon had gained after reaching level three.

Soon, Mu Rufeng found that he had two more abilities.

One was the ice cone technique, and the other was the ice flower.

Mu Rufeng looked at a big tree in the distance and pointed at it immediately.

Suddenly, an ice cone as thick as a child's arm emerged, and then shot out violently, piercing the tree directly.

After being pierced, the ice cone also penetrated many trees and lost most of its power before nailing it on a tree.

At the same time, the wounds of the trees hit by the ice cones had cold air escaping, directly freezing part of the trunk.

Especially the last tree where the ice cone was left, the whole tree was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

"The power is not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Then he tried the ice flower again.

Mu Rufeng looked into the jungle in the distance, and then his mind moved, and a flower made of ice bloomed in the distance.

This is an ice flower, and a large number of sharp ice directly pierced the rock in the center of the flower, enough to see the sharpness of the ice flower.

Not only is the attack power strong, but the freezing ability is not weaker than the ice breath.

"Count it up, I have several elemental powers now." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

He already has the power of the fire element, the power of the thunder element, and now he has the power of the ice element.

If he gets the power of the water element in the future, it will be a violent killing when combined with the ice element and the thunder element.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out the mobile phone modifier again.

I forgot it before, it's better to use this mobile phone modifier as soon as possible.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng used it on his mobile phone.

I saw a black light flash on his mobile phone, and the mobile phone suddenly became different.

It was originally an ordinary Xiaomi mobile phone, but now it has become a little weird.

The whole body is blood red, and it feels cold to the touch, just like an ice cube. There is also a black skull on the back of the phone.

[Skull Phone]: A skull phone produced by Skull Technology.

Effect: Level 5 props, with extremely powerful communication capabilities and operating speed, absolutely no lag.

Note: Charge ghost energy for one minute, talk for a whole year, and the mode of the real world and the weird world will be automatically switched.

"Uh, skeleton phone?" Mu Rufeng looked through the cold phone and felt like he was at a loss.


Forty minutes later, Mu Rufeng appeared at the door of his house.

He took out the key, turned it, and opened the door directly.

Well, the stove in front of the sofa was full of people, his parents, grandparents, aunt and uncle and their two children.

The adults were sitting there chatting and watching TV, while his cousin and sister were sitting on the corner of the sofa holding their phones and shouting.

When Mu Rufeng opened the door and came in, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Mom, Dad, Grandma, Aunt, Uncle." Mu Rufeng greeted them one by one.

"Hey, Xiaofeng is back?"

"Xiaofeng, why are you back? You didn't tell me in advance?"


Mu Rufeng answered them one by one, and finally sat next to his cousin and sister.

"You two are in high school, why are you still playing with your phones every day? How are your grades?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Oh, don't say it, this brother and sister, they just play games and slack off every day, their grades are just average, and I don't know if they can get into a good university." The aunt sighed and said.

When the cousin heard his mother say this, he didn't dare to breathe and put down his phone silently.

The cousin said, "Hey, the fruit my brother gave me is very useful. After I ate it, my head became much clearer. I will definitely get better grades at the end of the term."

Originally, they were barely passing the exam, but Mu Rufeng left some attribute fruit at home last time.

After the aunt's family came back, they naturally ate it, and then the cousin's grades improved a bit.

"You still have the nerve to say that. You fought with your classmates yesterday. You are a girl, and you beat people when you are strong?"

"And your brother is the same. He even helped you beat those girls. I am really ashamed." The uncle looked at his son and daughter with a look of disappointment.

"They made up a yellow rumor about me, why can't I beat them? And, I didn't beat the women, I just beat the hooligans called by the women." The cousin said righteously.

The cousin scratched his cheek and didn't dare to speak.

"Although that's the case, you can't beat them all into the hospital. You broke the thigh of a female classmate."

"If it weren't for Xiaofeng's connections and Minister Mei's help, you two would have been expelled." Uncle said angrily.

"Who told them to say that I was so ugly." The cousin muttered twice to express her dissatisfaction.

"You beat them well. You can't ignore others bullying, but, Xiaoxi, you can't hit them so hard. Just teach them a lesson and let them know how powerful you are."

"Don't think you can do whatever you want with power." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, brother, I will definitely not hit them so hard again." Cousin Zhang Yi said quickly.

"I know, brother." Zhang Xi also nodded in response.

"You two will take the college entrance examination next year. Focus on your studies and strive to get into Central South University." Mu Rufeng said.

With Mu Rufeng's current status, let alone Central South University, it would be no problem to arrange for them to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

However, Mu Rufeng did not want them to go to the north, as the capital was even more mixed.

He was in Changsha, so he could naturally take better care of them. More importantly, he still wanted them to get in with their real talents.

Otherwise, even if they were recommended, they would not be able to keep up with the progress and would only be a slacker.

"Central South University, the score line is so high, I feel a little difficult." Zhang Yi said unconfidently.

"I'll try my best." Zhang Xi said.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, is there anything you need to do when you come back this time?" Liu Meizhu asked.

"Nothing, I just got a spiritual object in the last copy that can increase physical attributes, so I brought it back for you to eat."

Mu Rufeng took out eight bottles of milk as he spoke.

These were all prepared by Mu Rufeng on the way here.

"Drinking this milk can increase all attributes by 10 points. If you don't know what the concept is, it is probably to increase the strength, spirit and physical strength of an ordinary person." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng did not take out other spiritual objects with other attributes. If he ate them all, he might be able to increase all attributes by more than 100.

It is not a good thing to improve so many attributes at once. This matter should be done gradually and slowly.

"Really?" Zhang Xi looked at Mu Rufeng excitedly.

She knew the power of attribute fruit, and now this milk can add so much.

If she drinks it, she will be more relaxed in the future.

"Drink it, drink it all in one breath, and remember to exercise more, so that you can be familiar with the power of growth." Mu Rufeng said.


The next morning, Mu Rufeng said hello to his parents and left directly.

He did not leave Yongcheng, but came directly to Yongcheng headquarters.

He said hello to Mei Xizi and went to the office of Minister Ou Yang.

Originally, Mei Xizi was the minister, but a level 5 contractor was directly airdropped, so Mei Xizi became the deputy minister.

Of course, Mei Xizi was in charge of everything, even if this level 5 contractor did not care about anything.

"Minister Ou Yang, I haven't seen you for many days, and you are much more energetic." Mu Rufeng looked at Ou Yang who was sleeping on the sofa and said directly.

"Ah, it's Captain Mu. Sorry, sorry, I just came back after hanging out at the bar all night." Ou Yang suddenly became alert and got up from the sofa.

A few days ago, because of the item in Mu Rufeng's hand, Ou Yang also went to Changsha and successfully recovered his arm.

His spirit and energy improved a lot.

There was still some time before the next dungeon, and he felt that he couldn't waste the rest of his life.

So, I had a lot of fun.

As for why I didn't go home to sleep, I lied to my parents that I had to work overtime.

I didn't dare to go home even though I was drunk, so I could only sleep in the office.

"Is there something going on this time?" Ou Yang said.

"Nothing serious, I came back to see my family and bring you some good things."

Mu Rufeng said, taking a bottle of milk and placing it in front of him.

"Milk?" Ou Yang reached out to take it, and when he saw the properties clearly, his eyes lit up.

"Good stuff." Ou Yang drank it in one gulp without saying a word.

"It tastes good, thank you very much." Ou Yang wiped his mouth and thanked him.

"You're welcome, my family still has to bear with me." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Ou Yang has the ability of a clone, which can split into multiple clones. Although the strength of the clones is a little weaker when there are too many clones.

However, the clones can still have the strength of level three.

At the same time, the second ability can also allow his clones to enter the shadow.

Therefore, Ouyang can protect Mu Rufeng's family all the time.

This is also the reason why Mu Rufeng brought things to Ouyang.

Even to help him recover his arm, Mu Rufeng personally called Ouyang and waived the soul money fee for him.

"No problem, leave it to me, my clone is always protecting you." Ouyang said with a smile.

"That's good, then I won't bother you, I'm going to the safe room to play the dungeon." Mu Rufeng said.

"Going to the dungeon? Okay, but you must come back safely, I'm going to sleep first, I'm so sleepy."

Mu Rufeng looked at Ouyang like this, smiled, and then left the office.

Ouyang's personality is still pretty good, that is, he seemed to have encountered something in the dungeon last time and failed to pass the level.

Although he only lost an arm, his personality has changed from the previous otaku to a happy yellow-haired man.

Speaking of which, he is actually not as old as Mu Rufeng. Ouyang is only 23 years old this year, which is enough to prove that he has been in the dungeon for a long time.

Mu Rufeng came to the secret room.

He immediately took out the invitation letter obtained from the Golden City dungeon.

[Mysterious invitation letter]: This is an extremely mysterious invitation letter.

Special props: After the owner tears up the invitation letter, he can be invited to participate in a mysterious event.

Owner: Mu Rufeng

Note 1: When the contractor holds this invitation letter, he can summon the holder from the real world in the form of a dungeon within a specific time to participate in a mysterious event.

Note 2: After successfully binding the owner, he can participate in the event within a year at the longest and a month at the shortest.

Playing with this invitation letter in his hand, Mu Rufeng has owned it for more than a month.

"I don't know what dungeon it is." Mu Rufeng murmured.

Just as he was about to tear it up, he suddenly remembered something and immediately used the mark card to take back the growth props far away in Changsha headquarters.

Not to mention, this is really convenient. As long as he took out the mark card and thought about it, the props automatically appeared in his hand.

After putting the props away, Mu Rufeng directly tore up the invitation letter.

In an instant, the invitation letter turned into starlight, and finally formed a golden teleportation array under Mu Rufeng's feet.

[Instance information has been generated]

[Entering the instance: Ancient Battlefield]

[Instance type: Special single-player instance]

[Number of participants: 1 person]

[Please note, LV4 contractor Mu Rufeng, you will enter the Ancient Battlefield instance in three seconds, please be prepared]

Before Mu Rufeng could react, he disappeared on the spot.

Along with Mu Rufeng's disappearance, there was also the golden teleportation array on the ground.

In a daze, Mu Rufeng found himself lying on a hard bed.

There were snoring sounds all around.

The surroundings were filled with unpleasant sweat and sour smells.

Mu Rufeng suddenly sat up from the bed and looked around.

At this moment, he was in a stuffy military camp.

Looking around, there were soldiers in armor all around, all in their sleep.

Looking at Mu Rufeng himself, he was actually wearing a piece of armor.

"What's going on, role-playing? I remember the name of the dungeon is called the Ancient Battlefield?"

Mu Rufeng vaguely remembered that before he entered the dungeon, the information displayed on the login bracelet was the Ancient Battlefield.

And it was a single-player dungeon.

[Enter the dungeon: Ancient Battlefield]

[Dungeon type: special single-player dungeon]

[Number of participants: 1 person]

[First stage mission: win the military camp competition championship]

"Military camp competition?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused when he saw this first stage mission.

"However, it seems that this mission has multiple stages. I don't know how long I have to stay in it."

Mu Rufeng had no impression of this ancient battlefield, and naturally there was no database, which means that it was also a new dungeon.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that it was clearly an invitation letter, why did this [Ancient Battlefield] dungeon appear.

[Please note that this dungeon is a special ancient dungeon, and everything that is not related to ancient times will be banned]

[The following are banned things...]

Mu Rufeng was numb.

His inventory can only take things out, not store them.

Moreover, the items that can be taken out are all cold weapons.

There are also fire skills, ice skills, lightning elements, etc. in the body that are banned.

However, what makes Mu Rufeng feel more at ease is that his talents and plug-in legacy can be used and are not suppressed.

In this way, Mu Rufeng is not panicked at all. It's just that some spell skills are gone, which is harmless.

[Detected that the host entered the copy, the plug-in was loaded successfully]

[Please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Natural Divine Power: You are born with powerful power. When you fall into extreme anger, your power can surge again]

[2. Thirty-six Stratagems: You have thirty-six strategies. Every time you use it, it will produce incredible changes]

[3. Master of Formation: You will become a master of formation, proficient in many powerful formations]

"Natural Divine Power, Thirty-six Stratagems, Master of Formation?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned. This time the plug-in seems to feel a little different.

Looking at these three plug-ins, Mu Rufeng began to think carefully.

The first one, natural divine power, needless to say, directly enhances your own strength.

If this is combined with his [Life and Death] skill, it is simply a matter of killing gods and Buddhas.

The second one, Thirty-Six Stratagems, this is the Thirty-Six Stratagems in ancient times, such as capturing the leader first, empty city strategy, borrowing arrows with straw boats, and running away.

As for the latter sentence, it will undergo incredible changes. Obviously, it is definitely not just a simple strategy, but has become something like a spell?

The third one, the master of formations, I think there is a strong supernatural power in this copy.

The formations have come out, don’t they have all the immortal cultivation skills?

After a little thought, Mu Rufeng directly chose the [Innate Divine Power] plug-in.

After making the choice, Mu Rufeng immediately felt a strong force surging in his body, and then merged into his body.

Mu Rufeng immediately checked his attributes.

[Strength]: 1959.4

[Spirit]: 1007.5

[Constitution]: 1860.2

Wow, strength has soared by a thousand points, and constitution has also soared by a thousand points.

However, there is no change in spirit.

Yes, it is completely fine for the innate divine power to only increase strength and constitution.

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Mu Rufeng smiled.

With such high attributes, after performing [Life and Death], all attributes will definitely exceed ten thousand, and even strength and constitution can exceed twenty thousand.

In this case, can it reach the threshold of level nine?

Mu Rufeng didn't know, but he thought he could definitely try it in this dungeon.

Mu Rufeng checked the banned item column.

He found that there were not many things he could take out, but he didn't care.

Because the most important things were the Qilin magic wand on his waist and the bandages wrapped around his body.

Obviously, bandages are not advanced items. In this ancient time, there are similar things.

As for the magic wand, Mu Rufeng was a little surprised that it was not banned.

When Mu Rufeng checked the attributes, he immediately understood.

[Evil Fire Kirin Magic Wand]: The magic wand nurtured by the king-level BOSS Evil Fire Kirin has extremely powerful fire attribute power.

Effect 1 (banned): Level 9 item, increases the damage bonus to fire attribute abilities by 50%, and reduces the consumption of fire ability by 30%.

Effect 2: Super hard and cannot be destroyed.

Special attribute 1: All attributes +200, and the strength attribute increases by an additional 100.

Special attribute 2 (banned): Additional skills: Kirin collision, ring of fire, evil fire sacrifice.

Special attribute 3: Increase the damage to the flesh by 30%.

Whether it is skills or the bonus to fire spells, they are all banned.

At this point, the Kirin magic wand has changed from a magic wand to a powerful short stick.

Although it looks a bit strange, as a hard short stick, it won't be too abrupt if it is wrapped with a bandage.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng frowned suddenly.

The man sleeping next to Mu Rufeng suddenly got up, then ignored Mu Rufeng and walked straight out of the tent.

After the man left the tent, Mu Rufeng also stood up immediately. He wanted to see what this guy was going to do.

Just to say, before Mu Rufeng walked out of the tent, there was a sound of running water outside.

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