I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 248 The ancient times of the strange world?

"..."Mu Rufeng paused for a moment.

I thought he was doing something, but it turned out he was getting up to drain water.

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment, and then walked out of the tent.

I was already up, so it was impossible to go back to sleep.

It was just right, so I could go out and see what was happening outside.

When Mu Rufeng walked out, the sky outside was already slightly bright, and it was obviously almost dawn.

The soldier who drained water shook himself, then glanced at Mu Rufeng, but ignored him, walked straight into the tent and continued to sleep.

Mu Rufeng came to a nearby big tree, began to untie his belt, and looked around at the same time.

There were many tents around, and at a glance, they were everywhere. Obviously, this was a large army tent.

There were moving torches from time to time in the distance, which were patrols.

After Mu Rufeng drained water, he returned to the tent.

In this situation where he didn't know anything and the situation was unclear, Mu Rufeng didn't want to run around to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Mu Rufeng returned to the tent and lay on the hard bed where he had been lying before.

About an hour later.

A series of awkward gong sounds rang out.

Mu Rufeng woke up instantly.

Not only Mu Rufeng, but also the soldiers who were sleeping around him woke up at the first time.

Without any hesitation, they grabbed the weapons beside them, jumped off the bed, and then quickly left the tent.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng immediately followed, mixed into the crowd, and chased the soldiers in front towards a certain place.

In just two minutes, they came to a huge open space.

And they began to line up in an orderly manner. Mu Rufeng didn't know how to stand, but through his observation, it seemed that everyone didn't have a fixed position.

So, Mu Rufeng also found a position to stand according to the position of front, back, left and right.

Mu Rufeng also roughly glanced at the number of soldiers gathered, and there were thousands or even tens of thousands of them.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng also found that these soldiers were all big and strong, and the worst one was 1.7 meters tall.

There were many soldiers taller than Mu Rufeng. At first glance, these people were the elite among the elite, and they had meat for every meal.

Some of them might not even be soldiers, but officers.

You have to know that this was the ancient times when people were short of food and clothing. If they were 1.7 meters tall, they were considered tall.

In addition, it took only three minutes from the camp to the formation, which was incredible.

Most importantly, under the premise of the formation, these people did not seem to be from the same unit.

Mu Rufeng could see that the armor worn by many soldiers was divided into many types.

"I am Han Zhen, the Great General Zhenbei of Daxia. You are all the elite among the elite in each army. It is no problem to say that you are a tiger and wolf army."

"This time, I have recruited a full 10,000 elites from all over the country. I believe you are also very curious about why I have gone to such great lengths."

The 10,000 elites below were extremely quiet. They just raised their heads and looked straight at the Great General Zhenbei above.

They also knew long ago that the one who recruited them was the most famous Great General Zhenbei in the whole Daxia.

They were all very excited, because the Great General Zhenbei had always been guarding the border.

Now that they have been transferred here, they must fight against foreign races.

And where can their soldiers make achievements the fastest? Naturally, it is on the battlefield. They are all the elites in each department. They will only be excited when encountering war and will not retreat and flee.

"I can only tell you that this is an extremely difficult task, and you are likely to die on the battlefield."

"This general asks you, are you afraid?" Han Zhen said loudly.

Although he didn't speak with much force, his voice was heard by everyone.

"Don't be afraid!"

Ten thousand people, in unison, deafening, magnificent, their faces full of hardness, and a hint of excitement.

"Well, you are worthy of being a good man of Daxia, and you will make achievements today."

"From now on, 100 people will form a team, a total of 100 teams, and compete with each other. The winner will advance."

"This general will select the most powerful 100 people. The winner will directly become a centurion and be in charge of 100 people."

"The final winner of the competition will be directly appointed as a lieutenant and command an army of 10,000 people."

After Han Zhen's words fell, there was an uproar on the originally quiet parade ground.

Obviously, they were also extremely shocked by this competition.

Especially the final winner of the competition, who would actually be directly appointed as a lieutenant.

The post of lieutenant is actually nothing, the most important thing is the latter, commanding an army of 10,000 people.

The lieutenant was only a sixth-rank military officer of Daxia, but if he had an army of 10,000 people, he could be considered a step up.

"Silence!" A loud shout came from the mouth of a man behind Han Zhen.

The sound was very loud and piercing, and it made people's ears hurt.

The whole training ground suddenly became quiet.

"The referee enters the field."

As the voice fell, teams of soldiers came from outside the training ground.

Soon, these soldiers divided Mu Rufeng and others into 100 groups one by one.

After the division, they asked everyone to keep enough distance, and then drew a ring of dozens of meters in front of each group.

"Fight in pairs, start fighting immediately, starting with you." A soldier said to a man standing on the far left in front.

The man nodded and walked directly to the ring, and the man standing next to him followed him.

Soon, the one hundred rings were filled with people ready to fight.

At this time, Han Zhen's voice sounded again:

"You can use fists and feet, or weapons."

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die, it only matters whether you win or lose. Stop when you're done. The martial arts competition begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two people on the one hundred rings quickly started fighting.

At this moment, the sky was bright and the sun was shining.

It seemed that it was early summer and it was already a little hot, but everyone stood in place, watching the battle with high spirits.

Mu Rufeng was one of them.

He was in the first row, and it was his turn to compete in the next group.

Looking at the two people on the ring, who were fighting back and forth, punching each other, he was a little surprised.

Mu Rufeng hadn't noticed it before, but now, there was clearly an energy in the two people's bodies.

Every time the two people collided, Mu Rufeng could clearly feel the fluctuation.

If this punch hit an ordinary person, he would definitely die.

The soldiers in this copy are not simple. As expected, this copy really has supernatural powers.

Mu Rufeng glanced at other arenas and found that they were all like this.

This also shows that supernatural powers are very common.

"Is that the power of blood and qi?" Mu Rufeng could feel the powerful blood and qi emanating from those people's bodies.

Soon, the battle between the two people on the field ended, and No. 1 won directly.

The two sides did not use weapons, but only competed with fists and feet, but they were not injured.

"Both sides line up, the next group." The referee shouted immediately after seeing the winner.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked towards the arena.

The soldier standing on his right also walked towards the arena immediately.

"Brother, I'm not very good at boxing and kicking, and my strength lies in this big knife. I wonder if we can compete with each other in weapons." The man bowed to Mu Rufeng and said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"Okay, then please show your knife." The man said.

"I'm not good at using a knife, I'll use this." Mu Rufeng said, pulling out the magic wand wrapped with bandages from his waist.

"Uh, short stick? Brother, are you sure you want to use this?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's used or not. We should fight quickly and can't keep everyone waiting." Mu Rufeng said.

"Since you said so, I won't be polite."

The man immediately kicked his feet and his body burst forward. Immediately, he saw a blood and qi force covering his big knife that was invisible even to the flesh.

After approaching Mu Rufeng, he swung it out fiercely and chopped towards Mu Rufeng.

However, it was not the blade that was chopped, but the back of the blade on the other side.

Mu Rufeng slightly turned sideways and easily avoided it. Then, with a light punch, he directly knocked the man out.

He flew about five or six meters and was directly out of the ring.

The man landed on his feet and was pushed back several steps by the force before he stabilized his body.

The man rubbed his chest, his face full of shock.

After reacting, he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Thank you brother for showing mercy."

He was knocked five or six meters away with one punch, and he was not hurt at all. This level of control over power is absolutely extremely powerful.

It can be said that he was crushed.

Even the soldiers who were watching the battle looked solemn when they saw this.

Obviously, Mu Rufeng's strength was beyond their expectations.

It can be said that this move directly stunned many people.

Of course, some people were not only not shocked, but became more and more excited, as if they wanted to fight Mu Rufeng immediately.

"Both sides join the team, next group!"


As time went by, the first round of fighting finally ended.

There were 10,000 people, 5,000 of whom won and 5,000 were eliminated directly.

"The winner goes to the left, the loser goes to the right." Han Zhen, who had been standing on the high platform, counted loudly.

In just over a minute, the winners and losers quickly separated and became 200 teams.

"Two-on-two competition, stop when the competition ends, and the competition continues."

It was already past ten o'clock in the morning, and Han Zhen did not let them eat, but continued the competition.

Maybe, being hungry is also used to test everyone.

Everyone didn't think it was a big deal, they were a little hungry, anyway, everyone was the same, they didn't eat.

Mu Rufeng stepped forward and walked towards the ring.

The first group to compete was him.

Both sides bowed their hands to greet each other, and then, they saw each other kicking their feet and actually flew into the air.

After a few leaps, they actually came above Mu Rufeng and kicked him directly.

It can be seen that this man's body movements are very powerful, and he specializes in leg movements.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng did not dodge, but directly stretched out his hand to grab the thigh he raised.

Seeing this, the man was disdainful in his heart. He specializes in leg movements, let alone using his hands. He can even kick off a steel knife.

This man is still too confident. He won this game.

But soon, the man's face changed.

Because he felt that his thigh was actually pinched by a hand.

He reacted very quickly, turned around, and kicked at Mu Rufeng again with his other foot.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng raised his right hand, grabbed his left leg, spun it violently, and then threw it out.

At the moment of letting go, Mu Rufeng crossed his hands and exerted a little strength.

Suddenly, the opponent began to spin like a gyroscope in the air.

When he landed, he landed on his feet magically, and then turned a lot on the ground before slowly stopping.


The man opened his mouth and retched directly.

Fortunately, there was no food in his stomach now, otherwise, it would be embarrassing for this person to vomit.

"Thank you!" Mu Rufeng said with a bow.

The man ignored Mu Rufeng and sat on the ground. He was dizzy and had not recovered yet.

"Both sides join the team, the next group."

Mu Rufeng immediately rejoined the team.

The dizzy loser also recovered. Although he was still dizzy, he was well enough to walk.

He stood up immediately and walked towards the team, and was led to the loser's team.

Suddenly Mu Rufeng noticed something and looked towards the platform.

Han Zhen's eyes fell on Mu Rufeng at this moment.

Mu Rufeng smiled to show his friendliness.

Han Zhen saw this, his face did not change, but looked away.

But he chuckled in his heart: "This person is interesting. He can defeat those two without using the power of blood and qi. He can also enter the top 50."


In the training ground, the fight continued.

Time passed slowly, and the competition of fifty people was completed again.

Han Zhen still did not let them eat and rest, but continued to fight.

In this way, the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Brother, give me face, and fight me after two moves."

On the ring, a thin and tall man bowed and said.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng smiled.

"Then I'm here."


The tall and thin man immediately pulled out a whip from his waist, and then whipped it towards Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng turned his head slightly and avoided the whip directly. However, the man shook his hand slightly, and saw the whip move sideways and hit Mu Rufeng's shoulder.

Mu Rufeng could have avoided it, but after thinking about it, he did not move.

"Pah!" There was a sound.

The armor on Mu Rufeng's shoulder broke instantly. If it hit the ground, it would probably make a hole.

It's just that the knock on Mu Rufeng's shoulder did not change Mu Rufeng's face.

"What a hard body." The man was a little shocked to see that the skin on Mu Rufeng's shoulder was unusually smooth, and there was not even a trace of it.

"Two moves have passed, then it's my turn." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

The man also reacted at this time and shook the whip again to attack.

In the next second, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then Mu Rufeng's figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Before he could react, his whole body quickly moved sideways, and then he went out of the ring directly, and even sent him directly into the loser group.

This time, Mu Rufeng saved him even the time to walk.

After the man stabilized his body, a bitter smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He was able to make it to the end, obviously he had defeated dozens of people, and his strength was naturally not much different.

He thought he could fight with Mu Rufeng for a few more moves, and the previous statement was just to paralyze Mu Rufeng.

But he didn't expect that it was said to be two moves, and it really was two moves before he died.

"How strong is his real strength?" The man stared at Mu Rufeng,

"The winner is Mu Rufeng!" The referee shouted loudly.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly to the referee, and then lightly stepped on his feet, and the whole person rose directly, and actually went directly to the high platform where Han Zhen was.

Of course, he didn't jump up all at once in a high-profile manner. The two sides were more than a hundred meters apart, and Mu Rufeng landed several times before landing on the high platform.

"I am Mu Rufeng, and I meet the general!" Mu Rufeng bowed his hands to greet him.

"Well, not bad, very good, join the team." Han Zhen patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, general!" Mu Rufeng immediately passed Han Zhen and came to the back.

Over there, there were more than 20 people standing, all of whom were the final winners in the hundred-person team.

They all won faster than Mu Rufeng and came here earlier.

Although Mu Rufeng killed his opponent in one move, the fights of the others were more time-consuming, so this battle ended only when more than 20 people were ranked.


Mu Rufeng's stomach growled as soon as he joined the team.

Although he could still hold on, his stomach protested and he really couldn't stop it.

It seemed that Mu Rufeng's stomach had sent a signal, and the stomachs of the more than 20 people standing on the side also began to growl.

Those who can stand here are those who have stood out from the hundred people, and their strength is definitely very strong.

Their Qi and blood are very strong, which means they eat a lot, so they get hungry quickly.

Han Zhen stood in front, motionless, and he might have heard his stomach growling for a long time.

These soldiers who were fighting had not eaten, and Han Zhen had not eaten either, and he had been standing here all the time.

"I'm so hungry. When are we going to eat?" A burly giant beside Mu Rufeng whispered.

"We'll have to wait. I'm afraid we have to wait until the hundred people finish the competition and decide the final ranking before we can eat." A man said.

"It shouldn't take that long. Maybe we can eat after the hundred people gather. Otherwise, it would be a bit unworthy of our final ranking if we compete on an empty stomach." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's good, but those people are so slow. Let's finish the fight quickly. I'm starving to death."

Several people whispered.

After another half an hour, everyone finally finished the competition.

The hundred people who won in the end also stood on the high platform.

"The top hundred have been decided. Now, let's eat!"

Han Zhen shouted.

Suddenly, another team of soldiers came over with buckets of rice, vegetables, and bowls and plates.

In an instant, the whole training ground was filled with the fragrance of food.

Whether it was the people who won or the soldiers who lost, they all stared at the food and swallowed their saliva.

The sound in the stomach was endless.

After a while, a lot of swallowing sounds were heard in the training ground.

A group of people ate quickly, and rice and meat were poured into the bowl as if they were free.

There was really enough rice to make everyone full.

When Mu Rufeng took the first bite of food, he instantly became energetic.

There was actually a burst of energy in these meals. After eating, it quickly traveled around the body and was absorbed.

These meals were actually made of spiritual objects.

Not only that, but the taste was also extremely delicious.

Han Zhen did not eat the food. He turned around and looked at Mu Rufeng and others.

"Don't eat too much. After half an hour, you will decide the final ranking. Being full will not be conducive to fighting."

Han Zhen said slowly.

"Yes, General!"

Everyone responded in succession.

Mu Rufeng was not worried about this, because he could digest things quickly.

As for the champion of the martial arts competition, although there was no strange skill here for him to use [Life and Death].

But with his current strength, there would be absolutely no problem in winning the championship.

Although some people were very powerful, they also defeated their opponents with one move, and they continued to fight until the end.

However, compared with Mu Rufeng, they were still weaker. Of course, it was not ruled out that there might be some secrets or hidden strength.

But no matter what, Mu Rufeng must get the first place in this battle.

He felt that if he cleared this copy, he would definitely be able to get a lot of rewards, and even some secrets.

According to the name of the copy, Mu Rufeng had a little guess that this ancient battlefield might be the ancient times of the strange world.

Of course, this was just Mu Rufeng's guess. If he wanted to understand it clearly, he had to keep going.


An hour passed in a flash.

At this moment, there was no one on the high platform.

And around the high platform, the 10,000 elites gathered.

At the front stood Han Zhen, Mu Rufeng and hundreds of other people.

"The fight continues. You will fight two by two according to the previous pattern." Han Zhen said.

"Yes, General!"

Then, Han Zhen waved his hand, and the high platform in front of him was directly blown away and fell heavily into the woods in the distance.

Before everyone was surprised, Han Zhen stomped his feet hard, and the ground began to shake.

"Boom boom!"

A dull roar sounded from the ground, and then a square of 50 meters x 50 meters of land rose up.

It rose about one meter and stopped, forming a ring.

"The competition begins. Go to the ring and do your best. This general will help you when your life is in danger." Han Zhen said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the two people standing at the front stepped out and then jumped directly onto the ring.

Mu Rufeng took a deep look at Han Zhen's back. This guy is very strong.

Compared with those in the strange world, I'm afraid they have reached the strength of the eighth-level ghost king?

However, he has never seen Han Zhen use his full strength, so this is just a guess.

"The Great General Zhenbei of Daxia, Daxia. This copy really has a big secret." Mu Rufeng wanted to know the truth more and more.

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