I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 249: Cultivation System and Martial Arts

You know, the previous copies were all conducted in a strange world.

No matter what kind of copy, how many copies, or what type of copy, there will be one thing in common.

This common point is that they are all in a strange world, belonging to the same world, but they may not exist in the same city.

Even the previous wilderness pioneer copy was in a strange world, but it was in a wilderness area shrouded in fog and occupied by evil spirits.

Put aside the thoughts in your mind and continue to pay attention to the battle on the ring.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce.

They did not use weapons, but fought purely with a pair of fists.

And they also displayed martial arts one by one, which was extremely powerful, and they could break monuments and crack rocks with their hands and feet.

The blood and qi of both sides raised the temperature around them a little.

"Boom!" A muffled sound.

One person was hit in the chest by another person's punch, and then he smashed a big hole in the ring.

The winner has been decided.

"Thank you!"

"Both sides join the team, next group!" a soldier said.


In the blink of an eye, two hours passed.

The last group finally finished the battle.

Because both sides were strong, the battle lasted a little longer. A total of fifty groups competed, which took a full two hours.

Mu Rufeng was naturally one of the winners. Similarly, he still used one move to knock his opponent out of the ring.

"This round, draw lots to choose your opponent, Xiao Wu." Han Zhen shouted.

Soon, a guard came over with a wooden box and placed it in front of everyone.

"Start with you, go draw lots, draw the same number and you will be a group, go to the ring to fight." Han Zhen said.

The person standing in the first position responded quickly, and then stepped forward to draw lots.

Mu Rufeng drew the number 5, and the fifth group went on stage.

"Those who drew the number 1, go to the ring!"

Soon, two people jumped onto the ring.

One person looked in good shape and had a stable breath, while the other person's breath was a little unstable.

The unstable person was the last one to complete the battle and win the top 50.

This time, the unfairness was revealed.

The former seemed to be the first few to fight, and had rested long enough until the last person advanced to the top 50.

The latter, however, had just finished the battle and had not rested at all.

Fighting with others in such a state would naturally be a big loss.

At this time, Han Zhen waved his hand, and a stream of pure energy flew out and directly sank into the soldier's body.

He, who had originally had an unstable breath, recovered instantly.

"Don't worry, I will help you recover the physical strength you have consumed." Han Zhen said.

"Thank you, General." The man hurriedly clasped his fists to express his gratitude.

"Let's start." Han Zhen waved his hand, indicating that the two could start fighting.

Time passed slowly. Although the number of people this time was reduced, the fighting time was actually increased.

It took two and a half hours for these twenty-five groups to complete the battle.

At this moment, there were only 25 people left standing in front of Han Zhen.

"Continue to draw lots. There is still a blank lot this time. The winner will directly advance to the next round." Han Zhen spoke again.

The group immediately stepped forward to draw lots. Mu Rufeng was lucky enough to draw a blank lot and directly advance to the next round.

As expected, it is much more comfortable to have a high luck value. He actually drew a blank lot.

The battle between 25 and 13 became more intense, and even more serious injuries had occurred.

However, Han Zhen actually took out a very powerful elixir, wiped it on the wound, and recovered in the blink of an eye.

Even if he suffered internal injuries, he took a pill and healed directly.

Obviously, Han Zhen attached great importance to this martial arts competition.

Time passed slowly, and when the last group finished, the top 13 came out.

Next, 13 to 7, it was still a draw, and there happened to be a blank lot.

Without any surprise, it was still drawn by Mu Rufeng.

At this moment, even Han Zhen looked at Mu Rufeng with some surprise.

To be able to draw two empty lots, luck is not ordinary.

An hour later, the top seven came out.

"In the next fight, you have to fight with everyone. The winner will get one point, and the loser will not get any points."

"After everyone has competed, the points will be used as the ranking, and the winner will become the commander of 10,000 people."

"Now, rest where you are. I have prepared some food and pills, which will restore your condition to its peak."

Han Zhen finished speaking and clapped his hands, and then saw a team of soldiers coming quickly from a distance.

They were carrying a lot of food, all meat.

Han Zhen waved his hand, and a small jade bottle appeared in front of each person.

Mu Rufeng reached out and took the small jade bottle in his hand.

[Qi and Blood Pill]: Made from some special spiritual objects, this is a pill that can replenish qi and blood.

Effect: It can quickly restore lost physical strength and qi and blood.

The effect of this Qi and Blood Pill was quite good. Mu Rufeng saw that the people around him gradually became more stable after eating it.

Mu Rufeng did not use it, but put it directly into the bandage wrapped around his waist.

He took two rounds directly, and Mu Rufeng did not consume any energy at all.

Of course, he was a little hungry, so he took the food that was brought up and ate it.

It didn't take long for everyone to finish their meal, but they didn't continue the martial arts competition directly.

Han Zhen asked everyone to rest for a while.

Until an hour later, the competition officially began.

Mu Rufeng and the other 7 people were each assigned a number from 1 to 7, and Mu Rufeng took number 7.

In the first game, Mu Rufeng took the lead, and his opponent was number 1 Wang De.

Wang De's strength was not weak. Among the seven people who stood out from 10,000 people, which one was a weak one?

In terms of Daxia's cultivation system, Wang De's strength was in the inner realm.

Mu Rufeng had already learned about the cultivation system of this world from the soldiers.

The country they were in was called Daxia, and Daxia respected martial arts.

The strength of martial artists in the martial arts world is divided into four realms, known as the four realms of martial arts, including the outer realm, the inner realm, the realm of transformation, and the legendary realm of gods.

Each major realm is divided into multiple small realms.

Among them, the outer realm is divided into three realms: refining skin, refining tendons, and refining flesh.

The inner realm is divided into three realms: refining bones, refining organs, and refining the heart.

The transformation realm is to have left the physical body and start to refine the orifices and soul.

As for the legendary divine realm, no one knows about it. It is said that there is a powerful person in the divine realm in the palace of Daxia.

Well, this cultivation system is very mysterious.

Strictly speaking, these are exactly nine realms.

In this way, does it correspond to the 1-9 levels of the weird world?

The most important thing is that this is a copy world. Although it is not an orthodox weird world, it is definitely closely related.

Although the cultivation systems of both sides are completely different, the strength of both sides should be similar.

In this way, the strength of his opponent is roughly in the realm of refining organs, which is level 5 compared to the weird world.

"The competition begins!"

As the gong sounded, Wang De took the lead.

"Ba Dao!"

Wang De shouted fiercely, and the red sword in his hand fiercely slashed out a red sword aura.

Suddenly, a powerful aura locked Mu Rufeng.

There were faint traces of tiny sword auras around him.

"Is this... Weird Domain? No, no, it shouldn't be called Weird Domain here, but Martial Arts Domain."

The Martial Arts Domain is not as strange as Weird Domain. It is almost invisible to the naked eye. It just has its own power and aura filling the domain.

Mu Rufeng immediately punched out, and a blood and qi force suddenly gushed out of his body.

Then he directly broke the terrifying sword aura with one punch.

When he was fighting with those people before, Mu Rufeng realized that he actually had a very powerful blood and qi force in his body.

However, it was hidden in his body, and he could call it at any time.

Even if Mu Rufeng didn't know any martial arts, he could suppress the fifth-level internal refining strongman with this terrifying blood and qi force alone.

"Such a powerful blood and qi force, as expected, you are hiding your weakness." Wang De said with a little surprise.

"However, if this is all you have, you will definitely lose to me. Next, you have to be careful. I will not show mercy." Wang De said in a deep voice.

"Please." Mu Rufeng showed a faint smile on his face.

Wang De did not speak, but stepped forward with his right foot. Steam began to rise from his body, and his aura rose sharply.

"That is. Tyrant Body!"

"What? It's Tyrant Body?"

"I remember that it was the secret skill of the Wang family of Dongling, the martial arts Tyrant Body. Once it is put into actual combat, its strength will increase dramatically, and it will have a powerful blessing effect on their Wang family's Tyrant Sword."

"Sure enough, they are all crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Wang De actually cultivated the Tyrant Body. I think Mu Rufeng is in trouble."

The soldiers who were watching were talking about it.

Except for Han Zhen, the remaining five strong men standing at the front were silent, staring at the two fighting.

"Take out your weapons. It's too disadvantageous for you to fight me with bare hands." Wang De said slowly.

Mu Rufeng heard this and said with a smile: "If I use weapons to deal with you, it will be considered bullying you, just go ahead."

"Hmph." Wang De snorted coldly when he heard this, feeling very unhappy.

He was ready to go all out, but Mu Rufeng was still like this, which made him a little nervous.

"In that case, I will fulfill your wish, Blood Sea Tyrant Blade!"

With a loud shout, the knife in Wang De's hand flashed, and suddenly dozens of terrifying knife auras came in an instant, blocking Mu Rufeng from all directions.


Wherever the terrifying knife aura passed, the ground instantly cracked.

Good guy, the knife aura ran too fast, and the ground cracked when it got close to Mu Rufeng.

"Not good!" Han Zhen's face did not change, and he immediately wanted to rescue Mu Rufeng.

He did not expect that Wang De would actually release a big move right away.

But when he saw that Mu Rufeng did not move at all, he stopped again.

Seeing so many sword energies, Mu Rufeng did not use any fancy skills, but directly punched them.

This punch was more terrifying than the previous one.

The powerful punch smashed all the swords like a dead tree or rotten wood.

And the momentum continued to move towards Wang De.

Wang De was a little stunned by this sudden scene, but he reacted quickly and immediately held the big knife across his chest.

"Bang!" A muffled sound.

A powerful force burst out, and Wang De's body burst out directly and flew directly to the back.

After flying dozens of meters, Wang De finally stabilized his body. After landing, he tapped a soldier's shoulder and flew back to the ring again.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng smiled and bowed.

"I admit defeat. I wonder what kind of boxing you are doing, brother Mu." Wang De was convinced and asked with a bow.

"Boxing? Sorry, I don't know how to box. This is just an ordinary punch." Mu Rufeng said.

Wang De's face suddenly became a little ugly when he heard it.

He felt that Mu Rufeng was playing tricks on him. He smashed his strongest move with one punch, and was able to show mercy and knock him out without hurting him.

You tell him that this is an ordinary punch, can he believe it?

Fortunately, Han Zhen came out to make peace at this time: "Mu Rufeng did not use martial arts, it was just an ordinary punch."

Wang De saw Han Zhen speak, and he reacted immediately. He looked at Mu Rufeng and his face became a little shocked.

"My skills are not as good as others'. My skills are not as good as others'." Wang De bowed again and silently returned to the team.

"Brother Mu is really powerful. Do you mind if I fight you?" At this time, a big man with a big waist and a full beard stepped forward and said.

"No, your opponent is number six Liu Xiaoqing." Without waiting for Mu Rufeng to answer, one of Han Zhen's guards spoke up.

"I have no problem. Just go together, so that I can get the first place earlier." Mu Rufeng said.

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar at the scene.

They never thought that Mu Rufeng would want to fight five people alone.

You know, these five people are the strongest among the ten thousand elites.

And these ten thousand people are the elites of the army drawn from all over the country.

The face of the giant Lu Sanshan suddenly darkened.

Arrogant, Mu Rufeng is really too arrogant. In this way, this guy looks down on him and the other people.

"You are so arrogant. I will meet you first to see if your strength is as tough as your words."

Lv Sanshan was originally hot-tempered. After being told this by Mu Rufeng, he could not hold back and went up on the spot.

The other people's faces were not good either. If Lu Sanshan had not spoken first, they would definitely have gone up to teach Mu Rufeng a lesson.

Only the defeated Wang De showed no expression on his face. After all, he had been defeated, and he was defeated by an ordinary punch without using martial arts.

Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and he directly exerted his potential burst.

[Strength]: 2351.2

[Spirit]: 1209

[Physique]: 2232.24

All attributes were directly increased by 20%.

Both strength and physique broke through 1,000, directly reaching the strength of the sixth level of refining the heart.

"I say, you all come together, otherwise you are not enough for me to fight." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

As his voice fell, Mu Rufeng stepped hard!


The ground shook three times, and the entire ring collapsed instantly.

Such a terrifying blow did not change the faces of those people.

The soldiers watching the battle in the back were even more shocked.

Mu Rufeng's strength was indeed strong.

Even Han Zhen raised his eyebrows. He did not expect that Mu Rufeng was still hiding his weakness.

"You all come together. His strength has reached the level of refining the heart." Han Zhen said.

"Refining the heart?" The faces of those people changed again.

"Haha, refining the heart? So what? It's not like I haven't killed evil cultivators who have refined their hearts."

Lu Sanshan laughed loudly, and then stepped hard, and the terrifying force directly exploded the ground.

And Lu Sanshan still shot towards Mu Rufeng, and at the same time, his body expanded in the air.

There was a blood-red breath all over the body.

"Let's see which one is stronger, your fist or mine!"


The two fists collided with each other, bursting out with terrifying power, rushing in all directions.

The soldiers standing in the front row couldn't stand this force, and they stepped back several steps involuntarily.

Only Han Zhen and his guards, and the thirteen strong men stood in place, without moving.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of collision continued.

A storm of blood and qi had already blown up on the ring.

They could also see that Lu Sanshan was constantly attacking Mu Rufeng, but Mu Rufeng was at ease, and just used his left hand to take all his fists.

Everyone was secretly surprised to see this scene.

Lu Sanshan also made a full effort, and even used a secret method to make his strength reach the level of the sixth level of refining the heart.

But he still couldn't stop it with one hand as easily as Mu Rufeng.

"You four, come together." Mu Rufeng stood in place without moving, just waving his left hand to block Lu Sanshan's attack.

"Impossible, how is this possible?" Lv Sanshan didn't believe that Mu Rufeng was so powerful.

The attack became more and more powerful, and martial arts were used in every attack, but it still couldn't break the single-handed defense.

The four people looked at each other, drew their own weapons, and then used the secret method to improve their strength.

One by one, their strength increased dramatically, and they went towards Mu Rufeng together.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and suddenly snapped his fingers.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng's figure disappeared.

Mu Rufeng disappeared, but Lv Sanshan and others didn't notice it at all.

The four men's attacks went straight to Lv Sanshan, and Lv Sanshan met them fearlessly.

Originally, Mu Rufeng was going to fight five people alone, but now it became Lv Sanshan fighting four people alone.

"General, I should have won this martial arts competition." Mu Rufeng appeared in front of Han Zhen without knowing when.

"I thought you were amazingly strong, but I never thought you could even cast illusions. It seems that not only are you amazingly talented in martial arts, but your soul is also naturally stronger than others."

Han Zhen had a smile on his face, and was obviously very satisfied with Mu Rufeng.

Illusions are very rare, but they are not non-existent.

For example, the military advisor of the Zhenbei Army is a powerful array master who can not only set up illusion arrays, but also cast illusions himself.

He can even set up arrays to enhance his illusions.

To become an array master, you must first have the talent of the soul.

Some people with strong soul talents are even born with the ability of illusions. Obviously, Mu Rufeng is such a talented person.

He also didn't think Mu Rufeng was a formation master, because if he was, which army would let them come to the border?

"What happened up there?"

"Mu Rufeng should have been fighting one against five, but why did Lu Sanshan fight one against four?"

"No, no, why did Mu Rufeng get off the stage and stand next to the general?"

The soldiers watching the battle were puzzled.

"Haha, Mu Rufeng, you know a lot, sword skills, spear skills, fist skills and halberd skills."

"But they are all too weak, too weak, haha."

Lu Sanshan laughed and broke all the attacks of the other four.

"Mu Rufeng, you underestimate us too much, you will definitely lose today."

A strong man with a gun shouted sternly.

The two sides started a fierce battle again.

The aftermath continued to spread around, but once it left the stage, it disappeared without a trace.

It was obvious that Han Zhen took action to prevent the aftermath from affecting the soldiers watching below.

"What's wrong? Lu Sanshan said Mu Rufeng. Didn't Mu Rufeng stand on the ring?"

"Yes, and Liu Xiaoqing and the others actually called Lu Sanshan Mu Rufeng."

"Illusion, I know, it's an illusion." Wang De exclaimed immediately.

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar again. This explanation was also very appropriate.

"Mu Rufeng, you can also use illusion? Are you a formation master?" Wang De looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"Formation master? Sorry, I'm not a formation master. This illusion is just the power of my martial arts field." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, you will remove the illusion and fight them quickly." Han Zhen said.

"Yes, General!" Mu Rufeng nodded, and then jumped lightly onto the ring.

Then, Mu Rufeng directly solved the illusion.

"Huh? Why are you?"

"Why are you?"

The two sides in the battle were stunned for a moment.

"No, isn't it Mu Rufeng who is fighting with me (us)? How come it became Lv Sanshan (Liu Xiaoqing and the other four)?"

At this moment, their thoughts were so consistent.

"I won't play with you anymore, I'll just send you down."

After the words fell, Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand and directly performed the last move of the Eighteen Styles of Killing Pigs: Qi Killing Method.

A terrifying knife Qi came in an instant.

No, Mu Rufeng didn't use a knife, but a Qilin magic wand. Should it be considered as a staff Qi? It doesn't sound good, it's better to call it knife Qi.

Speaking of which, this should only be performed with a knife method, but for some reason, after entering this copy, there is no such restriction.

It seems that the Eighteen Styles of Killing Pigs automatically transformed into the martial arts knife method of this world.

Of course, the power is naturally much weaker when performed with a magic wand.

The five people reacted and immediately performed their martial arts to dodge or fight hard.

It's a pity that it was all useless. The five people were chopped and flew out without any resistance.

It didn't fly too far, only about ten meters. When it landed, everyone's body was stiff and unable to move.

They had sword energy entering their bodies, and they were circulating the power of qi and blood to dissolve it.

"Thank you!" Mu Rufeng slowly retracted his magic wand and then bowed.

"I declare that the champion of this military camp competition is - Mu Rufeng!"

Han Zhen announced.

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