I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 250: Ten thousand people lead the mission and head to Meishan

"Hua La La~~!"

Instantly, the whole military camp was filled with warm cheers.

Mu Rufeng's strength has already convinced these elite soldiers who were watching.

Among the ten thousand people, the strongest existence, it is natural for Mu Rufeng to lead them.

Daxia is full of martial arts, and they worship the strong.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully winning the championship of the martial arts competition and completing the first stage of the task]

[The completion rate of the copy clearance increased by 500%, and martial arts: Seven Killing Fists]

"Seven Killing Fists? What is that? Fist technique?" Mu Rufeng checked his inventory, but found that there was nothing new.

So, what about the Seven Killing Fists?

"Mu Rufeng, come with me, and the rest of you, decide the top 100." Han Zhen said.

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the rear camp.

Mu Rufeng immediately followed Han Zhen after hearing this.

Han Zhen's personal guards did not follow, but began to let the top 100 people continue to fight.

Of course, the general rankings have already been announced.

People in the same group can just compete with each other, and the real ranking will be announced in a short time.

The second place was well deserved by Lü Sanshan, and he didn't even continue the competition, but was directly ranked second.

As for the third place, it was unexpectedly Wang De.

Once Wang De's hegemony body was opened and the blood sea hegemony knife was released, the rest of the people couldn't stop him at all.

In this way, the top three have been determined.


In the general's tent.

Han Zhen sat in the upper seat, while Mu Rufeng stood below.

"Mu Rufeng, you are very good, with strong strength, strong talent, and great luck."

"Now that you have been appointed as a lieutenant, the 10,000-man army will be handed over to you to lead. Do you think you can lead them well?"

Han Zhen said slowly.

"This. General, to be honest, I can charge into battle, but it is really difficult for me to mobilize troops." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng knew his own strengths and weaknesses. Without systematic learning, he would not be able to deploy troops.

For example, regarding food and grass, marching, meal time, and the toilet for a large army of 10,000 people, Mu Rufeng was afraid that he would not know anything about them.

"Haha, don't worry. When the army sets out, you will know how to command the army." Han Zhen said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng was a little confused when he heard this.

You will know how to command the army when the army sets out? How is this possible?

Even if you are holding a military book and trying to learn it at the last minute, you will not know how to deploy troops in a short time.

"This is the Seven Killing Fist, which is the famous martial arts of this general. There are my thoughts on it. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Han Zhen threw a jade slip.

Mu Rufeng took it immediately.

[Jade Slip·Seven Killing Fist]: The jade slip records in detail how to practice.

Effect: Level 5 props, use your own power to communicate with the jade slip, and you can directly learn the martial arts: Seven Killing Fist.

"Thank you, General!" Mu Rufeng thanked him immediately.

He said that he had not seen the reward of the Seven Killing Fist, and it turned out that it was given to him by General Han Zhen.

"You should go to the next tent to practice the Seven Killing Fist first. It will take some time to decide the top 100 rankings." Han Zhen said.

"Yes, General."

Immediately, a guard took Mu Rufeng to the empty tent next door.

After the guard left, Mu Rufeng did not hesitate and used the jade slip directly.

[Congratulations to the player for learning the skill: Seven Killing Fist]

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt that he had successfully learned the Seven Killing Fist.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that this Seven Killing Fist was a little different.

[Seven Killing Fist (Entry)]: According to legend, the Seven Killing Fist is the martial art of the Seven Killing Sect, the first sect of the previous dynasty.

The Seven Killing Fist is divided into seven styles.

The first style, the one-killing fist, doubles the fist power.

The second style, the two-killing fist, triples the fist power.

The third move, the triple killing punch, adds four times the punching force.

The fourth move...

The seventh move, the seven killing punch, adds eight times the punching force.

Current understanding: one killing punch.

This skill actually needs to be practiced and understood by oneself.

Even if he has learned the skill, Mu Rufeng is only an entry-level player now, and can only use one killing punch, which adds double punching force.

It must be said that this is definitely an extremely powerful martial art.

The highest punching force can actually be stacked eight times. If Mu Rufeng uses [Life and Death], the strength attribute may exceed 20,000.

Then the punching force is stacked eight times again. This punch is simply unimaginable.

Mu Rufeng immediately tried it and directly launched a killing punch.

Suddenly, he felt a strange ability emerging from his fists.

Mu Rufeng looked at a wooden man made of all metal in front of him.

He immediately stepped forward and punched the top.

There was a sound of "bang!".

Then the wooden man was seen sinking directly into the ground.

"Sure enough, the punch power has doubled." Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

This Seven Killing Fist is really strong.

[Successfully performed the Seven Killing Fist, proficiency +1]

"Huh? Proficiency?"

Mu Rufeng immediately became interested and immediately checked the properties of the Seven Killing Fist.

[Seven Killing Fist (beginner)]: According to legend, the Seven Killing Fist is the martial art of the Seven Killing Sect, the first sect of the previous dynasty.


Current comprehension: One Killing Fist (1/1000)

Proficiency. Does it mean that after performing it a thousand times, you can comprehend the Second Killing Fist?

The more Mu Rufeng thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng relaxed a lot.

To be honest, if he was asked to practice and comprehend the Seven Killing Fists by himself, he had no idea at all.

After all, his strength was almost acquired step by step by entering the dungeon, and he had never been exposed to the practice system.

Now, with a more intuitive progress, Mu Rufeng can comprehend the Seven Killing Fists faster.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng began to experiment. He wanted to try whether this proficiency could only be gained by hitting the target.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Han Zhen's guards lifted the curtain.

The guards first looked at the damaged tents that were a bit eye-catching, and then set their eyes on Mu Rufeng.

"Brother Mu, the top 100 rankings have been announced, and now they are all gathered in front of the general's tent. You should go there quickly."

Mu Rufeng thanked him immediately after hearing this, and then walked quickly outside.

After half an hour of experimentation, Mu Rufeng also knew that no matter how to perform the killing punch, if you want to increase your proficiency, you must hit the target.

And you need to use at least 50% of your strength to increase your proficiency.

This also eliminates the possibility that Mu Rufeng can hit the target casually to increase his proficiency.

But Mu Rufeng didn't care. After all, it was reasonable to practice more for such a powerful skill.

Mu Rufeng came to Han Zhen's tent.

Ninety-nine people stood there neatly.

Mu Rufeng looked at the empty corner of the first row on the left, and immediately knew that it was reserved for him.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng walked over and stood here.

"You are very strong, I, Lu Sanshan, am convinced, but when I become stronger, I will challenge you, and I will definitely defeat you." Lu Sanshan said.

"Welcome to challenge me." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Not long after, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and Han Zhen walked out slowly.

"You are the first hundred of the 10,000-man army. This mission is extremely difficult and may even cost you your life."

"But you must not retreat, because this matter concerns Daxia. You must succeed. If you fail, Daxia will be doomed."

Han Zhen spoke a big melon.

Mu Rufeng and others looked up at Han Zhen, each of them full of doubts.

Han Zhen continued to speak, this time, slowly talking about the task they needed to complete this time.

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[The second stage of the mission is launched, go to Meishan to occupy it and guard it for at least 24 hours]

"Meishan? Guard for 24 hours?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

However, Mu Rufeng did not think about it carefully, but listened to Han Zhen's words attentively.

They are on the border of Daxia, guarding against the barbarians outside the territory of Daxia.

Now, although Daxia's strength is not at its peak, it has not declined too much. Among the nations, it is the first.

Every time the barbarians knocked on the gate, they suffered heavy losses and found it difficult to break through the territory of Daxia.

Occasionally, a small group of people would break through the blockade and enter the territory of Daxia, but they would be strangled by the border troops before they could plunder.

However, two months ago, for some reason, the barbarians suddenly increased in strength and possessed an extremely strange power.

Although they still failed to break through Daxia's defense and enter Daxia's territory, they also caused heavy casualties to Daxia's soldiers.

The border troops were already showing signs of being unable to hold on.

Especially last month, a leader of the barbarians led 50,000 troops to knock on the gate. If it weren't for Han Zhen's personal action and the formation of the Zhenbei Army's military advisor, I'm afraid they would really be broken through.

Even so, they were only repelled, and the 50,000 troops only killed less than 10,000 people.

As for their Zhenbei Army, they directly lost more than 20,000 people, which was simply impossible compared to before.

He sent the elite Yebushou to inquire, and hundreds of people died before they finally got the news.

Forty kilometers north of the border, there is a Meishan Mountain.

Originally, Meishan Mountain was just an ordinary mountain, but now it is shrouded in black fog.

The barbarian army is stationed around Meishan Mountain.

They arrested people from the barbarian tribes and asked them to go to Meishan Mountain. When these people came down, they all gained that strange power.

After Han Zhen learned the news, he wanted to check it out, or even attack it.

But he was now guarding the border, so how could he dare to do it easily, so he directly contacted the Emperor of Daxia with a secret method.

When the Emperor of Daxia learned the news, he became extremely shocked. Obviously, he knew what this strange power was.

Immediately, he issued an order to attack Meishan Mountain at all costs and then occupy it.

At the same time, he immediately dispatched elite troops from major military departments across the country to go to the border.

In addition to the 10,000 people, a large number of troops were also sent here, but because of the tight time, the army needed at least a month to arrive here.

These 10,000 elite soldiers almost all rushed to the border at full speed.

Of course, the Great Xia Emperor also sent two eighth-level soul refiners to the border.

"This mission is extremely difficult. The large army needs to guard the border and cannot be easily transferred. Ordinary troops coming here will only die."

"So, you 10,000 people are the elite force for this attack."

"And I will lead the rest of the strong men to raid the high-level barbarians. At that time, there will be formation masters to seal Meishan."

"Your mission is to hold on to Meishan and not let any barbarian soldiers enter Meishan." Han Zhen said.

"Yes, General, even if we die, we will never allow a barbarian to enter Meishan." Mu Rufeng shouted loudly.

The others immediately responded loudly.

"This time, we will be taught the art of military formations. A hundred people will form a formation, and you and other hundreds of people will be the eyes of the formation. The task is arduous."

"Mu Rufeng, you will be the eye of the entire formation. The stronger you are, the stronger the formation can exert." Han Zhen said.

"Yes, General." Mu Rufeng responded in a deep voice.

Han Zhen said a few more words of encouragement and then left.

It's not that he went back to the camp, but went to the school grounds to meet the nine thousand nine hundred elites.

As for Mu Rufeng and others, they entered a cave under the leadership of a group of personal guards.

The personal guard explained it to Mu Rufeng and the others.

This cave was dug out temporarily and transformed into a place for cultivating Qi and blood.

After they dug the cave, they also dug a huge pool inside the cave.

A large amount of flesh, blood and bones of rare and exotic animals were poured in, and many precious elixirs and elixirs were also placed.

Used to enhance everyone's strength.

In addition, there will be dedicated personnel who will engrave formations and runes on their bodies to use military formations.

This is also the fastest way to use the military formation method.

Otherwise, if you want to use military formations, you may have to practice with the army for several years to learn the methods of military formations.

The rest of the people were fine, but Mu Rufeng was the worst. It could be said that almost every part of his body, even his butt, had to be engraved with runes.

Therefore, when Mu Rufeng walked out of the cave, even if he was wearing clothes and pants, he could see that Mu Rufeng's exposed areas were filled with formation runes.

Even the eyelids were carved with runes.

In this way, Mu Rufeng looked a little weird.

An army of ten thousand people gathered in the school grounds again.

The army of ten thousand people was divided into one hundred square formations, and the leader of each square formation was the winner among the hundred men.

Now, it can be said that everyone knows what they are about to face.

None of them backed down and vowed to defend Daxia to the death.

Han Zhen began to instruct everyone in how to use military formations. It was not until midnight that Han Zhen dismissed everyone and asked them to go back to the barracks to sleep.

And when the sun rises tomorrow, it will be the day the army sets off.

Mu Rufeng was in the camp.

At this moment, not only Mu Rufeng was in the camp, but also Lu Sanshan and Wang De.

"General, I wonder why you two are here?" Lu Sanshan asked.

Wang De on the side did not speak, but looked at Mu Rufeng, waiting for his answer.

"This trip must be extremely dangerous, so I would like to lend you two something." Mu Rufeng said.

"Borrow something? What does the general need to borrow?" Wang De said.

"I'm not asking you to borrow something, but I'm lending it to you." Mu Rufeng knew Wang Dehui had misunderstood and explained quickly.

"Lend it to us?" Lu Sanshan frowned immediately.

"I'll lend you this. It should improve your strength a lot." Mu Rufeng said, throwing the ninth-level prop Embroidered Spring Knife to Wang De.

"What kind of knife is this? It's a good knife." The moment he saw the Xiuchun knife, Wang De's eyes flashed.

He started practicing swordsmanship when he was three years old and has been practicing swordsmanship for twenty-five years now.

Naturally, he attaches great importance to the preciousness of the knife. He can detect the extraordinary nature of this knife at a glance.

He couldn't wait to pour the power of Qi and blood in his body into it.

Immediately, a red halo bloomed on Xiuchun Dao.

"It's so smooth. There are no obstacles. It can also increase my strength."

"General, is this sword really for me?" Wang De said, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"It's not for you, it's for loan."

Mu Rufeng said and took out another pair of black boots.

"These are surfing boots. They can increase the speed of your movement. Your attack power is sufficient, but your movement is your weak point. With these boots, you can make up for your weakness." Mu Rufeng looked at Lu Sanshan and said .

"Thank you, general." Lu Sanshan didn't show any pretense, he reached out to take it, and then put on his boots on the spot.

He jumped on the spot a few times, with a strange look on his face.

"What amazing boots. They have increased my movement speed by at least 50%."

"This mission is difficult, so I hope you two can bear with it." Mu Rufeng said sincerely. ,

"General, don't worry, this time is about my safety in Daxia. Even if I die, I will not back down." Lu Sanshan said in a deep voice.

"With General Han Zhen personally taking action, and our military formations, we will definitely succeed." Wang De said.

Neither of them asked why Mu Rufeng lent them the weapons and shoes, nor where they came from.

They now have to improve their strength as much as possible so that they can better garrison Meishan.

"Okay, you all go back and rest, we will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Yes, General."

The two clasped their fists and said goodbye before leaving the camp.

Now, their army of ten thousand people has a new name, called the Demon Suppressing Army.

And Mu Rufeng is the Demon Suppressing General of the Demon Suppressing Army.

Although he is also a general, compared with the general of the Zhenbei Army, the difference is only one big character.

But whether it is their duties or their official positions, they are very different.

Mu Rufeng doesn't care about his official position, he cares about whether Meishan can be defended.

The core of the entire military formation is Mu Rufeng, and Lv Sanshan and Wang De are the second and third most important cores.

That is why Mu Rufeng lent the Embroidered Spring Knife and Boots to the two.

Fortunately, there will be many enemies at that time, so kill a few and then use [Life and Death] on them.

In this way, the strength will soar to the eighth level of the ghost king, and it should be no problem to guard Meishan.

He is afraid that something will happen in Meishan.

"Forget it, don't think about it, sleep first, and you will know when you go to Meishan tomorrow."

Mu Rufeng threw away the thoughts in his mind and fell asleep in a short while.


The next day, before dawn, the sound of the assembly gong sounded.

Mu Rufeng woke up immediately.

In a short time, the army of 10,000 people assembled according to the position of yesterday.

Han Zhen appeared again, encouraged everyone, gave them a full meal, and then distributed two days' worth of dry food.

And the armor was directly replaced with a set of black armor, which were all level three props.

Including helmets, boots, inner and outer armor, and breastplates, etc.

It can be said that everyone was armed to the teeth.

In this way, everyone set off.

When everyone arrived at the border, the gate of the border slowly opened, revealing a road leading to the outside of Daxia.

Mu Rufeng did not stop, and led the army directly out of the border, and then went straight to Meishan, 80 miles (40 kilometers) away in the north.

At this moment, the sky had already brightened, and the sunlight fell down, making the slightly cool air suddenly hot.

They did not ride horses, but marched on their legs.

It was only 80 miles, for them, who were at least level three flesh refining, there was no pressure at all.

On the contrary, if they rode horses, they would not be able to run as fast as them, and would only be a burden when they reached Meishan.

Half an hour later, they had traveled 40 miles in a hurry, and they had already traveled half the distance.

Beyond the border, there was no grassland, but some strange mountains and rocks.

There were rarely large open spaces, which also led to the long march of the army of 10,000 people.

At the same time, there were too many strange mountains and rocks, which would also hide many strange beasts and even barbarian spies.

"Zhao Long, you are fast, go and capture the spies behind the one-person-high boulder two hundred meters away." Mu Rufeng said to the person behind him.

"Yes, General!" Zhao Long responded with a fist.

Then he lightly stepped on his feet, and his figure suddenly turned into a shadow and shot straight into the distance.

In just over a minute, Zhao Long came back holding a man with a naked upper body and animal skins on his lower body.

This dress is obviously a barbarian.

"Interrogate him, and speed up the march." Mu Rufeng gave the order.

"Yes, General."

Soon, Zhao Long led the barbarians down, and at the same time, the marching speed of the whole team increased by three times.

After seven or eight minutes, Zhao Long caught up.

"General, our news has been leaked. He has no companions. The news was released through the eagle raised two quarters of an hour ago." Zhao Long said.

"It's okay. With so many of us, it's inevitable that our whereabouts will be known. We have also walked half of the way, and the battle may start later."

"Let everyone be vigilant and be ready for battle at any time." Mu Rufeng gave the order again.

After another ten minutes, the army stopped in front of a canyon.

This canyon is only five meters wide, with mountains more than 300 meters high on both sides.

The most peculiar thing is that the two sides are slightly inclined, and there are no trees on them.

And this canyon is winding, and it takes two miles to get through.

Based on Mu Rufeng's experience of watching so many costume TV dramas, there must be an ambush here.

"General, do you want to send two teams to the peaks on both sides to check if there is an ambush?" Lu Sanshan said.

"No need, the general has already given me a backup plan."

Mu Rufeng smiled calmly, and then took out a formation plate.

[Mountain Opening Formation]: A formation plate refined by Zhuge Yanping, the military advisor of the Zhenbei Army.

Effect: Level 5 prop, after activation, you can perform the mountain opening formation and have the ability to open the mountain.

Note: This is a one-time consumable.

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