I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 253: Fire meteorites fall from the sky, killing gods on the battlefield [Happy New Year! ]

Mu Rufeng smiled happily.

Being able to formulate a rule, and even a permanent rule, is extremely precious even in the strange world.

Mu Rufeng put the seal into the inventory.

It is safest to put such a good thing in the inventory.

Then Mu Rufeng looked at the barbarian soldiers who were still fleeing below.

It is almost time to take action.

It is a pity that this time his level has been upgraded to level 4, and it is estimated that only a few centurions and thousand captains can increase his attributes.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand and released the range skill [Fire Meteorite Falling from the Sky].

In the sky, huge meteorites suddenly appeared one after another, densely packed, almost covering the battlefield in front.

The blazing flames heated up the surrounding air again, and even the demon-suppressing army and others in the back felt a little dry.

When the barbarian army looked at the meteorites in the sky, they all looked desperate.

They couldn't escape. The range of the meteorite was extremely wide. Even if they tried their best, they couldn't escape from this range.

Even those powerful centurions also showed despair.

Because a breath locked them, they couldn't escape, they couldn't escape at all.

"Boom boom!"

A series of roars sounded.

Countless burning meteorites fell from the sky and hit the ground.

Suddenly, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and a scene like the end of the world appeared in front of everyone.

The terrifying shock wave and flames spread in all directions.

When they approached Mu Rufeng, they were immediately stopped by Mu Rufeng, so that they could not cross the border.

The rest of the places were not so lucky.

The speed of the earth cracking went in all directions, accompanied by terrifying flames and high temperatures.

The terrifying scene here was naturally discovered by the barbarian army and the Daxia army farther away.

The strong men on both sides took off into the air and looked over here.

Unfortunately, all they could see was flames and smoke all over the sky.

After a long time, the noise gradually subsided.

A large number of meteorites were spread on the ground, accompanied by terrifying flames, blocking the view from afar.

Some barbarian soldiers wanted to go to investigate the situation, but they could not get close to the flames at all.

At the same time.

On Mu Rufeng's side, the hundred-foot-high flames had disappeared.

Of course, Mu Rufeng did not withdraw his own power. He was still wearing thunder and fire armor and looked about three meters tall.

"General, you are mighty!"

"General, you are mighty!"

Seeing Mu Rufeng falling from the sky, the demon-suppressing army shouted excitedly.

Too strong, their demon-suppressing general was too strong, and the eighth-level soul-refining expert could kill him at will.

He could also summon meteorites to fall from the sky, and the 50,000 barbarian army was destroyed in an instant.

"You guys stay here, I'll stop the 50,000 troops outside."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he quickly flew away.

Originally, Mu Rufeng wanted to go to Meishan Mountain to check the situation.

But now there is only half an hour left before the second stage of the mission.

And there are 50,000 troops outside, if the military formation is activated, those meteorites will be easily wiped out.

If Mu Rufeng goes to Meishan Mountain and is delayed, the Demon Suppression Army may have to face the barbarian army.

It was only half an hour, and Mu Rufeng just solved the 50,000 troops.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the edge of the land covered by the rules.

It can be seen that the 10,000 barbarian troops have already used the military formation method to prepare to wipe out the flaming meteorites.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng immediately shot out a burst of flames and went directly to meet the attack of the black energy.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The attacks of both sides were directly offset, and the terrifying shock waves spread out.

"You have some ability, but it's not enough!"

Mu Rufeng sneered and used the terrifying Explosion Flame Technique again.

This time, there was not only one Explosion Flame Technique, but ten, a hundred!

The front was immediately filled with Explosion Flame Techniques, flying towards the army of 10,000 people.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that his Explosion Flame Technique dissipated directly into the five elements as soon as it left the land covered by the rules.

It was as if he was bound by the rules of this world and could not leave the land covered by the rules at all.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

The reason why the attack of the military formation was offset just now was because the attack of the military formation had entered the land of rules.

In this case, Mu Rufeng's attack could not leave the land of rules, and he could only passively defend here.

The barbarian army seemed to have seen the clues and began to frantically attack the meteorites in the land of rules.

Yes, the target was not Mu Rufeng, but those meteorites.

Obviously, they were still preparing to clear a passage.

Mu Rufeng immediately waved his hand to release multiple explosions and fire spells, blocking all attacks.

Then he thought for a while and decided to change the environment in the Land of Rules.

Immediately, countless explosions and fire spells went to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the earth was instantly melted and turned into a magma lake.

Not only that, it was also filled with terrifying thunder power.

In addition to these, Mu Rufeng also placed an explosion fireball containing thunder and fire every ten meters in the sky.

After a while, the whole sky was full of terrifying "bombs"!

Such a terrifying place, even an eighth-level soul refiner dare not enter.

Whoever enters will die!

After making the arrangements, Mu Rufeng flew back to the Demon Suppression Army.

In the rearmost Zhenbei Army.

Long Shaoze, a lieutenant of the Zhenbei Army, slowly descended from the sky.

His expression was cold, without any change.

But his heart was extremely uneasy.

The Daxia Army arrived in the early hours of this morning.

Long Shaoze immediately ordered the reinforcements of the Daxia Army to garrison at various checkpoints.

And Long Shaoze withdrew 50,000 Zhenbei Army soldiers to go out of the checkpoints and head to the Meishan territory.

But here they met the 50,000 barbarian troops who also came to reinforce.

So, the two sides confronted each other here.

There has been no news about General Han Zhen, but he believes in his own general.

However, when he saw the barbarian army attacking the Demon Suppression Army, he was very worried.

But even if he wanted to help, he was powerless.

The 50,000 barbarian troops in front of him are not vegetarians.

But the sudden change now makes Long Shaoze confused.

But it is a good thing after all. If the 50,000 troops are destroyed, then he will not have so many concerns.

"Everyone prepare for battle, the formation starts!"

Long Shaoze shouted and led the army to directly open the Four Symbols Formation.

The barbarian army was also shocked when they saw this. They immediately opened the military formation and started fighting with Long Shaoze.

Mu Rufeng did not know about the battle here, nor did he pay attention to it. There was no way, who made him unable to go out.

Mu Rufeng flew back to the Demon Suppression Army.

"General, how did you do it? Why do you have such a powerful force?" Lu Sanshan was really convinced at this moment.

He also knew that he could not surpass Mu Rufeng at all.

Even if Mu Rufeng's strength stagnated and he was allowed to catch up, Lu Sanshan had no confidence that he could surpass Mu Rufeng in his lifetime.

"It's fate." Mu Rufeng said with a smile, he didn't explain.

"Too powerful, that kind of power is just like a god or demon." Wang De said with emotion.

"I was lucky enough to compete with the general at that time, and I even lasted a move." Liu Xiaoqing, who ranked fourth, also said with emotion.

"By the way, were there any casualties in the previous battle between the two armies?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"General, ten of our people were seriously injured, thirty were slightly injured, and no one died!" Lu Sanshan heard the words and said seriously.

"Have the injured been treated?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"General, all the personnel have been treated, and the slightly injured soldiers have recovered from their injuries by taking pills."

"The seriously injured people have also taken pills, and now they have recovered a little, which is considered a light injury." Lu Sanshan said.

"Well, not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

It's good that no one died, as for injuries, that is inevitable.

Fortunately, they had a lot of elixirs and good equipment, otherwise, many people would definitely die.

After all, the barbarian soldiers were not afraid of death and were extremely crazy.

What puzzled Mu Rufeng was why these barbarian armies had not devoured the flesh and blood of their own people.

Although most of them had not yet transformed into weirdness, they all contained ghost power in their bodies.

As for the thousand-man captains, they should have all transformed into weirdness.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also learned that his [Killing monsters will make you stronger] was not limited to weirdness.

Even humans, as long as their level was the same as or stronger than him, could be triggered after killing them.

For example, the 50,000 barbarian troops before, except for the five thousand-man captains and one commander, contributed a total of 11 attribute points to Mu Rufeng.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Twenty-four hours, it was up.

And a prompt sound rang in Mu Rufeng's mind on time.

[Congratulations to the player Mu Rufeng for leading the demon-suppressing army to successfully guard Meishan for 24 hours. The second stage of the mission is completed, and the clearance is completed by 1000%. The formation diagram: Qinglong formation is obtained.]

"Formula diagram: Qinglong formation?"

Mu Rufeng doesn't care about the completion rate of 1000%. What he cares about is this Qinglong army formation.

A roll of formation diagram is quietly lying in Mu Rufeng's inventory.

Mu Rufeng immediately checked the properties of the formation diagram.

[Formula diagram: Qinglong formation]: Qinglong army formation developed by the founding emperor of Daxia and many formation masters.

Effect: Level 9 props, five people form a formation, and up to 100,000 people can form a Qinglong formation. The power of the people who form the formation is gathered to summon the Qinglong phantom.

Note 1: The more people form the formation, the higher the strength, and the stronger the Qinglong phantom can be.

Note 2: It can form a four-elephant formation with the Suzaku formation, the White Tiger formation, and the Black Tortoise formation, and the power is even greater.

"Good stuff." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

In this way, as long as there is this Azure Dragon Formation Diagram, as long as there are people, the Azure Dragon Army Formation can be used at any time.

Then Mu Rufeng thought of something and tried to activate the military formation.

[Currently, 10,000 people can form a formation. Do you want to form a formation? ]

A prompt sounded.

Mu Rufeng immediately understood and could use it.

This means that even under that rule, Mu Rufeng can also use the military formation with this military formation diagram.

However, only the Azure Dragon Army Formation can be used.

It's good to be able to use it, after all, it can also enhance Mu Rufeng's strength.

[The third stage of the mission is open. Please go to the top of Meishan Mountain immediately and meet Han Zhen. You can only know the specific mission by following Han Zhen's orders]

"Go to the top of Meishan Mountain?"

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment and said to Lv Sanshan and others: "You continue to guard this place. If there is a barbarian army attacking, don't defend it to the death. If you can retreat, retreat."

Mu Rufeng was not going to take them up the mountain.

Because there was a ghost aura on the mountain, which was vaguely similar to the chaotic ghost aura in the wilderness area.

Mu Rufeng didn't want the 10,000 demon-suppressing troops to have any problems after going up the mountain.

"General, we will go up the mountain with you." Lv Sanshan said.

"Yes, General, we will go up the mountain with you." Wang De and others also said hurriedly.

"No, if you go up the mountain with me, if you fight, it will be my fault if the aftermath kills you." Mu Rufeng said.

"This" Lv Sanshan heard this and suddenly didn't know how to reply.

What Mu Rufeng said seemed to be right. If a real fight broke out, it would be a burden if the army formation could not be used.

"Remember my words." Mu Rufeng said, took off from the spot and flew towards Meishan.

Fortunately, the range of the rule seal also covered the top of Meishan.

If it was the other side of Meishan, it would not be included.

In this way, Mu Rufeng could also use all his abilities and props.

Meishan was not high, only a few hundred meters. Along the way, I could feel the ghost power contained in the dead bones.

Apart from these bones, I didn't see any flowers, plants or trees.

It was almost bare, and even the rocks were black and red.

It was as if it was formed by being watered with blood and then dried up.

A gust of cold wind blew, making this place a little gloomy.

However, when Mu Rufeng passed by, the terrifying high temperature instantly swept away the cold air.

In a short while, Mu Rufeng arrived at the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was still covered by the thick black fog.

Mu Rufeng did not rush in, but stopped in front of the black fog.

He tried to shout a few times, but there was no response.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng cast a few fireballs into the thick fog.

But when these fireballs sank into the thick fog, they began to shrink, and in just a few seconds, they went out directly.

This scene made Mu Rufeng frown slightly.

Mu Rufeng was skilled and bold, and he directly reached out and sank into it.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, there was no change, even the thunder and fire armor on his body was not affected at all.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng no longer hesitated and strode into it.

After walking a few meters, the front suddenly opened up.

The top of the mountain was still the same top of the mountain, the ground was still green grass, and there were many trees around.

It seemed to be real flowers, plants and trees, but there was a breath of withering in it, which was obviously just an appearance.

There is a well in front of us.

There are three people standing around the well.

Those three people are none other than Han Zhen and his two companions.

Above the well, there is a divine sword emitting a blazing light.

The divine sword exudes the power of the ninth-level divine realm all the time.

Under the feet of Han Zhen and his two companions, there is a huge formation. From this situation, it seems that Han Zhen and his two companions are suppressing the well with the divine sword?

"General, what is going on here?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Huh? Are you... Mu Rufeng?" Han Zhen was still secretly on guard, and was even ready to free up his hands to attack the little giant in the thunder and fire armor.

But as soon as Mu Rufeng spoke, Han Zhen recognized him.

"It's me." Mu Rufeng slowly removed the thunder and fire mask on his face, revealing his face.

When Han Zhen saw him, he quickly recovered.

"It's really you, how did you get up? And in this posture." Han Zhen looked Mu Rufeng up and down, and said in surprise.

If he used the method of military formation, he would not be surprised that Mu Rufeng had this strength.

But now Mu Rufeng was alone, and Han Zhen could feel palpitations from Mu Rufeng.

This also proved that Mu Rufeng's strength had reached the soul refining realm, and he was even at the peak of this realm.

"General, I have been stationed down there for a day. The army of Daxia came and confronted the barbarian army, so I came up to see the situation." Mu Rufeng said.

He said why he came up, as for the question of strength, there was no need to say.

Han Zhen did not continue to ask, and immediately said: "You came at the right time, your current strength should have reached the soul refining realm, right?"

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"That's good. The three of us are going to seal the well with the magic sword, but there is always a monster in the well that disturbs us."

"It would take only 24 hours to complete the seal, but it will take another five hours after he disturbed us."

"Five hours is too much of a change, and we are restrained by the seal, so it is difficult for us to go all out."

"I'll trouble you to enter the well and kill the monster. The monster's strength is just beginning to enter the soul refining realm, but its ability may be a little weird."

"With your current strength, be careful, it should be fine. Once there is no monster intrusion, we can complete the seal in at most one and a half hours." Han Zhen said.

[The third stage of the task is started, please kill the monster that disturbs the seal]

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded immediately.

Seeing Mu Rufeng agreed, Han Zhen and the other two breathed a sigh of relief.

"What is the situation with this well and the black fog outside?"

"Also, I can sense that there is a very special power in the bodies of those barbarian soldiers, which is similar to the black fog."

Mu Rufeng did not rush to enter, but asked Han Zhen.

"It will take a while to explain it to you. You only know that if the well mouth cannot be sealed today, then the whole Daxia will become purgatory." Han Zhen said in a deep voice.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly after hearing this, and did not continue to ask questions, and flew directly above the well mouth.

Under the well mouth, it was pitch black, and thick black fog continued to emerge.

It was obvious that the black fog covering the top of the mountain came from the well mouth.

If it weren't for Han Zhen and others sealing the well mouth, I'm afraid the black fog would have spread to the surroundings long ago.

The thunder and fire armor around Mu Rufeng quickly shrank, and when the size was right, Mu Rufeng flew directly into the well mouth.

As soon as he entered the well, Mu Rufeng lost his sight.

It was pitch black, and he couldn't see his hand in front of him.

Even though Mu Rufeng had the [Eye of Darkness], he still couldn't see anything.

Mu Rufeng spread his palm and summoned a ball of fire.

The fire shone, illuminating the surroundings.

Black fog, all around was black fog, and it was because of this black fog that Mu Rufeng's Eye of Darkness was ineffective.

But soon, the black fog gushed in, and in an instant, the flame in his hand was extinguished.

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

Then he tried again and summoned a flame, which extinguished faster than before.

After thinking for a while, he saw a flash of lightning in Mu Rufeng's palm, shining with dazzling light.

Suddenly, the surrounding darkness was illuminated by the dazzling lightning.

This time, the black fog did not swarm in, as if mice saw a cat, and quickly fled to the surroundings.

In an instant, the surrounding black fog disappeared.

In other words, the area illuminated by the lightning was free of black fog.

Mu Rufeng calculated that the range of the lightning was about 20 meters.

At a farther distance, the lightning could not break through the black fog.

Mu Rufeng looked up and found a slightly bright exit above.

Obviously, that should be the wellhead.

"Where is the monster?" Mu Rufeng looked around and did not notice the appearance of any monster.

Mu Rufeng wanted to investigate in the black fog, but he felt that if he left the wellhead, it would be bad if he got lost in it.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng flew up and stuck his head out of the wellhead.

In this way, Mu Rufeng's body was in the well, but his head was out of the wellhead.

Mu Rufeng also happened to see Han Zhen and the other two who were still actively sealing.

"General, there is nothing below, filled with black fog. If there is no disturbance, are you sure the seal can be completed in an hour and a half?" Mu Rufeng said.

Han Zhen was stunned when he saw Mu Rufeng's exposed head, and then reacted and said quickly: "If there is no interference, an hour and a half is enough to complete the seal."

"You just guard below for an hour, and you take this."

Han Zhen said, pointing to the magic sword on the top, and suddenly, a sword shadow flew out, and then fell into the well, and was caught by Mu Rufeng.

"When the seal is about to be completed, this sword can take you out of the well. If you encounter danger, you can also activate it to resist the soul refiner for a short time."

"Thank you, General." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then sank into the well again.

Mu Rufeng fell to the ground again, looking at the sword emitting misty light in his hand, and I don't know what he was thinking in his heart.

[True Essence Flying Sword]: A True Essence Flying Sword that was derived from the Emperor Sword, and possesses some of the power of the Emperor Sword.

"It seems that the sword used to seal is the Emperor Sword." Mu Rufeng thought to himself.

After half an hour, no monster appeared, which made Mu Rufeng feel a little strange.

It couldn't be that the monster didn't dare to come out because of his own strength?

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