I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 254 You have obtained a secret, would you like to view it?

Calculating the time, the duration of [Life and Death] is only about ten minutes.

Mu Rufeng began to release a large number of fire skills in all directions.

Countless explosions, fire meteorites, fireballs, and fire unicorns went in all directions.

Suddenly, a lot of roars resounded around.

The originally cold environment suddenly became extremely hot.

After a long time, the surroundings gradually calmed down.

The surrounding black fog was driven away for a distance.

The place where the lightning shone became a radius of fifty meters.

However, no living creatures were found.

The ground was all black rocks, and even the attack that Mu Rufeng just released only blew out some cracks or small pits.

Only the center of the explosion melted a little.

The rock under his feet should also be an extremely hard ore.

Thinking about it, Mu Rufeng immediately took out the clown's chainsaw from the inventory.

In a short while, a basketball-sized rock was cut out by it.

"It's so heavy!" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised when he took the rock in his hand.

It was estimated that this piece of rock weighed more than 100 kilograms.

[Black Rock]: After years of being infected by ghost energy, it became extremely hard and was an essential material for making powerful props.

"It's really a good thing." Mu Rufeng was immediately delighted.

Although he didn't know how to refine it, the Weird Things Research Bureau of the relevant department knew how to make it, and he might make a lot of money again.

Mu Rufeng took the electric saw and began to cut the ground frantically.

Mu Rufeng's inventory had 999 grids, and each grid weighed 3,000 kilograms.

In addition, Xiaoying also had 999 grids, so there was no shortage of space.

Mu Rufeng cut a larger one this time, with a diameter of 15 meters.

That is to say, the bottom position was a little difficult to cut, but this did not bother Mu Rufeng.

After some effort, he finally cut out a huge piece of rock.

Mu Rufeng put his hand on the rock, and then he put it directly into the inventory.

Mu Rufeng took a special look and found that the rock actually occupied more than ten grids.

In other words, the rock weighed about 50,000 to 60,000 kilograms.

[You have obtained a secret, please check it]

Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned. He didn't expect another secret.

Yesterday, there was also a secret. It was a person in the Demon Suppression Army, Liu Xiaoqing, the fourth place in the martial arts competition. He had a preference for Long Yang, and his target was still the sturdy man Lu Sanshan.

This also made Mu Rufeng feel a chill.

"Check it." Mu Rufeng muttered silently.

[Humans are so stupid. They even let people go down to find me. There is nothing down there. This well is used to imprison me. I have already possessed this person named Han Zhen.

I continue to exert my ability to influence him subtly. It is said to be a seal, but in fact, the seal formation has long become another attack formation. At that time, with the help of the power of the Emperor Sword, the passage to the strange world will be expanded again.

When the black fog is thick enough, it will erode the world of the living at a faster speed. It's a pity that the humans who came this time are only at the level of ghost kings, which makes me only have the strength of ghost kings. 】

[Secret owner: Illusion Ghost King]

"???" When Mu Rufeng heard this secret, he was stunned.

"So, the attack by monsters was all caused by this Illusion Ghost King."

Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Obviously, when Han Zhen and his friends appeared at the wellhead and prepared to seal, Illusion Ghost King may have possessed Han Zhen.

Then, Han Zhen, who didn't know about the seal formation at first, was self-righteously arranging the seal formation under the influence of Illusion Ghost King's ability.

In fact, it has already become an attack formation that releases the full power of the Emperor Sword and can also amplify the power.

Judging from the name of Illusion Ghost King, this guy is probably specialized in the spiritual path.

His ability can make people change their own cognition. For example, if it is clearly a left turn, it can make you think it is a right turn.

Or, just swap the left and right directions.

And no one has been able to detect it yet.

In addition to this, Mu Rufeng is more concerned about the last sentence.

[It's a pity that the human who came this time is only at the level of Ghost King, which makes me only have the strength of Ghost King]

Does it mean that if a strong man in the God Realm comes, then this Illusion Ghost King will become an Illusion Ghost Emperor?

No wonder the Great Xia Dynasty did not send a strong man in the God Realm to come, but only sent Han Zhen and two other eighth-level soul refiners.

It seems that the Great Xia Emperor also knows some of the so-called "God-given" power.

Otherwise, such a big thing would definitely send a ninth-level God Realm strongman.

To be honest, if a strong man in the God Realm really came, Mu Rufeng would probably have nothing to do.

Mu Rufeng has a login bracelet, so he can naturally return.

But a ninth-level Illusion Ghost Emperor, even if he is in the God Realm, will be controlled by him.

Come to think of it, it is really the right decision for this ninth-level not to come.

As for the barbarians, they also had powerful gods, but that was in the past.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the barbarians were strong and led the barbarian army to invade.

The barbarian gods personally took action, broke through the border, and successfully entered the territory of Daxia.

After the barbarian army slaughtered several cities, Daxia's gods finally took action.

The gods of both sides fought for three days and three nights, and the battlefield was fought from the territory of Daxia to the barbarians' barbaric areas.

After all, Daxia was more skilled and successfully injured the barbarians' gods, and retreated from the border with the army in a panic.

It is said that the barbarians' gods died of serious injuries.

It is precisely because the barbarians have no gods that they dare not invade Daxia for more than a hundred years.

However, there are no new gods in Daxia now, and the old gods have never appeared.

The barbarian army thinks that Daxia's gods have died of old age, and has begun to attack and test in recent years.

It's a pity that the border is guarded by the Zhenbei Army, and there is no good at all. Let alone looting, they have suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, there must be no ninth-level gods on the barbarian side.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that the ninth-level masters of the barbarians would have come to Meishan long ago, and it would be impossible for Han Zhen and others to go up the mountain.

It's not that the barbarians don't want to stop it, but that the barbarians can't stop it.

The most important thing is that the barbarians are a general term for the multiple tribes living on the grassland and the barren Gobi.

Among them, the barbarian soldiers who were destroyed by Mu Rufeng were the most powerful tribe among the barbarians, calling themselves the royal family.

"There is still more than an hour, which should be enough time, but be safe, cut for another half an hour and then go up."

Although Mu Rufeng knew this secret, he was unwilling to give up the black rock under his feet.

In the blink of an eye, forty minutes passed.

The ground was already full of potholes, all cut by Mu Rufeng with an electric saw.

After a rough estimate, Mu Rufeng cut out three hundred grids of black rock.

One grid weighs 1,500 kilograms, and three hundred is 450,000 kilograms.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng cut it again and directly gathered 500,000 kilograms, which is one million catties.

Mu Rufeng can actually still pretend, but there is not enough time, one million catties is enough.

Then, Mu Rufeng thought about how to deal with the phantom ghost king who possessed Han Zhen's body next.

After thinking for a long time and making some preparations, he flew out of the wellhead directly.

"Mu Rufeng, why did you come out? Has the monster been solved?"

When Mu Rufeng appeared, Han Zhen noticed him immediately and asked.

"No, I have been down there for so long and have not encountered any monsters. I feel that the seal should be almost done, so I just came out."

"If the monster comes, I will take action then." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yeah." Han Zhen nodded after hearing this.

Then, everyone fell silent again.

Han Zhen and the other two silently arranged the formation.

Mu Rufeng, who was standing aside, took out a bloody dead pigeon the size of a palm from the inventory.

[Carrier pigeon]: In ancient times, the fastest way of communication.

Effect: Rule-type props, select the object, and you can send a carrier pigeon to a single target. The way of sending the letter can be in written form or by voice transmission, which will not be known by others.

This was the reward that Mu Rufeng won in the Golden City. It just happened that it came in handy this time.

Mu Rufeng was covered in the thunder and fire armor at the moment. Even if he held a dead pigeon in his hand, he would not be discovered.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng selected two other level eight soul refiners besides Han Zhen.

Mu Rufeng did not know their names, but it didn't matter. He could see their faces and use the pigeon to send a letter.

Sun Mian took out a pill from the storage bag, took it, and recovered the consumed blood and energy.

He looked at the wellhead, then at Mu Rufeng, and continued to inject his blood and energy into the formation.

Just at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"I am Mu Rufeng. When you hear this, don't make a sound or react. The monster that is harassing you is a soul-refining monster named Phantom Ghost King."

"He is now possessed by General Han Zhen. Phantom Ghost King has the ability to change other people's cognition. All three of you are affected by Phantom Ghost King's ability."

"The formation you are setting up now is not to seal the wellhead, but to destroy the seal, which will expand the entrance to the strange world. At that time, the speed of invasion of the strange world will be faster."

"Because Phantom Ghost King is possessed by the general, I am afraid of being affected or discovered by him, so I only told you and the other senior. Don't show any abnormality. You can use your own methods to check the formation to see if there is something wrong."

Mu Rufeng transmitted a long message. There was no way. There were too many things to say. He couldn't finish it in a short sentence.

When Sun Mian heard Mu Rufeng's message, he glanced at Mu Rufeng inconspicuously, and then looked at the other eighth-level soul-refining expert Zhao Qing.

Zhao Qing also looked over at the right time. The two looked at each other, then moved away at the same time and continued to work.

Neither Han Zhen nor the Phantom Ghost King in his body had any reaction yet, obviously they didn't notice it.

The two were also worried at this moment. Was what Mu Rufeng said right, or was Mu Rufeng controlled by the monster in the well?

However, they were not ready to say it out loud, but followed Mu Rufeng's words and began to investigate the formation.

Although there was a problem with their cognition, they also had other ways to investigate.

As long as they noticed something wrong, then what Mu Rufeng said might be true.

After the two people's investigation, they really found something wrong.

However, they remained calm because they were not sure about the real situation.

At this time, Mu Rufeng used the pigeon to send a message to the two people again.

"I have a magic bell in my hand. After ringing it, it should help you recover your cognition for a short time."

"After I ring the magic bell, I will control the general as soon as possible. At that time, you don't have to take action."

Sun Mian and Zhao Qing heard this, and there was no change on their faces. They didn't even look at Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn't delay any more and took out a worn-out sandbag and an old bell.

[Worn-out sandbag]: This is a sandbag that has been through many games, but because it is a little worn-out, it has been discarded.

Effect: Hitting the target with a sandbag will force the target to be bound. The duration depends on the strength of both parties. The minimum mandatory binding is one second.

Note: If the opponent catches it, you will be forced to be bound for three seconds. After the sandbag is thrown, if it does not hit the target or the binding ends, it will automatically return to the user's hand.

[Emperor Bell]: This is a Sanqing Bell that has been worshipped in the Taoist temple for many years.

Effect: Level 8 prop, ringing the Emperor Bell can break illusions and mental abilities, and protect oneself from being eroded.

Mu Rufeng held the Emperor Bell in his left hand and the sandbag in his right hand, ready to go.

The next second, a crisp bell sounded.

"Ding Ding Ding~~!"

When the bell sounded, Han Zhen, Zhao Qing and Sun Mian all felt a shiver all over.

Then, the faces of the three people changed drastically.

Obviously, when they recovered their cognition, they instantly realized that there was a problem with the formation they arranged.

The Phantom Heart Ghost King who possessed Han Zhen also noticed something wrong at the first time, and activated his ability again to change Han Zhen's cognition.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's figure has become the monster that often attacks and blocks them from arranging formations.

Han Zhen's face turned pale again, and he didn't even care about the formation, but prepared to control the Emperor Sword to kill Mu Rufeng.

However, a worn-out sandbag flew over and hit Han Zhen's body directly, and then sank into it.

Han Zhen immediately lost the ability to move.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng's strength is definitely stronger than Han Zhen's now. The duration of the sandbag is at least one minute.

One minute is enough for Mu Rufeng to do a lot of things.

"What's the matter? I can't move. Zhao Qing, Sun Mian, quickly activate the Emperor Sword to kill that monster." Han Zhen shouted loudly.

However, Sun Mian and Zhao Qing looked at each other and were indifferent. Obviously, they have regained their own cognition.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng rang the Emperor Bell again, and then Mu Rufeng flashed and appeared directly in front of Han Zhen.

A dazzling lightning flashed up, and then instantly filled Han Zhen's body.

Han Zhen's body instantly erupted with a powerful blood force to resist the power of thunder, but unfortunately, it was not very effective. He immediately began to tremble, and the whole person could not even speak a word of being electrocuted.

A black shadow suddenly emerged from Han Zhen's body, and it actually went directly into Mu Rufeng's body along Mu Rufeng's arm in the face of thunder.

And because of the entry of the Phantom Ghost King into Mu Rufeng's body, his whole body directly triggered the protection mechanism, and he was also deeply trapped in his own soul world.


"Is this my soul world?" Mu Rufeng looked at the endless sea, a little stunned.

And on the sea, there was a luxury cruise ship.

Under the cruise ship, there was a wooden boat the size of a yacht.

On the wooden boat, there stood a creature with black air all over his body, like a monkey, staring at the luxury cruise ship in amazement.

"What is this?" The Phantom Ghost King was full of disbelief.

"What is this? This is of course the ship of my soul origin." Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and he appeared in front of the Ghost King of Illusion Heart.

"Impossible, why is your soul ship so huge? And why does your soul sea really have a sea?"

"You also said it was a soul sea, is it strange to have a sea? And, what's wrong with this cruise ship being bigger? I will be more comfortable on the boat." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

After entering the soul world, Mu Rufeng instantly understood.

The soul sea, that is, the soul world, is owned by everyone. Everyone has a ship in their soul sea, all kinds of different, and the stronger your soul power, the bigger the soul ship will be.

This ship is the origin of your soul.

The soul ship of ordinary people is probably only the size of a palm, while Mu Rufeng's is simply ridiculously large.

And the soul sea, although it is called the soul sea, is actually not a sea, at most it is just a handful of water.

And the reason why Mu Rufeng has a real soul sea is naturally because he has a huge amount of soul power.

The soul power he obtained in the Golden City has already materialized into this soul sea.

The Illusionary Ghost King felt that his soul power was the best among all the heroes, and no one in the same level could surpass him.

But today, his three views were shattered. The soul ship in front of him was a hundred meters high. Let alone him, even if the ninth-level ghost emperor came, it would not be so big, right?

In addition, this soul sea is really a sea. Look at his soul sea, which is only as big as a bathtub.

After the Illusionary Ghost King reacted, he directly controlled his wooden boat without any hesitation and crashed into the void.

"Ka Ka Ka~~!"

A cracking sound was heard.

"Impossible!" The Illusionary Ghost King screamed.

He originally wanted to break through the soul sea and then escape from Mu Rufeng's soul sea.

He didn't need to break a big hole, just a crack would be fine, and he could escape through the crack.

But now it was his wooden boat that had cracks.

"Want to run? After entering my soul sea, can you still run away?"

Mu Rufeng sneered, raised his hand and pointed, and suddenly, a huge wave came, and then smashed his wooden boat in the desperate eyes of the Illusionary Ghost King.

When the wooden boat was broken, the Illusionary Ghost King did not die, but his breath became extremely weak.

Soon, a wooden boat of only about one meter appeared again under the feet of the Illusionary Ghost King.

Compared with the previous wooden boat, it was much smaller.

"Spare my life, let me go." The Illusionary Ghost King knelt down directly without any backbone, and looked at Mu Rufeng pitifully.

"Spare my life?" Mu Rufeng looked at the Ghost King with a smile.

"My ability is very strong. I can change other people's cognition. As long as you bypass me, I can sign a rule contract with you. I will do whatever you ask me to do. I cannot disobey the signed rule contract."

While speaking, the Ghost King took out a written contract of the ancient times.

"This is a written contract. As long as you hold it in your hand, you can know its effect. This is not me affecting your cognition, but the rules. You should also know that I do not belong to this world. In our world, all objects can be known as long as they are held in your hand." The Ghost King of Illusion said.

Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and took the written contract.

[Rule Contract]: This is a contract book containing rules. Once signed, it cannot be violated or changed, otherwise it will be suppressed by the rules.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng sneered in his heart.

Indeed, what the Ghost King of Illusion said was true. Mu Rufeng has been to the weird world many times. This guy is in ancient times, and the weird world should also be ancient.

However, how could Mu Rufeng not know that this kind of rule contract cannot restrain high-level weirdness.

High-level weirdness includes the eighth-level ghost king and the ninth-level ghost emperor.

Although it needs to pay a certain price, it is all affordable, and it is completely fine to use it to cancel the rule contract.

The last point of the rule contract document is that if you violate it, it is not the rule that will kill you, but the suppression, so the force is definitely much smaller.

The rule contract in the modern weird world is equivalent to an upgraded version of the rule contract document. The upgraded version of the rule contract, even if the ninth-level ghost emperor wants to cancel it, he has to pay an unbearable price.

Of course, if it is really a contract of selling oneself, the ninth-level ghost emperor will definitely pay the price and cancel the contract without hesitation.

I think if the ghost king of Huanxin wants to cancel this contract, he can definitely bear the price he pays.

The most important point is that he signed a contract with this guy, which is of no use at all.

Anyway, he returned directly after completing the task, and he couldn't take it out.

As for signing a contract with him and making him Mu Rufeng's contracted ghost, that's about right.

This guy is very capable, and he is also a level 8 ghost king. If he is beaten to level 4 to complete the contract, he can be steadily upgraded to level 8 in the future.

If Mu Rufeng gets more resources, there will be absolutely no problem in upgrading to level 9.

"I don't need this." Mu Rufeng threw away the contract document and said slowly.

"Spare my life, General, I am really useful. Even if you want to be the emperor of mankind, my ability can help you."

Panicked, the Illusionary Ghost King was a little panicked.

Mu Rufeng didn't speak, and once again controlled the soul sea to raise a huge wave.

The huge wave came, and the Illusionary Ghost King wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't avoid it at all, and the wooden boat shattered again.

The Illusionary Ghost King's breath became more sluggish, and the wooden boat under his feet condensed again, but it was only the size of a chair.

"Level 6, not enough."

Mu Rufeng murmured, and the huge wave hit again.

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