I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 255 The fourth contracted ghost, terrifying ability

Mu Rufeng took out a rule contract and handed it to the extremely weak Ghost King Huanxin.

Oh, no, he shouldn't be called the Ghost King Huanxin. His strength is only at level five now.

"What is this?" The Ghost King Huanxin took the contract tremblingly. He found that he couldn't understand what it was.

But he could feel the power of rules contained in the contract.

"You don't need to know what this is. Sign here and seal it."

Mu Rufeng turned the contract to the last page and pointed to the signature area at the bottom.

"No, there is no pen." The Ghost King Huanxin said carefully.

"Won't you bite your finger and write it with blood? It's just right to press your fingerprint." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

The Ghost King Huanxin didn't dare to refuse, so he could only bite his finger, and then write his name with his blood, and then press his fingerprint.

When the signing was completed, Mu Rufeng realized that he had a little more connection with the Ghost King Huanxin.

On the other hand, the Ghost King Huanxin showed a shocked look on his face.

Obviously, at the moment of signing the contract with Mu Rufeng, he also understood the mission he had to undertake and became Mu Rufeng's contract ghost.

After the shock, he was relieved. No matter what, he didn't have to die.

"Go to the contract slot. Remember, Xiaoying and the other three's words are my words. Do whatever they tell you to do." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Yes, yes, I know, Master." The Illusion Ghost King nodded repeatedly, and then turned into a black light and returned to Mu Rufeng's contract slot.

Mu Rufeng also came back from his soul world and regained consciousness.

At this moment, he still maintained his previous appearance, and the thunder power in his body went towards Han Zhen.

Mu Rufeng stopped immediately, and then distanced himself from Han Zhen.

"Two seniors, the Illusion Ghost King has been solved by me." Mu Rufeng said to Sun Mian and Zhao Qing.

The two looked at Mu Rufeng, but they didn't believe it.

"How do you prove that you have solved the Phantom Ghost King?"

"How do we know if you are controlled by the Phantom Ghost King now?"

Sun Mian and Zhao Qing said.

"If I am controlled, then I will attack you. Do you think you can stop me?"

"Or, do you want to activate the power of the Emperor Sword?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

After hearing this, the two looked at each other, and Sun Mian said: "Where is the Phantom Ghost King? I seem to see a black shadow entering your body."

"I have the power of thunder, which has a strong killing power against this kind of monster. Do you think he can survive?"

Mu Rufeng said, and his whole body burst into dazzling lightning again.

A large amount of thunder emerged from Mu Rufeng's body, and it can be said that the whole person was bathed in thunder.

Seeing this, the two felt that it should be so. If such a powerful thunder could not destroy the Phantom Ghost King.

Even if they used the Emperor Sword, they might not be able to kill it.

"It may take some time for the general to wake up. Should we adjust this formation?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No need to do that." Sun Mian took out a pill, flicked his finger, and it went directly into Han Zhen's mouth.

The pill melted in his mouth, and a large amount of energy was integrated into Han Zhen's body.

The body injured by thunder began to recover rapidly.

It took only more than ten seconds after swallowing the pill. Han Zhen's eyelids moved, and his fingers moved unconsciously.

Soon, Han Zhen's eyes suddenly opened, and a powerful momentum instantly penetrated his body.

The next second, Han Zhen's body disappeared on the ground, and the whole person appeared next to the Emperor Sword.

Han Zhen stretched out his hand to hold the Emperor Sword, staring at Mu Rufeng.

It seems that as long as Mu Rufeng moves, he will definitely activate the Emperor Sword to kill Mu Rufeng in the first time.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng was not panicked at all. His [Absolute Defense] is not vegetarian.

"General Han, wait!" Sun Mian suddenly stopped him.

"Don't do it, General Han." Zhao Qing also stopped him immediately.

"What happened? Why did we set up the formation?" Han Zhen's face was extremely ugly.

"General Han, it's like this..." Sun Mian quickly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

He emphasized that Mu Rufeng personally helped and killed the Ghost King of Illusion.

"So that's how it is. It seems that I really have to thank you, Mu Rufeng." Han Zhen's face also eased, and he slowly fell from above.

[Complete the third stage of the task, get 1000% clearance completion, and go to the capital with Han Zhen to meet the emperor within 24 hours to return]

"Do I still need to go to the capital to meet the emperor." Mu Rufeng murmured in his heart.

But it won't take much time, just one day.

"General Han, time is running out, let's rearrange the formation immediately." Sun Mian said.

"Well, fortunately, our basic formation has been completed. We can transform this attack formation and it will be completed in two hours without anyone messing with it." General Han said.

"Let's do it without delay. General Mu, I'll trouble you to protect us and prevent others from disturbing us." Zhao Qing said.

"Don't worry, I will help you protect the formation." Mu Rufeng said.

Han Zhen and the other two nodded and immediately began to transform the formation.

Mu Rufeng did not stay here anymore, but flew directly downwards.

After flying out of the black mist, Mu Rufeng discarded many bones and heads.

These skeletons were all put into the inventory by Mu Rufeng when she went up the mountain.

Long before coming out of the well, the duration of [Life or Death] has ended.

At that time, Mu Rufeng made some preparations and then came out of the well mouth.

This preparation was for Mu Rufeng to take out these bones and then use [Life or Death] again.

After a while, Mu Rufeng arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The demon-suppressing army still stood guard at the foot of the mountain and did not move at all.

It is probably because there was no barbarian army coming.

After saying hello to Lu Sanshan and the others and explaining the situation, they continued flying towards the distance.

In the distance, most of the traps he had laid were untouched.

However, those fireballs of explosive fire near the edge of the rule envelope were detonated.

The barbarian army must have sent people to test them, and they must have died under the Explosive Flame Technique.

Unfortunately, there was no kill prompt, and the barbarians who came were all below level four.

Mu Rufeng came to the outside and found that the barbarian army was fighting with the Daxia army.

The two sides did not display military formations, but the two armies were directly mixed together and engaged in a melee.

High-level generals are also fighting far away from the battlefield.

No, it shouldn't be said that they were far away from the battlefield, but that the soldiers around them were subconsciously far away from their battlefield.

After all, they had a red eye, so they didn't care about the soldiers around them.

"You actually didn't use the military formation, but were fighting in a melee? Isn't this embarrassing for me?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

If a military formation is used, the armies of both sides will be clearly differentiated, so Mu Rufeng will not be able to use fire skills.

But he also has the power of an eighth-level ghost king, and can also carry out sneak attacks from behind.

But now that the two sides are fighting together, Mu Rufeng may have no choice but to deal with those high-level descendants first.

He had just made a contract with the Phantom King, and now he had three more abilities.

The first ability is virtualization, the second ability is imperceptible, and the third ability is forgetfulness.

These three abilities are possessed by the Ghost King from the moment he is born, and whether he is at level eight or level one, he only has these three abilities.

[Virtualization]: You can transform your body from entity to illusion. In the illusion state, you will be immune to physical attacks.

Note 1: After becoming virtual, you can only use the abilities of the Phantom Ghost King.

Note 2: Please note that when in virtual state, keep your body pure and do not wear or wear anything.

Note 3: Virtualization will consume a lot of soul power.

[Subtle influence]: Can subtly change other people's perceptions.

[Forget]: It can make others ignore your own existence and make it difficult for others to notice.

To be honest, these three abilities are really powerful.

Although the Huanxin Ghost King is only at level five, Mu Rufeng's strength has now reached level eight.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng is now an enhanced version of the Phantom Ghost King.

Even if he only uses these three abilities of the Huanxin Ghost King, Mu Rufeng is absolutely invincible when facing the arrival of these barbarian armies.

Mu Rufeng's eyes were fixed on the two people with the most grand battle scenes.

Not surprisingly, these two people should be the leaders of both armies.

They are all eighth level soul refining experts.


Mu Rufeng murmured softly and used her contract ability.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng's thunder and fire armor disappeared immediately.

Then the clothes, equipment, etc. he wore quickly fell downwards.

Mu Rufeng was completely naked at the moment. Of course, no one else could see her.

Because now Mu Rufeng has turned into a black shadow.

Mu Rufeng couldn't feel the existence of his body, but as long as he wanted to move, he would move forward.

Mu Rufeng immediately flew downwards and put her clothes and equipment into her inventory.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng flew out from the place shrouded in rules and flew directly towards the barbarian general.

The speed was very fast, even a few minutes faster than Mu Rufeng's flying speed using the Thunder Fire Armor.

"Not strong enough, not strong enough, you are too weak, too weak, haha."

Suo'etu had a violent expression on his face, but he was laughing wildly.

Long Shaoze, who was fighting against him, had a somewhat unstable breath and a bright red wound on his chest.

Obviously, Long Shaoze was injured and was at a disadvantage facing Suo'etu.

Although Suo'etu was also injured, his breath was not unstable at all. Instead, he became stronger and more manic.

"Do you barbarians want to exterminate your tribe? If I, the Great Xia Divine Realm, take action, you will die without a burial place." Long Shaoze stared at Suo'e Tu.

"Haha, then let your god-level experts come over. Wait for me to kill you all, and then kill all the Zhenbei Army at the border. Wait for your god-level experts to come and kill me." Suo'etu Laughing ferociously.


There was a tearing sound, and Suo'etu tore a fifth-level barbarian in half, then opened his mouth and bit off a large piece of flesh and chewed it a few times before swallowing it.

After swallowing the flesh and blood, Suo'etu's injuries recovered quickly.

At his level, simply eating flesh and blood is already difficult to improve strength, but it is still very suitable for healing injuries.

When Long Shaoze saw this scene, his heart sank.

In the past, his strength was much stronger than Suo Etu, but Suo Etu's strength suddenly increased greatly, and he has surpassed him faintly.

In addition, Suo Etu is not afraid of pain, not afraid of death, and is extremely crazy, which directly puts him at a disadvantage.

In addition, he can still eat flesh and blood to heal his injuries, and the result of the final battle must be his death.

He couldn't even stop Suo Etu from eating flesh and blood.

Just when he was thinking about whether to withdraw temporarily, a black light suddenly flew from behind.

Then it directly sank into Suo Etu's body.

Long Shaoze was stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

Suo Etu didn't notice it at all.

He ate the flesh and blood in his hand with bones in two or three bites.

After eating, Suo Etu suddenly opened his bloody mouth towards another eighth-level soul refiner in his family.

Heaven-shaking roar——


A terrifying roar instantly resounded throughout the battlefield.

The soldiers around him stopped fighting instantly, covered their ears immediately, and showed pain on their faces.

A lot of blood flowed out of their ears.

Long Shaoze on the side also frowned, and he also felt it was unusually harsh.

But soon, his face was full of confusion and shock.

A terrifying sound wave instantly acted on Tu Lu.

Because Tu Lu was fighting with another Da Xia general, his attention was all here, and he didn't have much defense at all.

He was suddenly hit hard, his eardrum burst instantly, and blood spurted out.

The whole person's eyes rolled back, and he lost consciousness for a short time.

On the other hand, although his opponent also felt it was unusually harsh, he could bear it because he was not the main target.

When he saw that Tu Lu had lost consciousness, the general of Da Xia instantly launched his full-strength attack.

The terrifying spear instantly pierced Tu Lu's head, and Tu Lu's breath instantly disappeared.

He was dead. The barbarian leader of ten thousand men, the eighth-level soul refiner, was killed by the general of Da Xia.

"You" Long Shaoze looked at Suo Etu in disbelief.

"Haha, Tu Lu really deserves the title of "God General" given by me. He seized the opportunity and killed your Da Xia strongman in one fell swoop."

Suo Etu said with a big laugh.

"Uh" Long Shaoze was a little stunned when he heard it.

What's the situation? Isn't it the strong man of the barbarian tribe who died? Why did Suo Etu say that their Da Xia strongman died?

"Everyone, retreat! Retreat!" Suo Etu shouted again.

A loud shout resounded throughout the battlefield.

At this moment, the barbarian soldiers who were still fighting showed puzzled expressions.

However, they did not dare to disobey Suo Etu's orders. Even if they were about to kill their opponents, they would withdraw and retreat to the rear as soon as possible.

You know, when the two sides are fighting, if one side retreats, it means that they will give their backs to the enemy.

And what will happen in this situation?

Heavy casualties!

A large number of barbarian soldiers were killed by Daxia soldiers, and this result also caused more barbarian soldiers to flee frantically.

It even developed into a rout.

Those centurions and thousand-man commanders wanted to stop it, but they couldn't stop it at all.

Some centurions were even directly eaten by multiple barbarian soldiers because they blocked the road.

The barbarian army was completely defeated.

Long Shaoze looked at this scene in a daze, and he was really puzzled.

Obviously, he was at a disadvantage, and the Daxia army was also at a disadvantage. Why did the barbarian army rout?

"Haha, good, the Great Xia army has fled, my men, eat, drink blood and eat meat for me, you become stronger, we can conquer the territory of Great Xia."

Suo Etu was still laughing there.

Mu Rufeng, who was possessed by Suo Etu, also felt that it was almost time, and immediately flew out of Suo Etu's body.

He did not remove the ability of virtualization, and still looked like a group of phantoms.

Seeing the appearance of Mu Rufeng, both Suo Etu and Long Shaoze were instantly alert and stared at Mu Rufeng.

"General Long, I am Mu Rufeng, the commander of the Demon Suppression Army. I have been ordered to guard Meishankou. I will talk about other things later. I will get rid of this guy first."

Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh?" Long Shaoze's pupils shrank slightly, obviously shocked by Mu Rufeng's words.

Mu Rufeng, the commander of the Demon Suppression Army? He had also seen it during the martial arts competition, and knew that Mu Rufeng's strongest burst of strength was probably at the sixth level of the internal organs training realm.

Now, looking at the aura, it has reached level eight, and what Suo Etu did just now seems to be this person.

"What did I do?" Suo Etu stared blankly at the fleeing barbarian army below.

Mu Rufeng had just released his ability, which also caused Suo Etu to instantly regain his own cognition.

Originally, he was the one who sneaked in to attack the Great Xia, but he became the one who sneaked in to attack his own Wanfu leader.

Originally, he wanted the barbarian army to continue attacking, eating and fighting freely, but he turned into letting the army retreat.

It was these two small actions that caused the current scene.

"You, it's you, I'm going to kill you, kill you!!!"

Suo Etu's eyes were bloodshot, and veins on his forehead were bulging. He was obviously in extreme anger.

A terrifying sonic boom sounded out, and Suo Etu burst out at an extremely terrifying speed, appearing in front of Mu Rufeng in an instant.

A fist had already pierced Mu Rufeng's chest.

The terrifying fist wind burst out, directly clearing out some of the fleeing barbarian soldiers below.

Mu Rufeng's body twisted slightly and then returned to its original state.

Mu Rufeng didn't even feel anything, as if he was just blown by a gust of wind.

"So strong!" Mu Rufeng's ability to virtualize has risen to a higher level again.

This level of attack, even Mu Rufeng needs to use some strength to catch it.

And in the state of virtualization, it was completely unharmed.

"The virtualization has been used, and the subtle transformation has also been used, so the only thing left is forgetfulness."

Mu Rufeng immediately used the ability of forgetfulness towards Suo Etu.

Soon, the ability was successfully activated. Suo Etu, who was about to continue attacking, suddenly stopped in place.

He tilted his head slightly, and a confused look appeared on his face.

Suo Etu suddenly didn't know what abilities he had and how to use them.

"Not bad, not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to remove the ability of virtualization, he found that Long Shaoze behind him was waving the trident in his hand and heading towards Suo Etu.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng immediately removed the virtualization, and at the moment of removal, he immediately put on the thunder and fire armor.

Now he is still naked, if he doesn't use the thunder and fire armor, he will really be naked in front of others.

Then, Mu Rufeng flashed and appeared directly in front of Suo Etu, stretched out one hand, and grabbed the trident in front of him, not letting it move forward.

Are you kidding? This guy is Mu Rufeng's prey, he won't let anyone steal his prey.

"General Mu?" Long Shaoze was shocked. When did Mu Rufeng appear? He could actually catch his full-strength attack with one hand?

"General Long, he is my prey, so you don't have to do anything." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.


"Be careful!"

Two loud shouts came, the former was Suo Etu's shout, and the latter was Long Shaoze's reminder.

I saw a fist as big as a volleyball hit Mu Rufeng's face.

If this punch hits, ordinary soul refiners will probably have their heads blown up.

However, the person standing in front of him is Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng's right hand also waved at the right time, and he came from behind and hit Suo Etu's fist with a punch.

"Bang!" A muffled sound.

I saw Suo Etu's fist explode directly, and the terrifying power even caused an entire arm and shoulder to explode directly.


The terrifying explosion sounded after a delay.

"Comparing strength with me? You are tired of living." Mu Rufeng showed a grim smile on his face.

Before Suo Etu could react, Mu Rufeng punched again.

This punch, without any surprise, directly blew up Suo'etu's head.

At this moment, Suo'etu had transformed into a weird. Mu Rufeng was worried that Suo'etu would not be fatal without his head, so he added two more punches and blew up his body.

[Triggering successfully, killing the eighth-level weird, strength +0.5, ghost energy +0.5%]

Hearing the prompt sound, Mu Rufeng was relieved.

At this time, Mu Rufeng released the trident in his left hand.

Long Shaoze also reacted and took back the trident, his expression was still extremely shocked.

This demon-suppressing general Mu Rufeng was so powerful, and Suo'etu solved it with one punch?

Long Shaoze was about to speak, but he saw Mu Rufeng scooping down, as if he took something, and then disappeared in a flash.

Mu Rufeng didn't have time to chat here. There were so many barbarian armies, and there must be many generals above level four.

Of course, he also went to those ten thousand captains first.

These guys are big targets, and the rewards are generous, so they will not let them go.

[Triggering successfully, killing the eighth-level weirdness, strength +0.5, ghost energy +0.5%]


The death of five captains contributed 1 point of strength, 1 point of spirit, and 0.5 of physical fitness to Mu Rufeng.

Then it took some time to deal with all the barbarian generals of level 4 and above.

After explaining a few words to Long Shaoze, he flew back to the top of Meishan Mountain without waiting for him to ask.

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