I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 256 I am the only living person in the world [10,000 words, please give me a monthly vote]

Long Shaoze stared at Mu Rufeng who was leaving in a daze.

He didn't think too much and immediately dispatched the army to besiege the fleeing barbarian army.

He also let the highly mobile cavalry directly encircle the left and right, and let the strong men in the army hunt and stop the fleeing soldiers freely.

With the strength of these generals, they can completely stop some of them.

After explaining some things, Long Shaoze also went to Meishan.

It's just that when he came to the place covered by the rules, he was dumbfounded.

The terrifying aura emitted by the dense fireballs of thunder, fire, explosion and flame.

This aura made him palpitate in his heart. He would die, absolutely die.

Long Shaoze quickly retreated and then began to move towards Meishan along the edge.

However, he found that there were terrifying fireballs everywhere, so Long Shaoze had no choice but to cross mountains and ridges and fly up from the other side of Meishan.

It's also a good thing that he can fly, otherwise it would really waste a lot of time.

After spending some time, he climbed the mountain from the other side.

It was just that before he entered the range of the black fog, Mu Rufeng's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"General Mu, what are you doing..."

"Nothing, I just want General Long to forget some things." Mu Rufeng had a faint smile on his face.

He immediately used the ability of [Forget].

Forgetting can not only make others forget the user's presence, but also make them forget a certain memory in a targeted way.


"The barbarian army should not have any unusual movements, right?" Han Zhen asked when he saw Mu Rufeng coming back.

Although Mu Rufeng did not say that he had gone down the mountain, Han Zhen could guess it at a glance.

"No unusual movements." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's good that there are no unusual movements, so that this place can be sealed safely."

"In this way, the people of Daxia can also sleep peacefully." Han Zhen said with a smile.

"You guys are busy first, I'm a little hungry, you shouldn't mind eating something, right?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

After performing several potential bursts and [Life and Death], his physical strength was consumed very quickly.

His stomach was indeed rumbling with hunger.

"Of course I don't mind, just do as you please." Zhao Qing said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then came to a big stone.

It didn't take long to transform the big stone into a stone table and several stone chairs.

Then Mu Rufeng spread the food tablecloth on it, and took out some soul notes and placed them on top.

Soon a table of food appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.


In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed.

Mu Rufeng, who was sitting on a recliner to rest, suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw a mysterious formation taking shape in an instant, and the Emperor Sword above immediately fell from the sky and inserted directly into the wellhead.

The Emperor Sword is now the formation eye, used to suppress the formation eye of the wellhead.

"Finally done." Han Zhen slowly fell from mid-air with a smile on his face.

The expressions of the three of them gradually relaxed.

"Let's go. We have wasted a lot of time. Let's go to Beijing to see the emperor first." Han Zhen said to the few people.

"Should I go too?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course, General Mu has made outstanding contributions in this battle. If you go to Beijing with me to see the emperor, His Majesty will definitely give you rewards." Han Zhen said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded immediately.

"Deputy General Long, you take the Zhenbei Army and the Zhenmo Army back to the border, and the Zhenmo Army will temporarily guard Hegu Pass."

"As for the subsequent transfer orders, I will talk about it after I see the emperor." Han Zhen said.

"Yes, General!" Long Shaoze bowed and responded.

Han Zhen had already learned about the battle with the barbarian army from Long Shaoze, so he also knew that Mu Rufeng was really a great contribution.

Mu Rufeng went down Meishan and explained to Lu Sanshan and others, asking them to guard Hegu Pass and wait for the subsequent transfer orders. At the same time, he also took back the props lent to them.

The four did not fly this time.

Flying is really expensive, so they chose to ride horses.

Of course, this horse is not an ordinary horse, but a strange beast called a unicorn.

The unicorn is extremely fast and runs very steadily. Even on a rugged road, it is as if walking on flat ground. It is also very endurance and can run continuously for a day and a night without stopping.

This place is about 500 kilometers away from the imperial capital. At the speed of the unicorn, it only takes three hours to arrive.

This is also the first time for Mu Rufeng to ride a horse. It is really novel.

Wait, it seems that this is not the first time for him to ride a horse. It seems that the first time is Li Lina?


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the four people entered the imperial city in a dusty manner.

This imperial city is extremely huge, several times larger than the ancient capital.

The city wall of the capital is ten feet high, and some mysterious runes are engraved on it, flashing from time to time.

After entering the imperial city, they did not delay at all and came directly to the palace. Of course, it was not the main gate, but the side gate.

After showing the token, a eunuch and a team of palace guards escorted the four people to the palace.

Seven or eight minutes later, they arrived in front of a hall.

This is not the main hall, but the place where the emperor reviews memorials.

The young eunuch originally asked Han Zhen and the others to wait outside, and he went to report, but at this time an old eunuch came out of the hall.

"Generals, His Majesty invites you."

"I've met Eunuch Cheng." Han Zhen bowed his hands and saluted the old eunuch.

Mu Rufeng also bowed her hands in a similar manner.

Soon several people entered the hall.

In front of the hall, there was a high platform with golden stairs.

The table, as well as the dragon chair, are also golden.

"My lord, see your majesty!"

Several people said in unison, and then bowed deeply towards the emperor.

He just bowed and did not kneel down. Mu Rufeng followed suit and bowed.

"Pingshen, all those who are serving please step back." The emperor put down the brush in his hand and asked all the eunuchs and maids serving around him to step back.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The eunuchs and maids immediately retreated and slowly closed the door.

Only the old eunuch Chenggong from before did not move at all.

When the door closed, a stream of light flashed across the door, and then instantly enveloped the entire hall.

A formation is arranged on the gate, which can be activated as long as it is closed. It can not only defend but also provide sound insulation.

The emperor sitting on the dragon throne is named Emperor Jingxuan, and he is the twenty-seventh emperor of Daxia.

Although his hair is white, he doesn't look old at all. He looks like a middle-aged man in his forties.

But in fact, the emperor is already eighty years old this year.

Of course, this is not an ordinary ancient world. Emperor Jingxuan also has the cultivation of soul refining, so there is no problem in living for two hundred years.

It's just a pain for the prince. If you calculate it, by this year, he should have been the prince for forty or fifty years.

As the emperor of Daxia, he has countless resources. If he cannot reach the soul refining realm, he will be a real loser.

"Your Majesty, we are fortunate to have fulfilled our mission. The entrance to the strange world has been sealed by the Emperor's Sword." Han Zhen said.

"Very good, very good. This is the general of the Demon Suppressing Army you mentioned, Mu Rufeng, right?" Emperor Jingxuan's eyes fell on Mu Rufeng.

"I have met Your Majesty," Mu Rufeng said immediately with her hands in hand.

"Your Majesty, it's true that General Mu was the first to successfully seal this time. He also wiped out the 50,000 barbarian army in one fell swoop." Han Zhen said.

"Oh? He is only in the bone refining realm, why can he take the first place?" Emperor Jingxuan became interested.

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate General Mu. He has a secret method that allows him to achieve the strength of soul refining, and he is still a top existence. Even I am not as good as me." Han Zhen said.

"Secret method? Seriously?" Emperor Jingxuan looked at several people.

Zhao Qing and Sun Mian both nodded in agreement.

"Your Majesty, I am born with divine power, and my strength is different from ordinary people. As long as I fall into an emotion, my strength can be doubled."

"When your strength reaches its peak, you will have great power." Mu Rufeng said.

"Interesting, let's not talk about it for now. Since you have successfully sealed it, you should be rewarded based on your merits."

"Mu Rufeng listens!" Emperor Jingxuan's tone suddenly changed.

"I'm here!" Mu Rufeng immediately took a step forward, cupped his hands and said.

"Today, there is an invasion from a strange world. The entrance to the strange world is sealed, and an army of 50,000 barbarians is killed. You should be the first to do so. You will be promoted to the third level, and you will be given..."

Mu Rufeng actually didn't feel much about these rewards.

After all, he was about to return, and this world had nothing to do with the real world.

No matter how much the reward is, he will never benefit from it.

He does want some good martial arts or other special props, but he can't take the initiative to ask.

However, he was also granted the title of Marquis. When he was on his way, Mu Rufeng also learned from Han Zhen that he would most likely receive a title.

Han Zhen was really right. At the same time, his title belongs to the second level.

The first level is a duke, the second level is a marquis, the third level is an earl, and the rest are just some little shrimps.

But soon, Mu Rufeng was shocked. The emperor actually rewarded him with a martial skill called: Qinglong Transformation.

The name of this martial skill sounded very powerful, which made Mu Rufeng look forward to it.

Emperor Jingxuan spoke for a long time and asked Han Zhen and others to reward him.

"Your Majesty, what is the situation in that strange world? Also, why do those barbarian armies have such strange power within their bodies?"

"As long as you eat flesh and blood, your power will increase and you will become more bloodthirsty and manic, and you will not be afraid of pain or death."

Mu Rufeng asked the doubts in her heart.

Although Mu Rufeng also asked Han Zhen and others on the way, they didn't know much.

Mu Rufeng was about to return, so she boldly asked.

"This is not the first time that a strange world has appeared. It was because of the strange invasion that the founding emperor of Great Xia overthrew the previous dynasty and established my eternal foundation of Great Xia."

Emperor Jingxuan was the twenty-seventh emperor of Daxia. Because this was a world of high martial arts, the average life span of emperors of Daxia was relatively high.

In this way, most of them started thirty years ago. Of course, some emperors who died suddenly are not excluded. Therefore, Daxia has lasted for more than a thousand years.

Although Daxia is still strong, the emergence of a strange world also declares that the country of Zuo, which has lasted for more than a thousand years, seems to be coming to an end soon.

Emperor Jingxuan has been curious and likes new things since he was a child, so he likes to spend time in the library.

A large number of secrets are known to him, including the strange world.

So, when the entrance to the strange world appeared on Meishan, he did not send a strong man in the God Realm, but a strong man in the Soul Refining Realm.

This also proved that his approach was right. The strange world was sealed, and it can be said that the national destiny of their Great Xia would not stop here.

"Han Zhen, you immediately lead the Zhenbei Army to flatten the barbarians, and Meishan will be under the rule of my Great Xia."

"I will not allow anyone to destroy the seal. I have already drawn the top formation masters in the country, and they will go to set up the mountain sealing formation." Emperor Jingxuan said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Han Zhen was slightly excited and immediately responded with a fist.

"Mu Rufeng, you lead the Demon Suppression Army to guard Meishan, and no one is allowed to enter." Emperor Jingxuan said again.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Mu Rufeng also responded immediately.

"You can leave, I am tired."

"I will leave!"

When Mu Rufeng stepped out of the hall, a prompt sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately]

In three minutes, Mu Rufeng glanced at Han Zhen and the others walking in front.

It seems that there is nothing to say, right? Go to the treasury to grab a wave? Forget it, there is no need.

As for the reward of Qinglong Transformation, it is estimated that it will be given to him directly from the settlement reward.

But just in case, Mu Rufeng still caught up with Han Zhen and said: "General Han, when will the martial arts rewarded by His Majesty reach my hands?"

"Haha, why are you in a hurry? When we reach the palace gate, someone will deliver it. Han Zhen said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng heard it and understood it in his heart. He thought that it was indeed given to him directly from the settlement reward.

After all, it took more than three minutes to walk from here to the palace gate.

He returned after three minutes, how could the reward be delivered to him.

"Return! "Mu Rufeng immediately said silently.


Location: Real world, Yongcheng headquarters, underground secret room.

Time: 2023, December 11, 17:03.

Mu Rufeng stood up and sat on the bed.

"Settlement reward. "Mu Rufeng said softly.

[Congratulations to LV4 player Mu Rufeng for successfully clearing the single-player special copy: Ancient Battlefield]

[Player successfully completed the first stage of the task, the clearance completion increased by 500%, the player completed the second stage of the task, the clearance completion increased by 1,000%, the player completed the third stage of the task, the clearance completion increased by 1,000%]

[Total clearance rate is 2,500%, obtained special props: Zhenmo Hou's personal notebook, obtained martial arts: Qinglong Transformation, obtained the Four Symbols Formation Inscription, obtained the title: Zhenmo Hou, obtained a detailed explanation of the basic formation, obtained a copy of the Qi and Blood Cultivation Method, and obtained 2,500 soul notes]

[Detected that the host has cleared the copy, the plug-in has been uninstalled, congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: Natural Divine Power]

[Martial Arts·Qinglong Transformation]: Qinglong There are three changes in total, which are evolved in the Azure Dragon Army Formation. After practicing to the third change, you can transform into a Azure Dragon with great power.

[Four Symbols Formation·Inscription]: The inscription engraved on your body can be summoned freely. You need to combine the Azure Dragon Army Formation, the Vermillion Bird Army Formation, the White Tiger Army Formation, and the Black Tortoise Army Formation, with the inscription as the formation eye, to perform the Four Symbols Formation.

[Detailed explanation of basic formations]: It contains detailed explanations of various basic formations.

[Qi and Blood Method·Tiger Strength]: Stimulate the power of qi and blood, transform into a tiger and wander around in Zhou's body, enhance the power of the flesh and qi and blood, and watch the tiger practice this method. The efficiency doubles, and the highest can be practiced to the realm of refining orifices.

[Demon Suppression Marquis]: Mu Rufeng, the general of the Demon Suppression Army, used his supreme power to destroy 50,000 barbarian troops and successfully sealed the entrance to the strange world. Emperor Jingxuan of Daxia gave this title.

Effect: When wearing this title, you can summon the Demon Suppression Army to fight the enemy, and you can summon up to 10,000 troops. The strength of the summoned Demon Suppression Army is the same as the Demon Suppression Army when it returns.

Note: Soul power must be consumed before summoning. Level 1 soldiers consume ten points of soul power, and so on.

[Personal Notebook of Demon Suppression Marquis]: This notebook records some things after Demon Suppression Marquis Mu Rufeng obtained the title of Demon Suppression Marquis until his death.

[Innate Divine Power]: You are born with ten times more power than ordinary people. When you are in a state of anger, your power will increase dramatically.

When Mu Rufeng read the attributes of these rewards, he didn't know what to say for a while.

But no matter what, the excitement and happiness in his heart can't be concealed.

This time's harvest can definitely be said to be the most luxurious.

Martial arts · Let's not talk about the Azure Dragon Transformation for now, let's talk about the basic formation, which is a new supernatural power.

He thinks that it is likely that supernatural power can be arranged in the real world.

Another one is the Qi and Blood Method· Tiger Power, which is a cultivation method that allows people to start from the most basic skin refining. As long as the talent is sufficient, they can practice to the refining state of the transformation power.

This is also equivalent to the existence of level seven.

This is a supernatural power that appears without contracting weirdness. Without saying too much, this method definitely has a significant effect on the current real world.

As for the title of Demon Suppression Marquis, it also surprised Mu Rufeng that he could directly summon the 10,000-man army he led at the beginning.

Mu Rufeng calculated that it would only take hundreds of thousands of soul power to directly summon the 10,000-man army.

And the inscription of the Four Symbols Formation can play a role, and Mu Rufeng can be directly used as the formation eye to perform the Four Symbols Army Formation.

Under this situation, Mu Rufeng barely had the strength of a ninth-level ghost emperor.

With so much blessing, he is still only at the ninth level.

It's hard to imagine what kind of trump card Xu He, the general manager of Scarlet Preferred, used at the Baibaolou auction to give him the strength to fight the ninth-level ghost emperor for a short period of time.

Sure enough, the existence of such nine-level group forces has extremely terrifying background.

Mu Rufeng looked at her soul power balance, and saw that she still had more than 100 million left. The consumption of hundreds of thousands was just a waste of water.

As for the legacy of the plug-in of natural divine power.

Mu Rufeng checked his attribute panel.

【Name】: Mu Rufeng


[Level]: LV4 (1/5)



[Physique]: 965.2

[Contract Slot]: LV5 Weiying (Mu Guiying)/LV4 (Bai Jingwei)/LV3 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV5 (Huanxin)

[Ghost Power]: Level 6

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Gambling Luck] [Devil-Suppressing Lord]

[Skill]: [Life or death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Explosion]... [Restriction Destroyer] [Rule Suppression]

[Luck value]: 62 (normal 31 points)

Props: [Scarlet Preferred Share Contract]...

Soul power: 105.25 million

Soul coins: 12.947 billion

Bound soul coins: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

His strength and physique have each increased by a hundred points, which is obviously ten times that of ordinary people according to his natural divine power.

The strength of an ordinary person is ten points. Ten times is not a hundred points.

But the ghost power has reached level six.

But he didn't feel much either. Maybe it was because his strength often fluctuated up and down, so he got used to it.

Mu Rufeng moved her position and leaned against the wall, then took out her notepad and started flipping through it.

[On June 3rd, 1013 in the Great Xia calendar, I was bestowed with many rewards by His Majesty, and was even awarded the title of Demon-Suppressing Marquis. I was so happy that I went to the border with the emperor's order and led the Demon-Suppressing Army to guard Meishan]

After reading the content on the first page, Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

In this way, after Mu Rufeng returned, another Mu Rufeng took his place in this world.

In other words, the original owner obtained the right to use his body because of Mu Rufeng's return, and then continued to live according to Mu Rufeng's thoughts and actions.

Of course, this is probably just similar to the simulator's calculation. After all, the ancient battlefield is not a real world.

Mu Rufeng continued to look at the next page.

[On June 4, 1013 in the Daxia calendar, the general of the Zhenbei Army led the Zhenbei Army to massively attack the barbarian tribes. On that day, the formation masters sent by His Majesty arrived at Meishan and began to set up the mountain sealing formation, which also brought me a lot of energy and blood. Cultivation method]

[In the year 1013 of the Daxia calendar, on July 4th, General Han Zhen spent a month successfully wiping out all the barbarian tribes. Only a small group of barbarians escaped and fled deeper into the grassland, returning the barbarian territory to our Daxia territory]

[On August 1, 1013 of the Dalu Calendar, the Meishan Mountain Sealing Formation lasted 56 days and was successfully completed]

[On August 3rd, 1013 of the Great Xia calendar, Your Majesty came with an imperial edict and ordered me to continue guarding Meishan]

At this point, the span of dates begins to increase.

[On May 21, 1014 in the Daxia Calendar, His Majesty retired behind the scenes, the Crown Prince began to supervise the country, and the Zhenbei Army was sent to further territories to resist intrusions from foreign countries]

[In the year 1015 of the Dalu Calendar, the prince issued a series of policies, beginning to reduce the power of generals in various armies, dispatching eunuchs to supervise the army, and strengthening centralization of power, which led to deep complaints from all armies]

[In August of the same year, a supervisor came to the Demon Suppressing Army. He was arrogant and domineering, and I didn’t like him. I didn’t have any good impressions of him. I asked people in the army not to provoke him, but there was no need to offend him. Later, I used a little trick to control him easily and make him surrender.]

[On January 1, 1017 in the Daxia Calendar, Emperor Jingxuan officially announced his abdication and became the Supreme Emperor. The crown prince ascended the throne and became the Yongsheng Emperor]

[In the year 1020 of the Daxia Calendar, Emperor Yongsheng announced that he would work hard for three years and promulgate various policies. Daxia was prospering and the country became stronger and stronger]

[In March of the year 1025 of the Great Summer Calendar, more than thirty eighth-level ghost kings and one ninth-level ghost emperor raided Meishan. I enveloped Meishan with the seal of rules and released all abilities. Based on the four-image formation, I used my talent to suppress the rules. 】Suppressed his strength and fought against the ninth-level ghost emperor. In the end, he was seriously injured. More than 70% of the demon-suppressing army suffered casualties. He was injured and defeated the ninth-level ghost emperor.】

[Only two-quarters of an hour after the battle, a powerful man from the Great Xia Divine Realm arrived. After asking about the situation, he pursued the direction in which the Ghost Emperor had left. Mu Rufeng was a little shocked because this powerful Divine Realm man was actually the Supreme Emperor Jingxuan. Seeing that It should be a new entry into the divine realm]

[In the year 1026 of the Daxia Calendar, my injury recovered. Your Majesty ordered me to reorganize the demon-suppressing army and go to foreign lands to slay demons. Only then did I know that in addition to Daxia, there were many entrances to strange worlds around the world. Many powerful countries have fallen. The ghost emperor who attacked Meishan was born from another powerful foreign empire. There are thirty-eight ghost kings, each of them represents the entrance to a strange world]

[In December of the 1026th year of the Great Xia calendar, I decided to use the restriction breaker to break the bottleneck of my own martial arts. After breaking it, my strength improved by leaps and bounds. With sufficient resources, I broke through the Soul Refining Realm and reached the Divine Realm in just one year]

[After possessing the power of the Divine Realm, with my own powerful abilities and talents like a plug-in, I became the world's number one. I went to the outside world alone to kill the Ghost King and the Ghost Emperor and tried to seal the entrance to the strange world]

[However, the entrance to the strange world has already expanded too much and can no longer be sealed. The outside world has already turned into a strange world. In the world, a large number of human beings were captured and devoured by the strange world. There were countless level 8 ghost kings, and the number of level 9 ghost emperors was increasing.

[In the 1028th year of the Great Xia calendar, I successfully killed the fifth ghost emperor. There were countless level 8 ghost kings, but the number of ghost emperors was increasing. From the mouths of the killed ghost emperors, I learned that the number of ghost emperors had exceeded 20 at least.

[In the 1029th year of the Great Xia calendar, the territory of the Great Xia was severely eroded, and the territory had shrunk by half. Those territories were all infected by the ghost power of the strange world. In the same year, ten ghost emperors jointly sniped me. I killed three ghost emperors with my powerful strength, and then Leave calmly]

[In the year 1030 of Daxia, Meishan was attacked by three ghost emperors. Although I rushed back in less than half an hour, it was still too late. The Daxia God Realm strongman guarding Meishan was killed (the old God Realm strongman who was about to die of old age), the Meishan Mountain Sealing Formation was broken, and the last strange world entrance in the world was unsealed]

[Although I killed the three ghost emperors, the seal was broken and could not be sealed. Moreover, because this strange world entrance was connected to all entrances in the world, the strange world was completely descended, and countless strange things swarmed in]

[Daxia 1031 In 1032, the capital of Daxia was attacked by the weird, the powerful emperor in the God Realm was besieged and eaten by many ghost emperors, Emperor Yongsheng burned himself to death, Daxia was completely declared extinct, and the only living people left were kept in captivity by the weird and became blood-eating livestock.

[In 1032 of Daxia, because the bottleneck limiter was broken, my strength was further improved, and I opened up a safe zone in a remote place to protect the last 100,000 free humans.

[In 1042 of Daxia, in ten years, my strength was further improved, and the population of the 100,000 humans I protected did not increase due to food shortages. 】

【In the 1043rd year of Daxia, the blessed humans began to transform into strange people under the increasing erosion of ghost energy. They became violent, bloodthirsty, crazy, and killed each other】

【At the end of the 1043rd year of Daxia, I was the only living person left in the world. My emotions began to become a little strange. It was not affected by the ghost power in my body, but because I was the only living person in the world】

【In the 1044th year of Daxia, because I was the only living person in the world, I began to become crazy. I began to hunt the ninth-level ghost emperors all over the world. Wherever I passed, fire fell and destroyed the world】

【In the 1050th year of Daxia, this place has completely become a weird world. Because of my hunting, the number of ninth-level ghost emperors in the world has not decreased, but increased. And I have become a taboo in the weird world, a weird world Alien]

[In 1051 of Daxia, a being above the Ghost Emperor appeared and tried to kill me. I burst out all my strength and exerted all my abilities to fight him. In the end, I was defeated, but I escaped with my life with a seriously injured body]

[At this time, I realized that there was a higher realm above the God Realm. I hid in a place, healed my wounds, practiced, and worked hard to become stronger. The limiter of the strength bottleneck was broken. I didn’t have any bottlenecks and could continue to become stronger. All I lacked was time]

[In 1052 of Daxia, two beings above the Ghost Emperor found my place of practice. I was defeated and died. The last living person in the world perished. Daxia’s Demon Suppression Marquis ended at this moment]

Mu Rufeng turned the last page and closed the notebook. He couldn’t calm down for a long time.

The Mu Rufeng in it had all the abilities that Mu Rufeng had before his return, and he also lived for many years.

He killed countless Ghost Emperors, but he died in the end, and died at the hands of a being above the Ghost Emperor.

Mu Rufeng could feel the loneliness of being the only one alive, and the despair of having no hope for the future.

Mu Rufeng took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down.

From the content of the notebook, the strange world might be the afterlife of the copy he had experienced.

In addition to this, Mu Rufeng also knew that there were beings above the Ghost Emperor in the strange world.

Mu Rufeng always thought that the strongest person in the strange world was the ninth-level Ghost Emperor.

He had met the general owner of Baibao Building, the overlord of the Dead Sea, the Crab Demon, and the general manager of Tiandi Bank, all of whom were ninth-level Ghost Emperors.

The top existence in the strange world was only ninth-level, so Mu Rufeng thought that the strongest person was the ninth-level Ghost Emperor.

Now, he has truly learned the deeper secrets of the strange world again.

"It seems that I really need to go to the headquarters in Beijing." Mu Rufeng murmured.

"However, this restriction breaker..."

Mu Rufeng recalled the information about the restriction breaker.

[Restriction Breaker]: Can break any of its own restrictions, breaking the existing restrictions.

In the dungeon, Daxia Mu Rufeng directly broke the restrictions of his own cultivation bottleneck, resulting in him having no bottleneck in cultivation.

As long as there are enough resources and enough time, you can continue to improve your strength.

Mu Rufeng really needs to consider what restrictions he needs to break.

He is different from Mu Rufeng of Daxia. Mu Rufeng of Daxia has cultivation techniques, but he is currently in the Tiger Realm and can only practice to the Aperture Refining Realm.

Even if Mu Rufeng breaks the bottleneck, he can only watch without any skills.

It is true that he can cultivate ghost power, but now he can break through the eighth-level ghost king and even the ninth-level ghost emperor step by step.

After thinking for a long time, Mu Rufeng still couldn't decide what restrictions to break.

Mu Rufeng couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to think about it. She just opened the door to the secret room and walked out.

Mu Rufeng went upstairs, searched around, and found no sign of Messizi or Ouyang. After making a phone call and saying something, Mu Rufeng left the Yongcheng headquarters.

Instead of going directly to Changsha, I went back home.

I had dinner with my family, and then summoned the dragon again to head towards Chang Sha.

It seems to be because Xiaolong has become stronger again.

In just over forty minutes, we arrived from Yongcheng to Changsha.

After checking the time, it was only 7:45. I guessed that Cheng Youlin had landed directly in the yard of the Wancheng District branch before he got off work.

When the little dragon landed, the huge noise it made also attracted the attention of many people.

"Oh, frost dragon, is Captain Mu back?"

"Definitely, he is so handsome, this frost dragon."

"The Frost Dragon is handsome, and Team Mu is even more handsome."

"It would be great if I could fly into the sky on a frost dragon."

Putting Xiaolong back into the contract slot, Mu Rufeng nodded in response to everyone's greetings.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to Cheng Youlin's office.

"The noise coming back was really loud. I could hear it clearly in the office upstairs. It's only been a few days and the copy has ended. How come it's so fast this time?"

Cheng Youlin didn't even raise his head and continued to write some documents that gave him a headache just looking at them.

"Well, this is really a thrilling copy." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh? Thrilling? What kind of thrilling method? Is there anything more thrilling than your last clone factory?" Cheng Youlin became interested, stopped what he was doing and asked Mu Rufeng.

"This matter is a bit big. I guess I have to go to the capital headquarters." Mu Rufeng said.

"A bit big? Are you going to the capital headquarters? Then you have to talk to me." Cheng Youlin's heart for gossip instantly ignited.

"How should I put it? The dungeon I entered this time is called the Ancient Battlefield. I entered it through the invitation letter I got from the last unspeakable dungeon."

"This ancient battlefield is suspected to be the ancient era of the weird world. After clearing the level, I got a notepad, which records that after I returned, another me took my place and continued to live in the dungeon, witnessing the weird world transforming the human world. The process of assimilation." Mu Rufeng explained briefly.

"What? You said it's the ancient era of the weird world? The process of assimilating into the human world? Mu Rufeng, the dungeon you participated in this time is really a bit big." After hearing this, Cheng Youlin took a breath of cold air. gas.

"Without further delay, I don't want to delay anymore. I'm going to find Zhou Bu now and say hello to him." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, but you remember to ask Zhou Bu to call Tian Be and explain it. It's best to let his uncle know about it, and then see whether to go to the capital headquarters." Cheng Youlin said.

"Brother Lin, I think so too. By the way, do you want to come with me to Changsha Headquarters to find the Zhou Department?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, I'll go with you." Cheng Youlin thought for a moment and then agreed immediately.

"By the way, summon your frost dragon, and we'll ride over there together." Cheng Youlin said suddenly.

"Well, he's still a bit small, so he can't ride on him. How about carrying you?" Mu Rufeng said.

With such a small distance, he still wanted to drive there. Anyway, at this point, there would be no traffic jam.

"Why is there no position? In this way, I am on his tail, and I can just use my ability to fix it." Cheng Youlin said quickly.

"Okay." Cheng Youlin said so, and Mu Rufeng couldn't refuse.

He immediately came to the open space below and summoned the little dragon directly.

Then Mu Rufeng rode up. He comforted the little dragon and asked him to use his tail and let Cheng Youlin stand on top.

Cheng Youlin's first contracted ghost was a thread ghost, and his abilities were very good. He could fix it with a thread and it wouldn't fall off.

Glancing at Cheng Youlin who was taking a video with his cell phone, Mu Rufeng immediately asked Xiaolong to take off on the spot and head towards the Changsha headquarters.

Although today is Monday and a bit cold, the most prosperous area of ​​Changsha City, the capital of Hunan Province, still has a large flow of people.

When Mu Rufeng flew from above, she was seen by a large number of tourists.

Everyone exclaimed and took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the frost dragon above.

Although the trace soon disappeared, it still excited these people.


With strong winds blowing, Xiaolong landed in the open space of Changsha's headquarters.

"Team Mu! It's Captain Mu."

"Captain Mu, is this the strange frost dragon you contracted?"

"Oh my God, he's so handsome. Today I finally met his rightful owner."

The Changsha headquarters is still brightly lit at the moment, and many people are still working.

"I have something to ask Division Zhou. Is Division Zhou still there?" Mu Rufeng asked a familiar employee.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou is still in the office." The employee replied quickly.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him and was about to take Xiaolong back to the contract slot.

However, Xiaolong was unwilling to go back, saying that he wanted to play outside, and then he was a little hungry and wanted to eat something.

"Xiaolong, be good, I have something to do, I will play later, let Xiaoying give you something to eat." Mu Rufeng patted Xiaolong's head.

Then he took it back to the contract slot.

Even if Mu Rufeng wanted him to play, he couldn't do it, because the contract ghost could not leave the ten-meter range of the contractor.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng and Cheng Youlin came to Zhou Wen's office.

Zhou Wen was looking up some information in the office.

When he saw Mu Rufeng and Cheng Youlin coming together, he was still quite surprised.

"Xiao Mu, and Youlin, how come you two have time to come here today, and at this time." Zhou Wen said.

"I just returned from the dungeon. This dungeon is a bit big, so I need your advice." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh? The dungeon is a bit big? What happened again? Don't stand, sit on the sofa and talk."

Zhou Wen stood up from the desk and waved his hand, and then the door closed, and then the whole room was shrouded in black fog, blocking external detection.

Mu Rufeng was not polite and sat directly on the sofa.

When Zhou Wen also sat on the sofa, Mu Rufeng handed Zhou Wen the [Personal Notebook of the Demon Suppression Marquis].


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