I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 257 Beijing Headquarters, God-given: Book of Time [10,000 words]

Minister Zhou, take a look. "Mu Rufeng said.

"Hmm? The notebook of the Demon Suppression Marquis? Huh? How come this Demon Suppression Marquis is also called Mu Rufeng?" Zhou Wen said in surprise when he flipped through the first page.

"Because before I returned from the last copy, I was rewarded by the Emperor of Daxia and was awarded the title of Demon Suppression Marquis."

"After I returned, there was another me who continued all my abilities, talents and even props. This notebook records the major events that followed." Mu Rufeng explained.

Zhou Wen nodded slightly, and then began to flip through it silently.

Cheng Youlin, who was standing aside, naturally couldn't sit still, so he came to Zhou Wen's side and started to flip through it together.

The expressions of the two began to gradually become solemn.

When they finished reading the last page, neither of them spoke, and tried to calm down.

Zhou Wen closed the notebook and returned it to Mu Rufeng.

He said: "This matter is really too big. What do you think? "

"I'm going to Beijing, and I need to inform Tianbu in advance." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, it's time to go to the Beijing headquarters, but are you sure you want to show this to the people in the Beijing headquarters? If they see it, your ability will be exposed." Zhou Wen said.

"Yes, [Seal of Rules] and [Rule Suppression], especially the [Restriction Destroyer], break the bottleneck of cultivation. Your final strength will be like killing a ninth-level ghost emperor and drinking water."

"I feel that if it weren't for the existence of those two ghost emperors, I estimate that you would definitely be able to destroy the entire weird world by yourself." Cheng Youlin said with emotion.

"I didn't expect that there would be existences above the ninth level in the weird world. I didn't expect that this secret would appear in front of me like this." Zhou Wen also sighed.

"It's okay, it's good to know. "Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

When Zhou Wen heard this, he was slightly shocked. It was obvious that Mu Rufeng should have enough ability to deal with the dangers from the real world now.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wen was also relieved and said: "In this case, we must let Tian Bu inform his uncle. It is better to ask if the general manager is here. "

"Although your strength should not be afraid, but if the general manager is here, some people can be much more obedient. "

"Well, then trouble Zhou Bu to make a call. "Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll call now." Zhou Wen immediately took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

But soon he thought of something, walked to the desk, unlocked it, and then took out an old mobile phone from the drawer.

This is a specially made mobile phone that cannot be eavesdropped or tracked.

The call was quickly connected, and Zhou Wen briefly explained the situation to Tian Lin. The latter was shocked and quickly asked Zhou Wen to give the phone to Mu Rufeng.

"Xiao Mu, is what Zhou Wen just said true? Are you sure that everything written in your notebook is true? "

"It's true." Mu Rufeng didn't explain too much, just said these three words.

"Okay, wait, I'll go find my uncle now."

The phone was hung up.

Mu Rufeng returned the phone to Zhou Wen.

Immediately, the three of them sat there and waited.

Of course, Cheng Youlin would not wait and asked Mu Rufeng all kinds of questions.

Mu Rufeng also answered the less important questions one by one.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Wen's special phone rang. It was Tian Lin calling.

Zhou Wen didn't answer it, but handed the phone to Mu Rufeng, motioning him to answer the phone.

After the call was connected, Tian Lin's voice came from inside: "Xiao Mu, you should come to Beijing as quickly as possible. The general manager is here, so your call is timely."

"If you come again tomorrow, the general manager will enter the dungeon. He postponed the dungeon time and waited for you to come. "

"I'll arrange for a military plane to escort you here."

Mu Rufeng heard this and said with a smile: "Minister Tian, ​​I'll come by myself, no need to arrange, it won't take me long to come here."

"That's fine, you hurry up, we'll wait for you at the headquarters."

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then hung up the phone.

"Minister Zhou, Minister Cheng, then I won't delay, I'll set off for the capital now." Mu Rufeng said.

"Can you go alone? Do you want me to arrange a few contractors to go with you?" Zhou Wen said.

"No, I'm more comfortable alone." Mu Rufeng refused.

"Okay, then you be careful along the way." Zhou Wen didn't say much, he also believed in Mu Rufeng's strength.

"Go quickly, remember to bring me a Peking duck." Cheng Youlin said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you. "Mu Rufeng looked at Cheng Youlin and smiled and shook his head.

"By the way, Minister Zhou, I have something to tell you. Minister Cheng, can you please step aside?" Mu Rufeng walked a few steps and suddenly remembered something and spoke.

"What is so mysterious that you want me to step aside?" Cheng Youlin muttered, but he went out of the room directly, leaving the two of them with private space.

"What is it that you want to send Cheng Youlin away?" Zhou Wen asked.

"I'll tell you a secret. Cheng Youlin likes Qu Lianhong and wants to confess, but he doesn't dare to, fearing that Qu Lianhong will reject him." Mu Rufeng opened his mouth and told a big story.

"What? You said Cheng Youlin likes Qu Lianhong?" Zhou Wen, who was originally a little calm, widened his eyes at this moment, as if he had heard something incredible.

He didn't see that Cheng Youlin liked Qu Lianhong at all.

But when I thought that I seemed to be a single dog for ten thousand years, it was normal that I couldn't see it, so I didn't worry about it.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. By the way, how did you find out?" Zhou Wen asked with a smile on his face.

"Isn't it the last time I returned from the dungeon and used my ability to enter his office? Cheng Bu didn't find me, and I just happened to hear him talking to himself, mumbling that he wanted to confess, and was worried that Qu Lianhong would refuse, so I beat him up."

"When I heard it, I ran away without saying a word, so this guy still doesn't know that I know his secret." Mu Rufeng said.

"So. Tell me now, do you want me to match them up?"

"Yes, but it still depends on whether Xiaohong likes Cheng Bu, otherwise, it wouldn't be a random matchmaking." Mu Rufeng said.

"Haha, leave it to me." Zhou Wen showed a weird smile on his face.


After saying goodbye to Zhou Wen and Cheng Youlin, Mu Rufeng directly summoned Xiaolong and flew towards the capital.

The capital is more than 1,500 kilometers away from here. According to Xiaolong's speed, it will take three or four hours without rest.

This speed is very fast.

Of course, Mu Rufeng felt that he might have pointed the wrong way, and estimated that it would waste an hour or so.

In addition, Xiaolong had to rest, which would waste some time.

But Mu Rufeng didn't care. Xiaolong just wanted to move around, so he just let him fly all the way to the northeast.

Correct the position every few distances, so that the deviation will not be too big.

Mu Rufeng fixed a recliner with bandages, lay on it comfortably, then took out his mobile phone and clicked on the Weird Forum.

It's boring to be idle, so I browsed the forum to see if there were any major events in the Weird World recently.

Speaking of which, he didn't browse the Weird Forum very often.

Not to mention, after browsing the forum, Mu Rufeng really knew two big news.

The first one was that Xu He, the general manager of Scarlet Optimization Group, successfully broke through to the ninth-level Ghost Emperor.

The second one is that the Bloody Train successfully upgraded from the eighth-level vehicle to the ninth-level vehicle, but there was no news about the train conductor, who obviously failed to break through the ninth-level Ghost Emperor.

"Mr. Xu of Scarlet Optimization broke through the ninth-level Ghost Emperor, but the train conductor failed to break through, which was expected."

Mu Rufeng searched the posts of Scarlet Optimization and found that a super-large event would be held in the Weird World on January 1.

First, it was to celebrate the New Year's Day, and second, it was to celebrate Xu He's breakthrough of the ninth-level Ghost Emperor. The discount was very large. As long as you log in to the Scarlet Optimization APP, you will get a coupon of 100 minus 20.

In addition, a large amount of fresh blood and flesh, and a large amount of strange pigs, strange cows and other meats were stored, with 8.8% off, ready to be promoted all at once.

If you are a new user, you can also get a 1 yuan coupon, which can be used to buy high-value specific items.

Mu Rufeng searched the Clone Factory again, and there was no post about the Clone Factory.

Then Mu Rufeng checked the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization, and there were many posts, most of which were complaints and curses.

Basically, the two selected candidates entered the work, which was too oppressive and dangerous. The work intensity was higher than that of moving bricks at a construction site in the real world at 40 degrees Celsius.

Apart from these, no other related posts were found.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng let Xiaolong fall near the suburbs of Beijing.

It was the capital of the country after all, and it was not good to fly the frost dragon in it openly.

The most important thing was that this was the capital of the country, and there might be some high-tech weapons set up somewhere.

If it was beaten, it would be a lot of fun.

Put Xiaolong back into the contract slot, and then took out the hemp ball.

"Master, you finally remembered me, woo woo woo..." As soon as the hemp ball came out, it choked.

I remember that the last time I took out the hemp ball was a few months ago. I didn't take it out for so long, and I thought Mu Rufeng had forgotten its existence.

"I haven't had the chance, but now the chance has come. Come on, take these soul notes and eat more."

Mu Rufeng took out 100,000 soul notes and stuffed them directly into the small basket in front of Ma Qiu.

Ma Qiu was overjoyed when he saw 100,000 soul notes being stuffed in. There was no whimpering at all, only a series of thanks.

"Master, where are you going? I'll take you there." Ma Qiu said very actively.

Whether it was because of the 100,000 soul notes or because he suddenly came out and wanted to move around, Mu Rufeng was very satisfied.

"Do you know the location of the headquarters of the relevant departments in Beijing?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I know, Master, I downloaded the offline map of the whole country. As long as the location has not changed in the past few months, I know the way." Ma Qiu said confidently.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go." Mu Rufeng immediately sat on it.

"Okay, Master."

Ma Qiu instantly burst out with a terrifying speed and headed towards the headquarters in Beijing.

Mu Rufeng didn't ask it to slow down. After all, it didn't matter whether it was discovered by others or not.

Half an hour later, the hemp ball stopped in front of an ancient mansion.

This mansion covers a large area. It is estimated that in ancient times, it was probably the mansion of a prince or a minister.

Moreover, it is close to the South China Sea, which is convenient for guarding at any time.

Mu Rufeng put away the hemp ball and then walked towards the gate.

The gate was open, and there was no one guarding the door. However, there seemed to be some incomprehensible equipment installed on the door.

No, it was not that there was no one guarding it, but the two doors that opened and closed exuded a faint ghost aura, which was obviously a prop.

Mu Rufeng didn't care and strode inside.

When Mu Rufeng approached the gate, a hideous ghost face slowly emerged from the two doors.

At this moment, the device above the door frame flashed red and a mechanical prompt sounded.

"Identity authentication completed, Mu Rufeng, captain of the Wancheng branch of the relevant department of Changsha, the appointment information has been confirmed, Captain Mu, please come in."

"It's quite high-tech." Mu Rufeng glanced at the row of small holes above.

These small holes are not just beautiful. If the identity authentication fails, it is estimated that the laser will be shot down.

The gate is so strict, he estimated that the security measures around the wall should be stronger.

Mu Rufeng walked in immediately, but he didn't know where to find someone.

There were quite a few people inside, and from time to time, contractors or clerks could be seen hurrying by.

They just glanced at Mu Rufeng and stopped paying attention. It was indeed the capital city. Even at this time, there were still so many people working.

"Xiao Mu, you are finally here. I almost fell asleep waiting."

A loud voice sounded from a distance.

Mu Rufeng looked over and found that it was Tian Lin who was walking in from a distance.

"Minister Tian, ​​I haven't seen you for a few months. You have become much more handsome." Mu Rufeng looked up and down at Tian Lin. Not to mention, he looked much more handsome after getting rid of his beard.

"Don't call me that. I'm transferred to Beijing now. I'm not a minister anymore. Also, I grew a beard to make people think I'm calm. Now that I'm in Beijing, I don't need to be calm, so I shaved it." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Brother Tian, ​​let's go to your uncle first without further delay?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Well, Minister Tian is waiting for you." When Tian Lin said the three words "Minister Tian", his tone was slightly heavier.

Mu Rufeng understood instantly. This was to ask Mu Rufeng to call Minister Tian instead of mentioning Tian Lin's uncle here.

Then Mu Rufeng followed Tian Lin around and around and came to an elevator.

This seemed to be a special elevator. You need to swipe your card to take it. It is estimated that the elevators here are used by high-level people, so there is no need to compete with those ordinary contractors and staff for the elevator.

Because this place is close to the South China Sea, high-level people are not allowed to appear, so this mansion is not covered, so the elevator can only go down.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the number of floors of the elevator, a full eighteen floors.

Is this an eighteen-level hell?

The elevator stopped on the fifth underground floor.

The elevator door opened, Tian Lin took Mu Rufeng out, and then after many turns, they came to an office.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Tian Lin knocked on the door and said at the same time: "Uncle, Mu Rufeng is here."

"Come in." A majestic voice came from inside.

Soon, the door was pushed open and the two walked in.

Before Tian Lin could close the door, the door closed automatically and emitted a faint ghost power.

It seems that the office in the Beijing headquarters has some props to prevent others from snooping.

"Mu Rufeng? This should be the first time we meet. I am Tian Youdao, the deputy director of the headquarters of the relevant department." Tian Youdao stood up from his desk and walked over slowly.

"Deputy Minister, I didn't expect you to be so young?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised when he looked at the deputy minister in front of him who looked about the same age as Mu Rufeng.

"Hehe, I'm 65 years old this year. It's because of my contract ghost that I look younger." Tian Youdao said with a smile.

"Yes, my uncle was old before, and his legs and feet were a little unsteady. Now, he is younger than me." Tian Lin said.

"You kid, are you itching? You are disrespectful." Tian Youdao said coldly.

Tian Lin didn't dare to speak again after hearing this.

His uncle was usually very serious. He didn't dare to talk to him like this before, but now that his uncle has become so young, he can't help but talk about it every time they meet.

In the past few months, he has been beaten by his uncle for this.

"Minister Tian, ​​this notebook records some information about the weird world. You can take a look first." Mu Rufeng took out the notebook and handed it to Tian Youdao.

"Well, sit down, Xiaolin, go and pour some tea." Tian Youdao sat on the sofa, asked Mu Rufeng to sit down, and called Tian Lin to make tea.

Mu Rufeng naturally would not refuse, and sat on the leather sofa next to him, which was quite comfortable.

"Is this name related to you?" Tian Youdao looked up at Mu Rufeng.

"Well, it's me in it, but it's not me..." Mu Rufeng explained immediately.

Tian Youdao nodded slightly and continued to watch.

As he watched more and more and knew more secrets, Tian Youdao's expression gradually became solemn.

Especially seeing the abilities that Mu Rufeng had that he had never heard of.

He even looked up at Mu Rufeng before continuing to read.

After a long while, he slowly closed the notebook.

"I didn't expect that the strange world actually had existences above level nine. Sure enough, our guess was correct. The predecessor of the strange world was also another world of living people."

"Minister, you should have seen it too, right?" Tian Youdao said slowly.

"Yes, I saw it." A voice suddenly sounded.

Mu Rufeng hurriedly looked around, but did not find where the voice came from.

"Mu Rufeng, how about leaving this notebook in our headquarters?" Ye Lin, the general director of the Beijing headquarters, said.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Anyway, this really has no use except recording information. He also remembered the contents inside, so it's no big deal.

"The information here is very useful to me. Let's talk about other things later. Tian Youdao, take Mu Rufeng to the Time Book Room." Ye Lin said.

"Okay, Minister." Tian Youdao responded.

"Let's go, let's go to the Time Book Room."

"Time Book Room, what is it for?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"You will know when you go there. Time Book Room is in the headquarters, but only three people can enter. You are the fourth one." Tian Youdao said.

Tian Lin stood aside, wanting to say something, but when he heard what Tian Youdao said, he immediately shut up.

Only three people can enter the headquarters. Who are these three? It goes without saying that Mu Rufeng is the fourth, and will he be the fifth? Obviously, it is impossible now.

Tian Youdao brought Mu Rufeng to the elevator again.

After swiping the card, the elevator went directly to the negative eighteenth floor.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator, Mu Rufeng noticed the strong ghost aura here.

If Mu Rufeng didn't know that this was the real world, he would even think that he had entered a strange world.

This is an extremely gorgeous corridor, without any people, and even no surveillance.

When they walked to the end of the corridor, a huge door blocked them.

Above the door, there was a golden plaque with three big characters "Book of Years" engraved on it.

The door slowly opened, Tian Youdao walked in first, and Mu Rufeng immediately followed.

When I stepped into the study, the concentration of ghost energy rose to a higher level again.

It was not very big inside, only about 100 square meters.

The decoration was relatively modern. In the middle, there was a huge platform, and above it floated a huge book emitting a hazy light.

There were some sofas, desks, bookshelves, etc., and even a bed around.

If you didn't know, you would think this was someone's bedroom.

"Are you here?" A young man about 28 or 29 years old stood up from the sofa and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Minister." Tian Youdao called out.

"Hello, Minister, I'm Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng hurriedly greeted the director of the headquarters.

Originally, he thought that the director of the headquarters was at least a middle-aged man if not an old man, but he didn't expect it to be a young man.

"Where's the notebook, let me see it." At this time, another person on the sofa stood up and spoke to Mu Rufeng.

"Who are you?" Mu Rufeng had guessed the identity of this person, but still pretended not to know him.

"I am Han Chen, the deputy director of the headquarters." Han Chen said coldly.

Han Chen is older, with gray hair and wrinkles all over his face. Compared with Tian Youdao and Ye Lin, he is almost a grandfather and grandson.

"Sorry, the notebook is no longer with me. You can ask Minister Tian." Mu Rufeng said politely.

"Minister Tian, ​​let me take a look."

Tian Youdao didn't say anything, took out the notebook and threw it to Han Chen.

The latter ignored them and sat back on the sofa and started reading.

"What do you want to know?" Ye Lin suddenly asked.

"I want to know if the weird world is really like the one in the notebook, and if the weird world completely descends into the real world."

"Will the final result be the same as the ending in the notebook?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Ye Lin pondered for a moment and said, "It is roughly similar, but the strange world coming to the real world will not lead to the ending in the notebook."

"If you want to know something, you can go to the book area to read it yourself. There are many things you want to know in it."

"After you finish reading, if you have anything else to ask, you can ask the Book of Time yourself." Ye Lin pointed to the bookshelf on the side and looked at the Book of Time and said.

"Book of Time?" Mu Rufeng looked at the huge floating book, thought about it, and said, "Can I see its properties?"

"Of course." Ye Lin said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng got permission and immediately stepped forward and reached out to touch the Book of Time.

[Book of Time]: A book that records the past years, which fell from the sky five years ago and fell into the real world.

Effect: Special rule props, which contains everything you want to know, as long as you can pay the corresponding price.

Note: You can ask twice a month, the number of times can be accumulated, and it will be reset on January 1st of each year.

"The Book of Time fell from the sky?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin in surprise.

"Yes, five years ago, when the copy of the strange world came, the Book of Time fell from the sky."

"It fell in this mansion at that time, so this place became the headquarters of the relevant department."

"Did the technology of the Weird Affairs Bureau also come from this Book of Time?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, otherwise, how do you think we can make props?"

"Compared with the technology of the strange world, all our scientific research technologies can be said to be completely two systems."

"If the Book of Time had not existed, I think the login bracelet would not have appeared." Ye Lin said.

"This book of years is truly a gift from heaven." Mu Rufeng sighed with emotion.

"God-given? Haha, I used to think it was a gift from God, but now, I think this book should be based on the rules of the strange world."

"No, it shouldn't be said to be a weird world, but it was transformed by the rules of the world before the weird world was assimilated. It came to our real world and wants us to save ourselves."

Ye Lin really thought it was a gift from heaven before, but when he saw the notepad Mu Rufeng got, and he also asked about the origin of the book of years before.

Combining these types of things, I really think this is the reason.

"What is this price? Soul money?" Mu Rufeng skipped the topic and continued to ask.

"Soul banknotes? It would be nice if it was soul banknotes. The price is soul power." Ye Lin said slowly.

"Soul power?" Mu Rufeng was slightly startled. Could it be soul power?

"Everyone has soul power, and ordinary people are almost the same. As for us contractors, the stronger we are, the stronger our soul power will be."

"The price required for each inquiry should be the soul power of an ordinary person."

"If the question asked is more difficult, the price required will be higher. If an ordinary person pays the price, although the person will not die, he will fall into a coma and be extremely weak."

"It takes a month of rest to recover, and we contractors will probably be mentally depressed for a period of time. The stronger we are, the faster we will recover." Ye Lin explained.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, but she was guessing in her heart, wouldn't they all use ordinary people to pay the price?

Ye Lin seemed to be aware of Mu Rufeng's thoughts, and explained: "I have a special item that can absorb the soul power of others. If each person absorbs a little bit, the mental state will be a little worse at most, and it will not affect others."

"The price we pay is the soul power contained in this prop."

"Oh? There is such a prop?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

Mu Rufeng is now basically certain that the price required is soul power.

He knew how precious soul power was. Except within the Golden City, soul power could not be traded anywhere else.

Unexpectedly, I saw a prop in the headquarters that can absorb other people's soul power. It seems that it can also assist in refining soul power.

He could clearly sense Ye Lin's powerful soul power. Of course, Mu Rufeng was more powerful than him.

It just means that now he has the ability of the Phantom Ghost King to lose the sense of existence of his soul breath, so that he will not be discovered by others.

After Mu Rufeng learned some things about the Book of Time, she stopped delaying and walked towards the bookshelf against the wall.

There are some folders on the bookshelf. The files are labeled and have questions written on them.

When Mu Rufeng wanted to check something, she only needed to look at the label to know which folder she wanted to open.

Mu Rufeng picked up the first folder. The question on it turned out to be the time when the strange world came to the real world.

Mu Rufeng happened to open it, but Han Chen asked from behind: "Mu Rufeng, do you possess all the abilities described in this notebook?"

Upon hearing this, Mu Rufeng turned to look at Han Chen, the second in command of the headquarters.

"Well, I wonder if Minister Han has any advice?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I see in the notepad, you have a seal of rules. This means you can draw up rules within a certain range, right?"

"I wonder if you are willing to contribute. The country needs such props." Han Chen said.

"Contribute it? I'm sorry, I have great use for this prop." Mu Rufeng refused without thinking.

If the head of the headquarters Ye Lin or Tian Youdao came to ask, Mu Rufeng might consider it, but if Han Chen came to ask, there was nothing to say and he could only refuse.

He is not stupid. He contributes good things, but he is not that great.

"Mu Rufeng, you are also a talent trained by the country, and you are the captain of the action team. Why are you so rigid in your thinking?" Han Chen said coldly.

Before Mu Rufeng could speak, Tian Youdao spoke: "I said, Minister Han, put away your petty thoughts. I remember that you also have a good prop on your body, and the country also needs it. Why don't you contribute it first? ?”

"Okay, stop arguing. Although Mu Rufeng's prop is indeed good, there is no need to contribute it. In times of crisis, Xiao Mu will definitely not be stingy about lending it to the country." Ye Lin said.

Mu Rufeng was about to speak, but when she heard Ye Lin say this, she shut her mouth.

To be honest, it is impossible to contribute. If you borrow something, you will definitely not lend it out. It is enough for him to use this kind of borrowing himself.

This thing is such a treasure that Mu Rufeng is really reluctant to lend it to others.

Mu Rufeng immediately continued to check the folder.

Opening the folder, there wasn't much information inside.

[The time for the integration of the weird world and the real world is to be determined. The weird world will fully come to the real world on September 1, 2024]

Mu Rufeng looked at the next folder. The question above was what it meant when the weird world came to the real world.


[When the weird world comes to the real world, all humans in the real world who are over the age of 18 will enter a copy of the weird world]

Therefore, fusion is fusion, and advent is advent.

There is a difference between the two. The fusion should be similar to the fusion of the Daxia world and the weird world and eventually transformed into the weird world.

The human beings inside will enter the body with ghost energy as time goes by, gradually transforming towards weirdness.

The arrival should be the news that was spread before. Human beings who are over the age of 18 will enter a copy of the strange world.

Mu Rufeng then continued to read.

Gradually, Mu Rufeng learned more and more about the strange world.

First of all, the strange world where they are going to participate in the dungeon is really the world called Daxia.

It is estimated that in ancient times, Daxia's seal failed in the end, causing all the seal entrances to open, and the rate of erosion of the strange world increased dramatically.

In the end, all the living people died and turned into strange things.

In addition to these, there are actually more strategies for some copies.

There should be technical information, but it's not here.

I must have asked a lot about dungeons in order to create a strong person.

For example, let someone ask for the strategy information for someone's next dungeon.

With the ability of the Time Book, it must be possible to tell.

In this way, it is very likely that Ye Lin got to where he is now with the help of the Book of Time, because the head of the headquarters, Ye Lin, is the first eighth-level ghost king in the country.

"Headquarters Chief, may I ask, what is your current level?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Eighth level, five copies." Ye Lin didn't hide anything and answered.

"Eighth level, five dungeons? Chief, are you the first batch of players?"

"Well, the first batch of players should be no more than two hands in the world now." Ye Lin said.

Mu Rufeng knew at once that there were probably not many eighth-level ghost kings in the world, and he could count them all.

"Although you are only at level four now, what I want to tell you is that the copy that is promoted to level eight will be extremely dangerous."

"If I hadn't made use of the Book of Time and made preparations in advance, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand here." Ye Lin said.

"Headquarters Commander, in this strange world, it is extremely difficult for the ninth-level ghost emperor to be born. Do you think we can step by step and rely on the number of dungeons we clear to reach the ninth level?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's difficult. Actually, I don't have any confidence in the copy that will be promoted to level nine." Ye Lin said.

Although Ye Lin still doesn't know what the dungeon he used to advance to level nine is, he can tell from the difficulty of the dungeon he used to advance to level eight.

Even with the information prompts from the Book of Time, he didn't have any confidence. However, it was different now. He had researched the login bracelet.

"But don't worry. Now you have a login bracelet and your prop that can grow organs and limbs. You can even hit it with your life." Ye Lin said.

Because Ye Lin is the most powerful contractor in the country, he will use the Book of Time to know information and some strategies in advance for every copy.

For example, although Han Chen and Tian Youdao were second and third in command, they did not receive such treatment at all.

Unless they are going to be promoted to level eight, they will be given the use of the Book of Time once.

As for the number of times the Book of Time has been used in other times, it was all used by the Bureau of Trickery to overcome strange technologies.

It can be said that the number of inquiries is quite full.

"Indeed, I will give it to the general manager to use for free when the time comes." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's best not to use it. By the way, if you have anything else to ask, you can ask Shui Shui Shu. In view of your contribution, I'll give you a chance to ask."

"Don't worry about the consumption of soul power. I will pay the price for you. The upper limit is one hundred units of soul power." Ye Lin said with a smile.

One hundred units of soul power is the equivalent soul power of one hundred ordinary people.

An ordinary person's soul power is basically around one hundred soul power. One hundred units is ten thousand soul power.

Ten thousand soul power, if converted into soul money in the Golden City, it would be a full ten million soul money.

Of course, this cannot be converted, and its value is not that low.

Also, Mu Rufeng has made great contributions to the country and relevant departments.

Scarlet's preferred channel contract alone is enough.

Not to mention the Demon Suppressing Marquis's notepad this time, or the previous incident at the IF Center, and the Life Mines he took out...

By the way, Mu Rufeng hasn't come up with the detailed explanation of the formation and Qi and Blood Technique Meng Hujin yet.

If this thing is taken out, it will probably have greater credit than all the previous achievements, right?

The most convenient thing about these two rewards is that they are not the kind that can be used immediately.

It is a paper book that you need to read and practice by yourself. It is a real secret book and can even be copied.

Mu Rufeng also made a copy of these two things early on. It was naturally impossible for Mu Rufeng to hand over the original version. The copied ones would be enough, and they could also be cultivated.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, Chief, I also got two things from this copy this time. I think these two things should be very important to the country."

Mu Rufeng said and handed the two copied books to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin was also interested after hearing this, and took it immediately. After reading the attributes, his pupils shrank slightly.

[Detailed explanation of basic formations (transcribed version)]: It contains detailed explanations of various basic formations.

[Qi and blood method·Tiger power (transcribed version)]: Stimulate the power of qi and blood, transform into a tiger and wander around in the body, strengthen the physical body and qi and blood power, and watch the tiger practice this method. The efficiency is doubled, and the highest can be practiced to the level of refining orifices.

Just looking at the attributes, except for the addition of the three words (transcribed version), there is no difference.

"Good, great, these two things are really too important. Having these two things will definitely benefit the country and the people." Ye Lin's expression, which had always been calm, finally changed.

"What is it? What makes the general manager so excited?" Han Chen said.

"You two can take a look too." Ye Lin did not hand over the book, but motioned the two to come over to see the attributes.

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