I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 258 Headquarters Director, please help me get some mushroom bombs [10,000 words]

After Han Chen and Tian Youdao finished reading the attributes, they took a deep breath and then showed excitement.

Tian Youdao said: "This is actually a cultivation method and formation. Can this supernatural power exist in the real world? Can the cultivation method be practiced?"

"I don't know either. I came to Beijing directly after returning. I tried it simply but still haven't gotten started. I think the general manager should have a way to test it out, right?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I don't know about the formation, but this tiger power can be practiced."

"I just tried to run the method, and it really mobilized the blood and qi in my body to turn into a tiger wandering in my body." Ye Lin said.

"Is Minister Ye's talent so high? He got started after just one look?" Mu Rufeng was frightened by Ye Lin's words.

Damn, just took a look and tried to practice and got started directly.

Mu Rufeng also read it many times and tried to practice, but he didn't get started. Of course, it may also be because he was on the back of the little dragon.

It may also be because his talent is too poor? It shouldn't be bad, right? It's just that the time is too short. Well, it's just that the time is too short.

Ye Lin silently put the two copies of the book into the inventory, and then said to Mu Rufeng: "Mu Rufeng, you helped a lot this time."

"Don't worry, I will tell the higher-ups about this matter. As for the reward, it seems that we have nothing to reward you."

"If you have any requirements, just ask. We will try our best to meet you, even if we arrange ten wives for you."

Mu Rufeng smiled immediately after hearing this: "Director, what do I need so many wives for, but I really need your help to get me something."

"Things? What? You tell me." Ye Lin said.

"Can you get me some weapons with high lethality, no limit on size, and it would be best if you can get me some mushroom bombs." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well? Weapons are easy to say, but what do you want mushroom bombs for? Are you going to blow up the island country?" Tian Youdao said with some surprise after hearing this.

"First, tell me what you need the mushroom bomb for. If it's reasonable, I'll try to get it for you." Ye Lin was silent for a moment, and then spoke.

"Nonsense, it's just nonsense, Mu Rufeng, what are you doing? Ah?" Han Chen on the side shouted loudly.

Mu Rufeng didn't bother to pay attention to Han Chen, and said, "I want to blow it up, but it won't have a good impact."

"I want mushroom bombs, mainly because I can store things in the real world, including weapons, in my inventory."

"Are you sure? Can your inventory store real things?" Ye Lin's tone suddenly became heavier.

Whether you hold it in your hand or put it in the inventory, except for some basic things, things in the real world cannot be brought into the dungeon world.

The basic things here include clothes, shoes, mobile phones, etc.

Mobile phones can be brought in, and they can only be used to check the time, and there is no other use.

Not to mention modern weapons, even food and water cannot be brought into the weird world.

Even if you summon the Blood Train or the Gluttony Cruise, you can't put things from the real world on it.

So, when Ye Lin knew that Mu Rufeng had placed things from the real world in his inventory, he was so shocked.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, walked to the sofa, put his hand on it, and with a thought, the sofa suddenly disappeared.

Then Mu Rufeng began to walk around the house, and all the modern things were put into the storage box wherever he passed.

Including some fruits and bottled mineral water.

"How?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin and said.

"How did you do it?" Tian Youdao said in surprise.

"I got an inventory enhancement card in the unspeakable copy, and it became like this after upgrading." Mu Rufeng explained.

"Unspeakable copy, inventory enhancement card, your unspeakable copy is really mysterious." Ye Lin said slowly.

"I want to say it too, but unfortunately, even in the real world, I can't tell the relevant information about this copy." Mu Rufeng said.

"So, are you planning to get some weapons with high lethality to use in the dungeon? I think you should know that guns have a very weak effect on weirdness." Tian Youdao said.

Although they cannot bring guns into the dungeon world, they have contractors.

The contractors have contracted weirdness in their bodies, and let the weirdness come out to use guns on them. They have already done this experiment.

The experiment proves that even rockets can blow up some low-level weird bodies, but that's all.

After the explosion, these weirdness can recover quickly, not to mention being injured, and even consumption is not considered.

You bombarded it dozens of times, but you can't kill the weirdness. Even a flamethrower can hurt it with high temperature attacks, but it is minimal.

In this way, they think guns are ineffective against weirdness.

"I know, but it doesn't necessarily have to be used in the weird world. You say, right, in a world where ordinary guns are useless, maybe mushroom bombs are useful."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that mushroom bombs cannot explode in the weird world." Mu Rufeng said.

It doesn’t matter whether the mushroom bomb can explode in the strange world or not. What he wants is deterrence.

"I know your request. I will report it to the higher-ups and try my best to get you a mushroom bomb." Ye Lin said.

"Oh, by the way, Minister Ye, you should know about the Gluttony Cruise, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Gluttony Cruise? Of course I know about it. Why do you talk about it?"

"I own shares in the Gluttony Cruise. The current captain is appointed by me. I have reached a cooperation agreement with the chief building manager of Baibao Building to transport goods."

"In addition to the cooperation, they will place the things I need to buy on the Gluttony Cruise. It has been two or three months. I think there should be a lot of life mines stored."

"I can summon it, and those life mines can also be transported. If you can get me two mushroom bombs, I will unconditionally contribute the life mines to the relevant departments." Mu Rufeng said.

Ye Lin trembled slightly when he heard this.

This Mu Rufeng really gave him too many surprises.

He is actually a shareholder of the Gluttony Cruise, and the captain is still appointed by him?

The Glutton Cruise is a level nine vehicle. How did he do it?

This guy seems to have only been in the dungeon for a few months. He is much stronger than him, a five-year boss, and a level eight contractor.

How many tons of weight can a cruise ship carry? How many tons of cargo can it hold?

The most important thing is that this is not an ordinary cruise ship, but a level nine vehicle.

According to the size and weight of the Life Ore, hundreds of thousands of tons can be loaded.

"How many tons of Life Ore are there in total?" Ye Lin calmed down and asked.

"I don't know, but there should be a thousand tons." Mu Rufeng said.

"How much? A thousand tons??? Do you have so much money to buy it? It costs 500,000 soul notes per ton." Ye Lin was a little bit unbelievable.

You know, the price of the Life Ore sold by Baibaolou is 500,000 soul notes per ton, and 1,000 tons is 500 million soul notes.

Can Mu Rufeng take out so many soul notes?

Even if he is a shareholder of the Glutton Cruise, he can't take it out, right?

"Minister Ye, you guys get it for 500,000 per ton, but I won't get it for that price. In a word, two mushroom bombs, at most, I'll give you a thousand tons of life ore." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, if you can really get a thousand tons of life ore, if the higher-ups don't agree, I'll go abroad and get two mushroom bombs back for you." Ye Lin said hurriedly.

"Tian Youdao, take Xiao Mu to rest now. We've been on the road all night. I'm going to the South China Sea to report the situation now." Ye Lin left directly after saying this.

"Let's go, Xiao Mu, I'll take you to rest." Tian Youdao said with a smile.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, he was indeed a little sleepy.

"Comrade Xiao Mu, please stay." At this time, Han Chen on the side suddenly spoke.

"What advice do you have for Minister Han?" Mu Rufeng paused and turned to look at Han Chen.

Han Chen actually had a very kind smile on his face at this moment, and there was no longer the cold look as before.

"Comrade Xiao Mu, I was too harsh before. We are all making contributions to the country, please forgive me." Minister Han said sincerely.

"What are you talking about, Minister Han? This is really embarrassing for me." Mu Rufeng didn't know what Han Chen was trying to say, but he didn't get angry and continued to talk along with him.

Tian Youdao on the side didn't say anything, but looked at Han Chen with interest, as if he found it very interesting.

Tian Youdao's attitude didn't affect Minister Han, who continued to say: "Comrade Xiao Mu, I have read your information. You should not have a girlfriend yet. I have a granddaughter who graduated from Beijing University as a graduate student. She is more beautiful than those big stars."

"She is also a contractor, and a level 5 contractor. Do you want me to match you up? I think you will definitely like her."

"Han Chen, what are you doing?" Before Mu Rufeng could say anything, Tian Youdao on the side spoke up.

"I see that Comrade Xiao Mu is so outstanding, and my granddaughter is also single, so I just want to bring them together. Comrade Xiao Mu, this is my granddaughter Han Shuangshuang, what do you think?"

Han Chen said, waving his hand, and a black mist appeared, and then turned into a figure on the side.

This is a girl who looks about 23 or 24 years old, wearing a casual home outfit and a double ponytail.

She is also very beautiful, pure, and has a little intellectual temperament.

In addition, she is also very tall, about 1.7 meters tall, and even wearing casual home clothes can't cover up her plump cleavage.

Not to mention, this dress and this appearance are really Mu Rufeng's favorite.

But Mu Rufeng is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a woman: "Minister Han, your granddaughter is really beautiful, but I don't like long-distance relationships."

"I'm sleepy, Minister Tian, ​​let's go. I'll temporarily deposit the problem of the Book of Time. Should it be okay?"

"Of course, you can come anytime." Immediately, Tian Youdao took Mu Rufeng away from the Book of Time.

Watching Mu Rufeng's leaving back, Han Chen showed a strange smile on his face.


Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng entered a room.

The decoration inside was also quite good. Although small, it was well-equipped.

After Mu Rufeng locked the door, he went into the bathroom to take a shower, and then lay on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, the door was knocked, it was Ye Lin's voice.

"Wake up, wake up." Mu Rufeng got up with a start, walked over and opened the door.

Ye Lin, Han Chen, and Tian Youdao were all there, but there were three strangers.

After Ye Lin's introduction, two of them were the director of the Bureau of Strange Affairs and a chief scientist.

The remaining one was the leader of the department specifically responsible for weapons.

"Let's go, the things you want are ready for you, in a military area in the suburbs." Ye Lin said.

"Ready? Then hurry up, let's go." Mu Rufeng immediately became energetic.

The group did not take a car, but took the armed helicopter directly. It took more than half an hour to reach the destination.

After getting off the helicopter, they did not hesitate and went directly to a warehouse with extremely strict guards.

"The two mushroom bombs you want are there. You can pick the rest of the weapons and ammunition in the warehouse. Those fighter planes and tanks are also prepared for you. Do you want them?" Ye Lin said.

When Mu Rufeng saw the two targets, he was delighted, and he went forward and put them directly into the inventory.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to wander around the weapons and ammunition warehouse.

Although Mu Rufeng could not recognize the names of all the weapons, he could use them even if they were similar.

Mu Rufeng immediately began to load these weapons and ammunition frantically.

In a short while, such a large warehouse was directly emptied by Mu Rufeng by one third, and even some aircraft, tanks, missile vehicles and the like were included.

"Great harvest, great harvest." Mu Rufeng smiled, obviously very satisfied.

"I have what you want, but what about what I want." Ye Lin said.

"Let's go, I'll give it to you now. By the way, you have to find me a water source first, a lake, a river or even a pond." Mu Rufeng said.

As if afraid that they did not understand, Mu Rufeng explained again: "Summoning the Gluttony Cruise requires a place with a water source."

This is also the limitation of the Gluttony Cruise. In this regard, the Bloody Train is much better, and it can be summoned anywhere.

"No problem. There is an artificial lake in the Weird Bureau." Ye Lin said.

Immediately, the group flew back to Beijing on an armed helicopter.

More than half an hour later, Mu Rufeng and his group successfully stood on the shore of the Weird Bureau's artificial lake.

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate and directly took out the black gold card of the Gluttony Cruise.

When the black gold card appeared, a strong ghost aura instantly dissipated.

A unique breath of the Gluttony Cruise emanated.

Not long after, a mist emerged above the lake.

Then, a huge cruise ship slowly emerged from the mist.

"Woo woo woo~~!"

A huge whistle sounded all around.

Everyone in the Weird Bureau looked over here.

The Gluttony Cruise slowly docked, and then an iron staircase fell from above, and then landed steadily on the shore.

Immediately, a strange man in a suit trotted down from above and finally stopped in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Boss Mu, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still as elegant as ever." Zhao Xize showed a flattering smile on his face.

He kept his attitude very low and didn't care about the people around Mu Rufeng at all.

However, when he saw Ye Lin, he paused for a moment, looked surprised, and then nodded slightly at him.

It was because Ye Lin was level eight. He was also a little surprised that there were level eight humans.

But then he thought of his boss Mu Rufeng, who killed his former captain, the level eight ghost king Zhu Shixuan, with the strength of a level three contractor.

This boss Mu was even more outrageous.

Ye Lin was also surprised by what Zhao Xize did, but he nodded in response to his greeting.

Although Zhao Xize is still a level seven ghost general, he looks calm and steady, and he is about to break through to the level eight ghost king.

This is the benefit of being a captain.

"How is the Gluttony Cruise recently? Is the performance okay?" Mu Rufeng nodded slightly and said.

"Boss Mu, the performance is very good. I have even applied for a black gold card. Baibaolou cooperated with us to transport materials to the Dead Sea. We really made a fortune."

"As expected of Boss Mu, you are really far-sighted." Zhao Xize released his horses as if they were free.

"That's good. I will give you a big red envelope at the end of the year." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Thank you, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize also replied with a smile.

"By the way, where are the things I asked Baibaolou to prepare?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Boss Mu, there are. They are all in our warehouse. Do you want to move them now? I will ask the crew to move the things down." Zhao Xize said quickly.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Boss Mu, there are two warehouses in total, one for minerals and another for warehouses. Do you think you need to go there yourself?" Zhao Xize said again.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Zhao Xize immediately led Mu Rufeng to the ship.

The people behind naturally followed behind.

In any case, they also wanted to see this ninth-level vehicle, and even more wanted to see the thousands of tons of life ore.

Especially Ye Lin and other high-level contractors.

They had been to the Gluttony Cruise when they were at a lower level before. At that time, they were so scared that they were afraid of dying.

They didn't expect that they would go up there as tourists today, and there would be no danger.

When Mu Rufeng and others stepped onto the ship of the Gluttony Cruise, they saw a woman coming towards them.

"Mr. Mu, long time no see." Lu Xueqing smiled and greeted.

"Huh? Master Lu, why are you on the ship?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise when he saw Lu Xueqing appear.

"Boss Mu, today is the route for transporting supplies. Master Lu is now responsible for escorting their batch of supplies." Zhao Xize explained.

"So that's it, Master Lu, how is the construction progress of the city in the Dead Sea?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"It's still too difficult to build a city in the Dead Sea. We have just occupied the land and started to lay the foundation. Now we have to wait for the supplies to arrive before we can start construction." Lu Xueqing said.

"That will be soon, Master Lu. When the city is built, remember to ask me to cut the ribbon." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"No problem, I will definitely do it then." Lu Xueqing also said with a smile.

"I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you."

"You are busy, I just came to say hello."

Soon, the group walked towards the warehouse in the cabin.

Along the way, Zhao Xize kept talking to Mu Rufeng about the situation of the Gluttony Cruise.

Mu Rufeng nodded from time to time, and didn't seem to care much.

But Ye Lin and others behind him heard Zhao Xize's report, and they all took a breath.

The group came to the warehouse under the cabin where Mu Rufeng stored the life ore and some other ores.

At the same time, thirty crew members had gathered in front of the warehouse.

Among them, twenty were weird crew members, and ten were contractors who participated in the Gluttony Cruise copy.

Because of Mu Rufeng, players who participate in the Gluttony Cruise will basically not be in any danger, as long as they don't provoke the guests.

Of course, it is still a bit hard. After all, entering the dungeon is not just about sightseeing, but also about working!

So, these ten contractors were called here to let them use the inventory to carry goods.

Although there is an upper limit, it is easy. No, it should not be easy. I think they will definitely have to carry one more.

The door of the warehouse slowly opened, and the precious light of various ores flashed, blinding everyone's eyes.

Green light, white light, red light, all kinds of light, of course, green light is better.

"So much, so much life ore." The people in the Strange Affairs Bureau saw the ore in the warehouse, and they were all stagnant.

"Boss Mu, you need a total of 2,000 tons of life ore, plus other types of ores, a total of 1,000 tons." Zhao Xize said.

"Hey, are there so many? Director Ye, just have someone carry 1,000 tons down, and I'll keep the rest myself." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hey, Xiao Mu, can I discuss something with you?" Ye Lin reacted, stepped forward and said.

"What is it, please tell me."

"Look, you probably don't have any use for these ores for the time being. I wonder if you can give them to the Weird Affairs Bureau first. The landing bracelets that can be made from these ores can definitely be given to all players in the country, and even to the reserve players."

"With these ores, the Weird Affairs Bureau can increase its production efforts, and it will definitely be able to provide one to all people in the country at the moment when the weird world is fully descended." Ye Lin said.

"Don't worry, we will definitely not let you suffer a loss. We will buy these ores at double the price, but we can't pay for it for the time being, so we have to write an IOU first."

"In addition, you have the right to use the Book of Time once every two months, and all the new products developed by the Bureau of Strange Affairs will be provided to you as soon as possible."

"You can choose two props from the prop library of relevant departments across the country every month, including the rule-based props."

"It's not like before. The prop library exchange has become more strict. With the increasing number of players, the items in the prop library have become more abundant."

"I'm giving you a promotion. When you become the third deputy director of the headquarters of our relevant department, you can mobilize the entire relevant department and the troops across the country when necessary." Ye Lin said.

As the general director of the relevant department, Ye Lin has great power. There is only one person above him, that is the one in the South China Sea.

Therefore, he can make the decision on these conditions given to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn't speak, but lowered his head and pondered.

Tian Youdao and the others did not speak. Several people from the Bureau of Strange Affairs also stood in place. Although they were very excited, they did not run into the warehouse.

The ten contractors in front of the warehouse door had already set off a huge wave in their hearts at this moment.

They were originally working well, either cleaning the deck, helping in the canteen, or serving in the guest room.

Now they were suddenly called here, and a group of living people came, another group of contractors.

I thought they were also players participating in the dungeon, but I thought it was wrong, because there were only ten people in the dungeon.

The most important thing is the attitude of Captain Zhao Xize, which is too flattering.

And now they heard their conversation again, how could they not be shocked?

Among these ten contractors, four are from relevant departments, and the remaining six are four from group forces, and two are individual players.

Let’s not talk about the six contractors, but the four people in the relevant departments were even more shocked when they heard that Ye Lin was the director of the relevant department.

Especially one of the level 5 contractors, he had been to the headquarters once, and even met Ye Lin once, so he knew that this Ye Lin was real.

Then they were also wondering who Mu Rufeng was, and he actually had such power, and even asked Ye Lin, the director of the headquarters, to rush to give him the deputy minister.

This is the deputy minister of the headquarters, not the ministers of the branches across the country. The rights of both parties are very different.

You can know it by listening to what Director Ye Lin said.

He wanted to speak, but considering the current situation, he could only hold it back and wait for the right opportunity.

At this time, Mu Rufeng slowly raised his head and said, "To be honest, the market price of these ores is about 3 billion."

"Although the price I bought the goods was a little cheaper, I also paid with real money."

"Director General, your request can almost be regarded as a free-for-all. I think no fool would agree to it."

Ye Lin sighed in his heart when he heard this. Sure enough, he was still a little embarrassed.

After all, the value of the things here is really too great.

A small deputy minister is really nothing in front of a figure like Mu Rufeng.

Tian Youdao wanted to say something, but thinking that he didn't seem to have much friendship with Mu Rufeng, he didn't say anything in the end.

Han Chen's eyes kept flashing. He never thought that Mu Rufeng was so rich.

He was so rich that he was tempted.

"According to the records in the notebook, this guy is very powerful. Not to mention me, Ye Lin may not be his opponent."

"This guy is so rich and is also a shareholder of Gluttony Cruise. This guy must have a lot of secrets. He can't be beaten or suppressed. Since ancient times, heroes have been unable to resist the temptation of beauty. It seems that I can only use the beauty trap."

A perfect plan emerged in Han Chen's mind.


"But I am not a selfish person, so, Director Ye, I agree to what you said."

Originally, everyone thought that Mu Rufeng had solved it, but unexpectedly, Mu Rufeng changed the subject and actually agreed directly.

"Great, thank you, thank you so much." Ye Lin was excited all of a sudden, stepped forward and stretched out his hands to hold Mu Rufeng's hands.

Ye Lin is so young, why does he feel like the old generation?

It's impossible that Ye Lin is also an old guy, who became so young because of the contract ghost?

"The price of these ores can be determined according to the market price. It's no problem to write an IOU. However, I need some props that can increase luck and properties."

"You can help me collect them all over the world, and some special props are also OK. This will be counted as interest. How about it?" Mu Rufeng said.

The conditions of both parties are actually unequal, but Mu Rufeng can't just leave the country alone.

If he has the ability, shouldn't he help the country? When the strange world comes, will he watch a large number of ordinary people die?

He doesn't want to be Mu Rufeng of Daxia, a person with boundless strength, but the whole world is left with only him, lonely and miserable.

Even if Mu Rufeng's strength becomes a nine-level existence in the future, so what? Can he revive the dead?

Can he destroy the strange world and let the real world be reborn?

"Yes." Ye Lin agreed without hesitation.

"Then, Zhao Xize, you can let them start moving." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, did you hear me? Hurry up and move all these ores to the ship." Zhao Xize gave instructions to the ghost employees.

The ghost employees responded and walked towards the warehouse.

"Director Liu Hao, go to the Ghost Bureau to transfer some people now. After these ores are moved down, you keep an eye on them." Ye Lin said to the director of the Ghost Bureau.

"Yes, Director General, I will keep a good eye on them. There will be no loss." Liu Hao nodded, his face full of excitement.

So many ores, so many ores, can expand production and research new props, it's really so happy and exciting.

"Ten of you come here." At this time, Mu Rufeng suddenly stopped the ten players who were about to move the goods.

"Are you deaf? Come here quickly, didn't you hear what Boss Mu said?" Zhao Xize immediately scolded.

The ten contractors came over immediately.

"Hello, Minister Mu, Hello, Director Ye, I am the Minister of Harbin Headquarters, Mu Shou." A contractor spoke first.

"Minister Mu, Director Ye, I am Yang Chun, the deputy director of Xiantao City Headquarters."

"I am~~~"


The other three contractors from relevant departments also hurriedly introduced themselves, fearing that they would be silenced if they were late.

"Mu Shou from Harbin Headquarters? I remember seeing you." Ye Lin said.

"During the National Day, I went to the Beijing Headquarters. I didn't expect Director Ye to still remember me." Mu Shou really didn't expect Ye Lin to still remember him.

At that time, they only met once and didn't even talk.

"You should have heard what we just said, right?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"I heard it." A player nodded.

"Minister Mu, Director Ye, rest assured, we will definitely not tell anyone."

"Yes, we will keep it a secret."

The contractors spoke one after another.

"Although I believe in you, I think it's better to keep a safe place."

"Captain Zhao, have you got the contract?" Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Xize.

"Xiao Wang, come here." Zhao Xize immediately shouted to a skeleton in a suit in the distance.

"Captain, Boss Mu, the contract is here." First Mate Wang held a stack of rules contracts in his hand.

"Sign this rules contract, this is also for your good." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, signing a confidentiality contract is good for all of us, I will sign one too, and you, sign the contract too."

Ye Lin nodded, and then said to Han Chen and others.

Mu Rufeng was very satisfied when he heard this. He didn't actually want Han Chen and others to sign, but since Ye Lin said so, he signed it.

In this way, some of his secrets will not be known to more people.

Han Chen disagreed, but he couldn't refuse, so he signed the rules contract reluctantly.

The people from the Weird Affairs Bureau naturally wouldn't refuse, and they quickly signed the contract.

"Okay, go do your work." Zhao Xize waved to the ten players.

They didn't say anything, and went to work obediently.

"Director Ye, I'll leave this to you. I need to go to another warehouse." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, you can go and do it yourself." Ye Lin didn't ask what was in the other warehouse.

It was very generous of Mu Rufeng to give them the ore raw materials in this warehouse directly as an IOU.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to another warehouse.

This warehouse was smaller, and most of it was filled with spiritual fruits that could increase attributes.

There were quite a lot, but Mu Rufeng still saw some that he had eaten in it.

Mu Rufeng didn't care, and put all of them in the inventory.

What he couldn't eat, he could give to relatives and friends, or even reward to the people below.

In addition to these, there are many props, almost all of which can replace hands and feet.

There are even a few rule-based props of this type.

Ordinary rule-based props are not very useful to Mu Rufeng, and too good rule-based props are not Mu Rufeng's turn.

So, Mu Rufeng asked Baibaolou to make him some more hand and foot props, just right for the login bracelet.

Counting them down, there are hundreds of them.

Of course, Mu Rufeng also asked for two powerful props.

These two powerful props are gloves and clothes.

[Heavenly Silk Gloves]: Gloves made of silk threads spit out by the Heavenly Silkworm Ghost Emperor as the main material.

Effect: Ninth-level props, invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, can resist some damage from swords and other weapons, and can resist some energy damage.

Special attributes: After wearing gloves, the attack speed can be increased by 20%, the power of boxing skills and weapons can be increased by 20%, and they can be automatically repaired after damage.

[Silk Robe of Heavenly Silkworm]: A robe made of silk thread spit out by the Ghost Emperor of Heavenly Silkworm.

Effect: A ninth-level item, invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, can resist the damage of various weapons such as ninth-level swords, and can resist some energy-type damage.

Special properties: The style of the robe can be changed freely, but its color cannot be changed. After wearing the silk robe of Heavenly Silkworm, the speed of the body movement can be increased by 20%, the ghost power can be increased by 20%, and it can be automatically repaired after being damaged.

These two items happened to be useful to Mu Rufeng, and the properties were not bad.

Mu Rufeng put on the gloves and silk robe on the spot.

The style directly changed to a set of ordinary home clothes.

However, Mu Rufeng still had white gloves on his hands, and the white home clothes looked a bit out of place.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng changed it into a white suit, and even the coat and tie were changed.

Mu Rufeng's appearance soared to a higher level with the white suit and white gloves.

Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

"How many soul notes are needed for the things in these two warehouses?" Mu Rufeng asked Zhao Xize.

"Boss Mu, this is the list. The total is 2.61328 billion. Baibaolou has rounded off the decimals. You only need to pay 2.61 billion."

Zhao Xize handed a long list to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng glanced at it and nodded: "Well, did you tell me how to pay?"

"Boss Mu, I don't know much about this. Why don't you ask Miss Lu?" Zhao Xize said.

"Okay, which room does she live in? I'll go find her." Mu Rufeng said.

"Miss Lu lives in room 1518 of the Super VIP Suite." Zhao Xize said.

"1518? Haha." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

It was quite a coincidence. When he entered the Gluttony Cruise Dungeon, he also stayed in Room 1518.

"You don't have to follow me. Go and do your own thing. I'll go by myself." Mu Rufeng just took two steps and saw Zhao Xize following him, so he spoke.

"Boss Mu, your business is the most important thing. Naturally, I have to stay by your side and serve you." Zhao Xize said flatteringly.

"I told you that you don't have to follow me. Oh, by the way, keep buying props and ores for me, especially the life ore." Mu Rufeng said.

The life ore is really important to the real world. A landing bracelet can save lives.

"Boss Mu, there will definitely not be so many props and ores in a short time. We have emptied their inventory this time. It will take some time for them to dig ores or buy them." Zhao Xize said.

"It's okay, just remember it. I may summon the glutton cruise once a month anyway." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize nodded.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. Let me ask you, the glutton cruise should only come to the real world once a month."

"I see there are new players on the ship, which means that it has come to the real world once this month. Why can I still summon it today?" Mu Rufeng asked.

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