I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 259: Book of Time: The Bankrupt Scarlet Selection [10,000 words, monthly vote requested]

"Boss Mu, you probably haven't checked the properties of the Black Gold Card for a long time, right? Two months ago, our Gluttony Cruise's Black Gold Card summoned the Gluttony Cruise to come, and it is no longer limited to this number of times."

"No matter how many times the Gluttony Cruise has come to the real world, as long as you hold the Black Gold Card and summon it from the real world, you can respond."

"Moreover, our Gluttony Cruise has changed to summoning players in the real world once every fifteen days." Zhao Xize said.

"Huh? It was like this two months ago? Once every fifteen days. Summoning is not limited."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the Black Gold Card of the Gluttony Cruise and checked the properties again.

[Gluttony Cruise Black Gold Membership Card]: The most distinguished Black Gold Membership Card of the Gluttony Cruise, which can only be obtained by recharging 100 million soul coins or more on the Gluttony Cruise at one time, is a symbol of status.

Effect: With this card, you can take the Gluttony Cruise for free, and all consumption on the cruise is 40% off. You can spend soul coins to let the Gluttony Cruise pick up guests at your door, including in the real world.

Note 1: If you need to go to the real world for pick-up and drop-off, it is limited to once a month, and it is not subject to the number of times the Gluttony Cruise goes to the real world.

Note 2: The balance of the Black Gold Card must not be less than 10 million, otherwise it will be downgraded.

Special effect: You can command employees to a certain extent.

The data has not changed much, and a paragraph has been added after the Note 1 regulation. Sure enough, it is really unrestricted.

In this way, Mu Rufeng can go back and forth to the strange world once a month in the future.

In this way, Mu Rufeng will not have to be bound by his hands and feet, and he can completely start a large-scale exploration in the strange world.

It just so happens that he has just returned from the dungeon and has a month of free time.

In addition, there are only less than 20 days left before the crisis of Scarlet Optimization on January 1, so he can take this opportunity to go to the Scarlet Optimization in Qingshan City.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng thought of something and took out the Black Gold Card of the Bloody Train again.

[Black Gold Membership Card of Bloody Train]: The most distinguished Black Gold Membership Card of Bloody Train requires a recharge of 100 million soul coins on the train, and the recharge balance must not be less than 10 million. It is a symbol of status.

Effect: With this card, you can ride the train for free, enjoy a 40% discount on all consumption on the train, and change the destination of the train at any time to go to the place you need to go. You can also consume soul coins to let the Bloody Train come to pick you up, including the real world.

Note: If you need to go to the real world for pick-up, it is limited to once a month, and there are no other restrictions.

Special effect: You can command the crew to a certain extent.

"The attributes have changed." Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

If he remembered correctly, the Bloody Train only needed to consume 1 million soul coins at one time to open a card, and the balance must not be less than 1 million, but now it has become a recharge of 100 million, and the balance must not be less than 10 million.

Mu Rufeng recalled what Zhao said before, that the conditions of this black gold card can be adjusted by the captain or the train conductor.

The minimum limit is 1 million, and the maximum limit is 100 million.

At the beginning, the Bloody Train was short of money to upgrade a level 9 vehicle, so the limit of the Black Gold Card was adjusted to the lowest.

Now that there is no shortage of money, and the level 9 vehicle has been broken through, the card opening condition must be adjusted to the highest.

Otherwise, it will really be a loss.

In addition to the change in the card opening condition, as expected, a clause was added at the back, which is not subject to other restrictions.

In other words, Mu Rufeng can summon the Bloody Train once a month.

The most important thing is that one Black Gold Card can be summoned once, and two Black Gold Cards can be summoned twice.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng said to Zhao Xize: "Captain Zhao, you can open four more Black Gold Cards here, and you can lower the conditions of the Black Gold Cards a little bit."

Although he has money, it is still okay to lower some card opening rules and spend a few hundred million less.

"Well, Boss Mu, I can lower the conditions for the Black Gold Card, but at least you need to top up 10 million to open the card."

"If it is adjusted to the lowest, it will damage the interests of Gluttony Cruise, and Gluttony Cruise itself will not agree, so I can't adjust it to the minimum of 1 million to open the card." Zhao Xize said.

"Ten million? That's fine, and it can save a lot." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"You should also get a commission, and that commission will be regarded as a bonus for you."

"Thank you, thank you Boss Mu." Zhao Xize was overjoyed.

One percent commission of 40 million is 400,000 soul notes, although he is not short of money because he sold his shares.

But isn't the income of 400,000 soul notes worth being happy?

Just like in the real world, you have hundreds of millions of assets, and others give you 400,000 for free without any disputes. Do you want it?

Soon, Mu Rufeng called Xiaoying, Bai Jingwei, Xiaolong and Huanxin Ghost King out.

Xiaoying and the other two were quite happy, but the Illusion Ghost King was timid and seemed extremely afraid of Mu Rufeng.

Soon, Mu Rufeng applied for a Gluttony Cruise Black Gold Card for each of the four of them.

Although the balance was only 10 million, they were very happy.

Especially Bai Jingwei, knowing that Mu Rufeng had recharged her Black Gold Card with 10 million, she was so happy that she was going crazy.

She once again felt that it was a correct decision for her to sign a contract with Mu Rufeng.

The Illusion Ghost King carefully grabbed the Black Gold Card, with a puzzled look on his face.

Its learning ability is actually very strong. After Mu Rufeng returned, it can also explore everything outside.

Mu Rufeng also knew this, but he did not prohibit it from exploring the outside.

Therefore, the Phantom Ghost King gradually realized that he had come from the past era to the post-era.

Although it couldn't figure it out, it didn't stop him from thinking.

Speaking of which, it was not actually a native weirdness in the weird world, but was sealed at the entrance by a being above the Ghost Emperor with some kind of origin.

He didn't know what this origin was, but it gave birth to it.

It didn't know much about the weird world, but knew its mission, which was to break the seal and let the weird world come to that Daxia.

It now also knew what 10 million soul notes meant, so he was also shocked that Mu Rufeng dared to spend 10 million directly on it.

"Don't make a fuss, everyone, keep the black gold card. If you want to eat something, you can order it on the gluttony cruise and pay with the card." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu." Bai Jingwei responded first.

"Thank you, Dad." Xiaoying also thanked him happily.

"Roar!" Xiaolong couldn't speak yet, so he could only answer by roaring.

The Ghost King of Illusion was still trembling, not daring to speak.

He was really scared by Mu Rufeng.

These days, Xiaolong had been tormented by him a lot. I don't know why, but Xiaolong liked to play with him.

It's okay to play, but he always hit him without any restraint, and he didn't dare to fight back.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Mu, we can't seem to be able to leave you ten meters away. Brother Mu, do you want to go to the cafeteria with us?" Bai Jingwei said.

Zhao Xize heard this and hurriedly said, "You can scan the code to order food, and I'll ask the waiter to deliver the food directly."

"Okay, okay, thank you uncle." Xiaoying nodded repeatedly.

"You're welcome, it's my duty to serve you." Zhao Xize smiled, then waved his hand, and a black mist emerged, and finally evolved into a QR code.

Bai Jingwei immediately took out her mobile phone to scan the code. After scanning the code, several people went back to the contract slot to order food.

Mu Rufeng asked Zhao Xize to get busy, and then walked towards the super VIP suite.


In front of room 1518.

"Dong Dong Dong!" A waiter knocked on the door.

"Miss Lu, a guest named Mu Rufeng is here to see you." This waiter is Wei Yi.

Originally, he should have been a player, but they were all called to move bricks, so Wei Yi had to be busy.

Soon the room was opened, and Lu Xueqing appeared inside.

"Mr. Mu, please come in." Lu Xueqing invited.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and walked straight in, and the door was closed by the waiter.

"Miss Lu, I came here to pay for the batch of supplies. How do I pay?" Mu Rufeng asked while sitting on the sofa.

"You can directly transfer the money to the Tiandi Bank card of Baibaolou. Do you know the card number?" Lu Xueqing asked.

"I don't know." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

"In fact, you can also open the Baibaolou APP, which should have order details, and you can pay directly on it." Lu Xueqing said.

"Oh, yes, I downloaded the Baibaolou APP, how could I forget it." Mu Rufeng slapped his head and remembered it.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the APP.

Sure enough, he found the orders for the things he bought in the APP.

The settled soul banknotes were exactly the same as the price Zhao Xize said.

Mu Rufeng clicked to submit the order and then paid.

The original price was 2.61 billion, but he had a 10% discount coupon, so he only paid 2.349 billion soul banknotes.

The 10% discount coupon was really comfortable.

Even the 40 million that Zhao Xize opened the card only cost 36 million.

Mu Rufeng glanced at his soul banknotes, and there were still 10.562 billion left.

"Master Lu, I'm sorry to bother you. You can rest. I'll go down first." Mu Rufeng put away his phone, stood up and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Mu, are you leaving now?" Lu Xueqing said.

"Yes, I have something else to do." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Mr. Mu, you should not have forgotten about my cousin's matter, what have you thought about it?" Lu Xueqing said.

Lu Xueqing wanted to find Mu Rufeng several times, but Mu Rufeng had not contacted the outside world in these copies, and she couldn't find him at all.

She had a headache when she thought of her cousin, and she wished that the contractor would take him away quickly. She happened to tell her about Mu Rufeng, and she agreed.

Now that she had found someone this time, how could she let Mu Rufeng go like this?

"I'm sorry, Miss Lu, my contract slot is full, and I may not be able to sign a contract with your cousin." Mu Rufeng said apologetically.

Mu Rufeng didn't want to contract Lu Xueqing's cousin because he didn't want his secret to be exposed.

The weird ones he signed now have weak identities and backgrounds, and the signed contracts have confidentiality clauses, so they don't have the ability to expose the secret.

However, the identity of Lu Xueqing's cousin involves too many forces and relationships, and there is also the super power of Baibaolou behind it.

There may be another level nine group. Who knows if there is a way to cancel the contract. Even if it cannot be cancelled, modifying or blocking a certain clause will expose the secret that he has a plug-in.

At that time, the pressure he suffered will inevitably increase dramatically.

"The last time I saw you, you had an empty contract slot when you were at level three. Now that you are at level four, you have an extra contract slot. Are your contracts already full?" Lu Xueqing said suspiciously.

"Of course." Mu Rufeng said, summoning Xiaoying and the other four people.

"This is Xiaoying, this is Bai Jingwei, this is Xiaolong, and this is Huanxin." Mu Rufeng said.

"If that's the case, then I'll tell my sister. If you have anything to do, go ahead." Lu Xueqing said with some pity.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, asked Xiaoying and others to return to the contract slot, and then walked out of the room.

In Xiaoying’s contract slot.

This is a very spooky, dark girl's room.

It's not big, only about 100 square meters, and the decoration is quite luxurious.

Of course, this decoration was all done by Xiaoying herself.

Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei were lying on a soft sofa.

Xiaolong was lying on the side, staring at them with his big eyes.

"Sister Bai, I'm done." Xiaoying handed the phone back to Bai Jingwei.

"Well, then I'll click submit." Bai Jingwei looked at the price. It cost more than 200,000 soul coins in total.

Now that she was considered wealthy, she no longer looked down upon this small amount of money.

"Wait a minute, Sister Bai, do you want to order some food for the little monkey? I've been looking at it for so long, and it seems that it has never eaten anything." Xiaoying said suddenly.

"Well, the little monkey seems to have been forcibly contracted by Brother Mu, which is different from us, but we still have to give it some food, otherwise it will starve and its abilities will weaken." Bai Jingwei said.

"Well, give it to me. I'll order it for you." Xiaoying immediately took her phone and ordered some more food, and then Bai Jingwei submitted the order.

After about ten minutes, the things they ordered arrived and were brought in directly by Mu Rufeng.

"You guys eat first, I'll send the food over." Xiaoying said.

"Well, be careful. If it disobeys, just beat it. It won't dare to fight back," Bai Jingwei said.

Xiaoying nodded, then took a roasted suckling pig and a large pot of banana-like spiritual fruit.

However, when Xiaoying came to Huan Xin's contract tank, she couldn't see anything at all, only darkness.

"Little monkey, are you there?" Xiaoying asked.

Soon, the darkness faded, and Huan Xin appeared in the distance.

"What are you here for?" Huan Xin said.

"I see that you haven't eaten, so I brought you something. Don't worry, you don't have to pay. I paid for it for you." Xiaoying said.

"Eat something?" Huan Xin looked at the thing in Xiaoying's hand with some confusion.

It remembered that his food should be fresh flesh and blood, or something strange. This kind of food that looked human at first glance could not be eaten by him.

"I put it here for you, you can come and eat it yourself." Xiaoying also thought that Huan Xin was afraid of strangers, so she put the things down and left directly.

When Huanxin saw Xiaoying leaving, she came over.

"This is human food. Can I really eat it? It tastes so good."

Huan Xin stretched out his fingers to poke at the roasted pig, and finally took a tentative bite of the meat.

The moment the meat entered his mouth, his whole eyes emitted a light.

Delicious, really delicious. This can be said to be the first food it has eaten since its birth.

Moreover, this cocoa is a roasted pig made from high-grade adult pigs using special materials. Regardless of the effect or taste, it is definitely more delicious than fresh blood and meat.

"Xiaoying." At this moment, Xiaoying's figure was deeply imprinted on Huan Xin's heart.

Mu Rufeng had no idea about this.

At this moment, he had just made a phone call to the conductor of the bloody train.

"Train conductor, it's really hard to contact you. I'm about to break through. Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, I'm really sorry. It was an emergency situation at the time and I didn't think carefully about it. I'm really sorry." The train conductor apologized very sincerely.

"Forget it, it's over, but I still want to congratulate you. The Scarlet Train has broken through to a level nine vehicle."

"Where, where, if it weren't for Mr. Mu's help, let alone breaking through the ninth-level vehicle, I'm afraid it would have been swallowed up by the Gluttony Cruise Ship."

Mu Rufeng could feel the joy from the conductor's words.

Also, a train conductor who drives a level 8 vehicle and a train conductor who drives a level 9 vehicle are not at the same level at all.

"Mr. Mu, I heard from Xiao Fei that last time you summoned the bloody train to go to the Gluttony Cruise Ship. What happened?" the conductor asked cautiously.

Before he broke through in his deep sleep, he and Mu Rufeng were planning to kill Zhu Shixuan who was recovering from his injuries at the Blood Boring Hotel.

But Mu Rufeng's operation made him a little confused.

Xiaofei also asked questions and didn't know. Mu Rufeng wanted to find him, and he also wanted to find Mu Rufeng.

It's just that Mu Rufeng is in the real world, let alone making phone calls and sending messages that cannot be delivered.

"Zhu Shixuan was not on the ship at the time. He left the Blood Boring Hotel later and waited for the Gluttony Cruise Ship in the Dead Sea Crab Demon City."

"I had planned to kill Zhu Shixuan. In order to prevent Zhu Shixuan from summoning the Gluttony Cruise Ship, I summoned the Bloody Train to fight against the Gluttony Cruise Ship to prevent it from being summoned by Zhu Shixuan."

"Then I went to Crab Demon City, killed Zhu Shixuan, and finally became a shareholder of Gluttony Cruise Line. I also appointed the captain."

"You don't have to fight and kill when you meet the Gluttony Cruise in the future." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? Zhu Shixuan is dead? You are the boss of the Gluttony Cruise now?" Shocked, the train conductor was really shocked at this moment.

He never thought that he had been asleep for such a long time, and such a huge change had happened.

"Okay, that's it. I have something to do here. By the way, I may summon a learning train in the near future to fight a tough battle. You should also make some preparations." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I will make good preparations." The train conductor responded solemnly.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng went down to the warehouse and found that the warehouse had been emptied long ago.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the deck again and saw Ye Lin and others carrying a piece of ore downstairs in an orderly manner.

Obviously this was their last wave of ore.

"Boss Mu, you are here, and the ore has been moved down." Zhao Xize was also on the deck. Seeing Mu Rufeng coming, he hurried over.

"Well, by the way, how long can the Gluttony Cruise stay here?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Boss Mu, the Black Gold Card summons the Gluttony Cruise to appear in the real world. It can stay for an hour. Once the hour is up, it will be forced to return to the strange world."

"Calculate the time, there are about twenty minutes left." Zhao Xize said.

"Twenty minutes is enough. I'll go down. You wait here. I'll go to the strange world with you later." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize nodded in response.

After Mu Rufeng got off the boat, he saw a large amount of precious ores on the shore.

Some contractors were trying to move them. It was obviously impossible to leave these ores here.

Ye Lin took out the ores in his hand and the backpack and put them on the ground, turned around and prepared to get on the boat again.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Mu Rufeng coming down from above, and he paused.

"Xiao Mu, I was just thinking of looking for you. Here, this is your ID card. Your information has been entered into the national system."

"As long as you show your ID card, you can mobilize some social resources." Ye Lin took out an ID card and threw it directly to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng took it and flipped it open. The photo inside was exactly him, and his position was the deputy director of the headquarters.

Now, he is the fourth in command of the relevant department. Of course, he is the fourth in command who doesn't care about anything, but his power exceeds that of the second and third in command who are in charge of things.

Mu Rufeng nodded and put away the ID card. Then he came to Ye Lin and said, "Time is tight. I want to use the Book of Time once. After asking, I will take the Gluttony Cruise to the weird world."

"It's okay to use the Book of Time, but can you take the Gluttony Cruise to the weird world?" Ye Lin said in surprise.

"Well, if you want to go back to the real world, you need to wait for the Black Gold Card privilege summon next month." Mu Rufeng said.

"Wait, if you enter the dungeon world in the weird world, after completing it, can't you return to the real world by completing the task?"

"Also, can you trigger the login bracelet mechanism in the weird world to return to the real world?" Ye Lin asked a series of questions.

"This is also my first time to enter the weird world through the Gluttony Cruise, and I don't know the questions you asked." Mu Rufeng replied.

"Can you take other contractors to the weird world on the Gluttony Cruise?" Ye Lin asked again after a moment of silence.

"No, only users of the Black Gold Card can take it to the weird world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, okay, go quickly, you already have the authority, you can ask, I have stored 100 units of soul power in the Book of Time."

"Just go and ask directly." Ye Lin said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then thunder and fire came out of his body, and he flew into the sky with a whoosh.

"Thunder and fire armor, really good." Ye Lin exclaimed.

The Bureau of Strange Affairs was not far from the relevant departments, and Mu Rufeng arrived in just three minutes.

Because of his identity, he showed his face when he landed, so even the relevant departments that fell from the sky did not activate the early warning mechanism.

Because of the urgency of time, Mu Rufeng went directly to the eighteenth floor underground, inside the Book of Time.

He stretched out his hand on the Book of Time and asked it directly.

"After a while, Scarlet Optimization will encounter the biggest crisis. I need a detailed process of the crisis and the final result if I do not participate."

This question was also carefully asked by Mu Rufeng.

He is now the second largest shareholder of Scarlet Optimization, and the annual dividends are definitely not small.

If he is taken away by the conspirators, then his loss will be great.

If he knows the other party's operation and the result of his non-participation, then Mu Rufeng can make a targeted counterattack.

[This question requires 10 units of soul power. Do you want to pay? ]

A prompt sounded from the Book of Time.

Then, another prompt sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Do you want to pay 1000 soul power? ]

The upper payment is a unit of soul power, which will be directly deducted from the 100 soul units stored by Ye Lin.

And the lower payment is to deduct Mu Rufeng's own soul power.

Soul power is soul power.

One unit of soul power is equal to 100 soul power.

"Pay ten soul units." Mu Rufeng chose the soul units stored by Ye Lin as the payment price.

The next second, the Book of Time glowed brightly, and then slowly opened.

[Payment completed, the answer to the question has been generated, please check it yourself]

The Book of Time has been fully opened at this moment, and lines of text began to slowly emerge on the blank pages.

[Due to the strong squeeze of the thriving Scarlet Optimization, the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization are about to face bankruptcy. They secretly accepted the investment of four nine-level group forces, including the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce (Western nine-level group force), the Clone Factory (nine-level group force), the Guifeng Logistics (nine-level group force), and the Tiantian Chain Convenience Store (nine-level group force), and many eight-level group forces. With unprecedented financial strength, the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization have secretly merged to become a new nine-level group force: the Dead Xi Optimization. ]

[Wang Xi Youxuan is already stronger than Scarlet Youxuan in terms of financial resources, logistics and transportation, number of stores and sites, coverage, and item types. Even Scarlet Youxuan's most popular fresh meat has been surpassed by Wang Xi Youxuan]

[With the help of the Wartie Chamber of Commerce, Wang Xi Youxuan has also successfully opened up a channel in the real world. The location of the channel is located at the headquarters of the US Weird Intelligence Agency in the real world]

[Wang Xi Youxuan has more than three times the number of stores and sites of Scarlet Youxuan at this moment, and is still spending money to expand]

[Wang Xi Youxuan learned from the Wartie Chamber of Commerce that Scarlet Youxuan will be listed on January 1. This news will be released by Scarlet Youxuan on Christmas Day, December 25, to stimulate Excite the vast number of weird stockholders]

[Dead Xi Youxuan will launch a crazy promotion on New Year's Day on January 1st. The estimated promotion cost has reached 100 million soul notes. The promotion range is any city in the world with a Dead Xi Youxuan store site. It is promoting fresh flesh and blood and a large number of goods, and wants to fight a price war with Scarlet Youxuan]

[In addition, the Dead Xi Youxuan has arranged a large number of props for truck vehicles in the wilderness area routes between various cities to deal with the Scarlet Youxuan trucks that transport purchased goods to and from various cities on January 1st]

[Dead Xi Youxuan uses various means to attack Scarlet Youxuan. At the same time, the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce will unite with multiple group companies to snipe the listed Scarlet Youxuan on the stock market]

[In Mu Rufeng If they do not participate, Scarlet Optimization will be targeted on the day of listing on January 1, and the stock price will plummet. It will be delisted on the same day. Scarlet Optimization will suffer huge losses and be seriously injured, while Wart Tie Merchants will make a lot of money.

[With the help of a large amount of funds, Wang Xi Optimization began to offer large discounts and issue coupons at a loss. Scarlet Optimization was forced to spend money to issue coupons.]

[After one month, Scarlet Optimization ran out of working capital. General Manager Xu He mobilized all employees to subscribe for shares, and raised a large amount of funds with his own and senior management's funds to barely support it. Then he went out to seek investment from major groups.]

[Many level nine groups such as Baibaolou, Tiandi Bank, and Qingye Farm were unwilling to provide funding. Even Tiandi Bank was unwilling to lend money, and even urged Scarlet Optimization to repay the loan in advance. At the same time, many suppliers came to ask for money with supply contracts, resulting in a direct interruption of working capital, which could not be maintained, and the flow was decreasing day by day. Employees kept changing jobs. At the last moment, a senior executive named Liu Dong stabbed them in the back, and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.]

[In the end, Xu He humiliated himself by selling his shares to the helmsman of Wang Xi Youxuan. Xu He used the money from the sale of shares to make up for the payment of suppliers. He left with nothing and was lonely.]

[Wang Xi Youxuan successfully acquired Scarlet Optimization. From then on, Wang Xi Youxuan became the leader of this industry and also a monopolist.]

When Mu Rufeng finished reading this, his face changed slightly.

He really didn't expect that the Undead Optimization and Xi Xi Youxuan would make such a big move at once.

First, the two merged, and they accepted investment from many group forces.

Most importantly, they accepted investment from the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce. The Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce is a Western existence similar to Baibaolou.

Moreover, judging from the situation, it is highly likely that the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce is behind this matter.

Is it trying to indirectly invade the East with the help of the Dead Evening Optimization?

He also saw the final result very clearly. The Scarlet Optimization would definitely fail, even though Mu Rufeng had given Xu He a hint before.

But this hint had no effect at all. It just made him more alert. What else could he do to stop it?

What Mu Rufeng cared about most was that the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce actually had the means to open up a channel in the real world, which was really shocking.

Of course, these results were all without Mu Rufeng's participation.

And now Mu Rufeng knew their overall plan. Although Mu Rufeng had not thought of any way to fight back for a while, if he told Xu He about this overall plan.

With Xu He's business acumen, his knowledge and identity, he would definitely be able to make the most correct choice.

In this conspiracy, strength is not the main thing. This time, it is a real business war.

Even a ninth-level ghost emperor could not make any waves in this business war.

Mu Rufeng tried to continue asking questions about his participation in this business war, but the Book of Time did not respond.

I think it must have run out of times.

It's not that Mu Rufeng has run out of questions, but that the Book of Time has run out of answers.

Ye Lin also said that he had specially reserved an opportunity for Mu Rufeng to ask questions.

The Book of Time is extremely important. Almost every time the number of answers is refreshed, it will be used immediately and will not be accumulated.

Mu Rufeng wanted to ask about the results of his participation, but he had no chance to ask.

However, he now knew the overall plan of the Dead Eve Optimization, so it was worth the trip.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone to shoot a video and filmed all the answers shown in the Book of Time.

Then, Mu Rufeng left the Book of Time directly.

There were still eight minutes left before the Gluttony Cruise started, which was enough time.

When Mu Rufeng returned to the Gluttony Cruise, Ye Lin and others had already disappeared.

It is estimated that they went to the Weird Affairs Bureau to study the ores and other materials that they had never seen before.

However, there were still many contractors standing guard around.

Mu Rufeng flew directly onto the Gluttony Cruise. When he landed on the deck, Zhao Xize, who had been waiting, hurried over.

"Boss Mu, are you done with your work? Can we set off?" Zhao Xize asked.

"Well, let's go." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Boss Mu, where are you going?" Zhao Xize asked.

"How long does it take to get to Qingshan City from here?"

"Boss Mu, it will take about two hours." Zhao Xize said.

"Two hours? OK, then open a super VIP suite for me. Also, when you go to Qingshan City, remember to be more hidden. It's best not to be discovered by anyone that the Gluttony Cruise has gone to Qingshan City." Mu Rufeng said.

"Boss Mu, if we don't want to be discovered, then we can only stop the ship in the wilderness area outside Qingshan City, but the wilderness area is more dangerous, you..."

Mu Rufeng heard this and waved his hand and said, "You don't need to worry about safety issues. The wilderness is the wilderness. Hey, wait, so, you can go directly to the Qingshan pig farm."

The Qingshan pig farm is also in the wilderness area, and it is more than an hour away from the edge of Qingshan City.

If you get off the ship at the Qingshan pig farm, it will definitely not be known by others.

"Okay, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize nodded repeatedly, he felt like his brain was crazy.

Boss Mu even killed the eighth-level ghost king Zhu Shixuan, it's not the depths of the wilderness, how could it threaten Boss Mu.

Zhao Xize personally led Mu Rufeng to the 15th floor, room 1510.

"Boss Mu, I'll call a waiter over now." Zhao Xize said and was about to leave.

"No need to call, it's only two hours, I'll just take a nap, you go and do your thing." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and said.

"Okay, Boss Mu, then I'll go and do my thing first, if you have any instructions, just press the service bell."

Mu Rufeng nodded, then opened the door and walked in directly.

After closing the door, Mu Rufeng lay directly on the soft bed.

It's worthy of being a super VIP suite, this bed is so comfortable to sleep on.

Just thinking about going to bed, suddenly, Mu Rufeng slapped his head and forgot one thing.

Mu Rufeng came to the sofa, waved his hand, took out a bunch of spiritual objects from the inventory and placed them on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Mu Rufeng counted the types and found more than 20 kinds.

These were spiritual objects that Mu Rufeng had never eaten before and could increase physical attributes.

There were more than 100 kinds of spiritual objects in his inventory, all of which were purchased from Baibaolou and all of which he had eaten.

After this time, it can be said that he had eaten almost all the spiritual objects on the market that could increase attributes.

Mu Rufeng immediately ate all these spiritual objects.

[Eat Dragon Spirit Fruit X5, all attributes +5, ghost power +5%]

[Eat Xiangxiang Fruit, all attributes +5, get Xiangxiang Fruit BUFF]

[Eat Stinky Fruit, all attributes +5, get Stinky Fruit BUFF]


When Mu Rufeng finished eating them all, his strength increased by 35 points, his spirit increased by 25 points, and his physique increased by 30 points.

He also got two BUFFs.

[Fragrant Fruit BUFF]: You exude a strong fragrance. When others smell your fragrance, they will feel like spring breeze, increase favorability, and double the favorability of the opposite sex.

[Stinky Fruit BUFF]: You exude a strong odor. When others smell your odor, they will feel sick, decrease favorability, and double the favorability of the opposite sex.

Mu Rufeng suddenly began to emit a strong fragrance and a stench that could not be described in words.

"Ugh, it stinks, it's both fragrant and stinky, it's too uncomfortable." Mu Rufeng covered his nose with a constipated expression.

Although he had expected it, he didn't expect it to be so bad.

Admittedly, this fragrance is very pleasant, but the stench is abnormally stinky. The mixture of fragrance and stench continued to irritate the nasal cavity, making Mu Rufeng even more uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that he thought it would only last for about an hour or two, but he didn't expect it to last for a full twenty-four hours.

Mu Rufeng immediately covered his entire body with bandages, leaving only his eyes and mouth, and even his nostrils were blocked with bandages.

Although it was not very convenient to breathe through his mouth, it was much more comfortable than smelling the stench.

It was just right that he could use this smell to cover up his popularity.

"Bai Jingwei." Mu Rufeng suddenly called out.

"Here, Brother Mu, what's wrong?" Bai Jingwei responded immediately.

And Bai Jingwei wanted to come out directly, but was directly sealed in the contract slot by Mu Rufeng.

Just kidding, he smells so bad now, how can he let the contract ghost come out.

"Hey, Brother Mu, why don't you let me out?" Bai Jingwei said strangely.

Although it can sense the outside world, the contract ghost cannot smell the smell outside.

"After swallowing the things given to you, break through to level five as soon as possible." Mu Rufeng said, and sent a limit-breaking spiritual object into Bai Jingwei's contract slot.

"Ah~~! Thank you Brother Mu, thank you Brother Mu!"

After Bai Jingwei screamed, the whole person was extremely excited.

Her aptitude was indeed a little worse, but with this limit-breaking spiritual object, there is a high probability that she can break through to level five.

"Okay, stop screaming, break through quickly." Mu Rufeng waved his hand.

"Okay, Brother Mu, I will definitely break through to level five." Bai Jingwei responded happily and then fell silent, ready to break through.

Then, Mu Rufeng checked Xiaoying's ability again.

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