I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 260 Swallowing the Ghost, the Great Alliance of Scarlet Optimization [10,000 words]

Last time, Xiaoying was promoted to level 5, and a new ability appeared again, but Mu Rufeng had forgotten to check it.

[Stomach of the Starving Ghost]: It has extremely powerful digestive ability and can devour everything. When devouring strange creatures, there is a certain probability of permanently obtaining the ability of the devoured strange creatures. The ability obtained by devouring will be permanently limited and cannot be upgraded.

"Fuck!" When Mu Rufeng saw the description of this ability, he was stunned.

First of all, it was confirmed that Xiaoying was a starving ghost. The person who gave Xiaoying to him should be Xiaoying's father or mother.

Because he was also a starving ghost, he couldn't afford to support Xiaoying, a starving ghost.

After all, she was his daughter, so he would never abandon her. Although there were welfare homes in the strange world, but.

So he gave her to the generous Mu Rufeng for a contract.

This ability is indeed a bit perverted. Swallowing strange creatures actually has a certain probability of obtaining one of its abilities.

In front of this ability, the side effects of fast consumption and eating a lot are not important at all.

It's just that this ability is Xiaoying's unique ability, and Mu Rufeng can't inherit it.

In addition to this ability to obtain the ability to be swallowed by strange things, the rest can be obtained.

And he can also automatically turn on and off the digestion ability of the hungry ghost stomach.

For example, if he doesn't want to get hungry quickly, he can turn off the digestion ability, and when he wants to eat strange things, he can just turn it on, and that's it.

"It seems that I have to give Xiaoying more strange things in the future." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.


In a blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Mu Rufeng's door was knocked.

"Boss Mu, we're at Qingshan Pig Farm." Zhao Xize's voice came from outside the door.

"Well, I know." Mu Rufeng came out of the bathroom and responded.

Then, he shook his body to dry the water stains on his body, and then put on his clothes and bandages.

Although he took a shower, the stench and fragrance did not dissipate at all.

Pushing open the door, Mu Rufeng walked out.

As Mu Rufeng walked out, an extreme smell drifted out, causing Zhao Xize to frown subconsciously.

Soon he knew that the smell came from Mu Rufeng.

"Boss Mu, the smell on you." Zhao Xize reminded.

"It's okay, I made a little disguise so that others can't smell the breath of a living person on me." Mu Rufeng said.

"So that's it, Boss Mu is still thoughtful." Zhao Xize immediately complimented.

"Okay, you go and continue to see the guests off, I'll go down." Mu Rufeng waved to Zhao Xize, and then the thunder and fire armor emerged from his body, and he flew out from the end of the road with a whoosh, and finally disappeared in the fog.


After getting off the boat, Mu Rufeng only flew one or two kilometers and arrived at Qingshan Pig Farm.

Mu Rufeng did not go through the main gate, but climbed over the side wall.

He is the largest shareholder of Qingshan Pig Farm, and the ghosts in the wall will not stop him.

He easily entered the pig farm.

Mu Rufeng used the ability of forgetting to reduce his presence. When he came to the office, all the employees he saw along the way ignored his existence.

When he pushed the door and entered the factory director's office, the factory director didn't even look up and was still writing some information.

Just to say, his brows suddenly frowned: "What's the smell, it stinks."

"Ahem." Mu Rufeng showed his face, then coughed twice, and at the same time withdrew the ability of forgetting.

"Who!" The factory director was awakened instantly, and then looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Ah? President Mu? When did you come? I didn't even notice it." The factory director was shocked.

Mu Rufeng walked over and found that the factory director was writing some data on the number of adult pigs, weight, and sales.

Not to mention, this factory director is really conscientious.

"How are the benefits these days?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, the scale of our pig farm has doubled, and the benefits have doubled. We don't lack sales channels at all now."

"Almost 60% of the mature pigs have been purchased by Xinghong Youxuan, and the remaining 40% have been purchased by some hotels, restaurants, etc. in Qingshan City."

When the factory director said this, he became very excited.

"That's good, you work hard, it's almost the end of the year, and then I will give you and the employees in the factory a big red envelope."

"Thank you, Mr. Mu."

"I'm leaving first, you go ahead." Mu Rufeng said and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Mu, are you leaving now? Aren't you going to inspect the factory?"

"No, I have something important to do. By the way, don't tell anyone about my coming here, understand?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." Although the factory director was a little confused, he didn't dare to ask more, let alone ask what the smell was.

After leaving Qingshan Pig Farm, Mu Rufeng was about to take out the van, but suddenly remembered that the van seemed to be parked in the parking lot of Wancheng Branch.

The journey was too far, and flying would be too conspicuous, so Mu Rufeng immediately took out the hemp ball.

"Master, are we back to the strange world? This seems to be a wilderness area, right?" As soon as the hemp ball came out, he looked around and said.

Facing the smell of Mu Rufeng, Ma Qiu did not feel uncomfortable at all. After all, it was just a vehicle and had no sense of smell.

"Well, do you remember how to get to Qingshan City?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course I remember. This should be near the Qingshan pig farm. I have a positioning function on me, which will automatically match the current route."

"Also, and, master, I have now upgraded to a level 3 vehicle." Ma Qiu said.

"Level 3 vehicle? Let me see." Mu Rufeng immediately checked the properties.

[Mah Qiu, a small electric donkey]: Level 3 vehicle, this is a reborn small electric donkey.

Effect: It has automatic driving function and map function. The current download map area: real world, strange world Qingshan City.

Note: It only costs ten soul coins for 100 kilometers. The faster the speed, the greater the consumption.

"It's true, but you are a bit slow to upgrade. I have given you so many soul coins before you upgraded to level 3." Mu Rufeng said.

"This. Master, although I have enough soul money, my hardware is too poor, so the upgrade is slow, and the third level is the highest level I can reach."

"If you want to continue upgrading, you need to buy some accessories to upgrade. If you can get the core of a high-level vehicle, you can also upgrade directly." Ma Qiu said.

"Oh? That's fine, I'll take you to upgrade when I have time." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Thank you, Master!" Ma Qiu was very happy when he heard it.

"Okay, let's go quickly to Qingshan City, run as fast as you can, oh, right, this."

Mu Rufeng said, took out the flame vehicle card and stuck it directly on Ma Qiu.

A strong flame gushed out instantly, and Ma Qiu once again turned into a burning electric donkey.

Ma Qiu responded excitedly, and then he put all his strength into it, and the speed soared instantly.

After a while, the speed reached its peak, a speed of 150 kilometers per hour.

It is very fast for a third-level vehicle to reach this speed.

As far as Mu Rufeng knows, the higher the level of the vehicle, the faster it is.

It depends on where you drive it.

For example, the speed of the Maqiu is very fast, 150 kilometers per hour.

But it can't fly, and it can only drive on places where the props are relatively flat.

If it is on a rough road, it can also drive, but the speed must be slowed down.

Another thing is that it can't travel in the void and can't cross space.

For example, the Bloody Train and the Gluttony Cruise have extremely strong ability to cross space, and can even go to the real world.

Like now, the road has become less smooth, and the speed of the Maqiu has dropped to 60 yards.


One and a half hours later.

Mu Rufeng appeared outside the Scarlet Optimized Logistics Park.

Mu Rufeng rolled off the Maqiu, and then prepared to put it into the inventory.

But Ma Qiu said quickly: "Master, Master, can I go out and look for my companions?"

"Don't worry, I will be back soon and will not delay your trip."

Mu Rufeng heard this and said with a smile: "It's okay, go ahead. I have locked you up for so long, you should have enough soul notes on you."

"Enough, enough, I can't even finish the soul notes given by the master." Ma Qiu said quickly.

"Go ahead, by the way, wait a moment, I will mark you, so that you won't be lost when the time comes."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the marking card and changed the target to Ma Qiu.

Ma Qiu is a vehicle, which is also a kind of prop, so it can be marked with a marking card.

Ma Qiu left here happily.

And Mu Rufeng walked inside.

"It stinks, why do you stink so much? Who are you? What are you doing here?"

A security guard came up and stopped Mu Rufeng directly.

"I'm here to apply for a job." Mu Rufeng said.

"Apply? Go in, it's really stinky." The security guard handed a temporary work badge to Mu Rufeng and let him in.

Because Scarlet Optimization is thriving and extremely short of staff, it recruits every day, and many weird people come to apply for jobs every day.

"Remember, don't walk around after you go in. Go to the office according to the instructions on the work badge. If you go to other places, we will not be responsible for anything that happens." The security guard said.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him and then walked in.

There were more than one security guard, and there were many standing on the side, and there were also vehicles coming and going.

When Mu Rufeng walked over, they all looked at Mu Rufeng with disgust.

Mu Rufeng was also a little annoyed by these looks, but fortunately they didn't know Mu Rufeng's true identity.

After entering the logistics park, a lot of noisy sounds came into my ears.

The roar of trucks, the collision of various goods, and the shouts of some forklifts and weird employees.

People and cars came and went, it was extremely lively.

It was simply two different worlds from outside the logistics park.

Mu Rufeng walked across the street and came to the office building across the street.

There were quite a few people here, many employees came in and out, some in suits, some in strange outfits, and some with more peculiar weirdness.

Then, Mu Rufeng used his forgetfulness ability and walked upstairs on his own.

No one noticed him along the way.

Even some level 5 weirdness, or even level 6 weirdness, could not be detected.

As for level 7 weirdness, it could detect him now, but he had not encountered it.

Of course, they could smell the stench, the stench was unbearable.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived at the top floor, in front of the office of Xu He, the general manager of Scarlet Optimization.

"Knock, knock, knock!" Mu Rufeng knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Xu He's voice came from inside.

Mu Rufeng immediately pushed the door open and removed his ability at the same time.

"It stinks, who are you?" Xu He looked up at Mu Rufeng, frowning slightly.

He was not worried about any threat from the unfamiliar man in front of him. As a ninth-level ghost emperor, who could threaten him in his own territory?

"Mr. Xu, it's me." Mu Rufeng removed the bandages on his body, revealing his original face.

"Why did you come here suddenly?" Xu He was slightly startled.

"The smell on you. Is it the stinky fruit and the fragrant fruit? Why did you eat them together?" Xu He said.

"Isn't this to cover up my breath, so that no one knows my identity. I came here this time for a big event." Mu Rufeng said.

"Big thing? Is it what you reminded me last time?"

Xu He blocked his sense of smell, then stood up from his desk and walked to the sofa, motioning Mu Rufeng to sit down as well.

Mu Rufeng nodded and sat on the sofa, but he did not speak, but looked at the door.

Xu He immediately understood and immediately deployed his ghost den.

Although it was on his own territory, it was safer if the ghost den was covered.

"After your reminder, I also made some preparations. I guess it should be the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization."

"Now they are just grasshoppers after autumn, and sooner or later they will be acquired by me." Xu He said confidently.

"Mr. Xu, according to your idea, they should acquire Scarlet Optimization in the end."

"Huh? Mr. Mu is joking. The current traffic of Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization is not even a fraction of ours." Xu He said with a smile. He thought Mu Rufeng was joking.

"Mr. Xu, now it should be the Undead Optimization." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Wang Xi Youxuan? They merged? Impossible, there is no news about this outside."

"Can you turn off the lights? I'll project a shadow." Mu Rufeng said.

Xu He didn't say anything, and then the lights in the room dimmed.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone, chose to play the video, and then chose the projection function, and projected it directly on the snow-white wall on the left.

Soon, the Book of Time appeared in front of Xu He.

The resolution of the projection was extremely high, and it was very clear.

When Xu He saw the first line of words, he sat up straight, and then his eyes gradually became solemn.

As he read more and more, the breath on his body became more and more terrifying.

After a long time, Xu He's breath was retracted, and he looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Sorry, I'm a little out of control."

"Are these all true? What kind of prop is this book?" Xu He said slowly.

"This is the Book of Time. I wonder if you've heard of it."

"It's the Book of Time. I didn't expect you to have it."

"If it's the Book of Time, then this is real." Xu He's face became extremely solemn.

The Book of Time, Xu He had seen its information in an extremely ancient document.

The Book of Time records all the things in the past years. As long as you pay a price, you can know everything in the world.

The origin of the Book of Time is transformed by the rules of the world. In the weird world, the appearance of the Book of Time has never been heard of.

It seems that it is not that it has not appeared, but that it has been obtained by someone and has never been revealed.

"So, after I knew about this, I took this opportunity to come and tell you."

"I didn't inform you on the phone because I was afraid that it would be unsafe on the phone." Mu Rufeng said.

"This matter is too big. I didn't expect them to merge and accept the investment from the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce."

"It seems that the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce is behind this. I didn't expect the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce to still not give up. This time it actually cost such a huge price." Xu He said.

"The Wartie Chamber of Commerce is not giving up? Why did they deal with you before?" Mu Rufeng said.

"In the past, when Scarlet Preferred was squeezed by the Undead Preferred and Xixi Preferred and fell into a trough, the people of the Wartie Chamber of Commerce came to me and wanted to invest."

"If it was a large domestic group force like Baibaolou and Tiandi Bank, I might have agreed, but the Wartie Chamber of Commerce is from the West."

"I don't trust them. There are many group forces in Qingshan City that have been injected with funds by the Wartie Chamber of Commerce. The bosses have been sidelined and even assassinated." Xu He said.

"So, now we have to discuss how to deal with it. At the same time, we can't let them know that we have noticed their plan." Mu Rufeng said.

"Or, you can go and verify first to see if it has been merged?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"There is no need to verify, because I don't want to alert the enemy, but there is still someone who can be called for interrogation." Xu He sneered.

"Liu Dong?"

"Well, I really didn't expect Liu Dong to betray me. He is also an old member of Scarlet Preferred and owns 1% of the shares. I still can't figure out why he betrayed me." Xu He said.

"If you can't figure it out, you will know after interrogating him. Mr. Xu, you should be able to interrogate him without exposing him, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"That guy is only a level 7 ghost general. If I scare him, he will definitely tell me. However, we have to be cautious. I will go to Baibaolou to buy some things later." Xu He said.

"No need to be so troublesome. I have contracted a weirdo who has the ability to change other people's cognition. After asking him questions, I will make him forget his memory." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh? You still have this ability? But, he is also a level 7 ghost general. Can your ability work?"

"It should be no problem." Mu Rufeng released his breath a little while speaking.

Suddenly, Xu He's face became a little surprised.

He actually felt the strength of the level 8 ghost king from Mu Rufeng.

It was obviously just a level 4 contractor.

"Well, I'll call Liu Dong now." Xu He immediately notified Liu Dong.

Five minutes later, Liu Dong knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"Mr. Xu, is there anything you want me to do?"

Liu Dong is a middle-aged man about 40 years old.

Wearing a black suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he looked very decent and gentle.

Xu He didn't say anything, and the ghost cave under his feet expanded instantly and covered the room directly.

At the same time, two tricky hands appeared under his feet and grabbed Liu Dong's feet directly.

"Mr. Mu, do it." Xu He said.

Mu Rufeng came out from behind the screen on one side and slowly walked towards Liu Dong.

The black air that was originally shrouded in his body suddenly dissipated, and a disgusting smell emanated.

Liu Dong frowned slightly, it was so smelly.

"Mr. Mu? Mr. Xu, what do you mean?" Liu Dong was a little flustered in his heart, but he didn't change his face on the surface.

Mu Rufeng didn't talk to him either, and directly used his ability.

He directly changed Liu Dong's cognition, and directly exchanged his confidentiality and disclosure.

In other words, if someone asked him a question, if he wanted to keep it secret and didn't admit it, then he would leak it and admit it actively.

If they want to leak secrets and want to say it out, they will think that keeping it secret is the right choice.

"Have the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization merged?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Liu Dong is only a seventh-level ghost general. With Mu Rufeng's current eighth-level strength, he can't resist the ability of the illusion.

Liu Dong was shocked when he heard this, and his face showed a look of shock at the right time: "I~~~!"

Liu Dong opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng frowned slightly and asked again:

"Has the Undead Optimization also opened up the channel of the real world?"

Liu Dong also wanted to speak, and opened his mouth again, but still couldn't speak.

"Have you cooperated with them? Why did you cooperate?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

Liu Dong's expression changed a little when he heard this, but he still opened his mouth but couldn't speak.

"Mr. Xu, it seems that he should have signed the rules contract agreement. Even if I changed his cognition, he couldn't speak." Mu Rufeng said.

"Have you met with the head of Wang Xi Youxuan and signed a confidentiality contract?" Xu He looked at Liu Dong coldly.

Even if Liu Dong really signed a confidentiality contract, Xu He's question would not violate the confidentiality contract.

"Yes, we have met and signed a confidentiality contract." Liu Dong replied.

Xu He crushed the teacup in his hand.

"Mr. Xu, do you have anything else to ask?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No need, just let him forget his memory." Xu He said slowly.

There is no need to answer other questions, Liu Dong's answer has made the result very clear.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Mu, you~~!" Before Liu Dong finished speaking, a shadow arm emerged from his mouth and directly closed his mouth.

Mu Rufeng immediately used his ability to make him forget what happened after he entered the door.

"I kept his memory after entering the door, and he will wake up if you snap your fingers." Mu Rufeng said, and walked back behind the screen again.

At this moment, Liu Dong was closing his eyes and had no reaction to the outside world.

Xu He took a deep breath, calmed down, and then returned to his expressionless look.

Then he asked Liu Dong to retreat to the door, and then he gathered the ghosts, and then he gently snapped his fingers.

Liu Dong immediately came back to his senses and opened his eyes.

He walked over without any abnormality, and then said to Xu He: "Mr. Xu, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Send these materials to the president of Tiandi Bank." Xu He took a stack of documents and placed them on the table.

Seeing this, Liu Dong walked up and picked up the documents.

"Huh? Mr. Xu, this seems to be the daily flow of our group and the daily flow of customers, right?" Liu Dong said.

"Well, the loan will expire on the 1st. I plan to extend the loan for one month and repay it after this event."

"Take these materials and let the president of Tiandi Bank take a look. I will visit him in person in a few days." Xu He said.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, I'll send it over now." Liu Dong nodded and said.

In his heart, he sneered: "What a joke, if you pay it back now, it might be better, as for the extension? Haha..."

Liu Dong turned around and left the office.

When the door was closed, the ghost cave enveloped the room again.

Mu Rufeng slowly walked out from behind the screen.

"Mr. Mu, thank you so much this time. If I hadn't received the news from you, I'm afraid I would have been in trouble this time." Xu He thanked Mu Rufeng solemnly.

"Mr. Xu, what are you talking about? After all, I am also a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"It seems that the decision I made at that time was really wise."

"Mr. Mu, don't worry. This time, I will definitely thank you very much. After this matter is over, I will give you a big surprise." Xu He said.

"That's a deal. I'm waiting for your big surprise." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Liu Dong is such an ungrateful person. I have to settle accounts with him after this matter is over."

"If I didn't know about today's plan, then the result would be the same as what the Book of Time said. I would sell my shares in humiliation and then leave alone."

"But now I know their overall plan, so they should be the ones to panic."

"We need to plan this matter carefully. By the way, Mr. Mu, how much money can you take out? By then, we might be able to make a fortune in the stock market." Xu He sneered.

"I still have about 10 billion in my hand." Mu Rufeng said.

"10 billion? Cash?"

"Yes, cash." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Mr. Mu is really rich. You prepare the funds, and I will deal with the assets and get 5 billion." Xu He gritted his teeth and said.

"Well, when you deal with the assets, don't let others find out." Mu Rufeng reminded.

"Don't worry, I have many friends." Xu He said.

"By the way, do you think I need to go to the real world to destroy the real channels of Wang Xi Youxuan?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Mr. Mu, will it be dangerous for you to go alone?" Xu He asked.

"Haha, I'm not bragging. In the real world, no contractor is my opponent." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"That's good. As for the timing of action, how about choosing the right time, on the 1st, when I counterattack?" Xu He said.

"First, you should make a process plan, and then we can discuss the details."

To be honest, with Mu Rufeng's current strength, it is really easy to go to the United States to destroy Wang Xi Youxuan and other channels.

He didn't think there was anything that could stop him from the United States.

Even if the other party has rule-based props, his rule suppression and rule seal are not vegetarian.

"Okay, then you can move freely first and wait for my news. I have to plan it well."

"By the way, Mr. Xu, who is in charge of the Baibao Building in Qingshan City now?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Miss Lu has been transferred for some reason. A new owner has come. We have dealt with each other several times, but they were all polite." Xu He said.

Mu Rufeng immediately thought of Lu Xueqing, who was now escorting supplies on the Gluttony Cruise.

It seems that Lu Xueqing has been promoted. It is estimated that the newly built Dead Sea City should be taken over by her.

"For the sniping matter, you can call Baibaolou together. I have some friendship with Lu Xueqing. I will contact her later." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes." Xu He nodded.

Then Mu Rufeng talked with him for a while, and then Mu Rufeng left the office.

He used the forgetfulness attribute and successfully came downstairs.

Then he walked directly to the door.

He returned the temporary worker card to the security guard and came to the side of the road.

Originally, Mu Rufeng wanted to summon Maqiu back, but he remembered that it went to his partner to reminisce about the past.

So, Mu Rufeng stood on the side of the road, waiting for a taxi.

In just about three minutes, an empty taxi stopped in front of Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng opened the door of the taxi and sat directly on the passenger seat.

As soon as he got in the car, the driver frowned: "What kind of taxi are you? Why do you stink so badly? I've taken taxis of all kinds, but none of them stink as bad as you."

"Do you want to take a taxi?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"If you take a taxi, you will definitely make money, but you have to pay extra."

"Go to the Xuetong Hotel." Mu Rufeng took out two hundred soul notes and placed them on the control room.

"Okay, guest, sit tight, we'll set off now!"

The driver reached out and took the two hundred soul notes, then stepped on the accelerator and blasted it down.


In front of the Xuetong Hotel.

Mu Rufeng got off the taxi and strode inside.

"Are you. Mr. Mu?"

"Huh? You recognized me now?" Mu Rufeng looked at the security guard in the booth.

"I recognize you. You like to wear bandages. I have a deep impression of you. Are you here to inspect the hotel?" The security guard said slyly.

"No, I plan to stay here for a few days. You go ahead. I want to go in." Mu Rufeng said, turned around and walked inside.


When Mu Rufeng walked into the hotel, all the guests and staff in the lobby smelled the smell.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it at all and went directly to the front desk: "Open the best room for me."

"Okay, sir, please show me your..." The front desk was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Mr. Mu, you are here? But I haven't seen you for many days." The manager of Xuetong Hotel came from a distance.

"In the past few months, Xuetong Hotel has developed quite well. I see so many guests in the lobby." Mu Rufeng said.

"By the way, get me a room. I want to stay here for a few days."

"No problem, Xiao He, get a room on the top floor." Han Chun said to the contractor at the front desk.

"Okay, Manager Han." This time Xiao He didn't even ask about Mu Rufeng's occupation and level, and just started.

"Mr. Mu, it's ready. Your room is in room 9018 on the ninth floor." Xiao He held his breath and handed the room card to Mu Rufeng.

"Thank you, Manager Han. Go ahead and go ahead. I'll just go upstairs by myself." Mu Rufeng waved her hand to stop Han Chun who was about to follow.

"Then I won't disturb your rest. If Mr. Mu needs anything, just ring the service bell."


After watching Mu Rufeng leave, the smell dissipated a little.

Xiao He then took a deep breath and said, "Manager Han, who is that Mr. Mu?"

Because of Mu Rufeng, the Blood Boring Hotel is relatively friendly to human players, just like ordinary employees.

For example, when those players first entered the dungeon of the Blood Boring Hotel, they didn't dare to take a breath when they encountered a high-level weirdo like Han Chun.

After these few days of work, the contractor named Xiao He finally dared to talk normally with Manager Han and others.

"Mr. Mu is the major shareholder of our Blood Boring Hotel, and his status is extremely noble. His assets are at the highest level in the entire Qingshan City."

"You must serve Mr. Mu well and fulfill his requirements at any cost." Han Chun said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Manager Han, we will definitely serve Mr. Mu well."

Entered the room.

Mu Rufeng smelled the smell on her body and couldn't help but take a shower again.

There are still about twenty hours left for the BUFF of the two flavors. Mu Rufeng decided to wait until the smell dissipated before leaving the room.

Just waiting for news about Xu He here.

He can now summon the bloody train and gluttony cruise ship at any time, and can travel to the real world at any time without panic.

"I don't know what method the United States used to establish a connection with the Warty Chamber of Commerce. In fact, the channels are not opened in Western territories, but they are actually placed at Death Night Preferred."

In fact, Mu Rufeng thought a little more.

In the real world, those countries in the West must already know that China has channels for a strange world.

It's just that I may not have found out where it is yet.

However, the truth can still be found at some cost. After all, such a huge demand for flesh and blood is also a big clue.

But now, even if he knew, he would not come to cause damage.

Because according to their plan, Scarlet Preferred will definitely go bankrupt and be acquired by them. In this case, this real channel will belong to them, right?

Mu Rufeng was constantly thinking about some issues in his mind, as well as the rough method to use to deal with their conspiracy.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, when Mu Rufeng woke up, he found that the smell on his body had disappeared.

I looked at the time and saw, my dear, I have been asleep for more than twenty hours.

It's eleven o'clock in the morning now.

My stomach is also extremely hungry.

He immediately took out some food purchased from the Golden City and showed it off.

After Mu Rufeng had eaten and drank enough, she sat on the sofa and drank Shanlong tea.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.


"Master, it's me." A soft voice sounded outside the door.

"Lilith?" Mu Rufeng recognized it immediately.

"Well, master, it's me."

Mu Rufeng immediately stood up, opened the door, and let Lilith walk in.

"Master, why didn't you say anything to me when you came?" Lilith said a little aggrievedly.

"Doesn't this reveal my whereabouts? Why did you come here?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Xu told me some news. Since it's not convenient to tell you on the phone, I took the opportunity of inspecting the Blood Boring Hotel to tell you."

Lilith's face became serious, and before she spoke, she also displayed her ghost power, covering the entire room.

"Sit down first and drink some tea before we talk."

Mu Rufeng asked Lilith to sit down, and then made Lilith a cup of mountain dragon tea.

[Shanlong Tea BUFF]: Concentration is increased by 50%, memory is increased by 50%, and brain operation speed is increased by 20%, lasting for one hour.

When thinking about things, drink a cup of this tea and your mind will be much better.

"Is this Shanlong Tea? Thank you, Master." Lilith took a sip, thanked her with a happy face, and drank the tea in one gulp.

Seeing Lilith's posture, Mu Rufeng also knew that this was because the slave bracelet's subtle influence made her become more loyal to him.

Soon Lilith informed Mu Rufeng of Xu He's message.

First, Xu He informed Xu Yin and Lilith of the news.

Except for the two of them, no one informed Scarlet First Choice.

Lilith is easy to talk to, because she has a relationship with Mu Rufeng, so she doesn't have to worry about betrayal.

Xu Yin, you can tell from their last names. They are actually relatives. Xu Yin is Xu He's uncle, but he just said that he never showed it to the outside world.

Secondly, Xu He took the opportunity to discuss cooperation and contacted some group bosses who had good relations with him and had grudges against the Wartie Chamber of Commerce, or the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization.

He informed them of the general news. Of course, before the explanation, they had signed a very strict confidentiality contract.

When they knew it, they immediately agreed to Xu He's alliance to deal with the Wartie Chamber of Commerce and others together.

With funds and people, they now lacked some heavyweight group forces.

He was now ready to find Zhou Mao, the general manager of Tiandi Bank.

At the same time, he also asked Mu Rufeng to contact Lu Xueqing of Baibaolou as soon as possible.

"Well, I know." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Don't mention it, I really forgot to contact Lu Xueqing yesterday.

"Lilith, go and get busy. You can't stay here for long." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, master." Lilith wanted to accompany Mu Rufeng more, but she seemed to know the seriousness of the matter.

So, she said hello to Mu Rufeng and left reluctantly.

Mu Rufeng immediately called Lu Xueqing.

But, surprisingly, the call was not connected.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng called Zhao Xize.

"Captain Zhao, why can't Miss Lu's call be connected?"

"Boss Mu, Miss Lu has already disembarked. It seems that the communication base station on the island was destroyed by monsters." Zhao Xize replied.

"Okay, I know." Mu Rufeng hung up the phone directly after saying that.

Then he thought for a while and called Lu Chengfeng, the general owner of Baibao Building.

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