I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 262 Global Contractor Forces Gather in China [10,000 words]

"Headquarters Chief, I was about to talk to you about this matter. How about we go to the study room to talk about it?" Mu Rufeng said.

The Book of Time is in the Book of Time, and Mu Rufeng cannot erase the answer to the question Mu Rufeng asked.

It will definitely be recorded and known to Ye Lin.

However, Mu Rufeng had explained to Ye Lin before leaving that it was best not to let anyone know the answers to the questions he asked.

In fact, there were only four people, including Mu Rufeng, who could enter the Time Study Room.

He is not worried about leaks, he just said that the fewer people know the answer to this question, the better.

Han Chen is not a fool to be able to achieve this position. Although he is a little cautious, he has no problem with his loyalty to the country.

Moreover, the older generation itself is also the kind of old red generation, the kind of young people with good roots.

"Tian Youdao, Han Chen, you two take care of things here." Ye Lin gave the order, which could be regarded as a deliberate effort to keep the two of them away.

Soon Mu Rufeng and Ye Lin arrived at the Time Study Room.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely safe here. After you left, I was the only one who came in. I also read the answers to the questions. I recorded them, but I didn't put them on the bookshelf."

Ye Lin said.

The answers given in the Book of Time will only exist for one hour, and will disappear after one hour, making it impossible to view them again.

That's why there was a record.

Usually it is recorded and placed on a bookshelf for them to review.

"This is best. When I return to the real world this time, I come with a mission." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Mission? What kind of mission? Also, you told Scarlet Optimal the answer to this question. What was the reaction there? What was the response?"

"I think the headmaster must have guessed a little bit, right?"

"So, your mission is assigned to you by Scarlet Prime?" Ye Lin said.

"Well, this time, we know the other party's overall plan, and we, we also formulated a targeted plan."

"This time the situation will be completely reversed, and my plan is to go to the United States to destroy the preferred real channel of death."

"This matter still requires the support of relevant departments. Of course, I can do it myself in terms of force. I just need you to help me find this position." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"The United States is such a big country. It's really difficult for me to look for it by myself without being able to alert the snake."

"You guys just need to help me find the location. You can avoid being discovered as long as you can." Mu Rufeng added.

"Are you going to the United States to destroy Death's preferred real-world channel?"

"Mu Rufeng, did you know? Next Monday, all the contractor forces from all over the world will gather in China."

"Some of them represent their own countries, some represent certain capital forces, and they are here for only one thing."

Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?" Mu Rufeng raised her eyebrows slightly. He also felt that these guys definitely didn't have any good intentions when they came here.

Ye Lin did not answer, but asked: "You also know that the strange world is about to come in full force, and we also told them this news."

"Although they didn't believe it before, as the weird copies became more and more frequent, they had to believe it."

"At first, they didn't have any other ideas. Anyway, they came together. It's the same all over the world."

"However, when we developed the landing bracelet, this trend changed, and we distributed it to contractors from relevant departments to a large extent."

"Oh, you may not know that all players in our relevant departments are now issued login bracelets."

"According to this situation, when the strange world comes to full force, although a number of people will die in our country due to the landing of bracelets, it will not cause the collapse of social order."

"As long as enough people log in to the bracelets, order can be maintained and even a new social order can be rebuilt, which is not possible abroad."

"They are unbalanced in their hearts. They feel that we are all on the same planet. If we are going to die, we will die together. If we die, you will still be alive and well, and you will still be living nourishingly. They will never allow it."

"So, when they come this time, I can only think of one." Ye Lin said slowly.

"Forcing the palace!" Mu Rufeng and Ye Lin uttered the same word at the same time.

What is the purpose of forcing the uterus? Mu Rufeng could also guess that it was definitely the manufacturing technology of the login bracelet.

"They should be here to log in to the bracelet technology, right?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, to be honest, this technology is really extremely important, and I don't want to just hand it over." Ye Lin said.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng said, "Then, has the general manager ever thought about putting the technology of landing bracelets into the weird world for production?"

"The Mine of Life is in the strange world. There is no shortage of main materials and it can be supplied to a greater extent. In this way, it can be sold directly to people all over the world at the cost price. At this cost price, I think ordinary people should be able to afford it. Bar?"

Mu Rufeng didn't know what the cost price was, but it was definitely not high.

"Well, according to the cost price, the cost of a login bracelet should be about 10,000 RMB." Ye Lin said.

Ten thousand yuan is the price of a high-end mobile phone. Although some people can't afford this guy, most of them can buy it.

And once the login bracelets are not lacking, then everyone will have at least several more opportunities.

"I've thought about what you said, but it's impossible to achieve, because we can't go to the weird world, let alone build a factory."

"Wait, you mean, you come to build the factory?" Ye Lin suddenly remembered that Mu Rufeng could go to the weird world freely.

In this case, Ye Lin figured it out.

"Yes, and I also know a few weird people with decent identities in the weird world, and they can also help."

"So, what do you think of what I said?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin.

Ye Lin didn't speak, he fell into deep thought.

He didn't want to hand over the technology of the login bracelet to those countries at all.

But if he didn't hand it over, Ye Lin was sure that those countries would definitely unite against China, and then they would definitely fight, not just exercises.

It might even turn into mushroom bombs in the end, and once the mushroom bombs were released, everyone would be finished before the weird world came.

If the technical data of the landing bracelet is handed over, with the sweetness of this time, those people will definitely try it for the second, third and countless times.

Various data of the Weird Affairs Bureau, even the raw materials of the landing bracelet, etc.

If you don't agree, fine, continue the operation as the first time.

So, this hole must not be opened.

"Are you sure you can build a factory in the weird world?" Ye Lin looked up and asked Mu Rufeng.

"Yes, as long as you help me prepare the equipment and production equipment, I can start producing landing bracelets today."

"I forgot to tell you that I reached a cooperation with the general owner of Baibao Building. He bought a mine of life ore outside Qingshan City for me."

"There are still 20,000 tons of life ore in reserve." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mine of life ore? 20,000 tons!!!" Ye Lin could no longer keep calm on the surface.

20,000 tons, what a huge number.

The main material for making a landing bracelet is life ore, which can be refined with 20 grams of life ore plus some metal materials in the real world.

One ton of life ore is sold for 500,000 soul notes, which means one gram is 500 yuan, slightly higher than gold.

It only takes 20 grams to make a login bracelet.

20 grams of life ore is sold for about 10,000 yuan, plus other metal materials for about 1,000 yuan.

However, because Mu Rufeng's purchase price is low, he gets a 20% discount at Baibaolou.

Mu Rufeng did not increase the price and sold it to the relevant department in the form of an IOU. With interest and so on, the actual price is 10,000 yuan.

These 20,000 tons can make 10 billion login bracelets.

10 billion, one for each human in the world.

Not to mention that some people under the age of 18 will not enter the dungeon.

"Yes, 20,000 tons, but the mining time is limited. It will take one and a half years to complete the mining. I will recruit more people and strive to complete the mining in the shortest time."

"As long as the production capacity can keep up, what I said before is absolutely possible." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, but this matter is too big, and I can't make a decision. You wait here, I'll go to the South China Sea." Ye Lin said.

"Well, I'll wait here, don't worry, there's still enough time." Mu Rufeng smiled and said.

"By the way, I wonder if I can use the Book of Time again." Just as Ye Lin was about to leave, Mu Rufeng suddenly stopped Ye Lin again.

"Use it again? Haven't you used it once?"

"No way, this time the general owner of Baibaolou and I reached an alliance, and made this request to me, and I can't refuse it." Mu Rufeng said.

"You told Baibaolou about the existence of the Book of Time? Wait, the people of Scarlet Optimization believed it, did you also tell Xu He of Scarlet Optimization about the existence of the Book of Time?" Ye Lin's face suddenly became a little ugly.

You know, the Book of Time is extremely precious. If it is known by people in the weird world, especially big shots, who knows what conspiracy they will come up with.

"Well, I told Xu He and the owner of Baibaolou. If I didn't tell them, how could they believe whether this information was true or false."

"But don't worry, they just think that I have the Book of Time, so they will only come to me."

"Also, there is one thing you can't imagine. There is not only one Book of Time. There is also one in Baibaolou. The Book of Time has existed in some ancient documents. Xu He knows the existence of the Book of Time." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? There is also a Book of Time in Baibaolou?" Ye Lin thought that there was only one Book of Time, but he didn't expect that there was another one in the strange world.

They never used the opportunity to ask questions to ask if there was a second Book of Time in the world, because they didn't think about it at all.

"No, if Baibaolou has the Book of Time, why doesn't he use it himself, but ask you instead?" Ye Lin noticed something was wrong.

"Hehe, our Book of Time can be asked 24 times a year, right?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin.

Ye Lin nodded in agreement.

"The Book of Time at Baibaolou can only be inquired twice a year, and the opportunity to ask questions about their Book of Time has been planned for ten years later."

"And the question of the general building owner is a personal question, so he came to me." Mu Rufeng explained.

"What is the question?" Ye Lin wanted to know the question asked by the general building owner.

"He wants to ask where his wife is." Mu Rufeng said softly.

"." Ye Lin was silent for a moment.

"Since you have already agreed, then use it. Speaking of which, the two opportunities this month have actually been used."

"Fortunately, I still left a chance to ask questions, just in case, I didn't expect to use it this time."

"I unlocked the authority for you, you can go and ask, I will go first, wait for me to come back."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he turned around and left the Time Book Room.

The door of the Time Book Room was closed, and Mu Rufeng also walked slowly to the front of the Time Book.

Mu Rufeng immediately reached out and touched the Time Book, and then directly asked.

"I want to know the specific location of the wife of Lu Chengfeng, the general building owner of the Weird World Baibao Building."

[This question requires 100 units of soul power. Do you want to pay? 】

A reminder sounded from the Book of Time.

Then, another reminder sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Do you want to pay 10,000 soul points? ]

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly. He didn't expect this question to be so much.

"Pay ninety soul units and one thousand soul points." Mu Rufeng chose to use up all the soul units stored by Ye Lin, and then add one thousand soul points as the payment.

The next second, the Book of Time burst into a dazzling light, and then slowly opened.

[Payment completed, the answer to the question has been generated, please check it yourself]

At this moment, the Book of Time has been fully opened, and lines of text began to slowly emerge on the blank pages.

[Lu Chengfeng's wife Qing Ling is now in the Frost Plain, the forbidden land of the Ice Clan, the 18th floor of the Ice Purgatory, the 001 Ice Prison]

[Specific route, there are four best routes, the first and second routes are fast, but dangerous and expensive. The third route is stable, less expensive, slow and safe. The fourth route is the safest and has the greatest rewards]

[The first route, please take out Bai Jingwei's Bloody Train Black Gold Membership Card to summon the Bloody Train, which can go directly to the Frost Ice Plains, until the Ice Tricksters, and then use the Bloody Train to force your way in. There is a certain probability that you will be killed by the Ice Tricksters]

[The second route, please take out Mu Guiying's Gluttony Cruise Black Gold Membership Card to summon the Gluttony Cruise, which can go directly to the Frost Ice Plains, until the Ice Tricksters, and then use the Gluttony Cruise to force your way in. There is a certain probability that you will be killed by the Ice Tricksters]

[The third route, please take out Mu Guiying's Bloody Train Black Gold Membership Card to summon the Bloody Train, take the Bloody Train to Snow Wind City, buy a vehicle in Snow Wind City, feed its core to Ma Qiu, and upgrade it to a Level 5 vehicle.

Rely on the flame vehicle card to cross the frost plain and reach the Ice Weird Clan. Rely on the ability of forgetfulness to sneak in silently. The specific route to enter is as follows...]

[The fourth route, tell Lu Chengfeng the location, you will get a gift, the latter will go to the Ice Weird Clan, you can follow, you will arrive safely without spending a penny]

"Wow, no wonder I said I need 100 soul units, I just asked for a location, and gave four routes to go."

It must be said that if Mu Rufeng really wants to go, the answer given by the Book of Time is really helpful.

Mu Rufeng doesn't need to go by himself, so the fourth route is the safest.

Unexpectedly, telling Lu Chengfeng will get another reward.

Originally, Mu Rufeng was going to get the answer, and after destroying the channel of the United States on January 1st, he would go directly to the weird world to tell Lu Chengfeng the answer.

But because he wanted to build a factory in the weird world, it is estimated that Mu Rufeng will go to the weird world again later.

After taking a picture of the answer, Mu Rufeng walked to the sofa beside him, and then sat on it and waited.


It took only half an hour for Ye Lin to come back.

Tian Youdao and Han Chen also came back together.

"The one in Nanhai agreed. The factory must be built immediately. There must be no delay. Enough landing bracelets must be made within this week."

"This is the only way to shut those guys up." Ye Lin said.

"Then there is no time to lose. Give me the production line and technical information." Mu Rufeng said.

"This is the technical information. It must not be leaked. The production line is being prepared. Let's go now."

"In the past half an hour, the production line should be ready. It depends on how much you can carry away."

"It doesn't matter if you can't carry it away. We can spend one more day to use special means to transform those equipment into props and let the Gluttony Cruise ship carry them."

"If it is a bloody train, you can also recruit players on the bloody train and use their inventory to install equipment." Ye Lin said.

"Don't worry, I can fit as many as you want. After upgrading my inventory, there are 999 slots." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"999? That's good, that's good." Ye Lin nodded.

Ye Lin and the other three were also shocked by the power of Mu Rufeng's inventory, and at the same time they were extremely envious.

They knew the benefits of having more inventory, and they knew how comfortable it was to have an inventory that could bring in items from the real world.

"Don't follow me, the two of you. There are so many things in the department, you two go and deal with them." Ye Lin said to the two.

"Okay, Ye Bu." The two nodded and did not object.

Indeed, there are too many things in the department. Even if Ye Lin did not say it, they would not follow him to the Weird Affairs Bureau.


The two came to the Weird Affairs Bureau.

The Weird Affairs Bureau covers a large area, which is larger than the relevant departments.

The R\u0026D base is also underground.

The two went directly to the production workshop on the third floor underground.

The workshop rumbled continuously. There was no worker in it. All of them were mechanical and automated assembly lines.

However, Mu Rufeng also saw a lot of robots in it.

There is a production line in this production workshop, with a daily output of about one million pieces, and there are five such production workshops on the third floor.

These devices have all been transformed into props.

If it were not props, it would be impossible to make a login bracelet.

"We are going to expand five more workshops here, and ten workshops have also been expanded on the fourth floor."

"The production equipment of these fifteen workshops is also for emergency use. Among them, the equipment of five production lines has just been transformed into props today and is ready for production. The production equipment of ten workshops has not yet been transformed." Ye Lin said.

"A production workshop can actually produce one million login bracelets a day, and ten is 10 million. It's a bit exaggerated." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"It's not an exaggeration. We have also paid a great price for this. The demand for electricity is equivalent to ten times the electricity consumption of the entire capital."

"Most of the resources are concentrated here. We are already preparing to build a branch of the Bureau of Strange Affairs in Sanxia, ​​and we will be able to move there next month." Ye Lin said.

"So, should I take away those fifteen production lines?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, our five production lines are enough for now, and it won't take a few days to manufacture a new production line."

"However, if the production line is not transformed into a prop, it cannot be produced. We have also applied the transformation liquid to the ten production lines, and they can be transformed into props in about 24 hours." Ye Lin said.

"Transformation liquid?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, as if he had never heard of this.

"The transformation liquid is prepared by us. The main raw material is the strange liquid, which is relatively common. It can be purchased in Baibaolou, and even the strange can be produced by ourselves."

"Using the strange liquid as the main material, and then with some materials we configure, after mixing, apply it on certain objects to transform them into props."

"However, after transformation, they are all ordinary props, and there is no special function. Our production line is only a first-level prop."

"It will be scrapped in about seven days, so when you come back next time, we will prepare enough production lines for you." Ye Lin said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Then Ye Lin took Mu Rufeng to collect those production lines.

And there were a lot of other metal materials prepared, and Mu Rufeng also collected them all.

With these, Mu Rufeng went to the strange world to find a place, and after the life ore was pulled in.

After the production line was turned on, relying on the technical information in his hand, after expanding it on the host computer of the production line, production could be started.

This production line is not an ordinary production line. Once the production line is turned on, it cannot be moved, otherwise it will be scrapped directly.

Therefore, a technical document was given to Mu Rufeng.

After doing all this, Mu Rufeng and Ye Lin came to the ground floor of the Weird Affairs Bureau, that is, outside the lake.

"Director, remember to help me investigate the specific location of the actual channel of the Dead Eve Optimization. If it doesn't work, then I can only come out with something ruthless." Mu Rufeng said.

If I really can't find it, Mu Rufeng doesn't mind going to the white palace. I believe the owner there should know it.

"Don't worry, I will find the location at all costs." Ye Lin nodded.

Don't underestimate China's intelligence capabilities, let alone the influence of relevant departments in the world.

Mu Rufeng called Bai Jingwei out.

Last time on the train, he asked Bai Jingwei, Huanxin and Xiaolong to apply for a black gold card.

It was just for going back and forth to the real world.

It didn't cost much, just 10 million each.

Mu Rufeng contributed a lot to the bloody train, so he could lower the requirements.

If someone else were to apply for a card, the minimum would be 100 million.

"Brother Mu, why are you calling them out?" Bai Jingwei, who was wearing cool pajamas, said sleepily.

"Use your black gold card to summon the bloody train." Mu Rufeng said.

"Bloody train? Didn't we just come back from the weird world not long ago?" Bai Jingwei said puzzledly.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."

"Oh, I see." Bai Jingwei pouted, and then took out her black gold membership card.

Not long after, the surroundings around them turned into the appearance of an old platform again.

With the sound of the whistle and the sound of "what's more", the bloody train came again.

"Mr. Mu, tell me, who do you want to beat?" The door of the No. 1 dining car opened, and the conductor came out with his sleeves rolled up.

"No, I just asked you to take me to the strange world." Mu Rufeng said.

"To the strange world, okay, I thought you summoned the bloody train to prepare for the battle." The conductor did not ask any more questions and made a gesture of invitation.

"Okay, go back and continue to sleep." Mu Rufeng said to Bai Jingwei.

Bai Jingwei responded and then returned to the contract slot.

"Director, I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng said hello to Ye Lin.

"Yeah, go ahead. And, it's pretty." Ye Lin commented.

"Well, it's OK." Mu Rufeng responded, and then walked towards the bloody train.

But he still murmured in his heart, how could Ye Lin, the director, say such a thing? It's too inconsistent with the character setting.

When the bloody train disappeared, Ye Lin's face was gloomy.

"Don't imitate me in the future." Ye Lin said coldly.

"It's so beautiful. It would be great if she was my wife. I say, Old Ye, you have only contracted six weirds now, and there are two contract slots left. Otherwise, you can contract my two old lovers, and I won't be so lonely."

A voice came from Ye Lin's contract slot.

"No, your two lovers are too weak and have too poor talents." Ye Lin refused directly.

The two lovers of this contracted weird are one level 5 and one level 6. Let's not talk about talent for the time being. As for strength, it is indeed of no help to Ye Lin.

"Alas, you are already level eight, and I am only level seven. It is impossible that you still want to contract an eight-level ghost king, right?"

"In this case, you can just contract a lover." Contract Ghost said again.

"No, at least you have to contract an eight-level ghost king." Ye Lin still refused.

"At least? Which eight-level ghost king is not a big shot? Will he contract with you? If I hadn't been injured before, would you have contracted with me?" Contract Ghost said disdainfully.

"Injured? What? Did I make you injured? You dare to cheat on the ghost king, and blame me for this?" Ye Lin said lightly.

"Ahem, let's not talk about this, but anyway, your next contracted weirdo should be a female. Look at the weirdos you have contracted, they are all weird and all male." Contract Ghost said unhappily.

Ye Lin did not reply, and walked towards the Weird Affairs Bureau without saying a word.


Weird world, outside the mine of the Life Mine.

Mu Rufeng watched the bloody train leave, and then entered the mine.

"Hello, Mr. Mu!"

"Hello, Mr. Mu!"

Two security ghosts came up and greeted Mu Rufeng.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly and continued to walk inside.

The level 7 ghost who was in charge here was not here, but in a bungalow near the entrance of the mine.

Although it was just a bungalow, the interior decoration was quite luxurious.

Mu Rufeng did not look for him, but went to the mine office.

"Mr. Mu, you are here? Is there anything?" A ghost with a tumor on his head came up.

This is the mine manager, responsible for maintaining the daily operation and management here.

It stands to reason that the mine manager should arrange his own people, but time is tight and it is not so fast to arrange them.

He also contacted Lilith, and the earliest manpower will come tomorrow.

So let this guy make do for a day, and then let him hang a deputy position to assist the new manager.

In fact, Liu Baogui was also very satisfied with this, because the salary not only did not decrease, but it became higher, and at the same time, there were fewer things to do.

"How much life ore is there in the mine now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, there are still 300 tons of life ore in the mine now. More than two months ago, Baibaolou bought all the inventory, and these were mined in the past few days." Liu Baogui said.

"300 tons, it's still a little less." Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

"How much life ore can be mined in a day now?"

"Mr. Mu, now that you have increased the salary, everyone is working hard. Except for not going to work in the early morning, the rest of the time is mining. About 40 tons can be mined a day." Liu Baogui replied.

40 tons a day, 20,000 tons will take 500 days, and 500 days is almost 16 months, which is too long.

There are 300 tons in stock now. According to his current 15 production lines, one production line can produce 1 million login bracelets a day.

300 tons will be exhausted in more than ten days, and the mining speed can't keep up with the production speed at all.

"How can we increase production?" Mu Rufeng looked at Lu Baogui and asked.

"Mr. Mu, if we want to increase production, first, we need to recruit miners. The more miners we have, the faster the mining speed will be, but the cost will also be higher. However, the pit is not big, so we can have at most 100 people. If we have more, it will be crowded."

"Second, we need to buy corpse blood incense. After lighting it, we can also mine during the taboo time in the early morning. If we use corpse blood incense, the cost will be higher."

"One corpse blood incense can burn for an hour. The taboo time is from 12 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock in the morning, a total of six hours, and six pieces are needed every day."

"The price of corpse blood incense in Baibaolou is 10,000 soul notes. Here, it costs 60,000 soul notes a day, which is not worth it at all." Lu Baogui said.

In Lu Baogui's view, the ore is here and cannot run away. There is no need to spend extra money to mine quickly. It is simply not worth the loss.

"There are a total of 30 employees mining in the mine now, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, 30 people." Lu Baogui nodded.

In addition to these thirty miners, there are two security guards, a cook, a cook assistant, and a vending machine.

"Then you should continue to recruit people immediately and gather a hundred miners for me. The salary and benefits are the same as those of the old miners."

"Also, I'll give you a commission of 0.5% of the amount you dig out." Mu Rufeng said.

"0.5% commission?" The face of the tumor changed slightly.

He knew that this mine had a reserve of 20,000 tons, and the market price was about 10 billion.

But that was the market price. The sales volume of the life ore was not high, even though 20 to 30 tons could be mined a day.

But because of the poor sales, the previous boss let them fish for two days and dry the nets for three days. Even so, they accumulated hundreds of tons of reserves.

Last time, they sold all of it to Baibaolou at one time, and then Baibaolou wanted to purchase a large amount, so they mined another 300 tons in this period of time.

The price they sold to Baibaolou was 200,000 per ton.

When Mu Rufeng bought the 2,000 tons of life ore from Baibaolou, the price was discounted, and Baibaolou still made a lot of money, which shows how high the profit of Baibaolou is.

If they calculate the commission, they will naturally not follow the market price, but the selling price.

20,000 tons, that's 2 billion, 0.5% commission, that's 10 million.

Even if a hundred miners are recruited later, each person can get an extra 100,000 soul notes.

The miners' wages are fixed wages, but they are very tiring and require a certain level of strength, at least level three weirdness, and the unified monthly salary is 5,000 yuan.

Later, Mu Rufeng increased their wages by 50%, and their wages became 7,500 yuan. If all the mines are opened, on average, everyone can get an extra 100,000 yuan. According to the previous situation, 100,000 yuan is almost two years' salary.

Moreover, the stronger the strength, the faster the mines are opened. He is now level five. If he also goes to mine, he can get at least 300,000 commissions, and it will be higher if he works harder.

"That, Mr. Mu, are you serious?" said the tumor-covered ghost a little excitedly.

"Of course it's true. I want to open all the mines as quickly as possible." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Mu, I wonder if I can also go to mine?" The tumor-covered ghost said hurriedly.

"Okay, but you have to recruit people first before you go to mine." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I'll go to the talent market now." The tumor-covered ghost was extremely excited and wanted to leave immediately.

"You drive, right? It's just right, take me to Baibaolou first, I'll buy some corpse blood incense." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, please wait, I'll drive the car over now." After saying this, the tumor-covered ghost ran away.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared beside Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, I wonder if I can go to mine too?" The seventh-level weird guarding this place asked.

"You are already level seven, are you still short of this little money?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Alas, my wife is a spendthrift. She lost all my savings. I was so angry that I ate her up. Now I don't have much money. I'll earn as much as I can."

Mu Rufeng looked at Liu Xiang with some sympathy, and then said: "Okay, you can go dig. I'll give you 1000th of your commission."

"Thank you, Mr. Mu." Liu Xiang smiled when he heard it.

Liu Xiang left here quickly, and did not return to his place. Instead, he ran directly into the mine and started digging.

Although the commission had to be more than 10 million, the expenses such as employee wages, meals, etc. would be more.

But it was still worth it to dig out the ore faster.

More than 10 million soul notes, just a drop in the bucket, not to mention that this mine was given by Lu Chengfeng for free.

Now he had to report the information to Lu Chengfeng, and this guy might give him some good things again.

A somewhat old car stopped in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, get in the car." The window rolled down, and the tumor stuck his head out and shouted.

Mu Rufeng immediately closed the door of the back seat and sat directly.

"Mr. Mu, please sit tight."


An hour later, Mu Rufeng came to the office of the Baibao Building Branch.

"Mr. Mu, do you want me to contact the general owner?" Sun Wu said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I will help you contact the general owner."

Sun Wu immediately contacted Lu Chengfeng with a special communication method.

And it was still the projection mode before.

"Little friend Mu? Haven't you returned to the real world yet? Why did you contact me again?" Lu Chengfeng said with some doubts.

"Master Sun, please help me prepare a thousand corpse blood incense, I will transfer the money to you later." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." Sun Wu responded, and then stepped out.

Soon, the black fog enveloped the room again.

"I just came from the real world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Have you asked the Book of Time?"

"Well, the answer you want is already there." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Where is she? Is she still alive?" Lu Chengfeng's voice trembled a little.

Fifteen years ago, the pioneers of Baibaolou discovered a new mithril mine in the wilderness area.

Mithril mine is an extremely precious metal mine with many congestion. It is not sold by tons, but by kilograms, and one kilogram is 10,000 soul coins.

Her wife was sent to sit in the mithril mine and open up a safe zone in the wilderness area to build a mine.

The Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce got the news from somewhere and sent people to rob the mithril mine.

The two sides fought fiercely, and even summoned branch buildings and branches to fight.

It was just that two ghost emperors came to the Wartie Chamber of Commerce and summoned two branches. Qing Ling was naturally defeated. She also wanted to inform Lu Chengfeng.

But the space around was distorted, and it was still deep in the wilderness area, making it difficult to contact.

In the end, he could only use a powerful item to forcibly leave here, and then there was no news for fifteen years.

The Book of Time could not be used. Lu Chengfeng had used other items to find people, even rule items, but he could not find it.

A ghost emperor was actually enough to use the Book of Time, but where there are people, there are fights, and their Baibao Building is no exception.

It was his mortal enemy who refused Lu Chengfeng to use the Book of Time.

Even Lu Chengfeng suspected that the mithril mine was leaked by this guy, but without evidence, he was helpless.

"Your wife Qing Ling should be alive."

"She is now in the Frost Ice Plain, the forbidden place of the Ice Ghost Clan, the 18th floor of the Ice Purgatory, the 001 Ice Prison."

"If she died, she would not be imprisoned in the prison." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

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