I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 263 How can a man like me get pregnant [10,000 words, please give me a monthly pass]

"Frost Ice Plain, Ice Clan, Ice Purgatory? Prison."

When Lu Chengfeng heard Mu Rufeng say that his wife was alive, his expression suddenly became extremely excited.

But after hearing the following words, he kept muttering, and his expression became colder and colder.

"Thank you, after I rescue my wife, I will visit you and give you a generous gift."

As soon as Lu Chengfeng finished speaking, he ended the call directly.

It was obvious that Lu Chengfeng didn't want to wait for a moment, and you can imagine how deep their feelings were.

"Knock, knock, knock!" There was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Mu, the corpse blood incense you want is ready." Sun Wu's voice sounded outside the door.

Apparently Sun Wu knocked on the door because the black fog on the door disappeared.

Mu Rufeng pushed the door open and walked out of the office.

Then, under the leadership of Sun Wu, he came to a warehouse.

At the door of the warehouse, there were a thousand corpse blood incense sticks, in bundles, ten in each bundle, a total of one hundred bundles, placed in an open wooden box.

Mu Rufeng immediately put it into the item column, and then paid directly on the APP.

"Isn't it 10,000 per stick? Why is it only 9,000 per stick?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"The general owner has upgraded your account. Except for some specific products, you are now 10% off in Baibaolou." Sun Wu said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then chose to pay.

10 million with a 10% discount, that is 9 million, and then he had a 10% discount coupon, and finally paid only 8.1 million.

However, Mu Rufeng did not leave, and asked Sun Wu: "Sun owner, I wonder if you have the kind of props that can protect a certain venue."

"It's best to have a level 9 prop." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Protect a certain venue? Do you need a large-scale defense prop?" Sun Wu asked.

"Not really, I just want to put some equipment in an open space and want to get something to protect it."

"There is one, I'll get it for you." Sun Wu finished speaking, and a palm-sized house appeared with a flip of his palm.

"This is a prop called a mobile factory, you can see the properties yourself." Sun Wu handed the small house to Mu Rufeng.

[Mobile Factory]: This is a mobile factory.

Effect: A rule-based prop that can expand the factory to a maximum of 10,000 square meters. When the factory lands, it can generate a rule protection that is comparable to that of an eighth-level group.

Note: It cannot attack and is difficult to resist the attack of a ninth-level ghost emperor. It cannot be moved after landing. If you want to move the factory, you need to shrink it to the smallest size, and there must not be any items in the factory.

"Okay, I bought it." Mu Rufeng was very satisfied.


When Mu Rufeng returned to the mine, it was already an hour later.

He didn't waste any time and came directly to the warehouse where the ore was stored.

Although the mine is large, it has a warehouse, living area, some roads, etc., although there is still some space.

But it is undoubtedly impossible to place a 10,000 square meter factory.

Fifteen production lines are more than enough, but there will definitely be more in the future, so it is better to just go all the way and fill it with 10,000 square meters.

Mu Rufeng looked left and right, and simply placed the factory behind the warehouse.

Although the back has been out of the rule protection of the mine, and it is still a wilderness area.

But after the mobile factory lands, it can generate a rule protection of the eighth-level group.

Unless the ninth-level ghost emperor comes, it cannot be broken at all.

After placing it, Mu Rufeng controlled the authority of the mine and directly connected the passages of both sides.

Mu Rufeng first put all the ores into the inventory, and then pulled off the factory door.

This factory is almost the same as the factory in the real world, very modern.

However, it seems to be a little more advanced, and the door is actually an identity recognition system.

Mu Rufeng did not give others authority, and only he could open the door and enter.

After entering, Mu Rufeng directly took out all the production lines.

Then he expanded the technical data to the five production lines that were ready to start working at any time.

Mu Rufeng operated according to the instructions for more than ten minutes, and the five production lines slowly started up.

Then Mu Rufeng placed various materials in a material warehouse at the head of the production line.

If the material warehouse is full, it can work for a day.

So, people are needed to guard here.

But Mu Rufeng was not panicked, and directly took out dozens of robots.

This robot is also produced by the Weird Affairs Bureau, of course, it is not a prop.

These robots are also relatively intelligent. As long as they are set, they will automatically add materials whenever the materials of the production line are used up.

At the same time, the login bracelets produced at the end of the production line will be collected and neatly stacked together.

As for the power, don't worry about it. Put the soul banknotes into the electric box of the mobile factory, and you can have electricity.

In this way, the production line can operate, and even the robots can be automatically charged.

It's just that because these robots are not props, but the most common technology, under the erosion of ghost energy, they can only be used for about ten days at most.

But don't worry, Ye Lin is probably already preparing, and Mu Rufeng can even buy it directly from a technology company in the weird world.

As the machine roared, one landing bracelet after another was made under Mu Rufeng's watchful eyes.

Mu Rufeng came to the rear, reached for a login bracelet, and checked the properties.

[Login Bracelet]: The Secret Bureau spent five years developing it with painstaking efforts. It is the largest scientific research achievement in the history of the Secret Bureau.

Effect: A special prop. After wearing this bracelet, you can know the relevant information of the next copy ten minutes in advance. In the dungeon, you can forcibly return to the real world. Once you return, the bracelet will be damaged and cannot be used.

Note 1: If you forcefully return to the real world and fail to clear the dungeon, you will be punished by the dungeon. An arm will be erased randomly. If there is no arm, the thigh will be erased. If there is no thigh, it will be erased directly.

Note 2: Ordinary people wearing login bracelets are eligible to enter the strange world.

Exactly the same as produced in the real world.

Although it has long been known that a production line can produce one million login bracelets a day.

But now that she was really watching these landing bracelets flying out of the conveyor belt one by one, Mu Rufeng still felt a little emotional.

One million per day, 41,666 per hour, 694 per minute, and 11 per second.

That really just flew out.

Perhaps because of such high-intensity operation and production, the equipment was not used for a long time and was scrapped in about seven days.

[The battery is low, please replenish the soul money in time]

Suddenly, a notification sound came from the factory's loudspeaker.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she immediately walked to the safe and threw one million soul coins into it.

In the strange world, electricity also exists.

However, this kind of electricity for civilian use is different from the power of thunder controlled by Mu Rufeng.

The two are almost worlds apart.

Just one, Mu Rufeng's thunder is extremely lethal to the weird, while civilian electricity has almost no damage.

Of course, it is not known whether the electric power group company has higher intensity power, because the electric power group company has never had a conflict with any collective company.

The power group spans the entire strange world. The electricity used in any city around the world is the power produced by this power group.

The power group is also a behemoth, or in other words, any group company that is a monopoly is a behemoth.

As for the price of electricity, it is quite affordable. One unit of electricity only costs 0.1 soul notes.

Of course, this is only electricity for civilian use. If it is for industrial use, the price will be five times higher.

Entering from the factory, there is a three-story small building on the left, used for offices.

Mu Rufeng came to the main control room on the first floor, and then started to set some things on it based on the information given by the factory.

After working on it for more than ten minutes, after finishing everything, Mu Rufeng walked out of the factory.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the mine, she happened to see two buses driving slowly in from outside the mine.

Both buses were filled with Weigui, and they were obviously miners recruited by Tubaogui.

The bumpy car also stopped aside.

Soon, a group of strange and strange creatures gathered in the open space of the mine.

Then, I saw a group of strange miners walking out of the pit.

Soon they gathered in the open space. Tu Baogui raised his voice and was about to speak when he spotted Mu Rufeng's figure in the distance.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu? Are you back?" Zhu Baogui left the miners behind and ran over quickly.

"A living person?"


"It smells so good, the smell of a living person."

When those people looked at Mu Rufeng strangely, they immediately burst into laughter.

Of course, this is only true for the new miners. Those old miners have seen how powerful Mu Rufeng is.

Although he didn't see anyone taking action, his aura was a hundred times more terrifying than the seventh-level ghost general guarding this place.

This guy is definitely pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger. Otherwise, why would a fourth-level contractor become the owner of this mine?

A group of old miners looked at the new miners as if they were watching the excitement.

After hearing this, Tu Baogui's face suddenly darkened. He was having an attack when he saw Mu Rufeng raise her hand and flick her fingers.

A bolt of thunder flew out, and when it landed on a strange person, the thunder exploded instantly.

A chain reaction also occurred, with a lightning chain rapidly expanding and hitting more than a dozen weirdos in a row.

The lightning came and went as quickly as it came. The dozen or so weird people who were struck by the attack rolled their eyes and fell limply to the ground.

Not dead, not unconscious, just a little bit of pain.

After all, this is a valuable labor force, just teach them a lesson.

The scene in front of them directly shocked the new miners.

Half of the dozen or so people were level four weirdos, and there was even one level five weirdo.

Just like that, he was let go. This living person cannot be provoked, absolutely cannot be provoked.

"Stand still. This is the owner of our mine. Mr. Mu is also your boss. If anyone talks nonsense next time, Mr. Mu will spare you and I will eat you too."

Tu Baogui snorted coldly and glanced at the miners with his cold eyes.

The miners didn't dare to look at him.

"Calling people, are they all mute?"

"Hello, Mr. Mu."

"Hello, Mr. Mu!"

Suddenly, there was a uniform shouting over there.

"I don't want to hear any bad words in the future, otherwise, I won't mind eating you too." Mu Rufeng came to the miners and said coldly.

At the same time, he burst out with the aura of an eighth-level ghost king.

Suddenly, everyone's face turned pale with fear.

"You all come here to make money. I won't say too much to you. I have only one request, that is, to mine for me, to mine desperately, to mine madly, to mine 24 hours a day."

These are all weird. It's not like humans in the real world need to rest at night. They can work for days and nights without any problem.

Then take a break and continue to work. Even if there is enough food, it's okay to keep working.

"Your minimum salary is 7,500 yuan a month, and you will get a commission of 0.5% for mining."

"Our ore, sold to Baibaolou, costs 200,000 yuan per ton, and the reserves are 20,000 tons, which means you can get a commission of 10 million yuan."

"On average, each of you will get a commission of nearly 100,000 soul notes, so do you want to mine?" Mu Rufeng said loudly.


The miners were immediately excited.

So many soul coins, so many commissions, the more they dig, the more commissions they get, and the faster they dig, the faster they get the commissions.

"What are you waiting for? Go dig, you, the manager of the miners, take the old miners to lead them to dig, familiarize them with the process, as long as they can dig a normal amount of ore tomorrow, I will give you 10,000 yuan in teaching fees each."

Mu Rufeng said to a level 5 miner.

Originally, these old miners were very unhappy when they heard Mu Rufeng ask them to take the new miners to mine and teach them, of course, they didn't dare to show it.

Just kidding, a group of people came to compete with them for business, how could they teach them well, after all, the slower and less the new miners dug, the more they, the old miners, earned.

But when Mu Rufeng said to give 10,000 yuan in teaching fees, they didn't think about anything else, they taught and paid desperately.

"Go ahead, take them to mine. Also, security guards and chefs are not allowed to go to mine. You have to watch the time when you mine, and you still have to deal with the mine affairs."

"I'm not unkind, your salary will double again." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, President Mu, don't worry, I will definitely plan the time for mining well, and I will definitely not delay things." Tumor Bag Gui nodded repeatedly.

"Well, this is corpse blood incense, you can light it tonight, remember, light it in advance every time, I don't want any accidents." Mu Rufeng took out seven corpse blood incense.

Corpse blood incense costs 10,000 yuan per stick, which is not cheap. His people will come tomorrow, so naturally he has to give it to his own people for safekeeping.

"Okay, President Mu, I will guard this place." Tumor Bag Gui nodded repeatedly.

Then Mu Rufeng left the mine and went to Qingshan City.

"Old Yan, hurry up and take people in to mine. Remember, dig hard. The more you dig, the more you earn."

"You can be lazy if you want. Anyway, if you are lazy, others will dig more and earn more. I tell you, some equipment will be installed in the pit tomorrow."

"These equipment can see your daily mining volume. I don't want anything like robbing ore to happen."

"Otherwise, I will let you try my methods before President Mu takes action." Tumor Bag Gui said coldly.

"Yes, yes, we will dig hard and never be lazy." Old Yan replied.

"Yes, dig hard!"

The miners were also very excited.

It's making money, and it's a very profitable job. How can we not be excited.

The miners entered the mine under the leadership of Old Yan.

Tumor Bag Gui hurried to arrange things. He also wanted to go mining.

However, just when he arrived at the office, the security guard, the chef and other weirdos followed him in.


They were about to speak, but were interrupted by Tumor-Bag Gui: "I know what you want to say, but I tell you very clearly that you are not allowed to go mining."

"Ah? Why not?"

"Yes, we will definitely not delay our own business if we go mining." Several weirdos said with puzzled faces.

"It's not that I disagree. Just now, President Mu told me privately that you are not allowed to go mining."

"Chef, your task is not easy. The food of so many people depends on you. Do you have time to go mining?"

"And you two security guards also have to patrol the mines. How can you go mining?"

"But don't worry, President Mu also said that your salary will double from the current basis." Tumor-Bag Gui said.


"Double, that's great."

"If it doubles, then my monthly salary will be more than 20,000." The chef Gui smiled foolishly.

More than 20,000 is already a very high salary for a weirdo of his level.

The rest of the people were delighted when they heard this, so they didn't pester Lu Baogui to go mining.

"Why is it that Mr. Mu's people will not come until tomorrow? It would be great if they came now, so that I can go mining directly, alas!" Lu Baogui sighed and started to get busy.


Mu Rufeng went to Scarlet Optimization again quietly.

He met with Xu He quietly, talked about some things and then left.

However, he did not leave Scarlet Optimization, but found Lilith.

Mu Rufeng gave Lilith the corpse blood incense he had bought, and then explained the mine to him, and then left.

Mu Rufeng did not return to the real world, and it would be useless to go back now.

There will be a gathering of the Global Contractor forces in seven days. He will stay in the strange world for a week and then take back the landing bracelet produced this week.

Fifteen production lines, 15 million pieces a day. Considering that we have to return to the real world on the seventh day, even if it takes six days, that is 90 million pieces. On the first day, there are only five production lines producing, so it should be about the same. That’s about 80 million.

Eighty million login bracelets are enough to shut those guys up.

In the blink of an eye, six days passed.

It's almost time now.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked out of the room.

Several huge conveyor belts have been set up in the pit.

The ore dug by the miners is transported on the conveyor belt, and then transported to the warehouse via the conveyor belt.

With this conveyor belt, it also saves a lot of effort, so that miners do not have to rush to carry ore to the warehouse.

Some level five miners have opened up portable spaces.

This way they can hide the ore secretly.

Of course, the previous boss was not a fool. When this mine was opened, some rules automatically evolved.

One of them is that minerals cannot be stored privately without the permission of the mine owner. Violators will be obliterated.

This obliteration means being swallowed directly by the mine.

Mu Rufeng looked away from the conveyor belt, and then strode towards the mobile factory behind the warehouse.

After calculating the time, today is the morning of the seventh day in the real world.

After Mu Rufeng entered the factory, she saw a large box of stacked goods in the corner.

There are a thousand login bracelets in one box, and here, there are about 80,000 boxes, which is 80 million login bracelets.

Even though 80,000 boxes is a lot, the factory building is huge and very high, and it doesn't take up much space.

Mu Rufeng tentatively put it into the inventory. To Mu Rufeng's surprise, one inventory slot could actually store 29 cartons.

One login bracelet weighs about fifty grams, and one thousand is equivalent to one hundred kilograms.

The upper limit of the inventory is three thousand kilograms, which can store thirty thousand login bracelets. That's thirty boxes.

However, because the cartons themselves also have weight, there are only 29 cartons.

There are a total of 80,000 cardboard boxes here, which means a total of 2,757 item slots are needed to fit them.

There are only a few hundred positions left at Mu Rufeng's place, and even if you add those from Xiaoying's place, it's not enough.

"It seems that it can only be installed on the Gluttony Cruise Ship."

But anyway, moving directly from the Gluttony Cruise Ship should give them a bigger shock.

Mu Rufeng immediately put these login bracelets into the inventory, and then moved them to the door of the factory.

Mu Rufeng walked out of the factory, and then directly cleared the outer wilderness area.

Mu Rufeng called Bai Jingwei out again, and then asked her to take out her Gluttony Cruise Black Gold Card.

"Brother Mu, are you trying to summon the Gluttony Cruise?"

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Bai Jingwei didn't say anything, but suddenly thought of something, and said quickly: "Brother Mu, have you forgotten that summoning the Gluttony Cruise Ship must be in a place with water."

"Of course I know, wait."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he waved the magic wand in his hand, and a series of explosive fire spells suddenly burst out.


Terrifying high temperatures and shock waves erupted, and the surrounding fog was swept away in an instant.

The hot breath emanating from the explosion scared Bai Jingwei so much that she hid behind Mu Rufeng.

Because the terrifying movement caused here also shocked the people in the mine.

Liu Xiang, the seventh-level ghost general guarding the mine, also noticed it instantly, and immediately came to the edge of the factory.

He didn't go out because he could sense the terrifying aura.

But he didn't panic, because even if the ninth-level ghost emperor came, the mine could last for a while.

Don’t underestimate the strength of the rules generated by the mine itself.

"Mr. Mu? What are you..." Liu Xiang looked at Mu Rufeng not far away and asked with some confusion.

"It's okay, you can go mining." Mu Rufeng waved her hand towards him.

At this moment, the fire light had dissipated, and a large area of ​​magma appeared in front.

"Go ahead and use the black gold card to summon the Gluttony Cruise Ship." Mu Rufeng looked at Bai Jingwei and said.

"Ah? Brother Mu, this magma is not water, how can you summon the Gluttony Cruise Ship here?" Bai Jingwei said in surprise.

"Water is a liquid. Isn't magma a liquid? They are both liquids, so magma can naturally be summoned." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try."

Bai Jingwei immediately used the privileges of the black gold card.

Mu Rufeng also waited quietly, feeling a little disturbed in her heart.

Speaking of which, he wasn't sure if he could summon it, he just wanted to give it a try.

If possible, there would be no need to search for water in this wilderness area in the future.


An extremely loud whistle sounded, making people's ears hurt.

"Here we come!" A faint smile appeared on Mu Rufeng's face.

Sure enough, as long as it is liquid, magma can also summon the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, the summons has really come." Bai Jingwei said extremely excitedly.

"Well, you go back and play." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brother Mu, can we order some food on the boat later?" Bai Jingwei asked.

"Okay, you can order it yourself later."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Mu."

Bai Jingwei returned to the contract slot.

"Gluttony Cruise Ship?" Liu Xiang, who had never left the rear, looked a little horrified when he saw the huge cruise ship appearing.

At this moment, the Gluttony Cruise Ship has also stopped on the magma, and the terrifying high temperature has not affected the Gluttony Cruise Ship at all.

As the stairs fell, Zhao Xize ran down the stairs at the same trot.

"Boss Mu, what are your orders?" Zhao Xize came to Mu Rufeng and said.

"Send me back to the real world." Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, the power of the black gold card is enough, but it still requires a small fee."

"The fee will be deducted from the card. I will move some things up and transport them back to the real world later." Mu Rufeng said and appeared on the deck in a flash.

Then with a wave of his hand, the cardboard boxes containing the landing bracelets were placed on the deck.

Then he ducked back down again.

"Ah, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize saw Mu Rufeng suddenly disappear and then reappear, wondering what Mu Rufeng was doing.

"You go to the deck and guard the box I just put there." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, she walked towards the factory without waiting for her reply.

"Okay, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize immediately ran onto the deck and saw the pile of boxes placed by Mu Rufeng at a glance.

In a short time, Mu Rufeng moved all the landing bracelets onto the deck of the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

"Boss Mu, it will take about an hour for us to arrive in the real world. I have opened a room for you. You go to rest first and I will help you look after these boxes." Zhao Xize said.

"No need, it's only for an hour. I'm too lazy to move these cardboard boxes, so I'll just wait here."

Mu Rufeng said, took out a recliner and placed it next to the box, and then lay directly on it.

In the real world, the relevant department headquarters, the first conference room.

December 21, 10:13 am.

Because the headquarters is a huge mansion, and all the surrounding mansions have been opened and expanded, the scope is very large.

The first conference room is built next to a pond, and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows can provide a breathtaking view of the scene in the yard.

However, the floor-to-ceiling windows at this moment were blocked by black curtains.

The huge conference room was now full of people, accommodating hundreds of people.

Because of the large number of people, the meeting room was arranged in a staircase.

At the front were representatives from the Chinese side, Ye Lin, Han Chen and Tian Youdao from the relevant departments.

Name tags are also placed in front of the tables.

There is a table behind him, which is the top of the Bureau of Secrets.

The contractors on the ladder are all contractors from all over the world.

There are those who come on behalf of the country, the official departments of the country, and there are also private forces who come on behalf of some capital groups.

However, among these people, they are undoubtedly the most powerful in the United States, and the people who come are also eighth-level contractors.

At this moment, there were five eighth-level ghost kings in the conference room.

There are more seventh-level ghost generals, and there are more sixth- and fifth-level ghost generals, so let’s not talk about them.

The atmosphere in the conference room at this moment was extremely tense and filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Especially Ye Lin and Jason Morgan, the eighth-level ghost king of the United States, the two stared at each other, and their auras exploded into confrontation.

The low-level contractors around were trembling, their aura was too terrifying.

"Impossible, our relevant departments will never hand over the technology to log in to the bracelet." Ye Lin said.

"If you don't want to, you have to. Now is a critical moment for the whole world. Do you, China, want to dominate one family and let us fend for ourselves?"

A contractor with a mustache said sharply.

"Go away! Is there a place for you to talk here?" Han Chen glared at Inoue Zuo Ai fiercely.

Inoue Zuoai, who represented the official representative of the island country, was glared at by Han Chen, sneered and said: "This is not what I mean alone, but what the whole world means."

"Yes, hand over the technology to log in to the bracelet. This does not belong to China." Li Pujuan, the official representative of the Bangzi Kingdom, immediately agreed.

All of a sudden, all the representatives of the surrounding countries spoke in agreement.

"That's not what you said. The Bureau of Conspiracy spent a lot of effort to research this. You just give it to me? Just because you have a bigger face?"

Teng Hua, the head of Xunteng Group, stood up from his seat and spoke slowly.

"Who do you think you are? How dare a third-level contractor appear here?" A blond young man pointed at Hua Teng and yelled.

"Level 3? What? Aren't you a Level 3 contractor?" Hua Teng sneered and looked at the blond young man.

"What a joke. My level three gold content can't be compared to yours? I-" Before Wade Morgan could finish his words, a palm pressed on his head.

"Wade, this is Teng Hua, the CEO of Xunteng Group. I apologize." Jason said coldly.

Although the strength of Xunteng Group is far inferior to that of their Morgan consortium, the consortium is a consortium and Wade is Wade.

Even if Wade is the heir, it is impossible for him to look down upon the head of Xunteng Group so much.

"Yes, second uncle." Wade seemed a little afraid of his second uncle, and quickly apologized to Teng Hua.

As the largest capital force in China, Xunteng Group is extremely sufficient in both funds and manpower.

At the same time, because Teng Hua handed over the equipment of [The Chosen One] to the relevant departments, he was awarded the first batch of landing bracelets.

Relying on the landing bracelet, Teng Hua entered the dungeon and became a contractor at this moment, and he had already contracted two strange third-level contractors.

If he was only a third-level contractor, he would not be qualified to attend this meeting.

However, Teng Hua's identity is not ordinary. He is only third-level, but their group also has a seventh-level contractor.

"Tsk tsk tsk, your nephew is really not afraid of being beaten to death when he goes out. Also, I remember that there is an heir in your family who seems to be pregnant, and it's a man."

"Why do I feel like it's you, Master Wade?" Teng Hua looked at Wade with a smile.

"You, you are talking nonsense, how can a man like me get pregnant!" Wade's face flushed instantly, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

If the scene was not wrong now, he would definitely kill Teng Hua.

"Don't change the subject. You have to hand over the technology of the landing bracelet today. It concerns the lives of people all over the world."

"I think your relevant departments have also received the news? This time, what happened on the sea is definitely not an exercise. If you don't give it to us, we will all be doomed."

Jason didn't want to drag it on any longer, so he played his trump card directly.

He is not a politician, and he doesn't like to talk about big principles in a roundabout way.

Ye Lin's face sank when he heard this.

Not only Ye Lin, but also those people in the headquarters and the domestic contractors also sank.

Although they are not official contractors, as domestic contractors, they can also be taken care of by relevant departments.

Just talking about the landing bracelet, they are now almost the same as the people in the headquarters. They can get it first-hand, the purchase price is not high, and they can also settle in RMB.

They are also Chinese themselves, so naturally they don't want the country to be threatened.

It's just that they have no choice. Facing the "military exercises" of various countries, how can they stop it?

"Mu Rufeng, don't let me down." Ye Lin didn't say anything. He was still cold on the surface, but he was a little anxious in his heart.

"I won't give you the technology for the login bracelet." Ye Lin said slowly.

"No?" Jason's tone became a little cold.

The atmosphere in the conference room became even more weird.

"However, we can sell you the login bracelet. The price we sell is only the cost price, 10 soul notes each." Ye Lin said.

"10 soul notes each?"

When this price appeared, a lot of noisy voices suddenly rang in the conference room.

They were all discussing the price of the login bracelet.

You know, when the relevant departments sold the login bracelet before, they didn't accept the currency of the real world.

Either exchange it with resources, or exchange it with policies, or buy it with props and soul notes.

Let's not talk about resources, policies and props for now. If you buy it with soul notes, it will cost a thousand soul notes each, and there are still sales restrictions.

One thousand soul notes may not seem like much, even if converted to RMB, it is only one million.

But you have to know that the login bracelet is not consumed by one or two people. There are so many contractors that hundreds of thousands are not enough.

One thousand soul notes, where can there be so many soul notes? Therefore, only some powerful and powerful people can afford the login bracelet.

The most important thing is that there are restrictions when buying. Only soul notes can be traded, and traps in the real world are not accepted.

And the number of purchases is also limited.

And now the price of 10 soul notes has been directly reduced by a hundred times, which is really too profitable.

Official representatives of some countries were tempted at once.

"Haha, what a joke, yes, you sell it very cheaply, but how much can you sell? One hundred thousand, or one million login bracelets?"

"I want one million login bracelets now, do you have them? Do you dare to sell them to me?" Inoue Zuoai laughed sarcastically.

Hearing this, Ye Lin stared at Inoue Zuoai with a bad look.

Inoue Zuoai was a little scared by Ye Lin's eyes and shrank back.

The other party is an eighth-level ghost king, while he is only a seventh-level ghost general. The difference in strength between the two sides is not a little bit.

But he quickly thought that they were forcing the palace now, and the other party did not dare to make a move.

"Speak up, what? Can you scare me by looking at me like this?" Inoue Zuo Ai said.

"Woo woo woo ~ ~!"

A loud whistle sounded, coming from the outside to the conference room.

Ye Lin heard the words, his face slightly happy, here it comes, the gluttony cruise is here, which proves that Mu Rufeng has arrived.

Timely, it is really too timely.

When the people from the relevant departments heard the whistle, they all showed joy on their faces.

On the contrary, it was these foreign contractors.

They could clearly feel the horror contained in this whistle.

At the same time, many foreign contractors have also entered the copy of the gluttony cruise, and they are naturally familiar with the whistle of the gluttony cruise.

"Why did the gluttony cruise appear here?" Jason's face also darkened.

At this moment, the curtains of the French windows opened automatically. Everyone looked to the side and could clearly see a huge cruise ship slowly landing in the yard through the French windows.

Fortunately, the yard was big enough, otherwise their house would have been crushed underneath.

"Let's go." Ye Lin took a step forward, and the whole person turned into a phantom and passed through the French window and appeared directly outside.

Tian Youdao and others from the headquarters also left the meeting room one after another.

"Let's go and take a look." Jason, as the highest-level existence in the United States, naturally could not be weak, and also followed.

Soon most of the people in the meeting room left. Of course, there were still some contractors who did not dare to go out, fearing that the Gluttony Cruise would explode and kill them directly.

These guys don't have to think about it. If the Gluttony Cruise really starts to fight, will it be safe to hide here?

Those contractors who followed Ye Lin were more clear.

This is at least the headquarters of the relevant departments of China, and it is also the capital. The Gluttony Cruise has come, and even if it has to fight to the death, it must be repelled.

Ye Lin stood in front of the crowd and looked up at the domineering Gluttony Cruise.

It was at this time that an iron staircase fell from above and fell heavily to the ground.

This movement scared some contractors, and they almost thought that it was a fight.

Soon, a person was seen walking down the stairs slowly.

"So many people are here to welcome me?" Mu Rufeng looked at the contractors below with interest.

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