I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 264 Soul-sucking Gourd: Massacre of billions of lives? [10,000 words]

Mu Rufeng understood when he saw that most of these contractors were foreigners.

This was to force the emperor to abdicate.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng did not delay and came back at the right time.

"Contractor?" Jason frowned slightly, wondering why a contractor came down from above.

"Level 7 Ghost General?" Jason's eyes fell on Mu Rufeng's back.

Zhao Xize followed Mu Rufeng all the way to the ground.

"You are finally back. Did you bring everything back?" Ye Lin came forward to ask.

"Yes, bring it back, Captain Zhao, you go up and ask someone to move the things down." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Boss Mu, I'll go right away." Zhao Xize responded repeatedly, and then walked up the stairs again.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng asked Ye Lin.

At this time, Jason winked at Inoue Zuoai, and the latter immediately understood.

Before Ye Lin could speak, Jing Shang Zuo Ai jumped out and said, "Minister Ye, answer me, I want to buy one million login bracelets, do you have any?"

"Islander?" Mu Rufeng looked at Jing Shang Zuo Ai.

Jing Shang Zuo Ai is from the island country, so he speaks bird language. Mu Rufeng has never learned it, but he can understand it.

It seems that after the contractor reaches the third level, even if it is a language that he does not understand, as long as he hears it, he will directly feel its meaning and know what others are saying.

"I am asking you a question?" Jing Shang Zuo Ai shouted again.

"This is the official representative of the island country and the first person in the island country. His strength is average. He said he wants to buy one million login bracelets. Do you have any?" Ye Lin asked with a smile.

"Oh? One million login bracelets, of course I have them. Are you sure I want to buy one million for you?" Mu Rufeng looked at Jing Shang Zuo Ai.

"Am I talking to you? Who do you think you are? Minister Ye, answer me." Jing Shang Zuo Ai did not take Mu Rufeng seriously at all.

Just a level 4 contractor, what is he in front of his level 7 ghost general?

"Haha." Mu Rufeng sneered.

At this time, Zhao Xize brought a lot of contractors and weirdos, each of them carrying a large number of stacked boxes.

This incident directly attracted the attention of all the contractors.

"Is this the real world?"

The ten contractors looked at this scene in a daze.

They were not the players of the previous batch, but the next batch, and they had just come up for a few days.

They didn't expect to come to the real world this time.

When they saw the contractors below, they all widened their eyes and looked unbelievable.

Even those weirdos were almost scared to death when they found so many high-level contractors outside.

They were afraid of being killed by these contractors, but when they saw Zhao Xize and their boss Mu, they felt relieved and walked down with boxes.

Soon, everyone placed the boxes next to Mu Rufeng, piling up a large area.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also waved his hand, took out the cardboard box in his inventory, and stacked several layers on the box again.

"Captain Zhao, thank you for sending me back, you can go back to the weird world first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Boss Mu, by the way, I think these contractors seem to be hostile to you, do you want me to kill them all?"

Zhao Xize looked at the contractors with a cold face and an extremely cold tone.

Zhao Xize did not come to recruit dungeon players this time, but was brought to the real world by the contractor using the black gold card.

There is no need to abide by the rule that you cannot take action, just abide by the rule that Mu Rufeng wants him to take action or not.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those foreign contractors changed, and they unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

Even those eight-level ghost kings began to beat their drums.

Although Zhao Xize is only level seven, didn't you hear others call him Captain Zhao?

As long as he controls the glutton cruise ship, the number of people here will be ten times more, and it will not be enough to fight.

"That's not necessary. Go ahead." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize responded, and then took the strange crew members and contractors up.

The contractors wanted to say something, but they didn't dare to speak in the end.

"Woo woo woo ~~~~!"

Amid the sound of the whistle, a mist gradually emerged around the Gluttony Cruise.

When the mist dissipated, the Gluttony Cruise had disappeared.

Mu Rufeng turned around, took a box, opened it, and threw it at the foreign contractors.

The landing bracelets were scattered like flowers from the sky.

Originally, when these contractors saw Mu Rufeng throwing things over, their first reaction was to use their ghost power and prepare to take action. What's more, some contractors retreated to the back.

However, when these contractors saw that Mu Rufeng threw a landing bracelet, one of them widened his eyes.

Everyone immediately showed their magical powers and grabbed the flying landing bracelets.

There were a thousand login bracelets, but not a single one fell to the ground.

All of them were caught by the contractors.

"Landing bracelets, they are actually landing bracelets."

"Haha, I got five, five landing bracelets, great."

The contractors were overjoyed, and they couldn't believe that Mu Rufeng threw them a landing bracelet.

"How come you are so fast? I didn't get any, not even one."

"I was a step slower, damn it."

"Oh, if I had known, I wouldn't have hidden in the meeting room."

"It's a big loss, a big loss."

Some contractors who ran out of the conference room regretted it.

"In one box, there are 1,000 login bracelets. There are 80,000 boxes here. Tell me, how many login bracelets are there?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"80 million!" A contractor from the Bureau of Strange Affairs shouted excitedly.

"That's right, 80 million. Come on, little devil, tell me, can I take out 1 million?" Mu Rufeng looked at Inoue Zuoai and said coldly.

"80 million? There really is? One million, I want it."

Inoue Zuoai was slightly surprised, but still a little happy. She immediately took out her mobile phone and prepared to contact the island country.

At this time, Ye Lin looked at Mu Rufeng, and Mu Rufeng also nodded slightly to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin came out immediately and said, "Mr. Inoue, don't worry. Let me explain here that you can use soul notes to buy it, and you can also use RMB to buy it. The price is 100,000 RMB per login bracelet."

Ten soul notes are just the cost price. One hundred thousand RBM is ten times higher than that. In fact, they are still losing money.

But there is no way. This is bound to be a loss. Otherwise, everyone will be finished. There is no solution.

"What? You can buy it with RMB?" Inoue Zuoai was stunned. He really didn't expect that the relevant departments would actually propose to pay with RMB.

Originally, the login bracelet was sold to them for one thousand soul notes, and it was in short supply. On the black market in foreign countries, the price has even doubled several times.

Some people even offered one hundred million Mijin, but no one was interested.

If it can really be purchased with real-world currency, then they will buy it directly.

"Of course, but you have to buy it with soul notes. A login bracelet costs ten soul notes, one million, that is 10 million soul notes, so pay the money." Mu Rufeng said.

"Soul notes? You clearly said that you can buy it with RMB, why do you want to buy it with soul notes?" Inoue Zuo Ai was furious when she heard this.

"Yes, it was clearly agreed that RMB would be used for settlement, why do you want soul notes now?"

"If we use soul notes, we can't buy much, and we also need soul notes to enter the dungeon."

"That's right, you guys are talking nonsense, just rob them all."

A group of people echoed, and when they heard the last person speak, their eyes flashed, and they were a little moved.

They now have four level eight ghost kings, and there are not a few level seven ghost generals.

If they start to rob, can the headquarters of the relevant department alone resist?

However, they still underestimated the security arranged by Ye Lin.

Although there seem to be only so many people, once they really start fighting, hehe, hehe, few people can run away from the headquarters of the relevant department.

"Rob? Are you sure?" Ye Lin sneered.

"You can try." Tian Youdao looked at everyone with a joking face.

If they really fight, only those eight-level ghost kings have a chance to escape, and they will be injured. For the other contractors, forget it.

When everyone saw Ye Lin and others in this posture, they were a little nervous again.

"Everyone, don't panic. I don't like Japanese people very much, so only he needs to buy with soul notes, and you, I said, can use RMB or soul notes to buy."

"And now you can pay to buy." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Really?" Li Puchang from the Korean country asked immediately.

"Of course it's true. These 80 million landing bracelets will be sold to you as long as you have a demand." Ye Lin stood up and said.

"We want 10 million bracelets in the United States." Wade Morgan jumped out and shouted immediately.

"Wade!" Jason on the side was stunned and scolded immediately.

Wade was startled and looked at his second uncle in confusion.

"I want 10 million too."

"I want 2 million."

The crowd shouted.

"I want 20 million bracelets!" At this time, an Asan stood up and shocked the scene.

When Asan finished speaking, the foreign contractors glared at him.

Are you the only one with money? We don't have money? You want 20 million in a tone, so should we buy them?

"Comrade Asan, are you sure you want 20 million bracelets?" Mu Rufeng looked at the Asan.

"20 million? We in the United States only want 10 million, how dare you ask for 20 million?"

A murderous aura burst out from Jason, and Asan's face turned pale when he was hit by this breath.

"These 80 million are sold to you. I won't interfere with the quantity you want, but each of your representatives can buy at least 1 million." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Ye Lin had quietly told Mu Rufeng that the representatives of these countries only added up to about 50.

There are about fifty of them, each with one million login bracelets, which is only more than 50 million login bracelets, and it is more than enough to share one point.

After all, how can a country without that ability participate in such a big event?

In addition to these more than 50 national representatives, there are also dozens of group representatives, but that is none of Mu Rufeng's business.

He is only selling countries. Anyway, they came with people from their own country, so they can just buy and share.

"Why, why do we island countries have to buy with soul notes?" Inoue Zuo Ai questioned.

"Why? Didn't I say it before? I don't like a simple life, I don't like island countries, it's that simple."

"Of course, you can also choose not to buy, so that people from other countries can buy more." Mu Rufeng said.

"You" Inoue Zuoai wanted to speak, but was pulled by an island country contractor beside her.

"Mr. Mu, I'm really sorry, we buy, we buy one million, please tell me the bank account number, I will transfer the soul banknotes to you now." Meichuan Neiku said hurriedly.

Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin, Ye Lin nodded, and then said the password of the Tiandi Bank card.

After Meichuan Neiku remembered it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

In less than half a minute, Ye Lin seemed to have received the money, and immediately said: "Received, this is yours."

Ye Lin immediately waved his hand, and a thousand boxes flew to the island country.

There were not many islanders, only four, two representing the official and two representing the capital group.

They immediately put the boxes into the inventory. Unlike Mu Rufeng, they could only put 9 boxes in one inventory.

Fortunately, these four people were at a higher level, three at level 7 and one at level 6.

LV6 has 18 backpacks, LV7 has 24 backpacks, which means 90 inventory slots.

Even if they didn't put anything in their inventory, they still couldn't put anything in. However, the level of the contractors in their bodies exceeded level 5.

They directly asked the contracted ghost to put all the remaining landing bracelets in.

Seeing that the islanders really got the landing bracelets, their eyes lit up and they took out their mobile phones to contact China and then asked them to transfer money.

Mu Rufeng quietly stepped back and asked Ye Lin and others to start distributing the landing bracelets.

An hour of noise and commotion passed.

All the 80 million landing bracelets were sold out.

The United States bought the most, and bought 10 million landing bracelets.

Not a dime of soul money was used, all of it was RMB, or rice gold, which totaled a trillion RMB.

This is also a considerable amount.

As early as the relevant departments allowed them to use real-world currency to buy landing bracelets, they had urgently convened a think tank to study the exchange rate.

Anyway, no matter what, the most advantageous thing is for them in China.


The contractors in the United States could not fit so many landing bracelets, and they were urgently dispatching people.

Of course, they were going to directly requisition a civilian plane of a US company that had just landed at the Beijing Airport, and were going to transport them directly to the plane and then transport them back to the United States.

Except for a few powerful countries that bought a lot and could not fit them, most of the people in other countries also fit them.

"Minister Ye, although you sold us so many landing bracelets at cost price this time, this is only a stopgap measure after all."

"These landing bracelets are just a drop in the bucket for us. I think you should hand over the technology of landing bracelets."

"In this way, we can produce them ourselves, and we won't squeeze your Chinese resources." Jason suddenly said.

The representatives of all countries were very happy to get the landing bracelets, and they didn't even want to deal with China.

But now, after hearing Jason's words, they were eager to try again.

These people are like this, greedy, extremely greedy.

"Production? Haha, what a joke, do you think you can buy the raw materials?" Mu Rufeng suddenly laughed.

"I am not afraid to tell you that the main material for making the landing bracelet is a special metal ore in the strange world."

"I have built a factory in the strange world now. I have no shortage of raw materials. I will still sell it to you for 100,000 RMB."

"Because I have restrictions on going back and forth to the strange world, I will trade once every half a month. I guarantee that the transaction volume each time will not be less than this time." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng's words shocked them.

They never thought that Mu Rufeng actually built a factory in the strange world.

The most shocking thing is that Mu Rufeng can freely travel between the strange world and the real world, which is simply too shocking.

They also have to believe that the gluttony cruise ship sent Mu Rufeng down before is still vivid in their memory.

"Humph, 10 million for half a month, only 20 million for a month, and it's only nine months away from the full arrival of the strange world, and there are only 180 million landing bracelets in total."

"It sounds like a lot, but it's not enough for our citizens, not to mention that we have to consume landing bracelets during this period." Jason snorted coldly.

Now that he has the login bracelet, he is no longer panicking, so he starts to make trouble again. Satisfied? Are you kidding me? How can he be satisfied?

"The technology of the login bracelet has been given to you. Can you get the raw materials? If not, how many do you think you can refine?"

"Ten thousand or one hundred thousand? Or do you want us to provide you with raw materials after we give you the technology?" Mu Rufeng said calmly.


Everyone fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Yes, just as Mu Rufeng said, they have no ability to get the raw materials from the weird world.

As for the materials in the real world? Please, do you think you can refine such a powerful login bracelet with only the materials in the real world?

"No matter what, you hand over the technology first, and you don't have to worry about whether you can get the materials."

"Besides, if you can get the materials, you can provide them to us, and we can buy them with money." Jason said.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I said, the conditions are this condition, there is no room for negotiation." Mu Rufeng said.

"Humph, who are you to dare to talk to my second uncle like this?" Master Wade jumped out again.

"You, a man who has been pregnant, are also qualified to speak here?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wade with disdain.

"I didn't, I didn't, you are looking for death!" Master Wade's face flushed again, and veins on his forehead bulged.

For the second time, the second time he said in front of the representatives of the contractor forces all over the world that he was pregnant.

He is a man, the heir of a super consortium, how can he endure two humiliations?

"No? Are you sure? I remember that you seemed to have offered a bounty on me, right?"

A pair of sunglasses appeared in Mu Rufeng's hand. He played with the sunglasses and looked at Master Wade jokingly.

When Master Wade saw the sunglasses in Mu Rufeng's hand and heard what Mu Rufeng said, his mind exploded.

It was him, that was him, the man who made him pregnant.

"You, you, you are the Salted Fish Zombie King!!!" Master Wade was furious again at this moment.

He lost his mind, raised his hand and swung out a claw, and saw an illusory ghost claw crossing a distance of more than ten meters and heading straight towards Mu Rufeng.

Wade's move shocked all the contractors.

What kind of occasion is this? Dare to take action here? How big is your heart.

No, it's not a question of being big-hearted, but how much hatred dare to take action here?

Jason reacted very quickly and grabbed Wade, but he did not stop the attack.

Ye Lin was about to attack, but Mu Rufeng waved his hand and broke the ghost hand.

"Master Wade, I haven't seen you for a few months, why are you still so weak?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Hua La La~~!"

At this moment, the people around him exploded.

The Salted Fish Zombie King, this level 4 contractor was actually the Salted Fish Zombie King, the terrifying existence that became the first in the global copy of the level 3 contractor with a crushing state.

They learned from some level 3 contractors who had participated in the copy how rich the rewards were in this copy.

The rewards for those with poor rankings were so good, and the Salted Fish Zombie King, who ranked first, and the first place with a desperate gap with the second place, how rich was the reward?

I'm afraid that the rewards of the level 8 ghost kings present would be jealous.

Mu Rufeng slowly put on his glasses: "Yes, I am the Salted Fish Zombie King. You seem to be very dissatisfied. I am a very easy-going person. If you want to fight, then go ahead and I won't fight back."

Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"No, don't look at me, you will get pregnant, you will get pregnant." Master Wade was shocked when he saw Mu Rufeng wearing glasses.

He immediately hid behind his second uncle like a frightened rabbit.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Could it be that this pair of glasses can make people pregnant by looking at others?

Jason found that Mu Rufeng's eyes were looking at this side, and he was also shocked. He pulled a level 5 contractor in front of him and hid his body behind him.

Mu Rufeng saw this scene, sneered, and then scanned all the contractors.

During this period, no contractor dared to look at him, and those who were strong immediately pulled those weak contractors to block in front of them.

Some of the contractors were so scared that they disappeared on the spot, and many of them ran back to the meeting room.

"Ahem, don't turn your head around, I don't want to get pregnant."

Ye Lin had already retreated behind Mu Rufeng, and when Mu Rufeng wanted to turn around, he immediately reminded her.

"Yes, don't turn around."

"I'm old, I can't afford to lose face, Mu Xiaoyou, I admit that my attitude was a bit bad before, I sincerely admit my mistakes to you, I'm sorry, I just ask you not to look at me now." Han Chen's attitude was unusually sincere.

"Xiao Mu, be steady, take it easy." Tian Youdao also spoke.

Mu Rufeng smiled, then took off his sunglasses and put them directly into the inventory.

When everyone saw Mu Rufeng put away his sunglasses, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I usually won't let others get pregnant, but if I have to, I might let others get pregnant." Mu Rufeng comforted everyone.

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a sense of panic in their hearts.

"Master Wade, you seemed to have offered a reward of 10 billion yuan for my identity information before. Now that I have revealed it myself, will the 10 billion yuan reward be given to me?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"You" Wade was furious and wanted to scold him, but he was afraid of Mu Rufeng's pregnancy sunglasses and dared not say it out loud.

"Sir, don't worry, our Morgan Consortium will definitely not break its promise, and the 10 billion yuan will be credited today." Jason said.

"Mr. Jason is still generous." Mu Rufeng gave a thumbs up.

Ye Lin stepped forward at this time and said, "I emphasize again that we will never hand over the technology. There is no room for negotiation."

"Secondly, as mentioned before, log in to the bracelet and trade once every half a month. The number of sales must not be lower than this time, and it can even be increased."

"At the same time, the price is 10 soul notes or 100,000 RMB. You can freely use any of the two currencies for settlement."

"We also accept various materials for settlement, as well as various props, spiritual objects, skill cards, etc. from the weird world."

"If you insist on us handing over the technology, then we will accompany you and start the war!" Ye Lin said word by word, especially the last few words, which were even more murderous.

The two words "start the war" made the atmosphere tense.

Jason said with a gloomy face: "Can you represent China?"

"I can represent China." Ye Lin said solemnly.

In one sentence, it shows how firm China's attitude is.

Start the war? Let's start it. Are we Chinese afraid?

As for throwing mushroom bombs? Now they dare not throw it away. If they do, they will be completely finished.

You should know that even in this situation where the social order is about to collapse, the top leaders can still be free with the login bracelets that they can never use up.

The only ones who died were the people on the platform. When did they care?

"Remember your words, trade once every half a month." Jason said coldly, and then he turned into two ghost hands to lift a pile of cardboard boxes and turned away.

Seeing this, the contractors in the United States immediately tied up the cardboard boxes and followed Jason outside.

The contractors in other countries also left one after another.

As for the next transaction, they will come on time.

In any case, if there is no soul money, use RMB to settle. If there is no money, then use oil, mines, cutting-edge technology, or even food to trade.

It is worth mentioning that the global food prices have increased significantly, and they have increased by multiples.

Even if it is the end of the world, capitalists still want to make money.

Only in China, because of the large amount of grain stored by the country, the price has only increased a little bit, and there is no impact at all.

"Minister Mu, you came back too timely this time." Ye Lin looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

"It's good to come back in time. By the way, how is the production line?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"It's ready for you a long time ago. A total of 30 production lines." Tian Youdao came forward and said.

"That's good, 30 should be enough." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, did you come back to the Mine of Life this time? We are preparing more production lines and are ready to work hard to make all the landing bracelets first." Ye Lin said.

Last time, Mu Rufeng brought back 2,000 tons of ore, which is almost used up.

It's really that the production line is produced too fast.

"I didn't bring ore back this time." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

"There are fifteen production lines there now, 15 million landing bracelets a day, which means 300 tons of life ore a day."

"I recruited a large number of miners and asked them to mine 24 hours a day. The daily output is only about 300 tons, and there is no extra ore to bring back."

"But don't worry, Baibaolou will help me buy life ore in all the cities in the weird world."

"Because of Baibaolou's large-scale purchases, many mines have started to mine crazily. In the weird world, the market in both the east and the west has been swept away."

"We have collected more than 200,000 tons of life ore. Now, we have to consider how we will pay, because at least 50 billion soul notes are needed." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

200,000 tons, this is an extremely terrifying number. If all of them are used to make landing bracelets, they can make 10 billion.

And there will be a steady supply of life ore in the future.

However, the purchase price of these 200,000 tons alone reached 40 billion soul notes. If sold to Mu Rufeng, the general owner estimated that he would sell it to Mu Rufeng at a price of 40 billion.

But Mu Rufeng couldn't bother Baibaolou every time. He couldn't waste favors just for such a small amount of money. It wasn't too much to give him 50 billion.

50 billion, even if Mu Rufeng paid for it himself, he couldn't take it out.

No, it seemed that Mu Rufeng could take it out.

He just needed to go to the Golden City and exchange his soul power for soul notes.

Mu Rufeng looked at his soul power and found that he still had more than 130 million soul power left. Originally, he had more than 5 million, but in the past few months, he had refined nearly 2 million.

In fact, he had refined so much some time ago, and it should have reached a bottleneck. Unless Mu Rufeng upgraded, he couldn't continue to refine.

100 million soul power, if you go to the Golden City to exchange soul notes, according to the ratio of 1 to 1,000, that would be 100 billion soul notes.

But asking Mu Rufeng to take out 50 billion, what a joke, he couldn't take out his own wealth to benefit the whole world.

Even if Mu Rufeng relied on his luck to go to Golden City to win soul notes, he could win, but if he won so much, Mu Rufeng would be afraid of being targeted by Golden City.

So, there is really no solution.

"Fifty billion" Ye Lin and the others muttered to themselves.

You don't know until you calculate it. Once you calculate it, you will be shocked. You will be shocked by this terrifying amount.

I can't take it out, I really can't take it out.

Even if I borrow all the soul notes from all the contractors in the country, I can't take out so much.

"Mu Rufeng, come with me, you all go and get busy." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

Han Chen and Tian Youdao left without saying anything.

The people from the Bureau of Strange Affairs also left, but they were all worried.

"Let's go to the Book of Time." Ye Lin said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng responded.

Soon, the two came to the Book of Time.

"You can summon the Gluttony Cruise, right?" Ye Lin said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"I didn't want to use this method, but we have to take out these 50 billion at all costs."

"You should still remember the unspeakable copy, right?" Ye Lin said slowly.

"Yeah? Of course I remember? Minister Ye, have you been there too?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"No, I haven't been there." Ye Lin shook his head and said.

"What is the connection between the 50 billion soul notes and the unspeakable copy?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Last month, I took the opportunity to ask a question. The question was: how can I get a large amount of soul notes."

"The Book of Time gives an answer. The key to the answer is you, the unspeakable copy and a prop in my hand." Ye Lin said.

"The key is me, the unspeakable copy and the prop in Ye Bu's hand?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused at this moment.

Mu Rufeng had read the answers to some questions on the bookshelf before, but he didn't record them.

"I didn't include this answer here because I don't want you to see it, and I don't want to use this method." Ye Lin said.

"What is the method? Can 50 billion be obtained?" Mu Rufeng said.

"The answer from the Book of Time is that I will give you this item, and then you can use it to gain a lot of soul power, and finally go to the indescribable copy to get a lot of soul money."

"My guess is that soul power should be exchanged for soul money in that indescribable copy, right?" Ye Lin said, handing the palm-sized gourd item in his hand to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he immediately checked the properties.

[Soul-sucking gourd]: A special spiritual object that grows in the forbidden land [Soul Refining Abyss].

Effect: A level nine special spiritual object, injected with ghost power, can release a soul-sucking ghost den. The soul-sucking ghost den can absorb the soul power of living things and gather it in the gourd. Adult intelligent creatures have 1 unit of soul power, non-intelligent creatures have a maximum of 0.1 unit of soul power, and plants have a maximum of 0.01 unit of soul power.

Note: The stronger the strength, the more ghost power is injected, the larger the coverage of the soul-sucking ghost den, and the soul power of the dead target will be absorbed instantly.

Current soul power: 10550

"This" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

This item must be the one that Ye Lin said can absorb soul power.

Mu Rufeng was not only shocked by the properties of this item, but also shocked by the fact that the soul-absorbing gourd has 10,000 soul power.

10,000 units of soul power is equivalent to 1 million soul power. If it is converted into soul notes, it is 1 billion, which is a huge fortune even in the Golden City.

"Soul power is a good thing. I have also refined a lot of it. Speaking of it, it is still when killing weird that soul power is absorbed more."

"This time you go to the African savannah, you should be able to collect a lot of soul power." Ye Lin said.

"So, the method you said is to let me go to Africa to kill animals and plants to obtain soul power? And then exchange it for soul notes?"

"Yes, what is the ratio of soul power to soul notes?" Ye Lin nodded, and then asked again.

"One unit of soul power can be exchanged for 100,000 soul notes." Mu Rufeng gave the answer.

"One hundred thousand soul notes?" Ye Lin was a little shocked.

He originally thought that the ratio might be one to one hundred at most, or even one to ten, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated the value of soul power.

Yes, he himself refined soul power and could also feel the power of soul power, but one unit of soul power could be exchanged for one hundred thousand soul notes, isn't it too much?

"How is this possible? How can it be exchanged for one hundred thousand soul notes?" Ye Lin still couldn't believe it.

"An ordinary person has one unit of soul power, and one unit of soul power in the indescribable copy is 100 points of soul power, and one point of soul power can be exchanged for one thousand soul notes."

"According to this calculation, one soul unit can be exchanged for one hundred thousand soul notes." Mu Rufeng explained.

"That's great, 50 billion soul notes, then only 500,000 units of soul power are needed, maybe one African savannah is enough." Ye Lin said excitedly.

Mu Rufeng didn't know how many animals and plants there were on the African savannah, but he felt that in order to gather 500,000 units of soul power, almost all of them would have to be cleared out.

"I really didn't expect that soul power is so valuable. If I had known this earlier, the country wouldn't be so short of money." Ye Lin shook his head with a sigh on his face.

If he had known from the beginning, China would definitely not be in this situation now.

"It's not too late now." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, it's not too late." Ye Lin suddenly became energetic again.

"Now the demand is less. If we absorb the soul power of humans as you did before, you also said that if we absorb less, they will just feel sleepy and depressed, and they will recover in a few days." Mu Rufeng said.

"I have thought about it, but I can only cover a radius of 100 meters at most, and it takes ten minutes to absorb 0.1 soul power."

"Even if the radius of 100 meters is full of people, how much can I absorb in a day? Not to mention that I have to organize people. Where can I find so many people willing to organize the absorption of soul power for me."

"Not to mention that the time is too slow. With your current ability, if you kill those animals and plants, I think one day is enough for you to plow through them?"

"After killing the target, the soul power can be absorbed in an instant." Ye Lin said.

"Wait a minute, let me try this gourd first."

Mu Rufeng immediately injected his ghost power into the soul-absorbing gourd.

He is still in the state of [Life and Death] and [Potential Explosion], so his strength is at its peak at this moment.

When the ghost power was injected, a black breath emerged from the mouth of the gourd, and then quickly extended to the surroundings.

In the blink of an eye, it covered a hundred meters in radius, and then continued to expand, one kilometer, two kilometers, and finally reached five kilometers.

Five kilometers is already the limit.

But to be honest, even if it can continue to expand, Mu Rufeng has to take it back, because if he goes further, he will reach the South China Sea.

There are a large number of people within a five-kilometer range.

It seems that as long as Mu Rufeng wants, he can control the soul-sucking gourd to absorb the soul power of everyone within a five-kilometer range.

Even the contractors can absorb it.

Those with strength at or above the seventh-level ghost general can clearly perceive the scope of the soul-sucking field.

Just like those foreign contractors who just left and had not left the five-kilometer range because of the traffic jam.

They immediately noticed the soul-sucking ghost den, and their faces changed drastically, and then they immediately unfolded their own ghost dens.

Just when they were about to take action, they found that the ghost den disappeared quietly.

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