I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 265 I Have a World of Wealth [10,000 words]

"How is it? Is the coverage area 100 meters? But your strength should be stronger than mine, so the coverage area should be larger, right?" Ye Lin said.

"Yes, it is larger." Mu Rufeng nodded, but did not tell the truth. He did not want to hit Ye Lin.

"By the way, Ye Bu, have you ever thought about using soul notes to expand the scope of the soul-sucking field?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Of course I have tried it, but it is too expensive. I invested 10,000 soul notes, and it only doubled my scope. It is not cost-effective."

"However, now that we know that soul power can be exchanged for so many soul notes, we don't seem to be short of soul notes. You can use soul notes to expand the scope more at that time." Ye Lin said.

Mu Rufeng heard this and moved his heart, and then said to Ye Lin: "Okay, I will leave now. By the way, Ye Bu, have you found the location of the channel of the real world of the Dead Eve Optimization?"

"We have confirmed that it is the Wagner Farm in Texas, the United States. This is the largest farm in the United States and the largest farm in the world." Ye Lin replied.

Wagner Farm in Texas, USA, is the largest farm in the United States and the largest farm in the world. It spans six counties in Texas and covers an area of ​​207,000 hectares, equivalent to 2,070 square kilometers.

This is slightly larger than Shenzhen City in China, twice the land area of ​​Hong Kong Island, and three times the area within the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing.

Such a large farm raises countless cattle and sheep, which is suitable as the preferred channel location for the dead.

Animals such as cattle and sheep are indeed the most suitable fresh blood and flesh for sale.

Although human blood and flesh are the most delicious blood and flesh for the weird, no matter how crazy the contractors in the United States are, they can't kill people directly to sell.

No, it may really be like this, but it's just that they won't take the people of their own country. As for foreigners, haha, it depends on whether the contractors in the United States have humanity.

"It makes sense to be in this farm. How did you find it?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The United States is rich in resources due to its special geographical location, and it has a large number of farms."

"The amount of blood and flesh required for the Dead Eve Optimization is definitely not low. Even if they kill people and sell them in a desperate manner in the United States, they cannot only sell human blood and flesh. It must be cattle, sheep, pigs and other livestock that occupy the majority of the amount."

"I just asked people to pay attention to the top few farms in the United States, and immediately locked on Wagner Farm, but because we were afraid of alerting the enemy, we did not continue to investigate the specific location."

"At that time, you may need to go to Wagner Farm to check it yourself." Ye Lin said.

"It's good to know the location. As long as you are there, you can easily know it once the ghost cave unfolds. Okay, then I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Ye Lin grabbed Mu Rufeng who wanted to leave.

"What is it?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin.

"You have helped the country so much and made such a great contribution. The country has nothing to reward you, so the country has decided to give you the soul-sucking gourd directly." Ye Lin said.

"What? Give me this soul-sucking gourd? Really?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

Although Mu Rufeng hadn't really tried it, he knew how precious this item was.

"Of course it's real. I also know that the soul-sucking gourd is nothing compared to your contribution to the country, but the country is in a difficult time, I hope you don't have any emotions." Ye Lin said.

"No emotions, I like this item very much." Mu Rufeng said happily.

He already had a rough idea, an idea that could be implemented by relying on this soul-sucking gourd.

And once it really works, Mu Rufeng can take all the landing bracelets of all humans in the world.

"I'm glad you like it." Ye Lin saw that Mu Rufeng didn't seem to be faking it, and a smile appeared on his face.

"By the way, if this soul-sucking gourd is given to me, what should I do with the price paid for the question in the Book of Time?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"It's okay. I have stored 10,000 units of soul power in the Book of Time, which is enough for a long time. Besides, aren't you here? If there is no more, I can let you store some more."

"However, this soul power is so valuable now. Otherwise, you can absorb 9,000 and leave 1,000 for the Book of Time." Ye Lin suddenly said.

9,000 soul power is equivalent to 900 million soul notes.

"No need. With the Soul Absorbing Gourd in hand, it can be said that the problem of funds has been solved."

"Don't say 50 billion. This time, I will bring back 500 billion soul notes for the country." Mu Rufeng said domineeringly.

"Five hundred billion? Are you sure?" Ye Lin was also shocked by Mu Rufeng's words.

"Of course, if you say five hundred billion, that's five hundred billion." Mu Rufeng said confidently.

"It seems that giving you the Soul Absorbing Gourd is really the right thing to do." Ye Lin also said happily.

"Minister Ye, will you regret giving me this treasure?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Regret? Haha, the sword is given to the hero, this treasure should be yours."

"Look, I have it for five years, and it is of no help to the country, so it is convenient to pay the soul power to the Book of Time."

"Even without the Soul Absorbing Gourd, the Book of Time can actually absorb the soul power directly from the person asking."

"And even if I knew that soul power is so valuable, I can't trade it, because I have never been to that indescribable copy."

"But now it's in your hands, you said you want to get 500 billion soul notes for the country, do you think it's the most suitable choice?" Ye Lin had a faint smile on his face.

Mu Rufeng heard it and actually felt that there was nothing wrong with what Ye Lin said.

It's really a sword for a hero.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng has contributed so much to the country, but there is not much return. He is a little emotional in his heart, but he won't show it.

But now that Ye Bu gave him the soul-sucking gourd, everything no longer exists. The value of a soul-sucking gourd is absolutely inestimable.

Especially for Mu Rufeng, who can freely enter and exit the real world and the weird world, and has a gluttonous cruise ship that can go directly to the Golden City.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng now has the wealth of a world.

The most important thing is that soul power can still be regenerated. Mu Rufeng can harvest one wave after a period of recuperation, and it can be said that there is no end.

You say, how can Mu Rufeng have any emotions for this reward given by the country.

Not only can he not have emotions, but he must also do his best to help the country.

Billions of humans, that is billions of soul power, hundreds of billions of soul power, and it is still sustainable.

Damn, Mu Rufeng can even say that one day in the future, he can rely on soul power to become the richest man in the weird world! ! !

The more he thought about it, the more excited Mu Rufeng became, and the more excited he was, the more he thought about it.

"By the way, Ye Bu, you just said that you had this soul-sucking gourd five years ago. Did you get it when you entered the first copy?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, I picked up the soul-sucking gourd around the Book of Time. I think it should have come with the Book of Time." Ye Lin said.

"Come with the Book of Time?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

He thought that Ye Lin got it from a certain copy, but he didn't expect it to be a gift from heaven?

"Xiao Mu, the money from the sale of the login bracelets is very large. If it's soul notes, I will transfer all of it to your Tiandi Bank card."

"If it's RMB, we will also transfer all of it to your bank card, but I won't be polite to you for those who use materials to settle, because they are also needed by the country." Ye Lin said.

"It doesn't matter, give it all to the country. With this treasure in hand, I won't be short of money when I come back next time." Mu Rufeng patted the soul-sucking gourd in his hand and said with a smile.

"This. That's fine." Ye Lin didn't continue talking in the end.

80 million login bracelets, if sold in RMB, that's 8 trillion. After deducting some soul notes and materials, there will definitely be 5 trillion as a base.

With so much money, Mu Rufeng is afraid that he can't use it up in ten lifetimes.

To be honest, China seems to be at a disadvantage with this operation.

But, if you really count it, China actually has more advantages than disadvantages.

First of all, some countries don't have that much cash to buy login bracelets, so what should they do? Print money?

Once money is printed, there will be inflation, and the exchange rate compared to RMB will naturally change.

In this way, in the end, they can only use their domestic resources and cutting-edge technology to settle.

It can be said that this wave, the country has made a lot of money, and just to be honest, Mu Rufeng has not lost money, because there are always some countries that will settle with soul money, and most of them may even use props and spiritual objects to settle.

In this way, there will be no shortage of anything in the country.

"Okay, I'll go first." Mu Rufeng said hello and prepared to leave. He couldn't wait to try the soul-absorbing gourd.

"By the way, there is something I want to tell you." Ye Lin suddenly said.

"There's something else? Why are there so many things one after another? Just say them all at once." Mu Rufeng complained.

"One thing, just one thing, and it's not a business matter, it's your personal matter, your father has entered the dungeon."

"What? My father has entered the dungeon? Are you sure? When did it happen? How is my dad? Is he okay?" Mu Rufeng's face suddenly changed, and he asked Ye Lin hurriedly.

"Five days ago, your father was selected to enter the dungeon. Didn't you give your father a login bracelet, as well as a variety of props and soul notes?"

"Plus, your father also ate a lot of spiritual things, his physical fitness is very strong, his memory has been enhanced, and he can remember the dungeon strategy, so he returned safely to the dungeon this time." Ye Lin said.

"I won't talk to you for now, I'll go home and meet my parents, and then I'll go collect soul power."

"Well, go ahead, don't worry, today is only the 21st, there's still enough time." Ye Lin said.

Mu Rufeng immediately summoned the Thunder Fire Armor, and then flew into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was so anxious that he forgot to report.

In fact, Mu Rufeng didn't need to report, because the radar couldn't scan Mu Rufeng at all.

After all, his whole body was covered with thunder and fire armor, which was the ability of the strange world, and the radar couldn't detect it at all.

Although Mu Rufeng didn't know that his parents would enter the dungeon sooner or later, he really didn't expect his father to enter the dungeon at this time.

Although he knew that his father had returned safely, he still couldn't let go.

So this time he flew at full speed, and didn't think about saving ghost power at all, so the speed was extremely fast.

With Mu Rufeng flying at full speed, he actually returned from the capital to Yongcheng in just over an hour, a full 1,800 kilometers.

However, the consumption was also extremely high, but Mu Rufeng didn't care. He drank a lot of milk and recovered quickly.

Mu Rufeng stood at the door, took out the key, opened the door and went in directly.

It was more than two o'clock in the afternoon. When Mu Rufeng entered the door, he found that the living room was empty.

He looked inside the room and it was also empty.

Mu Rufeng immediately sensed that his grandparents were taking a nap in the storefront on the first floor.

His mother Liu Meizhu was playing mahjong in a mahjong hall a few doors away from his home.

And his father Mu Shan was also playing mahjong in the mahjong hall, and from time to time he talked about what he saw and heard in the strange world dungeon.

And his experience in the dungeon and the things that he successfully passed the level.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

It seems that his father is quite generous. After becoming a player, he still has the heart to play cards and brag with old neighbors.

Mu Rufeng wondered whether he should not disturb his father's bragging, but after thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and called him.

When Mu Shan received the call and knew that his son had returned home, he jumped up immediately.

He pushed the mahjong and didn't play the cards directly: "My son is back, so that's it for today."

Liu Meizhu, who was standing next to him, also knew that her son was back. She also pushed the card game and didn't play it. The two hurried home.

Mu Rufeng talked to Mu Shan for a long time and learned about his experience of entering the dungeon one by one.

Fortunately, the dungeon that Mu Shan entered this time was an old dungeon called "No. 2 Bus".

The most dangerous thing here is that when the bus stops at the station, there will be strange passengers on the bus.

There are also strategies for clearing the dungeon. As long as you have soul money, you can arrive at the target station safely and successfully clear the level.

If you don't have soul money, you just need to be brave. Don't get off the bus no matter what, even if the bus stalls.

After the engine stalls, the bus driver asks you for soul money to repair the bus. If you have soul money, you will be safe.

If you don't have soul money, you can give him a finger and it will be safe. When the bus restarts, you can reach the target station safely and pass the customs successfully.

Mu Shan has the soul money given by Mu Rufeng, and he sat at the target station safely.

Mu Rufeng gave his father some props and soul money, so Mu Rufeng finally felt at ease.

He declined his parents' request to stay for dinner before leaving. He said goodbye and left Yongcheng without even disturbing his grandparents.

He didn't foolishly fly abroad by himself. Not to mention the long journey, it was still a problem whether he could find the way.

So Mu Rufeng prepared to go to Changsha to take an international flight to Asan.

African savannah? Mu Rufeng didn't want to go because he had found a better way to quickly gain soul power.

Originally, Mu Rufeng was going to the United States, but he thought that his next move might cause some trouble, so he didn't want to alert the enemy, so he went to India.

Anyway, India has a large population, and a little trouble will not affect the United States at all.

It took more than an hour to take Xiaolong to the Green Flower Airport in Changsha.

He glanced at the flights and found that there were no flights, or in other words, there were no flights to India at all.

If Mu Rufeng wanted to go, he could only check the flights of various planes on the Internet and then transfer.

Mu Rufeng didn't want to be so troublesome, so he went directly to the leader of the airport, showed his ID, and then directly requisitioned a passenger plane.

Although the leader of the airport didn't know whether it was true or not, he called them directly, and after a little investigation, he knew Mu Rufeng's identity.

Then he prepared a passenger plane for Mu Rufeng with great respect, and even prepared a whole maintenance team to serve Mu Rufeng.

"Fuck, what's going on? We are all about to board the plane and take off soon. Why are we all being asked to get off the plane?"

"Yes, yes, if you don't give us an explanation today, I will complain to you."

"Damn, I still have to transfer in Shanghai. If you delay me and I miss the flight, will you be responsible?"

More than 40 passengers were standing in front of the boarding channel and making a lot of noise.

Originally, they were all ready to board the plane, and even the door of the plane was opened.

But suddenly the staff received some information and refused to board the plane directly, and asked everyone to return to the waiting hall.

"Don't worry, all your fees will be refunded to you free of charge this time, and a new plane will be arranged immediately."

"Please go back to the waiting hall and wait." The chief flight attendant comforted everyone.

"Are you kidding me? I owe you that little money? Tell me why you don't let us get on the plane."

"Yeah, why? We've come all this way? Suddenly you refuse us boarding?"

"What we lack is money? What we lack is time!"

Some people dressed like successful people were very angry.

However, some people dressed like ordinary people were somewhat moved by the words of the flight attendant.

After all, a plane ticket costs hundreds of dollars, and refunding the ticket and arranging another plane is equivalent to a free ride.

What they lack is time? No, not at all.

"Dear passengers, we are really sorry. We are really sorry. I just received the notice. Don't worry, another plane will be dispatched soon."

"That plane is already landing. You can board in no more than an hour." The chief flight attendant said.

"I think we should go back and wait. It will only take an hour. We can refund the tickets and save more than 800 yuan." An old man said.

"Yes, yes, half an hour is not a delay." Another young man said.

Five or six people echoed in a short while.

Everyone heard it and it seemed to be the same. Even the successful people who had been shouting before seemed to be appeased.

"Is it the 800 yuan I lack? Ah? How can you refuse to board when you are at the door of the plane? I want an explanation, I want an explanation, I want them to apologize to me at the airport."

"Family, who understands? Look at these crew members. They actually treat us passengers like this. I will definitely expose your ugly faces."

A young woman dressed very fashionably and beautifully was holding a mobile phone and broadcasting live.

I understand. This is a live streamer. Now she is in the right. How can she easily agree to it in order to gain traffic? The bigger the fuss, the more traffic she will get.

In the past, there were only a dozen or twenty people on the live stream, and the peak was only more than ninety. Now, it has exceeded four digits. She took on this wave of wealth!

But soon, a group of people came from the back of the passage.

There were two security guards in front to lead the way, Mu Rufeng was in the middle, and then Mu Rufeng was followed by seven or eight people who looked like leaders.

"Disperse, disperse, all disperse." The two security guards immediately trotted over and began to let those who were blocking the passage disperse.

When the female live streamer saw this scene, her eyes lit up and she immediately pointed her phone at Mu Rufeng.

"Family, look, the plane must have refused us boarding because of this person."

"What kind of big shot is this? He can make the airport do this? A car full of people said they would refuse to board and there are so many leaders following behind?"

The live streamer immediately shouted.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

The two security guards saw this and knew that something was wrong, so they rushed up and prepared to snatch the anchor's phone.

Because everyone was crowded here, and the anchor was short and very agile, he could not be caught in the crowd.

And the anchor was screaming that the security guards had hit him.

Looking at the live broadcast interface of the mobile phone, the number of viewers had exceeded five digits, and the comment area was full of curses at the airport and Mu Rufeng, who looked like a big shot.

And the passengers were also excited because of this sudden situation, and their faces became extremely angry.

Seeing this, the airport leader apologized to Mu Rufeng and then rushed over quickly.

"Everyone, everyone, the plane has been arranged for you, that one, we will refund your ticket money in full this time, and we will still waive it for you next time you buy a ticket." The leader shouted loudly.

The next ticket was also free, which immediately made the passengers quiet down.

However, the anchor also shouted again: "Is that the money I lack? Can you do whatever you want with money and power? Where are our human rights? Where is our dignity?"

The anchor is very good at talking, and he is also very powerful in mobilizing the emotions of passengers.

When this was said, the originally calm passengers became angry again.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng had also walked closer.

"I am a staff member of the relevant department. This plane was requisitioned by me. I have to act in an emergency. I hope you can cooperate."

"I will personally pay another sum of money to compensate you for the air ticket this time. Also, please ask this lady to turn off the live broadcast." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Mu Rufeng's face was covered with bandages without knowing when.

When the anchor's mobile phone was facing Mu Rufeng, he covered his face.

When the passengers heard that Mu Rufeng was from the relevant department, they immediately turned off the fire. When they heard that Mu Rufeng personally paid to compensate for the air ticket this time, their hearts moved.

If the airfare is waived once, it may not feel like much, but the second airfare is waived and the airfare is compensated once, which adds up to more than 2,000 yuan.

Why not wait an extra hour to earn 2,000 yuan for free?

"What's wrong with the people in the relevant departments? Can they take advantage of their privileges? Can they trample on our dignity and human rights?"

"In China, everyone is equal, even if you are a contractor, so what? Do you dare to kill me? This time, I have to take the plane."

The anchor was stunned for a moment, and looked at the number of people in her live broadcast room. It has exceeded the 50,000 mark, and the amount of gifts and rewards made her even more excited.

So, she still refused to give in.

This time, she really accepted the overwhelming wealth.

"Everyone is equal? ​​Are you still living in a dream? There are still nine months, and the weird world is coming. Our relevant departments are working hard every day to protect the peace of ordinary humans. You are here to say that we can't take advantage of our privileges?"

"And how do you know that if I requisition this plane, I can save tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of lives?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

The host's breath caught when she heard this. She was shocked by Mu Rufeng's words.

But he quickly reacted, his face was embarrassed, and he immediately said angrily: "Just you, a monster wrapped in bandages, can save tens of millions of people?"

"I see you haven't woken up yet? Just find an excuse to enjoy the privileges given to your relevant departments by our people?" The anchor shouted.

"The people give our relevant departments privileges? I say, do you have any misunderstandings about our relevant departments?"

A chill emanated from Mu Rufeng's body.

Two flames flashed out from Mu Rufeng's eyes, and finally his whole body was covered by purple flames.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was like an evil fire god, shocking everyone present.

And this also included the 100,000 people in the live broadcast room.

"Hu~~!" Mu Rufeng exhaled deeply, and then the flames around him shrank back, and he resumed his image of being covered in bandages.

"Remember, the privileges of the relevant departments are not given by you, but we get them by our own abilities."

Mu Rufeng said word by word.

As soon as the voice fell, a ghost cave spread out from under Mu Rufeng's feet and enveloped everyone.

The passengers only felt a flash before their eyes, and everyone appeared in the waiting hall.

"Waiting hall? How did we get here?"

"Aren't we in the boarding channel? Why are we back to the waiting hall?"

"It's the person from the relevant department, it's him, he must have transferred us here."

The passengers exclaimed immediately.

At the same time, the other passengers waiting in the waiting hall were also shocked to see this wave of people suddenly appearing, and they all shouted.

"I'm so sleepy, my head hurts so much, why do I feel so weak all over, so uncomfortable."

The female anchor just came back to her senses, and she felt dizzy, painful and sleepy, and had no strength in her body.

It seemed difficult to maintain standing, and she sat down on the ground with a very pale face.

This was Mu Rufeng using the soul-sucking gourd to absorb 0.7 units of her soul power.

It will take at least half a month to recover, and during these days, you will feel weak, have a headache, and be depressed.

Although the female anchor was a little frightened by Mu Rufeng's means and terror, she felt much better when she thought that the number of people in her live broadcast room had exceeded six figures.

He immediately looked at his mobile phone, but found that it had already rusted and decayed, like an old machine for decades.

"My mobile phone!" The female anchor was shocked, and then immediately took out another mobile phone from her pocket.

When she opened the software and entered her personal homepage, she was horrified to find that her account was permanently blocked.


"Minister Mu, I'm really sorry, it's our mistake in our work." The airport leader apologized with sweat on his face.

"It's none of your business. Compensate as before. I will transfer the money to your airport account later."

"Take off as soon as possible." Mu Rufeng said, and walked towards the plane.

"Yes, yes, Minister Mu, you are not required to pay for the compensation. We will do it. After all, it is our mistake."

"Yes." Mu Rufeng paused and then walked into the plane.

"Don't stand there. Close the cabin door and urge the captain to take off as soon as possible." The leader shouted to the flight attendant.

"Yes, leader!"

The flight attendant and another space immediately entered the plane and immediately began to close the cabin door.


The white clouds are leisurely and the time is fleeting.

When Mu Rufeng got off the plane, more than five hours had passed.

Mu Rufeng came to the capital of Asan.

When he just came out of the airport exit, he saw a large group of contractors surrounding him.

Obviously, they received a notice.

It's not that they want to receive Mu Rufeng, but they want to catch Mu Rufeng and see why he came here.

A few hours ago, China called and said that there would be a plane directly to the capital of Asan.

Asan didn't want to agree, but agreed for some reason.

Look, they are waiting to do something bad.

One of the leaders, let alone Mu Rufeng, had seen him before, when he was at the headquarters in Beijing. He was a contractor named Apra standing behind the representative of Asan Country.

When Apra saw that it was Mu Rufeng, he was shocked, and then a grim smile appeared on his face.

"Go, catch him for me." Apra immediately gave the order.

Upon hearing this, all the contractors rushed towards Mu Rufeng.

Some ordinary people who blocked the road were directly pushed down or pulled away by them, without any care.

It is different abroad from China. Contractors really don't treat ordinary people as human beings, and the power they hold is also huge, and they oppress ordinary people even more.

Those ordinary people who were knocked to the ground didn't even dare to say a word, and kept apologizing and hiding far away.

"Apra, you dare to attack me?" Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and saw ice flowers appear.

The five contractors who ran over were wrapped in ice flowers, and their movements were directly blocked.

The strength of these five contractors was not bad, two were level 4, three were level 3, but they were directly controlled by Mu Rufeng.

"Humph, this is my territory. I didn't expect you to dare to come here, so hand over the props on you."

Apra stepped hard on the ground with his right foot.

Suddenly, his body suddenly swelled, and palm-sized black scales began to appear on his skin.

After a while, he turned into a three-meter-tall lizard man.

"Aren't you afraid of my sunglasses?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Huh~~!" Ah San opened his bloody mouth and spit out a mouthful of black mist.

The black mist instantly enveloped the surroundings, and there was no sight at all.

"You can't see, can you still make me pregnant?" Ah San sneered.

"Huh? The people of Ah San are so smart?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"Of course, our Ah San is the world's number one power, and the people are also the world's smartest." Apula said proudly.

"You must have a lot of good things on you, hehe, I'm going to be rich this time."

As soon as Apula finished speaking, he was ready to take action.

But soon, he found that his lower body was frozen for some reason.

When was it frozen? He didn't notice it at all.

He exerted force with his legs to break free, but found that it was too hard and there was no movement at all.

Even his sharp claws tried to break the ice, but found that only a white mark was left.

"You are smart, knowing to spit out black mist to block my sight. You are stupid, but you don't even look at my identity in the headquarters."

"Even if I am only a level 4 contractor, do you think you can take me down as a level 5 contractor? Then did I, the deputy director of the headquarters, get promoted by connections?" Mu Rufeng said with a sneer.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that I can see through the fog in the wilderness area. What's the use of your black fog except that it stinks?"

Mu Rufeng had already put on the sunglasses and looked at Apula.

Originally, Mu Rufeng didn't want to do this, but this guy proposed it himself, so Mu Rufeng naturally fulfilled his wish.

Soon, Apula felt his stomach begin to grow rapidly, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Let me go, no, I was wrong, I was wrong." Apula immediately cried and begged for mercy.

His body also shrank rapidly, trying to escape from the ice.

However, even if his body recovered, his lower body was still frozen and unable to move, but his belly became bigger.

The due date was only ten days, and if he didn't give birth, his belly would get bigger and bigger.

And what was born was really a baby, of course, it was formed by the rules in the sunglasses combined with the blood and flesh genes in the pregnant man's body.

It should be an alien between the strange baby and humans.

Women are okay, after all, there is a set of production procedures, for men, they can only have a caesarean section within ten days.

Mu Rufeng didn't plan to kill them, but he still wanted interest.

Mu Rufeng took out the soul-sucking gourd, released the soul-sucking field, and directly began to absorb the soul power of these contractors.

An ordinary person has 1 unit of soul power. A first-level contractor has doubled it to 2 units of soul power. A second-level contractor has doubled it again to 4 units of soul power. The third level has 8 units and the fourth level has 16 units.

When starting from the fifth level, the soul power begins to surge, multiplied by five times to 80 units. If you directly comprehend the ghost, it will be ten times, 160 units.

Based on the fifth level of comprehending the ghost, the sixth level doubles to 320 units, the seventh level continues to double to 640 units, and the eighth level doubles again to 1280 units.

For the ninth-level ghost emperor, it directly surges ten times to 12,800 units.

And these are just the most basic. As long as they meet the requirements, they have reached the soul power strength of this level.

If you eat some spiritual objects or refine soul power, your soul power can continue to increase.

So the level 5 contractor Apra in front of him seemed to be a ghost who had comprehended the den, with a total of 80 units of soul power.

Mu Rufeng was not polite and directly took away 79 units of soul power, leaving him only the amount of an ordinary person.

The other contractors did the same, leaving only the amount of an ordinary person.

The soul power income was 130 units, which was converted into 130,000 soul notes.

There were only a few contractors, and they earned so much at once.

It is hard to imagine how much soul power would be possessed if all the contractors in the world were absorbed?

Mu Rufeng looked at the soul-absorbing gourd, and his mood became less calm.

It was precious, it was really precious. In Mu Rufeng's hands, this value could even be compared with the Book of Time.

Then, Mu Rufeng disappeared in a flash.

Mu Rufeng did not leave, but came directly to the top of the airport, the observation tower.

He glanced around and found that this place was relatively remote, with no buildings or people around.

Mu Rufeng did not stay here, and immediately flew towards the center of the city in his thunder and fire armor.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng landed on a huge high-rise building.

The country of India is indeed very developed, with a large number of top technologies and high-end patents.

This city is also bustling with traffic and tall buildings, and is not inferior to some big cities in China.

If it is said to be underdeveloped, the gap between the rich and the poor is polarized. The rich can be as rich as a country, and the poor can starve to death.

India has to starve to death millions of people every year. What era is this? So many people can still starve to death in a year. It is simply a wonder among wonders.

Jiu Deli is the capital of Asan Country. It is also the second largest city in the country after Mengmai. It has a population of 32 million and covers an area of ​​1,484 square kilometers. It is one of the most populous cities in the world.

Mu Rufeng withdrew his eyes from the traffic downstairs, and then waved his hand, and ten corpses appeared on the ground.

These ten corpses were collected by Mu Rufeng when he passed by a mass grave at the airport.

The temperature in Asan Country is relatively suitable, now it is about 25 degrees. These corpses were just thrown into the mass grave at will, and no one dug a pit to bury them.

So these ten corpses have been somewhat rotten, emitting a strong corpse odor.

There were maggots originally, but because living things cannot be put into the inventory, Mu Rufeng also removed all the maggots and put them into the inventory.

It is hard to imagine that there is a mass grave in the capital of Asan Country. No one would believe it if they were told.

These corpses are naturally for the purpose of performing [Life and Death].

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