I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 266 Entering the Undead Optimal Dungeon? [Seeking monthly votes]

Mu Rufeng hypnotized himself and regarded these ten people as mortal enemies. Then he used [Life and Death] and [Potential Explosion] to increase his strength.

Then Mu Rufeng took out the Soul-Absorbing Gourd.

In China, Mu Rufeng did not dare to do this, but abroad, he had fewer concerns.

The first stop was here. He planned to visit several countries that were clamoring in the next few days.

Mu Rufeng took a deep breath and activated the Soul-Absorbing Gourd.

A black gas emerged from the mouth of the gourd, and then it quickly surged and spread in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, it reached the limit of five kilometers.

Mu Rufeng's strongest state can only reach this distance.

But Mu Rufeng is not Ye Lin, and he has no money to invest in the Soul-Absorbing Gourd.

Mu Rufeng took out 10,000 soul notes and tried to let the Soul-Absorbing Gourd absorb them.

Mu Rufeng felt that the range of the soul-sucking gourd had increased by 100 meters. Mu Rufeng absorbed 10,000 soul notes into it again and found that the range had increased by another 100 meters.

Now he finally knew that it was not that the range of 10,000 soul notes doubled, but that the range of 10,000 soul notes increased by 100 meters.

The reason why Ye Lin said that was that his range was only 100 meters, and he invested 10,000 soul notes once, and the range increased by 100 meters, which was doubled.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng directly took out 10 million from the Tiandi Bank card and piled it in front of him.

Then, a lot of soul notes were swallowed by the soul-sucking gourd.

The soul-sucking field also began to expand wildly, and in the blink of an eye it reached a range of 70 kilometers.

This city has 1,400 square kilometers, and the diameter is about 60 square kilometers.

Mu Rufeng stretched it to 70 kilometers, which can be said to cover the entire city.

Ordinary people cannot detect it, but the contractor with the ghost cave can detect it instantly.

This city is the capital of Asan Country, so it naturally has many contractors, and the strongest ones should be concentrated here.

Therefore, there are quite a few contractors with ghost dens.

They also instantly noticed the coverage of the ghost den.

They first unfolded their own ghost dens, and then tried to break through the ghost dens and even escape.

But they found that no matter how far they ran, they were still covered by the ghost den.

They even found the ordinary people in this ghost den, or in other words, this ghost den covered the whole city.

At this moment, the whole city fell into a state of war preparedness.

After all, this is the capital of a country.

Mu Rufeng knew all the reactions of these people clearly.

He also released his own ghost den and merged into the soul-sucking ghost den without any hindrance.

In the ghost den, he is a god, who can change some things, change the terrain, and even know and observe everything in the ghost den.

Because Mu Rufeng came to absorb soul power this time, not to kill.

Therefore, some people who were performing dangerous operations were ignored, such as doctors who were performing surgery, driving vehicles, working at heights, elderly people, babies, etc.

If these people absorbed soul power and their bodies suddenly changed, it would definitely cause huge consequences and even endanger their lives.

As for other people, such as those watching TV, walking, sleeping, working in the office, playing games, etc., it doesn't matter.

As for some cats and dogs and other animals, Mu Rufeng did not absorb them.

After all, absorbing once means 0.1 soul power, and these cats and dogs are afraid that they will die suddenly.

A faint suction surrounded most people in the city.

After just one minute, Mu Rufeng noticed that the soul power in the soul-absorbing gourd suddenly increased.

"One minute?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

Ye Lin said that he absorbed soul power for ten minutes to absorb 0.1 units.

As for Mu Rufeng, he absorbed 0.1 units in one minute. This comparison simply hit Ye Lin to pieces.

Mu Rufeng guessed that the first reason for such a big gap was the difference in strength, and the second reason should be the difference in soul power.

Five minutes later, Mu Rufeng collected the Soul-Absorbing Ghost Den, and then collected the ten corpses and soul notes on the ground.

Mu Rufeng looked at the soul power unit of the Soul-Absorbing Ghost Den at this moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

[Current Soul Power: 7110550]

Seven million and one hundred thousand, a full seven million and one hundred thousand, if converted into soul power, that would be 710 million.

In just a few minutes, Mu Rufeng had seven times the 100 million soul power he had worked so hard to obtain in the Golden City.

"Fuck, this soul-absorbing gourd is too cool."

Even with Mu Rufeng's extensive knowledge, he could not suppress his excitement at this moment.

"But the consumption is also quite large." A thunderous sound came from Mu Rufeng's stomach.

Controlling such a large range of soul-sucking ghosts, even with the support of soul notes, Mu Rufeng's consumption was huge.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out a large amount of food and ate it in a few bites, and then activated the hungry ghost stomach to digest it quickly.

The hunger in the stomach disappeared instantly, and the state returned to its peak again.

Using soul notes can also restore ghost power, but the time is very slow, but eating is different. With the ability of his hungry ghost stomach, it is simply perfect.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng covered his whole body with thunder and fire armor, and then headed towards the next city.

At this moment, the city has fallen into some chaos.

Of course, this chaos is not too chaotic.

It is just that a large number of people have symptoms such as mental depression, fatigue, and drowsiness.

Not one or two, but hundreds of thousands, millions, and even tens of millions of people.

Mu Rufeng left in a chic manner, but it was hard for those contractors.

The contractors did not change much, because their soul strength was high. In five minutes, they lost 0.5 units of strength, and there was no reaction at all.

At first, they thought that it was a copy of the weird world that came, covering the whole city, and everyone in the city would enter the copy.

But later they found that they did not feel any discomfort. In just five minutes, this ghost cave disappeared, and they really did not feel any danger.

However, now tens of millions of people in the city have some bad symptoms, even including some senior officials.

They have been given a death order and must find out what happened.

I think they will definitely not find anything in a short time, but after a while, they will probably know that it was Mu Rufeng who was playing tricks.

Mu Rufeng didn't care. What if he was discovered? Could he be stopped?

At this moment, Mu Rufeng had come to a large town near the capital of Asan.

Although it was a small town, the houses here were shabby, and some of the main roads were even yellow mud roads.

The streets were bustling with people.

There were countless three-wheeled motorcycles, two-wheeled motorcycles, wooden bicycles, etc.

There were all kinds of street food stalls, which made people sick. The ingredients were good, but once they were put into the pot, they became sparse.

You know, this is a small town close to the capital, and it is so shabby.

It is estimated that most of the people here are low-caste people.

There are not many people here, as many as millions.

Mu Rufeng directly launched the soul-sucking field, and in just a few minutes, he gained hundreds of thousands of soul power.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to continuously extract soul power in one city after another.

However, when Mu Rufeng was in the tenth city, Asan Kingdom finally reacted and was blocked by a large number of contractors.

"Minister Mu, you are a person from the relevant department, what on earth are you planning?"

"Those ordinary people are all your tricks, right? If you don't tell me today, then you can't leave." Moqi stared at Mu Rufeng and said coldly.

Moqi is the most powerful contractor in Asan Kingdom, a level 7 ghost general, and also represented Asan Kingdom to the headquarters of the relevant departments.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the contractors who surrounded him, sneered, and then a light of thunder and fire burst out around his body.

Everyone felt a palpitation, and their eyes were filled with the light of thunder and fire.

When calm was restored, Mu Rufeng was no longer there.

"Damn, isn't this guy a level 4 contractor? Why is he so powerful?" Moqi hated secretly.

He couldn't catch up, and he couldn't beat him, what could he do?


Mu Rufeng didn't continue to harm Asan Kingdom.

Ten cities, with some small towns with a large population, have already earned Mu Rufeng more than 40 million soul units.

Then Mu Rufeng quietly sneaked into an airport.

He found a plane to the island country nearby, and then hid in the plane and became a passenger.


Just as Mu Rufeng flew to the island country safely.

The entire country of Asan fell into panic.

It was really that Mu Rufeng's incident this time was too big. There were hundreds of millions of people in ten cities.

Now everyone in every city was panicking. At the same time, because this matter was too big, it spread all over the world.


Headquarters of the relevant department in the capital of China.

In the Book Room of Time.

Ye Lin was standing on the sofa, looking through some documents.

Just at this time, the door opened, and Tian Youdao walked in.

"Old Ye, something happened in Asan."

"Asan? What happened? So anxious." Ye Lin put down the information in his hand and looked at Tian Youdao.

"More than 100 million people in the country of Asan have been affected by the ghost den, and most of them have experienced fatigue, mental depression, and a series of other symptoms."

"I learned from Moqi that it was Mu Rufeng who did it. I don't know what's going on now." Tian Youdao said.

"What? Who are you talking about?" Ye Lin stood up from the sofa at once.

"Mu Rufeng, Moqi just called me and asked me to give an explanation." Tian Youdao said.

"Mu Rufeng, Mu Rufeng, hundreds of millions of people, fatigue, mental depression, haha, as expected, it was really right to give the gourd to Mu Rufeng."

"Haha, Lao Tian, ​​we don't lack soul notes, we will never lack them, haha." Ye Lin laughed and said.

Although Ye Lin didn't know how Mu Rufeng used the soul-sucking gourd to absorb the soul power of hundreds of millions of people in ten cities in such a short time.

But being able to do this means that Mu Rufeng has now absorbed at least tens of millions of units of soul power.

Tens of millions, what a concept.

Ye Lin had previously asked Mu Rufeng to go to the African savannah to kill those animals and plants. It was unnecessary, totally unnecessary.

Because Mu Rufeng could completely harvest the soul power of humans all over the world without hurting their lives.

Is the strange world scary? Very scary, but when everyone in the world has a login bracelet, this kind of horror will be reduced to a very low level.

Even if a person only has four chances, it is better than no chance at all.

This is the best they can do.

"Old Ye, what's going on? What are you laughing at? And why don't you lack money?" Tian Youdao looked puzzled.


At three o'clock in the morning of the next day.

Mu Rufeng successfully got off the plane at Edo International Airport.

It was early in the morning, and most people were in deep sleep.

There were few pedestrians and vehicles on the street, which was just right for absorbing soul power.

Mu Rufeng came to a tall building, and as before, he absorbed the soul money into it, and then released the soul-sucking ghost, which instantly enveloped the entire Edo City.

Although Edo City is extremely densely populated, it is still a little small. The population of the entire city is only more than 13 million.

After six minutes, he absorbed seven million soul powers. Mu Rufeng didn't like the island country, so he absorbed one more minute.

But even so, it was almost the same as the soul power absorbed by the capital of the country of Asan, which has a population of more than 30 million.

The reason for this was that it was daytime in Asan at that time, and most people were working or driving, and could not absorb soul power.

On the island side, it was early in the morning, and most people were sleeping, and only a small number of people were working and driving. In addition, he absorbed 0.1 points more, so it was almost enough.

After absorbing, Mu Rufeng prepared to go to the next city.

But he hadn't flown far just now, and he was stopped again.

Yes, it was impossible for him to fly away so high-profile without being discovered.

"It's you, Mu Rufeng. You really are the one who caused the incident in Asan Country. Now you dare to come to my island country."

"It's the gourd prop in your hand. It can absorb the vitality of humans. Although I don't know what you are planning, it belongs to us."

Inoue Zuo Ai looked at Mu Rufeng with a grim smile.

Around, many level 7 ghost generals were already in place, and there were many level 6 and level 5 contractors below.

"Do you have to jump out? You are looking for death, then you can't blame me." Mu Rufeng glanced around and said slowly.

"Haha, you, a level 4 contractor, still want to..." Inoue Zuo Ai was interrupted before she finished speaking.

A terrifying explosion of fire came in an instant.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Thunder and heat attacked in all directions.

The dark night sky was illuminated as if it were daytime at this moment.

[Triggering success, killing the seventh-level contractor, strength +0.4, ghost power +0.4%]

[Triggering success, killing the sixth-level weird, spirit +0.3, ghost power +0.3%]

[Triggering success, killing the fourth-level weird, spirit +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

[Triggering success, killing the fifth-level weird, strength +0.2, ghost power +0.2%]

[Triggering success, killing the sixth-level weird, constitution +0.3, ghost power +0.3%]

A lot of garbage fell from the sky.

At the same time, the soul-sucking gourd suddenly triggered, and then the soul power balance directly increased by 640+320+320+80+16=1376 units of soul power.

Sure enough, the contractor is still fat, not only the contractor himself counts, but also the weirdness of the contract in his body.

Through the prompts, he learned that he had contracted two level 6 weirds with ghosts, and the level 5 weird had no ghosts.

I thought those people would run away, but suddenly a golden light flew over.

It actually ignored the thunder and fire armor around Mu Rufeng and hit Mu Rufeng directly.

"Quick, he was bound by my rule props, kill him together!" A voice shouted.

Immediately, a large number of attacks attacked Mu Rufeng.

The rule props were really unreasonable. The gap between the two sides was huge but they could still bind him.

However, when those attacks came, they couldn't even break the defense of Mu Rufeng's thunder and fire armor.

A second later, Mu Rufeng had resumed his actions.

Another thunder and fire explosion was launched, killing another level 7 ghost general.

Suddenly, there was another wave of income.

The remaining contractors did not dare to stay here and quickly fled in all directions.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the fleeing contractors, ignored them, and continued to the next city.

The second city, the third city.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the fourth city, a large group of people were waiting on the main road of the city, as if they were waiting for Mu Rufeng's arrival.

Among this group of people, there were ordinary people and contractors, and the strongest was still a level 7 contractor.

"Minister Mu, please come down to see me." Mei Chuan Nei Ku saw the light of thunder and fire in the sky and shouted to the top.

Mu Rufeng heard it, thought for a while, and still landed.

"Looking for me?" Mu Rufeng looked at Mei Chuan Nei Ku and said lightly.

"Mr. Mu, I wonder what you are doing now? Will the symptoms of our people endanger their lives?"

Mei Chuan Nei Ku stopped talking, but a middle-aged man in a suit next to him spoke.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the islander, who looked familiar and was a senior official of the island country.

"Of course it's fine, I just absorb some vitality from them." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

Absorbing vitality, it was from that Alap's mouth, and Mu Rufeng happened to say this.

"Life force? I don't know what Mr. Mu is going to do with the vitality?" Meichuan Neiku asked.

"What it is for is none of your business, these vitality are the interest of the login bracelet we sold to you at cost price." Mu Rufeng said.

"Interest?" Meichuan Neiku frowned.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, he saw Mu Rufeng had already flown high into the sky, and then took out the soul-sucking gourd again.

After a while, the whole city was shrouded by the soul-sucking ghost.

Although those contractors also felt uncomfortable, they didn't care much.

Because they knew that this ghost had no effect on them, only on ordinary people.

But the senior official and some ordinary people next to him changed their faces slightly.

"Neiku-kun, what should we do now? My vitality will also be absorbed." The senior official looked at Meichuan Neiku.

"It's okay, at most I will be weak for a while, and there will be no danger to my life. I will go to Minister Mu to negotiate." Meichuan Neiku didn't dare to stop him after all.

The last person who stopped him was Inoue Zuo Ai, who was already dead.

He had a very clear understanding of his own strength and never took risks.

Six minutes later, Mu Rufeng took back the soul-sucking ghost den, and did not talk to Meichuan Neiku and others, and went directly to the next city.


Three days later, Mu Rufeng successfully got off the plane in Texas.

Similarly, he also quietly got on a plane in the Korean country without anyone noticing.

During these three days, Mu Rufeng almost traveled all over the Korean country and the island country.

It was because of this that both countries fell into great chaos.

Of course, although the chaos was chaotic, it did not cause any big trouble.

After all, they were all listless and exhausted, so how could they have the energy to make a big mess?

At this moment, he already had 100 million units of soul power.

He was not short of money, this time he really was not short of money.

100 million units of soul power could be exchanged for 10 billion soul power, and 10 billion soul power could be exchanged for 10 trillion soul notes.

Mu Rufeng now felt that the soul notes had suddenly become ghost money, with seven or eight zeros, or even more than ten zeros.

In fact, the wealth he had had exceeded the 1 trillion soul notes he had obtained from the plug-in on the second copy, the Bloody Train.

Mu Rufeng felt that this was enough for the time being, and he needed to be more stable these days.

After all, before getting on the plane, Ye Lin called him and asked him to keep a low profile.

Because many countries sent people to the headquarters again.

Without exception, they all asked Ye Lin to explain what Mu Rufeng was doing and what he was planning.

The most ruthless ones are the Koreans, the island countries and the Indians.

Others are just curious about what Mu Rufeng is doing, and they may also think that it will be their turn.

Of course, they dare not force the palace again. After all, the war has been announced, how dare they continue to force the palace.

The one in the South China Sea also paid attention to this matter.

It’s not that Mu Rufeng is not allowed to absorb soul power, but don’t pick up a country to do it.

If the soul power is enough, let Mu Rufeng take a rest. If not, then there is no need to rest, continue to do it, and Ye Lin will take care of the rest.

Actually, it’s said to take care of it, but there is no pressure at all.

People from these countries came to question Ye Lin, and Ye Lin also dismissed them with a light sentence.

Absorbing vitality is their cost price or even the interest of selling the landing bracelet in RMB.

Then what else can they say? After all, it has no effect on the contractors, and there is no life-threatening situation for ordinary people. At most, there are only some not very serious symptoms.

"Let's first determine the specific location of the real-world channel of Wang Xi's preferred choice."

Although Mu Rufeng now knows that the location is Wagner Farm, this farm spans six counties and is extremely vast.

When Mu Rufeng came to Wagner Farm, he could see the extremely vast plain.

There are large tracts of fertile grassland on the plain, and large tracts of cattle and sheep are kept in the grassland.

It must be said that the geographical location of the United States is really good, and the resources are so rich that it is really enviable.

Mu Rufeng didn't need to look for it, Mu Rufeng found the location of the real-world channel of Wang Xi's preferred choice.

Because it is really too obvious.

A huge warehouse was built directly in a place in the farm.

Next to it is the slaughterhouse. I only saw cattle and sheep being sent to the huge warehouse after being slaughtered, and I never saw cattle, sheep, pigs and other meat being transported out of the warehouse.

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng found multiple contractors and a large number of armed personnel in it.

Under this situation, it must be.

Mu Rufeng quietly went in to take a look, and left after confirming it.

He did not alert the enemy. Now that he had found the location, he had to wait for the specific time point of January 1 to destroy the channel.

Mu Rufeng dug a hidden cave on a nearby mountain.

He simply decorated the cave and took out some mattresses, pillows, tables, chairs, beds and other furniture items.

Looking at the time, today is December 25th, and Mu Rufeng is going to spend this week here.

But to be honest, today is Christmas. For some Chinese people, Christmas is a date day.

But in the eyes of foreigners, it is just like the Chinese New Year.

"Christmas, tut tut, I'm afraid that many people will enter the dungeon today."

Mu Rufeng knows that there will be exclusive dungeons for some well-known holidays.

For example, there will be an exclusive dungeon for Christmas.

The information of the dungeon is recorded in the dungeon, and there are also strategies, but they are useless.

Because the Christmas exclusive dungeon is different every time you enter it, the strategy is useless.

Mu Rufeng lay on the lazy sofa, took out his mobile phone, read a novel, and ate delicious food, which was extremely comfortable.

Fortunately, his mobile phone is a level 5 prop skull mobile phone. Even in the mountains, it still has full signal and network, and the signal will not be detected by any real technology.

Unknowingly, night fell.

Mu Rufeng was still lying on the lazy sofa, reading the novel leisurely.

There was a table lamp on the table, illuminating the dark cave.

"It's really poisonous. The novel was clearly written well in the beginning, but why did the protagonist have to go to the wedding to show off, and pretend to be a big fool."

Mu Rufeng cursed.

Mu Rufeng couldn't help it, and directly exited the reading interface, and then entered the book homepage, clicked into the comment area, and directly posted a post.

[The author is really a sand sculpture, the previous writing is so good, the imagination and the subject matter are all very good, but why did he have to feed poison, wasting the gold alliance I rewarded, delete the book, bye! ]

After posting this post, Mu Rufeng directly deleted this book "The Van That Can Travel Across" from the bookshelf.

"Lonely little article? How can a dead loser not be lonely? Humph!" Mu Rufeng snorted coldly, and then continued to look for other books to read.

[Instance information has been generated]

[Entering instance: Undead Optimization]

[Instance type: Multiplayer instance]

[Number of participants: 50]

[Please note, LV4 contractor Mu Rufeng, you will enter the Undead Optimization instance in ten minutes, please be prepared]

Mu Rufeng, who had just found a book and had not yet clicked to enter the official reading, was a little confused.

"What's going on? How come I'm allowed to enter the instance in less than a month?"

Mu Rufeng clearly remembered that he came back from the ancient battlefield on December 11th, and only half a month has passed.

Logically, he still has half a month to enter the instance?

Moreover, he entered the instance of Undead Optimization? Isn't this just a coincidence?

Just to say, shouldn't it be Undead Optimization? How could it be Undead Optimization?

But these are not the most important things. The most important thing is that he has entered the instance now, so how can he destroy the channels in the real world?

Destroy it now? Or bury a bomb and detonate it at a fixed time?

Ten minutes is not enough.

Mu Rufeng's mind turned quickly, and soon, he thought of it.

He immediately called Ye Lin.

"Hello, Xiao Mu, is there anything you want to talk to me about?" Ye Lin's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I want to ask you for a favor."

"Help? What favor?"

"I'm at Wagner Farm now. I plan to stay here for a week and then destroy the channel of the Dead Eve Optimization."

"But I just got a reminder from the login bracelet. I will enter the dungeon in ten minutes, so I want you to help me destroy their channel on the 1st." Mu Rufeng said.

"You are going to enter the dungeon again? But you haven't been there for a month yet, right?"

"Wait, today is the 25th, and you entered the Christmas exclusive dungeon?" Ye Lin immediately thought of today's holiday.

"No, no, I entered the dungeon of the Undead Optimization." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Undead Optimization? How... how is this possible?" Ye Lin was puzzled.

"No matter what, I can't destroy the real channel. You know that the undead selection needs to stay in there for at least ten days, so I can only find you."

"This matter is related to our real channel. Although we may not be short of money in the future, not being short of money and being able to make money are two different things." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, no problem, leave it to me." Ye Lin finally agreed.

"By the way, you can call several level eight ghost kings in the country together. Safety first, be careful. I will pay for it. One million soul notes per person." Mu Rufeng said.

"No money, I can call it." Ye Lin said.

"No, one million per person. Although this matter is also a public matter, it is actually my private matter, so one million per person, including Minister Ye." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, since you said so, one million, I guess they will agree to it happily." Ye Lin said with a smile.

"You also have to protect our channels. I believe that once we destroy them, they will definitely come to attack us."

"Haha, don't worry, I have already considered these." Ye Lin said.

"The time is almost up, so I won't talk much. I wish you good luck."

"Well, I also wish you good luck in the dungeon. It's best not to be discovered, otherwise...haha." Ye Lin also smiled.

Then Mu Rufeng hung up the phone with Ye Lin.

What Ye Lin said was indeed reasonable. His identity really couldn't be exposed.

If his identity as a shareholder of Scarlet Optimal was exposed, he would be in trouble in the territory of Undead Optimal.

Even if he could return safely with the login bracelet, it would be very uncomfortable to fail a copy like this.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng immediately took off all his clothes, shoes, gloves, ghost hands, etc. and put them in the storage box.

But he thought of something else and put away the bandages and Kirin magic wand.

Although it is not uncommon to see weird people with bandages, it is rare to see contractors with bandages.

Mu Rufeng is the most famous one.

Then Mu Rufeng began to look for some props in his inventory.

But looking around, the lowest level props are all level five.

This made Mu Rufeng a little upset.

Helpless Mu Rufeng could only wear ordinary casual clothes.

He was not wearing any props.

He was not worried about his face being discovered, after all, few people knew his face, and those who knew his face were all bigwigs from all sides.

Seeing that there were only a few minutes left, Mu Rufeng opened the APP of the relevant department again and checked the recent copy information of the Undead Optimization.

Not to mention, the Undead Optimization is really still called the Undead Optimization, and it has not been renamed.

It is estimated that it needs to be kept confidential, and now the words "Undead Optimization" cannot be known to others.


Ten minutes passed quickly.

Mu Rufeng felt dizzy.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was in a larger office.

This office is relatively empty, and some goods are piled up in the corners.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng is not the only one in the office. There are a total of fifty people, which is also the number of participants in this copy.

Mu Rufeng glanced and found that among these people, half were contractors, and the rest were all ordinary people.

Including Mu Rufeng, there are 25 contractors, including three level 5, ten level 4, and the remaining twelve are all level 3 contractors.

Those contractors are all fine, they all remain calm, and look around vigilantly, and at the same time subconsciously have a guard against others.

As for those ordinary people, some are very excited and excited, and are obviously looking forward to entering the dungeon.

Some people are more worried and afraid, knowing that the mortality rate in the dungeon is very high, so they seem a little uneasy.

However, there is no such fear that they cry for their parents, after all, they have also learned some relevant information about the dungeon of the weird world.

[Enter the dungeon: Undead Optimization]

[Dungeon Type: Multiplayer Dungeon]

[Participants: 50]

[Clearance Task: Survive for Ten Days]

Simple, ordinary clearance task, survive for ten days.

To say that you survive for ten days is actually to work for ten days, or to be exploited for ten days.

If you die, then it will be a bargain for those weird things, and if you are exploited for ten days, then it will be a cheap undead Optimization.

No matter what, it's not easy to survive for ten days.

Soon, three weirdos came in from outside the office.

"Level 5 contractors, follow me." A level 6 weirdo said.

Soon, the three level 5 contractors stood up.

"Three, not bad, let's go." The level 6 weirdo nodded with satisfaction, and then took the three away.

Another level 5 weirdo also said: "Level 4 contractors, step out."

Mu Rufeng heard the words, and after seeing someone stand up, he also stood up.

Immediately, he was led out of the door by the level 5 weirdo.

He was the last one to walk, and he could clearly hear the level 4 contractor asking the remaining twelve level 3 contractors to step out.

Well, the three people who came were just one level higher than them, and then they took them away in three batches.

As for the remaining ordinary people, I'm afraid there will be another weirdo to take them away.

Mu Rufeng followed behind the crowd silently, and the group of people didn't talk at all, and they were all looking around.

When they walked out of the office, they entered a huge warehouse.

The layout of the warehouse is similar to that of Scarlet Optimization, or the layout of this kind of logistics park is basically the same.

There are many weird employees in the warehouse who are actively picking and pulling goods, and there are weird people loading and unloading goods on the platform.

From this warehouse, it seems that the work of Undead Optimization is still very busy.

In fact, they have already laid off more than half of their employees.

If it were before, it would be even busier here.

Soon, a group of people came to the platform on the other side of the warehouse.

"Does anyone know how to drive a truck?" The level 5 weird said.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you when they heard it, and finally two people stood up.

One is a middle-aged uncle named Luo Dahai, and the other is Mu Rufeng.

Although he has not really driven a truck, Mu Rufeng has the title of crazy driver and is proficient in various means of transportation, and trucks are no exception.

The most important thing is that driving a truck can go to the outside world, so that he can move easily.

"Lao Zhou, come here." The level five monster shouted to a monster in the distance.

"Here we come, here we come, Manager Wang." The strange man named Lao Zhou put down his work and immediately ran over from a distance.

"Old Zhou, these two contractors are driving under your command."

"Oh, Director Wang, thank you so much. You've got me some help. I only have two people, and I only have three, so I'm not busy at all."

"It will be a lot easier now that two contractors are here." Lao Zhou looked overjoyed. "

"Well, take care of them, remember?" Manager Wang glanced at Lao Zhou and said calmly.

"Yes, yes, I understand." Lao Zhou nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, Director Wang led the remaining contractors and walked forward.

"My name is Zhou Dalong, and I am the leader of the third team of the Ministry of Transport. You can call me team leader and tell me your names."

When Supervisor Wang led the people away, Lao Zhou, who was originally groveling, suddenly became arrogant.

"Luo Dahai." The middle-aged man said.

"Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng also introduced himself.

"This is your work permit. Remember, when you drive out to deliver goods, you must come back before nine o'clock in the evening."

"Yes, team leader."

Mu Rufeng and Luo Dahai both took their work permits and hung them around their necks like Zhou Dalong.

"Have you seen those two cars? Go and drive the car over now and drive it to the loading rack under the platform."

"Remember, be steady and don't fall off the pedal frame, otherwise, hehehehe~~!"

Zhou Dalong said, taking two car keys and handing them to Mu Rufeng and Luo Dahai respectively.

After Luo Dahai took the key, he was ready to jump off the platform.

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