I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 269 The intrusion of the Christmas exclusive copy [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"City Lord, I heard that once you reach the ninth level of Ghost Emperor, the Golden City will give you a permanent Golden City coin, and you can freely travel to the Golden City once a month."

"I don't know if I can get one?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Mr. Mu is well-informed. Haha, the rules of the Golden City stipulate that only the ninth level Ghost Emperor will give one."

"However, we have just completed a major transaction, and we can make an exception and give you an eternal coin."

When Zhao Chen's voice fell, golden light fell from the sky, and finally condensed into a golden coin in front of Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng reached out and took the coin in his hand.

[Eternal Gold Coin of Golden City]: This is a special gold coin made by the Golden City. It will only be given when a new Ghost Emperor is born.

Effect: Special props, you have a chance once a month to enter the Golden City with this gold coin. If the holder is a contractor, you can enter the Golden City in the form of a copy summon with this gold coin.

Current binder: Mu Rufeng

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng's eyes narrowed slightly.

He originally thought that this gold coin would only allow him to enter the Golden City once a month, but he didn't expect that he would be summoned in the form of a dungeon every time he entered.

If this is the case, then Mu Rufeng's upgrade times are doubled?

And after level 5, he only enters a dungeon once every three months. If he has this eternal gold coin, Mu Rufeng's level will be rapidly improved.

Mu Rufeng put the eternal gold coin into the item column with great satisfaction.

"Lord Zhao, I won't hide how I got these 10 billion soul powers. This is because I absorbed the soul power of humans in the real world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Absorbing the soul power of humans in the real world? No wonder, no wonder, but I remember that your social order in the real world is very strict."

"You collected so much soul power and killed so many humans. Didn't anyone stop you?" Zhao Chen said.

Mu Rufeng smiled when he heard this.

It is obvious that Zhao Chen thinks that Mu Rufeng used some special method to absorb the soul power of humans.

And the person whose soul power is absorbed will also die.

"Death? No, no, no, there are billions of humans in the real world, and it is enough for me to absorb a little bit."

"After a while, they will recover again. Tell me, why should I kill them?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Well? Mr. Mu, you mean that you can freely absorb more or less soul power from humans?" Zhao Chen asked.

Mu Rufeng smiled but did not speak.

"Mr. Mu, I wonder what method you use?"

"Hehe, Lord Zhao, this is my own secret. By the way, I wonder if I can buy some talents, skill cards, and props from you?"

"Of course, I buy them with soul power." Mu Rufeng said.

"Sorry, Mr. Mu, the Golden City stipulates that it cannot be traded."

"The things given to you before were all given to you on the issue of interest."

"Only the final winner of the Golden City Grand Event held once every ten years can conduct three unlimited transactions with the Golden City."

"The event will start on January 1st. You already have an invitation letter in your hand. Please come, Mr. Mu." Zhao Chen said.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Yes, the Golden City event, which takes place once every ten years, will start on January 1st.

Tang Feng sent the invitation letter when he was in the Golden City dungeon last time.

Because he had experienced so many things in these days, Mu Rufeng actually forgot about it.

"Lord Zhao, I am playing a dungeon game now, and I will not return until at least the night of the 2nd. If I hold the Golden City invitation letter, can I come here?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course, the invitation letter will summon you in the form of a dungeon. When the event is over, it will count as a dungeon and then return to the dungeon game you are playing."

"When you complete the dungeon game, it will still count as a number." Zhao Chen said.

"I see, thank you for explaining my doubts. I will definitely participate then." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Then you must prepare more soul power. You just exchanged 10 billion, so there should be a lot left, right?" Zhao Chen said.

"Well, there are still some." Mu Rufeng glanced at his soul power, and there were still 9 million units of soul power.

After converting it into soul power, there are still 900 million soul power, which should be enough.

"Lord Zhao, if I want to go back, should I take the Gluttony Cruise or is there any other way?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Mr. Mu, we have a teleportation array here, which can be teleported to any city, and only one thousand soul power is needed."

"Oh? That's great, there is still some time, Lord Zhao, do you mind if I go down and play a few games?" Mu Rufeng was relieved when he heard it.

It was only 2:30 in the morning, and there was still plenty of time, so Mu Rufeng wanted to go down and play.

Of course, there was no big demand for soul money, soul power, etc. He only wanted life and an invitation letter similar to the dungeon summon.

"Mr. Mu, you are so rich, and you still want to go down and play a few games? If you bet all in one game, I will go bankrupt." Zhao Chen joked.

"Lord Zhao, you are joking. You know I am a human being. Human lifespan is only a few decades, so I want to win some life." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I see. In that case, I don't mind, but it's better not to exceed three rounds." Zhao Chen said.

"Three rounds? OK." Mu Rufeng nodded with a smile.

He also wanted powerful talents and powerful props, but it was obvious that Huangjincheng would not let him win, and would use reasonable and legal means to make Mu Rufeng lose.

If it was just lifespan, and the limit was within three rounds, then Huangjincheng would not specifically target Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng talked with Zhao Chen for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

Then, Mu Rufeng took the elevator directly to the second floor.

He didn't go to the new private room, but went directly to private room No. 1 to play marbles.

More than half an hour passed in a flash.

[Current remaining lifespan: 931 years]

Mu Rufeng's original remaining lifespan was 121 years, but in recent days, his attributes have increased, and his lifespan has increased by another 30 years, reaching 151 years.

In the first pinball game, Mu Rufeng bet a hundred years, plus an invitation to the Zombie King City, and successfully won a hundred years of life and an invitation (the principal was returned).

Mu Rufeng originally wanted to bet the invitation to the Golden City and the eternal gold coins, but the prompt said that the bet could not be made, which made Mu Rufeng a little regretful.

In the second pinball game, Mu Rufeng bet a life of two hundred and thirty years, plus two invitations.

Successfully won a life of two hundred and thirty years and two invitations.

In the third pinball game, Mu Rufeng bet a life of 450 years and four invitations, and successfully won a life of 450 years and four invitations.

Calculated, Mu Rufeng now has a terrifying life of 931 years.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng will definitely be called a thousand-year-old monster in the future.

As for the eight invitations in his hand, plus these copies, Mu Rufeng can directly be promoted to level six.

But even so, level six is ​​still not enough in the weird world, even in the real world.

Like Ye Lin, he is an eighth-level ghost king.

Mu Rufeng retired after his success and walked outside.

Soon he took the elevator to the teleportation array area on the 18th floor.

Fortunately, there are enough elevators here. Starting from the second floor, there are 20 elevators at the middle column.

There are also 20 elevators on the side walls, a total of 40 elevators, which is almost enough.

When Mu Rufeng walked out of the elevator, he saw a large number of light columns, filling the space in front.

Many weirdos walked out of the elevator. Mu Rufeng saw the explanation announcement on the side and understood how to use it.

Those that emit white light are unused, and those that emit red light are used by people.

Find an unused light column and walk in, then pay 1,000 soul power and select the city you want to go to.

After the payment is completed, it takes three minutes to start the teleportation array and two minutes to teleport, which means it will take five minutes to arrive.

Mu Rufeng immediately found a white beam of light and entered it.

Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Mu Rufeng found that he had magically appeared in a huge square.

There was no one here. Mu Rufeng looked down and found that some special runes were engraved under his feet. These runes all emitted a faint blood light and were connected to the runes carved around the square.

However, those runes did not react at all, only the runes under his feet emitted blood light.

Obviously, it should be the runes here that received the teleportation array of the Golden City and allowed Mu Rufeng to return to Qingshan City.

He had been here before and passed by here when he rode a donkey out of the city.

There may not be many people here at night, but during the day, many strange small groups will gather here. I don’t know whether they are worshiping evil gods or engaging in pyramid selling.

However, this place is not close to the Undead Logistics Park, but at Ma Qiu’s speed, it should be able to arrive within half an hour.

“Finally back, it’s already four in the morning, I can probably sleep for two and a half hours.” Mu Rufeng lay on the bed, looked at his phone, and murmured.

But soon, he thought of something, he hadn’t exercised today.

Before leaving Golden City, Mu Rufeng used the talent of [exercise will make you stronger].

Today is the first day, and you need to exercise for an hour.

Mu Rufeng immediately started exercising according to the training plan of the relevant department.

After an hour, Mu Rufeng stopped.

[The first day’s exercise volume reached the standard]

Mu Rufeng had an epiphany in his heart. This was not a reminder sound, but his talent was reminding him.

For an hour, there was no rest at all. After an hour of high-intensity exercise, Mu Rufeng’s breathing did not change much.

Obviously, an hour of high-intensity training is still too easy for Mu Rufeng now.

Then Mu Rufeng set an alarm clock for half past six, and lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Seven o’clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng appeared in the warehouse on time.

Mu Rufeng, Luo Dahai, and three other weird drivers stood in a row.

Zhou Dalong stood in front of them.

"Today, there is not much work. Lao Feng, Lao Zhou, the delivery is up to you. Lao Wang, you will handle the distribution of goods."

Zhou Dalong said to the three weird drivers.

"Business finally picked up a little in the past few days, why is it so bad now?"

"You didn't read the news? Scarlet Optimization announced yesterday that it would be listed on the Imperial Capital Exchange. All the traffic went to Scarlet Optimization. The delivery volume today must have dropped."

"Yeah, it feels like the Undead Optimization is going to collapse. Alas, I still switched from Scarlet Optimization. I wouldn't have changed jobs if I had known."

The three weird drivers sighed.

"Okay, you don't even look at where you are. You dare to say anything. Hurry up and work. If you finish early, you can get off work early." Zhou Dalong scolded.

The three didn't say anything and immediately left here to work.

"You two, follow me." Zhou Dalong said, turned around and walked into the warehouse.

Mu Rufeng and Luo Dahai looked at each other and quickly followed.

"Team leader, where are we going?" Mu Rufeng said, taking a hundred-yuan bill and stuffing it into Zhou Dalong.

Zhou Dalong didn't want to answer, but when he saw the soul banknotes that Mu Rufeng stuffed in, his eyes lit up.

"This kid is really rich. It seems that we need to plunder more." Zhou Dalong made up his mind.

"Today, our team has less work. The three of them can complete it, and you two will be free, so I will transfer you to the return department to deal with the garbage." Zhou Dalong said.

"The return department deals with garbage?" Mu Rufeng suddenly recalled the real world's Xinsheng Youxuan.

He has seen the amount of garbage generated by the return department every day.

If it is a return department for daily necessities, grains, oils, beverages, etc., it is not bad.

But if it is fruits, vegetables, frozen foods, etc., the garbage will really take several garbage trucks a day, and the garbage station will be full.

After walking for about ten minutes, they came to a warehouse.

Mu Rufeng could smell the mixed smell of sour, corpse and other odors in the air.

Mu Rufeng blocked his sense of smell and felt much better.

"Your job is very simple. Do you see those two garbage carts? You just fill the carts with garbage, then pull them to the incinerator in front and dump them in." Zhou Dalong said.

It's quite simple, but it stinks.

"Isn't it simple? Also, you need to pay attention to something." Zhou Dalong said.

"Pay attention to what?" Luo Dahai asked hurriedly.

However, Zhou Dalong did not answer, but raised his hand and rubbed his thumb and index finger together, and the meaning was very clear.

"Please give me some advice, team leader." Mu Rufeng took out a 100-yuan soul note and stuffed it into Zhou Dalong's hand.

Zhou Dalong smiled, and then said: "There are often some rats looking for food in the garbage. Always pay attention and don't get bitten or scratched by rats."

"They carry toxins in their bodies. Although they are not fatal, they will make you weak and it will be difficult to use your ghost power."

"Also, if you encounter old men and women holding sacks, don't stop them from doing anything, as long as they don't disturb you from working."

"If they stop your garbage cart, they will leave after turning over the garbage."

Zhou Dalong said a lot at once, and they were all very important.

For one hundred soul notes, Zhou Dalong said some precautions. It must be said that this money is worth it.

Luo Dahai's eyes flickered slightly.

It's not that he didn't think about using soul notes to open the way, but soul notes are too important. He couldn't bear to give them up. He couldn't bear to give them up at all.

Not only for daily needs and the purchase of props, etc.

Even the weirdness in his body needs money to spend.

Otherwise, do you think that signing a contract means bringing back a weird thug who doesn't need anything? That's really overthinking.

After Zhou Dalong finished explaining, he left here.

Mu Rufeng and Luo Dahai also started to get busy.

I have to say that the garbage cart is really big.

It's almost the size of a van.

It's a box the size of a van, with no cover on the top of the box, and four wheels on the bottom, so it can be pushed.

Mu Rufeng pushed the cart to the garbage station, and the stench made Mu Rufeng feel painful on his face.

A large number of maggots and some unknown insects were drilling around in it, and there were also rats the size of arms.

Good guy, these rats are probably all first-level weird creatures.

Mu Rufeng immediately transformed into two giant hands and then directly grabbed a lot of garbage and put it directly into the cart.

The rats were frightened and immediately drilled into the deeper garbage.

Some rats even grinned at Mu Rufeng.

Soon, the cart was filled with garbage, and Mu Rufeng dragged the cart towards the incinerator in front.

This day passed peacefully.

Mu Rufeng also finished today's work and returned to his dormitory.

Luo Dahai was obviously surrounded by ghost energy, but he was still inevitably stained with the stench.

But Mu Rufeng was different, because he still exuded a faint wood spirit fragrance, so the stench of garbage was not stained at all.

It can be said that the fragrance of the wood spirit directly drove away the stench.

Mu Rufeng dispersed the ghost power on his body, and the wood spirit fragrance immediately spread.

The stench in the dormitory was immediately covered by the wood spirit fragrance.

"This is much more comfortable." Mu Rufeng sniffed the fragrance in the air and nodded with satisfaction.

Suddenly Mu Rufeng thought of something and directly transferred 100 billion soul notes to Lilith.

Three seconds later, Lilith called.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng immediately used the Ghost Cave to seal off the surroundings, and then answered the phone.

"Master, did you call for the 100 billion?" Lilith asked cautiously.

"Yes, I did. I think 10 billion is still too little. 100 billion is safer."

"If there are other places that need money, you can take care of it yourself. Also, improve your strength and the strength of your subordinates as soon as possible."

"If you can impact the ninth-level ghost emperor, it will be better." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, master, I will definitely work hard, but the spiritual objects that can impact the ninth-level ghost emperor are really rare, and they are almost out of stock." Lilith said.

"You don't have to worry about this. I will go to Baibaolou to mention it, and they must have inventory." Mu Rufeng said.

There must be a lot of spiritual objects that can impact the ninth-level ghost emperor in Baibaolou, but they will hardly sell them.

After all, he couldn't even use it all, let alone support the emergence of a Level 9 Ghost Emperor.

Of course, the reason why Lu Xueqing's auction last time had a breakthrough spiritual object was of course because of her own status.

The last time Mu Rufeng went to the warehouse of Baibao Building, he didn't think about this. After all, he was only Level 3 at that time and didn't think about breaking through to Level 9 spiritual objects.

Now thinking of Lilith's problem, plus Mu Rufeng helped Lu Chengfeng, he should be willing to give face to Lu Chengfeng after talking to him.

After all, he didn't get it for free, and he didn't lack money now.

"Thank you, Master, but even if there are spiritual objects, I don't have much confidence to impact the Level 9 Ghost Emperor." Lilith was very moved, but she didn't want her master to waste money in vain.

"Don't worry about this, go and get busy, I have something to do here."


After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng took off his clothes and went into the bathroom.

Although I didn't smell bad, I had been busy in the stinking garbage dump all day, so taking a shower would be more comfortable.

As for the exercise, I had already exercised in the early morning this morning.

After taking a shower, Mu Rufeng lay on the bed and fell asleep soon.

In a blink of an eye, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Mu Rufeng was still in a deep sleep.

"Dong Dong Dong!" There was a knock on the door.

Mu Rufeng did not respond and was still sleeping soundly.

"Dong Dong Dong! Dong Dong Dong!" The knock on the door became more urgent.

Mu Rufeng's eyelids moved, and an impatient look appeared on his face, but he still ignored it.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~~!"

Mu Rufeng opened his eyes suddenly, and then stared at the door.

But soon, Mu Rufeng realized that the knock on the door came from the small balcony.

Mu Rufeng woke up immediately.

Although the small balcony was not sealed, it also belonged to the dormitory. Could someone have entered the small balcony?

Mu Rufeng stood up immediately and then came to the small balcony.

"Knock, knock, knock~~~!"

The knock on the door was still ringing.

Mu Rufeng opened the curtain on the side and looked out through the window.

Suddenly, a woman in cool Christmas clothes stood outside the door.

Just as cool as the Christmas clothes in the short video, red shorts and a small red hat on her head.

Revealing a pair of snow-white long legs, with a Santa Claus mask on her face.

The woman was holding a red cloth bag in one hand, which was bulging, and must have been filled with a lot of things.

The other hand was still knocking on the door, trying to wake Mu Rufeng up.

"Hey, you finally woke up, open the door quickly." The woman saw the curtains lifted in the window and was relieved.

"Who are you?" Mu Rufeng would naturally not open the door so easily.

This person is obviously a contractor, and his strength is also level 4. Although Mu Rufeng is not afraid, he always has to figure out the other party's intention.

"Didn't you see what I'm wearing? I'm Santa Claus, and I'm here to give you a Christmas gift." The woman said.

"No, you can go." Mu Rufeng refused directly.

"How can that be? If you don't accept it, I can't return. Handsome guy, I'm Ling Xue from the relevant department of Magic City. Can you please help me?" Ling Xue said.

"The relevant department of Magic City?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ling Xue with some suspicion.

"Of course, would I lie to you?"

If it weren't for the inability to bring the certificate to the copy, Ling Xue would have to show the certificate to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but took out his mobile phone and silently opened the system background of the relevant department.

Then he searched for the personnel information of the relevant department of Magic City.

Although he entered the copy, the software of the mobile phone can also be used, that is, it can't be connected to the Internet. He has already downloaded these offline data.

In this way, he can also check the information of the people in the relevant department anytime and anywhere.

It's true, Ling Xue's information was found.

Ling Xue, the captain of the third action team of the Modu PD District Branch, is 24 years old, 1.75 meters tall, weighs 105 kilograms, and has a chest circumference of ~~~

I took a look at the photo and she is pretty.

However, she is in the Pudong branch. If Mu Rufeng remembers correctly, her third uncle is the deputy director of the Pudong branch.

"Take off the mask." Mu Rufeng took back the phone and said.

"No, it is forbidden to take off the mask during work, otherwise I will not be Santa Claus." Ling Xue refused.

"Then you can put down the gift and leave." Mu Rufeng said again.

"No, the gift must be placed on your bedside by me personally." Ling Xue said.

"." Mu Rufeng was speechless for a moment, and immediately opened the door.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Ling Xue thanked her immediately and relaxed.

Then Ling Xue took out a very delicate gift box from the cloth bag.

It's just that when she took out the gift box, she was immediately surprised.

"How is this possible? Your gift is actually a blind box with regular props?" Ling Xue looked at the box with a question mark in her hand with a look of shock on her face.

There was a red tie on the box, and a few snowflakes made of silk threads were hung on the corners.

"Rule blind box? Who asked you to send this gift?" Mu Rufeng vaguely guessed something.

As for this rules blind box, to be honest, he wasn't too surprised by it.

After all, now he really has no shortage of props.

"I'm Santa Claus, here to deliver Christmas gifts, it's that simple."

"You are the preferred dungeon for the undead, and I am the exclusive dungeon for Christmas."

"Did you know? On Christmas Day, I gave dozens of gifts. They were all weird, and they were all for children."

"This time I give it to you, the contractor. I'm really curious why your name is on the gift list."

"And your gift is the most precious gift in the whole bag." Ling Xue said after a while, holding the blind box of regular props in her hand, reluctant to let go.

"Regular props. This is a blind box of regular props. You are so lucky." Ling Xue looked at Mu Rufeng with envy.

Getting gifts from cloth bags depends on luck, and Mu Rufeng is obviously very lucky.

"You mean, you entered the dungeon that is exclusive to Christmas, and then gave Christmas gifts to the weird kids, and I was on the gift-giving list?"

"And the gift you gave me is the most precious?"

Hearing this, Ling Xue nodded repeatedly: "Yes, you are really lucky."

After Ling Xue finished speaking, she placed the blind box gift box on Mu Rufeng's bedside.

"I'm curious. As far as I know, Christmas seems to only have one day, right? Today is the 26th, and you haven't returned yet?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"This is not your fault. You were the only one left. Who knew that I knocked on the door for an hour last night and you didn't wake up, which made me work overtime for an extra day." Ling Xue said.

"Huh? Did you knock yesterday? I heard a knock on the door, but I thought it was weird and ignored it," Mu Rufeng said.

"The gifts have been delivered, so I'll leave first. It's been a whole day, and the people in the department must have thought I was dead. I'm going to die in a hurry."

Ling Xue waved her hands and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, you just said you were from the Magic City branch. Are you at the headquarters or the branch?" Mu Rufeng called out to Ling Xue.

"I'm in the Pudong branch, why are you asking this? By the way, I haven't asked you yet, are you also from the relevant department?" Ling Xue looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Well, from the relevant departments of Chang Sha, you should know Mu Ze, right?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"I know him. He is our minister. What? You know him too? A relative?"

"Wait a minute, your name is Mu Rufeng on the list. I remember Minister Mu said that he has a nephew in a relevant department in Changsha, both named Mu. Are you Minister Mu's nephew?" Ling Xue made the connection immediately.

"Huh? I remember that my third uncle should be the deputy minister. How long ago did he get promoted?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Just what happened last week, we are also surprised. Minister Liu also did a good job, but he was suddenly transferred to the Shanghai headquarters as deputy minister." Ling Xue also said strangely.

"Okay, let's go and come back quickly. We've been delayed for a day." Mu Rufeng said.

"I didn't expect that Minister Mu's nephew is already at Level 4, so I'll leave first." Ling Xue looked Mu Rufeng up and down, and then left.

When Ling Xue came to the small balcony, she jumped directly, and then she heard a cheerful bell ringing.

Two elk pulling a sleigh flew from a distance, caught Ling Xue directly, and then flew high into the sky.

Easily passed through the ghosts preferred by the undead and disappeared into the night.

Mu Rufeng was still a little surprised when she saw the Christmas sleigh disappearing into the night.

He was able to ignore the ghosts of the ninth-level group company. Even Mu Rufeng could not break through the ghosts of the undead.

He could only lower his sense of presence when he went out last night, and then went out through the gate of the logistics park, and came in through the gate of the logistics park.

"That sleigh should also be a vehicle, and it must be of a high level. It would be great if I could get it." Mu Rufeng murmured.

Mu Rufeng came to the bedside and looked at the blind box.

To be honest, he didn't even expect that he would get a Christmas gift?

After much deliberation, Mu Rufeng could only blame this on her extremely high luck.

Mu Rufeng stepped forward and opened the blind box directly.

Suddenly, an engine glowing with fire appeared in his hand.

Yes, it's the engine, the engine burning with fire.

[Flame Engine Core]: This is an extremely powerful flame engine.

Effect: A one-time special rule prop. Embedding the flame engine core on a two-wheeled vehicle can improve the vehicle's capabilities. Once embedded, it will disappear.

Engine core? Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

When he just opened the blind box, he thought that he would get a useful one. Unexpectedly, he really got a useful one.

Originally, Mu Rufeng planned to go out again after midnight tonight to handle some business at Baibao Building and buy some accessories for Ma Qiu to upgrade.

Now he opened a blind box and it came out directly, and it was a rule-type accessory core.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng called Ma Qiu out.

"Master, where are you going again?"

"Huh?" Ma Qiu's eyes fell on the core in Mu Rufeng's hand as soon as he came out.

It can feel a strong attraction from this core.

"Master, this"

"For you." Mu Rufeng didn't wait for Ma Qiu to speak, and directly put the engine core on Ma Qiu's seat.

"Thank you, master, thank you, master!" Ma Qiu jumped up excitedly.

Without saying anything, he swallowed the engine core directly.

Suddenly, flames began to burn on Ma Qiu's body.

An unexpected scene appeared. Ma Qiu's body melted quickly and finally turned into a ball of liquid, which then wrapped the engine.

The flame was still burning, and the ball of liquid began to stretch under the action of some force.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

A black and white motorcycle appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Master, Master, I turned into a motorcycle, and I also have a ghost." Ma Qiu shouted excitedly.

"Not bad, very handsome." Mu Rufeng was very satisfied with Ma Qiu's appearance at this moment.

Although he had never ridden a motorcycle, although he was a meat-wrapped iron, cold in winter and hot in summer, it still couldn't stop Mu Rufeng from thinking that the motorcycle was very handsome.

Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and pressed on Ma Qiu's handle.

[Fire Motorcycle]: This is a fire motorcycle upgraded from a power-assisted bicycle, with extremely strong speed and super high appearance.

Effect: Level 5 vehicle, 50 yuan per 100 kilometers. After turning on the lights, you can unfold the ghost cave, and you can temporarily travel through space within the range of your own ghost cave.

Special attributes: You can freely turn on the Fiery Mode. When the Fiery Mode is turned on, the consumption increases, and you can travel through space over long distances.

Bound by: Mu Rufeng

"It has actually reached level 5, and it also has the ability to travel through space over long distances. Not bad, really not bad." Mu Rufeng looked at Ma Qiu, and he couldn't let it go.

"Hehehe, thank you, master, thank you, master, hehehe!" Ma Qiu smiled foolishly.

"Let's go, let's go for a walk." Mu Rufeng sat on it directly.

"Yes, master!" Ma Qiu also became energetic.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and the door of the small balcony opened.

Then Mu Rufeng turned the key, started the motorcycle, and then put it in gear and twisted the handle violently.

Ma Qiu instantly burst out with a terrifying speed and jumped out.

Just when it was about to hit the railing, Mu Rufeng suddenly raised the front of the motorcycle, and the hemp ball flew up and fell down.

Mu Rufeng turned on the lights again, and the ghost cave was also turned on instantly.

The next moment, the hemp ball and Mu Rufeng jumped forward directly, and disappeared directly.

Mu Rufeng did not use the ability of teleportation, but the ability of hemp ball to travel through space.

When Mu Rufeng appeared again, he had already appeared in front of the gate of the logistics park.

Mu Rufeng drove the motorcycle directly out of the main gate, and the security guards completely ignored him.

"Buzz buzz buzz~~~!"

The vibration sound of the engine made people feel a little excited.

The speed soared instantly, and Mu Rufeng only felt that the trees on both sides were retreating quickly and flashed away.

In the blink of an eye, the speed had soared to 200 kilometers per hour.

The maximum speed is 360 kilometers per hour, which is not the limit of Ma Qiu, but the limit of the instrument panel.

Of course, the high speed is only on a flat road.

If it is in the wilderness area, it will be much worse.

However, there is a short-distance shuttle space, which is far beyond the maximum speed that the instrument panel can show.

Not to mention that Ma Qiu has turned on the Fiery Chariot mode and can shuttle long distances.

The distance to Baibaolou is not far, only about ten kilometers.

Mu Rufeng did not go directly to Baibaolou, but drove a motorcycle for several laps.

However, when he was discovered and chased by a traffic officer from the Nether Police Station, Mu Rufeng did not dare to drive recklessly.

He came to Baibaolou as soon as possible, put away Ma Qiu and entered Baibaolou.

Baibaolou is open 24 hours a day except on inventory days.

Although it is more dangerous outside at night, no one dares to come to Baibaolou to cause trouble.

Soon, Mu Rufeng met the owner of the branch building, Sun Wu, in the office.

"Mr. Mu, why are you here so late? Is there something important?" Sun Wu invited Mu Rufeng to sit down and talk.

Mu Rufeng was naturally not polite: "The head of the building should have returned from the Frost Ice Plains, right? I wonder if you can help me contact the head of the building."

It has been a week since the last time, and I guess Lu Chengfeng should have rescued his wife.

Sun Wu was a little surprised when he heard this. He was surprised that Mu Rufeng actually knew the whereabouts of the general building owner.

"Mr. Mu, I may disappoint you. The general building owner is still in the Frost Ice Plain and is negotiating with the Ice Clan."

"Negotiation? Is the Ice Clan so powerful? Even the general building owner doesn't give face?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

He knew how powerful Lu Chengfeng was. He easily suppressed the Dead Sea Overlord Crab Demon. Is the Ice Clan more powerful than the Treasure House?

"Mr. Mu, the Ice Clan is not simple. It has occupied the Frost Ice Plain since ancient times and is the overlord of the Frost Ice Plain."

"Although it is not as good as our Treasure House, it also has a certain resistance."

"Mr. Mu, let me ask, do you know why the general building owner went to the Frost Ice Plain?" Sun Wu said.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Sun Wu and said, "Master Sun, since the chief master didn't tell you, I naturally can't go beyond that. I can only say that if the chief master's trip goes smoothly, Baibaolou will have another ninth-level ghost emperor."

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