I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 270 Scarlet Preferred is on the market, Golden City Grand Event [Please give me a monthly pa

"Ninth level Ghost Emperor?" Sun Wu was slightly surprised.

He had been in the realm of eighth level Ghost King for decades, and he dreamed of breaking through to Ghost Emperor.

But breaking through to Ghost Emperor was so difficult. He used his merits to exchange for ninth level spiritual objects that could break through to Ghost Emperor twice in the treasure house of the headquarters.

Unfortunately, he failed to break through twice, so he also clearly knew how difficult it was to reach Ghost Emperor.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu, for clearing up my doubts." Sun Wu thanked him.

"No need to thank me, I didn't say anything." Mu Rufeng smiled, and then said: "By the way, Mr. Sun, I came here this time, in addition to looking for the general owner, I also want to buy some things."

"Here is the list, please help me prepare it."

"Also, I just need to settle the payment for the Life Mine." Mu Rufeng said.

Because the amount was too large and could not be paid on the mobile phone software, Mu Rufeng came to Baibaolou.

"No problem, I'll have someone prepare it for you right away." Sun Wu took the list, glanced at it, and immediately passed the information to his subordinates.

Then he looked at Mu Rufeng again and said carefully: "Mr. Mu, are you going to pay it all at once?"

"Of course, tell me the bank card number of your Qingshan City branch." Mu Rufeng nodded and said.

"Huh!" Sun Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

When the Life Ore was transported here before, Lu Chengfeng told him that if Mu Rufeng didn't have money for the time being, he could pay in installments. The first payment must be received at the end of the month, and the minimum payment can be 10%.

You know, these 220,000 tons of Life Ore are paid from him.

In other words, if he can't collect the money, although he won't be demoted, the Elders' Council will definitely send someone to be the deputy building owner in the future, which will be very troublesome in the future.

Now hearing Mu Rufeng say that it will be paid in full, the whole person relaxed.

At the same time, he was also amazed at Mu Rufeng's wealth.

66 billion, he gave it as soon as he said it, it's really inhumane.

Soon, Mu Rufeng transferred 66 billion yuan to the account of the Baibao branch in Qingshan City.

Seeing the money in his pocket, Sun Wu finally felt relieved.

At the same time, he was also very happy.

This achievement was attributed to him.

Because they were in a hurry to collect the life mines, the average price of the purchase was 250,000 soul notes per ton.

Selling 300,000 soul notes per ton to Mu Rufeng, they made 50,000 yuan per ton.

If it was 220,000 tons, it would make 11 billion soul notes.

After deducting various costs, the minimum profit was 10 billion soul notes.

This is a super big business. He has just taken office and achieved such a big achievement. The reward must be a lot.

"Master Sun, the acquisition of the life mine still depends on you a lot." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, no, it's Mr. Mu that I need to rely on. After completing such a big deal with you, I can also stand out at the annual meeting of Baibaolou." Sun Wu said with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, the things are ready. How about we go to the warehouse now?" Sun Wu said again.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

The two of them went to the warehouse immediately.

Mu Rufeng also got what he needed. Just when Mu Rufeng was about to pay, he saw Sun Wu waving his hand and waiving the bill directly for Mu Rufeng.

"No, I don't need this little money." It was just over one million soul notes, which was really nothing to Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, just treat it as a gift for this ore transaction." Sun Wu refused to accept the money.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng didn't insist, and left Baibaolou after saying hello to him.

Then, Mu Rufeng put the sesame ball out again.

This time, Mu Rufeng directly turned on the chariot of fire mode.

Fierce flames gushed out from the engine, covering the entire locomotive.

Mu Rufeng could clearly feel that Ma Qiu had been upgraded from a level 5 vehicle to a level 6 vehicle.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, took out the flame vehicle card again, and stuck it on Ma Qiu.

Suddenly, the flames surged again, and even the color of the flames became darker and the temperature became higher.

Just staying on the ground, the floor began to show signs of melting.

"Level 7, level 7 vehicle, master, I feel that I have become so strong now, I seem to be able to fly and travel through space." Ma Qiu shouted excitedly.

Mu Rufeng smiled when he heard this, and then reached out to open Ma Qiu's fuel tank cap.

Then Mu Rufeng took out a full 10 million soul notes and stuffed them all into the fuel tank cap.

"This money is in the mailbox, and it's for your gas."

"So much, so much money, so much money, hehehe, hehehe~~!" Ma Qiu laughed again.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

Then he started the vehicle, and when he turned the accelerator, the motorcycle jumped out instantly.

Then it flew into the sky, and then drove in the sky.

Wherever Ma Qiu passed, it would leave a hot flame tire mark in the air, just like there was a road in the sky.

Not long after running, Ma Qiu went directly into the void and disappeared.

Only the long string of flame marks was left, and soon, the flames gradually dissipated, and finally nothing was left.


In just five minutes, Mu Rufeng arrived at the mining area.

The speed is really too fast. Of course, with fast speed, the consumption is also fast. Spending this little money is naturally nothing to Mu Rufeng.

Like those large trucks in the logistics park, almost all of them are level 6 vehicles.

Level 6 vehicles can also shuttle through space, and the speed is not slow.

However, unlike locomotives like Maqiu, those large trucks drag a truckload of goods.

Another thing is that large trucks don’t want speed. They have to save money and can’t always use the ability to shuttle through space.

Otherwise, they will lose money every time they deliver goods, so what’s the point of delivering them?

After putting away the Maqiu, Mu Rufeng entered the mining area.

Then he came to the mobile factory.

In the factory, the thirty machines roared continuously, and a large number of landing bracelets were made, and then the robots filled the cartons and sealed them, and then placed them in the corner and stacked them up.

Mu Rufeng checked and found that all the machines were converted into level 2 props.

Glancing at the landing bracelets, it was estimated that they had only been working for ten hours.

The first-level conversion liquid also takes about 24 hours to convert props, and the second-level conversion liquid is estimated to be about twelve hours.

The 100 units of the third-level conversion liquid he bought at the Baibao Building now require six hours to convert.

According to the time of the first and second-level conversion liquids, the third-level conversion liquid is really the same number.

The third-level conversion liquid is actually not too expensive, only 10,000 soul coins per unit.

Although it is a third-level conversion liquid, it can convert items into third-level props, but the properties have not been improved much.

For example, if you apply the conversion liquid to a first-level dagger prop and convert it into a third-level prop, the properties will not change at all, only the sharpness or hardness will be enhanced a little.

If these equipment are used to convert, the output will definitely not increase, but it will definitely not be scrapped in a week.

Soon, Mu Rufeng took out thirty units of the conversion liquid and applied them to all the thirty production lines.

The machine was still roaring, but the inside had already begun to transform into a third-level prop.

A first-level prop will be scrapped in seven days, and a second-level prop will be scrapped in half a year.

After the third-level prop, it will take at least a year.

Xiao Yan did not show up, because she was not here today, and it seemed that she had something to do and was called back by Lilith.

Mu Rufeng left a message for Xiao Yan and left directly.


Time flew by, and it was December 31st.

This is the last day of the last month of 2023.

At this moment, it was already 11:30 in the evening.

In theory, it is time to get off work, and Mu Rufeng should be resting in the dormitory building at this moment.

However, Mu Rufeng is now sitting in a 13-meter box truck.

The truck is parked here on the platform, and several loaders are still loading goods quickly in the carriage.

Every time a pallet of goods is loaded, an employee will pull the next pallet of goods into the carriage.

The loaded goods are frozen food, packed in cartons.

Although those weirdos can't see what's inside, they can smell what's inside.

Human flesh, it was all human flesh, although it was frozen, it was definitely fresh, and it was not the flesh of a clone without a soul.

Although they were very greedy, they did not dare to eat it secretly. If they did, the consequences would be terrible.

"It's about to start." Mu Rufeng looked out through the car window and murmured.

The entire warehouse and the platforms on both sides were full of 13-meter-long trucks, including trailers and box trucks.

Without exception, they were all loading meat, fresh flesh and blood.

With so much meat, it was hard to imagine how much flesh and blood Undead Optimization had stored.

Mu Rufeng did not know why Undead Optimization asked them to load the goods at this time.

But one thing could be guessed, that they must want to load the goods and then send them to various cities.

Once Scarlet Optimization is on the market, Dead Eve Optimization will take action immediately. When the time is right, the overwhelming advertisements and the goods delivered on the same day will definitely deal a heavy blow to Scarlet Optimization.

Mu Rufeng knew that since today, the trucks have been loading one by one, and they have already loaded countless trucks of meat.

Is this the tenth batch for Mu Rufeng and his team?

Moreover, this is only the Undead Optimization, but there is also a Xixi Optimization.

No, that's not right, that's not right. The channels in the real world should only be here at the Undead Optimization, and Xixi Optimization must not be there.

Moreover, the news of their merger will definitely be released after the listing of Scarlet Optimization, and we will see how the merger will be.

Mu Rufeng also guessed that the two logistics parks could not be merged. It is likely that the Undead Optimization here is the general warehouse of the Undead Xi Optimization, mainly responsible for delivering these fresh blood and flesh and some goods.

Xixi Optimization is the branch warehouse of the Undead Xi Optimization, responsible for delivering most of the goods in other categories.

This time, the Undead Xi Optimization was fully prepared.

Not only did they secretly recruit a lot of people, but even the trucks were already prepared in the logistics park.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also confirmed that the location corresponding to the real channel is in this warehouse.

The defense here is extremely strict. Several level 8 ghost kings and even a level 9 ghost emperor, who is the boss of Undead Optimization, are also in this warehouse.

Mu Rufeng also got off the car before and wanted to see the situation in the warehouse.

Unfortunately, except for the platform, the warehouse was shrouded in a black fog and could not be seen clearly.

The goods were dragged out by special employees, and the loaders could not enter.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time, there were still twenty minutes.

There were multiple notifications in the status notification bar on the phone.

All of them were the news that Scarlet Optimization would be listed soon.

The listing time was 00.00 on January 1st.

It was listed on time after twelve o'clock.

Mu Rufeng also confirmed this time with Lilith, and it was this time.

The stocks here are not the same as those in the real world. This is a system of its own. The most bizarre thing is that the opening time of the stocks in the weird world is all day.

It will only be closed on weekends.

Mu Rufeng didn't know what the impact was, and he didn't care. Anyway, he didn't trade stocks.

Now, their Scarlet Optimization Alliance has 200 billion funds. Such a huge wealth can definitely make the Dead Xi Optimization fall.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

At this time, someone knocked on the car door.

Mu Rufeng immediately lowered the window and looked down.

"This is the delivery note. It's ready. Let's go. Hurry up, hurry up, come back immediately after the goods are delivered. Remember, control consumption, otherwise, you will pay for the postage yourself." Zhou Dalong threw a delivery note to Mu Rufeng and urged him.

Mu Rufeng nodded, didn't say anything, started the car immediately, and then drove away from the platform.

When Mu Rufeng drove away, the large truck that had been waiting not far away immediately reversed into the warehouse and parked here on the platform.

Mu Rufeng was not the first batch, but not the last batch.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the delivery note, and his delivery location was Shugui City.

When he saw this name, Mu Rufeng thought of Qingye Farm.

He didn't forget that he still had 20% of the shares in Qingye Farm in Shugui City.

Mu Rufeng didn't let Lilith send someone over, because the distance was far, ten cities away.

The van driven by Mu Rufeng is a level 6 vehicle. If it is fully started, it will take a day to get there even if it travels through space.

But if that's the case, let alone the fuel cost, it's still a question whether it can get there.

Of course, Mu Rufeng doesn't care about the money, but the navigation recommended a high-speed route to him.

"High-speed? There are high-speed roads in the weird world?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

He has been out of the city many times, let alone high-speed roads. In the wilderness, he hasn't even seen an ordinary road.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone, opened the browser and searched for information about the high-speed roads in the weird world.

In a moment, Mu Rufeng searched it out. Not to mention, the Internet speed in this weird world is still quite fast.

Mu Rufeng checked it out and immediately understood it, and was extremely surprised.

All cities have two high-speed roads.

For example, Qingshan City, one high-speed road connects to the nearest Yougui City in the east, and the other high-speed road connects to the nearest Xuefeng City in the west.

It can be said that these cities are connected by high-speed roads one by one.

These highways run through the wilderness area and connect one city after another.

And on these highways, there is no need to worry about the erosion of evil spirits and wilderness ghosts.

Even a level nine evil spirit cannot destroy the highway in a short time.

Of course, once you get on the highway, you can't leave in the middle of the highway, and you can only get off at the exit of the next city.

These highways are built by the highway group at a huge cost. On the highway, you can go as fast as the upper limit of the dashboard.

Although this is not as fast as space shuttle, it consumes very little and only needs to pay a relatively small amount of highway toll.

And in terms of time, it is not much slower.

The reason why Mu Rufeng has never seen it is that whether it is Qingshan Pig Farm or the mine, it is in another direction and is not near the highway.

This is why Mu Rufeng has never seen it, and the highway is not a very important secret. It is well known to the public, so naturally no one tells Mu Rufeng about it. It is normal that Mu Rufeng doesn't know about the highway.

"It's quite fast to take the highway."

Mu Rufeng looked at the navigation and found that it only took about 30 hours to arrive.

If it was driven in the wilderness, it would take at least ten days or half a month to arrive.

I have to say, it was really fast.

Ten cities, equivalent to three hours to go through a city.

Soon, Mu Rufeng drove the truck away from the Undead Logistics Park.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng slowly stopped and drove the car into a deserted place.

After getting off the car, Mu Rufeng directly put the truck into the inventory.

He didn't forget that January 1st was the Golden City Festival held once every ten years.

As for the delivery time, it was also very generous. Because the distance was too far, it only needed to be delivered before 4 pm on the 2nd.

That is to say, Mu Rufeng was given 40 hours.

During the days of Undead Optimization, Mu Rufeng also heard some rumors.

Undead Optimization is preparing to open a city branch warehouse, but it is still unknown which city it will be in.

After all, some cities are too far away, and it takes a lot of time to deliver goods there.

It is impossible to buy today and deliver tomorrow.

Mu Rufeng watched the time on his phone slowly pass.

Soon, it was twelve o'clock.

Mu Rufeng noticed that the invitation letter in the inventory had moved suddenly, and he took it out immediately.

A golden light emanated from the invitation letter, wrapped Mu Rufeng inside, and then disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, on an open space in Scarlet Logistics Park.

The lights here were bright, and a large number of people gathered here.

In the front, a stage was built.

All the senior executives of Scarlet Optimization gathered here.

When Xu He struck the huge gong, Scarlet Optimization was officially listed.

At the same time, Scarlet Optimization also released a lot of shares. Calculated, 30% of the shares were released.

At the same time, this 30% of the shares were also split into 1 billion shares, 60 yuan per share.

From this, it can be seen that Xu He and his team released the price at the market value of Scarlet Optimization of 200 billion. (I don’t understand stocks, so I wrote this nonsense, please forgive me!)

Although so many shares have been released, the actual control still belongs to Scarlet Optimization itself and Xu He.

Here we have to talk about the equity structure. Even if outsiders acquire this 30%, it is difficult to shake the position of the two.

There are too many things in this, so I won’t go into details.

With 60 billion in cash, their group can expand again, and it is also to use this money to acquire the bankrupt Wang Xi Youxuan.

However, even at such a high price, there are still a large number of shareholders buying, buying, and buying.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the share price of Scarlet Youxuan can only rise steadily, and it is impossible to fall.

If you buy it, you will make money.

At the same time, a large number of coupons were issued on the Scarlet Youxuan platform, and many precious commodities began to be sold.

The limit for each person to purchase fresh flesh and blood was also doubled.

Suddenly, a large wave of traffic swarmed in, all of them were customers who wanted to buy, buy, and buy.

There were several huge screens behind the stage, which showed the trend of the Scarlet Youxuan stock market.

As for the stock price, it was naturally rising steadily.

Under the stage, various reporters were holding cameras to take pictures, shoot videos, and even broadcast live on the Internet.

Compared with the real world, the population of the strange world is really more or less, and the number of viewers is not small, several million.

On the stage, it seems that the senior executives of Scarlet Optimization are all here, but Xu He's real body is still sitting in his office.

In addition, Lilith, Xu Yin, Liu Dao and other eight-level ghost kings are in the office.

In front of the office, there are several large screens, and the pictures on them are software for stock price trends.

There are also multiple figures on both sides. A closer look reveals that their figures are a bit illusory, and they are obviously not real bodies, but phantoms.

There are more than a dozen of them, and the two most important ones should be Zhou Sheng, the president of the Tiandi Bank branch, and Sun Wu, the owner of the Baibao Building branch.

Sun Wu must have something to do with the general owner to take over Lu Xueqing's class.

Although these two are eight-level ghost kings, their strength is not the strongest, but in terms of status, they are definitely first-class.

Among them, there are three nine-level ghost emperors, including Xu He.

Now, this group of people gathered here, naturally they are going to start their counterattack.

They are all waiting for this moment.

"Mr. Xu, there is no movement from Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization." A general manager said.

"Haha, how could they move? Our stock price is still rising, how could there be any movement."

"When the stock price of our Scarlet Optimization reaches a ceiling, they will take action."

"At that time, they should start shorting our stock price, and then release unfavorable news to us, and the stock price will fall, and they can make a lot of money."

"At that time, it will be our turn to appear."

"Don't worry now, let the bullets fly, the channels of the real world of Undead Optimization will be destroyed in the daytime as I arrange."

"As for now, we just watch quietly." Xu He said with a faint smile.

When everyone heard this, they all smiled.

All the people present have subscribed to a part of the shares, and they occupy about 15% in total, and the remaining 15% is given to those individual players.

In such a short time, they have made a lot of money.

But making money or not is actually secondary. The most important thing is to hit Wang Xi Youxuan and the Wartie Chamber of Commerce behind it hard in the next period of time.


When Mu Rufeng regained consciousness, he found himself in the Golden City.

This is the real Golden City, not the tall building before.

A small city with a diameter of more than ten kilometers is located on a golden sea.

The small city is golden, and all the buildings and roads are made of gold.

There is also a circle of golden city walls that are three meters high.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng is standing at the gate of this small city.

There is a plaque above the gate, with three big characters [Golden City] engraved on it.

In addition to Mu Rufeng, there are thousands of weirdos here.

Ghost Kings, these are all level eight ghost kings.

"So many level eight ghost kings?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

But what surprised Mu Rufeng was that he didn't see any level nine ghost emperors.

This event held once every ten years in the Golden City, it is impossible that no level nine ghost emperors have come to participate, right?

"Haha, I finally waited for the once-in-a-decade Golden City event. This time, I was hungry for a whole month. This time, I must eat my fill."

"Hungry for a month? That's too small. I was hungry for three months."

"Hehe, you're just a clown. You can't eat more just because you're hungry. It depends on your strength."

"Eat? What's the point of eating? How many gold coins can you get?"

Some familiar eighth-level ghost kings gathered together to chat.

Some people who didn't like each other started to talk nonsense.

Mu Rufeng found many foreign faces among these ghost kings, and even some special races.

It's likely that they cover all places in the weird world.

Of course, Mu Rufeng doesn't think that these thousands of eighth-level ghost kings are all the ghost kings in the entire weird world.

It's probably just a small part.

After all, not every ghost king is free, and not every ghost king is qualified to participate in the once-in-a-decade event in Golden City.

As for why the ninth-level ghost emperor was not seen, Mu Ru had only one guess, that is, this was only the venue for the eighth-level ghost king.

The group of people of the ninth-level ghost emperors were in another place.

Although Mu Rufeng was only a fourth-level contractor, the lowest person who could participate was the eighth-level ghost king, and there was no lower level.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng appeared here.

"Huh? Wait, why is there another contractor here?" A ghost king suddenly noticed the existence of Mu Rufeng.

"Huh? There really is a contractor, and a fourth-level contractor?"

"Why did another fourth-level contractor sneak in?"

"Sneak in? How could he sneak in? Did this place become a copy? Did he recruit this guy?"

"Copy? Impossible, how could this place become a copy?"

Some ghost kings looked at Mu Rufeng with a strange look.

But no one took action, because it was not allowed to take action here.

"Hey, little ghost, how did you get in?" A ghost king was a little curious and shouted to Mu Rufeng.

"How did you get in? I got in the same way." Mu Rufeng looked at him and said.

"You also have an invitation?"

"Can a level 4 contractor have an invitation?"

Some ghost kings looked at Mu Rufeng with some suspicion.

Mu Rufeng ignored the ghost kings and came to the gate of the town.

He saw a notice board on the left with some precautions written on it.

[Precautions for Golden City]

1. No fighting is allowed between invited guests, whether at the gate or in the city.

2. Various creatures will appear in the city, and you will get 1-10 gold coins after killing them.

3. Gold coins and soul power can be traded.

4. When someone enters the Golden City, the Golden City will be open for one hour.

5. The more gold coins you get, the higher your status will be.

6. The top ten gold coins can go to participate in the grand event of the last level nine ghost emperors.

"Golden City, kill strange creatures? Gold coins? The top ten participate in the ghost emperor event?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

He thought he was gambling directly with those ghost kings, but he had to go through this level.

I just made such a big deal with the Golden City a few days ago. Didn’t the invitation letter upgrade my level?

But it doesn’t matter. It’s a good opportunity to see what this small golden city is like.

Listening to the conversation of those level 8 ghost kings, Mu Rufeng was still a little puzzled.

Because he heard these people want to eat a lot.

Isn’t this Golden City a place to kill monsters and get gold coins? How did it become a place to eat?

"Bang!" A loud noise.

A huge gong sounded.

"Welcome everyone to the Golden City's once-in-a-decade event. In ten minutes, the gates of the Golden City will open."

"It's still the same old rule. For every gold coin you get, you will get an extra ten points of soul power as a reward."

"At the same time, the gold coin ranking list is open. The first place can get two million soul power, the second place can get one million soul power, and the third place can get five hundred thousand soul power."

"The fourth to sixth place can get three hundred thousand soul power, the tenth to seventh place can get one hundred thousand soul power, and the tenth place can get ten thousand soul power."

"At the same time, the top ten can buy one talent in the earth-level talent library, and the rest can buy one talent in the yellow-level talent library."

Mu Rufeng looked up at the city wall.

There stood a man in a suit, a ninth-level ghost emperor.

Mu Rufeng had seen him before. He was the manager of the Golden City Hotel.

There were quite a few high-level people in the Golden City, and each area was managed by a manager.

Except for Tang Feng, who was the eighth-level ghost king who managed the first floor, the managers of the upper areas were all ninth-level ghost emperors.

"Ranking by the number of gold coins, one gold coin equals ten soul points."

"Earth character library and yellow character library?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

After explaining the rules, the man in a suit struck the gong again, and then disappeared.

After he disappeared, a huge countdown appeared above.

Those level eight ghost kings immediately gathered in front of the city gate.

Some familiar ghost kings began to form a team together, some of them were still talking about killing people in a while, and some of them were talking about eating and drinking.

"So, is there anything delicious inside?" Mu Rufeng was puzzled.

However, Mu Rufeng also discovered some details, that is, those ghost kings who said they wanted to eat a lot were all relatively large in size and were not good at chasing battles.

"Can eating also earn gold coins?" Mu Rufeng thought.

It took only ten minutes.

When the car door opened, a group of ghost kings instantly showed their magical powers and rushed into the city gate.

But what was strange was that none of these ghost kings flew in, and they all ran in without exception.

When Mu Rufeng stepped into it, suddenly, a heavy pressure came.

Very strong, a strong pressure pressed on him.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng knew why those people did not fly.

This pressure made Mu Rufeng unable to fly. Mu Rufeng tried to use the ghost to resist, but found that even the ghost could not be used.

Look at those guys, they are all old hands.

Of course, there are always newcomers. Look, several strange creatures that came in after Mu Rufeng all flew in, and without exception, they all fell to the ground.

When Mu Rufeng saw the interior of the Golden City clearly, he was slightly surprised.

This city is not much different from ordinary cities. Except that it is built of gold, it is no different from some ancient towns.

Bungalows, street stalls, wooden sheds extending from houses, etc.

Even the streets are scattered and orderly, which is not a big deal, but there are a lot of golden creatures on these streets, in the houses, and on the roofs.

These creatures are some very common animals, such as old books, chickens, ducks, geese, cats and dogs, monkeys, pigs, cattle, sheep, etc.

Occasionally, Mu Rufeng also saw carnivores such as leopards, wolves, wild boars, lions, tigers, etc.

When the city gate opened, those carnivores were the fastest and fled at the first time, disappearing directly on the spot.

Then, the small animals ran into the city or into the houses one by one. In the blink of an eye, there were no small animals around.

"These guys are very fast, and we can't fly. Let's work together later and seal this house."

The four ghost kings rushed directly to the nearest house on the left.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng disappeared in a flash. When he appeared again, he was already in a house in front.

There were a lot of small animals taking shelter in the house.

When they saw Mu Rufeng's sudden appearance, they were furious and wanted to escape quickly.

Unfortunately, Mu Rufeng didn't give them a chance. Lightning flashed and filled the whole house in an instant.

"Hua La La~~~!"

A crisp sound of gold coins colliding sounded.

A large number of gold coins fell out and fell on the ground, making a crisp sound.

These are the gold coins obtained by killing animals. The fallen gold coins can only be picked up by the person himself, and others cannot pick them up.

This will prevent the occurrence of gold coins being robbed.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly. He had just made such a quick move, but some of the small animals still escaped.

Sure enough, these little guys were not strong, but their escape speed was really extraordinary.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand and collected all the gold coins.

Instead of putting them into the inventory, they were directly immersed in Mu Rufeng's body, and the amount and ranking of the gold coins were directly displayed above his head.

[Gold Coin Ranking]

1. Mu Rufeng: 10210 coins

2. Erics: 215 coins

3. Xiang Xin: 188 coins

10. Tu Dan: 37 coins.

26. Tokugawa Takashi: 0 coins

1000. Wugu: 0 coins

"Each small animal exploded with the maximum of ten gold coins. Wow, the luck value is really good." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

He thought that these small animals only had one, and those pigs, cattle, sheep, tigers, leopards and the like would drop more gold coins.

Now it seems that it is a matter of probability, and the probability of dropping gold coins is calculated according to their combat power in nature.

But Mu Rufeng's luck value is very high, even if he kills the lowest level mouse, he can still drop the maximum ten gold coins.

Mu Rufeng felt that it was too slow to clean up alone. Fortunately, he had an item in his hand, the title of the Demon Suppression Marquis, which could summon the Demon Suppression Army.

There are a total of 10,000 people, and the lowest level of martial arts strength is level 3. If these 10,000 people are scattered in the Golden City and kill small animals, the efficiency will definitely be super strong.

Mu Rufeng immediately tried to summon the Demon Suppression Army.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that it was prompted that it could not be summoned.

[Please note that this is a special rule copy, and summoning skills, items, titles, etc. cannot be used]

Mu Rufeng was a little disappointed and walked out of the house immediately.

When Mu Rufeng came out of the house and looked around, he found that the ghost kings were frantically cleaning one room after another.

And a large number of animals were driven to the streets. From time to time, animals were killed and gold coins dropped.

Surprisingly, even if a tiger or a lion was killed, only two or three gold coins were dropped.

Let alone ten gold coins, even three are extremely rare, and most of them are one gold coin.

"Is the explosion rate so low?" Mu Rufeng's heart moved, and another plan slowly emerged in his mind.

However, what made Mu Rufeng a little concerned was that many ghost kings did not go to kill those small animals, but hugged those golden buildings and started to eat them.

This scene surprised Mu Rufeng a little. Eating and drinking is eating gold?

However, he still didn't pay much attention to it. The most important thing now is to implement his plan.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng came to the city gate.

At this moment, the city gate has been closed. It will only be opened after an hour to let everyone leave.

Mu Rufeng took a deep breath, and then shouted: "Four gold coins for a live small animal, no limit on the number, one hand for money, one hand for goods, location, city gate!"

Mu Rufeng used ghost power to spread his voice throughout the Golden City.

"Four gold coins for a live small animal, no limit on the number, one hand for money, one hand for goods, location, city gate!"


Mu Rufeng shouted five times in a row before stopping.

Then he took out the bandage and let it be placed above Mu Rufeng to show what Mu Rufeng had said before.

After doing all this, Mu Rufeng stood there and waited silently.

Soon, several ghost kings nearby came running over.

Those ghost kings didn't believe it, but since they were nearby, it didn't matter if they came to take a look.

However, when they saw that it was Mu Rufeng, a level 4 contractor, their faces changed slightly, and then they saw the ranking and the amount of gold coins above Mu Rufeng's head, and their faces changed again.

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