I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 271 Earth Talent Library: Lucky Star

"Are you really buying a live animal for four gold coins?" a ghost king asked.

"No cheating, no matter how many you have, I will buy as many as you have. If you don't believe me, just catch the animals." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

After hearing this, several ghost kings looked at each other and left immediately.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, as if something was missing, and said again: "I am Mu Rufeng, who ranks first. Four gold coins can be exchanged for a live animal. There is no limit to the number. One hand pays the money and the other hand delivers the animals. The location is at the city gate!"


Mu Rufeng shouted five times in a row.

If there were not so many people who believed before, the title of ranking first would definitely work.

In just one minute, three ghost kings came over with more than 20 small animals.

"You want to buy? I have 25 here." A ghost king said.

"25, four coins for each, a total of 100 coins." Mu Rufeng said, and waved his hand, and a hundred gold coins emerged and floated in front of them.

Mu Rufeng was not worried that they would not complete the transaction, because here, even if it was just a verbal transaction, there would be direct rules.

If the transaction was not fulfilled, it would be expelled from the Golden City.

No one would be so stupid as to lose the opportunity to earn soul power and the benefits that would be obtained later for such a small thing.

"Really four gold coins? Here you go."

The ghost king immediately divided the gold coins with his two companions, and then controlled the small animals to fly towards Mu Rufeng.

"You are so stupid, I say, aren't you at a loss? Four gold coins for a small animal, you will lose so much." A ghost king said.

Mu Rufeng didn't care, and with a light punch, he directly killed all the small animals.

"Hua La La~~!"

A crisp collision sounded.

A large number of gold coins fell out.

One small animal explodes with ten gold coins, and the twenty-five small animals are two hundred and fifty gold coins, a net profit of one hundred and fifty.

Mu Rufeng waved at the gold coins, and the latter flew over quickly and then sank into Mu Rufeng's body.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now it seems that I am losing or gaining?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"How come you drop so many gold coins?" The ghost king who mocked earlier changed his face slightly.

The other two ghost kings also showed shock.

They knew too well the proportion of gold coins exploded by this small animal.

Almost all small animals exploded with one gold coin. If you want to explode two, you can kill a hundred of them to see if you can encounter them.

And now, Mu Rufeng killed them casually and directly exploded 250 coins, all of which were the maximum drop.

"So, what are you waiting for? I just don't want to cause too much trouble, so I'm looking for you to buy it."

"With the speed and quantity of my gold coins, I have already locked in the first place. If you are more skillful, you should have a chance to be in the top ten." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

The three ghost kings were shocked when they heard this, and turned around and disappeared without saying a word.

After a while, several more groups of ghost kings tried to bring small animals.

Mu Rufeng accepted all of them and bought them all at the price of four gold coins.

When the purchase was completed, Mu Rufeng killed the small animals in front of them again, so that they could see clearly the gold coins Mu Rufeng had obtained.

Such means shocked the ghost kings again.

Mu Rufeng repeated the words that locked in the first place before, and these ghost kings immediately went to catch animals as fast as if they were injected with chicken blood.

However, because some people did not believe it, and they were all rushing to chase and kill the small animals frantically, the number of their gold coins also rose rapidly.

But soon, these ghost kings looked at Mu Rufeng's rising gold coins and Mu Rufeng's repeated words from time to time.

They were a little shaken.

And they also saw that many ghost kings did not kill the small animals, but cooperated to besiege and capture the small animals, and then returned to the city gate.

Some ghost kings asked directly, but those ghost kings ignored them completely, after all, they were afraid that someone would come to steal their business.

So, they also caught some small animals themselves and ran to the city gate to check.

If it was fake, it would only waste a few minutes, which was enough.

And when they came to the city gate, they were dumbfounded.

As time went on, more and more ghost kings came to capture small animals, almost one wave after another.

Fortunately, the transaction was relatively fast, and a transaction did not take much time at all.

In this way, a large number of ghost kings were working for Mu Rufeng.

And the number of Mu Rufeng's gold coins was also increasing at a terrifying rate.

It could have been a scene of fierce competition, but because of Mu Rufeng's appearance, it became a paradise for workers.

Selling to Mu Rufeng is definitely faster than killing small animals to get gold coins.

Fifty minutes passed in a flash.

There were only ten minutes left before the gate of the Golden City opened.

Mu Rufeng was still buying small animals.

The sound of gold coins colliding kept coming to my ears, all of which were Mu Rufeng's gold coins.

Trading gold coins, killing animals, dropping gold coins, picking up gold coins, etc., so repeatedly that Mu Rufeng was a little numb.

However, those ghost kings were not numb, and they all looked at Mu Rufeng with envy. Mu Rufeng really locked in the first place.

The ghost kings all had different expressions, some were anxious, some were crazy, some were happy, some were jealous, some were expressionless, and some were resentful.

"Time is up, there are only five minutes left, I won't collect anymore." Mu Rufeng collected the bandages of the last person, and then put away the bandages and stopped.

"Ah? Mr. Mu, you won't collect anymore? Isn't there still time?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Mu."

"We are all in line, Mr. Mu, the time is not up yet."

The ghost kings behind were immediately dissatisfied.

"Who said it's not up yet? I said before that I won't collect in the last five minutes, don't look for me." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and ignored them.

He took out a recliner and lay on it leisurely, ignoring the ghost kings' words.

Seeing this, the ghost kings had no way to deal with Mu Rufeng, after all, there was a restriction on taking action here.

Although there were only five minutes left, some ghost kings immediately went to kill small animals to earn gold coins.

Similarly, some people who wanted to be in the top ten also began to buy the gold coins from those people.

There were a thousand people here, but only ten of them could enter the ninth-level ghost emperor event.

As for the rest, as long as the price was high enough, they would definitely be willing to sell.

According to what the high-level executive of the Golden City said before, one gold coin could give an additional 10 soul points.

At the same time, listening to the conversation of these people, Mu Rufeng also knew that gold coins could also be used as currency to buy talents in the talent library.

As for the value of gold coins, one gold coin is equivalent to the value of 10 soul points.

Therefore, the minimum for one gold coin is 20 soul points.

If those people want to buy, it must not be less than 20 soul points.

At the same time, except for Mu Rufeng, there are only nine places, so there must be many ghost kings who will compete and raise the price.

Look at the ghost king next to him, who is now in the eleventh place, he has already offered 23 soul power for one gold coin.

The top ten are only one away, so they have to buy as much as they can.

The tenth place is also afraid of being squeezed out, so they are also buying frantically.

In other words, the top ten are almost all buying frantically, as if gold coins are still very useful.

However, it may be that soul power is also extremely precious, so they will not increase the price too much, and it can almost be said that they are adding it little by little.

"Mr. Mu, do you want to sell your gold coins?" Suddenly, a ghost king squeezed in front of Mu Rufeng?

"Hmm? You want to buy from me?" Mu Rufeng opened his eyes and looked at the skeleton ghost king.

"Mr. Mu, you now have 860,000 gold coins, and the second place only has 50,000 gold coins. You crushed other participants with a crushing attitude."

"I don't need much, just sell me your small change, I am willing to buy it at a price of 30 soul power per gold coin." The skeleton ghost king said.

"Oh? 30 soul power per coin? Unfortunately, I don't lack soul power, so I won't sell it." Mu Rufeng smiled and refused directly.

He always felt that this gold coin had other uses, but he was not sure. He didn't lack this little soul power, so he was too lazy to sell it.

This guy's 30 soul power per coin was already a high price. Look at those people next to him, the highest one can only offer 25 soul power per coin.

The Skeleton Ghost King was a little surprised when he heard this. He thought he could get it easily, but he didn't expect to be rejected directly.

He could also collect retail investors, but that would be too slow and he would be sniped by those in the top ten.

After thinking about it, the Skeleton Ghost King continued: "Mr. Mu, this should be your first time to attend the event, right?"

Mu Rufeng is a contractor, and the real world first came five years ago, so Mu Rufeng must be attending the ten-year event for the first time.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng hummed.

"The gold coin has a bigger secret, you must not know it? If you sell it to me, how about I tell you the secret?" said the Skeleton Ghost King.

"Oh? What secret?" Mu Rufeng immediately became interested.

"Only I know this secret. Do you think you can sell the gold coins to me first? Time is running out." Skeleton Ghost King said.

Now there are only three minutes left before the end.

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate. It would not be a loss if he sold it. There are rules and restrictions, and it is impossible to cheat him.

He nodded immediately, and the two immediately reached a cooperation. More than 60,000 gold coins appeared in the body of Skeleton Ghost King instantly.

Mu Rufeng also directly received more than 1.8 million soul power.

Skeleton Ghost King immediately explained the function of the gold coins.

It turned out that in addition to purchasing talents in the talent library, this gold coin can also be smelted by Golden City to create a special rule-based prop.

Name: Toll Money

The Skeleton Ghost King did not know the specific properties, but he said that this special rule-based prop was extremely powerful. At the same time, it can only be created if the gold coins exceed one million.

"How did you know this secret?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised, and then asked.

The Skeleton Ghost King smiled slightly but did not speak.

"Toll?" Mu Rufeng had already made up his mind.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng did not delay any longer and immediately shouted to the ghost kings: "Fifty soul power for one gold coin, take as many as you want, only the last two and a half cents are left."

"Fifty soul power for one gold coin? I'll sell it to you. I'll sell it all to you."

"I'll sell it to you too. I still have three thousand, I'll sell them all to you."

"I still have ten thousand, I'll sell them to you too."

With a crash, a large group of ghost kings rushed over, all wanting to be sold.

Even the person in the tenth place was somewhat moved.

However, the thought of purchasing a talent from Diziku suppressed the idea.

Compared to soul power, he wanted to have stronger talents.

When your strength becomes stronger, then money will naturally come to you.

This guy was still ninth before, but who knew that someone suddenly rushed to second place, directly pushing him to tenth.

However, there is not much difference between the ninth and tenth. Both can enter the ninth-level Ghost Emperor Festival.

It's just that the person who was originally ranked tenth was so angry that he was pushed to eleventh place. He is now going crazy, collecting gold coins like crazy.

However, Mu Rufeng is now buying it for fifty soul powers, which directly blocks his way into the top ten.

Because even if he bought it at the same price as Mu Rufeng, the soul power in his body would not be enough to support him past the tenth place.

Therefore, even if he was very resentful, he could only sell all the gold coins he had to Mu Rufeng in despair.

However, when the soul power arrived, he also grinned and made a lot of money.

The number of gold coins in the top ten was fixed there instantly.

Of course, Mu Rufeng, the number one gold coin, is rising slowly.

When the last minute ended, Mu Rufeng's total number of gold coins had reached 2.3 million.

It can be said that he bought all the gold coins from everyone except the top ten.

Because those in the top ten also made a lot of purchases in order to prevent themselves from being surpassed.

The second to tenth places also have hundreds of thousands of gold coins in total.

In comparison, Mu Rufeng has more than everyone else.

"Everyone, I accept it." Mu Rufeng bowed her hands towards the ghost kings.

These ghost kings all stared at Mu Rufeng. They also made a lot of money this time, but they couldn't figure out why Mu Rufeng had so much soul power.

In this last wave, he purchased nearly 1.5 million gold coins and 50 soul power, which is a full 75 million soul power.

This is a very high number. Even some ninth-level ghost emperors are not as wealthy as Mu Rufeng.

Why does a contractor, only a fourth-level contractor, have such huge wealth?

They are all guessing about Mu Rufeng's identity?

Unfortunately, they could never guess that Mu Rufeng was a wall hanging.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu, for letting me come to you." The Skeleton Ghost King also bowed his hand towards Mu Rufeng.

The one who was originally in third place looked at the Skeleton Ghost King with a cold gaze.

Originally he was ranked second, but he had no illusions about being ranked first. After all, the difference was more than 800,000 yuan, and even if his house was confiscated, he wouldn't be able to reach it.

It's not bad to come in second place, but to be surpassed by the Skeleton Ghost King, I was so angry that I immediately went to buy it.

Originally, he was only one thousand gold coins away from the second place of Skeleton Ghost King.

But Mu Rufeng waved his hand and bought all fifty soul powers.

It's not like he hasn't thought about buying it at a high price to surpass the Skeleton Ghost King.

But the Skeleton Ghost King has been with him for a long time. As long as he invests money, the Skeleton Ghost King will always have more money than him.

In this way, he could only end up in third place.

At this moment, the city gate slowly opened.

A group of people immediately walked out of the gate.

However, when Mu Rufeng walked out of the city gate, the surrounding space immediately changed.

Unknowingly, Mu Rufeng appeared in a luxurious room.

In addition to Mu Rufeng, the top ten weirdos in gold coins this time are all in this room.

"Congratulations to everyone, you have the qualifications to participate in the Ghost Emperor's Grand Meeting." As soon as Lot appeared, he thanked everyone.

This Lott is none other than the one who announced the rules from the sky before. He is also a high-level executive of Golden City and the manager of the housing area.

"I've met Lord Ghost Emperor!"

The Skeleton Ghost King and others immediately saluted Lot.

Mu Rufeng's reaction was naturally not slow, and she followed him and bowed.

"Mr. Mu, just call me Manager Luo. I'm really sorry. Once the invitation letter is given, it cannot be replaced. Therefore, I can only let you participate in the gold coin competition."

"We also believe in your strength. No, you also won first place." Rote looked at Mu Rufeng and apologized sincerely.

"Haha, I thought you had forgotten. I didn't expect this to be the case, but it doesn't matter. Gold coins are a good thing." Mu Rufeng smiled.

"As long as Mr. Mu doesn't mind." Lot said with a smile.

The other nine ghost kings were filled with shock when they saw the conversation between the two and Lot's attitude towards Mu Rufeng.

They still underestimated Mu Rufeng's identity.

Unexpectedly, even the ninth-level ghost emperor would apologize to Mu Rufeng.

Although there is only one level difference between the ninth-level ghost emperor and the eighth-level ghost king, if the ninth-level ghost emperor takes action, he can crush the thousand eighth-level ghost kings who participated in the battle before.

The gap between the two is really too big.

"The banquet will start at two o'clock on time. You can take a rest here first."

"The ranking rewards and gold coins have been given to you, so you can choose the talents you need to buy."

Lot spoke.

"Yes, Lord Ghost Emperor."

The group of people immediately bowed and saluted.

"Manager Luo, can I have a word with you?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Of course." Roth smiled slightly, and the ghost cave under his feet extended out, covering the two of them.

"Manager Luo, I heard from that Skeleton Three that gold coins can be used to make a special prop? I wonder if it's true or not?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Skeleton Three, of course, is the Skeleton Ghost King.

"Hmm? It's true, but I didn't expect that he, an eighth-level ghost king, actually knew it." Roth was a little surprised.

"Really?" Mu Rufeng also became interested.

After all, this prop [Toll] sounds very powerful.

"Well, this prop, how should I put it, although the attributes are very strong, the price is a bit unacceptable, so we almost never tell the public."

"And, at least one million gold coins are required. There are only a handful of shops that can get one million gold coins in so many times." Roth said.

"The price? What price? What is the attribute of the toll?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"This. Mr. Mu, I'm really sorry. Although I know the properties and the price, due to the special nature of the prop, I can only tell you the name. I can't tell you the rest."

"If you really want to make it, we can forge it for you. When it is forged, you will become its owner." Roth said apologetically.

"I understand. Please trouble Manager Luo to forge it for me." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then made up his mind.

Although the price may be relatively high, Mu Rufeng feels that the properties must be very powerful.

He has nothing missing now, except this kind of powerful, strange, powerful, special kind of prop.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, do you only use one million gold coins to forge it, or all the gold coins to cast it?" Roth asked.

"Is there any difference?" Mu Rufeng looked at Roth and asked.

"The casting material of the toll money starts at a minimum of one million gold coins, and the more gold coins used as materials, the stronger the effect will naturally be." Roth explained.

"Is there any other use for this gold coin at the back?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Gold coins are only useful in the talent library, but soul power can also be used to purchase in the talent library. I believe Mr. Mu has enough, right?"

"After the event is over, the gold coins will disappear automatically." Roth said.

"Then there is nothing to say, just smelt and forge them all for me." Mu Rufeng said.

Since the gold coins will disappear later, it means that they are no longer useful.

Then why doesn't Mu Rufeng use them all and keep them for himself to disappear?

As for using gold coins to buy talents, there is no need at all.

Although Mu Rufeng exchanged 10 trillion soul notes, he still has 9 million units of soul power.

He didn't believe that the talents in the earth-level talent library could drain Mu Rufeng.

Roth immediately took out a box, opened it and said: "Mu, please put all the gold coins in this box."

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng immediately put all the gold coins on his body into the box.

"Mr. Mu, you can take a short break here. The next event will officially start in two hours. I have something else to do, so I'll go ahead." Roth said.

"Well, by the way, how long does it take to forge the toll?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It will be forged when the event is over." Roth replied.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

The ghost den that enveloped the surroundings slowly dissipated, and Mu Rufeng's figure reappeared.

And Roth had disappeared.

Just like this conversation, the nine ghost kings had already sat on the sofa.

Several ghost kings looked serious, and they should still be choosing talents in the earth-character talent library.

There were also several ghost kings who looked very happy, and they had obviously obtained their favorite talents.

When they saw Mu Rufeng reappear, their eyes were attracted.

Mu Rufeng was a fourth-level contractor, and his status was very low, but this ninth-level ghost emperor Roth respected Mu Rufeng so much.

It was so confusing that they couldn't figure it out.

Even an eighth-level ghost king or a ninth-level ghost emperor with a strong background wouldn't be in this state.

So they were all very curious.

The Skeleton Ghost King couldn't help but ask curiously: "Mr. Mu, why does the ghost emperor treat you so respectfully?"

"Maybe it's the deal I made with the Golden City before." Mu Rufeng smiled.

But soon, he changed the subject and said: "However, the secret prop you told me needs a price to use, why didn't you tell me?"

Skeleton Three heard this and showed a puzzled look: "Price? What price? I don't know?"

"Huh? You don't know?" Mu Rufeng looked at Skeleton Three with some suspicion.

"I really don't know, I only know that more than one million gold coins can cast a very powerful prop in the Golden City."

"I don't know the specific properties of the prop and what price it needs to pay." Skeleton Three explained.

If it was before, he would not care about Mu Rufeng's life or death, and would not explain, but seeing the attitude of the Ghost Emperor Roth towards Mu Rufeng, he could only explain patiently.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand and was too lazy to talk to them.

He found a place and sat directly on the sofa, and then silently recited the talent library in his heart.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's soul entered a mysterious world.

Mu Rufeng floated in the void, surrounded by countless talent light balls.

The colorful light balls reflected the dark void space into a colorful world.

"So many talent light balls." Mu Rufeng looked around and was attracted by those talent light balls.

According to Roth, if they want to buy talents, they have to use their own souls to attract talents suitable for them.

It's called buying, but it can be said that it's letting talents choose them.

Once talents choose them, they have to use soul power to redeem these talents, and then these talents will truly belong to them.

Of course, you can also capture talents, and the talents you capture can still redeem them.

Mu Rufeng looked at the endless talents, and Mu Rufeng reached out and grabbed a talent ball floating beside him.

[Everyday Upward]: Study hard, every day, read books for one hour every day, you can increase 1 point of mental power, and improve your concentration and understanding ability.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised. Good guy, the first talent he just got was actually this type of good talent.

And this is just the earth-level talent library. It can increase a little mental power every day, and can also continue to increase concentration and comprehension.

Although the attributes that this talent can increase are very low, it can be increased every day. If it continues day by day, it will become an extremely impressive and terrifying talent.

Mu Rufeng did not directly choose this talent. Maybe there are better talents in it.

Unconsciously, Mu Rufeng was surrounded by talent light balls.

It seemed that they were all talent light balls attracted by Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng immediately reached out and grabbed a talent light ball again.

[Fear]: Fear is the source of everything. You will have the ability to absorb fear and turn it into your own strength.

"Fear?" Mu Rufeng was shocked again.

This kind of emotional talent is also super strong. As long as you are a person, you have fear.

Even if it is weird, some animals have fear, and absorbing this emotion into their own power is definitely a talent with great growth potential.

Then Mu Rufeng grabbed another talent to check the attributes.

[Rage]: Rage is a symbol of destruction. You can continuously absorb the rage emotion into your own power. When you fall into rage, you will continue to strengthen your own power.

"Rage? Is there joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng began to check the talent groups around him.

Don't say it, there are talents for several emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness.

The attributes are similar, without exception, they are all extremely powerful talents.

Mu Rufeng wants so many powerful talents.

It's a pity that he can only buy one of them.

Mu Rufeng looked around and finally found a talent that he was most satisfied with among the many talents.

[Lucky Star]: You are a lucky person, luck will accompany you throughout your life, and your basic luck value will increase tenfold.

Although other talents are quite good, Mu Rufeng feels that luck should be more important.

His current luck is 62 points, but this is after the bonus of [Luck Burst].

The normal state should be 31 points.

As for this basic luck, it should be Mu Rufeng's initial luck. He remembers that his initial luck was 6 points.

If it is increased tenfold, it can increase the luck by 60 points.

And after the blessing of [Luck Burst], it can be doubled, that is to say, Mu Rufeng can increase the luck by 120 points.

120 points of luck, as the saying goes, the most important thing for a cultivator is wealth, friends, Dharma and land.

The word wealth is ranked first, what is it? One's own wealth, one's own opportunities and adventures can all be attributed to the word wealth.

Among them, Mu Rufeng already has wealth, and opportunities and adventures are naturally linked to luck.

As for the others, although they can increase Mu Rufeng's strength, they are still not very useful at this stage.

There is also a Ghost Emperor event, and you may have to gamble, so you need luck.

So, Mu Rufeng directly chose the talent of the lucky star.

[Do you want to pay 2 million soul power? ]

When Mu Rufeng chose this talent, a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

"Two million? It's really expensive, but it's not bad." Mu Rufeng chose to pay directly.

He won the first place and was rewarded with two million soul power, and more than two million gold coins. Each gold coin gave ten soul power points, which is more than 20 million here.

After paying two million soul power, Mu Rufeng returned to the luxurious room.

And the talent light ball also appeared in his soul sea.

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate at all and crushed the light ball directly.

[Get talent: lucky star]

Mu Rufeng glanced at his luck value, and as expected, it had reached 182 points.

He also has a gambler's dice, which can increase his luck by 6 points, which doubles to 12 points, or 194 points.

If he is at the gambling table, or even betting with others, his title [Lucky Gambling] will be triggered, and his luck will double again, reaching a terrifying 388 points.

This is an extremely high value. Even if Mu Rufeng had ten times the luck value when he just entered the Golden City, it was only 320 points of luck.

Skull Three and others have also chosen their talents at this moment. Everyone seems to be very satisfied and gathered together to chat.

When he saw Mu Rufeng come back to his senses, he immediately greeted Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, have you chosen your talent? Why don't you come and chat together?" Skull Three shouted to Mu Rufeng.

"What to talk about?" Hearing this, Mu Rufeng stood up from the sofa and walked over.

There is a circle of sofas here, surrounding a wooden table in the middle filled with various pastries, fruits and tea. It is more than enough for ten people to sit down.

"Let's talk about the gift, the grand meeting of the ninth-level ghost emperor. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to talk about talent."

"The talent I got is a talent called [bone hyperplasia]. With this talent, my bones can regenerate infinitely, which greatly enhances my strength." Skull Three said.

"【Bone hyperplasia】?" Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

If it was really as Skull Three said, it would be extremely powerful for him.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't believe that Skull Three would say his talent like this.

After all, this weird world is a world where people are eaten without spitting out bones.

I think Skull Three should have just said a talent he saw in the talent library, or just made it up.

The others seemed to have guessed this, so they didn't continue to talk about this topic.

However, those people didn't say anything, but Mu Rufeng spoke: "The talent I chose is fear, which can absorb all the power of fear and turn it into myself."

"Fear? It's fear?" A ghost king was slightly surprised.

"Emotional talents are the most powerful talents. I didn't expect Mr. Mu to choose the fear talent." Another ghost king said with a sigh.

"It's just luck. It's right next to me. I grabbed it with my hand." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"What good luck." A ghost king said enviously.

Even though these people said so, they still did not reveal the talents they had obtained.

"There is a ship called the Fear Cruise on the Dead Sea. Their captain seems to have a talent for fear. Although he is only an eighth-level ghost king, he is extremely powerful. I can't even last ten moves in front of him." A ghost king said.

"So strong?" A ghost king was slightly surprised.

"By the way, can anyone tell me what the ninth-level ghost emperor event is like?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

Mu Rufeng really didn't know anything about this ninth-level ghost emperor event.

"I don't know, I haven't participated." Skull Three shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

The rest of the people also shook their heads.

"So, none of us ten have participated? Is this the first time you have won the top ten places?" Mu Rufeng looked at these eighth-level ghost kings and said.

These eighth-level ghost kings nodded in agreement when they heard this.

Well, it seems that the top ten of the last session no longer have the financial resources to compete for the top ten.

However, if it happens once every ten years, those people might have broken through to the level of Ghost Emperor.

After all, the level eight Ghost Kings who can come here are almost all just one step away from reaching the final stage.

However, it is precisely this final stage that has blocked countless people.

"I heard that at the Level Nine Ghost Emperor banquet, there will be spiritual creatures that break through to the level nine." A Ghost King said.

"Well, that's exactly the case. Didn't we come here after risking our own wealth?" said another Ghost King.

It seems that they all came for that level nine spiritual creature.

In this case, Mu Rufeng can also get a level nine spiritual creature back for Lilith.

If Lilith can break through to the level nine, it will definitely be a great help to Mu Rufeng.

When thinking of Lilith, Mu Rufeng thought of Scarlet Optimum.

It's already past one in the morning.

I guess Scarlet Optimum has already been launched.

"I remember that Scarlet Optimum seems to be launched today, right?" Suddenly, Skull Three spoke.

"Yes, I just checked the stock price. The opening price was 60 yuan, and now it has risen to 70 yuan."

From 60 yuan to 70 yuan, it seems to have only increased by 10 yuan.

However, if converted, the market value of Scarlet Optimization has increased by more than 30 billion, which is also an extremely terrifying concept.

"I also admire Mr. Xu of Scarlet Optimization. Not only did he make Scarlet Optimization a ninth-level group, but he himself broke through to the ninth-level ghost emperor."

"Now that the group has been listed, the value has skyrocketed again. After this time, I will apply for Scarlet Optimization." A ghost king said.

All of a sudden, the topic shifted to Scarlet Optimization.

"This time, it seems that the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization are bound to go bankrupt."

"Yeah, look at the current traffic of Scarlet Optimization. Even if the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization are added together and multiplied tenfold, they are still not enough to beat Scarlet Optimization."

"The main reason is that Scarlet Optimization has opened up channels in the real world. I often buy meat on it."

"It's a pity that there are only ordinary animal meats. If there were human meat, it would be even better."

"I'll buy some to satisfy my hunger."

"I'll buy some too. It happens that they can deliver to where I live."

Although they are level 8 ghost kings, they still can't resist the taste of fresh flesh and blood.

Especially the kind that can be bought with money and delivered the next day.

"What a pity, I haven't opened it yet." Several ghost kings murmured to themselves.

"Human flesh? Haha." Mu Rufeng chuckled when he heard it.

With him around, how could they sell human flesh?

Only the Wang Xi Youxuan side was really selling human flesh. The big truck driven by Mu Rufeng was full of living flesh and blood.

The United States was really a bit unkind, using the bodies of compatriots to exchange for wealth.

That's not right. It might be refugees or homeless people caught from somewhere. It's impossible to arrest citizens directly.

Calculating the time, Ye Lin should have brought people to wait near the Wagner Farm in the United States.

Once the time comes, the real channel of Wang Xi Youxuan will be destroyed.

Mu Rufeng stood up and left here, found an empty sofa and sat on it, and then took out his mobile phone to read some news.

Almost all of them are from Scarlet Optimum. Obviously, Scarlet Optimum spent a lot of soul money on advertising this time.

It’s just that not all places can deliver.

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