I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 272: Secondary external loading of the copy [10,000 words added by the leader]

Ten city warehouses have been built and officially opened today.

The business that originally covered only ten cities has also expanded directly to one hundred cities.

All of these one hundred cities are distributed by one main warehouse and ten city warehouses.

Mu Rufeng searched for relevant information about Wang Xi Youxuan again.

But he found that he couldn't find it at all. Obviously, Wang Xi Youxuan has not taken any action yet, and has not even announced the news of the merger of Wang Xi Youxuan.

"Should I wait until the stock price reaches the peak before taking action?" Mu Rufeng murmured to himself.


Two hours passed in a flash.

Roth's voice appeared here again.

"Everyone, the banquet is about to begin. Let me tell you the precautions."

"There is only one rule in the banquet, that is, fighting is prohibited."

"If you violate it, even if you are a level nine ghost emperor, you will be suppressed and swallowed by the Golden City." Roth said.

"Manager Luo, what are the procedures for this banquet?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"We are the Golden City, so gambling is our core. Let's go in first. You will know after we go in." Roth did not explain, but led everyone to the door.

After opening the door, everyone walked out of the room.

This is a long passage with a soft carpet on the ground, which is very comfortable to walk on.

After walking for a few minutes, they appeared in front of a Western-style double-door.

"Everyone, welcome to the Golden City's once-in-a-decade event. Please come in."

Roth pushed open the doors on both sides, and then stood beside the door, making an invitation gesture to Mu Rufeng and others.

Mu Rufeng immediately stepped into it.

What came into view was a huge and luxurious palace.

There was a dance floor in the center, and three long tables were placed around the dance floor.

The tables were filled with a lot of delicious food and various wines and milk drinks.

In the dance floor, there were hundreds of ghost emperors, gathering in groups of three or two to exchange some information or problems about cultivation.

There were also many waiters constantly shuttling among the crowd, serving those ghost emperors.

When the door here opened, it attracted the attention of some ghost emperors.

Those ghost emperors glanced at it and stopped paying attention. A small eighth-level ghost king was not worth their attention.

But they set their eyes on Mu Rufeng.

A contractor, or a fourth-level contractor, but a contractor who exudes the aura of an eighth-level ghost king.

Such an existence, no matter where it is, is an extremely eye-catching existence.

But he just looked at it a few more times and didn't pay too much attention.

"So many ghost emperors." Skull Three was stunned when he saw the scene in the palace.

Not only him, but almost all the people behind him were like this.

Even Mu Rufeng was still surprised.

Hundreds of ghost emperors, this is really too terrifying.

The aura of each ghost emperor made them tremble, and fortunately they were all restrained, otherwise they would have collapsed on the ground.

[Host has been detected to have entered the dungeon, and the plug-in has been loaded successfully]

[Host, please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Luck: Your luck value will be multiplied by ten times] (gray)

[2. Gambling skills MAX: Your gambling skills in all aspects will become the best in the world]

[3. Bad luck: You can reduce the luck value of any target by ten times]

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised when he heard the prompt sound in his mind.

He had been in the Golden City for more than an hour before, but he didn't hear any plug-in loaded.

So he thought there was no plug-in, because he was still in the Undead Optimization dungeon, and the plug-in had been given.

So there would be no plug-in loading in the dungeon in this dungeon.

But he didn't expect that when he stepped into the real banquet venue, there would be another plug-in.

Mu Rufeng was also a little surprised, because this time the plug-in was exactly the same as the one he had loaded in the Golden City before.

The only difference was that the plug-in in option one was gray and unselectable.

Mu Rufeng guessed that it should be the plug-in he chose last time, so he couldn't choose it this time.

Looking at the only two plug-ins left, Mu Rufeng didn't hesitate too much and directly chose the third plug-in [Bad Luck].

Compared with the other two, [Gambling Technique MAX] is really incomparable.

Bad Luck is also a metaphysical plug-in that can reduce the enemy's luck value, and it is almost a must.

Equipped with Mu Rufeng's luck value of 194 points, gambling? That's simply killing gods and Buddhas.

Before coming, Mu Rufeng had already thrown the dice and successfully increased his luck value by twelve points.

The banquet was mainly based on gambling. Once gambling started, his luck value doubled again to 388.

With the plug-in [Bad Luck], the opponent's luck value was reduced by ten times, and the gap between the two sides was not a little bit.

Mu Rufeng showed a weird smile on his face.

In just a short while, there were more ghost emperors on the field.

The Ghost Emperor is different from Mu Rufeng and his group. Mu Rufeng and his group need to appear in the strange golden city at 12 o'clock on time, and then grab gold coins to compete for the top ten before they can come here.

For those Ghost Emperors, they only need to arrive here before three o'clock in the morning, and if they respond to the invitation, they will appear directly in this banquet hall.

There are only three minutes left until three o'clock in the morning.

It seems that because of the last three minutes, Ghost Emperors appear from time to time.

It seems that there are really many Ghost Emperors in the strange world.

One is that they have a long lifespan, and the other is that the world is too big, with a large population and extremely rich resources. In this way, there are naturally more Ghost Emperors.

"Mr. Mu?" Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

Mu Rufeng heard it and looked up, but found that the person who called him was Niu Ben, the boss of Qingye Farm.

"Boss Niu? You are here too?" Mu Rufeng was also a little surprised.

But he thought of what Xu He said, that as long as the ninth-level Ghost Emperor has an eternal gold coin, he can enter the Golden City.

And the ninth-level Ghost Emperor will definitely be invited by the Golden City.

Niu Ben of Qingye Farm is also a ninth-level Ghost Emperor, so it is not surprising that he can appear here.

"Mu Rufeng!!! Hum!" A cold snort sounded.

Mu Rufeng looked over again and found that it was also an old acquaintance, or an old enemy.

Wan Yue, the boss of the clone factory.

"Mr. Mu, I didn't expect to see you here, haha." Xu He walked out from behind Niu Ben with a glass of wine in his hand.

Niu Ben was tall and completely blocked Xu He's figure, so Mu Rufeng hadn't noticed it before.

"Mr. Xu, today is the day when your Scarlet Optimum is listed. Why are you here instead of in the company?" Mu Rufeng smiled and greeted them, and then walked towards them.

Meeting an acquaintance, and they were all ninth-level ghost emperors, so Mu Rufeng naturally had to go over and chat.

This scene stunned the eighth-level ghost kings.

Does Mu Rufeng, the contractor, have such a wide network of contacts? Several ghost emperors called Mu Rufeng over.

There was another ghost emperor who seemed to have a grudge against him.

"Mr. Xu, I haven't seen you for many days. How come you are on good terms with a human contractor?"

A mocking voice sounded.

Everyone looked over and found that it was Chen Shan, the boss of Undead Optimal, and Sun Xiaotian, the one from Xixi Optimal.

They were both standing next to Wan Yue in the clone factory.

"Chen Shan? Sun Xiaotian? You two broke through to the Ghost Emperor without making any noise?" Xu He looked at the two of them, his face extremely surprised.

These two were both level eight Ghost Kings before, but now they are here, and they still exude the unique aura of Ghost Emperor.

You should know that Xu He not only used the help of level nine spiritual objects, but also the help of the level eight group to attack the level nine group to make him break through to the level nine Ghost Emperor.

Now these two guys broke through to the level nine without making any noise, how could Xu He not be shocked.

"What? Are you disappointed? Can only you break through, but we can't break through?" Chen Shan said with a sneer.

The Ghost Emperors around them also watched their quarrel with interest.

There has been a lot of news about them recently, and there is no conflict of interest with them, so those who can watch the excitement will naturally watch the excitement.

Sun Xiaotian said, "Today, I would like to congratulate Mr. Xu. The group is listed and the stock market has soared."

"Haha, no, no, I also want to congratulate you on breaking through the ninth-level ghost emperor. Mr. Sun, you two are really brothers in distress. You even broke through together." Xu He said with a smile.

"Brothers in distress? Humph!" Chen Shan snorted again.

"Why? Isn't it? After all, in a short time, your Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization will be acquired by us." Xu He said with a smile.

"Acquisition? It's too early for Mr. Xu to say this now." Sun Xiaotian said calmly.

"Haha, is it too early? I don't think it's too early. Don't you look at your current traffic? Even if you tie them up and multiply them by ten, you can't beat Scarlet Optimization."

"Mr. Wan, is your clone factory going to close down too?"

Niu Ben on the side laughed.

"Close down? Even if you close down, I won't close down." Wan Yue said with a cold snort.

"Then we'll see." Chen Shan said coldly, and then turned and walked into the crowd.

He obviously didn't want to meet Mu Rufeng and the others again.

Sun Xiaotian and Wan Yue naturally followed him and left.

When they left, they all showed a sneer at the corners of their mouths, and sneered in their hearts.

Now Xu He is so arrogant and so arrogant. When they attack later, they also want to see what expression Xu He will have.

Speaking of which, Xu He and the others are in the same mood as them.

Because Xu He also wants to know what expression Chen Shan and the others will have when they counterattack after Chen Shan counterattacks.

"Mr. Xu, isn't Scarlet Optimum listed today? Why are you here instead of staying in Scarlet Optimum?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"Haha, it's still early, and it's just right that I was invited. I haven't been here before, so I naturally don't want to miss it." Xu He said with a smile.

"Oh, that's right. Mr. Xu is here for the first time too. Boss Niu, what are the procedures for this event?" Mu Rufeng looked at Niu Ben and asked.

"As for the procedure, it's just an hour of eating and drinking. After you're full, you can start gambling."

"Golden City will send experts to set up various gambling methods, and you can participate at will."

"Each person has one million soul power. After an hour, the ten with the highest soul power will enter the final God of Gamblers Competition." Niu Ben explained.

He could explain it so clearly, obviously Niu Ben has participated in it many times.

"God of Gamblers Competition? What is this God of Gamblers Competition?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The God of Gamblers Contest is the final match for the top ten invited guests plus the mayor of Golden City, a total of eleven people."

"As for the final match, it is determined by random inspection, and each time is different." Niu Ben said.

"It feels quite ordinary." Mu Rufeng heard this and said.

"The previous ones are quite ordinary, but it depends on what is picked in the final random inspection. You will never guess what the final match of the last celebration was." Niu Ben laughed.

"What is it?" Before Mu Rufeng spoke, Xu He asked curiously.

"Fighting Landlord." Niu Ben said.

"Fighting Landlord? What is that?" Xu He was stunned, he didn't know what it was.

"Fighting Landlord? The chess and card game Fighting Landlord in the real world?" Mu Rufeng was also slightly stunned.

"Yes, that's right, it's Fighting Landlord in the real world." Niu Ben nodded.

"Mr. Xu seems to have never paid attention to these things because he has been practicing all his heart?" Niu Ben said with a smile.

"Doudizhu has only appeared in the past few years. It came from the real world, and many people don't know what Doudizhu is."

"And after you draw Doudizhu, the rules are not explained. I still want to laugh when I watch the last Doudizhu competition, haha." Niu Ben said with a big laugh.

The real world appeared five years ago. Five years ago, although many people died and entered the weird world because of some special events.

But this kind of people either lost their consciousness or were in a daze, how could they come up with Doudizhu.

After some weird people got the weird memories of the real world, they began to slowly develop the weird world.

However, development is development, and even if Doudizhu appeared, it didn't cause any big waves.

So much so that in the last draw, Doudizhu was actually drawn, and it took many rounds to gradually understand the rules.

And this time, it is estimated that these ghost emperors have made up for it before coming.

"Okay, let's stop chatting and eat something first. These things in the Golden City are all good things. They are delicious for us."

"But for you, they are not only delicious, but also very beneficial." Niu Ben said.

"Haha, I love eating the most." Mu Rufeng smiled and then walked towards the table.

"You go eat first. I also saw a few old friends. I will take Mr. Xu to meet them." Niu Ben said.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, I'm waiting to see the show." Mu Rufeng said.

"Haha, I'm waiting to see the show too." Xu He said with a big laugh.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the long table.

As expected, there were a lot of food made from spiritual ingredients, as well as spiritual fruits and other delicacies on it.

"Daddy, daddy, I want to eat, I want to eat." Xiaoying's sudden voice sounded in my ears.

"I want it too, Brother Mu, I want to eat too." Bai Jingwei also shouted.

"Roar~~!" Xiaolong also roared.

This guy, he can't speak yet.

"Eat, I'll give it to you, but the occasion is not right now, you don't have to come out."

Mu Rufeng said, and waved his hand, and saw that most of the food on the table in this area was missing.

Some ghost emperors saw Mu Rufeng's operation and sneered.

Sure enough, the contractor is the contractor. He was attracted by these delicacies. Not only did he eat a lot, but he also put them in the inventory.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about the eyes around him. After sending a bunch of food to Xiaoying and the others, he started eating.

Thinking of what Niu Ben said just now, it would take an hour to eat and drink.

In other words, it will not officially start until four in the morning.

In this way, if it ends, it will be no later than six or seven o'clock.

He still remembered that he still had a task at the Undead Optimization.

The main thing is that he still has to go to the Tree Ghost City. If he drives a truck again, he will definitely be too late.

"On the highway, we should be able to fly, right? We should also be able to travel through space, right?" Mu Rufeng murmured.


An hour passed in a flash.

All the long tables around were removed, replaced by multiple gambling tables.

Each gambling table had a dealer sent by the Golden City.

They were all beautiful women with explosive figures and beautiful faces. It was really a beautiful dealer dealing cards online.

Each gambling table represented a gambling method.

"This time, I have to play well. Last time, I lost all my money in a few rounds and watched for an hour or two." Niu Ben rubbed the chips in his hand, eager to try.

The one million soul power in everyone's body was directly converted into one million chips by the rules.

Integer chips of 100-1000000 can be divided at any time.

"I'm not very interested in gambling, Mr. Mu, which gambling table are you going to go to? I'll follow you." Xu He said.

Mu Rufeng was standing with Xu He and Niu Ben at the moment.

There were two Ghost Emperors among the many forces that had formed an alliance with Xu He, and they all came.

The reason why they didn't gather together was naturally to prevent being seen by Chen Shan and others.

Not all Ghost Emperors came, at least, several super-bigwigs that Mu Rufeng was familiar with didn't come.

For example, Lu Chengfeng, the general owner of Baibao Building, and Zhao Huanyu, the president of Tiandi Bank.

There were really many old-fashioned ninth-level group forces, but basically no president-level figures came.

But there are not just one or two Ghost Emperors in those old forces, but multiple Ghost Emperors. If the boss is not here, the Ghost Emperors of the lower level will not be absent.

"I don't like to play complicated games either, so let's just bet on the size."

"By the way, Boss Niu, if you want to be in the top ten, then follow me." Mu Rufeng said, and walked towards a gambling table in front.

This gambling table is for betting on size.

The rules of betting on size are also very simple. These are three dice. If the points shaken out are less than or equal to ten, then it is small.

If the points are greater than or equal to eleven, then it is big.

There are also five Ghost Emperors in front of the gambling table, and they have all bet.

Mu Rufeng walked up, glanced, and then directly bet one million soul chips on the small.

"Mr. Mu, you bet all directly?" Niu Ben was a little surprised.

Seeing this, Xu He on the side did not say anything, but thought about it for a while, and then bet all his one million souls.

"It's settled, Mr. Ghost Emperor, do you want to bet?" The beautiful dealer looked at Niu Ben with her beautiful eyes and asked softly.

"Mr. Xu, you bet in one go? Aren't you afraid of losing everything?" A ghost emperor in a suit and tie said with a smile.

"It's okay. I don't like gambling anyway. If I lose, I lose. But, Mr. Liu, you bet the same as me." Xu He said with a faint smile.

"Haha, then you will definitely win this time." Mr. Liu laughed.

Four of the five ghost emperors bet on big, and only Mr. Liu, who just spoke, bet on small.

"If you want to win, follow me and bet." Mu Rufeng looked at Niu Ben and said.

"Bet, I bet 500,000." Niu Ben gritted his teeth and bet half.

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

Niu Ben was probably afraid of losing everything, so he only bet half.

"Buy and leave, it's open, one, two, four, seven, small."

Soon, the chips for betting on big disappeared.

The chips for betting on small doubled, and then were placed in front of the winners by the dealer.

"Haha, I won, I made 500,000, haha, brother Mu, you are quite lucky." Niu Ben looked at the 1.5 million chips in his hand and smiled.

He didn't care that he didn't bet all in just now, anyway, in his opinion, winning was fine.

"I didn't expect to make double the money directly." Xu He also said with a smile.

"Big." A tall female ghost emperor with a third eye on her forehead took out a chip of 100,000 soul power and bet on big.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the female ghost emperor, and then continued to bet on small with 2 million chips.

"If you want to win, follow me." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

The ghost emperors sneered and continued to bet on big.

Xu He did not say anything. He took the two million and bet on the small one again. Anyway, Xu He had no confidence in the last ten. If he could win, he would win. If he lost, he would lose. It didn't matter.

Anyway, he could also enter the Tianzi Library to buy a talent.

Of course, not all ghost emperors could go there. Because he was attending the Ten-Year Grand Event for the first time, he could do so.

As for the other ghost emperors, as long as they were not attending for the first time, they could only buy a talent in the Dizi Talent Library.

Of course, if the top ten soul power players in an hour later could also go to the Tianzi Library to buy a talent.

"Bet, follow you." Niu Ben thought about it and still only bet 500,000.

Because he thought Mu Rufeng was just lucky in the last hand, he didn't dare to go all in.

"Buy it and leave it." The beautiful dealer shouted.

The previous Mr. Liu bet 100,000 soul power again on the small one.

"Open! Three three four, ten points small."

Mu Rufeng's two million was successfully turned into four million.

"Mr. Mu, you are really lucky." The chips in Xu He's hand also became four million.

"I won again, haha." Niu Ben laughed and took the chips.

"Boss Niu, don't help me get it, I have four million, continue to bet on small." Mu Rufeng saw Niu Ben wanting to help him get the chips back and stopped him immediately.

"Still betting on small?" Niu Ben was slightly stunned. He felt that Mu Rufeng had won twice, how could he win the third time.

"I will continue to bet on small." Xu He said on the side.

"Haha, since you also bet on small, then I will follow suit. I will bet less, bet 500,000." Liu Qinghe smiled and put in 300,000 chips again.

Add the 200,000 won before, that's 500,000 chips.

"Big!" The female ghost emperor bet 100,000 chips again.

"Lady, follow me to bet on small, you will definitely win." Mu Rufeng glanced at the female ghost emperor and said with a smile.

"It's interesting. I think this one will definitely go big." A ghost emperor on the side also continued to bet big.

Of the remaining three ghost emperors, one chose to bet 100,000 small, one continued to bet big, and the other slipped away to play other projects.

Niu Ben was also a little bolder and directly bet one million.

"Buy and leave, open one, two, five, eight small!"

Four million chips turned into eight million.

"Brother Mu, are you really so lucky? Win again?" Niu Ben already had 2.5 million chips in his hand.

Liu Qinghe on the side stroked his chin and kept looking at Mu Rufeng. He felt that Mu Rufeng must have some props that increased his luck value.

"Madam, you only have 500,000 soul power, right? This time, remember to bet small with me, you will win." Mu Rufeng looked at the female ghost emperor and said with a smile.

"500,000, big!" the female ghost emperor said coldly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you can't grasp the opportunity, small, keep betting small." Mu Rufeng bet all the chips on small again.

"Forget it, it's not fun, I won't play it anymore." A ghost emperor saw that he lost again, didn't want to play big and small anymore, and ran to the next table.

Now, there are only Mu Rufeng, Xu He, Niu Ben, Liu Qinghe, another ghost emperor who just followed the bet, and this female ghost emperor who only bet on big.

The female ghost emperor wore a gorgeous evening dress and a black half-face mask on her face.

Although her face could not be seen clearly, her plump career line and beautiful face could still be seen.

But at this moment, her expression was a little cold, and she obviously felt a little impatient and angry for losing so many times in a row.

"Small, bet small." Xu He continued to bet on small for 8 million.

Liu Qinghe bet all his chips of 1.4 million with a smile.

Another Ghost Emperor Black Five thought about it and bet 500,000 directly, leaving 300,000 chips in his hand.

"Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it."

Niu Ben also gritted his teeth this time and directly bet all his chips of 2.5 million.

"Buy it and leave it, open! One, three, six, ten points small."

Mu Rufeng had a faint smile on his face, and his chips reached 16 million.

If there is a soul power ranking list, he should have been ranked in the top ten, right? Even the first? Or the second?

"Humph." The female Ghost Emperor snorted coldly and turned away.

"It's really hot, who is she, do you know her? Boss Niu." Xu He asked Niu Ben.

"What? You want to chase her? I advise you to forget it, that girl is not to be messed with." Niu Ben shook his head and said.

". I'm just curious, and I have a wife." Xu He said.

"You have a wife?" Mu Rufeng and Niu Ben said in surprise.

"Of course I do. I'm over 200 years old. Am I still single?" Xu He said.

"I'm over 300 years old. Am I still single?" Niu Ben muttered.

"Ahem, I'm still young. It's too early." Mu Rufeng said with two dry coughs.

"Can we not talk about this topic? I don't have a wife either." Hei Wu said.

"There are so many singles. You guys are not good. I have a lot of wives." Liu Qinghe looked at them.

"How is it? Brother Mu, are you still betting?" Niu Ben quickly changed the subject.

"Bet, of course I will bet. All chips continue to bet small." Mu Rufeng bet again.

"More small? Interesting. Okay, I'll bet too." Hei Wu took one million chips and bet small.

Xu He naturally followed Mu Rufeng and continued to bet 16 million.

Niu Ben also made up his mind and bet all his five million chips.

As for Liu Qinghe, he looked at the two million four hundred thousand chips in his hand, thought for a while, and bet two million.

Mu Rufeng could clearly see that the beautiful dealer seemed to have cold sweat on her face.

"Buy, buy, and leave, gentlemen." The beautiful dealer was a little unsteady in her words.

Other casinos can cheat, but they are the Golden City, and they can't cheat at all.

The beautiful dealer took a deep breath and calmed down.

In the Golden City, you can't cheat, so you have to rely on the illusory luck.

The beautiful dealer immediately communicated with the Golden City.

The next moment, a mysterious force descended, and then sank into the body of the beautiful dealer.

If the data panel appears, a prompt sound should appear in the mind of the beautiful dealer at this moment:

[Your luck value increases by 50 points]

The beautiful dealer can also feel a little bit of her own changes, so she also knows that the lucky BUFF of the Golden City has arrived.

At this moment, the beautiful dealer calmed down.

Huang Jincheng's lucky BUFF is naturally Huang Jincheng's special ability.

At the same time, they can be dealers not because of their strong strength, but because their luck value is higher than ordinary weirdness.

The dealer also knew that Mu Rufeng's luck value was very high, so she used the lucky BUFF.

When they bet on the size of the first bet, they had already obtained the first level of lucky BUFF, which increased the luck value by 50 points.

But Mu Rufeng can still beat her, so the luck value is at least above 70 points.

Now the dealer has opened the second level of lucky BUFF, and her luck value is now as high as 120 points. (There are props to increase the luck value)

She doesn't believe that Mu Rufeng can still win.

"My lords, the bet is settled." The dealer pressed the button, and the dice kept shaking and colliding in the dice clock.

"Open! Three three four, ten small!" The dealer was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to win again.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

This time, he did not continue to bet, but took back the 32 million chips.

"Haha, I won again, so cool, Brother Mu, don't bet anymore?" Niu Ben laughed.

"Well, I won't bet anymore. If I bet again, our beautiful dealer will be punished." Mu Rufeng glanced at the dealer and said with a smile.

"Sir, no matter how much you win, I will not be punished." The beautiful dealer said with a smile.

"Oh? Then I'll continue?" Mu Rufeng pretended to continue to bet on the chips.

It was clear that the smile on the dealer's face paused, and he twitched slightly.

"Haha, just kidding." Mu Rufeng left leisurely with the chips.

Xu He and other ghost emperors followed immediately.

They also asked Mu Rufeng why he didn't continue to bet.

"We can't just grab the wool from one place, and we are almost there. If we win in the same place, what if someone follows us to bet?"

Mu Rufeng glanced at Liu Qinghe and Heiwu and said.

"Yes, yes, we can't let people follow us to bet." Liu Qinghe nodded repeatedly.

Hearing this, Heiwu also echoed: "Yes, we can't grab wool from one place."

Then, Mu Rufeng walked around the casino.

There are popular places and deserted places on these gambling tables. The deserted ones are where there is no one.

The popular places, my goodness, are surrounded.

Mu Rufeng led a group of people around, and finally stopped in front of a deserted gambling table.

"Zhajinhua? This seems to be played quite slowly, and each person has a deck of cards. It's better to bet on the size." Niu Ben muttered.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head: "This is my own game. I will take you to play the size later."

If Mu Rufeng wants to get first place, the funds in his hand must exceed Xu He.

Xu He is not a fool, so he naturally understands.

The others also reacted immediately.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, just threw a 100,000 yuan chip as a base, and then said to the beautiful dealer: "Deal the cards."

The base, that is, before the base, each participant must bet a base, and then after the cards are dealt, one person will start betting once.

If you look at the cards, then you need to pay double the bet. If you don't look at the cards, the bet is normal.

The dealer also took a 100,000 yuan chip and threw it on the table as a base.

Soon, the cards were dealt, three cards per person.

Mu Rufeng didn't even look at them, and directly bet his 30 million chips on them.

There was still 1.9 million left to bet, and 30 million would be much better.

The dealer was slightly surprised when he saw this scene.

If she followed, she would have to follow with so many chips.

If she didn't follow, it would be Mu Rufeng's win, and in this case, Mu Rufeng would only win 100,000.

"Let me see the cards." The dealer immediately put on two layers of lucky BUFF and raised his own luck value to 116 points.

Then he immediately took a look at the card type.

After reading it, he remained calm on the surface, but smiled in his heart.

His card type was three Ks, and it would definitely be a huge surprise to get this type of card.

This card type, except for three A, is the largest card type.

There is no rule like the smallest card type 235 eating leopard in their fried golden flowers.

It's just a comparison of the size of the card type.

"I'll follow, open the cards." The dealer put down the cards, then took out 60 million chips and threw them on the table, and opened the cards directly.

In theory, if the dealer continues to bet, Mu Rufeng will not be able to follow without chips, and can only give up.

But considering that each of them only has one million soul chips, and they are unlimited dealers.

Therefore, there is a rule that when the players bet all, the dealer can only open the cards.

Because Mu Rufeng has no chips, the dealer can only open the cards.

This rule will automatically appear in the mind as long as you touch the gambling table.

"My cards are three Ks, sir, please open the cards."

The dealer is a seventh-level ghost general. Although Mu Rufeng is only a fourth-level contractor, he can gather with so many ghost emperors and is the first among the eighth-level ghost kings. Naturally, he can be called sir.

"3 Ks?" Niu Ben was slightly startled.

The faces of Xu He and others also changed slightly.

3 Ks, such a big hand, if you want to beat him, you can only have 3 A's, the probability is really too small.

"Brother Mu, it seems that your luck has run out." Liu Qinghe said.

"What a pity, once you return to the pre-liberation era." Heiwu said with some regret.

"Brother Mu, you————" Xu He seemed to want to comfort Mu Rufeng.

But before Xu He could finish his words, he saw Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand to turn over the cards.

With a faint smile on his face, he said, "Sorry, three A's."

"Brother Mu, you actually have three A's?" Niu Ben didn't expect that Mu Rufeng really had three A's.

Liu Qinghe and Heiwu, the two ghost emperors, were shocked when they saw this. It seems that they still underestimated Mu Rufeng's luck.

They know that in this, gambling skills are not important, what is important is luck.

"Congratulations, sir." The dealer also smiled and congratulated.

Although he smiled on the surface, he was extremely shocked in his heart.

Her luck value was over 100, but the opponent actually opened three Aces. So, his luck value was definitely much higher than hers.

Mu Rufeng collected the 60 million chips and said, "Then the 200,000 chips will be your tip."

"Thank you, thank you, sir!" The dealer's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he thanked her repeatedly.

It didn't matter if they lost chips, or won, but the chips given by the guests were truly their own.

Two hundred thousand soul power, it is also a huge fortune.

"Let's go and bet on the big or small. If we win a few more times, it will be enough." Mu Rufeng immediately brought a group of people to the previous betting table.

"Girl, we are here again." Niu Ben said to the dealer carelessly, not looking like a ninth-level ghost emperor at all.

"Thank you for your support, adults." The dealer said with a slight smile.

There are also three ghost emperors here. Just now, they opened a hand and all three ghost emperors lost.

One of them left with a gloomy face, afraid that he had lost everything.

"I have opened five small hands in a row. I don't believe it. Keep betting on the big one."

"All in, 500,000, all bet on the big one."

The two ghost emperors bet on the big one again.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng smiled, and then put down all the chips: "Sixty-one million, all bet on small."

"Thirty-two million, bet on small!"

"Ten million, bet on small."

"Four million, four hundred thousand, bet on small!"

"Two million, three hundred thousand, bet on small!"

The ghost emperors following Mu Rufeng all bet their old chips on small.

Even the two ghost emperors who bet on big frowned when they saw this.

First, they were surprised that Mu Rufeng had so many chips, and then they were surprised that they dared to bet all at once.

"With so many bets, aren't you afraid of losing all at once?" said a ghost emperor.

"Haha, don't lose all your pants when you bet on big." Niu Ben said with a smile.

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