I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 273: The God of Gamblers Contest: Using Life as a Chip [10,000 words]

"We have opened many small bets, and the two of us bet big for a total of only one million. Your combined bets are almost hundreds of millions. You will definitely lose."

A ghost emperor said analytically.

"The Ghost Emperor's analysis is very accurate. Miss dealer, we can start." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, then looked at the dealer and said.

"The deal is gone, everyone." The dealer girl reacted and shouted quickly.

At the same time, the third level of lucky BUFF was opened again.

On the first level, the luck value is increased by 50 points, on the second level, the luck value is increased by 50 points, and on the third level, the luck value is increased by 100 points.

It's the third level. This is the highest level they can activate. It can increase the luck value by a total of 200 points.

Normally, they would not turn on the lucky value BUFF, but when the amount is particularly huge, they need to turn it on.

After all, we can't let these customers work hard to win chips.

"Purchase, let's go! Two, three, four, nine o'clock!" The croupier's heart sank, but he didn't expect that under the third level of BUFF, he still lost.

This proves that Mu Rufeng's luck value is at least two hundred points.

Mu Rufeng took back his chips, a total of 127 million chips.

"Sir, you still have 600,000 chips left. Do you want to continue betting?" the dealer said suddenly.

"No more betting, I'll give you these chips as a tip." Mu Rufeng said with a slight smile.

The croupier was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: "Thank you, sir. Thank you so much, sir."

Without saying a word, the croupier took the 600,000 chips in his hand.

The soul power of 600,000 yuan, converted into soul money, is 600 million soul money. There is no problem in breaking through the eighth level.

And you can also start thinking about the ninth-level ghost emperor.

"I also won a lot, but not as much as Brother Mu, so I'll give you one hundred thousand chips." Niu Ben immediately threw out one hundred thousand chips to the dealer.

Seeing this, the others also gave 100,000 chips as tips.

Even on Black Friday, one hundred thousand chips were given.

"Thank you, thank you all." Seeing this scene, the dealer lady was so excited that she almost fainted.

This is where all the wealth and wealth from the sky has been thrown down.

"Brother Mu, are we still playing?" Niu Ben said enthusiastically.

"No more playing. With my soul power, I should be able to take first place. I'll go over there and take a rest." Mu Rufeng said.

"No more fun? I haven't even had the fun yet." Niu Ben said with some disappointment.

"Huh? No more playing? I only have 4.6 million, so I'm definitely not going to be in the top ten." Black Friday was also a little disappointed.

"Brother Mu, how about playing two more games?" Liu Qinghe also wanted Mu Rufeng to continue playing.

"Yes, yes, let's play two more games." Niu Ben nodded repeatedly.

Xu He didn't care. With 64 million soul power, he could be ranked in the top ten.

"Okay, then I'll play two more games." Mu Rufeng didn't go all-in, but only bet 125 million chips.

"Go on, bet 125 million on small." Mu Rufeng put the chips on the gambling table.

"Xiao, all-in Xiao!"

The ghost emperors immediately bet all their chips on Xiao without hesitation.

The two ghost emperors who had lost all their money and were about to leave suddenly stopped and looked at the excitement.

Anyway, if you lose everything, you can only chat with friends or go to rest and wait for the time to end.

Now that there is a lot of excitement, naturally you won’t leave.

The dealer lady was smiling at this moment, not feeling any nervousness in her heart, but looking forward to Mu Rufeng continuing to win.

After all, if you win, you might get a wave of tips.

"Open! One-one-six, eight o'clock!" The croupier was secretly delighted. These adults had won again.

In this way, Mu Rufeng's current funds have doubled again, reaching 252 million.

Xu He’s 127 million, Niu Ben’s 39.8 million, Liu Qinghe’s 19.4 million, Black Friday, 9 million.

The reason why they didn't round it up was because they had tipped with Mu Rufeng before.

"You really won?" The two ghost emperors were slightly surprised.

But what soon surprised them was that Mu Rufeng actually bet again, this time, it was still 250 million.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to place a bet, the croupier suddenly said: "Sir, after winning so much this time, I should be able to secure the first place."

"Oh? Since I can lock in the first place, I won't bet any more. I just made up the whole amount, and there is an extra change, so I'll give it to you as a tip."

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment, a smile appeared on her face, and then she dropped the two million tip and was not ready to continue betting.

Xu He and others were not fools either. They understood what was happening immediately, and each of them immediately dropped one hundred thousand soul power as a tip.

When the croupier saw this scene, her originally pale face turned flushed with excitement.

She wanted to say thank you, but when she opened her mouth, she was too excited to say anything.

Immediately, the group of people walked towards the rows of sofas outside the dance floor.

Soon, the group found an empty sofa and sat there.

"That girl is really interesting." Niu Ben said with a smile.

"It seems that Golden City doesn't want you to win too much, haha." Liu Qinghe said with a smile.

"This time, Brother Mu should be able to take first place, and Mr. Xu should be able to take second place. Boss Niu's top ten is definitely confirmed."

"If it's Mr. Liu, I should be able to enter the top ten. I only have 8.9 million soul power, which is not enough." Heiwu said with some regret.

"Then it's your fault that you bet too late, haha." Liu Qinghe said with a smile.

"Brother Mu, is there any way to let me win a few more times?" Heiwu suddenly looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

Mu Rufeng thought about it after hearing this.

Although he and Heiwu didn't have a friendship, the friendship was established after the previous bets, otherwise they wouldn't be sitting here chatting.

After all, he is also a ninth-level ghost emperor. Having the friendship of a ninth-level ghost emperor is definitely a sure win.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng took out 200,000 chips and handed them to Heiwu: "Sir, I'm a little tired, but I still want to bet. Here are 200,000 chips. Why don't you help me bet?"

"Go to the table where you just bet on big and small, and help me bet 100,000 chips for big. For the second time, help me bet 100,000 chips for small."

Hearing this, Heiwu hurriedly took the chips: "Brother Mu, don't worry, I will definitely help you bet."

Heiwu immediately stood up and walked towards the gambling table.

"You guys chat, I'll go and play too." Liu Qinghe also stood up.

"I'll go too." Niu Ben immediately echoed, stood up and prepared to follow.

"Boss Niu, Mr. Liu, you two take it easy, just bet for the first time." Mu Rufeng said leisurely.

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, nodded, and then went to the gambling table.

Ten minutes later, Heiwu and the other two came back.

Each of them had a faint smile on their face, and it seemed that they had locked in the top ten.

Now, let's take a look at everyone's soul chips.

Mu Rufeng had 250 million chips, Xu He had 126.9 million chips.

Niu Ben had 79 million chips, Liu Qinghe had 38 million chips, and Hei Wu had 35 million chips.

Among them, the croupier at the Zhajinhua gambling table received a tip of 200,000 from Mu Rufeng.

The croupier who was betting on big or small received a tip of 2.6 million from Mu Rufeng, 200,000 from Xu He, 600,000 from Niu Ben, 800,000 from Liu Qinghe, and 800,000 from Hei Wu.

Niu Ben and the other two had so many tips, and they had just won a wave there, and then gave the change to the croupier as a tip.

In this way, the croupier who was betting on big or small received a total of 5.2 million soul tips.

It was really a wealth of wealth. After one wave, he ascended directly on the spot.

"Awesome, it's so awesome. This is my third time participating. I didn't make it into the top ten every time. This time, I can finally get in." Niu Ben was extremely happy at this moment.

"Third time? This is my seventh time, and I've never been in." Hei Wu said.

"Then I'm lucky. I got in the first time I participated." Xu He said with a smile.

"Hey, although we are also ninth-level ghost emperors, our foundation is much worse than those people."

"Don't think that each person has one million chips, which seems fair, but you don't know what kind of talents and abilities they have, or some props that increase their luck."

"Like the people from Baibaolou, although they are not the same person, Baibaolou has won the first place for 20 consecutive sessions."

"The top ten are basically some people from old forces." Liu Qinghe said.

"This time, I think someone will be surprised." Hei Wu said with a smile.

"The last time, the first place had only 40 million soul power, the tenth was 12.5 million, and Lao Hei had the least, which was 35 million, which was enough." Niu Ben said.

Niu Ben didn't know the name of Hei Wu, and seeing that he was covered in black, he simply called him Lao Hei.

"By the way, I don't know where Mr. Liu and Mr. Liu got their jobs." Mu Rufeng suddenly asked the two of them.

"Excuse me, excuse me, I always forgot, this is my business card, I am Liu Qinghe, the boss of Green Water and Green Mountain Group, and our main business is urban greening."

Liu Qinghe immediately took out a few business cards and handed one to everyone present.

"Greening?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised, he didn't expect that there was actually a group company in the strange world that was greening.

"You can call me Hei Wu, I'm a lone man, I can go wherever I want, and in terms of business, I do assassinations, stealing things and the like."

Hei Wu smiled and took out a few business cards and handed them to everyone.

"It's you." Niu Ben slapped his thigh and said.

"It turns out to be Mr. Hei Wu, I'm sorry." Liu Qinghe hurriedly bowed.

Xu He was confused, he had never heard of Hei Wu.

"Mr. Hei Wu is a famous Netherworld assassin, who has assassinated more than five Ghost Emperors. He is very powerful. Brother Hei, don't accept my orders in the future." Niu Ben explained, and then said to Hei Wu.

"Brother Hei, let's get acquainted. After all, we are friends who have gambled together. Remember not to accept my orders in the future." Liu Qinghe also said hurriedly.

"You guys are too flattering me, it's not worth mentioning, but don't worry, I have made friends with you guys, I usually don't accept orders from friends." Hei Wu said with a smile.

But he added in his heart: "Friends, you have to pay more! As for this little brother Mu, I only accept business from Ghost Emperors. Of course, if the money is in place, it's not impossible."

"Mr. Liu, do the green plants you sell there have any offensive power and can be used to look after homes and homes?" Mu Rufeng asked Liu Qinghe.

"Of course, what kind do you need?" Liu Qinghe said.

"What kind of varieties are there? I'm not very good at it,"

"Hmm! How big is the guarded place and what kind of strength is required?" Liu Qinghe asked.

"It's quite big, probably as big as this palace, and the underground is relatively deep," Mu Rufeng said.

"In this case, I recommend the devil vines, which usually lie dormant underground. The underground is considered a base camp. Even enemies on the ground can break out of the ground to attack."

"And because it's often underground, it takes some effort for the enemy to pull out the demonic vines."

"In terms of strength, they range from level one to level seven. I recommend you buy level seven. We have special restrictions, so even ordinary people can identify themselves as masters."

"Once planted, it will never go against its owner's wishes, and it will not attack others for no reason, even if they are alive." Liu Qinghe said.

"Where are the eighth-level ones? Are there no eighth-level demon vines?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The eighth-level demon vines have acquired independent consciousness and have become part of our company. Naturally, we will not sell our employees." Liu Qinghe said.

"Okay, okay, how much does your company have in stock? I want all the level 3-7 demon vines." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Huh? Mr. Mu, you want them all?" Liu Qinghe was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to want them all.

"Mr. Mu, devil vines are also our company's main product, and we have quite a lot of them."

"How many?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Let me check the inventory." Liu Qinghe immediately took out his mobile phone and started operating on an APP.

Finally, he said: "There are 100,000 seeds of the third-level demon vine, 50,000 seeds of the fourth-level demon vine, 10,000 seeds of the fifth-level demon vine. There are 3,000 seeds of the sixth-level demon vine. , there are a thousand seeds of the seventh-level demon vine.”

"Brother Mu, are you sure you want them all?"

"Yes, let's talk about the price." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"In terms of price, the third-level seeds cost 1,000 soul coins, a total of 100 million soul coins, the fourth-level seeds cost 3,000, a total of 150 million soul coins, the fifth-level seeds cost 10,000, a total of 100 million soul coins, and the sixth-level seeds cost 100,000 soul coins. The total number of soul coins is 300 million soul coins, and the seventh level is one million soul coins, totaling one billion soul coins.”

"In total, a total of 1.65 billion is needed." Liu Qinghe said.

"Brother Mu has brought me so much soul power this time. If you really want it, I will make the decision and sell it to you for one billion yuan." Liu Qinghe said proudly.

"Don't worry, is there anything else? This is still missing. Are there anything like demon vines?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Yes, of course. Our company also has thorn vines and devil's vines. The prices are the same. In terms of inventory, I just checked and they are similar." Liu Qinghe said.

"What's the difference between these three types?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The difference is, of course, the attack methods are different, and the feeding methods are different."

"For example, for devil vines, just feed soul money. For thorn vines, you need to feed blood. For devil vines, you need to feed raw meat."

"You should take it to the real world and use it. The new flesh and blood fed by thorn vines and devil vines will be more effective." Liu Qinghe said.

"Okay, I want them all." Mu Rufeng directly placed the order.

"It's easy to say, it's still the same price, three billion is fine." Liu Qinghe said grandly.

This is equivalent to a direct discount of 40%, a discount of 1.9 billion.

"Excuse me, I'll transfer the money to you right now." Mu Rufeng wasn't too pretentious. After all, Liu Qinghe had really made a lot of money with him.

Liu Qinghe also reported his Tiandi Bank card, and the three billion soul banknotes soon arrived.

Three billion yuan to buy so many goodies made Mu Rufeng extremely satisfied.

The reason why he bought so many was to get a vine for all relevant departments across the country to look after homes and homes.

It can even prevent some contractors in the cells from escaping or having contractors come in to cause trouble.

"Mr. Mu, the seeds of those vines are all in our company. After the Golden City event, it seems that you are about to return."

"When you enter the dungeon next time, contact me and I will deliver it to you personally." Liu Qinghe said.

"No need, I am in a copy now, and then I was invited to attend the Golden City event. After it is over, I will return to Qingshan City." Mu Rufeng said.

"Qingshan City? That's quite far away. My company is in Shugui City. It took about a day." Liu Qinghe said.

"Shugui City? Mr. Liu, that's a coincidence. I was about to go to Shugui City. The dungeon gave me a task to go to Shugui City." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's a coincidence, haha, then I'll be waiting for you in Shugui City." Mr. Liu said with a smile.

Liu Qinghe also didn't expect that Mu Rufeng would go to Shugui City. This was just right, so he could have more relations with her.

Liu Qinghe is not a fool. There must be a big secret for a fourth-level contractor to enter here.

Now that we have made good friends, we naturally want to bring the relationship closer, instead of stupidly arresting people for torture and interrogation.

Please, now almost all the contractors have a login bracelet, interrogating Jill.

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it took so long to negotiate a big deal, Brother Mu, don't you do some business for my farm?" Niu Ben said with a smile.

"Boss Niu, didn't I connect you with Scarlet Optimization? What? Your products are not selling well?"

"Haha, just kidding, of course they are selling well."

"We combined cloning technology with the technology of our farm, and now we can mass-produce those pigs, cattle and sheep. The output has increased dramatically, and the taste has not deteriorated."

"Our Qingye Farm is also thriving, thanks to Brother Mu for getting me the information, haha." Niu Ben said with a smile. "

Mu Rufeng smiled when he heard this. It's good. It didn't develop a clone factory, which also made Mu Rufeng very satisfied.

Several people looked at Mu Rufeng curiously when they heard this.

Mu Rufeng smiled and said, "Boss Niu, do you still remember my milk? How long have you not given it to me? "Yes, of course. I've prepared everything because I haven't met you yet." Niu Ben said, taking out several barrels of milk, and Mu Rufeng immediately put them into the inventory. "Come on, today is a good day, one barrel for each of you." Niu Ben brought a barrel of Cow King's milk to everyone present. "Not bad, not bad, Cow King's milk is delicious, I'm lucky today." Liu Qinghe nodded with satisfaction. Xu He and Hei Wu didn't refuse either, and took the milk. "By the way, Boss Niu, how about the new technology at the cloning factory?" Mu Rufeng said. At this point, Niu Ben's face became a little solemn. "Their plan was successful, creating a powerful monster that can split continuously, and the individuals that split out have souls. " "Now the clones are studying how to inject the scattered souls into the clones. If he succeeds, the clones produced by the clone factory will be no different from living people. "

Niu Ben knew very well that if they succeeded in their research, clones would directly become the best-selling products in the weird world.

Their Qingye Farm would also be suppressed and unable to turn over.

The taste of living people, the taste of souls, no weird can resist it.

Even Scarlet Optimum will definitely cooperate with the clone factory in the future.

Black Friday doesn't matter, after all, it has nothing to do with him, but he doesn't mind eating human flesh.

Liu Qinghe and Xu He both frowned, obviously they also knew that if the research was really successful, the clone factory would soar.

Mu Rufeng's face was not very good when he heard it: "Can they succeed?"

"It's hard to say." Niu Ben shook his head.

"I'd better trouble Boss Niu to keep an eye on it. We have also exchanged contact information. If there is any unusual movement, please contact me."

"If my phone can't get through, contact Lilith." Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, leave it to me. "Niu Ben patted his chest and said.

The first thing that Mu Rufeng thought of when thinking of that terrifying monster was the black liquid monster.

It was not very strong originally, but because it constantly swallowed powerful attack energy, and even swallowed a large number of clones later.

This slime monster finally reached the level of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

It cannot be killed, and can swallow everything and energy to improve its strength.

It is about to be researched by the clone factory, and what is produced is real living people. In this way, it seems to have nothing to do with the real world.

It is even possible that because the clone factory supplies living flesh and blood, the living people in their real world will be less dangerous.

However, things are not like this.

Although Mu Rufeng has not seen it yet, he believes that this is absolutely harmful to the real world.

"Waiter." Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and called a waiter who was waiting in the distance.

"Several adults, what do you want to do? "The waiter immediately trotted over and said very respectfully.

"Bring some delicious food, this table must be filled. By the way, no human flesh, normal dishes." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, sir." The waiter responded and quickly left.

"By the way, the soul power we won should be ours in the end, right?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Of course it's ours. The chips of one million soul power are all paid by ourselves." Liu Qinghe said.

"Well, for the top ten, will we use the chips we won to play the final game?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Yes, the time is also one hour. When the time is up, the ranking will be determined by the amount of soul power. Those ghost emperors who come to participate in the event can all buy a talent in the earth-character talent library."

"If it's the top ten, you can go to the sky-character talent library to buy a talent. The first, second and third place will have extra rewards, but only they know it and will not be told to the public." Hei Wu said.

"Thank you for clearing up my doubts. "Mu Rufeng thanked them.

They chatted for only five or six minutes, and then they saw several waiters coming over with pots of dishes.

Soon, the table in front of the sofa was filled with food.

"My lords, the dishes have been served. Please take your time." The waiters bowed deeply and retreated.

"I see, didn't you eat a lot before? Why do you still eat so much?" Niu Ben took a bottle of red wine and drank it all in one gulp.

"Oh, I can't help it. I have the talent of being hungry, and I'm hungry again." Mu Rufeng touched her belly, grabbed a roast suckling pig, and ate it.

The rest of the people did not continue to eat, but just drank there with wine glasses.

Mu Rufeng didn't care. While eating, she asked Xiaoying if they wanted to eat again.

Xiaoying and the others' stomachs were still bulging at the moment. They hadn't finished eating the food Mu Rufeng had brought in before.

Time gradually passed and it was half past five in the morning.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Everyone looked up.

"Welcome all the guests who have come from afar. Now that the time has come, let's see who the top ten are."

Zhao Chen slowly fell from above and then appeared in the center of the crowd.

At the same time, a stage was raised in the center at the right time.

And those gambling tables disappeared silently.

Mu Rufeng and others also stood up immediately.

And the moment they stood up, the sofa also disappeared.

In other words, all the gambling tables, sofas, tables, etc. that existed around it disappeared and turned into an empty dance floor again.

"Tenth place, chips: 19,200,000. Please invite Baibaolou Shanfeng."


There was a round of applause.

Then, an old man on crutches was seen slowly walking out of the crowd, and then walked up the steps to the one-meter-high platform.

"I didn't expect that 19 million and 200 million ranked tenth this year." Shanfeng said.

"I have 19 million, and I thought I would definitely be in the top ten, but I didn't expect it, alas!" A ghost emperor in the crowd sighed and said.

"Haha, there is quite a surprise today."

"Next, is the ninth place, the chips are: 20 million, please invite the Warts Chamber of Commerce to fall into the angel Lolonia."


There was another burst of applause.

Then, they saw Mu Rufeng's acquaintance, the fallen angel Lolonia, who had such an explosive figure, walked up to the high platform.

"This guy is actually here too." Xu He was slightly surprised.

"The Golden City Ten Years' Event is considered a relatively big occasion. Ghost Emperors will basically come if they have nothing to do." Heiwu said.

"Eighth place, chips: 30.3 million, please invite Freeman of the Dark Devil Group."

Among the crowd, a five-meter-long black man stepped onto the high platform.

This giant black man is no different from an ordinary black man, just a little bigger.

At the same time, what is chilling is that the black man’s belly button is actually a huge mouth.

"Seventh place, chips: 35 million, please invite the Netherworld Assassin for Black Friday."

"Sixth place, chips: 36 million, please invite Dracula, the Vampire Duke of the Wart Chamber of Commerce."

"Fifth place, chips: 38 million, please invite Liu Qinghe from the Greening Group."

"Fourth place, chips: 65 million, please invite Xu Zhichun of Tiandi Bank,"

"Third place, chips: 79 million, please invite Qingye Farm to run."

"Second place, chips: 126.9 million, please invite Scarlet Master Xu He."

"Haha, it seems there is a real surprise this time. There are many new faces in the top ten, and even the chips have set a new record." Zhao Chen said with a laugh.

Even the crowd below were whispering.

Obviously, they couldn't figure it out that Xu He, the new Ghost Emperor, could actually win 126.9 million soul chips.

The ghost emperors who were hostile to Xu He were all shocked.

"As for the first one, it's even more shocking. When the time comes, don't make the little guy embarrassed."

"First place, chips: 250 million, please invite Mu Rufeng, a contractor from the real world!"

"It feels weird." Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly, but she still walked slowly to the stage.


There was an uproar from below.

They were all shocked that Mu Rufeng, a contractor, could actually win such high soul power.

"Incredible, really incredible."

"It's amazing for a contractor to come to the grand event, and now he actually won the first place?"

"It's truly stunning."

"Interesting, so interesting, this event is really surprising."

Some ghost emperors watched this scene with interest.

For them, the top ten is not enough, and it is very pleasant to watch the excitement.

Of course, there are some ghost emperors who are gnashing their teeth.

For example, the Warty Merchant Guild Fallen Angel Lolonia.

At this moment, Luolonia stared at Mu Rufeng with a pair of cold eyes.

She has never forgotten how Mu Rufeng humiliated her.

She wanted to find Mu Rufeng all the time, and then torture him severely.

"Mu Rufeng, we meet again." Luolonia said coldly.

"It turns out to be Miss Nia. I haven't seen her for many days, but she is still so beautiful." When Mu Rufeng passed by her, she paused and said with a smile.

"You'd better pray not to be found by me, otherwise, I will make you unable to live or die."

"That's it. Then you are welcome to come to me." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, then walked to stand next to Xu He.

The most surprising ones were the nine eighth-level ghost kings.

They really didn't expect Mu Rufeng to be able to stand on the stage and even win the much-anticipated first place.

That's 250 million soul power.

Look at them, if you are lucky, you can win one or two million, but if you are unlucky, you will lose everything.

"This Mr. Mu is really too mysterious."

"It's shocking that a contractor can do this."

"Damn it, why didn't we exchange contact information in the lounge before?"

"When you said that, I forgot about it."

"It's hateful, it's hateful, such a good opportunity slipped away from my hands."

Everyone was immediately upset.


"The ten of you are the top ten with soul power chips this time."

"You all have the qualification to enter the Tianzi talent library and purchase one talent at a time."

"Then, the next step is the real God of Gamblers competition."

As Zhao Chen finished speaking, a gold box fell from high altitude.

"Now, it's up to our number one, Mu Rufeng, Mr. Mu, to come up with the gameplay for our God of Gamblers Conference this time."

Zhao Chen looked at Mu Rufeng and motioned for him to come forward to draw the prize.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then came to the box. There were two fist-sized holes on it, allowing people to reach in and draw out.

"Mr. Mu, just reach in and choose a note." Zhao Chen said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, then reached into it, and then directly selected a piece of paper and took it out.

When Mu Rufeng opened the note and looked at it, the corner of her mouth suddenly twitched slightly.

"Mr. Mu, what did you win?" Zhao Chen asked with a smile.

"How about this, the city lord should do the talking." Mu Rufeng handed the note to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen took it and took a look. He, who was originally smiling, also twitched slightly.

The expressions of the two also aroused the interest of the ghost emperors below. As for the ghost emperors on the stage, they seemed to have a bad premonition.

"Ahem, the gameplay this time is quite ordinary, just fried golden flowers." Zhao Chen coughed twice and said.

"It turns out to be fried golden flowers."

"It's okay, it's okay. I made up for it after I went back last time."

"Yes, the rules of Fried Golden Flower are quite simple. There are many types of cards. There are only three cards. It's impossible to calculate. It just depends on luck and courage."

"It just depends on your own courage, capital and luck."

The people below were whispering.

"However, the rule of using one's own earned soul power as a bet needs to be changed."

Zhao Chen paused, and then said: "This time the bet is no longer with soul power, but with your own lifespan as a bargaining chip."

When Zhao Chen finished speaking, there was an uproar in the venue.

Is it going to be such a big deal this time?

You must know that this golden city event has been held many times, but never once has lifespan been used as a bet.

Most of them used the soul power they won as bet chips.

"Please note that there is another point to note here. The soul power chips you have won can be exchanged for life points, which can be regarded as a small benefit for you."

"This has never happened before. As for the exchange ratio, one hundred thousand soul power can be exchanged for one year." Zhao Chen said.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar again below.

Good guy, really a good guy.

Let’s not talk about Mu Rufeng, who is ranked first, but Shanfeng, who is ranked tenth, with 19.2 million chips.

If exchanged according to the ratio of 100,000, it can be exchanged for a life span of 192 years.

The third boss Niu Benniu has 79 million, which can be exchanged for 790 years.

Xu He, the second-placed Scarlet Elite, has 126.9 million, which can be exchanged for 1,269 years.

And what about Mu Rufeng? Two hundred and fifty million chips can be directly exchanged for two thousand five hundred years.

His own life span was only 931 years.

This time, I made a lot of money.

"Let me explain again, if you run out of chips, you can use your own lifespan as a bet."

"In the end, no matter how much lifespan you have in your hands, it will directly become your own lifespan." Zhao Chen said.

The ghost emperors below were shocked again. Soul power exchanged for life span? This is a huge amount of money.

After all, even if they are ninth-level ghost emperors, it is extremely difficult to achieve longevity.

The Golden City is a good place, and lifespan can also be used as a bet. However, you have to know that if you are not careful, you will be tricked by the Golden City, and you will have no place to cry.

Don't think that the Golden City is a benevolent place. The Golden City is definitely a place that eats people without spitting out their bones.

The reason why Mu Rufeng was able to win a life span of more than nine hundred years last time was because Mu Rufeng exchanged his soul power for ten trillion soul coins.

In addition, Mu Rufeng also has inexhaustible soul power for the entire human world. This kind of soul can be said to be the biggest customer of Golden City.

They are much bigger super customers than those ninth-level ghost emperors or even the heads of established ninth-level groups.

Naturally, this kind of super customer must be maintained well, so Mu Rufeng won a lot of life.

What if someone else wants to win lifespan? Haha, the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

Even if the ninth-level ghost emperor is approaching his lifespan, he will have to pay an extremely terrible price if he wants to win his lifespan.

Since Mu Rufeng became the deputy minister of the relevant department, he also went to learn about the life span of the weird things in the weird world.

These weird things seem to be immortal, but in fact, they also have a life span.

In other words, the body is immortal, but the soul will die.

So, to be precise, the life span of these weird things is the life span of their souls.

For the first-level weird things, the soul life span is probably about the same as that of ordinary humans.

The average life span may be around 80-90 years.

For the second-level weird things, it is about 100 years.

The life span of the third-level weird things is about 150 years.

The life span of the fourth-level weird things is about 200 years.

The life span of the fifth-level weird things is about 300 years.

The life span of the sixth-level weird things is about 400 years.

The life span of the seventh-level weird things is about 500 years.

Starting from the eighth level, the life span begins to soar.

The life span of the eighth-level weird things is about 1,000 years.

The life span of the ninth-level weird things is about 2,000 years.

This is just the most basic life span.

Each weird power is different, and each has its own opportunities.

Whether it is a spiritual object that increases lifespan or a prop that increases lifespan, it can increase lifespan.

If the soul power is refined later, the continuous enhancement will probably continue to increase lifespan.

As for the ratio and upper limit, Mu Rufeng does not know, and only after the ninth-level ghost emperor refines it will the lifespan increase.

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