I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 274: About to become a ten thousand year old monster [10,000 words]

This can be seen from Mu Rufeng.

After all, he has refined a lot of soul power now, but his lifespan still hasn't increased much.

That's why we can see so many ghost emperors at the Golden City Grand Meeting.

It is because of the long lifespan of the Ghost Emperor that except for those who died in some forbidden places or were killed by the enemy, you will not see many Ghost Emperors who die of old age.

That's why the ghost emperors below were so shocked.

Mu Rufeng, in particular, holds 250 million soul power, which is equivalent to adding 2,500 years to his life.

Even if Mu Rufeng were to lie down and press every move, and then ignore every move, she wouldn't lose much in an hour.

The atmosphere at the scene became lively immediately.

This golden city event was really not in vain.

At this moment, a large round table appeared above the stage with a green background.

A total of eleven chairs were located around the round table, forming a circle.

"Everyone, please take a seat. There is a deck of playing cards. Excluding the big and small kings, there are 52 playing cards in total. The cards are dealt according to the rules of the Golden City."

Zhao Chen was the first to take a seat.

The others didn't say anything after hearing this, and sat on the chairs together.

The five-meter black man Freeman also shrunk his body to two meters.

Despite this, this figure is still the tallest among the people.

When everyone sat down, the numbers of their respective chips were displayed above them.

And this chip number naturally represents the length of life.

At the same time, chips with the same number as the number above their heads appeared on the gambling table in front of them.

Mu Rufeng's 2,500 chips were not included in his lifespan and would not be displayed.

Come to think of it, other people should be the same.

As for Zhao Chen, what is surprising is that he also has 699 chips.

Obviously, the number of chips owned by Zhao Chen is the average value of the total chips of the ten of them.

"Let me explain the rules again. Our time is one hour, starting from the dealing of the cards in the first round."

"After an hour, the top three will be determined based on the number of chips. I am not included in the ranking. I am just playing with you."

"You can also use your lifespan to exchange for chips, and the chips exchanged will be included in the final settlement amount."

"Please note that considering everyone's lifespan, in order to prevent the last follow-up and the final draw of chips without lifespan."

"So, everyone can make a lifetime loan from Golden City. As for the loan amount, it depends on how many chips you need to open the card."

"As for the interest, it's not much. The daily interest is ten points, starting from one day. If the loan is less than one day, it will be calculated as one day."

Zhao Chen said slowly.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng had so many chips that he could hold Xu He and Niu Ben down every time and not follow the cards.

So, in just one hour, the three of them couldn't lose much at all, and there was a certain probability that they would be among the top three.

You know, there are special rewards for the top three, but there are no additional rewards for the fourth to tenth places.

But now that this rule has been announced, it is completely unworkable.

Because these are all ninth-level ghost emperors, none of them have a lifespan of one or two thousand.

Mu Rufeng was completely unable to win with an overwhelming advantage during those two thousand and five hundred years.

After all, even if lifespan becomes a bargaining chip, their lifespan will not be reduced, it will still be that much, as long as they do not bet.

Therefore, this little rule killed the way Mu Rufeng could lie down. Mu Rufeng had no choice but to keep gambling if he wanted to win.

As for the last loan issue, it is easy to understand.

It means that if you follow the cards, you will not be able to open the cards at the end, but you have followed so many rounds and it is impossible to abandon the cards, and it is perfect to use the loan method to open the cards.

Of course, the interest rate of ten points is not low.

If you borrow money for a thousand years, if you borrow it on the same day, you will have to pay it back for 1,100 years on the same day. This is simply outrageous.

But think about it, this is the life of the loan. It is completely unique. Even if the interest doubles again, you still have to borrow.


Everyone is in place.

Then, a rules contract appeared in front of them.

"Sign it. This is a rule contract evolved from the rules. It can prevent cheating in the God of Gamblers Competition. Cheating includes but is not limited to card substitution, card stealing, clairvoyance, etc."

"Of course, you can also use abilities and props that improve or reduce luck. However, please remember that the use of props cannot be seen by others, otherwise it will be treated as cheating."

After Zhao Chen finished speaking, he directly signed his name on the contract and then pressed his fingerprint.

The rest of the people also quickly read the rules and contract, and when they found that they had no objections, they signed and pledged their names directly.

Although the God of Gamblers Competition is protected by the rules of the Golden City, only by signing a rules contract can everyone feel more at ease.

After Zhao Chen saw everyone signed the contract, he immediately took out a chip and threw it directly on the center of the gambling table.

The number above the chips shows 1, which is one year of life.

Obviously, the basis of fried gold flower is one year's lifespan.

When the others saw this, they immediately threw away their money.

Soon, a pair of golden playing cards appeared, followed by a pair of golden arms.

The golden arms are shuffling the cards.

The golden arms evolved from the rules of the Golden City.

Playing cards were distributed one by one in front of everyone.

Because of the large number of people, there are eleven people, and the deck of cards, excluding the king and king, only has 52 cards.

In other words, it is more difficult to encounter good types of cards.

Everyone's playing cards have been distributed, but no one is looking at the cards.

"Please place your bet, Mr. Mu Rufeng." A mechanical female voice emerged.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and didn't bet too much, so she just took out the hundred-year chips and threw them on the gambling table.

"I'll just take the lead and give it a hundred years." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

Everyone was slightly shocked when they saw this. They didn't expect that it would take a hundred years for Mu Rufeng to take action?

That's a hundred years, not a hundred dollars. Why did you place the bet so easily?

"I fold." Xu He didn't look at the cards and directly raised his hand to indicate that he would not follow.

"I also folded." Niu Ben also quickly raised his hand to indicate that he was discarding.

Of these two people, one has a bargaining chip of 1269 years, and the other has a bargaining chip of 790 years. Moreover, they are both Ghost Emperors, and with their own life spans, they definitely have a lot of chips.

Coupled with Mu Rufeng, a super lucky guy, they didn't think they could win, so they were ready to settle down.

There should be a certain probability of getting second and third place.

"I fold."


Not only him, the people here also include Liu Qinghe, who has 380 years of chips, and Black Friday, who has 350 years of chips.

Lie down, lie down, the friends who are following Mu Rufeng all the way should lie down.

They have no hope for the top three, they just want to finish the game with minimal losses. In this way, they can live for hundreds of years, which is extremely comfortable.

These people also sat on the left side of Mu Rufeng.

Next door to Black Friday is Lolonia, the Fallen Angel of the Warty Chamber of Commerce.

"I'll follow." Luolonia glanced at Mu Rufeng bitterly and chose to follow.

Although she only has two hundred years of chips, she has a long lifespan. No, she can directly exchange them for two thousand three hundred years of chips.

In this way, Lolonia's chips now reach 2,400 years. (There are still a hundred years left to bet)

"Ms. Nia, have you redeemed everything so quickly? Be careful that if you lose everything, you will lose your money tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Loose? Haha, let's see if you lose or I lose." Lolonia said with a sneer.



No matter Shanfeng from Baibaolou, Freeman from the Black Devil Group, Xu Zhichun from Tiandi Bank, or Dracula, the vampire Duke from the Warty Merchant Guild, they all followed.

"It's so big right from the start. It seems that Mr. Mu is very confident in his own cards. If this is the case, then I will naturally follow and add another hundred years."

Zhao Chen, who was sitting on Mu Rufeng's right hand, directly bet on two hundred years.

"City Lord Zhao, I have a question to ask you." Mu Rufeng did not rush to place a bet, but asked Zhao Chen.

"Oh? You ask, as long as I can answer you, I will definitely tell you everything I know." Zhao Chen said with a faint smile.

"I wonder if City Lord Zhao will also exchange his lifespan for chips?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course I will. After all, I am also one of the participants. However, I will not participate in the final ranking, and the amount I bet will not exceed a thousand years at most, except for the opening of the cards, of course." Zhao Chen said .

"I see, then I understand." Mu Rufeng nodded, then took out the five-hundred-year chip and threw it on.

"Follow two hundred years, plus three hundred years." Mu Rufeng's tone was calm, as if he was betting on five hundred yuan instead of five hundred years of life.


The group of ghost emperors below also took a breath of cold air.

In their view, lifespan is also extremely important, and it can last for five hundred years.

Five hundred years is enough for them to live happily for a long time.

It is even uncertain whether some of the older ninth-level ghost emperors will have a lifespan of five hundred years.

Especially those eighth-level ghost kings were even more shocked.

Mu Rufeng destroyed half of their lifespan with one move. Family members, who knows, the place here is too high-end, and they can't hold it any longer.


When Mu Rufeng bet five million, the pressure suddenly came to Luolonia.

"I'll follow!" Lolonia was expressionless and bet on five hundred years of life again.

"Ouch, do you have to play so big? I'm an old man, so I fold." Shanfeng shook his head and chose to fold.

"Follow!" Freeman of the Dark Devil Group spat out one word, and then threw out five hundred years of chips.

"It's interesting, I'll follow too." Xu Zhichun smiled lightly and also chose to follow the bet.

"I'm the vampire duke. There's not much else. I have the longest lifespan. Five hundred years for me, and another five hundred years for me!" Dracula, the vampire duke, gave a weird laugh and threw away his thousand-year bargaining chip. .

The vampire Duke Dracula looked at Mu Rufeng with a strange smile on his face. His chips had changed from the previous 360 years to three thousand years, and he was still betting on the next three thousand years.

Dracula is a special race, not purely weird. He has a long lifespan, not to mention that he is a ninth-level ghost emperor and has a longer lifespan.

Moreover, vampires can greatly increase their lifespan by simply sucking blood.

It can be said that using lifespan as a bet, Dracula will be the one who benefits the most.

"Duke Dracula, you are really playing a big game here. I don't think many people will dare to follow you now."

"However, I am a person who prefers excitement. I will follow. If you still follow, I will have to deal with your cards in the next hand."

Zhao Chen said with a faint smile, and then spread out a thousand years of chips.

"Mr. Mu, are you following?" Zhao Chen looked at Mu Rufeng with a smile.

"A thousand years? Wait, let me see how many chips I still have."

Mu Rufeng said something, and then saw the chips on his body changing rapidly.

Mu Rufeng's original chips of 1899 suddenly increased from 901 to 2800.

Mu Rufeng still had 931 years of life left. He directly used up 901 years, leaving himself with 30 years of life.

"I've got a stud, two thousand eight hundred years." Mu Rufeng directly bet all the chips.


Suddenly there was an uproar below.

They did not expect that Mu Rufeng, a contractor, could have such a long lifespan, and they were even more shocked that Mu Rufeng dared to live for 2,800 years.

They admitted that in this regard, they were indeed inferior to Mu Rufeng.

Their total life span may not be that long, and if this fails, it will be a lot of fun.

"Why, why didn't I ask for contact information at that time?"

"Damn, damn, damn, I'm so damned."

"No, after it's over, I must ask Mr. Mu for his contact information. Of course, if Mr. Mu can win!"

"Mr. Mu can definitely do it."

Those eighth-level ghost kings were staring at Mu Rufeng on the high platform, as if they wanted to imprint his figure deeply in their minds.

Xu He and others were a little shocked when they saw Mu Rufeng bet all the money and wanted to dissuade them, but Mu Rufeng had already made a bet and could not withdraw it.

Thinking of Mu Rufeng's strong luck, I just watched the show quietly.

"It's so interesting. This event is really beautiful."

"Haha, I thought this time I would have to stretch to the limit for another hour, but I didn't expect that this one would be over."

"It's not a worthwhile trip, it's not a worthwhile trip."

"Although this Mu Rufeng is a contractor, he is definitely the number one person."

"If he wins this time, he will definitely be at the top of the world in the future."

The ghost emperors below were whispering, admiring Mu Rufeng's courage, and at the same time recognizing Mu Rufeng's existence.

"Miss Lolonia, it's your turn." Mu Rufeng looked at Fallen Angel with a faint smile on her face.

"Miss Lolonia, if you don't have enough chips, you can borrow money." Before Lolonia could reply, Zhao Chen reminded her.

Loloria glanced at Zhao Chen, and then set her sights on Mu Rufeng.

"I, fold, card." These three words can be said to have come out of Lolonia's mouth one by one.

Luolonia stared at Mu Rufeng with her beautiful eyes, as if a sharp blade was about to shoot out of them.

Rolonha still had 1,900 chips left. Although she still had the ability to continue following, she felt it was not necessary.

There is no need to gamble with your remaining life. If you lose the bet, you will lose more than you gain.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I can't stand it anymore. A ninth-level ghost emperor is not as good as me, a fourth-level contractor. I'm really living like a dog."

Mu Rufeng clicked her tongue twice, not hiding her sarcasm.

After all, Mu Rufeng had a grudge against this guy.

He has not forgotten what happened at the auction of the Qingshan City branch of Baibao Tower.

"Mu Rufeng, you are looking for death!" Luolonia slammed the gambling table, and the aura from his body burst out instantly.

However, before the breath could spread, a wave of rules came and forcefully suppressed its momentum back into her body.

"Miss Nia, don't forget what the occasion is here." Zhao Chen reminded.

"Hmph." Luolonia snorted coldly and ignored Mu Rufeng.

"No more playing, discard the cards." The Black Devil simply discarded the cards.

"Old man, old man, I can't play any more. I'm giving up too. Mr. Mu, I'm optimistic about you. Come on, you can come to the Imperial Capital next time you are free. Our president is looking forward to your visit." Xu Zhichun said. Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, if I have the chance, I will definitely go." Mu Rufeng replied with a smile.

"So, Mr. Dracula, what about you? Follow or fold?" Mu Rufeng looked at Dracula again and said.

"Jie Jie Jie, you, a human being, dare to give me 2,800 years to play with. Am I not afraid of you? I will give you a whole three thousand years."

Dracula was also very straightforward and directly bet three thousand years of chips.

"Wow, wow, wow, today's God of Gamblers Conference is really exciting. Everyone, do you think it's exciting?"

Zhao Chen did not place a bet, but instead shouted to the audience below.


"Very exciting."

"This time is the most exciting time I have attended the event in hundreds of years."

The Ghost Emperor below was unconsciously moved by Zhao Chen.

I have to say that Zhao Chen is really good at setting up the atmosphere.

"It's so exciting, so of course I have to make a bet. However, the lifespan of the bet has exceeded a thousand years, so I can only open the cards."

Zhao Chen took out three thousand years of chips and threw them on the gambling table, and then his eyes began to move back and forth between Mu Rufeng and Dracula.

"Drive Dracula!"

"It's as bright as the wind."

Two different shouts suddenly came from below.

Finally, Zhao Chen's eyes fell on Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, then I'll drive your car." Zhao Chen said slowly.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she was not surprised.

After all, if Mu Rufeng loses this time, then if he wants more life, he can only rely on the Golden City.

When the time comes, if Mu Rufeng is asked to hand over the method of obtaining soul power, can Mu Rufeng refuse?

Almost at the moment Zhao Chen finished speaking, notification sounds appeared one after another in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Your luck value is reduced by 10 points]

[Your luck value is reduced by 20 points]

[Your luck value is reduced by 6 points]

[The gambler’s dice are effective, and the luck value is reduced by 12 points]

[Your luck value is reduced by 200 points]

When his mind was quiet, Mu Rufeng's luck value had dropped from 388 points to 140 points.

A total of 248 points of luck were reduced.

The first three, as expected, should be Lolonia or Dracula or Freeman's abilities or props, which reduced the luck value by 36 points.

If the gambler's dice fails, it may be another ghost emperor, or it may be Zhao Chen.

However, the last one directly reduced the luck value by 200 points. Without even thinking about it, it was definitely Zhao Chen.

Only Zhao Chen possesses such terrifying props.

Mu Rufeng was not at all flustered by the decrease in her luck, and then activated her [Bad Luck Continuous] ability towards Zhao Chen.

After activating the ability, Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry to turn over the cards, but gestured to Zhao Chen: "Since City Master Zhao asked me to open the cards, please take a look for yourself."

"I won't look at the cards anymore. After all, after I win, I don't want to pay double the chips to play Duke Dracula's card." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

He is not worried that he will lose. His luck value of 146 points is still very high. What's more, the terrifying ability of bad luck is simply killing indiscriminately.

Sure enough, Zhao Chen, who was still smiling at the side, suddenly froze.

If Zhao Chen is also a digitized template, then such a prompt should appear in his mind now.

[Your current luck value is 500 points. If you are cursed by the opponent, your luck value will be reduced ten times. Your current luck value is 50 points]

Although Zhao Chen couldn't hear the notification sound, he could clearly feel that his luck value had dropped.

With the blessing of the Golden City, his luck level was almost overwhelming. Now, it has dropped so much.

To be honest, he also needs to pay a certain price to increase his luck value to such a high level.

In the past, it was just some soul power, just as it should be, and it would be impossible to spend money to increase the luck value.

But it was worth it to win Mu Rufeng. As long as he won, Mu Rufeng would be tied to death here.

Zhao Chen said nothing, stretched out his hand to pick up his cards, and then took a look.

It's a flush, a big flush.

Flush is also a very big card type, especially among Eleven Golden Flowers.

After Zhao Chen put down the cards, he stood up and took two steps to Mu Rufeng's side.

He reached out and lifted Mu Rufeng's card a little, and then glanced at it.

"I didn't expect Mr. Mu to have such means. I admire him, I admire him!"

After Zhao Chen finished speaking, he walked back to his seat and pushed his cards forward.

The meaning is also very obvious, that is, Zhao Chen lost.

There was an uproar among the group of people below.

They never expected that Zhao Chen would also lose.

"I accept it, City Lord Zhao. It seems that my cards are quite good." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

At this moment, Duke Dracula looked at Mu Rufeng with a gloomy look, and he had some bad premonitions.

But soon, Duke Dracula felt a mysterious and mysterious aura surrounding his body, and then disappeared into his body.

If it is digitized, there will definitely be such a prompt sound.

[Blessed by the Golden City’s multiple lucky BUFFs, your luck value is increased to 500 points]

Zhao Chen also glanced at Dracula at the right moment.

Dracula was no fool and understood immediately.

Although Zhao Chen remained unmoved on the surface, he was extremely distressed in his heart.

There is a price to pay, but for Mu Rufeng to lose, it's worth it!

"Mu Rufeng, I don't believe it. Can you use such a powerful curse ability a second time? In other words, can it be used on a second target?" Zhao Chen was sure that Mu Rufeng would not be able to use it a second time.

After all, the more powerful the ability, especially such a mysterious and mysterious ability, how can it be used multiple times in a short period of time.

"Mu Rufeng, now it's your turn, do you want to open the cards?" Dracula said coldly.

"Open, naturally I have to open the cards. After all, I don't have any chips." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Then he looked at Zhao Chen and said, "City Lord Zhao, I want to borrow three thousand years of chips."

"No problem, this is the contract, take a look, sign it if you have no problem."

"After signing, three thousand years of chips will be credited to your account immediately." Zhao Chen agreed, and then took out a rule contract and placed it in front of Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng took the contract, read it carefully, and took out a prop to check the contract, but did not find any traps.

Mu Rufeng signed the contract and pressed his handprint.

Almost at the moment when Mu Rufeng signed the contract, he saw that Mu Rufeng's chips suddenly increased by three thousand years.

The contract was also divided into two parts, one was collected by Mu Rufeng, and the other appeared in Zhao Chen's hands.

Mu Rufeng threw all the three thousand years of chips on the gambling table, and then used the ability of [bad luck] on Dracula immediately.

The opponent's luck value of 500 points instantly dropped to 50 points.

Although Dracula was not as sensitive as Zhao Chen, he could vaguely feel the decrease in luck, and his brows frowned.

Mu Rufeng immediately turned over his cards and showed them to everyone.

"Wow, I didn't expect it, it's a straight flush, it seems that my luck is really good?"

Mu Rufeng looked at his 789 straight flush and smiled.

"Straight flush! It's a straight flush!"

"Eleven people can get a straight flush, it's incredible."

"My luck is really good, no wonder I can get the first place, it's not easy, it's really not easy."

All the ghost emperors were shocked that Mu Rufeng could get such a big card.

"Duke Dracula, open the cards." Mu Rufeng looked at Dracula.

Dracula didn't say anything, stretched out his hand and turned over his cards directly.

Everyone looked closely and found that Dracula's cards were also straight flushes, but they were the smallest 234 straight flushes.

Mu Rufeng's cards were 789 straight flushes, so the result was naturally self-evident.

"Thank you, thank you, everyone." Mu Rufeng bowed to the people at the gambling table.

Dracula's face was gloomy and he said nothing, but from his gradually red eyes, it can be seen that he was trying his best to suppress his anger.

"He really won."

"Incredible, too incredible."

"Wow, this contractor has a lifespan of more than 10,000 years?"

"More than 10,000 years of life, my God, I can't imagine living so long."

"I'm afraid this living contractor will become a ten-thousand-year-old monster in the future."

A group of ghost emperors were also shocked by the lifespan of Mu Rufeng at this moment.

"Brother Mu, I feel that I will die before you in the future." Boss Niu shouted loudly.

"Feeling? No need to feel, I should definitely die before Brother Mu." Liu Qinghe retorted.

All the chips on the table automatically flew in front of Mu Rufeng.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's chips have reached 16,611 years.

Sixteen thousand six hundred years, what a concept.

Sixteen thousand years ago, the real world was in the Neolithic Age.

But even if he has such a long life span now, if he does not resolve the crisis that the weird world threatens the real world.

So what if he has a life span of more than sixteen thousand years?

Is he going to be like Mu Rufeng, the Demon Suppression Marquis of Daxia in the previous copy?

The only living Demon Suppression Marquis Mu Rufeng in the world?

"Everyone, I will take the first place without hesitation." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then threw out a year's chips as a base.

Seeing this, everyone did not say anything, and invested a year's chips.

Mu Rufeng said that it was right, he had already locked the first place.

Sixteen thousand years, even if he gave Zhao Chen another three thousand three hundred years, there would still be thirteen thousand three hundred years left.

As long as he lies flat and does not follow the cards, he may not lose all the fractions in an hour.

"Then I have to congratulate Brother Mu in advance, haha." Niu Ben said with a big laugh.

Several ghost emperors who were on good terms with Mu Rufeng were also smiling, with no gloomy expressions on their faces.

On the other hand, the others had cold faces, such as Loronia and Dracula, whose expressions were as if their mothers had died.

As for Zhao Chen, he was still smiling, as if the loss of thousands of years of life had no effect on him.

"Lord Zhao, this is 3,300 years of life, I'll settle the account first." Mu Rufeng said to Zhao Chen.

"You're settling the account so soon? Don't you want to wait until the gambling is over?" Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"I don't like to owe people things, so I will pay the debt when I have the ability." Mu Rufeng also said with a smile.

"Haha, it seems that Mr. Mu is still a straightforward person."

Zhao Chen took the life chips, and then took out the rules contract.

Immediately, the contents on the two contracts slowly disappeared, and turned into a blank rules contract again.

When the contents of the contract are fulfilled, under the witness of both parties, the contract will be eliminated.

In just such a short time, everyone had placed their bets.

Immediately, the golden arms began to deal the cards.

When the cards were dealt, the person who spoke was still Mu Rufeng.

"Discard!" Mu Rufeng simply discarded the cards.



Mu Rufeng and the other five people discarded the cards in a row, leaving everyone speechless.

Loronia thought about it and chose to discard the cards.

Not to mention Shan Yifeng, who also discarded the cards.

Then it was Black Magic, Xu Zhichun, who also chose to fold.

Then it was Dracula's turn.

Dracula threw a year's worth of chips and chose to open Zhao Chen's cards directly.

The first round can also be opened, of course, this opening must be based on the fact that there are only two participants left.

Otherwise, even if there are only three people left, the cards cannot be opened during the first round of betting.

Zhao Chen saw this and said nothing, and directly turned over his cards.

It was a pair, a pair of A+a K.

Dracula also turned over his cards, which were scattered cards, and the largest was only Q, which looked pale and powerless in front of Zhao Chen's pair of A+K.

The luck of the two people was actually around fifty points, but Zhao Chen used some other props or abilities, and his own luck value increased a little, reaching seventy.

So, his luck was much better than Dracula's.

"Twelve years of chips, tut tut tut." Zhao Chen smiled and shook his head, and then took back the chips of eleven years.

The group continued to bet on the foundation for another year, and the golden arm began the third round of dealing.

When the cards were dealt, this time, it was Zhao Chen's turn to speak.

"Seeing that everyone is so uninterested, I won't add more chips, just come and play for ten years." Zhao Chen bet ten years of chips.

"Ten years? Then I'll follow a round." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and threw ten years of chips on it.

Next, Xu He spoke. Needless to say, Xu He still folded his cards,

Until Black Five, he folded four times in a row again.

"I'll follow!" Loronia chose to follow.

Shan Yifeng didn't hesitate much and chose to fold his cards, and then the black magic Xu Zhichun and Dracula all chose to follow.

Obviously, they were still willing to gamble for ten years.

"So many people chose to follow the bet, it's fun, fun, but I won't follow more, I choose to open the cards, Mr. Mu's."

Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Ten years of chips were also thrown on the gambling table.

Zhao Chen looked at his own cards, then looked at Mu Rufeng's, and then threw his cards away.

"It seems that Mr. Mu's luck is really good." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"It seems that no one has played much yet. In this case, I will continue to be silent. I will just show my intention. Let's do it for ten years." Mu Rufeng still bet on ten years.

"Open the cards!" After betting on ten years, Loronia directly chose to open the cards with Mu Rufeng.

"Please!" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Loronia did not look at his own cards, but said: "I want to open the cards silently."

Opening the cards silently means that you don't look at the cards of both parties, but let the referee look at them, that is, the rules of the Golden City.

When Loronia's voice fell, Loronia's cards were pushed forward for a distance.

The meaning is also very clear. Loronia's cards lost and Mu Rufeng won.

"It seems that my luck is really good. Another contestant was eliminated." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Loronia looked at Mu Rufeng coldly, but did not speak.

"Open the cards." Freeman naturally chose to open the cards, and like Loronia, he chose to open Mu Rufeng's cards.

The result is self-evident, Mu Rufeng still won.

Next is Xu Zhichun, and then Dracula.

Choose to open the cards, and the winner is still Mu Rufeng.

"I'm really lucky, I won a lot again." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

The chips were also collected at once. In this round, he directly got 131 years of chips. Minus the 21 years he bet on, the net profit was 110 years.

The next ones seemed to know that they could not win.

So, no matter how much others bet, they all chose not to follow and folded.

Mu Rufeng tried to bet ten years every time, and only Zhao Chen chose to follow the bet. Of course, this follow-up also chose to open Mu Rufeng's cards directly.

There was no surprise. Mu Rufeng won every round, and he could gain 20 years of life in every round.

An hour passed like this.

When the 25th round of cards was over, the God of Gamblers Contest was officially over.

"I declare that this God of Gamblers Contest is officially over!"

Zhao Chen stood up and announced loudly.

"Although the latter rounds may be a bit boring, the former rounds are very exciting. We have to admire Mr. Mu's strength."

"Winning 24 out of 25 rounds is amazing. Then, next, I will announce the top three of this God of Gamblers Contest."

Zhao Chen did not start the announcement from the tenth place. After all, there was no need to announce from the fourth to the tenth place. Now only the top three are important.

"The third place, the Vampire Duke Dracula of the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce, has chips: 3,125 years."

When Zhao Chen's voice fell, there was an uproar in the audience.

"It's impossible. How come Dracula is still the third place?"

"Look, the chips on Dracula's head have really reached 3,125."

"Strange, it was clearly 200 years before. He just exchanged his life for the chips."

"Dracula is worthy of being a vampire. He lost more than 4,000 years of life, but he still has more than 3,000 years left."

"How can vampires live so long?"

"Live long? That's because of strength. Even though he lives a long time, he is only good at saving his life. He is not as good as others when fighting."

A group of ghost emperors whispered.

They were also shocked by Dracula's longevity. It must be said that Dracula really had a great advantage in this gambling game.

Mu Rufeng also looked at Dracula in surprise, and had to admire the vampire's longevity.

"Ah~~! Dracula, how can you still have so much life? It's a big loss, a big loss." Niu Ben of Qingye Farm said with a look of annoyance.

Niu Ben's chips at the moment are only 3,045 years.

He exchanged all his life for chips, and thought that 3,000 would be enough to get the third place.

But he never expected that Dracula would pop up.

"Humph!" The fallen angel Loronia over there also snorted coldly.

Everyone looked and found that Loronia's chips were actually 3,120 years, just five years less than Dracula.

It seems that the life of the fallen angel is not low, but it's a pity that it was still tricked by Dracula and barely surpassed the fallen angel.

"Second place, Scarlet Preferred Xu He, chips: 3270 years."

In the 25 rounds, Xu He discarded every hand, losing 25 years of chips, plus the previous 1269 years, and exchanged them for his life chips.

After deducting the lost chips, Xu He has 3270 years of chips.

This number just surpassed Dracula and became the second place.

The ghost emperors below were not surprised. After all, Xu He had just broken through the ninth level ghost emperor, so his life was naturally sufficient.

It was reasonable for him to get the second place.

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