I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 276: Three Groups Fight, Counterattack Begins [10,000 Words]

"It's incredible that Shugui City actually exists because of Shugui." Mu Rufeng couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the towering tree.

It is the Shugui clan that controls Shugui City.

Yes, it is the descendants of this Shugui.

Shugui has a long life span. It has existed for who knows how many years. It has been sleeping and has not woken up for hundreds of years.

Of course, don't think it is dead. Hundreds of years ago, evil ghosts attacked Shugui City. Finally, Shugui revived and killed a large number of evil ghosts in one move, shocking many forces.

The Shugui clan is a small-scale Shugui, which slowly developed from the descendants of Shugui.

Almost all official departments of Shugui City are controlled.

It is for this reason that Liu Qinghe's Green Water and Green Mountain Group will develop here, and plants that have reached level eight will become a part of it and will not be sold.


Just at this time, a sharp whistle came from behind.

"You are not allowed to stay here. Leave quickly, or I will issue a ticket."

Mu Rufeng turned his head and found that a traffic officer in the uniform of the Nether Police Department was rushing over.

It's just that this traffic officer turned out to be a tree, a tree about two meters long with hands and feet.

His hair is lush leaves.

"The tree ghost tribe is really strange." Mu Rufeng murmured.

"Sorry, sorry, this is my first time here, I'll leave now." Mu Rufeng hurriedly apologized to the tree ghost tribe, and then quickly flew away from here.

Although the traffic officer was only level three, he was a tree ghost tribe. In the tree ghost city, they were not afraid of anyone.

Of course, you have to violate the rules. If you don't violate the rules, a level three weird creature can't go to trouble a level seven or eight weird creature.

Mu Rufeng flew along the road for a distance, and then turned into an unmanned path.

Then he released the mecha mode, turned off the blazing chariot mode, and turned off the flame vehicle card.

All of a sudden, Ma Qiu turned back into a motorcycle, a level 5 vehicle.

Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry to take out the truck and deliver the goods.

Zhou Dalong gave him 40 hours, and only more than ten hours had passed, which was a bit too early.

So, he had plenty of time now.

"Master, where are we going now?" Ma Qiu asked.

"Well, let's go to the Green Water and Green Mountain Group first." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, Master, the management here is quite strict, and it will take about 40 minutes to get there."

After Ma Qiu finished speaking, he started the motorcycle and drove forward.

Mu Rufeng leaned back on the seat, put his feet on the fuel tank cap, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to read the news.

After all, it was past twelve o'clock, and Wang Xi Youxuan should take action.

He asked Ye Lin to destroy Wang Xi Youxuan's real-world channel around two o'clock, so the time was fast.

When Mu Rufeng turned on his mobile phone, a lot of news popped up on the notification bar.

Mu Rufeng took a look, and sure enough, all of them were related to the news of Wang Xi Youxuan.

Mu Rufeng read a few of the most popular news.

Wang Ling Youxuan and Xi Xi Youxuan officially held a press conference at 12 o'clock in the morning. They officially merged and became a new group, Wang Xi Youxuan.

At the press conference, it was also explained that they had also opened up channels in the real world and supplied a large amount of blood and flesh of livestock such as pigs, cattle and sheep.

They even supplied the blood and flesh of living people.

In addition to this, coupons were issued to every user, which was more powerful than that of Scarlet Youxuan.

If it was a new user, there were more coupons.

Moreover, it cost a huge price to cover all the Internet and even offline advertisements in all areas that could be delivered.

In just half an hour, a huge amount of traffic poured into Wang Xi Youxuan.

It instantly surpassed Scarlet Youxuan, which was listed on the same day.

And because Wang Xi Youxuan broke the news of real channels, Scarlet Youxuan's stock price stopped instantly.

Later, Wang Xi Youxuan also listed a variety of data.

One of the data is the amount of flesh and blood obtained by Scarlet Optimization from the real world.

At the same time, Wang Xi Optimization also took out its own data for comparison, and even broadcast it live on the Internet.

The amount of human flesh, pork, beef and mutton taken out from the channel.

Compared with the specific time and time limit of Scarlet Optimization every day.

The channels of Wang Xi Optimization are obviously much less restricted, and more goods can be taken.

A comparison between the two found that the fresh flesh and blood that Wang Xi Optimization can obtain every day is three times that of Scarlet Optimization.

The most important thing is that Wang Xi Optimization sells the flesh and blood of living people.

It also explained that the real-world countries that cooperate with Scarlet Optimization will definitely not have the problem of supplying human flesh.

In summary, Scarlet Optimization can never compare with the flesh and blood of living people.

Other data show how rich Wang Xi Optimization is now. The number of stores, sub-warehouses, etc. are far more than Scarlet Optimization.

At the same time, Scarlet Optimization's stock began to fall.

Wang Xi Optimization has already started shorting, which led to the rapid decline in Scarlet Optimization's stock price.

When these things were confirmed, stockholders saw that the stock price began to fall again, so they panicked and began to sell on a large scale.

As they sold, the stock price fell even faster.

In a short while, it fell from 140 yuan per share to 130 yuan.

At the same time, in the office of Scarlet Optimization.

It was still the same group of people as before, and most of them were still projections.

"It's started. The stock has started to fall. Shall we do it?" A CEO said excitedly.

"Don't worry, let the stock fall a little more, so that we can make a little more money." Xu He said with a faint smile.

"Yes, the stocks we bought were also sold at the highest price, and we made more than double the money directly."

"Haha, when the stock price is low, we will buy the bottom again, and when the information comes out, we will raise the stock price again and make another profit."

"Wang Xi Optimization is shorting us. Our stock price has risen. If they don't want to lose money, they can only compete with us for money."

"We can take out 200 billion funds in total. Let's see how they play with us!"

Each of the CEOs showed a happy smile on his face.

Not only did they make money, but they also made the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce lose a lot of money. It was so happy.

"200 billion? Haha, it's more than that." Lilith said with a faint smile.

"Oh? Miss Lilith, do you have a small treasury?"

A group of CEOs looked at Lilith.

They couldn't help but marvel at Lilith's beauty and her work ability.

"Hehe." Lilith smiled without saying anything.

"Haha, Lilith's boss has made a fortune. If you don't have enough money, you can find him." Xu He laughed.

"Huh? Miss Lilith has a boss above her? Isn't it Mr. Xu?" A CEO said in surprise.

"Lilith's boss is also a shareholder of Scarlet Preferred, but he is much richer than me." Xu He waved his hand and said.

"It seems that Miss Lilith's boss must be a big shot."

"If there is a chance, we must communicate and get to know each other."

Niu Ben heard this and smiled and said, "Miss Lilith's boss is really a big shot. I am not as good as him."

"Wait, is Miss Lilith's boss that person?" A Ghost Emperor CEO said in shock.

"Yes, it's the one you thought of." Niu Ben nodded.

"I didn't expect it to be him. I feel inferior to him." The Ghost Emperor boss who asked the question also agreed.

"It was that guy. He was really killing people everywhere. He was really killing people everywhere. He was suppressing many Ghost Emperors. It was outrageous. I felt inferior to him." Another Ghost Emperor boss said.

Because it was all about the Golden City, they couldn't say it in the outside world.

They could only use this ambiguous way of speaking.

Those eighth-level ghost kings who failed to attend the Golden City Ten Years Event looked at each other. They didn't expect that Lilith's boss was such a big shot.

There were also two who didn't attend the Golden City Ten Years Event because they had important things to do and couldn't leave, so they didn't know what Mu Rufeng did.

Hearing Niu Ben and the others talking, they also felt a little confused.

A Ghost Emperor boss even asked directly.

Xu He said: "That's the place you didn't go today because you had something to do. That person won the first place."

"First! First place!"

The pupils of the two Ghost Emperor bosses shrank violently.

They know how valuable the first place is.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, prepare the funds, be ready at any time, and respond to the unified transfer order as soon as possible."

Xu He clapped his hands and said.

The CEOs nodded in succession.


"Tsk tsk tsk, it has fallen by dozens of yuan in half an hour." Mu Rufeng looked at the stock price of Scarlet Optimization and was amazed.

To be honest, it is very simple to bring down the Dead Xi Optimization.

As long as the channels in the real world are destroyed, it is allowed that the Dead Xi Optimization has as many advertisements, as many types of goods, and as many discounts as possible.

As time goes by, the Dead Xi Optimization will definitely fall under the Scarlet Optimization.

Mu Rufeng browsed the news for a while, and time passed slowly.

"Master, we are here, this is the Green Water and Green Mountain Group." Ma Qiu stopped.

Mu Rufeng looked up and saw that the Green Water and Green Mountain Group was in a tree hole.

No, it cannot be said to be a tree hole, but it is an extremely thick tree root, which is tens of meters high.

Green Water and Green Mountain Group built its company in this tree root range.

There are also a lot of gorgeous flowers, trees and ponds planted around, which are pleasing to the eye.

But it can be found that those gorgeous flowers, trees and ponds are alive!

"Go back and have a rest." Mu Rufeng patted the shamrock ball and then put it into the inventory.

Mu Rufeng did not go in directly, but took out his mobile phone and called Liu Qinghe.

The phone rang for a few seconds and was connected.

"Who?" A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me, Mr. Liu."

"Brother Mu? Are you in Shugui City? So fast? Where are you? I'll pick you up." Liu Qinghe's voice became a little excited.

"I'm at the door of your group."

"What? You're at the door? I'm outside now, and I'll be back in ten minutes. Please wait, I'll let the group's people greet you." Liu Qinghe was a little surprised.

Surprised that Mu Rufeng had actually arrived at the door of the group company.

"I'm not in a hurry. There's still plenty of time." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"I'll call someone first. I'll be back as soon as possible." Liu Qinghe said and hung up the phone.

Mu Rufeng put away the phone, then smiled and shook his head, then strode towards the gate of the group.

You have to walk a section of lotus leaves before entering the gate.

Two rows of lotus leaves, one on the left and one on the right, extend all the way to the gate.

There are ponds on both sides, which are really pleasing to the eye.

Mu Rufeng stepped on the lotus leaves, which were soft and comfortable.

When Mu Rufeng came to the door, he saw a woman running out in a hurry.

There were many people following behind.

"Contractor, contractor, ah, you are Mr. Mu, I am Mr. Liu's secretary, Shu Xiaohe, Mr. Liu will be back soon."

"Hello, I am Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng looked at the female secretary.

I have to say that it is indeed worthy of being the Shugui City, and it is indeed worthy of being the Green Water and Green Mountain Group. The female secretaries are all members of the Shugui tribe.

This female secretary is already more like a human, but it can also be seen that she is a member of the Shugui tribe.

After all, the green leaves on the head and the color of the skin on the body are indeed very conspicuous.

"Mr. Mu, please come in, please come in."

Mu Rufeng, led by Shu Xiaohe, came to Liu Qinghe's office.

Shu Xiaohe made a pot of spiritual tea for Mu Rufeng, and then waited here to accompany Mu Rufeng.

But there was nothing to talk about, which was awkward.

It was okay, Liu Qinghe came in just ten minutes.

"Brother Mu, I've been waiting for a long time, I didn't expect you to be here so soon."

Liu Qinghe came forward and held Mu Rufeng's arm.

This time, he really gained a lot. Not only did he go to the Tianzi Talent Library to buy a talent, but he also gained more than 380 years of life.

Neither talent nor life can be measured by money.

"There is an automatic driving, and it arrived after a nap." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Xiaohe, go and prepare the batch of seeds for Brother Mu, I will take care of Brother Mu here." Liu Qinghe said to Shu Xiaohe.

"Okay, Mr. Liu." Shu Xiaohe nodded, and then left immediately.

"Brother Mu, how do you feel about coming to Shugui City for the first time?" Liu Qinghe asked with a smile while sitting on the sofa beside him.

"Mr. Liu, this is my first time in Shugui City, and it really opens my eyes."

"It's actually just a tree, and the surrounding buildings are all related to plants, and I see that there seem to be some buildings on the trunk of Shugui?" Mu Rufeng exclaimed.

"Haha, I was the same as you when I first came to Shugui City."

"Because of my ability, I chose to come to Shugui City, and finally took root here."

"As for the buildings on Shugui, it is a seven-star hotel opened by the patriarch of the Shugui clan. There are many benefits to living in it."

"If Mr. Mu wants to try it, you can go and try it." Liu Qinghe said.

"By the way, I saw a large lawn at the entrance of your group before. Those lawns are lush and green, very pleasing to the eye. They should also be alive, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, that is green grass. It can live as long as there is soul power. It has low attack power and is not easy to wither. If it is planted in the real world, it will not wither all year round. Ordinary people cannot kill it, and at most it will be trapped." Liu Qinghe said.

"What's the price? I'll take a batch too." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's not worth much money. It just so happens that a large number of seeds have been produced recently. I will give them to Brother Mu as a bonus." Liu Qinghe said with a smile.

"Thank you very much." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and did not refuse.

According to what Liu Qinghe said, it is probably only a level one seed, but it can trap ordinary people.

The main thing is that it is beautiful and looks good, and it will not wither all year round.

"Mr. Mu, have you had lunch?" Liu Qinghe suddenly asked.

"I haven't had it yet and I'm a little hungry." Mu Rufeng was stunned, and then said.

"That's perfect. How about going to the Seven Star Hotel to try the specialties of Shugui City?" Liu Qinghe said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded when he heard that there was food.

Wang Xi Youxuan.

Chen Shan and Sun Xiaotian are in an office.

There are other figures in the office, and these figures are naturally the CEOs who have invested in Wang Xi Youxuan.

They are looking at several large screens with satisfied smiles on their faces.

It shows the stock price of Scarlet Youxuan.

The stock price is still falling, and they have invested 100 billion yuan to short the stock price of Scarlet Youxuan.

The stock price continues to fall, and they are making money.

If their Wang Xi Youxuan was not listed, their stock price might have risen steadily.

"This time, Scarlet Youxuan is dead." Chen Shan said with a grim smile.

"It will definitely not die. After all, it has such a big plate and real-world channels. It will not use up its funds in one or two months." Sun Xiaotian said.

"It's only one or two months. I can wait." A CEO said with a smile.

"It's still a little late for the stock to drop. Miss Lolonia, why don't you contact people in the real world and destroy the real channels of Scarlet Optimization? In this way, Scarlet Optimization will die faster." A CEO looked at Lolonia and said.

Lolonia sneered when she heard this, and just when she opened her mouth, she saw Chen Shan scolding: "I say, do you have a pig brain? Scarlet Optimization will definitely go bankrupt and be acquired by me."

"If you destroy the channels in the real world, won't that cut off my own way of making money?"

The CEO's face suddenly sank when he heard this. After all, he was also a ninth-level ghost emperor. How could he be insulted like this?

"Chen Shan, watch your attitude when you speak." The boss said coldly.

"Attitude? What attitude do you want? Just wait for the money. If you don't understand, shut up. Otherwise, I don't mind withdrawing your shares." Chen Shan didn't give the boss any face.

"Okay, very good." The boss glared at Chen Shan fiercely, and finally didn't speak.


In the real world, Wagner Farm.

In the hidden cave where Mu Rufeng stayed before, three people were resting inside.

One of them was Ye Lin.

There were two others, one was a beautiful woman in her thirties, named Jiang Caiwei, an eighth-level ghost king, and a member of Jingxi Group, the largest private enterprise in China.

The other was a middle-aged man with a resolute face, named Xu Lian, also an eighth-level ghost king, a loner, who had not joined any forces and had never created a force himself.

Ye Lin had always wanted to pull Xu Lian into the relevant department, but was rejected by him.

"Ring, ring, ring~~~!"

Ye Lin's cell phone alarm suddenly rang.

At this moment, the three people's eyes opened instantly.

"It's two o'clock, the time is up, two people, let's start now?" Ye Lin stood up and said slowly.

"I've been waiting impatiently for a long time. Let's finish it early and go home early." Xu Lian stood up and stretched his muscles and said.

"I can hear the wailing of people who died tragically all the time. This channel for trafficking living people should not exist." Jiang Caiwei said coldly.

"One million per person, it has been credited, you can check it." Ye Lin said.

"Haha, it's credited, this kind of business is really comfortable." Xu Lian glanced at the balance of the bank card and said with a smile.

"The country is still rich, unlike the group behind me, which is stingy with hundreds of thousands of soul notes." Jiang Caiwei nodded slightly.

"Remember, fight quickly and don't hold back. After destroying the channel, we will go to the sea immediately."

"Coordinates XXX, there will be submarines there, of course you can go back by yourself." Ye Lin said slowly.

"Got it." Both of them nodded.

"Then let's go." Ye Lin's voice fell, and his figure slowly disappeared from the spot.

The other two people also disappeared suddenly from the spot.


At this moment, Mu Rufeng was in a tree house hundreds of meters high.

Sitting opposite him was Liu Qinghe.

There were many empty plates on the table in front of him.

Although they were all empty plates, the fragrance floating in the house was also unforgettable.

"Mr. Liu, today is really worth the trip. The food and wine I drank really made me unforgettable." Mu Rufeng touched his round belly and burped.

"It's good that Brother Mu likes to eat. Come and visit next time." Liu Qinghe said with a smile.

"Now, I'm full and it's time to leave. There are a lot of things waiting for me to do." Mu Rufeng said.

"Are you leaving now? Why don't you go to the top floor and have a look? You can overlook the entire Shugui City. If you don't go, it will be a pity." Liu Qinghe said.

"No, next time I come, let Mr. Liu take me up again, how about that?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay." Liu Qinghe nodded: "Brother Mu, are you going to the branch warehouse of Wang Xi Youxuan?"

The advertisement of Wang Xi Youxuan has already been launched, and Liu Qinghe naturally knows about Wang Xi Youxuan.

"I still have to go to Qingye Farm. I am the major shareholder of this branch." Mu Rufeng said.

"Qingye Farm? Major shareholder of the branch? I didn't expect Brother Mu to have shares in Qingye Farm. Did Boss Niu give it to him?"

"I guess so." Mu Rufeng thought about it and nodded.

Although it was a reward he received, strictly speaking, it was really given by Niu Ben.

"I was still talking about business with Boss Niu, but I didn't expect that you, Brother Mu, are the major shareholder." Liu Qinghe said with a smile.

"Do business? What kind of business?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"The grassland of Qingye Farm is so large. Isn't this to supply a batch of green grass to Qingye Farm? Cows, sheep and horses love to eat green grass the most." Liu Qinghe said.

"In that case, Mr. Liu, please come with me. To be honest, I have never been there before."

Soon, the two of them took Liu Qinghe's luxury car and arrived at Qingye Farm, which is located on the edge of the suburbs, under the driver's driving.

Although Qingye Farm is a branch, it is also a ninth-level group force and covers a large area.

At a glance, it is all green grass, but what is strange is that the green grass seems to be a little wilted.

"Stop, this is a private place, and all outsiders should retreat immediately."

Before the car stopped, a scolding voice came from the big iron gate.

"I am Liu Qinghe from Green Water and Green Mountain Group." The car window was lowered, and a grand voice carrying the momentum of the Ghost Emperor gushed out.

It took only a dozen seconds for the big iron gate to slowly open.

The vehicle started slowly and then drove in.

There was a parking lot on the left, and the driver immediately parked the vehicle in the parking lot.

After the two got off the car, they saw a minotaur with some people coming over.

"Mr. Liu, I have heard of your name for a long time. I am Feng Xuelong, the owner of the Qingye Farm Branch."

Feng Xuelong is a minotaur and also an eighth-level ghost king. However, in front of Liu Qinghe, he is still a younger brother and is extremely respectful.

"Yeah." Liu Qinghe nodded slightly, very proud.

Although he was here to discuss business, Liu Qinghe didn't take a small branch farmer seriously.

After all, he was planning to do business with the cattle owner and intended to supply green grass to all the farms of Qingye Farm.

"Master Feng, right? I am Mu Rufeng. Boss Niu must have told you, right?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Mu Rufeng, you are Mr. Mu, Mr. Niu said it. Mr. Niu specifically told me." Feng Xuelong heard this and reacted, and he was extremely surprised.

Mu Rufeng waved her hand towards Feng Xuelong and said, "Where is Li Lina? Why didn't you see anyone?"

"Li Lina, she went to feed the horses. Xiaofu, go quickly and call the deputy owner."

"Okay, owner." One of his men immediately ran towards the racecourse.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Mu, please come inside, please come inside."

Immediately, the group went to the main building in the farm.

The main reason why he came to Qingye Farm was to take a look at his property, and then take a look at how Li Lina was doing.

The three of them sat in the reception room.

Mu Rufeng said: "Master Feng, when I came in, I looked at the grass outside and saw that it was all wilting."

"Yes, Mr. Mu, we don't know what's going on." Feng Xuelong nodded.

"When did it start? Have you asked anyone to check it?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"We have checked everything since three days ago and dug out the soil. We found nothing wrong. I am about to report it to Mr. Niu," Feng Xuelong said.

"Did it start three days ago? How deep did you dig the soil?" Liu Qinghe suddenly asked.

"Mr. Liu, we dug three meters deep." Feng Xuelong said honestly.

"Is there nothing abnormal in the three meters? It seems that this batch of grass has been drugged."

"Have you sprayed any medicine recently?" Liu Qinghe asked again.

"Not in recent times, but we sprayed pesticides a month ago, and there were a lot of eggworms in the pasture at that time," Feng Xuelong said.

"It turned out to be eggworms. By the way, are you using P1 type insecticide?" Liu Xueqing asked again.

"Yes." Feng Xuelong nodded.

"That's right. Although P1 insecticide can effectively kill eggworms, the toxins released will remain in the soil."

"Although the toxin is very weak and can be said to be almost non-existent, over time, the grass in the pasture will be affected by it when it absorbs water in the soil."

"If nothing happens, in another half month, the grass will be withered and yellow." Liu Qinghe said.

"Ah? How could it be possible? Isn't the pesticide sprayed on these flowers, plants and trees? How could it be toxic?" Feng Xuelong was shocked.

If all these grasses die, then he will be finished. Their boss Niubeng Niu is not a very talkative person, and he will definitely pay for the losses.

"P1 type insecticide has been eliminated long ago, why do you still use it?" Liu Qinghe asked again.

"This." Feng Xuelong was speechless for a moment.

"I saw that there was a batch of insecticides in stock, and I thought it would be too expensive to buy them, so I decided"

"How long have you been a farmer?" Mu Rufeng asked coldly.

"Mr. Mu, I have just been transferred from the headquarters for two months." Feng Xuelong said.

"Tomorrow I will report to the Wagyu boss, where it came from, and where it will be transferred back. The farmer will be pawned by Li Lina," Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah?" Feng Xuelong was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to offload his farm owner like this?

He was immediately furious and about to explode, but when he saw the ninth-level ghost emperor Liu Qinghe beside Mu Rufeng, he could only hold back his anger and said: "Mr. Mu, what did I do wrong? Shall I be transferred back?"

"What did you do poorly? What did you do well? Did you swallow the money to buy the new pesticide?"

"You are a farmer who uses obsolete pesticides, and you are acting like a bad farmer." Mu Rufeng scolded mercilessly.

"If you are greedy, you will be greedy. I don't care. You go to Boss Niu and report it yourself. Just say that I want to use my own people. Don't force me to go to Boss Niu to cause trouble for you." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

Feng Xuelong lowered his head and said nothing.

"Go if you are told. I think you should be very clear about Boss Niu's attitude." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, I'm going to make a report right away." Feng Xuelong's clenched fists finally loosened.

Because he thought of what Niu Ben said when he called him before.

Boss Niu really admired Mu Rufeng very much. Li Lina, who was originally a handyman, was promoted to deputy owner because of that phone call.

Therefore, even though the person in front of him was only a fourth-level contractor, Feng Xuelong did not dare to refute him at all.

Feng Xuelong didn't stop here either. He turned around and left the guest room to make a report.

At this moment, Li Lina also came into the guest room.

"Boss Mu, Boss Mu, you came to see me, that's great."

When Li Lina saw Mu Rufeng, she immediately ran over happily, and then wanted to hug Mu Rufeng.

Just as she got closer, she spotted Liu Qinghe sitting beside him.

There was also a terrifying aura emanating from her body, which instantly froze her in place.

"Hello, sir!" Li Lina instantly became reserved and saluted Liu Qinghe.

"Miss Li, you don't need to be polite. We will have to deal with each other a lot in the future. I am Liu Qinghe, the general manager of Green Waters and Green Mountains." Liu Qinghe greeted with a smile.

If it were before, he would not even look at a small person like Li Lina.

But because of Mu Rufeng, he could greet her with a smile and treat her equally.

"Lina, sit... uh... lie down here." Mu Rufeng looked at Li Lina's tall figure and horse body and said this.

"Okay, Boss Mu." Li Lina responded, and then lay down beside Mu Rufeng obediently.

But even lying down, she was almost as tall as Mu Rufeng who was sitting.

"From now on, you are the owner of the Qingye Farm Branch, and this place will be handed over to you to manage." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Boss Mu, are you kidding? How can I manage it?" Li Lina was shocked.

"I am the major shareholder of the branch, whoever I want to manage it, I can let them manage it, and you know about the grassland, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I know. Fortunately, the cattle, sheep and horses are not afraid of that little poison, otherwise we would have suffered heavy losses."

"No, we must have suffered heavy losses, because those grasses are hopeless, but those grasses have also absorbed all the natural insecticides, so we can only plant a new batch." Li Lina said.

"Isn't this a coincidence? I came here for this. Our group company has green grass seeds. After planting, they can grow in one day." Liu Qinghe said.

"Really? That's great." Li Lina heard the words and said with surprise.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Just then, the door was knocked.

"Come in!" Mu Rufeng said.

Soon, the door was pushed open, and Feng Xuelong walked in and said, "Mr. Mu, I have reported to General Manager Niu. I will leave today and hand over to Li Lina before leaving."

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"Ring Ling Ling~~!"

At this time, Mu Rufeng's mobile phone rang again.

"Wait a minute, it's from Boss Niu." Mu Rufeng answered the phone immediately.

"Brother Mu, are you at the farm in Shugui City?" Niu Ben's loud voice came from the phone.

Even Feng Xuelong, who was standing at the door, heard it clearly.


"Feng Xuelong called me just now. I transferred him back to the headquarters. The person you arranged is Li Lina, right?"


"Okay, if I wasn't in Shugui City now, I would definitely have a good drink with you. I will then allocate some resources to the branch in Shugui City and give you more dividends."

"Thank you very much, Boss Niu."

"Haha, what's there to thank me for? I made a lot of money following you." Niu Ben said with a big laugh.

"I'll hang up first. I have something to do here."

"Okay, hang up. You're busy. We've sharpened our knives here and are waiting for good news from you."

"Don't worry, there will definitely be good news. You should have someone there, right?"

"Of course I have someone there. Once there is news, we will know. Yes, yes, there is news."

"Haha, it succeeded. Your people succeeded. Okay, I'll hang up first. We're going to start doing things."

Niu Ben laughed and hung up the phone directly.

Mu Rufeng could still vaguely hear the exclamations of many people on the other end of the phone.

Obviously, it should be Ye Lin who successfully destroyed the real-world channel of the Dead Xi Youxuan.

If the real-world channel is destroyed, then the warehouse of the weird world Dead Xi Youxuan will inevitably be affected.

Maybe there was a big explosion, and then it was seen by the people planted by Scarlet Youxuan.

But it doesn't matter. After all, the Dead Xi Youxuan is broadcasting live.

Feng Xuelong had no expression on his face at this moment, but he sighed in his heart.

Those words obviously let Feng Xuelong know that Mu Rufeng's position in Mr. Niu's heart was extremely high.

"Li Lina, go and hand over." Mu Ru said to Li Lina who was standing beside him.

"Oh, okay, Boss Mu." Li Lina immediately stood up and left with Feng Xuelong.

"Brother Mu, what big move are you guys making again?" Liu Qinghe's heart moved and he asked.

"Hehe, what big move could it be? It's still the matter with Wang Xi Youxuan." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I have also met Mr. Xu. He is a big shot, but in this situation, can Scarlet Youxuan still turn the tables?" Liu Qinghe said.

"I won't say much. There should be some time. If Mr. Liu wants to make a fortune, go buy some shares of Scarlet Youxuan." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Buy shares of Scarlet Youxuan?" Liu Qinghe was slightly startled, and then his heart moved.

"Can Scarlet Youxuan still fight back?"

"Mr. Liu, time is running out." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay." Liu Qinghe immediately took out his mobile phone and called his secretary.

He asked him to buy 10 billion shares of Scarlet Preferred at the fastest speed.

"Don't talk nonsense, just do what I said, immediately, immediately, 10 billion, buy it for me!" Liu Qinghe said word by word.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Liu, I'll go right away." The female secretary on the other end of the phone responded quickly and hung up the phone.

Mu Rufeng was also a little surprised when he heard it: "Mr. Liu, do you trust me so much? Just buy 10 billion directly?"

"Haha, Brother Mu is joking, I won hundreds of years of life and a talent in the Tianzi Talent Library with you."

"How can I not believe you." Liu Qinghe said with a big laugh.

Mu Rufeng also laughed when he heard it.


An hour later, Mu Rufeng and Liu Qinghe left.

When leaving, Mu Rufeng did not take Liu Qinghe's car.

Instead, he took out the truck and drove it towards the branch warehouse of Wang Xi Youxuan.

In just one hour, Mu Rufeng arrived at the branch warehouse of Wang Xi Youxuan according to the navigation.

At the gate of the logistics park, he registered and entered the logistics park smoothly.

According to the delivery note, he went directly to a warehouse, and then found an empty space and went directly to it.

"What are you delivering? What is this truck delivering?" A loader walked out of the warehouse, came to the rear of the car, and slapped the body of the car vigorously.

Mu Rufeng got off the car immediately: "I came from Qingshan City, a truck of fresh and good meat, hurry up and find someone to unload it, so I can go back."

"Contractor? Wait, is this fresh and good meat?" The loader ran away immediately.

In just one minute, the warehouse manager hurried over.

"Quick, open the door, I want to see if it's meat." The warehouse manager didn't care that Mu Rufeng was a contractor.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, just pressed the remote control, and saw the black smoke at the rear of the car slowly dissipate.

The two loaders beside the warehouse manager immediately stepped forward and opened the car door.

"Meat, all meat, good, good, hurry up, unload it quickly, all of you, don't unload those cars, all come to unload this one." The warehouse manager shouted.

Immediately, four more loaders dropped their work and ran over.

"Ring, ring, ring~~~!" At this time, Mu Rufeng's phone rang, it was Zhou Dalong's.

"Don't answer it, kid, don't answer this call." The warehouse manager shouted immediately.

Mu Rufeng looked up at the warehouse manager, but he completely ignored him and answered the phone directly.

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