I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 277 Two Trillion Soul Notes, Shocked Ye Lin [10,000 words]

"Mu Rufeng, where are you now? Are you still on the highway?"

"Immediately, turn around and drive the car back." Zhou Dalong shouted from the other end of the phone.

"I told you not to answer? Are you deaf?" The warehouse supervisor cursed angrily.

"But it doesn't matter. They are unloading the trucks anyway. Can they run away?" The warehouse supervisor sneered.

"Huh? Mu Rufeng, you have arrived at the branch warehouse and are still unloading the trucks?"

"How is it possible? Why are you driving so fast???" Zhou Dalong naturally heard the warehouse supervisor's shouting, and his face was immediately ugly, and then he shouted loudly.

"Team leader, didn't you ask me to hurry up? I didn't rest all night, and I kept rushing, and I paid for the gas myself to get here so quickly." Mu Rufeng said.

"You...you really pissed me off." Zhou Dalong didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Forget it, forget it, just unload the truck and come back quickly." Zhou Dalong gave up.

He also knew that the trucks were all unloading, and there was no way they could pull the cargo back.

Zhou Dalong was the first to know that the real channel of Wang Xi Youxuan was destroyed, because he was busy dispatching the fleet on the platform in the warehouse.

The explosion scared him.

At the same time, because it was still live, not only he knew it, but almost all the weird people who were watching the live broadcast knew it.

Because there was a problem with the channel, they urgently recalled the meat trucks that were sent out.

The truck driven by Mu Rufeng was one of them.

Chen Shan also reacted very quickly. He gave up the peripheral cities that had just been developed and stabilized the basic base of five or six cities near Qingshan City first.

The subsequent cities will come slowly, so the meat trucks were recalled.

It’s a pity that Mu Rufeng arrived in Shugui City so quickly. Zhou Dalong thought that Mu Rufeng had only walked half of the way.

Mu Rufeng hung up the phone immediately.

"I really give you face, hurry back to the car, smelling the aroma of this truck of meat, I can't help but eat you." The warehouse manager did not hide his malice at all.

Mu Rufeng said to the warehouse manager: "Please unload the goods faster."

As he said that, Mu Rufeng was ready to get in the car.

"Who are you? How dare you talk to me like that?" The warehouse manager looked at Mu Rufeng with a gloomy face.

It seemed that he was urged by Mu Rufeng and suffered a great humiliation.

"I don't care who you are. Believe it or not, I'm going to drive away now." Mu Rufeng stared at the warehouse manager and said coldly.

"If you have the guts, leave." The warehouse manager also got angry and scolded him immediately.

He couldn't figure out how this little fourth-level contractor dared to talk to him, a fifth-level weirdo, like this?

Mu Rufeng sneered, took out the car key, and pressed the button.

Suddenly, the truck shook, and a cloud of black gas gushed out, instantly shaking several loaders who were unloading out of the car.

The door closed automatically, and the black fog filled the air, wrapping up the truck.

They had only unloaded less than one-third of the meat in such a short time, and there was still more than two-thirds of the meat on the truck.

"You dare, you dare, believe me or not——" The warehouse manager was furious when he saw this scene. He really didn't expect Mu Rufeng to dare to do this.

This is a strange world, this is the Wang Xi Optimal Branch, this is a warehouse, and he is the warehouse manager, the boss here.

"Kill me? Then do it." Mu Rufeng took out a grenade, pulled out the pin, and then threw it to the platform.

"By the way, I'll give you a big treasure. This is a level 6 prop. I spent a lot of soul money to buy it."

After throwing the grenade, Mu Rufeng immediately jumped into the cab, inserted the key, shifted gears, stepped on the accelerator to start the vehicle in one go.


The engine roared, and the car quickly drove towards the gate of the logistics park.


Several loaders were shocked and rolled and crawled towards the warehouse, and their speed was extremely fast.

Even the warehouse supervisor reacted very quickly. He dared not stay here and ran into the warehouse as soon as possible.

He even mobilized the power of the warehouse and directly raised its strength to level six.

A group of people hid behind some goods in an instant.

After just a dozen seconds, the grenade did not explode.

Everyone looked over and found that the grenade was lying quietly in the same place without any movement.

"You, go and have a look." The warehouse supervisor pointed at a loader and said.

"Ah? Supervisor, I dare not go." The loader shook his head repeatedly, not daring to go over.

"Waste." The warehouse supervisor immediately conjured up a ghost hand and punched the grenade out.

"Wow wow wow~~!"

When the grenade flew in the air, it suddenly made a sound of a baby crying.

"Bang bang bang~~~!"

The grenade flew over dozens of meters and fell on the concrete ground with a bang bang bang sound.

"Damn, I was cheated. It's a level one prop, a doll grenade." The warehouse supervisor was furious when he knew he was cheated.

Then he ran out quickly, jumped on top of a truck and looked into the distance.

But he found that the truck driven by Mu Rufeng was already at the exit of the gate.

The two sides were still two hundred meters apart, and it was too late. Even if he shouted to attract the attention of the security guards, the security guards could not stop him.

"Beep beep~~!"

As if to celebrate his departure, Mu Rufeng also honked the loudspeaker twice.

"Damn it, damn it! Chase it, dispatch a car to chase it, and make sure to stop the truck." The warehouse supervisor shouted immediately.

Their branch warehouse manager had just issued an order, all meat trucks must be pressed down, unloaded as soon as possible, and must not leave.


As soon as he left the logistics park, Mu Rufeng stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and rushed towards the highway at a high speed.

In just a dozen seconds, he saw many security guards driving patrol cars chasing Mu Rufeng.

Then many cars followed closely, all chasing Mu Rufeng.

After a few minutes, the general manager of the branch warehouse got the news and wanted to suppress it, but found that the truck had disappeared.


Mu Rufeng rode slowly on the Fiery Chariot.

One after another, the tracking vehicles kept flying by.

They had no idea that the owner of the truck they were chasing was him.

"Master, where are we going now?" Ma Qiu asked.

"Go back to Qingshan City, get off the highway, and go straight to the mine." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Master." Ma Qiu immediately went to the highway toll station.

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Dalong.

It rang for more than ten times before it was connected.

"Why are you calling? I'm busy here. Come back as soon as you unload the goods."

Zhou Dalong's voice hurt him. He was in a very bad mood at the moment.

"Team leader, I drove out." Mu Rufeng said.

"I came out and then--huh? You drove out?" Zhou Dalong reacted immediately.

"Yes, there was still half a truck of goods on the truck. The warehouse manager saw that I was a contractor and wanted to eat me. I used a doll grenade to trick them and then drove out." Mu Rufeng said.

"Half a truck? Haha, good, great, you come back quickly, add full power, and drive on the highway with a truck. Don't worry about the fuel cost, I will reimburse you." Zhou Dalong shouted excitedly.

"Do you have soul notes? I'll transfer some money to you. By the way, do you have a Tiandi Bank card?" Zhou Dalong thought of something and asked hurriedly.

"XXXX" Mu Rufeng immediately reported his bank card number.

It's free soul notes, don't miss it.

"Okay, I'll make up for your previous highway tolls."

Soon, the soul notes arrived at the station, a full 30,000 yuan, which surprised Mu Rufeng.

But it's true, after all, the highway toll costs more than 8,000 yuan.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng lay on the cushion, crossed his legs and continued to read the news.

There was news about the explosion of the real channel of Wang Xi Youxuan, which was overwhelming and almost all of them.

Behind this, of course, there was also Scarlet Youxuan who fueled the flames.

This also led to a fatal crisis for Wang Xi Youxuan.

At the same time, it was precisely because of the destruction of Wang Xi Youxuan's real-world channels that Scarlet Youxuan's slowly falling stock price stopped instantly.

Subsequently, a large amount of funds poured into the market, and Scarlet Youxuan's stock price rose again.

Needless to say, this amount of money was naturally the means of Xu He and others.

At the same time, because of the rise in stock prices, those stockholders also saw hope and the hope of making money, and they all started to buy the stock price of Scarlet Preferred again.

And the increase in Scarlet Preferred's stock price will naturally make those who shorted the stock price change their faces.

If the stock price falls, then they will make a lot of money. If the stock price rises, then they have to continue to invest money, otherwise, the final result will definitely be a loss of all their pants.

"What should I do? What should I do now? Mr. Chen?" The boss of an eighth-level ghost king was a little panicked. He invested all his wealth in it.

"What are you panicking about? How is the construction over there?" Chen Shan said coldly.

"Mr. Chen, the real channel has been destroyed. It will take at least five days to rebuild it."

"Five days? Five days will be cold." A ghost emperor was furious and slapped the assistant away with a slap.

"Waste, really waste. The people you chose for the Wartie Chamber of Commerce are really good. The channels in the real world have been destroyed." Another ghost emperor pointed at Loronia of the Wartie Chamber of Commerce and scolded.

"Are you talking to me here?" Loronia glanced at the ghost emperor coldly.

"Humph!" The ghost emperor snorted coldly and said nothing.

"Five days is five days. The most important thing now is to get through this difficult time first. We must take out the money."

"Only if this money is taken out can we survive this month." Chen Shan said in a deep voice.

"Waste, you haven't answered my question yet. Have you built the things I asked you to build?" Chen Shan said to the assistant.

"Mr. Chen, it's done. It's done." The assistant got up and nodded repeatedly.

"It's OK to build it. I'll go there in person. The more meat you prepare for me, the better. I said the channel is not broken, then it is not broken. Sun Xiaotian, the stock matter is handed over to you. You must stabilize the plate for me." After Chen Shan finished speaking, he pushed open the door of the office and walked out.

"Don't worry, I will hold on." Sun Xiaotian looked at Chen Shan who was leaving and said.

Chen Shan's method is also very simple. Didn't you say that our real channel exploded?

Okay, I will continue to broadcast live and get the meat from the channel.

As for how to broadcast live? That's not difficult. Just find a similar place and some props that look more like a portal.

Then let a few contractors keep throwing the previous flesh and blood from there.

In this way, those Internet users can be temporarily stabilized, and the stock price will be stopped again.

Even if it cannot continue to fall, at least it can be prevented from rising again.

In just five minutes, the live broadcast began.

With Chen Shan personally coming out, and so much flesh and blood being transported out of the portal, the rising stock price was really stopped.

Although Chen Shan's plan is simple, it is extremely practical.


"Mr. Xu, Chen Shan is broadcasting again. They said that the channel has not been destroyed." A general manager pointed at the live broadcast screen and said loudly.

"Impossible, we can see the nails clearly. How can the warehouse be intact with such a big movement?"

"Humph, it's just a trick. I think they want to withdraw the money from their stock market. Now, give me money to pull up the stock price." Xu He said in a deep voice.

"Yes, we have 200 billion funds in hand. Are we still afraid of them?" Niu Ben also shouted.

A group of people quickly took action and began to raise the stock price of Scarlet Optimization.


In the blink of an eye, seven hours passed, and it was about nine o'clock in the evening.

After Mu Rufeng threw a stack of banknotes to the staff at the toll booth, he drove the Maqiu towards the outskirts of the city.

It was only seven hours, too early, and it would be better to go back at least in the early morning.

Calculating the time, it was almost time to return. I went to the mine, took the things, sent the truck back, and then I could go back.

Another hour passed, and Mu Rufeng finally arrived at the mine.

In the shocked eyes of the security guard, Mu Rufeng moved directly into the mine in an instant.

Anyway, he was the owner of the mine, and the rules of the mine would not stop him.

"Mr. Mu, you are here." Several security guards immediately came up and greeted him flatteringly.

"Well. Go and do your business." Mu Rufeng waved his hand to send them away, and then walked directly to the warehouse.

When Mu Rufeng entered the warehouse, he immediately found that the warehouse was half full of ore.

He remembered that he had almost emptied it last time. He guessed that it was the goods that Baibaolou had purchased and sent over during this period.

But now Mu Rufeng couldn't carry it at all, not even the login bracelet.

He had collected 170,000 tons before, and had filled up Xiaoying's inventory, and half of his own inventory was filled.

At the same time, Huanxin's storage space was also filled up.

To be honest, 170,000 tons could not be stored by Mu Rufeng and Xiaoying alone.

But Huanxin gave Mu Rufeng a big surprise. His storage space was very large, and there was no weight limit for this type of storage space.

Filling up the space, plus some of his own inventory, the 170,000 tons were stored.

(The data was wrong. The original inventory limit was 3,000 jin, but it was strengthened once later and became 10,000 jin. The previous chapter was locked and could not be changed. The subsequent rate was calculated based on the weight of 10,000 jin)

"It seems that we still have to let the Glutton Cruise come." Mu Rufeng said, touching his chin.

It just so happens that the landing bracelets produced these days can also be transported to the Gluttony Cruise.

And now it is the 1st, and the number of black gold card privileges each month has also been refreshed.

When he returns to the real world, he can summon the Gluttony Cruise again and move all those things down.

"Mr. Mu, you are here?" A person trotted over, it was Xiao Yan.

"Well. You do your thing, I'll go to the production line to see." Mu Rufeng waved to Xiao Yan and then walked into the mobile factory.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan did not follow, after all, she really had something to do.

Mu Rufeng came to the mobile factory.

Thirty production lines roared, and a large number of landing bracelets were produced.

These production lines have been transformed into third-level props. Although the effect has not changed much, they are durable and durable, and there will be no problems within a year.

Mu Rufeng looked at the neatly arranged boxes on the side, all of which were landing bracelets.

He roughly counted and found that there were about 180 million landing bracelets.

It can't fit, Mu Rufeng certainly can't fit it, Mu Rufeng immediately turned around and walked outside.

Leaving the mine, he came to the wilderness area before.

The earth was charred, and there were some cracks, emitting some sulfur smell.

This is what the magma looks like after drying.

Mu Rufeng activated the fire spell, and the land turned into a magma land again, or in other words, the place where the Gluttony Cruise was summoned.

"Woo woo woo~~!"

The familiar whistle sounded, and the exact fog slowly spread, and the Gluttony Cruise appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Boss Mu, what do you want?" Zhao Xize fell directly with the stairs.

"Move something, don't put this thing down next time, hit it a few more times, I'm afraid it will be broken, just use some high-tech, I'll pay." Mu Rufeng glanced at the broken stairs, and appeared on the deck in a flash.

"Yes, yes, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize below smiled bitterly and responded repeatedly.

Mu Rufeng came to the deck and placed the 170,000 tons of ore on the deck.

Then, Mu Rufeng went back and forth between the mine and the deck several times, and finally placed all the ore and landing means on the deck.

At this moment, there were 180 million landing bracelets and 250,000 tons of life ore on the deck.

Fortunately, the deck is big enough, otherwise it really wouldn't fit.

"Let's go to the real world." Mu Rufeng said to Zhao Xize.

"Okay, Boss Mu, you take a break. The weak space node is relatively close and can be reached in half an hour."

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

He took out a recliner, sat on it, and then took out a cup of iced milk tea and drank it happily.

But soon, Mu Rufeng remembered something: "Oh, I seem to have forgotten to transfer money to Minister Ye."

Mu Rufeng now has 10 trillion yuan in his pocket, and it's been almost a week, but he hasn't remembered to transfer money to the relevant departments.

"I'm afraid Ye Lin is so anxious that he's jumping up and down."

Mu Rufeng smiled, and then recalled Ye Lin's Tiandi Bank card number.

"How much money should I transfer?" Mu Rufeng thought for a while, and then directly transferred 2 trillion yuan.

Transferring one-fifth is about the same, and it's enough for the people in the relevant departments.


Real world, headquarters of the relevant departments.

11 o'clock in the morning on January 2.

In a meeting room at the headquarters of the relevant department.

Tian Youdao and Han Chen were both in the office. In addition to them, there were two other people, namely Jiang Caiwei and Xu Lian, two level eight ghost kings.

Nine hours ago, at two o'clock in the morning, the two of them successfully destroyed the channel of the real world under the leadership of Ye Lin.

(The real world is twelve hours ahead of the strange world. Two o'clock in the afternoon on January 1st in the strange world is two o'clock in the morning on January 2nd in the real world)

However, even if the three of them attacked together, they still suffered a little loss, because no one expected that there were actually two level eight contractors guarding there.

At the same time, they also had more powerful props, but they succeeded in destroying it at a little cost.

After all, three to two, the advantage is mine.

Only Xu Lian was unlucky and broke a leg.

However, it was harmless, waiting for Mu Rufeng's flesh and blood growth device to solve it perfectly.

Although it was successful, the situation in the office was unusually dull at the moment.

At the same time, international news was broadcast on the TV.

The content of the news is naturally that the relevant departments of China led three level 8 contractors to attack their important base in the United States.

In order to get an explanation, the team of the "exercise" is already on the way. This time it is not just one "exercise", but the surrounding countries are entering China for "exercise" together.

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Ye Lin walked in with a ruthless face.

"How is it?" Han Chen asked Ye Lin.

"The situation is not good. The pressure this time is greater than the last time." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

He just came from Nanhai and talked with the man in Nanhai for a long time.

This time, after all, it is their fault, and they may have to bleed.

"What does the person in Nanhai say? Will there be a fight?" Jiang Caiwei asked.

"We are naturally not afraid of fighting, but we have no reason to do so. After all, we are the ones who started it. I am afraid that there will be a wave of blood." Ye Lin shook his head and said.

"Damn it, they are all selling the flesh and blood of living people. Doesn't the international community care?"

"Didn't we shoot a video? Can't those people see it?" Jiang Caiwei scolded.

"Do you think they care about the opinions of ordinary people? Profits are paramount. Blocking people's financial path is like killing their parents. We killed their parents." Tian Youdao sighed and said.

"I think they will definitely ask us to hand over the technology of the login bracelet." Han Chen said.

"Humph, even if we fight, this technology must not be handed over." Xu Lian snorted coldly.

"Anyway, let's go to the beach first. I'll go talk to them." Ye Lin said.

Ye Lin was instructed by the person in Nanhai and was fully responsible for this incident. The only thing is that he can bleed a little, but he will never give in on the bottom line. He will catch them trafficking in living people.

[Your card with the last number 6671, transferred 2000000000000 yuan at 11:10 on January 2, and the balance is 2 trillion yuan]



"Ah?" Ye Lin made three strange noises and fell into a daze.

"What's wrong?"

"Is there an enemy?"

"Have you been hit? Cursed?"

Jiang Caiwei and the other four were shocked when they saw this, and immediately became alert, and their ghosts opened up instantly.

"I...I...card...money." Even Ye Lin, who was so cunning, couldn't calm down for a while.

"What card, what money? What happened?" Xu Lian said anxiously.

Ye Lin is the boss of the relevant department and the pillar of China. If something goes wrong, it will really be a big problem.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!" Ye Lin waved to everyone, and then took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down.

"It's okay, it's a good thing, a great thing." Ye Lin finally calmed down at this moment.

"Great thing? What great thing?" Everyone looked at Ye Lin.

"We have money now. We in China are not short of money anymore."

"Two trillion, two trillion, haha, I really didn't make a mistake about him, and the guy from Nanhai didn't make a mistake about him either. He succeeded, succeeded." Ye Lin suddenly opened his mouth and laughed.

"Two trillion? What two trillion? What happened to Mu Rufeng?" Han Chen was the first to react and asked hurriedly.

"That's great, it's so timely. Are you forcing me to abdicate again? I'll use money to kill them." Ye Lin said viciously.

Although we are not afraid of multinational cooperation, mushroom bombs are still a threat after all.

The final result he expected, in Ye Lin's view, was to provide some compensation to the United States, which had destroyed its channels.

There is nothing we can do about it, unless we really start a global war.

Even if they sell human flesh and blood, so what?

"I said, what's going on? Can you explain it more clearly?" Jiang Caiwei stepped forward and grabbed Ye Lin's arm.

"You just need to know that from now on, China will have no shortage of soul coins and login bracelets."

"Two trillion, two trillion is enough for us to reform the relevant departments. From now on, all players' salaries under the relevant departments will be paid in soul money!!!" Ye Lin said word for word.

"What? Give them soul coins? Two trillion? Two trillion soul coins? You don't have a fever, do you?"

Xu Lian didn't believe it, so he stretched out his hand and saw that his right hand appeared directly on Ye Lin's forehead across the space.

"I don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?" Xu Lian said with a frown.


An ethereal whistle sounded.

"The Gluttony Cruise is the Gluttony Cruise." Tian Youdao recognized it immediately.

"Mu Rufeng, Mu Rufeng is back, and she must have brought resources with her." After Ye Lin finished speaking, he turned into a black mist and disappeared.


The huge cruise ship landed in the huge courtyard.

Then, Mu Rufeng transformed into two huge ghost hands and directly threw all the life minerals on the deck.

The huge and heavy ore fell to the ground, making a dull roar. The ore smashed through the earth and then landed on the hard alloy steel plate. The earth seemed to be shaking.

It hit the ceiling on the first floor below.

Fortunately, the alloy steel plate is extremely hard and the ore is relatively dispersed. Otherwise, the relevant departments may be smashed through.

On Zhao Xize's side, he directly used Guixiao, and then transferred the login bracelets directly underground.

Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene: "Old Zhao, what are you doing?"

"Ah? Boss Mu, what did you say?" Zhao Xize didn't react at all.

"That's how you just moved the login bracelet underground." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh, Guixiao has this ability. It can change the space and transfer space within the range of Guixiao."

"Boss Mu is a fourth-level contractor. He is not familiar with ghosts. It is normal not to know. I also became familiar with it after thinking about it for a while." Zhao Xize said.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly. It turned out that Guixiao could still be used in this way. It seemed that he still knew too little about Guixiao.

Yes, Gui Xie doesn't use it very much, so that's normal.

"Wait here for a moment while I talk to someone about something, for ten minutes at most." Mu Rufeng said.

"Boss Mu, are you not disembarking here? Are you going back to the strange world?" Zhao Xize was stunned for a moment, and then said.

"Well, the copy is not finished yet. I just came here to give you something this time." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, okay, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize nodded.

"If I go back to the weird world, I shouldn't need to use my summoning privileges, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course there is no need for this. However, you need to use the black gold card privileges to specify the destination. This does not consume the number of summons, but only consumes some soul money."

"The soul money doesn't matter to me. It doesn't need to be consumed. It will be deducted from my black gold card." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he disappeared directly.


"Mu Rufeng, are you really making a lot of noise when you come back? I'm afraid the first floor will be smashed through by you." Ye Lin said with a smile on his face when he saw Mu Rufeng suddenly appeared.

"It's broken, can't you repair it?"

"Haha, sure enough, you transferred the two trillion soul coins to me. It seems that our plan is going smoothly."

"Of course it went well, but the channels in the real world were also destroyed by you. Now Death Eve is in serious trouble." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Huh? Are there any outsiders?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, and the ghosts opened instantly, covering the life mines.

Immediately, Jiang Caiwei, Xu Lian, Tian Youdao and Han Chen appeared next to Ye Lin.

"Is this the Gluttony Cruise? You are Mu Rufeng, right?"

"But, what is going on?" Jiang Caiwei frowned slightly as she looked at the ghosts surrounding her.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Jiang Caiwei from Jingxi Group, an eighth-level contractor, and this is Sanren Xu Lian, an eighth-level contractor."

"This time, it was the three of us who worked together to destroy the preferred channel of Death Xi. Xu Lian also lost a leg because of it. I have to trouble you." Ye Lin said.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, thank you both." Mu Rufeng immediately took out the flesh and blood growth device.

After a while, Xu Lian's thighs grew again.

"It's really good. It's the same as the original one, but it's a bit white and doesn't match well." Xu Lian stood up and jumped, then frowned and said.

Xu Lian has bronze skin all over his body. Now his thighs that have grown back can be said to be breakable, and his skin is like snow.

Comparing it with other parts, it really looks like black and white.

"Hey, what's going on with this ghost? Is this covering something?"

"It's mysterious, shouldn't we know it too?" Jiang Caiwei said again.

"Mu Rufeng, remove it. Anyway, the raw materials have been leaked and no one can make it." Ye Lin said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng heard it and didn't say anything. He directly removed the ghost cave, and the life mines and landing bracelets were revealed.

"It's not a secret. It's the raw material of the landing bracelet." Mu Rufeng said.

"Such a strong breath of life. The landing bracelet is actually made of this?" Jiang Caiwei stepped forward and took a look, and was amazed.

Xu Lian also observed curiously.

"How much is it this time?" Ye Lin asked.

"Here is a total of 250,000 tons, 300,000 per ton, a total of 75 billion, and I have paid the money."

"Don't look at it, there are landing bracelets over there, a total of 180 million." Mu Rufeng said.

"250,000 tons? Great, then we can increase production at full capacity." Ye Lin immediately showed a surprised smile.

250,000 tons, it can fully increase production.

"By the way, I also bought a batch of level 3 conversion fluid, which can convert the production line into a level 3 prop, which can keep the machine working for a year." Mu Rufeng said, and took out the conversion fluid.

"Great." Ye Lin was overjoyed and put the conversion fluid away directly.

If that's the case, they don't have to bother to build those production lines.

Don't think it's particularly easy to build a production line, it also requires some extremely precious metals.

Why is it precious? Because it's difficult to obtain. One of them is that it requires a certain rare earth on the moon.

Where does the rare earth come from? Isn't it still Ye Lin who has to rush to go there.

Equipped with some high-tech, plus his own ability, he can go back and forth once a month.

The previous batch is almost used up, just right, with the conversion fluid, it will be much easier.

"How much more? One hundred and eighty million landing bracelets?"

Jiang Caiwei and Xu Lian were both shocked.

They also knew that the Weird Affairs Bureau under the relevant departments could manufacture a large number of landing bracelets.

But it was still very shocking to have one hundred and eighty million landing bracelets in front of them.

"Take ten boxes each, as an extra thank you gift for this trip to the West." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Minister Mu!" Xu Lian thanked loudly, then waved and put the ten boxes of landing bracelets into the inventory.

"Thank you, Brother Mu." Jiang Caiwei reacted, a smile appeared on her face, and she immediately took ten boxes of landing bracelets.

This is a landing bracelet, which can save a life.

Before, they sold this thing to them for two thousand soul coins each.

There are one thousand landing bracelets in one box, and ten boxes are ten thousand.

According to the previous price, this is 20 million soul coins, generous, the newly appointed Mu Rufeng is really generous.

Wait, they suddenly thought of something.

Mu Rufeng said before that there are 250,000 tons of life ore here, 300,000 per ton, that is 75 billion soul coins.

75 billion soul coins, think of the 2 trillion that Ye Lin just said.

They discovered an astonishing truth, that is, Mu Rufeng transferred 2 trillion soul notes to Ye Lin's Tiandi Bank card.

2 trillion, what is the concept, they are a little unclear, anyway, they know that they can't earn wealth in their lifetime.

"Old Xu, join the relevant department, 10 million soul notes!" Ye Lin said to Xu Lian.

Now Ye Lin is really rich, 10 million, it's just a drop in the bucket.

"Are you serious? 10 million?"

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Ye Lin said, and took out his Tiandi Bank card.

Suddenly, a black light flashed on the Tiandi Bank card, and a terrifying breath spread from the bank card.


The air around was rippling, a dark cloud suddenly appeared, and the capital suddenly became gray.

But soon, the dark cloud dissipated, and the waves in the void finally calmed down.

"What's going on? Is the black gold card such a big anomaly?" Ye Lin was also shocked by the black gold card in his hand.

"What a terrifying aura, I think the Gluttony Cruise is a little unstable."

"Black gold card?"

Xu Lian and Jiang Caiwei looked extremely solemn.

"Don't worry, it's just the head office of the Tiandi Bank card coming. After all, your bank card has transferred 2 trillion yuan, and you have kept it in the inventory before, so the Tiandi Bank naturally can't sense it."

"You just took it out and it sensed it, but because it is in the real world, it can't come."

"When you go to the real world, if you encounter danger, you can take out the Tiandi Bank card. At that time, the head of the bank will come to congratulate you in person, and it can also save you from a life-and-death crisis." Mu Rufeng explained.

"Is that so." Ye Lin nodded.

"Is it really 2 trillion yuan? Minister Ye, where did you get so much money?" Shocked, Jiang Caiwei was shocked.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and said nothing.

Han Chen's expression kept changing, and it was obvious that his mood was also extremely complicated and changing all the time.

Tian Youdao was shocked but also happy. Two trillion, they in China really don't lack money anymore.

"Ten million has been transferred, please check it." Ye Lin looked at Xu Lian and said to him.

"Received, received. From now on, I am a member of the relevant department. I will give you these 80 kilograms of meat." Xu Lian said excitedly.

"I know you don't like the constraints of rules and regulations. So, I will let you be an inspector and inspect the world. You can manage everything. You can eat, drink and have fun all over the country. We will also reimburse the expenses."

"When necessary, you can also have the power of a deputy minister and mobilize any local department to cooperate with your actions." Ye Lin said.

"Okay, that's great, I like it. If you had given me this position earlier, I would have agreed to join the relevant department."

Ye Lin smiled when he heard it, and then looked at Jiang Caiwei. He was about to speak, but Jiang Caiwei spoke first.

"Minister Ye, I also want to join the relevant department. I just need the same condition as Lao Xu."

"Okay." Ye Lin originally wanted to invite Jiang Caiwei to join, but he didn't expect that she applied in advance.

"I've transferred 10 million to you. By the way, you two can download an internal APP of the relevant department and choose any item from the prop library."

"There are only three level 9 props in the prop library now. See if there are any suitable ones. If you like other props, that's fine. Just pick anything from the prop library."

"It doesn't matter if it's a prop, a skill card, or a spiritual object." Ye Lin said.

Recommend a friend's book "After Rebirth, My Life Has Just Begun"

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