I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 278 Return, Settlement Rewards [10,000 words]

"Received." Jiang Caiwei said happily.

"Congratulations on joining the relevant department." Mu Rufeng bowed to the two of them to congratulate them.

"You bowed, it's so formal." Both of them bowed to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng smiled awkwardly when he heard this. This is still a problem he got from the ancient battlefield.

"By the way, make a list and see what you need. I will go back to the dungeon and go to the Treasure House later."

"I will buy more props skill cards and attribute fruits at that time. This time, I want to fill up the prop library of the relevant department." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, I will prepare it immediately. Wait for me." Ye Lin nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and then quickly disappeared from the spot.

"If you need anything, I can also bring some for you." Mu Rufeng looked at the four people and asked.

Several people quickly made a list and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Han Chen, and accepted his list in his expectant eyes.

Although there were some conflicts before, Mu Rufeng no longer cared about it, because it was completely unnecessary.

In Mu Rufeng's eyes, Han Chen could be taken advantage of anytime and anywhere.

With just one word from him, Ye Lin could directly dismiss him.

It was only about ten minutes before Ye Lin came back.

Ye Lin handed a list to Mu Rufeng and said, "There are a lot of things in it, and it's quite complicated. I'm sorry for your trouble. How much money will I give you when the time comes."

"I have more money than you, I'll pay it." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Okay!" Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

He originally thought that Mu Rufeng gave him most of the soul notes he exchanged for national construction.

He didn't expect that Mu Rufeng gave him 2 trillion soul notes, and there were more than 2 trillion funds.

"By the way, I almost forgot, how is the tiger power?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It has been promoted in the military. There have been no problems in the past few days. The next step is to promote it nationwide."

"It was supposed to be promoted on January 1st, but it was delayed because I went to the United States. It was originally postponed to 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"I didn't expect the Eight-Nation Alliance to come again." Ye Lin shook his head and said.

"Promote it as soon as possible. This is a major event that benefits the country and the people." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry, I know it." Ye Lin nodded in response.

"Tiger power? What is that?" Xu Lian was confused.

"A martial arts practice method that Mu Rufeng obtained from an ancient copy. It can make people practice to Huajin, which is equivalent to a seventh-level ghost general." Ye Lin explained.

"What? Martial arts? Why do I feel that the copy I entered is not in the same world as you?" Xu Lian was even more confused.

It was all weird, superpowers, etc., how come you suddenly popped up a practice method?

"We can practice too?" Jiang Caiwei suddenly said.

"Of course, it can enhance our blood and qi, and the strength of our body. Even if I don't use my ability now, I can kill the third-level weirdness with my martial arts blood and qi alone." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"Hmm? Minister Ye, how long have you been practicing? Can you kill the third-level weirdness with just martial arts blood and qi?" Mu Rufeng really felt that the gap between geniuses and ordinary people was too big.

"Luck, just luck." Ye Lin said with a smile.

He was naturally not a fool. He knew that he was definitely a martial arts genius among ten thousand, otherwise how could he practice so quickly.

"By the way, Mu Rufeng, don't run abroad after you return tomorrow. I'm afraid those people will surround you."

"If you want to absorb soul power, just stay in China. Now we are not short of money. We should be willing to absorb 0.1 and give them some RMB." Ye Lin said.

"Although it can be restored, I still don't want to absorb my own people. Don't worry about my strength. Unless I throw mushroom bombs, I am not afraid of anyone in the real world." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Okay, then you go secretly, preferably at night, don't get caught on the spot, and don't go from city to city, shoot one shot and then another, and continue in a city farther away." Ye Lin reminded.

"Don't bother so much, Minister Ye should be going to negotiate again, just buy it by the soul notes per person."

"One million people, one million soul notes, no upper limit, and I only suck 0.3 points, so that they can feel comfortable."

"Don't worry about the soul notes, I have money, very rich, very rich, and when you run out of your 2 trillion, come to me and I will make it up to you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Good guy, you are going to let those contractors sell out their own people." Ye Lin heard this and smiled.

This is indeed feasible.

Just like when I went to the country of Asan before, there were 30 million people in a city. If all of them were sucked, it would be 30 million soul notes.

Anyway, ordinary people will just have a few days of headaches and be depressed for a few days, and then they can get tens of millions of soul notes. Even a fool knows how to choose.

"By the way, didn't I go to India, South Korea and the island country last time?"

"This time, just compensate them directly. When the time comes, you can give it to them in person at the negotiation site to shock and divide them. It should have a miraculous effect."

"Also, for the island country, just keep half of it, and I will transfer the money to you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, but there is no need to transfer the soul money. I still have enough here. Anyway, I will ask you for it when the money runs out." Ye Lin said with a smile.

I have to say that the method given by Mu Rufeng is really useful.

If you go up there and throw a 100 million soul banknote first, you won't be able to suppress the three most popular countries.

Maybe even the United States will have to support Ye Lin, because they are all soul money.

The United States has a large population. If 300 million people visit, that's 300 million soul coins. What is the actual channel? Communicate with the strange world?

How much money can you make from a broken channel? Three hundred million a month? Get out of here now.

I have to mention here that although the United States has real channels, it can be squeezed extremely hard.

"Okay, that's it for now. If nothing else goes wrong, I should be back on the 4th. However, there is a problem with the Dead Night Prime, so I might be able to return earlier."

"You remember to negotiate with those guys first, my gourd is already empty." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Ye Lin said, patting his chest.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly and then used teleportation to fly onto the deck of the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

After a while, the Gluttony Cruise Ship made a disembodied whistle and then disappeared.

"Han Chen, Tian Youdao, you two immediately organize the manpower to transfer the Mine of Life to the Secret Bureau. If you land the bracelet, we will take away 100 million and go to the high seas to meet those bastards!"

Ye Lin said to Jiang Caiwei and Xu Lian.

"Yes!" The two of them responded in succession.

It was also a great shock to have three eighth-level ghost kings go together.

As for fear of danger? Just kidding, eighth-level contractors, as long as it's not mushroom bombs, there really isn't any technological weapon that can kill them.

ambush? Want to kill three eighth-level contractors? What an international joke.

They were three against two before, and Xu Lian even destroyed one of his legs. He seemed to think it was easy to kill him?

After thinking about it too much, they just used a one-time prop given by the Warty Chamber of Commerce, and it was this prop that cut off Xu Lian's leg.

Otherwise, the three of them will definitely be able to return unscathed.

"Well, I wonder if we can go to the prop library first." Jiang Caiwei suddenly said.


Weird world, outside the mine.

"Boss Mu, walk slowly. I'll call you whenever you need me." Zhao Xize smiled happily.

First of all, seeing the boss frequently can deepen the relationship between the two parties. The better the relationship, the more benefits he will naturally get.

Second, performance issues.

Every summoning cost Mu Rufeng a lot of money, sometimes hundreds of thousands at a time. If it was summoned in the real world or summoned to the real world, it would cost more than a million.

The performance is really not bad, so I am naturally happy.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you these days. The New Year is coming, so work hard and I'll give you a big red envelope, a big red envelope." Mu Rufeng patted Zhao Xize on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Boss Mu."

Mu Rufeng got off the gluttony cruise ship.

Soon, the Gluttony Cruise Ship disappeared from Mu Rufeng’s sight.

Mu Rufeng did not enter the mine, but took out the sesame ball and sent it directly towards Qingshan City.

In terms of time, it’s almost time to go back.

Mu Rufeng took the time to look at the news and Scarlet Select's stock price.

The current stock price remains at around 100 yuan, neither going up nor down, and seems to be at a stalemate.

Mu Rufeng also knew that the two sides should be fighting for funds now.

After thinking about it, in order to return as soon as possible, Mu Rufeng directly transferred 500 billion funds to Lilith without even making a call.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, Lilith's call came.

"Boss, have you sent money again?" Lilith's voice was trembling.

"Well, 500 billion, let's make a quick decision. When it's done, just transfer the capital back to me, and I'll leave the rest to you," Mu Rufeng said.

"It's Mr. Mu." Lilith now knew how powerful her master's financial resources were.

In the past, the 50 billion was transferred on demand, and the next 100 billion was also transferred. Now the 500 billion was given without even saying hello, which almost made Lilith's heart melt.


An hour later, Mu Rufeng appeared in front of the gate of Baibao Building in Qingshan City.

Mu Rufeng walked directly in and went straight to the landlord's office without saying a word.

The staff were also informed that when Mu Rufeng came, they could not stop him, so he successfully knocked on Sun Wu's office.

"Mr. Mu, are you here?" Sun Wu was shocked when he saw it was Mu Rufeng, and then he was overjoyed and immediately welcomed Mu Rufeng in.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Mu Rufeng looked at the figures in the office and was slightly stunned.

There were many people inside, and Mu Rufeng knew many people, including Xu He, Niu Ben, Lilith and others.

It's just that when Mu Rufeng came in, those people didn't react at all, like idiots.

"Sorry, sorry, I was having an online meeting with them. When you came, I cut off the connection on my side." Sun Wu said.

"I see, how is the situation now?" Mu Rufeng asked with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, you gave Miss Lilith a match of money. We have sufficient funds and we are sure to win." Sun Wu said with joy on his face.

He can also be regarded as Lu Chengfeng's confidant, because Lu Chengfeng is still on the Frost Ice Plains, so he is fully responsible for the affairs here.

After learning about the Scarlet Optimized Alliance, he resolutely invested all his assets in it.

Now, it will be multiplied several times, how can he not be happy.

"That's good, I came here this time to trouble Master Sun for some small things." Mu Rufeng said, taking out the lists and handing them to Sun Wu.

"This is." Sun Wu immediately took it and checked it.

"Some of the materials I need may be of many types, so I'll trouble Mr. Sun to help collect them." Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, it's a small matter, I'll have someone prepare it right away." Sun Wu said.

"Don't worry, and I need a batch of props, from level 1-9, all of them, rule props, skill cards, and attribute fruits, level 1-5, I also want them."

"For this batch of goods, I want 100 billion, of which 50 billion are props and skill cards, and 50 billion are attribute fruits." Mu Rufeng opened his mouth and said 100 billion.

"One hundred billion?" Sun Wu swallowed his saliva, he felt a little dry in the mouth.

The last two orders for the Life Mine totaled more than 100 billion, and now, there is another 100 billion order.

He has taken off, and he must take off this year.

"No problem, Mr. Mu, I will prepare it for you." Sun Wu said immediately.

"I will pay a deposit of 50 billion first. When the things are ready, I would like to trouble you to send them to the mine of the Life Mine for me, how about it?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, I will send it together with the Life Mine." Sun Wu nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng transferred 80 billion to Sun Wu.

50 billion is the deposit, and the other 30 billion is the payment for the last batch of Life Mine.

"Received, Mr. Mu."

"Well, then you can get busy. I need to get the things I need as soon as possible, but please prepare the things on the previous list for me first. I want to take them away now." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, you take a rest, I will handle it myself." Sun Wu personally made a cup of tea for Mu Rufeng, and then left quickly.

It only took ten minutes to prepare the things.

Mu Rufeng came to the warehouse under the guidance of Sun Wu, and then directly put the things into the inventory.

Fortunately, he had more inventory and Huanxin's storage space, otherwise he might not be able to fit them in.

After saying goodbye to Sun Wu, Mu Rufeng took out the truck and slowly drove towards Wang Xi Youxuan.


Ding ding!

Ding ding ding!

The entrance of the logistics park was already crowded, with many trucks, cars, and vans blocking the entrance and exit.

Mu Rufeng looked at the four or five trucks in front and felt a little annoyed.

Then he went around several other gates and found that there were also many vehicles queuing.

I don't know what kind of inspection is going on. A car has to be inspected for eight or nine minutes before it is released. No wonder there is a traffic jam here.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng called Zhou Dalong.

"Mu Rufeng, are you here? Come in quickly." As soon as the call was connected, Zhou Dalong asked.

"Yes, team leader, I'm at the main gate, but all three gates of the logistics park are blocked. I have to wait in line for at least half an hour. I can't get in." Mu Rufeng said.

"Can't get in? Which gate are you at?"

"I'm at the second gate."

"Come to the first gate, I'll come over to dispatch the car now." Zhou Dalong hung up the phone directly.

Then, Mu Rufeng drove the truck to the first gate, but did not get in, but parked on the side of the road.

It took only a few minutes to see the vehicles at the entrance being moved away, and at the same time someone stopped the vehicles that wanted to enter and cleared a road.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng drove over immediately.

"Team leader, it's me." Seeing someone trying to stop his car, Mu Rufeng immediately shouted to the people outside.

"Hurry, hurry up, hurry in, you really helped a lot." Zhou Dalong saw Mu Rufeng's car coming and shouted hurriedly.

Then, under Zhou Dalong's guidance, they turned around and came to a warehouse.

After Mu Rufeng stopped at the platform, Zhou Dalong called him down.

"You arrived so quickly, you probably didn't sleep a wink. There's nothing for you to do here, go to the dormitory and rest." Zhou Dalong said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded without refutation.

He immediately walked towards the dormitory building.

A few minutes after Mu Rufeng left, he saw Chen Shan, the general manager of Wang Xi Youxuan, coming out of the warehouse.

"Mr. Chen, look, this is the car. I only unloaded a little bit and brought it back." Zhou Dalong said flatteringly.

"Very good, well done." Chen Shan nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Quick, unload all the meat."

Immediately, several loaders and unloaders entered the carriage and began to unload the goods quickly.

"This is what I should do." Zhou Dalong said hurriedly.


Mu Rufeng returned to the dormitory and lay on the bed bored.

I guess Zhou Dalong wanted to take the credit for himself, but it's okay, I'm happy to be idle.

Speaking of which, it is already early in the morning, time to go to bed.

No words were spoken that night.

At seven o'clock in the morning of the next day, Mu Rufeng came to the warehouse.

Mu Rufeng also saw Luo Dahai, but at this time Luo Dahai looked a little pale, and it seemed that he was injured.

"Brother Luo, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why do you look so haggard?" Mu Rufeng went up to greet him.

"Alas, the delivery truck was attacked when it was leaving the city. Fortunately, the truck was powerful, but I was still exhausted from over-consumption of ghost power." Luo Dahai sighed and said.

"Attacked? Evil ghost?" Mu Rufeng frowned and said.

"Yes, evil ghost." Luo Dahai nodded, and he was still frightened.

"Didn't you take the highway?"

"The highway toll is too expensive, I want to save some money." Luo Dahai said.

Mu Rufeng understood, because there was plenty of time, so he didn't want to take the highway, so he went to the wilderness.

If you go to the wilderness, you can save the cost of the highway, and at the same time you can save a lot of fuel, but there is a chance of encountering evil ghosts.

"It's good that you are fine, anyway, you will return soon." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yeah." Luo Dahai nodded.

Mu Rufeng looked left and right but didn't see Zhou Dalong coming. He glanced at the time and found that it was five minutes after seven.

Zhou Dalong is late.

"Why hasn't Zhou Dalong come to assign us work?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

"I don't know. My car keys have been taken away. I heard that something went wrong with the Wang Xi Youxuan yesterday." Luo Dahai said.

"My keys have also been taken away. Forget it. Zhou Dalong won't come. Let's sit and wait." Mu Rufeng immediately walked to the corner, and then took out two chairs and put them there.

"Hehe, you still brought chairs with you?" Luo Dahai was a little surprised to see Mu Rufeng taking out two chairs.

"Haha, because I can sit when I'm tired." The two of them sat on them immediately and waited quietly.

Waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, it was not until ten o'clock in the morning that Zhou Dalong came leisurely.

"Team leader, you made me wait for a long time." Mu Rufeng went up and complained.

"Ahem, I got promoted yesterday. I just remembered that you two were still here. I didn't even make a phone call." Zhou Dalong coughed twice to ease the embarrassment.

"Team leader, I called you more than a dozen times, but all the calls were busy. Did you block me?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Maybe the business was too slow, so I didn't answer it." Zhou Dalong said after a pause.

"Can you arrange work for us now?" Luo Dahai said.

Zhou Dalong glanced at Luo Dahai, and then said: "We have enough manpower now. Anyway, there is only one day left. I think you two should just return. I will consider you completed the task."

When Zhou Dalong's voice fell, a prompt sound rang in the minds of Mu Rufeng and Luo Dahai.

[Successful work for nine days, clearance task completed]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately. ]

"Thank you, Team Leader Zhou." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Don't thank me." Zhou Dalong said, and then left here.

"Brother Luo, goodbye."


The two greeted each other and then chose to return directly, disappearing on the spot.


Real world.

January 2, 22:18 pm.

Wagner Farm, a cave somewhere.

When Mu Rufeng came back to his senses, he was already in a cave.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found traces of someone coming.

But there was no damage, so Ye Lin and the other two must have waited here for a while.

Mu Rufeng was not going to leave, but settled the reward directly.

[Congratulations to LV4 player Mu Rufeng for clearing the multiplayer dungeon: Undead Optimization]

[The player successfully survived for nine days and completed the dungeon with a completion rate of 270%. The player was highly evaluated by his immediate superior Zhou Dalong and praised by the general manager, and the completion rate was 1,000%]

[The player obtained special props: inventory upgrade card, obtained a rule skill blind box, obtained the title, Crazy Worker, and obtained 1,270 soul coins]

[The host has cleared the dungeon and the plug-in has been successfully uninstalled. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: Mecha Mode]

[Inventory Upgrade Card]: After use, you can upgrade your own inventory. Please check the specific attributes yourself.

[Rule Skill Blind Box]: ...

[Crazy Worker]: You are a worker, and you will be a worker all your life until you die suddenly in front of the office one day. When you are in the working period, you will be vigorous and vigorous, and all attributes +100.

Note: Working hours are from 9 to 5. (Based on the time content of your current work)

[Mecha Mode]: Can be combined with any kind of transportation vehicle to turn on the mecha mode.

"Inventory Upgrade Card?" Mu Rufeng's face suddenly showed joy.

This thing is a good thing.

Mu Rufeng didn't expect to get a title.

All attributes +100 during the working time period, which is also very good.

"However, this working time of nine to five seems to be my working time in the relevant department, right?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

If, if he sets his working time to 24 hours a day, then, can all attributes be +100 points all day long?

"I can give it a try." Mu Rufeng made up his mind and implemented it after returning to Changsha.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out the ball again.

He was going to test the weakened version of the plug-in, and he didn't know how much the mecha mode was weakened.

"Master, where are you going?" The ball asked as soon as he appeared.

"No, let's try the mecha mode." As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[Do you want to transform into a mecha? Target, level 5 vehicle, Ma Qiu]

When Mu Rufeng agreed, Ma Qiu turned into a beam of light and sank into Mu Rufeng's body, and then the mecha began to emerge rapidly around him.

"Level 6, the ability is almost the same, why does it feel like it has not been weakened?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng turned on the Fiery Chariot mode. However, to Mu Rufeng's surprise, although it was turned on, Ma Qiu was still a level 6 vehicle and could not be upgraded.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, took out the flame vehicle card and pasted it on.

The mecha suddenly turned red, and Ma Qiu also became a level 7 vehicle.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, removed the mecha mode again, and then took off the flame vehicle card.

Because it was the Fiery Chariot mode, Ma Qiu was level 6 and did not return to a level 5 vehicle.

Mu Rufeng put on the flame vehicle card again, and Ma Qiu was upgraded to a level 7 vehicle.

Then Mu Rufeng turned on the mecha mode again, and Ma Qiu was still a level 7 vehicle, but he could feel that Ma Qiu was strengthened, but the power reached the level of a level 8 vehicle.

Mu Rufeng tried it many times.

This time Mu Rufeng knew that the mecha mode was indeed weakened.

The upper limit is level 7. As long as it reaches level 7, it will not be upgraded to level 8 even after transformation.

However, it is not entirely true. It is possible that the Fiery Chariot mode is still a bit weak and cannot support it to reach level 8.

If Ma Qiu reaches level 6 and turns on the mecha mode again, he may reach level 8 again?

In fact, the most important thing about the mecha mode is not to upgrade the level of the vehicle, but to give the vehicle powerful capabilities.

Energy cannons, energy rays, flame jets, super strong flying ability and maneuverability, level 8 vehicles may not be able to catch up with level 7 mechas, this is not a joke.

"Not bad, not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction, then canceled the mecha mode and put the ball back into the inventory.

"I wonder if the aircraft carrier can be in mecha mode?" Mu Rufeng suddenly had an idea.

Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head. He estimated that it should not be possible, because the mecha mode can only be integrated with the vehicle.

And the aircraft carrier is not even a first-level vehicle, because it is a product of the real world.

Of course, if Mu Rufeng uses the conversion fluid to convert the aircraft carrier into a vehicle, it may be possible.

However, with the size of an aircraft carrier, how much conversion fluid would it take? Mu Rufeng couldn't imagine it.

"However, if the aircraft carrier is not okay, then fighter jets, tanks, etc., seem to be worth a try?"

Mu Rufeng's thoughts became stronger and stronger.

But he didn't have the conversion fluid on him now, so he could only wait until the next time he went to the dungeon to talk about it.

Of course, the Bureau of Strange Affairs has also developed a first-level conversion fluid, so it's okay to let them try it.

Mu Rufeng stood up and looked at the time. It was past ten o'clock.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his cell phone and called Ye Lin.


Somewhere in the high seas.

A large number of fleets occupied this sea area.

The fleet was divided into two camps, one of which was naturally from China.

The other camp was represented by the fleet represented by the United States.

The two camps were still several miles apart and had not approached each other.

However, there was a larger cruise ship between the two.

At this moment, representatives from various countries were on this cruise ship.

There were ordinary people and contractors.

Ordinary people were generally those in high positions, and none of the contractors were lower than level six.

There were more than ten level eight contractors.

Of course, three of them were Ye Lin and the other three.

The scene in the meeting room was extremely dull.

They had just started the negotiation not long ago, but it was deadlocked.

"You destroyed our channels, you want to compensate? How much can you compensate? Do you know how much soul money we can earn in a day?"

"You have your own channels, but ours is three times yours. Do you think you can afford it?"

"Either hand over the person or hand over the technology, and then pay 100 million soul money, and forget about it." Jason Morgan said coldly.

"Yes, hand it over."

"Hand over the person. He has caused such a big impact on our country, and he must give us an explanation."

"That's right, give us an explanation."

The three representatives of India, South Korea and the island country immediately jumped out and shouted.

The representatives of these three countries are really annoying.

The people to be handed over are naturally not the three eighth-level contractors, Ye Lin, who destroyed the channels.

Because whether it is the United States or the representatives of other countries, they know that they will never hand over such national guardians as the eighth-level contractors.

So, they let Ye Lin hand over Mu Rufeng as a second choice.

Because the United States also cares about the consequences and impact that Mu Rufeng has caused to India and other countries before.

They suspected that Mu Rufeng was plotting something.

Ye Linli ignored the three country representatives and looked at Jason: "I can compensate you with soul notes, but don't even think about people and technology."

"Also, you three countries, although we did cause some impact, I am also willing to compensate you with soul notes."

"In a word, I will compensate you for the soul money. If anyone talks about handing over people or technology, then let all countries release mushroom bombs together."

Ye Lin said in a very calm tone.

He didn't mention a war, but the last sentence of all countries releasing mushroom bombs together proved that Ye Lin and the others would definitely defeat them.

Jason looked at Ye Lin with dark eyes. He didn't expect this guy to be so tough. How could he have the confidence to be so tough in the face of persecution from many countries?

"Okay, this is what you said. If you don't hand over people or technology, then you will pay me one billion in compensation, and the matter of the destruction of this channel will be revealed." Jason said coldly.

"How much compensation do you want?" Ye Lin didn't reply, looked at the representatives of the three countries and asked.

"Ten million, give our country 10 million as compensation." The island country was the first to jump out.

"Yes, ten million."

"Ten million."

Asan Kingdom and Bangzi Kingdom successively asked for compensation of 10 million yuan.

Ye Lin heard this and smiled.

He had prepared 100 million, and he would give 40 million to the Asan Kingdom, 30 million to the Bangzi Kingdom, and 15 million to the Island Country. Well, all of them only cost 10 million.

"Mr. Jason, I agreed to the billion you said."

"As for the three of you, 10 million is too little. I am prepared to compensate Asan Country for 40 million soul coins, Bangzi Country for 30 million soul coins, and Island Country for 15 million." Ye Lin said.

"Huh?" Jason's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect Ye Lin to actually agree to a billion in compensation?

"Ah?" The three people from A Sanguo were shocked when they heard this. They never expected that Ye Lin not only didn't refuse, but actually doubled it?

What's happening here? Is China so rich? Is this making a fortune in a weird world?

"Minister Ye, why do we only have 15 million in our island country?" Umekawauchi frowned and asked.

"Because our Minister Mu said that he doesn't like island countries, and neither do I. If you have any objections, you can refuse." Ye Lin said lightly.

"Minister Ye, do you really want to give us 40 million?" Asanguo, who was always known for his mental problems, hesitated for a moment.

"Of course." Ye Lin immediately transferred corresponding soul money to bank card numbers in three countries.

"I really got the money, haha, I made a fortune." The representative of Asan Kingdom suddenly laughed.

"Minister Ye, this matter is over." The representative of Bangzi Country also smiled.

Umekawa Uchiku looked at the fifteen million that had arrived. Although he was very happy, he was also very unhappy.

Because their island country only took fifteen million.

"Minister Ye, where is my money?" Jason looked at Ye Lin gloomily.

He didn't think Ye Lin had one billion, and he didn't believe he would be compensated.

But soon, a notification sound appeared in his mind.

[Your card with the last number 1123, at 22:15 on January 2, the transfer income was 1000000000 yuan, and the balance was 1.028 billion]

He is in the West, so the bank is not Tiandi Bank, but Angel Bank. Of course, the two parties can communicate with each other in real time.

"Really?" Jason was also extremely shocked at this moment. He didn't expect that the compensation of one billion yuan would really come.

"Okay, since you paid compensation, let's forget about the channels." Jason said coldly.

Although the size of their channel is three times that of China.

But in terms of income, they can't get that much.

On the Chinese side, according to the channel contract signed by Mu Rufeng, according to the contract income, he can earn two million soul coins per day, which is 700 million per year.

Based on three times the calculation, Jason and the others should be able to earn an income of 6 million soul coins every day, which is 2.1 billion a year.

However, Jason is not Mu Rufeng. Although their channel is connected with Death Xi Preferred, it is a contract signed with the Warts Chamber of Commerce.

They are responsible for supplying fresh blood, flesh, and even people, not by weight, type, or price, but by day.

One hundred thousand soul coins a day is only three million soul coins a month, and only 36 million soul coins a year.

Mu Rufeng has not yet found out whether taxes are required in the weird world, but because they are in the real world, there is a high probability that they do not have to pay taxes.

Jason and the others didn't know this, but the Warty Chamber of Commerce informed them that the weird world still had to pay tax, which was 20%.

Therefore, the tax of 7.2 million yuan had to be deducted from the 36 million yuan, and they did not get 30 million yuan in a year.

In his opinion, one hundred million was a lot, and it would only take five days to rebuild anyway. The most important thing was that he wanted Ye Lin to make friends with people and technology, so he said one billion to scare Ye Lin away.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Lin actually paid compensation directly. This made him extremely shocked and surprised. One billion could do so many things.

"Okay, the matter is settled, let's talk about other things." Ye Lin said slowly.

"Something else? What?"

"Is there anything else?"

The other countries that were pulled to take a stand had puzzled looks on their faces.

To be honest, they are also very greedy, but unfortunately, greed is useless. They have no reason or excuse to make money from Ye Lin.

"Everyone should know that Minister Mu from our relevant department went to Asan Country, Bangzi Country and Island Country, right?"

After hearing this, everyone nodded and looked at Ye Lin to listen to his next words.

"I want to make a deal with you. Our Minister Mu needs to go to your country to absorb some life force."

"You've seen it, it's not fatal, just a few days of lethargy, a few days of headaches, and it will recover after a while."

"That time, 50% of the vitality was absorbed. In order to prevent civilian dissatisfaction, Minister Mu decided to absorb only 30%. In this way, it will recover in a few days."

"Of course, we won't treat you unfairly. One soul note per person, no upper limit, and transfer it after absorbing it." Ye Lin said lightly.

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar at the scene.

Hearing Ye Lin's previous words, the faces of these national representatives darkened and they wanted to turn against each other on the spot.

But when they heard the following words, one dollar per head, they were stunned, and then they were ecstatic.

"Minister Ye, are you serious? One soul note per person?" Asan Guo was the first to speak.

"Of course, the soul notes I just compensated you are the number of people last time." Ye Lin said.

"Okay, as long as you pay, I agree, and you can absorb 60% of the vitality, 2 dollars per head is enough." The representative of Asan Guo said immediately.

The population of India is the largest in the world, and the thieves are very fertile. Moreover, the upper class completely lets the lower class do what they want, regardless of life or death.

When the time comes, gather the lower class people in one city after another, and then directly treat them as leeks for these guys to harvest.

If they harvest them a few times a month, won’t India become rich?

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