I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 279: Copy: The Troubles of Parasites

The representatives of other countries came forward immediately after hearing this, and then agreed to Ye Lin's request.

Just kidding, which country present doesn't have a population of tens of millions, and some have hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Even if they only absorb people of the right age, they will collect tens of millions of soul notes every time.

If they come a few times a month, they may get hundreds of millions of soul notes.

If it is India, you can see that they may get hundreds of millions of soul notes at a time.

This TM is really enjoying the demographic dividend.

Even Jason was tempted.

Their country also has a population of 300 million. It is not excessive to collect tens of millions of soul notes at a time, and collect five or six times a month.

Soul notes are really important.

Although 1 billion has just been credited, it is not his account alone, but the country's account.

The most important thing is that they have examined and studied the people whose vitality has been absorbed.

It was found that there was indeed no problem with the body, and after the subsequent recovery, no problems were found.

Therefore, even if the vitality is absorbed, it will be perfectly restored after a period of time.

They naturally have no more concerns about this.

"Minister Ye, are you sure? One soul note per head?" Jason asked.

"Of course, if you don't believe it, you can————"

Before Ye Lin finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

Ye Lin took out his cell phone and found that it was Mu Rufeng's call. He didn't answer Jason's question and answered it directly.

"Well, the matter is settled, yes, it's settled."

"Everything is agreed. Wait a minute, don't rush back, and don't hang up the phone first."

Ye Lin said, and said to Jason: "Mr. Jason, if you don't believe it, then start from the United States. It happens that our Minister Mu has also returned from the copy."

"Okay, but we have to start from Alaska, Nevada, New Mexico and Minnesota first." Jason said.

"No problem." Ye Lin nodded, and then said to the microphone: "Did you hear me?"

"Yes, I heard me, I'll get to work now." Mu Rufeng nodded on the other end of the phone.

Mu Rufeng didn't know why Jason asked him to start with these states.

But when he checked online, everything became clear.

Because these states are the states with the worst security and the most chaos in the United States.

Ye Lin hung up the phone, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, you'd better discuss with the citizens in advance. It would be good if you can give some subsidies. Otherwise, I'm afraid those people will cause trouble."

"Don't worry, I will communicate well." Jason nodded.

Representatives from some other countries also nodded.

One soul note per person, at most you can give some subsidies at that time, and subsidies are completely different from soul notes.

"Just a group of lowly people, subsidies? Discuss? Haha." The representative of the Indian country said disdainfully.

Obviously, they really didn't regard the lower class as citizens.

Ye Lin looked at the representative of the Asan country and shook his head.

Asan country, so many people have been wasted, it's really useless.

"Mr. Jason, I wonder if we can talk alone?" Ye Lin suddenly said.

"Of course." Jason was stunned for a moment, and then agreed.

Then the two came to the top observation deck of the cruise ship.

Looking at the gorgeous night sky and the sea breeze, it's really a different feeling.

A ghost spread out and enveloped the surroundings.

"How long will it take for the channel of your weird world to be repaired?" Ye Lin asked.

"What does this have to do with you?" Jason looked at Ye Lin.

"This is related to what I will tell you next, and it is very important. It is related to your own interests." Ye Lin said slowly.

After a moment of silence, Jason spoke up: "Five days."

"Five days."

"Mr. Jason, I'll make another deal with you. Stop your channel with the strange world. I can increase your US price to two soul notes, and give you an additional kickback of 0.1 soul notes."

"Remember, the kickback of 0.1 soul notes will only be given to you." Ye Lin said.

"Huh? Close the channel?" Jason was really stunned at this time, and couldn't figure out why Ye Lin did this.

Soon, Jason understood. Although he was in the West, he could still get some information because the channel was opened in the Dead Xi Optimization.

"Three dollars, my commission will also be 0.3 soul notes, and then give me a buyout fee of 100 million." Jason said in a deep voice.

"No problem, I agree." Ye Lin agreed without hesitation.

This time, Jason was a little confused again. He was ready to lower the price, but who knew that Ye Lin agreed so quickly?

In fact, Ye Lin was a little confused, because he calculated it based on the income of their own channels.

They make 2 million a day, and Jason's volume is 300, which is 6 million a day.

If you don't add more money, will Jason be willing to stop the channel?

In his opinion, 2 yuan and 0.1 yuan commission are already very low. The reason why it is so low is to pull with Jason, so that there will be more room for price increase.

His expectation is 1 billion, plus 10 yuan per person and 1 yuan rebate commission.

Jason only wants 3 yuan and 0.3 yuan commission plus 100 million, so Ye Lin naturally agreed without hesitation.

If Ye Lin knew that Jason and his team only earned 100,000 soul notes every day, he would be extremely shocked.

The two discussed some details and successfully reached a consensus. They even took out a rule contract and signed a formal contract to keep the channel of Wartie under maintenance indefinitely.

After all, if you want to repair the channel, both sides need to work together.

When the two left, they were all smiling and very happy.

Well, this can be said to be a win-win situation, and no one suffered losses.

No, that's not right. Someone suffered losses, that is, Wang Xi Youxuan and Wartie Chamber of Commerce.

Seven days later, Mu Rufeng returned to the capital.

During these seven days, Mu Rufeng practiced tiger strength during the day, and started working and absorbing soul power at night.

In seven days, Mu Rufeng almost traveled to those countries.

At the same time, because of the problem of non-stop work, although it was very tiring, the gains were also huge.

[Current soul power: 310010550]

With 300 million soul units, Mu Rufeng suddenly became rich again.

Mu Rufeng decided to exchange 10 trillion soul notes when he went to Golden City next time.

After exchanging the 10 trillion, Mu Rufeng was not going to exchange them for the time being.

These soul notes were enough, and the remaining soul power was stored. This was a good thing and would definitely be of great use in the future.

"Finally back." Mu Rufeng lay on the sofa in a reception room and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your hard work. Have a cup of tea." Ye Lin personally poured a cup of tea for Mu Rufeng.

After that, Mu Rufeng drank it all in one gulp.

"This tea is a bit worse." Although it is also a spiritual tea, it is indeed not as delicious as the wood spiritual tea that Mu Rufeng has tasted.

Even Shanlong tea is better than this tea.

"It seems that Minister Mu has tasted a better spiritual tea." Ye Lin said with a smile.

"I've been so exhausted these past few days. I won't do it this month. I'll go next month."

"By the way, I've brought back all the things you want." Mu Rufeng said, waving his hand, and some props, skill cards and other things appeared.

Tian Youdao and Han Chen, as well as Jiang Caiwei and Xu Lian, immediately put away their things.

"Thank you, thank you Minister Ye." Everyone in the group was smiling.

"Minister Ye, you have all the things on your list, but it seems that there is not enough space here. Should I put them directly in the Weird Affairs Bureau?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Just put them here." Ye Lin thought about it and chose to put them here.

Mu Rufeng shrugged and immediately placed all the things in the room.

There were so many things and so many kinds that the ground was almost full.

"Ah, I almost forgot that I also got a batch of good things." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Good things? What good things?" Ye Lin asked.

"Take a look." Mu Rufeng said, taking out some seeds and handing them to Ye Lin and the others.

When Ye Lin and the others finished reading the properties, they immediately showed joy on their faces.

"This is a good thing. Planting it here in the relevant departments will greatly increase defense and security."

Ye Lin hurriedly said, "How many seeds do you have?"

"A lot. I bought a few billion soul notes worth of seeds, which is enough for all branches across the country to plant." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"These are handed over to you. You can distribute them all over the country. There is no need for Hu Nan. I will do it myself." Mu Rufeng said, taking out the seeds and the seeds of green grass.

"These can grow immediately after one planting. As for feeding, this is the instruction manual. You can read it yourself." Mu Rufeng took a few more booklets and handed them to Ye Lin.

"Good, that's great." Ye Lin patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder, very happy.

With these vine seeds, the security of the relevant departments can definitely be greatly improved.

Nowadays, there are more and more players and contractors. There are always some bold contractors who want to steal something from the relevant departments.

With the seeds of these vines, it will be much more convenient, and the investment in security forces can be reduced.

"Minister Ye, I want to ask, have you tried to use the conversion fluid to convert guns into props, and then use them, or bring them into the strange world?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"The conversion fluid has only been developed recently, but we have also tried it. It can be converted into props and brought into the strange world."

"However, after being converted into props, its lethality is no different from that of ordinary bullets, and bullets also need to be converted before they can be used."

"It can be said that it is useless." Ye Lin said.

"Is that so? Have cars, tanks, helicopters and the like been tested?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"It's okay, but they are all first-level vehicles. They will be scrapped after driving for a short time, and the soul banknotes are consumed a lot." Ye Lin replied.

It seems that the Weird Affairs Bureau should continue to test a variety of current items.

"It seems that my hope has been dashed." Mu Rufeng said with a little regret.

"I've been here long enough. I'm going back to Changsha. Call me if you have anything." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't you want to take a few days off?" Ye Lin said.

"No, my mind is almost confused these days. I need to take a good rest for a while." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and said.


Mu Rufeng directly summoned Ma Qiu and then used the mecha mode.

Then he let Ma Qiu go to Changsha.

In the real world, the flying speed of the hemp ball is extremely fast, and Mu Rufeng also asked it to use the ghost cave to travel.

In just half an hour, Mu Rufeng returned from the capital to Changsha.

It must be said that the speed of the ghost cave is really powerful.

Although the speed is fast, the consumption is very large, but this consumption has no effect on Mu Rufeng at all.

Looking at the time, it is already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Mu Rufeng did not go home directly, but came to the Wancheng District Branch.

"Busy?" Mu Rufeng walked into Cheng Youlin's office.

"Huh? Xiao Mu? You are back? Ah, no, now you should call me Minister Mu." Cheng Youlin was very surprised to see Mu Rufeng return.

"Knowing that I am the Minister of the headquarters now, why don't you even have a cup of tea?" Mu Rufeng said with a stern face.

"I understand, I will make tea for you right away." Cheng Youlin smiled and prepared to start.

"Okay, okay, I'm really teasing you."

"I have something to ask you. Plant this in the yard. Plant the green grass seeds in the front and back yards, as well as the green lawn outside."

Mu Rufeng handed a bag of seeds and a black seed to Cheng Youlin.

"What is this?" Cheng Youlin took it with some doubts.

When he read the properties, he was shocked, and then overjoyed.

"Good stuff, with this, security is greatly improved."

"However, I'm a branch, it seems a bit overkill, otherwise I can give it to the headquarters." Cheng Youlin said.

"Just plant it with peace of mind. Every department and every branch in the country has a batch of seeds. I have to go to the headquarters and ask Zhou Bu to plant all the relevant departments in the province."

"Also, I'm still working here. You can adjust my working hours to 24 hours a day, all year round, but the content of my work depends on me." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hmm? Why do you do this?" Cheng Youlin asked in confusion.

"Don't ask, just do it quickly." Mu Rufeng didn't explain.

"Okay." Cheng Youlin didn't ask any more questions.

"Then I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng said hello and prepared to leave.

"Hey, wait, I have something to tell you." Cheng Youlin suddenly called Mu Rufeng.

"What's the matter?"

"Blood and flesh growth device, don't forget, you haven't worked for a long time, now the Changsha headquarters is full of people, and the surrounding hotels are also full of people." Cheng Youlin said.

"Uh, I know." Mu Rufeng nodded and left.

To be honest, he really forgot.

He hasn't worked for a long time, and it is estimated that some people may have entered the dungeon directly. But it's not a big problem, anyway, there are four chances with hands and feet.

When Mu Rufeng came to the headquarters, it was overcrowded, and a large number of staff came in and out, extremely busy.

When the staff and players saw Mu Rufeng coming back, they all exclaimed.

They knew that Mu Rufeng had become the deputy minister of the Beijing headquarters, in charge of all relevant departments in the country.

Once an order is issued, any relevant department in the country must support it unconditionally.

Mu Rufeng did not stay here for too long, and came directly to Zhou Wen's office.

"You are finally back. Where is the flesh and blood growth device? The contractors here are full." Zhou Wen saw Mu Rufeng coming back and said impatiently.

These days, he is under a lot of pressure, especially for some players who are about to enter the dungeon again.

He has lost an arm, and entering the dungeon again will have too little advantage, or even be at a disadvantage.

"I have been busy for many days and I am exhausted. You can do this thing yourself. I have also saved a sum of soul notes on it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you for your hard work. Leave this to me. You can go back and rest first." Zhou Wen nodded and said.

Now that the flesh and blood growth device is available, it is estimated that I will have to work all night these days.

"One more thing, you have to send these seeds to all the relevant departments in the province."

Mu Rufeng took out a batch of seeds and handed them to Zhou Wen, and also explained to him the precautions and so on.

"Good, great, I didn't expect you could get these things."

Zhou Wen was not stupid, and naturally knew how important the seeds Mu Rufeng brought back were.

"But you gave them all to us, the capital side"

"Don't worry, Zhou Bu, I also gave a large number of them to the capital side. They are responsible for the whole country." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good." Zhou Wen nodded.

Mu Rufeng said hello and left here.

When Mu Rufeng returned home, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Calculating the time, Mu Rufeng hadn't been home for a month, and the house had been covered with dust.

Mu Rufeng blew gently, and a soft breeze whistled up, sweeping every corner of the house.

Then the window was opened, and the soft wind blew a lot of dust out of the house directly.

In just over ten seconds, the house was completely new.

After cleaning the house, Mu Rufeng went to the bathroom to take a shower first.

Although he didn't smell bad, he hadn't taken a shower for a month. A month made Mu Rufeng feel a little uncomfortable.

In his opinion, he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't take a shower once a day.

It was already winter, and the weather was extremely cold. Fortunately, his family used gas and had hot water at any time.

In winter, taking a hot bath is the best way to feel and feel comfortable.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng sat on his bed in shorts.

Then he began to meditate according to the diagram of the tiger power meditation.

The tiger power is divided into nine levels. When it is practiced to perfection, the circulation of qi and blood will be faster.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng has already practiced to the first level of perfection.

However, even so, he is still in the skin refining stage.

Refining skin, refining skin, as the name suggests, is to make the skin invulnerable to swords and guns, but Mu Rufeng's body is too strong, and it is very difficult to refine the skin.

However, it is also difficult, but once it succeeds, the strength of his skin will be raised to a higher level.

In this way, Mu Rufeng practiced cross-legged for a full hour.

During this hour, Mu Rufeng's qi and blood radiated outward, and his body and mind were also filled with a burning feeling.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng opened his eyes and exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

"One hour of meditation every day, then, continue."

Mu Rufeng immediately stood up and went to the next room.

There was nothing in it, it was empty, the ground and walls had been remodeled, strengthened and reinforced, and it was diaphragmatic.

Even if Mu Rufeng danced square dance, tap dance, or played basketball here, the people below would not hear it.

This was a training room that he had specially remodeled, and he naturally practiced the tiger power.

There are two ways to practice the tiger power. One is to meditate and regulate one's own qi and blood.

The second is the form, the tiger form practice method, visualize the tiger, and then imitate the tiger's movements, demeanor and power to practice the tiger power.

The two need to be combined, first meditate, adjust one's own qi and blood, and then practice the form. In this way, the speed of practice will be greatly increased.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and a tiger slowly emerged.

"Roar~~!" As soon as the tiger came out, it roared at Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng immediately dropped his limbs to the ground, making a tiger-like posture, and at the same time, the blood and qi in his body began to circulate in a predetermined way.

Gradually, the blood and qi spread out, and a blood tiger was formed around Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng's every move was like a real tiger appearing in the world, which made people feel afraid.

During the week of returning, Mu Rufeng practiced every day, practicing one day during the day and starting to work at night.

His schedule was full.

Although he had not slept for seven days, Mu Rufeng found that his spirit was not only not affected at all, but he felt vigorous and energetic.

At the same time, his originally snow-white skin began to turn into bronze.

This was not caused by sun exposure, but the process of skin refining. When the skin of the whole body turned bronze, the skin refining stage was passed, and he would enter the realm of tendon refining.

At the same time, once the skin refining was completed, the bronze skin would fade and return to its previous appearance.

The most surprising thing is that while practicing the tiger power, it can also meet the requirement of one hour of daily exercise.

This also makes Mu Rufeng very satisfied. In this way, daily exercise can be thrown away and just practice the tiger power.

"Roar~~!" A tiger roar burst out from Mu Rufeng's mouth.

At some point, the skin on Mu Rufeng's chest slowly turned bronze.

This is the last piece of snow-white skin on his body. In this way, he has officially completed the skin refining.

[Break through the first level of martial arts, complete skin refining, improve physical attributes, all attributes +100]

"Hmm? All attributes plus 100? This is just skin refining, how much will be added later?" Mu Rufeng was very satisfied at this moment.

After practicing for these days, he finally completed the skin refining and entered the realm of tendon refining.

Mu Rufeng opened his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV4 (3/5)

[Strength]: 1311.8

[Spirit]: 1249.4

[Constitution]: 1205.8

[Contract Slot]: LV5 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV4 (Bai Jingwei)/LV3 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV5 (Huanxin)

[Ghost Power]: Level 6

[Realm]: Skin Refining

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Good Gambling] [Town [Magic Marquis] [Crazy Worker]

[Skills]: [Life and Death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Burst]... [Limit Breaker] [Rule Suppression] [Time Mark] [God Rewards Hard Work]

[Luck Value]: 102

Items: [Scarlet Preferred Share Contract]...

Soul Power: 100 million

Soul Coins: 520 billion

Bound Soul Coins: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

Soul Units: 310010550

All three of his attributes have exceeded 1,000, and his strength has reached 1,300.

According to his calculations, it should be around 1,200, because the attributes of a worker also increased his strength by 100 points.

At the same time, it was surprising that he added an additional [Realm].

Looking at the time, it was two minutes to five.

I guess Cheng Youlin has now adjusted his working hours to 24 hours a day, and all year round.

Wait two more minutes, and he will see if his attributes will decrease, and then he will know whether it is useful or not.

When the time came to five o'clock, there was no change in Mu Rufeng's attribute panel.

Mu Rufeng smiled.

Sure enough, it really works. As long as he works 24 hours a day without a holiday throughout the year, the title of crazy worker will always be valid.

"Workers, workers, we are all ordinary workers."

If Mu Rufeng had not entered the dungeon world, he should still be working as a loader in Xinsheng Youxuan, right?

From mid-July to January 9th, nearly half a year, Mu Rufeng's life has changed dramatically.

With the help of plug-ins, he has become what he is today.

"Where did the plug-in come from?" Mu Rufeng couldn't help wanting to know the origin of the plug-in.

But it was useless to think about it. What Mu Rufeng could do now was to become stronger, stronger, and constantly stronger. When his strength reached a certain level, he would definitely know the origin of the plug-in.

He waved his hand and removed the tiger that had been transformed. The room that should have been cold was like a warm stove because of Mu Rufeng's practice.

Then Mu Rufeng went to the bathroom and took another hot bath.

Then he took out the gourmet tablecloth, had a delicious meal, and then fell asleep on the bed.

The next morning, after Mu Rufeng woke up, he practiced meditation for an hour and practiced Tiger Strength for another hour as usual.

After washing and eating breakfast, it was already ten o'clock.

Mu Rufeng leaned against the head of the bed and took out a stack of invitations.

These invitations were won by Mu Rufeng in the Golden City.

There were eight invitations in total.

One invitation represented a copy.

However, these invitations were all without any explanation. Like the ancient battlefield, they were mysterious invitations.

It was just that the colors and appearances were different.

After sleeping for more than ten hours, Mu Rufeng felt much more comfortable, but he couldn't slack off.

With these invitations, he could also upgrade his level faster.

Mu Rufeng looked at these invitations and finally chose a black invitation.

[Mysterious invitation]: This is an extremely mysterious invitation.

Special props: After the owner tears up the invitation letter, he can be invited to participate in a mysterious action.

Owner: Mu Rufeng

Note 1: When the contractor tears up the invitation letter, the holder will be summoned from the real world in the form of a copy to participate in the mysterious action.

"Action?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

Then, he sent a message to Cheng Youlin, Zhou Wen, and Ye Lin, explaining that he was going to enter the copy.

It only took seven or eight seconds.

Looking at the calls from the three people, Mu Rufeng chose to answer Zhou Wen's call.

"Why are you going to enter the copy again? So your copy has no time limit?"

After the call was connected, Zhou Wen didn't care about so much and spoke.

Once Mu Rufeng entered the copy, the flesh and blood growth device had to be taken back.

From last night to now, he has been busy, and the flesh and blood growth device has never stopped, but there are still many contractors waiting in line.

"I got some invitations to the dungeon. You know, in this world, strength is the most important thing. I need to upgrade my level as soon as possible." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Zhou Wen was silent after hearing this. Mu Rufeng was right. In this world, strength is the most important thing.

"Do you want to take the flesh and blood growth device with you?" Zhou Wen asked.

"Of course I have to take it with me."

This thing can quickly recover from injuries and is definitely a life-saving weapon. The dungeon that Mu Rufeng entered is an uncertain factor, so he must take it with him.

This is a strange world, a world of rules. With Mu Rufeng's current strength, he will still be threatened by fatal threats.

"Are you in a hurry to enter the dungeon? Otherwise, you can rest for two more days and work overtime to recover the arms of those contractors first?" Zhou Wen said.

"That's right, I'll wait for two more days." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and nodded.

Although it is urgent, it doesn't matter if it's two days.

"By the way, have those seeds been planted?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"They have been planted. They are very strong. Even I am no match for the level 7 devil vines." Zhou Wen highly praised the level 7 devil vines.

"That's good." Mu Rufeng nodded with a smile.

"The green grass has also been planted. It's very good."

In order to plant the green grass, Zhou Wen even dug up all the roads that were not often used around, and then laid a thick layer of soil, and then planted the green grass.

Only one road was left leading directly to the main road outside.

In this way, the entire Changsha headquarters can be said to be surrounded by green grass.

And Zhou Wen is also considering expanding the headquarters.

However, the surrounding land prices are too expensive, and he has never made up his mind.

But today the state has issued a large amount of funds, and the relevant departments have also issued a large amount of soul banknotes.

Suddenly, the Changsha headquarters has become wealthy, and people have been sent to negotiate with the owners of the surrounding buildings.

As the headquarters of Changsha, Hunan Province, it is impossible to force demolition. Now there is no shortage of money, and it is likely to be bought with money.

It is estimated that another batch of demolition households will be relocated.

Mu Rufeng hung up the phone, and then called Cheng Youlin and Ye Lin back.

Then he packed up and went to the Wancheng branch.

After a tour of Wancheng, he also met Liu Yan, Pang Li and others.

These people have also reached level three, and have also completed the contract and become contractors.

It can be said that they have become an important force in Wancheng District.

Then they summoned all the people in the training ground for assessment.

It has been two months since the last assessment.

During this period, Mu Rufeng had no time to take the assessment, so he asked Cheng Youlin to take it for him twice. It happened that he had time today, so he took the assessment for this month.

Because there are more and more players, there are also many reserve players. At the same time, they are extremely strict in both the knowledge of dungeon information and physical training.

Therefore, the assessment lasted for several hours before it ended. It must be said that compared with the first batch of people who took the assessment, they have definitely improved a lot.

After giving the rewards, after encouraging everyone a few words, Mu Rufeng summoned Liu Yan and five others separately.

He gave them some spiritual objects, props and soul notes, and sent them away.

"I almost forgot that Ma Qiu's friends seem to have not been settled yet." Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of the small electric donkey that had been in his inventory for a month or two.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng came downstairs and took out all the electric donkeys.

Mu Rufeng had fed them a lot of soul money before, and now they are all vigorous and powerful, and have all been upgraded to the second-level vehicle.

"Hello, Boss Mu!"

All the electric donkeys shouted to Mu Rufeng, extremely excited.

The movement here attracted the attention of the people around.

"Sorry for the long wait. I only got free today. This is already the real world. Do you want to stay here as a shared electric donkey for everyone to use, or find a master for you?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Those electric donkeys did not hesitate at all and all chose to find a master.

Shared? They don't want to be shared electric donkeys. It's really too painful to be in danger every day.

It's wonderful to have a master to support you. Ma Qiu is a ready-made example.

"Minister Mu, what's going on?"

"There are so many electric donkeys. These electric donkeys can actually talk?"

"These seem to be vehicles, right? All of them are vehicles?"

A crowd of people immediately gathered around, including players, contractors, and ordinary staff.

"Well, they are all second-level vehicles. Whoever wants one can take one home. But remember, it takes soul money to support it. Do it according to your ability. Ordinary people should not join in the fun." Mu Rufeng said.

After Mu Rufeng's voice fell, there was an uproar.

These are vehicles. Even if they have not entered the dungeon, they know the importance of vehicles.

I didn't expect Mu Rufeng to give away vehicles directly.

Counting them, there are eight vehicles here.

"Mu Rufeng, you kid, you don't come to me when you have good things. If I hadn't come down at the right time, it would have been gone."

Cheng Youlin's voice sounded, and then he was seen squeezing through the crowd and walking in.

"I want one." A contractor shouted immediately.

"I want one too." Liu Yan also stretched out her hand and shouted.

Suddenly, the contractors around her raised their hands and shouted.

Now is not the same as before. There are already dozens of contractors in the Wancheng branch.

Because of the login bracelet, there is no such thing as reduction in personnel. There will only be more and more people.

Seeing so many contractors wanting, Mu Rufeng did not directly distribute them, but let the electric donkeys choose for themselves.

The electric donkeys are also very smart. They know to choose the strong ones.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng's acquaintances who knew him earlier all got a small electric donkey.


In a blink of an eye, two days passed, and Mu Rufeng was sitting in the secret room of the Wancheng District Branch.

Mu Rufeng took out the black invitation letter and tore it directly.

In an instant, the invitation letter turned into starlight, and finally formed a black teleportation array under Mu Rufeng's feet.

[Instance information has been generated]

[Enter instance: Parasite Disaster]

[Instance type: Special single-player instance]

[Number of participants: 1 person]

[Please note, LV4 contractor Mu Rufeng, you will enter the Ancient Battlefield instance in three seconds, please be prepared]

Mu Rufeng hadn't even reacted when he disappeared from the spot.

Along with Mu Rufeng's disappearance, there was also the black teleportation array on the ground.


Soft, sticky, and dark all around.

Mu Rufeng woke up from his confusion. He was now lying on the ground, with something sticky and soft underneath him, and a foul smell.

Fortunately, his suit effectively blocked the sticky liquid from getting on his body.

But his exposed hands and face were also stained with disgusting mucus.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that it was a huge cave with two passages several meters high in front and behind.

The red rock wall was full of potholes, and the ground underfoot was soft and had a layer of mucus, which made it feel silky when walking.

Mu Rufeng stepped on it lightly and found that the soft ground seemed more like a piece of meat.

The color of the rock walls was also very similar to meat, as if they were meat walls?

Recalling the name of the dungeon prompted by the login bracelet, it was called: Parasite Disaster.

Parasite? What is a parasite? It is a small insect that attaches itself to and parasitizes on large animals and plants, and is called a parasite.

So, is he now in a huge organism, and his task is to remove the parasites in this organism?



Just at this moment, a fierce gust of wind and a roar came from a dark passage behind.

A faint light lit up.

Mu Rufeng's face changed slightly. Although he didn't know what was going on, he could sense the danger coming from the passage.

"Here, hurry up." Suddenly, an old voice came from above.

Mu Rufeng looked up and found that a one-meter-high hole had opened in the rock wall 20 meters above the ground.

At the entrance of the hole, stood an old man with white hair and wrinkles on his face.

The old man was leaning on a cane and was thin. He was obviously standing up, but he was not as tall as the entrance of the cave. It was estimated to be about 70 centimeters.

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate and appeared at the entrance of the cave in an instant.

The sudden appearance of Mu Rufeng scared the old man, but he calmed down quickly.

"Hua La La~~~!"

Just at this moment, streams of black liquid rushed out from the passage and directly submerged the area below.

An extremely foul smell emanated, causing Mu Rufeng to frown.

The water level continued to rise, but it finally stopped at a range of eighteen meters.

In these black liquids, there were some white particles, the size of a fist, emitting a fluorescent white light, which illuminated the dark surroundings a little.

"Eighteen meters, the water level has risen a little, alas." The old man looked at the water level below and sighed.

"What is this? And where is this place?" Mu Rufeng looked at the short old man and asked in a deep voice.

"Go in first, it's not safe outside." The old man motioned Mu Rufeng to go in, and he closed something like a door, and the cave fell into darkness again.

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