I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 280 The cheat has arrived, and you have obtained a secret

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but he squatted there without moving.

Because the cave entrance was only one meter high, Mu Rufeng, who was more than 1.8 meters tall, could only squat.

"It's a bit dark, wait a minute, I'll turn on the light." The old man fumbled around and took out a transparent bubble, and suddenly, white light emanated from the surroundings.

There was some black liquid in the bubble, and in the liquid, there were many white particles the size of a fingernail.

Although it was only the size of a fingernail, it was the fist-sized particles in the black liquid that Mu Rufeng had seen below.

"You are big, this place is really too small, just walk a little further forward." After the old man finished speaking, he walked forward.

Mu Rufeng could only squat and follow behind in small steps.

It seemed that the old man knew that Mu Rufeng was not convenient to walk, so he didn't walk fast.

After walking about 20 meters, he turned a corner, and at the end of the passage, there was a white light emanating.

"It's just in front." The old man pointed to the white light and said, then he quickened his pace.

Soon, the two walked out of the short passage.

What they saw was a bright world, very big, about ten times bigger than the place where Mu Rufeng entered the dungeon.

They were standing in a corridor, which circled around the huge cave.

Then, looking down, layer after layer of fleshy buildings extended down to the bottom.

And on the flesh wall above, a large number of white particles were inlaid.

It was these white particles that illuminated the place like daylight.

"This is the habitat of our tribe. It's a pity that such a good place is going to be destroyed." The old man sighed and said.

"Old man, where is this place? And who are you? You look like humans, but you look like this..."

Mu Rufeng looked at the old man, and then glanced at the people below, but he didn't say the rest of the words.

Originally, Mu Rufeng thought that the old man had some disease, so he was a dwarf.

But when he saw those people who were about the same size as the old man, Mu Rufeng knew that they were definitely a tribe, a tribe of strange creatures that were only this tall.

"Short, right? Of course, you can see that we are not human, nor are we strange. We are the dwarf demons, the native creatures of the strange world." The old man said slowly.

"My name is Anlubu, the patriarch of the dwarf demons. You should be a foreign contractor, right? What's your name?" Anlubu said.

"Yes, my name is Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"That invitation has been sent out for several years, and finally a contractor has come in." Anlubu showed a happy smile on his face.

"The invitation was sent out by the patriarch?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised, and then said.

"Of course, you should have seen that our strength is not strong." Anlubu said.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

These dwarf demons are not strong. Most of the tribesmen below are level one, some are level two, and a few are level three.

And the Anlubu in front of him is also level three.

"Do you know where we are here?" Anlubu looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"It seems to be in the body of some giant creature." Mu Rufeng replied.

"Yes, we are in the body of Lord Devouring Demon Whale, one of the three overlords of the Dead Sea." Anlubu said slowly.

"One of the three overlords of the Dead Sea? Devouring Demon Whale?" Mu Rufeng was slightly startled. Good guy, this copy is too special, right?

Anlubu: "We, the dwarf demons, have been thriving in Lord Demon Whale's body for thousands of years. This is our home, but one day, a large number of parasites appeared in our home."

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly: "Parasites?"

"Yes, parasites, you have seen them before, and the ones I hold in my hand are also, and those that emit white light are, of course, those are just parasite eggs." Anlubu said.

"I've seen it, too? Are you talking about the white particles in the black liquid? Are those glowing white particles?" Mu Rufeng said suspiciously.

"The black liquid contains living eggs, which will come alive and devour us and kill us when they encounter us."

"And those glowing ones are dead eggs that we killed, and we use them for lighting."

"It's a pity that our dwarf demons had a large number at their peak, but now, because of these parasites, there are only a few of us left."

Anlubu's eyes were filled with sadness.

Mu Rufeng glanced down, and the ghost den quietly dispersed. The total population here was less than a thousand, only about seven hundred.

Mu Rufeng looked at Anlubu: "So, you sent the invitation letter so that I can eliminate the parasites?"

"Yes, warrior from another world, I hope you can help our dwarf demons to eliminate those parasites."

"Our tribe coexists with Lord Demon Whale. Whenever there is an abnormality in the Devouring Demon Whale, we will go to deal with it."

"When the parasites appeared, our tribe fought against them for decades. At its peak, our dwarf demons had a population of millions."

"Because Lord Demon Whale is too big, and Lord Demon Whale's diet is extremely wide, even rocks are its diet."

"Because he eats a lot and eats a variety of things, there are always some hard little things stuck in the body of the Demon Whale Lord, and the Demon Whale Lord is difficult to deal with."

"Then it's our turn to take action. That's our job. We have handled the Demon Whale Lord's body in an orderly manner."

"However, when the parasites appeared, they kept devouring the flesh and blood of the Demon Whale Lord and destroying his organs, and we also fought a desperate battle with the parasites."

"Decades have passed, and there are only 700 people left out of millions of dwarf demons."

"The number of parasites has reached a terrifying level, and they have even attacked the brain of the Demon Whale Lord."

"Once the parasites have occupied the Demon Whale Lord, he will fall into complete madness, and the Dead Sea will face a devastating blow."

"We can't hold on any longer, so we can only ask for external help." Anlubu sighed and said with a sad expression.

[Enter the dungeon: Parasites]

[Dungeon type: Special single-player dungeon]

[Number of participants: 1 person]

[Clearance mission: Clear the parasites in the Devouring Demon Whale]

"Clearance mission is really about removing parasites." Mu Rufeng thought to himself.

[Host is detected to have entered the dungeon, plug-in loaded successfully]

[Host, please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Mind communication: Can communicate with any species mind-wise]

[2. Lullaby: Specify a song to make it a lullaby, can hypnotize the ninth-level ghost emperor]

[3. Rage song: Specify a song to make the target who hears the song go berserk, can make the ninth-level ghost emperor go berserk]

"Hmm? Why is the plug-in weird this time?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

Mind communication? Used to communicate with the Devouring Demon Whale? However, Mu Rufeng was a little skeptical, can he communicate with it?

As for the lullaby, is it waiting for the Devouring Demon Whale to go crazy and then singing to hypnotize it?

There is also a violent song? Is it because he thinks he has lived long enough, so he wants to play a song and make the Devouring Demon Whale violent?

"What will happen if the Devouring Demon Whale falls into the peak?" Mu Rufeng did not choose, but asked.

"Master Demon Whale can devour everything. Once he falls into madness, he will devour and destroy the creatures, environment and islands in the Dead Sea."

"Even the cruise ships wandering on the Dead Sea will become the target of Master Demon Whale." Anlubu replied.

"What will the Devouring Demon Whale do if it does not fall into the peak?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

Anlubu: "Master Demon Whale is now in a deep sleep. Once the parasites occupy Master Demon Whale's brain, Master Demon Whale will just wake up and fall into madness."

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then chose the first plug-in [Mind Communication].

"Patriarch, what should I do now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

At this time, some young and strong dwarf demon tribe members climbed up from below.

"Grandpa clan leader, is this the savior you mentioned?"

"He doesn't seem to be very strong. Can he really save our dwarf demons? Can he save Lord Mojing?"

The dwarf demons started talking at once.

Mu Rufeng looked at the dwarf demons and didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for Anlubu's words.

"Be quiet first, don't make noise, go and do your work, don't disturb me and Brother Mu from discussing the pest control plan." Anlubu waved his hand at the tribesmen.

Anlubu's identity as the clan leader was still very useful. All of a sudden, the dwarf demons dispersed and did not continue to gather here.

Anlubu then looked at Mu Rufeng and said, "Now, parasites exist in almost every place where blood flows in Lord Demon Whale's body."

"Some important organs are also occupied by parasites, but these parasites are relatively weak, and most of them are level one."

"Some level two and level three parasites are parasitic on some important organs."

"Our ultimate goal is the Queen Worm. All parasites are born from this Queen Worm, and the Queen Worm is parasitic on Lord Demon Whale's heart."

"It is heavily guarded there, all guarded by level four parasites, and the Queen Worm itself is also level five weird."

"Now, they are about to occupy the brain area. Once the Queen Worm is parasitic on the brain, there will be endless troubles."

"As long as the Queen Worm is killed, those ordinary parasites will die instantly, and we will win." Anlubu said.

"Queen Worm? Level four?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

This sounds like it is easy to solve.

After all, the Queen of Insects is only level 5, and the guards are only level 4. With his strength, he can kill them in one trip.

But Mu Rufeng would not go directly like this.

"Patriarch, you can see that I am only a level 4 contractor. The Queen of Insects has so many guards at level 4, and the Queen of Insects is even level 5. How can I get rid of them?"

Mu Rufeng said with a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry about this. Although the Queen of Insects is level 5, she has no attack power, but her illusion ability is relatively strong."

"Here is for you. As long as you apply this ointment on your forehead, you will be immune to the illusion of the Queen of Insects." Anlubu took out an eyeball and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he checked the properties.

[Qingling Liquid]: Liquid produced by a special creature.

Effect: A special item. After applying it, it can enhance one's immunity to illusions. It can be exempted from illusions of level 5 and below.

"We can ignore the Queen of Insects, but what about those level 4 guards? It seems that there must be quite a lot of them, dozens or even hundreds, right?" Mu Rufeng looked at Anlubu.

Anlubu shook his head and said, "At least thousands."

"Thousands? Then you want me, a level 4 contractor, to die?"

Although Mu Rufeng was not afraid, he didn't want to go like a fool.

"Besides, the strongest of these parasites is only level 5. The Devouring Demon Whale is the overlord of the Dead Sea. Can't it do anything to these parasites?"

"Won't they all be killed if the ghost power is swept over them?" Mu Rufeng expressed his doubts.

Hearing this, Anlubu smiled bitterly and said, "It would be great if it was that easy. Although Lord Demon Whale is powerful, this is in his body."

"And the parasites have a special ability that can attach to the flesh at any time. If Lord Demon Whale is ruthless, he can indeed kill all the parasites."

"But correspondingly, our dwarf demons will also be eliminated, and Lord Demon Whale's internal organs will also be seriously damaged."

"Although Lord Demon Whale is one of the three overlords of the Dead Sea, the other two overlords are Lord Demon Whale's enemies."

"Once Lord Demon Whale is injured, the other two overlords will definitely join forces to deal with Lord Demon Whale." Anlubu said slowly.

"Is that so?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

If it is really as Anlubu said, it will be really difficult to deal with.

"Although the guards of the Queen of Insects are level four, there is no need to worry. Do you remember the torrent before?" Anlubu said.

"Torrent?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then thought of the black liquid that rolled up many white insect eggs before.

"Is it the 18-meter torrent you mentioned before?"

"Yes, 18 meters. It was just a few meters at the beginning, but now it has reached 18 meters. Another two meters will flood our habitat."

"At that time, we can only continue to look for another habitat." Anlubu sighed and said.

"However, it's a good thing you came. The torrent was actually a mouthful of Dead Sea water that Lord Demon Whale swallowed subconsciously in order to remove his own parasites."

"The Dead Sea has the characteristics of corrosiveness and absorption of life, and can sweep away parasites in the esophagus and other places and expel them from the body."

"But this method only removes some eggs, which is of no help at all, and can only slow down."

"At the same time, the Dead Sea is also a fatal threat to the dwarf demons like us. As the number of parasites in Lord Demon Whale increases."

"The amount of seawater swallowed is also increasing, and many of our tribesmen are also affected by the seawater, which has caused us to migrate many times." Anlubu said slowly.

"Then what?" Mu Rufeng felt that Anlubu didn't seem to get to the point.

"The Demon Whale swallows seawater every hour, and the seawater also contains the breath of the Demon Whale. Even a level 7 ghost general will die without a burial place if it is infected."

Afterwards, Anlubu told Mu Rufeng about his plan.

The plan is actually very simple.

Isn't the Queen of Insects' target the brain?

They will first dig a channel to the vicinity of the brain, but don't dig it through yet.

When the Queen of Insects migrates to the brain, then dig through the channel, and then dig through the other side to connect to the Dead Sea water below.

Once the Demon Whale swallows the Dead Sea water, the seawater will flow back and instantly flood the channel in the brain.

This way, all the parasites including the Queen of Insects can be killed in one go.

It's not that they haven't thought about digging a channel to the heart, and then connecting to the seawater to kill them all.

Because the road to the heart is too heavily guarded, there is no way to dig a channel, and they are afraid that they will be discovered before they dig far.

Mu Rufeng frowned upon hearing this: "Your plan is great, but I think you don't need me, right?"

If digging a tunnel is really possible, then Mu Rufeng, a level 4 contractor, is absolutely dispensable.

"The body of the Demon Whale is too strong, especially near the head. It's too difficult for us to dig the space. We lasted for a month and only dug out a distance of 200 meters."

"If you want to dig through, you need at least 3,000 meters. We can't wait until then." An Lubu said.

"Ten meters? 3,000 meters? So, let me dig it myself? But how long do you think it will take me to dig 3,000 meters?" Why does Mu Rufeng feel that this plan is a bit unsuccessful?

Also, An Lubu seems to have concealed something, which always feels weird.

"It will take at most a week."

"We are weak and rely on numbers to win. At the same time, in order to prevent being discovered, we must be extremely careful and can't go fast at all."

"But you are different. You are a contractor. Not to mention more, if you eat the contracted ghosts in your body directly, it will not only improve your strength, but also speed up the excavation."

"Besides, you are few in number and make little noise, so you won't be discovered at all. A week, a week is definitely enough." Anlubu said.

Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Eat? Let his contracted ghost eat the meat of the demon whale? Why does it feel a little

Just at this time, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Get a secret, please check it]

"Huh? There is a secret?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

These days, he can get a secret every day, but they are all useless secrets.

But if he is here now, the secret owner is most likely the leader of the Dwarf Demon Tribe, Anlubu.

Mu Rufeng naturally chose to check.

[Hehehe, once the channel is dug, my plan can begin. Once the plan succeeds, the body of the Devouring Demon Whale will also be completely under my control. ]

[Secret Owner: Anlubu]

"??? Huh?" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

Good guy, this secret is really a shocking secret.

At this moment, all of Anlubu's words were overturned by this secret.

First, Anlubu asked Mu Rufeng to dig a channel, and then use it to eliminate the Queen of Insects and other parasites.

The information revealed by this secret shows that Mu Rufeng is only part of the plan. Once Anlubu's plan succeeds, he can completely control the Demon Whale.

So, the parasites are actually the Dwarf Demon Tribe? And the so-called Queen of Insects is actually a white blood cell-like existence, specially used to devour and kill the parasitic Dwarf Demon Tribe?

The more Mu Rufeng thought about it, the more it seemed to be the case.

No, that's not right. It's possible that the Queen of Worms does exist and is also a parasite, and the Dwarf Demons are also parasites.

After all, no one has stipulated that two types of parasites are not allowed to exist in the body of the Devouring Demon Whale.

"Patriarch, I want to ask, how did you send out the invitation letter?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Also, you said you have been living here, so why do you know the existence of the contractor?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Anlubu seemed to have the answer long ago, and immediately explained: "It's the world rules. A few years ago, the world rules gave me a piece of information, which is about the invitation letter and the contractor."

"Rules?" Mu Rufeng murmured to himself.

It is really possible that this is the case, but the invitation letter was definitely not sent by Anlubu, and it is likely to be the Devouring Demon Whale itself.

It's just that the Devouring Demon Whale often falls into a deep sleep for some reason. If it wants to wake up, it will only wake up because of some special events.

For example, the Crab Demon, the Crab Demon was awakened by the power of the Ghost Emperor level because of the battle between Mu Rufeng and others.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng did not believe a word of Anlubu's words.

Just more than 700 dwarf demons? No, no, no, there is absolutely no way there are only this many.

At the same time, in terms of strength, he did not believe that the highest level of the dwarf demons was only level three. Maybe the Ghost Emperor would make one for you.

And the Queen of Insects, level five? Only illusion? What a joke, maybe the Queen of Insects is also a level nine Ghost Emperor.

"Will you come and help me dig together?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"If we go, it will only delay your progress. Too many people will easily be discovered by parasites. Once discovered, we will have to dig in another place."

"Don't worry, as long as you successfully dig through the passage, my dwarf demons will definitely offer you a precious reward." Anlubu said.

"Where is the passage? I'll go and see it first." Mu Rufeng said.

"I'll take you there right away." Anlubu smiled immediately.

It was not easy, Mu Rufeng finally agreed.

Soon, Anlubu led Mu Rufeng to walk around in some passages, turning around and around.

After going around for more than an hour, they finally came to a place.

I don’t know where this place is. The flesh walls around are softer, and there are lumps of meat that are like fat but covered with lumps hanging from the flesh walls.

Layers of disgusting mucus continue to seep out of the lumps, making people extremely uncomfortable.

Anlubu climbed up ten meters along the lumps of meat, approaching the top floor.

Then, he pulled open a lump of meat above, revealing a half-human-high hole.

“The entrance is here. I’ll excuse you for a moment. Climb in and start digging.” Anlubu turned his head and looked at Mu Rufeng below.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then flashed to the entrance of the cave, of course, still half-squatting.

"After you go in, plug the hole with the meat ball beside the hole, so that you won't be discovered and seawater won't seep in."

"You are a contractor, so you should be fine without eating for a few days, right? We are not other places, there is nothing that humans can eat here." Anlubu said.

"It's okay, I brought my own food." Mu Rufeng waved his hand.

To be honest, even if there is food here, Mu Rufeng doesn't dare to eat it.

"By the way, the excavated meat should either be put into the inventory of your contractors, or let the contracted ghost eat it, otherwise, put it on the ground and it will slowly recover."

"But you don't have to worry, take this, and when you stop working, sprinkle the mucus on it, and those wounds will not recover."

Anlubu said, and took out another porcelain bottle.

"Also, after a while, the medicine in the passage will lose its effect, and then the flesh and blood will regenerate to block the entrance. Don't be surprised, it will be more concealed."

"At that time, start applying the medicine from about ten meters, and then apply it to every place that is excavated. In this way, the passage can exist for a long time without being discovered by parasites." Anlubu said.

"Well, but, is there only this little medicine?" Mu Rufeng looked at the porcelain bottle and was a little confused.

"This porcelain bottle is a storage prop. There is a lot in it, enough for you to use. This porcelain bottle is given to you directly." Anlubu said.


Suddenly, some strange sounds came from a distance.

An Lubu's face changed slightly when he heard this: "Mr. Mu, you can start now. Be careful. The parasites are coming. I can't let them find me. I'm leaving here. I'll come back in seven days."

After he finished speaking, An Lubu put down the lump of meat and completely covered the hole.

The hole was dark inside, but Mu Rufeng could still see it clearly.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the porcelain bottle in his hand, and then saw a larger lump of meat a little further back.

Mu Rufeng immediately took the meat.

This meat, when picked up, is soft and moving, and feels like it's alive.

It even wants to merge Mu Rufeng's hands into the flesh wall, which has a strong devouring ability.

Mu Rufeng immediately blocked the hole with the flesh wall, and then used the ghost cave.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that outside the flesh wall, it was completely impossible to explore, and it was blocked.

Yes, this meat is the meat of the Dead Sea Overlord Devouring Demon Whale. How can his eighth-level ghost cave break through?

However, this passage has no obstacles and was easily explored by Mu Rufeng in all directions.

Not to mention, it is just as Anlubu said. They spent a month and only dug out a distance of 200 meters.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that these flesh walls were wriggling slightly, as if they were recovering from their injuries.

However, there was a kind of mucus on it, which prevented the flesh walls from recovering themselves. However, the mucus was already very thin and it would probably be consumed in a few hours.

Mu Rufeng's ghost cave did not find anything wrong in the passage.

Mu Rufeng did not remove the ghost cave, but just released it.

At the same time, he did not start to dig the passage.

Just kidding, if you dig it, it will obviously be like a parasite. As for eating the flesh of the demon whale? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Mu Rufeng still has a plug-in. He wants to see if he can communicate with the Devouring Demon Whale through his mind.

Mu Rufeng put his hand on the flesh wall, immersed his mind, and tried to communicate with the Devouring Demon Whale.

However, what made Mu Rufeng helpless was that the Devouring Demon Whale did not respond at all.

No, it cannot be said that there was no response, but that what responded to him was a dull snoring.

The Devouring Demon Whale is still in a deep sleep, and mental communication cannot wake it up.

"So, I chose the most useless plug-in?" Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Although he can't communicate, it doesn't matter.

Because with his current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to clean up these parasites.

Unless, those parasites really have the strength of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

As for hurting the Devouring Demon Whale's body, it doesn't matter.

Digging a channel is impossible, at least it can't be dug before communicating with the Devouring Demon Whale.

However, a layer of liquid medicine should be applied to this wound.

Mu Rufeng pulled his hand out of the flesh wall with great effort, and the flesh wall sucked his hand in just a moment.

If there was no layer of mucus under his feet, he would have been swallowed.

Mu Rufeng took out the porcelain bottle again.

[Ancient porcelain bottle]: This is a porcelain bottle cast in ancient times.

Effect: Space props, with a space of 100 meters X100X100, which can only hold liquids, and can only hold one type of liquid at a time.

"Oh, it's really big." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Anlubu to be so generous and directly gave this porcelain bottle away.

At the same time, the liquid medicine actually filled the porcelain bottle. So much liquid medicine is indeed enough.

Then Mu Rufeng poured a little liquid medicine on his hand.

[Saliva of the Dwarf Demons]: This is the saliva spit out from the mouths of the Dwarf Demons, which is extremely corrosive.

Effect: A special item. Applying saliva to the wound can prevent the regeneration of flesh and blood, and produce a paralyzing effect.

Not to mention, I felt my skin slightly warm when I applied it on my hands, and the skin I touched also began to feel numb.

The effect is really strong. If it is not strong, how can I stop the regeneration of flesh and blood of the demon whale?

However, Mu Rufeng did not expect that this liquid medicine was actually the saliva of the dwarf demons. It was really disgusting.

But even if it was disgusting, Mu Rufeng waved his hand and sprinkled a large amount of liquid medicine, and then sprinkled a layer of saliva on the surrounding flesh walls.

A magical scene appeared. The flesh walls that were still slightly wriggling stopped at this moment.

Obviously, this is the paralyzing effect of the liquid medicine.

After applying the surrounding channels, Mu Rufeng began to think about what he should do next.

The first point is to go to the heart to see the queen of insects.

He wants to know whether the queen of insects is a level five strength or a higher level strength.

If the strength is weak, Mu Rufeng can just kill him directly.

As for the strength, as long as it is not the Ghost Emperor, Mu Rufeng is still confident that he can kill it.

At this time, Mu Rufeng frowned suddenly.

He sensed a slight movement in the passage 60 meters behind.

Mu Rufeng's heart moved, and immediately, the power of illusion was exerted.

Then, a scene was revealed.

I saw Mu Rufeng holding a knife and chopping flesh and blood frantically. With every knife, a piece of meat could be seen falling off.

There are still three ferocious contracted ghosts gnawing at the flesh wall in front of them frantically.

The passage is moving forward at a very fast speed.

At this speed, as long as it does not stop for 24 hours, it will definitely reach the place designated by Anlubu within seven days.

At the rear passage, a fist-sized hole was opened from the flesh wall on the side.

Then, an eyeball connected to a tentacle drilled out from it and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Haha, it really started. This kid is really fast." Anlubu hid in the flesh wall, and the tentacle stretched out from his eye socket.

"It seems that this kid has been frightened. In this way, our dwarf demon tribe can start to act."

Anlubu sneered and retracted his eyes.

"Xiaolu, you watch here carefully. Come back and tell me immediately if there is any movement."

Anlubu pushed a tribe member who was only half the height of Anlubu to the front of the small hole.

"Yes, patriarch." Xiaolu nodded repeatedly, and then a tentacle stretched out from his eye socket, with an eyeball connected to the end of the tentacle.

"Don't stare at it all the time, be careful not to be discovered, just look twice every hour, and remember to block the hole." Anlubu gave an order and left.

To be honest, although they were communicating, they did not speak throughout the whole process, and two tentacles appeared on their heads at some point.

It seemed that their communication was completed through the tentacles on their heads, which was extremely hidden.

Xiaolu glanced at Mu Rufeng, looked twice, then retracted his eyes, and finally blocked the fist-sized hole again.

After blocking it, Xiaolu picked up a piece of meat from the ground, and then put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

"Interesting." Mu Rufeng looked at the blocked hole and smiled.

Mu Rufeng immediately reached out and poked the hole, then pinched Xiaolu's neck, and then pulled him out directly.

When the latter saw Mu Rufeng, he was shocked, and then he bit towards Mu Rufeng with his teeth and claws.

Facing Mu Rufeng's powerful strength, he was not afraid at all.

Facing Xiaolu's biting, Mu Rufeng did not stop him, but what made Mu Rufeng concerned was that Xiaolu actually bit his skin.

You know, he has completed the skin refining, and now his body is extremely strong, but he was bitten by a level three little guy.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng picked him up and then pressed his mouth on the flesh wall.

Xiaolu seemed to have lost his mind, and his teeth kept biting the flesh on the flesh wall, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

This speed was very fast, faster than the biting speed in the picture shown by Mu Rufeng.

"Is this really only level three?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and reached out and pressed on Xiaolu's head.

Then he used the ability of [Subliminal Influence] to change Xiaolu's cognition.

At the same time, he also used the ability of forgetting to make him forget what had just happened.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to check other people's memories, otherwise everything would be much simpler.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng put Xiaolu on the ground.

Because the passage was too low, Mu Rufeng was squatting, and was about the same height as the clan leader Anlubu.

"Clan leader!" Xiaolu became extremely respectful after seeing Mu Rufeng.

Yes, Mu Rufeng changed Xiaolu's cognition and made him think that Mu Rufeng was Anlubu.

Xiaolu did not speak, but used tentacles.

But the magical thing is that Mu Rufeng actually understood.

Obviously, he did not have tentacles.

But soon, Mu Rufeng understood that it was his plug-in, the ability of telepathy.

Obviously, the way Xiaolu and his friends used tentacles to communicate was telepathy.

It was also easy.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while, organized his words, and said slowly: "Do you know what the biggest crisis of our dwarf demon tribe is now?"

Xiaolu was stunned for a moment, and then his face became solemn, and he said: "Master, the biggest crisis of our dwarf demon tribe now is that the population is too large."

"???" Mu Rufeng heard this, and ten thousand question marks popped up in his mind.

"What the hell, too many people?" Mu Rufeng was really speechless about Anlubu.

This guy, really didn't tell a word of truth.

He also said that their population was only a few hundred, and they were about to be extinct, and now, there was too many people?

"Then tell me, how many people do we have?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

Mu Rufeng began to get words from Xiaolu step by step.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng was also in shock.

Population? The population of the dwarf demon tribe, they themselves don't know how many there are.

Because, you can see the existence of the dwarf demon tribe almost anywhere on the Devouring Demon Whale, and there are so many that you don't know how to count them.

Crisis? What is the biggest crisis? That's right, it's too many people.

Even the so-called Queen of Insects is actually a member of the Dwarf Demon Clan.

Their Dwarf Demon Clan has already controlled the Devouring Demon Whale.

It has been developing slowly since thousands of years ago, and finally successfully controlled the Devouring Demon Whale a few years ago.

At the same time, it was before the Devouring Demon Whale was controlled that the invitation was sent out.

For some reason, it fell to the Golden City and was finally won by Mu Rufeng.

The Devouring Demon Whale is extremely powerful. It is one of the three overlords of the Dead Sea, and the ninth-level Ghost Emperor is its food.

Even if it is suppressed by the Nine-level Group, it can still fight against it with the rules it controls.

Even if it has been controlled by the Dwarf Demon Clan, it still cannot kill the will or soul of the Devouring Demon Whale.

As long as the Dwarf Demon Clan is eliminated, the Devouring Demon Whale can once again regain its control and wake up.

Sleeping? It is just that the Devouring Demon Whale does not want the Dwarf Demon Clan to control its body to cause trouble.

After all, if it does not fall into a deep sleep, the Dwarf Demon Clan will definitely go to kill people if it controls the body of the Devouring Demon Whale.

It cannot be said to kill people, but it is estimated that it wants to cause trouble for those Nine-level Ghost Emperors and let the Dwarf Demon Clan reproduce in those Ghost Emperors.

Finally, go to fight with the other two overlords, and let the Dwarf Demon Clan parasitize them during the intervals of the fight.

At the same time, fight harder and make those overlords more seriously injured, so that parasitism can be easier.

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