I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 281: The Overlord of the Dead Sea, the Devouring Demon Whale

If this really happens, the Dead Sea may really become the world of the Dwarf Demons.

At the same time, the strongest strength of the Dwarf Demons is not the mere level three, nor the level five Queen of Worms, but the real level nine Ghost Emperor.

As for how many Ghost Emperors there are, there are quite a few, three.

Under the leadership of the three Ghost Emperors, they are also divided into three major camps.

One is the Anbu led by Ambru.

The second is the Worm led by the Queen of Worms.

The Barnacles led by the three Barnacles.

The three parties were originally harmonious and orderly, but as they gradually controlled the Devouring Demon Whale, they started a civil war because of the territory and population issues.

The three Ghost Emperor tribes each have their own territory.

Anlubu's territory is the brain of the Devouring Demon Whale.

The Queen of Worms' territory is the heart of the Devouring Demon Whale.

The Barnacles are the stomach, lungs, and even other organs such as the external skin.

These places are the most important territories of the three tribes.

Then, in other places, the three parties continued to fight for territory.

Of course, fighting is fighting, those above level five cannot take action. This is a hard rule, and it is also to prevent the body of the Devouring Demon Whale from being damaged too seriously.

According to the strength of the three ghost emperors, Anlubu is the strongest because he occupies the position of the brain.

The Queen of Insects occupies the heart, which is slightly worse than Anlubu.

Among the three, the weakest is naturally the barnacle that occupies the stomach and other organs.

However, among the three, the barnacle has the strongest tribal power.

Although the Devouring Demon Whale fell into a deep sleep, in order to maintain its own strength, it will automatically open its mouth to swallow every once in a while.

Therefore, every once in a while, a large number of strange creatures will enter the stomach.

It is these strange creatures that allow the barnacles to have more territory to reproduce and increase the number of tribes.

As for Anlubu that Mu Rufeng saw, it is actually not his real body.

His real body is still in the brain, he dare not come out, once he comes out, the brain, this good territory, will be coveted by the Insect Emperor and the Barnacle Emperor.

It is precisely because it is a clone, the strength is not strong, so it is difficult to see the depth of Mu Rufeng.

What makes Mu Rufeng wonder is why Anlubu knows Mu Rufeng's identity and the invitation letter.

Xiaolu naturally knows nothing about these things.

Knowing so much, Mu Rufeng once again used the ability of [Forget] to clear Xiaolu's memory just now, and then remove his subtle cognition.

He stuffed it into the cave and restored the entrance at the same time.

Then Mu Rufeng took out a prop, which is a camera.

It is a prop that can record a certain scene and play it in a loop, and it is extremely real and difficult to be seen.

Xiaolu is only at the third level of strength, so he will definitely not be discovered.

After getting the props ready, Mu Rufeng took off his clothes and pants, and then immediately used the ability of [Void].

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's figure began to fade, fade, and finally turned into a black shadow.

"Fade, fade, and fade again!" Mu Rufeng called on his own soul power and kept filling it.

The next moment, the black color also slowly faded, and finally, it turned into a transparent color.

If there was a person standing in front of him, Mu Rufeng's figure would not be visible at all.

The eighth-level ghost king would definitely not be able to see or discover Mu Rufeng now.

As for the ninth-level ghost emperor, Mu Rufeng didn't know if they could find him.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng activated the forget skill again to minimize his presence.

Then, Mu Rufeng flew towards the flesh wall.

Mu Rufeng easily entered the flesh wall.

At this moment, he was in a virtual state and could penetrate any entity.

However, after all, he was the flesh and blood of the demon whale, so his movement speed could not be fast, but it was also a little faster than running.

The size of the Devouring Demon Whale was extremely huge. Wasn't the crab demon very big at that time?

The size of the Devouring Demon Whale is a hundred times larger than that of the Crab Demon. This shows how huge the Devouring Demon Whale is.

Mu Rufeng didn't have the map inside the Devouring Demon Whale, so he could only wander around.

However, the first place he went to was the place where he first met Anlubu.

Although Anlubu took him a detour, Mu Rufeng could still remember the exact direction, so he rushed all the way without turning.

In just ten minutes, Mu Rufeng arrived at the place where Anlubu said his last habitat was.

Looking at the scene here, Mu Rufeng snorted.

Those buildings are still there, there is no problem.

However, those dwarf demons who looked like humans have changed a lot at this moment, like monsters.

They lay directly on the ground, two tentacles oozing out from their foreheads and disappeared, and under their eyes was a huge mouth with densely packed sharp teeth.

Their whole body was covered with fine barbs.

At this moment, the hundreds of dwarf demons were eating the meat wall crazily.

Their habitat is slowly expanding.

Chief Anlubu still looked the same, standing there, watching the dwarf demons gnawing at the flesh and blood.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Anlubu frowned, stretched out his hand, and saw a level 3 dwarf demon's body explode directly.

"I told you, when you eat, don't get your saliva everywhere, otherwise the flesh and blood won't grow, then what will you eat in the future?" Anlubu said coldly.

"Yes, Chief!" The dwarf demons stopped one after another, and then responded respectfully.

Mu Rufeng, floating above, watched the scene quietly.

This Anlubu was really cruel to his own people, and he killed them if they disagreed.

But considering their large population, it was not surprising that Anlubu was also a ninth-level ghost emperor.

Then, Mu Rufeng went in another direction.

He actually wanted to go to the brain, or the heart, or the stomach to see if the ninth-level ghost emperor could find him.

If he found him, the worst thing would be to fight him directly.

Anyway, he would not die, not to mention the virtualization ability of the Phantom Heart Ghost King, and the ninth-level ghost emperor might not be able to hurt him.

An hour later.

Mu Rufeng was confused.

He didn't know where he was, the Devouring Demon Whale was too big.

Mu Rufeng was completely lost.

However, it was still no problem to go back, because Mu Rufeng left a rule prop locator on the prop of the camera.

It allows Mu Rufeng to know the exact location of the place.

"Damn, where is this place?" Mu Rufeng looked at the white parasites below and had no idea where he was.

But he also knew that this should be the territory of the Queen of Insects.

Those white parasites were obviously hatched from the eggs in the black liquid.

The appearance of these white parasites was very different from that of Anlubu and the others, but the only thing that remained unchanged was the two tentacles on the top of their heads.

Another hour passed, and Mu Rufeng found the barnacle department.

This barnacle looked a bit weird, just like the barnacles in the real world, with a basketball-sized barnacle and a big mouth under the barnacle.

The barnacle seemed to be the main body, and outside the big mouth were fine claws.

These parasites seemed to be gnawing at the flesh and blood of the Devouring Demon Whale all the time.

Fortunately, the flesh and blood of the Devouring Demon Whale grew very fast, otherwise it would really be eaten up by these parasites.

"Oh, where are the brain, heart, and stomach?" Mu Rufeng was a little speechless.

The body of the Devouring Demon Whale is really too big, and there is no direction, let alone a map.

Even if Mu Rufeng catches those parasites and tries to trick them, it will be useless.

Because they don't know where they are either.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, since he couldn't find it, he might as well go out.

As long as he goes out, he can see the whole body of the Devouring Demon Whale, and then he can determine where the brain, heart and stomach are.

After judging, he can rush directly to a place without turning, and he will definitely reach where he wants to go.

He did it right away, and Mu Rufeng immediately flew upwards.

Mu Rufeng kept passing through the flesh and blood of the Devouring Demon Whale, and then went upwards.

Flying all the way, Mu Rufeng saw a large number of parasites.

All of them were gnawing at the flesh and blood of the Demon Whale.

But they would not keep gnawing at the same place. After eating for a while, they would immediately change to another place.

And the place that was originally gnawing would begin to grow flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But even so, the speed of growing flesh and blood could not keep up with the speed of the parasites devouring.

Obviously, this was the result of the upper parasites' restriction. Otherwise, if they were allowed to eat freely, the demon whale would be eaten to pieces.

The Sky Devouring Demon Whale was not a normal creature. It was estimated that even if the flesh and blood were eaten up and only a skeleton was left, the Sky Devouring Demon Whale would not die.

Mu Rufeng's flying speed was not fast, about the same as the speed of an ordinary person running.

Another hour passed, and Mu Rufeng came to a layer of black membrane.

This membrane completely blocked Mu Rufeng's figure.

Even with his virtual body, he could not pass through it.

Then. Mu Rufeng found a gap and withdrew his ability to virtualize.

"Is this the skin of the Sky Devouring Demon Whale?"

Mu Rufeng muttered to himself, then put on his clothes and reached out to touch the skin.

This membrane is very hard, extremely hard.

Mu Rufeng immediately used the sharpness, and then his palm became a claw, and he grabbed the membrane fiercely.

A sharp friction sound was heard, and there was not even a white mark left on the membrane.

Mu Rufeng looked at his attributes.

[Strength]: 17315.1

[Spirit]: 15991.2

[Constitution]: 15915

All three attributes exceeded 15,000.

But even so, it was unable to break the defense.

Mu Rufeng took out a level nine embroidered spring knife.

Attached with the sharpness, and then used the eighteen pig-killing styles, and even used the rule skills to cut it in half.

Unbelievably, it still couldn't break the defense, and only left a white mark that was finer than sweat hair.

Even so, Mu Rufeng was afraid that he would not be able to cut through this layer of membrane even if he chopped for three days and three nights.

After all, no one knew how thick this layer of membrane was.

Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought, what should he do?

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng thought of the rule prop, the clown's chainsaw.

He had just taken it out, but then he remembered that this layer of skin was the skin of the Devouring Demon Whale. Although the clown's chainsaw can saw off everything, it can't cut through anything except living things.

The Devouring Demon Whale is also included in this "living thing".

Mu Rufeng put away the clown's chainsaw, and then searched in his inventory.

After searching for a long time, he didn't find any useful props to break the membrane.

He couldn't get out and couldn't find the location, so Mu Rufeng was a little helpless.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng called Xiaoying and Xiaolong out.

"Daddy, where is this?" Xiaoying came out, looked around, and said cautiously.

"Woo woo woo~~!" Xiaolong came to Mu Rufeng, and seemed to be afraid of this place.

"Help me do something, you two have better teeth, try to see if you can bite it." Mu Rufeng pointed at the membrane and said.

The two looked at each other, didn't object, and then started to bite on the spot.

Mu Rufeng could see that their cheeks were bulging high, but there was still no reaction.

"It's so hard, what is this? It's too hard, daddy, I can't bite it." Xiaoying retracted her mouth, rubbed her cheeks with both hands and said aggrievedly.

"Bang~~!" A crisp sound rang out.

"Woo woo woo~~!"

The little dragon was holding a few broken teeth in one claw, looking at Mu Rufeng pitifully.

"It seems there is no way." Mu Rufeng sighed and gave up directly.

After comforting the two, he let them return to the contract slot.

"They have bad teeth, I wonder if the teeth of the parasites can be good?" Mu Rufeng thought of another point.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng quickly caught a few parasites.

Then he pressed their mouths on the membrane.

After gnawing for a long time, there was still no mark on the membrane.

Obviously, even these level 5 parasites still couldn't break the defense.

Yes, if they could really bite through, then these parasites would definitely be super gods.

"Forget it, since we can't get out, let's gamble on our luck."

Mu Rufeng shook his head, and then threw the gambler's dice, and the luck value increased by 12 points again, reaching 114 points.

He was lucky, but he ran so far and still couldn't find the place.

He was unlucky, but he————

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng's face suddenly changed.

An extremely strong suction force burst out instantly, and Mu Rufeng had almost no resistance, and was directly sucked into a hole in the gap.

Mu Rufeng lost his sight and his control ability, and could only follow the suction.

But he could feel that there were still many parasites around him, including parasites from the three tribes.

After being sucked by the suction for more than a minute, Mu Rufeng suddenly felt that he was free from the restraints, and then flew straight up.

At the same time, an extremely strong suction force acted on Mu Rufeng, extracting his vitality.

Dead Sea, this is the Dead Sea.

Mu Rufeng came out.

Mu Rufeng's sight was restored at this moment, and his body was still shooting upwards.

The powerful force acting on Mu Rufeng still couldn't make him move.

But he also saw clearly that the surrounding area was dark liquid, sea water, all sea water, this must be the Dead Sea.

Mu Rufeng looked down and vaguely saw a huge pit, from which water and a large number of parasites were still continuously ejected.

Mu Rufeng understood that the huge pit was the blowhole of the Devouring Demon Whale.

Although the Devouring Demon Whale is powerful, it is still a whale after all, and it also has this blowhole, which is the so-called blowhole, just like the whales in the real world.

This blowhole is an important organ for whales to breathe, and it will also be blocked by salt, sand or microorganisms in the sea water, so it will use strong airflow to clean the blowhole to prevent bacteria from invading.

This blowhole is naturally useless when it comes to the Devouring Demon Whale.

Because the Devouring Demon Whale does not need to breathe.

However, because of the parasites, the Devouring Demon Whale can use the blowhole to eject the parasites in its body to reduce the pressure on its body.

It can be seen that the parasites were crushed by the water pressure the moment they came out of the water.

Then all the flesh and blood were directly absorbed by the special energy of the Dead Sea.

This place is definitely located at the bottom of the Dead Sea. Mu Rufeng was able to withstand this terrible pressure, thanks to the fact that he used the ability of virtualization as soon as his body was controlled by the suction.

After being weakened by virtualization, coupled with Mu Rufeng's strong body, the pressure of the Dead Sea has no effect on Mu Rufeng at all.

It's just that Mu Rufeng can also feel that the special force is madly absorbing his vitality.

Fortunately, this special force was also weakened a lot after virtualization.

For the time being, there is no big problem staying in this Dead Sea.

Soon, the gushing water flow took Mu Rufeng directly from the bottom of the sea to the sea level.

"Hua La La~~~!"

Mu Rufeng broke through the water directly, and then flew up to a height of thousands of meters. The water flow finally lost its power and then fell downwards.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng immediately stopped where he was, suspended in mid-air.

The Dead Sea, this is indeed the Dead Sea.

The dark sky, the bright full moon, the endless black sea.

Today is a good day, and there is not a trace of cloud or fog.

"This spray is really high." Mu Rufeng looked down, and the sea surface was still very far away.

It is hard to imagine that this is just a column of water sprayed from the blowhole of the Devouring Demon Whale.

Not only did it bring Mu Rufeng out of the seabed, but it also rushed up to a height of thousands of meters.


A sharp eagle cry sounded from above.

The whistling wind blew the sea surface into turbulent waves.

The moonlight was blocked at this moment.

Mu Rufeng looked up and saw a giant eagle several thousand meters long whistling past.

The eagle's eagle eyes glanced at Mu Rufeng, and then flew away.

Just the next second, the eagle flew back and circled at an altitude of ten thousand meters.

Very strong, this eagle is extremely powerful, more powerful than the momentum of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

It is almost the same as the momentum displayed by the crab demon that Mu Rufeng saw in the Crab Demon City.

So, this eagle is one of the three overlords of the Dead Sea?

Mu Rufeng only knows the Crab Demon and the Devouring Demon Whale, the three overlords of the Dead Sea, but has never heard of the other overlord.

"Has the strange eagle discovered me?" Mu Rufeng could feel the feeling of being watched.


Another eagle cry sounded.

However, this cry was different from the previous one. An extremely terrifying pressure instantly acted on Mu Rufeng.

Then, Mu Rufeng's virtual state was directly lifted and restored to a physical state.

"Fuck!" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

He didn't expect that this strange eagle could use sound waves to attack and force him to exit the virtual state?

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate and entered the virtual state again.

Just as Mu Rufeng was thinking about what to do next, a roar came from the bottom of the sea.


This roar was magnificent and majestic, and the space seemed to be shaking.

"Hua La La~~~!"

Countless sea water was shaken away and rolled back in all directions.

A black shadow jumped out of the sea.

That black shadow was too huge. Just looking at its size, it actually reached dozens of kilometers.

It is hard to imagine that the size is actually measured in kilometers.

The Devouring Demon Whale, this is the Devouring Demon Whale, it actually woke up.

A roar shook the space, and the scene of breaking through the water was even more shocking.


The Devouring Demon Whale fell back into the sea water, and the terrifying impact caused huge waves in the Dead Sea.


The strange eagle in the sky did not stay for too long after seeing the Devouring Demon Whale appear. It flew away at the first time and turned into a black light and disappeared in the sky.

Mu Rufeng also saw the appearance of the Devouring Demon Whale clearly at this moment.

It must be said that the size of tens of kilometers is comparable to an island.

Or, if it is suspended on the water, it can completely become an island.

Outside the surface of the Devouring Demon Whale, there are a lot of strange red and white runes, which makes people terrified.

However, Mu Rufeng soon saw something wrong.

The strange red and white runes are similar to barnacle parasites.

"No way, the body of the Devouring Demon Whale is full of barnacle parasites?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

With the strength of barnacle parasites, can they survive in the Dead Sea?

Wait, it seems that they can.

Because Mu Rufeng found that the three types of parasites that were sprayed out, whether from the Anlubu tribe or the Queen of the Worm tribe, were instantly crushed.

As for the barnacle tribe, the weak ones will be crushed directly, but those with a level of six or above will not be crushed.

Instead, they will slowly float on the skin of the Devouring Demon Whale and start parasitizing.

Just now, when the Devouring Demon Whale jumped out of the water and fell back into the Dead Sea, with the help of the huge impact force, more than one-third of the barnacles on its body fell off.

Those barnacle parasites that fell off died directly.

"Didn't you say that the Devouring Demon Whale was sleeping? Why did it wake up and emit such a strong momentum to scare the strange eagle away." Mu Rufeng frowned.

"Go back, go back to my body." A dull voice suddenly sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"Huh? You are the Devouring Demon Whale?" Mu Rufeng was startled, and then said immediately.

"I will fall into a deep sleep soon. I sent the invitation letter. You must go to the brain. Remember, go to my brain."

After saying this, there was no sound.

No matter how Mu Rufeng used his ability to communicate with his mind, he did not get any response.

Mu Rufeng did not stay in place, and quickly fell from the sky and flew back to the sea.

At this moment, the Devouring Demon Whale had already dived into the seabed and was slowly sinking.

Mu Rufeng quickly chased up and landed on the back of the Devouring Demon Whale.

It's just that Mu Rufeng did not enter along the blowhole, but went along the back towards the brain.

When Mu Rufeng came to the head, the Devouring Demon Whale also fell on the seabed again, returning to its previous motionless appearance.

Mu Rufeng walked along the way, looking at the densely packed barnacle parasites on it, which made people shudder.

Just like the whales in the ocean in the real world, the whales that die from barnacle parasitism every year are like koi crossing the river.

(I want to post the picture, but I feel very sick and have goose bumps when I look at it, so I won’t post the picture to avoid polluting your eyes)

You know, whales parasitized by barnacles will not die quickly, but will be tortured by barnacles all the time, endure the pain and itching throughout their lives, and eventually die from torture.

Those whales kept hitting the water and hitting the reefs, not for fun, but mostly to knock off the barnacles on their bodies.

Just like when the Devouring Demon Whale jumped out of the water and fell, the huge impact caused also washed away a large number of barnacle parasites.

But it was undoubtedly just a drop in the bucket.

Now Mu Rufeng was still confused, not knowing why the Devouring Demon Whale was parasitized like this.

He had just woken up, and fell asleep again after talking to Mu Rufeng for a few words.

Mu Rufeng looked at the dense barnacle parasites, thought about it, and directly swung the Embroidered Spring Knife, cutting off a large piece of barnacles with one knife.

The skin had already suffered severe corrosion, but it was incredible that the membrane of the Devouring Demon Whale had not been gnawed through.

Obviously, the skin of the Devouring Demon Whale was too thick, and even these barnacles would take a lot of time to gnaw a hole.

Mu Rufeng thought of this, and then began to look for barnacle parasites with larger size and stronger strength at the head position.

After searching for a while, Mu Rufeng found a stronger barnacle, which actually reached level eight.

Without saying a word, Mu Rufeng swung his knife and chopped directly on the barnacle.

However, surprisingly, a strange force emanated from the barnacle, offsetting the power of Mu Rufeng's knife swing.

Although the barnacle was not weak, it was still not enough for Mu Rufeng. After some effort, he finally lifted the nearly 20-meter-long huge barnacle down.

As soon as it broke away from the Devouring Demon Whale, the barnacle instantly burst out with a terrifying speed, opened its bloody mouth below, and bit directly at Mu Rufeng.

This scene was extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng smiled, his figure suddenly became ethereal, and the barnacle instantly passed through his body, and then flew out to the distance.

When the barnacle reacted, it was shocked and wanted to come back to parasitize again.

Unfortunately, this is the Dead Sea. Because of the size of the barnacle, it can effectively resist the pressure of the seabed and has no effect at all, but it is also difficult to move.

But now, without the support of the Devouring Demon Whale, he can only go with the flow.

This barnacle is also a level 8 ghost king. If it is a level 7 ghost general, it will probably die directly after falling off.

At this time, a black shadow flashed by, and then bit the barnacle, and then quickly rushed away, and finally disappeared.

Although the barnacle is extremely terrifying when it is parasitic, once it falls off from the host, it will become food for the creatures in the Dead Sea regardless of life or death.

Mu Rufeng did not pay attention to this, but came to the place where the barnacle was biting.

As expected by Mu Rufeng, the membrane was really bitten into a fist-sized hole.

However, when the barnacle was pried off, the hole was already recovering, and in a short time, it had recovered half of it.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng did not hesitate at all and quickly got into the tiny hole.

He was now in a state of virtualization, and as long as there was a gap, he could perfectly enter it without being affected.

Once he entered, it didn't take long for the skin at the hole to heal.

This recovery ability was simply amazing.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was stepping on the white fat, which should still be in the layer of flesh and blood between the scalp and the bones.

Of course, Mu Rufeng was in a state of virtualization now, and he had no sense of touch.

Mu Rufeng immediately continued to move downwards.

It didn't take long for him to pass through the fat, and then he saw the hard skull cover.

Under the skull cover, it must be the territory occupied by the dwarf demon Anlubu.

Mu Rufeng tried to pass through the skull, but found that the skull was harder than the membrane, and there was no hope of passing through.

Mu Rufeng knew that the skull would not protect the brain in all directions, and there were gaps.

However, when Mu Rufeng wanted to leave, his consciousness suddenly went silent.

When he woke up again, he found that he had come to a high mountain.

There was endless darkness all around, and there was no scene to speak of.

"You are here?" A dull voice came from behind.

Mu Rufeng immediately turned his head and found that a sturdy man wearing a strange armor was standing behind him.

This man was dark, with muscles all over his body, and he looked extremely strong.

However, if you look closely, you can see that there are some tiny bugs everywhere on his body, drilling in and out of his flesh.

Even in those bright eyes, you can see small bugs drilling out from time to time.

Look carefully, the strange armor on his body, where is the armor? It is barnacle armor all over the body.

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng felt a little cold all over.

"You are the Devouring Demon Whale?" Mu Rufeng calmed down and then asked.

"Yes, it's me."

"This is my consciousness space, you don't have to worry, there will be no danger, and there is plenty of time." said the Sky Devouring Demon Whale.

"Master Demon Whale, what is the current condition of your body?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The situation is not optimistic. At most ten years, my body will be completely controlled by those parasites."

"Once that time comes, they can control my body at will and use my power to realize their plans." The Demon Whale said slowly.

"Master Demon Whale, you are so powerful that even the ninth-level Ghost Emperor is just your food."

"As far as I know, there are only three ghost emperors among the dwarf demons. With your ability, shouldn't it be easy to kill them?" Mu Rufeng asked her doubts.

"It's not that simple." The Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale shook his head.

"Thirty-eight hundred years ago, I returned from the Second Forbidden Land. It was at that time that I took control of the power of the rules and became one of the three overlords of the Dead Sea."

"Because of the rules of the world, I need to fall into deep sleep from time to time, but that's okay. After all, I have a long lifespan, and I used to sleep for decades."

"It's just that that time I slept for a hundred years, and when I woke up again, there were parasites in my body."

"But I didn't care, and used some tricks to get rid of them. But to my surprise, when I fell asleep for the second time, the parasites appeared again."

"This time, I also eliminated them, but these parasites seem to have evolved special abilities. When I eliminated them, I also lost part of my flesh and blood."

"I fell asleep for the third time, sleeping for hundreds of years. Over the course of hundreds of years, those parasites actually ate up part of my body, causing me to lose control of this part of my body."

"I started to clean out the parasites again, and lost part of my flesh and blood. Although it grew back, I know that the parasites are definitely not cleaned out yet."

"I even used the power of rules to eliminate all existences that were not part of my body, but it failed because those parasites evolved special abilities."

"They swallowed my flesh and blood and became one with me. Therefore, the rules failed. Before I could find a way, those parasites suddenly took control of my body."

"I launched an attack on the Eagle Demon, one of the three overlords of the Dead Sea. I really didn't expect that those parasites could actually control my body and attack, although they could only attack once."

"I fought with the Eagle Demon. In the end, we both suffered losses and retreated. That's why we also forged a deadly feud."

"And because I was too seriously injured, I also fell into a long sleep. In order to prevent my body from being completely controlled by the parasite during my sleep, I used the power of my own rules to protect my consciousness and soul from death."

"As long as my consciousness and soul are still there, even if I only have a skeleton left, those parasites will still be helpless and completely control my body. In other words, I am also waiting for them to eat up my flesh and blood."

"As long as they eat all their flesh and blood, those parasites will be completely wiped out by the Dead Sea without the protection of my body."

"For thousands of years, I have woken up intermittently, and each time I was controlled by those parasites to attack powerful enemies. Then I woke up to fight, and the power of my rules gradually weakened with each battle."

"What's more, what I didn't expect was that a three-headed ghost emperor was born from those parasites."

"The ghost emperor of the parasite seems to have noticed my thoughts, and began to limit the speed and method of the parasite devouring my flesh and blood, growing while eating."

"They occupied my brain, heart, stomach and other important organs. They relied on the power inside to wear away my rules bit by bit."

"Once they succeed, they will completely control my body. Once that time comes, even if my consciousness is not destroyed, I can only become a spectator."

"So, three years ago, when I woke up, I separated some of the rules again and turned them into the invitation letter and sent it out."

The Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale slowly started talking to Mu Rufeng one by one, trying to clear up his doubts.

When Mu Rufeng listened to these words, a huge wave was also stirred up in her heart.

Such a powerful being actually tortured this little parasite into this state, even trying to occupy the magpie's nest.

"One year, one year at most. Fortunately, you are still here. What's even more amazing is that you are actually able to communicate with me spiritually." A smile appeared on the face of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale.

However, his face was covered with tiny barnacles, and his smile made people's heads tingle.

"Soul communication?" Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered the plug-in she had chosen.

If communication is impossible, how will things develop?

"Did you bring the parasite from the Second Forbidden Land?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, I don't know when it was parasitized." The magic whale said slowly.

"What is the second forbidden place? Is it dangerous inside?"

"Forbidden places are unspeakable places. Only when you reach that level can you know their existence." The magic whale said.

"Let's not talk about this first. Let's talk about how to deal with these parasites." Mu Rufeng said suddenly.

"Well, this is why I tried to convey a message to you when I just woke up. Fortunately, I can communicate with you. Fortunately, the Eagle Demon did not take action this time. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to communicate with you even if the war starts. None."

"Even this space of consciousness will be blocked." The Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale said.

"Master Demon Whale, you have also seen that I am only a fourth-level contractor, but Parasite has three Ghost Emperors."

"If there was only one Ghost Emperor, I might be able to give it a try, but with three Ghost Emperors, we are really looking for death."

Mu Rufeng relied on the title of Demon Suppression Marquis to summon an army of 10,000 people and deployed the Four Symbols Army Formation, barely possessing the power of a ninth-level Ghost Emperor.

Let alone three Ghost Emperors, even if there was only one Ghost Emperor, Mu Rufeng would be in trouble.

"Although you are only a level 4 contractor, surprisingly, you have strength far exceeding that of a level 8 ghost king, which is great."

"Besides, I don't need you to deal with those ghost emperors." The Devouring Demon Whale said this, paused, and then continued: "The situation in my body is already hopeless. What I need now is to remove all the flesh and blood from my body."

"Remove all the flesh and blood?" Mu Rufeng's pupils shrank slightly, and then said: "You want the Dead Sea to wipe out those parasites?"

"Well, as long as the flesh and blood on my body are removed, those parasites below the ghost emperor will be wiped out by the Dead Sea without my protection."

"Even barnacles will die because they have no host to parasitize."

"As for the three ghost emperors, they will definitely leave and find new hosts." The demon whale said.

"Lord Demon Whale, you just said that those ghost emperors have already known about this and have restricted swallowing. This is simply impossible." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

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