I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 282 Key Figure Mu Rufeng [10,000 words]

"Of course we can't rely on those parasites. I need you to attract the blood-eating insects." The Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale said slowly.

"Blood-eating insects? What is that?" Mu Rufeng was unusually unfamiliar with this new term.

"Blood-eating insects are the most terrifying parasites in the Dead Sea. They also have extremely powerful abilities to devour flesh and blood, as well as the ability to withstand stress and survive."

"Compared to the parasites in my body, they are almost the same. The only difference is that the dwarf demons may be more concealed, and the blood-eating insects can also live in the Dead Sea." The Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale said.

"Compared with those dwarf demons, the blood-eating insects are even more crazy, irrational, and do not know how to fish from the lake. As long as the blood-eating insects join, then the two sides will inevitably fight."

"The blood-eating insect ghost emperors are no less than the dwarf demons. In order to compete for the flesh and blood of my body, a terrifying battle will definitely break out."

"They cannot destroy my bones, and the flesh and blood does not matter whether it is destroyed or devoured, as long as the purpose is achieved."

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng slowly said, "Then what should I do?"

"It's very simple. If you dig out some of my flesh and blood and sprinkle it nearby, it will definitely attract blood-eating insects."

"But the blood-eating insects cannot break through my defense. You need to clear away the barnacles outside my skin as before, so that there will be a gap for the blood-eating insects to penetrate."

"The blood-eating insects will continue to eat my skin along the wound, and then create a wound large enough for other blood-eating insects to enter."

"It's just that because of me, the blood-eating insect ghost emperor dare not enter, but as long as the blood-eating insect eats enough flesh and blood, those parasite ghost emperors will definitely kill them."

"At that time, the Blood-eating Insect Ghost Emperor will discover them and know my current status. At that time, my plan will be successful." The Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale told his plan one by one.

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought.

To be honest, he is not optimistic about this plan. The dwarf demon parasites have occupied his body for thousands of years and can definitely control the power of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale.

At that time, they might not even need to take action themselves, they would just use the power of the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale to kill the blood-eating insects.

Mu Rufeng expressed her concerns.

Hearing this, the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale said calmly: "Of course I have considered what you said, but I don't have no control at all. I just want to give it a try."

"If it doesn't work, then I have only one last option."

Mu Rufeng was slightly startled: "The last way?"

"Fight, fight to the death with the crab demon or the eagle demon. They are very powerful. In my current state, it is difficult to defeat them. As long as they destroy my body, those parasites will definitely die."

"I am the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale. Even if I die, I cannot let these parasites control my body." The Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale said in a cold tone, as if he didn't care about death.

Facing the Crab Demon or the Eagle Demon, who are also one of the overlords of the Dead Sea, if it were in the past, the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale would definitely have the upper hand, but no one could kill the other.

But in its current state, it is definitely not as good as the Crab Demon and the Eagle Demon.

If there was a fight to the death, the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale would definitely die.

It seems that if the plan of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale fails, then the next time the Eagle Demon comes to provoke, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale will temporarily regain control of its body, and then give it to the Eagle Demon, and then fall silent again.

In this way, if only those parasites control the battle, they will be 100% defeated by the Eagle Demon. In this way, both the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale and the parasites will die.

After all, the dwarf demons are not native creatures of the Dead Sea. If they enter the Dead Sea, they will be sucked out of life by the Dead Sea.

Even if the ninth-level ghost emperor can resist, the dwarf demons below the eighth-level ghost king will definitely die without a burial place.

And the dwarf demon clan of the ninth-level ghost emperor could not escape from the clutches of the eagle demon.

This last step is definitely a plan to perish together.

"There are so many parasites in my body that I have no control over my body. I can only temporarily gain control with the help of rules."

"But it can't last long, because without the protection of the rules, they will invade my consciousness. In addition, those parasites eat my flesh and blood all the year round, and they have tainted my aura. Even if I want to get rid of them, it is difficult to do so." The whale sighed at this.

"Master Demon Whale, do you mean that if all these parasites except the Ghost Emperor are eliminated, you will regain control of your body?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes and no, it's just that I will gain more control. Every part of my body is occupied by parasites, constantly devouring my flesh and blood."

"Even if I use the power of rules, I can only temporarily suppress those parasites and regain control. But even so, there will be an extremely uncomfortable feeling, like a lump in the throat."

"Especially Anrubu, he has taken over my brain. Even if I forcefully scrape off my flesh and blood, he can control me to use my own strength to forcefully restore my flesh and blood."

"In this case, my consciousness cannot be protected, and I can only let them slaughter me." said the magic whale.

"Master Demon Whale, actually, I have a way to get rid of those parasites except the Ghost Emperor." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"What can we do?" The magic whale looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"I have a tool that can absorb the soul power of others. With my strength, I can cover your entire body."

"Give me some time, these parasites will be drained of their souls and die, but this may also absorb your soul power."

"It's just that I'm a little powerless about the Ghost Emperor." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Hmm? Are you sure?" The Sky Devouring Demon Whale became solemn when he heard this.

Mu Rufeng nodded: "Yes, of course, it depends on whether those parasites have souls. If they don't have souls, then I can only act according to your plan."

"Yes, they are strange creatures with souls. As long as you can get rid of those ordinary parasites, I can regain control of part of my body."

"Even if I can't deal with the three Ghost Emperors for the time being, they can't think about regaining control of my body." The Sky Devouring Demon Whale's eyes suddenly lit up with a brilliant light.

Now the Sky Devouring Demon Whale is occupied by parasites all over his body, so he has lost control of his body.

Only when he uses the power of rules can he temporarily regain control of his body, but in this state, he can dig out his own flesh and blood and get rid of those parasites.

But important organs such as the brain, heart, and stomach cannot do this.

Once he digs out his own flesh and blood, then Anlubu and others will immediately consume a large amount of essence in the body to restore the dug flesh and blood.

The essence is consumed, and the rule power that protects the consciousness of the Devouring Demon Whale is weakened, so that Anlubu and others can invade the consciousness of the Devouring Demon Whale, and thus truly and thoroughly occupy the nest and control the body of the demon whale.

Why did Anlubu and others develop their tribesmen? In order to cultivate a large number of high-level parasites.

When there are enough high-level parasites, they will devour them in an instant, just like digging out flesh and blood, and then consume the essence to recover.

After all, if the swallowing speed is slow, the Devouring Demon Whale does not need to consume the power of the essence at all with its recovery ability, but only consumes the energy of the body.

In this way, the rule power will not be weakened, and they will not be able to succeed.

However, if those parasites can be killed without damage as Mu Rufeng said, then the Devouring Demon Whale will instantly gain control of part of its body.

He still couldn't control the two most important parts, the brain and the heart, but he could control other parts such as the stomach.

The Sky Devouring Demon Whale could devour a large number of Dead Sea creatures to restore its own strength.

When its own strength is strong enough, the Sky Devouring Demon Whale can directly dig out its heart or brain to wipe out the Ghost Emperor who is parasitic here.

At first, he couldn't find these parasites because the parasites had a special hidden breath that made him unable to sense, but now it's different.

These parasites are contaminated with his breath, and he can feel how they hide in the martial arts world.

So, no matter where those parasites hide in his body, he can remove them after he regains control of himself.

So, as long as Mu Rufeng can do what he said and remove those ordinary parasites all over his body, then the Sky Devouring Demon Whale will not need much loss to regain its life.

After all, for the Sky Devouring Demon Whale, removing its heart or brain is not a big injury.

"Mr. Mu, please, as long as you succeed, I will definitely give you a great gift, a very big gift." The Devouring Demon Whale held Mu Rufeng's hands and said solemnly.

"Master Demon Whale, you have also seen that my strength is only level eight, because that item needs to release the ghost den to use."

"I have also tried it. In your body, the ghost den cannot be deployed." Mu Rufeng expressed his concerns.

"This is indeed the case." The Devouring Demon Whale also frowned when he heard it.

He is the Devouring Demon Whale. Not to mention Mu Rufeng, even the three ghost emperors cannot use the ghost den on a large scale in his body, because his flesh and blood greatly hinder the expansion of the ghost den.

"In this way, I will give you a soul breath. After you refine it, you will be contaminated with my soul breath. If you use the ghost den again, there will be no obstacles." The Devouring Demon Whale thought for a while and said.

Before Mu Rufeng could speak, the Devouring Demon Whale cut off one of his arms.

The arm instantly turned into a small Devouring Demon Whale.

There were no parasites on this Devouring Demon Whale. It was as pure and small as the first one. Somehow, it felt cute.

Then the little Devouring Demon Whale flew towards Mu Rufeng and then sank into his body.

At the same time, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[There is a pure soul breath of an unowned alien species entering. Do you want to refine it? After refining, some unknown changes will occur in the direction of benefit]

"Pure soul breath of an alien species? Benefit direction? Unknown changes?" A series of questions made Mu Rufeng a little confused.

However, the system also prompted that this must be developing in a good direction.

"I have erased all my consciousness related to this part of the soul breath. There will be no side effects after you refine it. It can be regarded as a small gift from me to you." The Devouring Demon Whale said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, but he was not in a hurry to refine it.

"Master Demon Whale, there is one thing I forgot to mention. Even if I can use my ghost power, those ghost emperors will definitely find me. When they try to snipe me, I won't be able to counterattack." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Don't worry, as long as you refine my soul breath, and then use your ability to become a virtual being, hide outside my body, they won't be able to find your location at all."

"As for those barnacles outside the body, I think they can't find you in a virtual state, right?" said the Sky Devouring Demon Whale.

"Okay, I know." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"I'm going to sleep too. As long as you remove all the parasites, I can sense it and wake up immediately. At that time, I will send you a signal. Remember to run away at that time." The Sky Devouring Demon Whale said again.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

The next moment, the Sky Devouring Demon Whale waved his hand, and Mu Rufeng was dizzy.

When he woke up, Mu Rufeng found that he was still in front of that layer of skull.

"So, I have to go out now." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and then returned to the membrane.

It's a pity that the gap there has been restored.

However, Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry, but began to look for the gap in the membrane.

As long as he finds the gap bitten by the barnacles, Mu Rufeng can get out from here.

After searching for more than ten minutes, Mu Rufeng finally found a gap. Without saying a word, he revealed his figure and kicked the barnacle away.

After he became virtual, he immediately ran out from the gap.

As soon as he came out, he saw the barnacle pounced on him again and bit the gap again.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng did not knock it off. After all, if Mu Rufeng wanted to go in in the future, he could still go in from here.

This is still in the position of the brain.

Mu Rufeng did not stay here, but took some time to come to the location of the water spout.

Because the Devouring Demon Whale jumped out of the sea and then landed on its back, most of the barnacle parasites at the water spout were smashed.

Then, Mu Rufeng sat cross-legged and fell into his own soul space.

Not far away, there was a huge Devouring Demon Whale hundreds of meters long wandering aimlessly.

When it saw Mu Rufeng, it immediately swam over and circled around Mu Rufeng.

"My goodness, in the soul space of the Devouring Demon Whale, it was the same size as a puppy, but when it came to me, how did it become a giant whale of hundreds of meters?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

But this was clear after a little thought. After all, the Devouring Demon Whale was so powerful that it was a ninth-level ghost emperor who controlled the rules, and its soul was definitely very strong.

Even if it was a soul of an arm, it was definitely much stronger than Mu Rufeng.

"But, it's so big, how can I refine it? How long will it take?"

Mu Rufeng immediately began to refine it.

When Mu Rufeng had this idea, a magical scene appeared.

The giant whale immediately began to split, and then turned into thousands of small whales the size of a palm, and began to circle around Mu Rufeng.

One by one, the small whales slowly sank into Mu Rufeng's body.

Mu Rufeng only felt that his soul power was rapidly increasing.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

All the little whales in the soul space disappeared, and the cruise ship under Mu Rufeng's feet doubled again.

This also shows that his soul power has doubled.

The strength of soul power affects the strength of the ghost. It can be said that this time, Mu Rufeng's strength has been greatly improved.

Even the spiritual aspect has directly increased by 100 points.

Mu Rufeng came out of the soul space, and at this moment, he also faintly exuded the breath of the Devouring Demon Whale.

"Then, let's get started." Mu Rufeng took out the Soul Absorbing Gourd.

There are countless parasites in the Devouring Demon Whale, and the Soul Absorbing Gourd has made a lot of money this time.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng is now level 4. If the parasites of level 4 and above are killed by soul absorption, they can still trigger [Killing monsters to become stronger].

In this way, it is really a win-win situation, no, it is a win-win situation.

This place is in the depths of the Dead Sea, and the pressure is extremely high. Fortunately, in the virtual state, it is almost non-existent, but the special ability to absorb vitality is still annoying.

With Mu Rufeng's previous state, it should be no problem to hold on for a day or two.

But now it is different. Mu Rufeng suddenly has the breath of the Devouring Demon Whale, which is equivalent to the native creatures of the Dead Sea.

This special suction has no effect on him.

As long as he is not injured.

Other abilities cannot be used in the virtual state, but there is no problem using props and performing ghosts.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the soul-sucking gourd, and without saying a word, he took out 1 billion soul notes and stuffed them all into the soul-sucking gourd.

This time, the consumption is not small, especially when performing ghosts in the depths of the Dead Sea.

Just when he was about to take action, Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something, and immediately his mind moved, and he directly took back the camera prop that was still playing the image.

The mark card is really good.

Then Mu Rufeng immediately controlled the Soul Absorbing Gourd to release the Soul Absorbing Ghost Den.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also released his own Ghost Den and merged with the Soul Absorbing Ghost Den.

"Then, let's officially start!" Mu Rufeng was full of pride.

The soul notes in the Soul Absorbing Gourd were being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the Soul Absorbing Ghost Den also spread in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, it expanded for dozens of kilometers and directly enveloped the entire Devouring Demon Whale.

"Huh, the consumption is really huge, but I have a lot of soul notes, so it's not a problem." Mu Rufeng looked very relaxed at this moment.

Because his ghost cave and soul-sucking ghost cave were fused, the majority of the consumption was in soul notes, so he consumed less.

Mu Rufeng could already feel that the soul-sucking gourd had begun to absorb the soul power of the Devouring Demon Whale, and at the same time, all the parasites in the Devouring Demon Whale.

Even the three level nine ghost emperor parasites were no exception, and they could only be completely isolated by using the ghost cave.

Mu Rufeng's speed of absorbing soul power was not slow.

It took Ye Lin ten minutes to absorb 0.1 soul units before, but Mu Rufeng only needed one minute.

If it was to absorb those who had lost their resistance, it would be even faster.

In this case, those level one parasites would be sucked to death in just twenty minutes.

Level two parasites would double, and it would take forty minutes.

For each additional level, it should be doubled. At the same time, if it is a parasite that has comprehended the ghost den, it must be doubled again.

Even an eighth-level ghost king who possesses a ghost den has only 1,280 soul units, which is 1,280 minutes.

Of course, the parasite of the ghost den can also greatly slow down the absorption speed.

But in general, three to five days will definitely be enough.

It seems quite fast.


When the soul-sucking ghost den enveloped the entire Devouring Demon Whale, the three ghost emperors knew it at the first time.

Their faces changed slightly, but they soon relaxed.

Because they sensed that this layer of ghost den carried the breath of the Devouring Demon Whale, and it was obviously the ghost den released by the Devouring Demon Whale.

Not only were they not worried, but they were secretly delighted, because in this way, the rule power of the Devouring Demon Whale would be consumed again.

In this way, their plan can be implemented faster.

"It's not good, it's not good, patriarch, it's not good." Xiaolu ran back to the habitat in a panic.

Seeing this, Anlubu frowned slightly: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the contractor?"

"Patriarch, the contractor you asked me to keep an eye on is gone." Xiaolu said hurriedly.

"What? Gone? How could it be gone?" Anlubu stood up immediately and stared at Xiaolu.

"It's really gone, obviously, it was there when I looked before, but I just took a look and it disappeared." Xiaolu said hurriedly.

"Waste." Anlubu grabbed Xiaolu and quickly went to the passage.

But halfway, he suddenly stopped his body. For some reason, he felt that a trace of soul power seemed to be drawn from his body.

Although it was very weak, it was really drawn away.

But Anlubu didn't care too much. The most important thing now was the contractor.

The contractor was related to his plan, and there must be no mistakes.

As long as Mu Rufeng finished what he said, he would speed up the time to control the Devouring Demon Whale.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng would not be able to see the Devouring Demon Whale. As soon as it appeared, it would be slapped to death by Anlubu.

In just five minutes, Anlubu arrived at the passage.

Good guy, it took more than an hour to lead Mu Rufeng around before, and he walked at the same speed, but it only took five minutes.

"Damn, this guy didn't dig at all, didn't dig at all, didn't you find it for so long?" Anlubu checked the situation and stared at Xiaolu.

"No, every time I look at it, the contractor and his contracted ghost eat so hard, even I am greedy, look, I have eaten a lot of meat." Xiaolu pointed to the small hole where he had hidden before and said.

"Waste, really waste." Anlubu slapped Xiaolu to death with a slap.

And Xiaolu, who died, had his soul power instantly absorbed by the soul-sucking gourd.

"Something is wrong, something is wrong. How can this ghost cave absorb my soul power?"

Anlubu felt his soul power being sucked away again. Although it was very little, it was definitely not wrong.

Anlubu returned to the habitat without saying a word, and then asked the parasites one by one.

The parasites nodded and said that they felt it, but they were not very smart and did not care about it at all.

These parasites are only at the level of level 7 ghost generals and above, and their brains are relatively normal.

And those parasites below level 7 can be said to be a little stupid, which is commonly known as being very smart.

It is estimated that this is also a common problem of insects.

To be honest, their dwarf demons are really good, at least they have a little wisdom.

Like the blood-eating worms in the Dead Sea.

Except for the level 8 ghost king and the level 9 ghost emperor, other blood-eating worms have no reason at all. They just eat and only obey the orders of the higher blood-eating worms.

"Something is wrong, it's really wrong." Anlubu also knew that something was wrong, and two tentacles appeared on his forehead.

He was contacting his main body.

Soon, his main body knew.

Because even the ninth-level ghost emperor was still absorbed by the soul-sucking gourd.

It's just that the speed is extremely slow.

Just like the soul power of the Devouring Demon Whale, it's even slower.

Just like, now the first-level parasites have all died, but the Devouring Demon Whale has not yet absorbed 0.1 of its soul power.

Anlubu, who was deep in the brain, slowly opened his eyes.

He looked exactly like his clone Anlubu, equally short and human.

However, he was slightly different, covered with dense runes, and not wearing a single piece of clothing.

His body was filled with black brain matter, which was also being slowly absorbed by Anlubu's body.

"I didn't expect this ghost cave to cover the entire body of the demon whale and absorb the power of the soul? Is this his last fight?"

Anlubu muttered to himself.

Then he showed an excited look on his face.

Anlubu was not afraid that the Devouring Demon Whale would give it a try, but was afraid that the Devouring Demon Whale would not fight.

"You also felt it, right?" The tentacles on Anlubu's forehead slowly stretched out and directly contacted the other two ghost emperors.

"He must have used the power of rules, and the rules that protect his consciousness are definitely missing a part. Do we launch a general attack now?"

A cold female voice sounded, and this person should be the Queen of Insects.

"Look at you, you said you would start a fight." A dull voice sounded.

"Then let's start together and see if the power of the rules has been weakened." Anlubu said in a deep voice.

The three of them reached a consensus at once, and then immediately burst out their own terrifying power, and then attacked the consciousness of the Devouring Demon Whale.

Soon, the three retreated.

"The rules have not been weakened, but the soul breath has become a little weaker. What is the situation with this ghost den?"

"Damn, all the two-level parasites under my command have died."

"Now, what should we do?"

The three began to discuss how to deal with this ghost den that absorbs soul power.

"I think I know what's going on with that ghost den." Anlubu said slowly.

"What's going on?" The Queen of Insects and Barnacles asked immediately.

Anlubu: "You should all know about the contractor, right?"

"Contractor? Wait, you're not saying that a contractor has received the invitation letter and has come in?" The Queen of Insects' tone suddenly changed.

"Invitation letter? Contractor? What?" Barnacles looked confused.

"Well, that guy was under my surveillance, but he suddenly disappeared. I suspect he was taken away by the Devouring Demon Whale."

"This ghost cave now may be the masterpiece of that contractor." Anlubu said.

"You guy, you didn't tell us about such a big thing as the contractor coming in. You really have some bullshit ideas every day." The Queen of Insects scolded.

"Well, can you explain what the contractor and the invitation letter are?" The barnacle asked.

Although the barnacle tribe also belongs to the dwarf demon tribe, they are relatively slow in character and not too hurried. They only know how to eat.

Once they occupy a place, they will not move.

Eat a little, stop, and continue to eat after they grow well.

They don't pay attention to the outside world, and the reason why this barnacle ghost emperor always stares at the heart and brain is also very simple.

Because he thinks the meat of the heart and brain is the most delicious, he is greedy.

"Stop talking nonsense. The most important thing now is to find the contractor and kill him. Without him, this ghost den will disappear without a trace."

"I think you should also know what kind of consequences will occur if our tribe dies." Anlubu said slowly.

The Queen of Insects and Barnacles were silent after hearing this. Yes, they all knew that the Sky Devouring Demon Whale controlled the rules and could use the rules to temporarily gain control of the body.

It was precisely because of the parasites all over the body that the Sky Devouring Demon Whale had concerns and could not control it at will and could not restore its strength.

"Although I understand, please explain to me what a contractor is and what an invitation letter is." Barnacles spoke first.

The Queen of Insects heard this and immediately explained it to Barnacles.

"It turned out to be this. Is that contractor also a ghost emperor? This is not easy to deal with." Barnacles said.

"That living person is only a fourth-level contractor. In terms of strength, he may exceed, but he will never reach the level of a ghost emperor." Anlubu said.

"If it's not the Ghost Emperor, then what are you worried about? Just let all the tribesmen go out to find him and let them solve the problem." said the barnacle.

Anlubu shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. I asked my tribesmen, and no one has found his trace. What about you? Have your tribesmen seen him?"

"I asked, but no one has seen him." The Queen of Insects replied.

"My tribesmen haven't seen him either." The barnacle also asked the tribesmen if they had seen the contractor.

Similarly, no one in the tribe had seen him.

A certain level 8 barnacle muttered in his heart: "Contractor? I haven't seen him, but I was kicked by someone. I don't know who it was."

It's also the fault of the barnacle that he didn't make it clear, otherwise, this barnacle would definitely say that he had seen him.

Most barnacles have slow brains and naturally can't turn around.

"Barnacle, then you can go and find him." Anlubu said.

The Queen of Insects and Anlubu both occupy the position of heart and brain, so naturally they dare not walk around.

Once we go out, let’s not talk about whether the Devouring Demon Whale will cause trouble, but the barnacle will definitely cause trouble.

They will definitely occupy it as soon as possible.

“Me? Why should I go? Why don’t you two go?” The barnacle felt that he was at a disadvantage and disagreed.

"It's already late. You have to move. Let's move together." Anlubu said.

"Okay, if you two move, I will definitely move too. I must find the contractor."

"Also, remember to give me the contractor to eat. I have never eaten a living person." Fenghu said.

The two rolled their eyes at Fenghu and then hung up the call.

The three ghost emperors mobilized all the parasites to find Mu Rufeng's trace.

Even the three of them used their ghost dens to find Mu Rufeng's trace.

But there was no trace of Mu Rufeng at all.

Indeed, the three ghost emperors could use their own ghost dens to resist Mu Rufeng's soul-sucking ghost den, so as not to be sucked by soul power.

But it was useless, because the ghost dens of the three ghost emperors could only cover the area they occupied at most.

Although they could protect many parasites, it was useless. They relied on the parasites that were all over the body of the Devouring Demon Whale.

As time went by, more and more low-level parasites died, and they became more and more anxious.

Because if this continues, really, only some high-level parasites will survive.

In that case, the Devouring Demon Whale will be able to regain control of its body.

"Barnacle, did you not explain it clearly to your people? The contractor, human, living person, taller than my Anbu, and a contractor with the smell of flesh and blood." Anlubu looked at Barnacle and asked coldly.

"I said, I did what you said." Barnacle said.

The Queen of Insects immediately said: "Barnacle, are you sure you have explained it clearly to all the people of your tribe? Remember, it's all the people of your tribe."

"I have explained it, all the people of your tribe." Barnacle nodded very confidently.

"What about the outside of the body? I remember that your Barnacle tribe seems to be parasitic on the skin of the demon whale." Anlubu said in a deep voice.

"Ah? Do they also need to be notified when they are outside?" Barnacle looked surprised.

"Immediately, right now, ask me." The Queen of Insects said coldly.

To be honest, if they were not of the same race and came from the same place, they would definitely kill this guy, Barnacle.

"I asked, and an eighth-level barnacle said that he was suddenly pushed away from the parasite by a force, but soon he was parasitic again."

"But they also said that they had never seen the contractor." Barnacle said.

"Damn, that contractor must have gone outside through there, Barnacle, go out immediately, find that guy and kill him." Anlubu gave an order.

"You want me to go out? No, I won't go out, what if you occupy my territory?" Barnacle shook his head and refused.

"I say, are you stupid? We occupy your territory, so can't you occupy ours?"

"Why, the eighth-level ghost king occupied your territory, can't you take it back? And, at this time, you still care about your territory?"

"The most important thing is, if there are no two of us sitting in the brain and heart, aren't you afraid that the Devouring Demon Whale will wake up and kill the three of us directly?" Anlubu said coldly.

Only with the help of the brain and heart can they resist the sweeping power of the Devouring Demon Whale.

So, just to be honest, the reason why Barnacle didn't die was because he was protected by the two of them.

At the same time, because Barnacle was a bit stubborn, very slow, and threatening, and sometimes he could fool him, Barnacle was safe and sound.

Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't mind joining forces to kill Barnacle.

"Okay, then I'll go out to find the contractor. Remember to watch carefully and don't let the Demon Whale do it."

After Barnacle agreed, he hung up the communication again.

Then, the left side of the huge stomach suddenly fell off.

A closer look showed that what fell off was a super huge barnacle.

Obviously, this Barnacle Ghost Emperor was directly attached to this stomach.

It looked like its size had reached three thousand meters.

But soon, the Barnacle Ghost Emperor flew up again, directly shrinking to a hundred meters, and then attached to the upper stomach wall.

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle~~!"

A huge gnawing sound was heard.

Then the Barnacle Ghost Emperor quickly ate the flesh and blood in the stomach, and his figure was also crawling up quickly.

I thought the Barnacle Ghost Emperor would fly to the membrane, but I didn't expect that this guy was actually going to eat all the way.

The Barnacle Ghost Emperor is indeed a foodie. Not only is his eating speed fast, but he is also extremely accurate.

It took only about ten minutes for this guy to eat from the stomach to the membrane.

In Mu Rufeng's view, the extremely hard and difficult-to-break membrane was easily bitten out of a hole under the sharp teeth of the Barnacle Ghost Emperor.

Suddenly, a large amount of Dead Sea water poured in from the hole.

The Barnacle Ghost Emperor also climbed onto the back of the Devouring Demon Whale.

The Barnacle Ghost Emperor ignored the large amount of seawater that poured in, and began to look for Mu Rufeng's traces around.

The Dead Sea water has extremely powerful lethality to creatures that are not native to the Dead Sea.

But for the ninth-level ghost emperor's barnacle, the lethality was greatly reduced and could almost be ignored.

"Where is it?" Barnacle deployed his own ghost den and covered it in all directions.

On the other hand, Mu Rufeng also felt the ghost den of Barnacle Ghost Emperor appeared in the soul-sucking ghost den.

Without any hesitation, he directly increased the supply of soul notes and then directly suppressed Barnacle's ghost den.

Even the ghost den of the ninth-level ghost emperor, under the cover of the soul-sucking field and the weakening of the pressure of the Dead Sea, will be completely suppressed by Mu Rufeng.

The face of the barnacle ghost emperor changed slightly. He felt that his ghost den was directly shattered.

The ghost den can only be maintained within a range of 100 meters around the body at most.

What's the use of a range of 100 meters? The mask on the entire back of the Devouring Demon Whale is extremely wide.

"Forget it, since the ghost den can't be found, I can only use a stupid method."

The barnacle ghost emperor immediately floated up, a distance of tens of meters from the Devouring Demon Whale's skin, and then began to fly rapidly around.

The stupid method is naturally to search inch by inch.

At the same time, the mouth opened and hundreds and thousands of ghost powers were launched.

"Shua shua shua~~!"

The area in front was instantly covered.

In this way, even if he couldn't find it, his attack could successfully attack Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn’t know whether the attack of the Barnacle Ghost Emperor could hit him, but he knew that the Barnacle Ghost Emperor’s tribe should be almost dead.

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