I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 285 Destroy the channel again, shock the world [10,000 words]

The Walton Monument, located in the center of the National Mall, is a landmark building in the Athens area.

It is also one of the tallest stone buildings and the tallest obelisk buildings in the world.

It is a marble obelisk, square in shape, 22.4 meters wide at the bottom and 169 meters high, with 50 layers of iron ladders and high-speed elevators.

The inner wall of the monument is inlaid with 188 memorial stones donated by individuals, groups, and all over the world, one of which was donated by the government of the mite.

It is also a famous tourist area visited by many tourists.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng has appeared above the monument.

The ghost cave spread out to cover the monument, and then transferred the tourists who were visiting inside.

Then Mu Rufeng raised his hand and slapped the monument to pieces.

"Next, Silver Gate Bridge!"

Before those tourists could react, Mu Rufeng disappeared again.


Those tourists who were late to react finally reacted, and then screamed in horror.

Some tourists were frightened and fled in all directions, even though Mu Rufeng, who threatened them, had left.


The Silver Gate Bridge, also known as the "Silver Gate Strait Bridge", is a cross-sea passage connecting Old Silver Mountain and Marin County. It is located on the Silver Gate Strait and is the main symbol of Old Silver Mountain City.

It was completed and opened to traffic in 1937. It is 2,780 meters long, with six lanes in both directions, and cost 35 million Mi Yuan.

This is not 35 million in modern society, but 25 million to 35 million in 1937.

If it is put in today's society, don't even think about building it without 1 billion Mi Yuan.

Mu Rufeng released the ghost cave and covered the entire Silver Gate Bridge.

The traffic on the car is still very large. Mu Rufeng directly blocked the entrance. These cars can only go out, not in.

In a short while, both ends of the bridge were directly blocked.

Of course, it still takes a few minutes for all the vehicles on the bridge to leave.

Three minutes passed in a flash.

All the vehicles left.

Mu Rufeng didn't want to waste time, and a few explosions of fire spells destroyed the Silver Gate Bridge directly.

Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry to leave, but took out the Soul Absorbing Gourd directly, and then directly cast the Soul Absorbing Field.

In the blink of an eye, it directly covered the entire Old Silver Mountain.

After a minute, everyone was absorbed 0.1 soul units.

"Not here, then the next one." Mu Rufeng collected the Soul Absorbing Field and then went directly to the next city.

For Mu Rufeng, it was still easy to find the channel again, but it was a bit of a waste of time.

With the Soul Absorbing Gourd in hand, he could easily release the Soul Absorbing Field that covered the entire city.

He could feel everything in the field, so it took a little time to run all over the United States. Couldn't he find it?

As for whether the channel would be placed in another country, this was simply impossible.

After all, once the channel was opened, it could not be moved.

Just as Mu Rufeng was looking for the channel location and destroying the landmark building, the international and Internet were already in an uproar.

Today is destined to be a day that shocks the world.



At this moment, the Internet is all discussing Mu Rufeng's actions.

Some people strongly support and cheer him on, some people do not speak or comment, and some are guys who have been kneeling for a long time.

Even in this era, there are still such people.

They condemn Mu Rufeng, question Mu Rufeng, think Mu Rufeng is a criminal, think that Mu Rufeng should be sentenced to death, and then let China apologize and finally compensate the United States.

Of course, this kind of people are also sprayed by the first kind of people and dare not show their heads.


To be honest, Mu Rufeng actually has another way to easily get the channel location.

But Mu Rufeng did not do it, because he now wants to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, so that the world can see who is the boss now.

And the United States is this chicken.

Do you really think they have no temper? Holding a mushroom bomb as the boss?

Do you think it is still the old world? This is the era of the contractors.

Even if the mushroom bombs come, as long as they are not the kind that explode on the spot after being launched, Mu Rufeng can avoid them.

Of course, he can also harvest some soul power by the way when he searches for them city by city.

Every time Mu Rufeng goes to a city, he destroys the most conspicuous landmark building and absorbs 0.1 soul units.

In just two hours, Mu Rufeng has swept through forty cities.

Facing the clamor of the United States, and even threatening to throw mushroom bombs, Mu Rufeng did not pay any attention to it at all.

It doesn't matter, throw them if you have the guts. Anyway, he is not afraid now, and this is still the United States, how can he be afraid.

This time, the United States can almost lose all its face.

Because they have no way to stop Mu Rufeng.

Before, they gathered a group of people and made a lot of powerful rule props to try to kill Mu Rufeng.

It's a pity that Mu Rufeng has the talent of rule suppression, and those rule props have no effect at all.

Mu Rufeng had never used this rule suppression before, mainly because he had no chance to use it.

Rule suppression can be activated actively, and once activated, all rules against Mu Rufeng will be suppressed by one level.

It can also be turned off, and there will be no reaction if it is turned off.

Similar to some rule props and rule skills, even if the strength gap is too large, there will be mandatory constraints.

But once Mu Rufeng turns on the rule suppression, then when the strength gap is too large, the rule props will not be able to act on Mu Rufeng compulsorily.

Therefore, the group of contractors who came to attack and stop Mu Rufeng were all killed by Mu Rufeng.

However, there were no level 8 contractors, only a few level 7 and multiple level 6 contractors.

"After running so many cities, the chickens should be almost killed."

Mu Rufeng immediately went directly to Niuyue City.

The headquarters of the official contractor forces in the United States is located in Niuyue City.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the headquarters, several senior officials were meeting with several senior officials such as Si Fu.

The senior officials naturally wanted Si Fu to deal with Mu Rufeng's affairs immediately.

But Si Fu completely ignored it and just said, let Mu Rufeng destroy it, anyway, it's just some useless buildings.

As for the lost face? He doesn't care, how much is face worth?

When Mu Rufeng appeared in the conference room, everyone's attention was attracted.

"Why can't you find him? Are you going to attack me?" Si Fu looked at Mu Rufeng and sneered: "Although I don't know why you are so powerful, as long as my heart stops beating, then the mushroom bomb will be launched all over the world."

"Of course, you can also choose not to believe it, just do it." Si Fu was sure that Mu Rufeng didn't dare to do it.

"You still threaten me with mushroom bombs? Joke." Mu Rufeng seemed to have heard something funny.

He sneered at this. It was a joke. How could all the nuclear bombs in the United States be linked to this guy's heartbeat?

Those who didn't know thought that the United States was controlled by this guy. Did he really think that those senior officials and consortiums were all made of paper?

"Are you Mu Rufeng from the relevant Chinese department? Stop your actions immediately, and apologize to the international community immediately and compensate-"

Boom! With a sound!

The guy who scolded Mu Rufeng exploded instantly, and blood spilled all over the ground.

Another senior official beside him trembled all over, and then looked at Mu Rufeng with horror.

He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to dare to take action. They were not ordinary people, but people with power.

"In this world, the bigger the fist, the more right it is. Do you understand?" Mu Rufeng looked at the senior official and said coldly.

He was frightened by Mu Rufeng's greeting and took a step back. His feet slipped and he sat on the ground, trembling.

At this moment, he finally knew that in this era, power is not important, but one's own strength is important.

When one does not have the strength to guard the wealth and power in his hands, he can only be slaughtered.

They were afraid of death, so they did not enter the dungeon world. Even if the login bracelet could keep them from dying, they were still very scared.

Mu Rufeng looked at Si Fu, and with a thought, he took out a mushroom bomb and smashed it hard on the ground.

"Boom!" There was a sound.

A big hole was smashed directly on the ground, and the room shook twice.

"Do you know him? Don't think you are the only ones who have mushroom bombs. I have them too." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

When the mushroom bomb appeared, it was clear that Si Fu's pupils shrank slightly.

Others were the same, looking at Mu Rufeng in horror.

"So what if you have it? Do you dare to detonate it?" Si Fu was not afraid at all, as if he had Mu Rufeng in his hands.

"Hehe." Mu Rufeng smiled and put away the nuclear bomb.

"Now, tell me where the real-world channel of Wang Xi Youxuan is." Mu Rufeng asked slowly.

"Haha, do you think I will tell you? The location of the channel is in the third largest nature reserve in the Tongass National Forest in the country. Do you think I will tell you? Go to the farm? Go to every city? Do you think you can find it? Haha."

Si Fu laughed wantonly and directly told the location of the channel.

Everyone in the conference room was stunned when they saw this scene.

Listening to Si Fu's tone, he was very tough and there was no possibility that he would tell the location.

But what did they hear now? Sifu actually told the location of the channel.

Is Sifu Morgan's brain sick?

Of course his brain is not sick, it's just that Mu Rufeng changed his cognition with the ability of [subliminal influence].

So, as long as Sifu doesn't want to tell Mu Rufeng, he will tell it directly. If he wants to tell Mu Rufeng, he won't tell it.

The method Mu Rufeng mentioned before is this, easy and simple.

Although this guy's strength is an eighth-level contractor, he has no ability to resist at all under Mu Rufeng's full firepower.

"It turned out to be in the Tongass National Forest, too. It seems to be the largest primeval forest in the United States. There are more wild animals in it than on the farm."

"And there are few people there, which is convenient for you to transport people and animals in the city, right?" Mu Rufeng smiled.

"How do you know where it is? How do you know?" Sifu's originally sneered expression suddenly froze.

"Impossible, why. Why do you know where it is?" Sifu said in disbelief.

The people in the conference room were all confused. They looked at Sifu as if he was a fool.

Brother, stop kidding. Didn't you say that yourself? You are acting like it's real now.

"Of course you told me yourself. Also, tell me, why did Jason not violate the rules and contracts even though you rebuilt the channel?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

Mu Rufeng still cares about this. After all, it was a rules and contracts. The channel was rebuilt, but it was perfectly avoided?

"Humph, if you want me to say it, I'll have to die. After all, the channel was not rebuilt by us, but by the people of Jia Na Da. They just built it here."

"And they didn't build the channel with Wang Xi Youxuan. So what if Jason knew about it? He didn't violate the contract." Si Fu said again.

"Huh? What a Jia Na Da, so that's the case. I didn't expect that the signed rules and contracts could have such a big loophole."

"It seems that the contract regulations still need to be considered more." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

He really didn't expect that he could bypass the rules and contracts like this?

It seems that the rules and contracts still need to be considered more. It's best to let a lawyer take a look at the contract.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng left here directly.

"Why, why did you know again? Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Sifu shouted angrily.

"Mu Rufeng, as long as you dare to destroy the channel, I will definitely-"

Sifu was interrupted by Mu Rufeng before he finished speaking: "I tell you, I will definitely destroy the channel, even if you throw mushroom bombs."

Mu Rufeng left as soon as he finished speaking.

"Damn it, damn it, all of you deserve to die~~!" Sifu was extremely angry, and then punched the side wall.

With a roar, the house collapsed directly, covering everyone in the conference room.

Fortunately, there were many contractors in the conference room, who protected those ordinary people and senior officials, otherwise, they would have died.

Soon, Sifu soared into the sky from the ruins, and then headed towards a base somewhere.


Endless sea of ​​clouds, a large number of mountains, lakes, and countless trees.

This is a paradise for wild animals.

Establishing a secret channel here, with the ability of the contractor, catching these wild animals is just like playing.

If Mu Rufeng hadn't asked Sifu, he might not have found this place.

Although he knew that the channel was established here, this place is very large.

The Tongass Forest is the largest virgin forest in the United States, covering an area of ​​6.8 million hectares, stretching across a sea of ​​many islands and a long coast covering 73% of the land in the Alaska Inlet Channel.

The Tongass National Forest includes 19 nature reserves, the Admiralty Islands National Monument Park, and the Misty Fjord National Scenic Area.

Mu Rufeng knew that the channel was in the third largest reserve, so he naturally narrowed it down to a range for Mu Rufeng.

It took some time for Mu Rufeng to arrive at the third reserve.

Mu Rufeng was too lazy to look for it, so he took out the soul-sucking gourd directly, and the soul-sucking field spread out instantly.

"Found it!" Mu Rufeng smiled.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng flashed and disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he was already above an 800-meter-high mountain.

A huge cave had been dug out of the mountain.

The channel was built in this cave.

Mu Rufeng could also see a lot of modern buildings and a large number of security personnel below.

There were also a lot of vehicles coming in and out.

Mu Rufeng even saw a large number of wild animals coming here from time to time, and finally they were shot and thrown into the car.

After each car was full, it was directly transported back to the cave.

It was estimated that some props were used to attract these wild animals.

"Everyone, you have ten minutes to retreat."

Mu Rufeng's voice reached everyone's ears.

When those people found Mu Rufeng in the sky, they immediately felt like they were facing a great enemy.

But Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and several meteorites slowly emerged in the sky.

A terrifying breath spread down.

Seeing this, those people jumped on the pickup truck without any hesitation and drove madly towards the outside.

Ten minutes later, the meteorite crashed down.

The horrible explosion swept in all directions in an instant, the sky was filled with a red halo, and the earth shook, as if the sky was falling and the earth was splitting.

The 800-meter-high mountain also collapsed under the impact of the meteorite.

It took a long time before the calm gradually returned.

Mu Rufeng released the ghost cave and explored the bottom. The channel had been destroyed. Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to leave, he suddenly looked up and looked into the distance, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Hehe, you really dare to launch mushroom bombs." Mu Rufeng sneered, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Ring, ring, ring~~!"

Mu Rufeng's mobile phone also rang at the right time.

Mu Rufeng took it and saw that it was Ye Lin calling.

"Mu Rufeng, run quickly, crazy, really crazy, XXX base launched mushroom bombs, and the attack location is not yet known." Ye Lin said anxiously after the call was connected.

"I just destroyed the channel, and the attack point is here. Okay, I'll hang up first." Mu Rufeng said, and hung up the phone directly.

Mu Rufeng could clearly feel the breath that made him a little palpitating was approaching rapidly.

Mushroom bombs, although modern technology, can indeed pose a threat to him.

After all, this is the most powerful weapon in modern society.

Just like the latest bad movie "Dune 2", which is in the interstellar era and the interstellar immigrants have migrated, the aliens in it are still using mushroom bombs.

Mu Rufeng originally wanted to deal with the mushroom bombs, but he suddenly remembered that this place seemed to be in the United States.

The mushroom bomb exploded, and it also hit their own territory. What the hell happened to Guan Mu Rufeng?

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng smiled, deal with it? Deal with it, but the person who fired the mushroom bombs still needs to be dealt with.

The ghosts quickly expanded and covered Mu Rufeng's figure.

Mu Rufeng then put away the sesame ball, turned it into a blur, and headed straight towards the XXX base.

When Mu Rufeng was deenergized, the palpitation in her heart suddenly weakened a lot. It seemed that this kind of damage could also be weakened a lot after being deenergized.


When the mushroom bomb arrived at the predetermined location, it exploded.

A mushroom cloud slowly rose in the third nature reserve.

Terrifying shock waves swept away in all directions.

Mu Rufeng was already dozens of kilometers away.

As for the incoming shock wave, when it swept across Mu Rufeng's body, there was no ripple at all, just like a breeze blowing.

Nature reserve? National forest? The largest virgin forest?

After this mushroom bomb, it was gone, everything was gone, and because of radiation, this place would still be a barren land decades later.

In a base somewhere.

Sifu was staring at the location of the mushroom bomb displayed on the radar.

When he saw the mushroom bomb explode successfully, a ferocious look appeared on his face.

"Die, die!" Sifu's eyes were red, veins popped up on his forehead, and there was a black breath all over his body.

But the surroundings were filled with the strong smell of blood.

Several monsters with terrifying shapes were grabbing the corpse and gnawing at it.

Looking at this situation, it seems that Sifu directly controlled the base, then carried out massacre and forcibly dropped mushroom bombs.

"Sv, that's right. If you don't kill a few people, how can they listen to you? And that little fourth-level contractor actually dares to do that."

"The mushroom bomb will definitely kill him." A strange man with a strange shape sat on a chair nearby.

This strange woman is also holding a tall and tall woman in her arms, but you can see that there is a big hole in her head, and you can see the white tofu inside.

Wei glanced at Sifu, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, then opened his mouth and sucked, and saw the tofu brain being sucked into his mouth, and finally showed an expression of enjoyment.

Sifu is actually stronger than Jason. One of the important reasons why Jason is the minister of the United States instead of him is that his emotions are strangely affected.

Some contract tricks will affect the character and emotions of the contractor. The most intuitive one is that they will become more bloodthirsty, violent, and cold-blooded.

Of course, this is still a minority, and it mainly depends on the weirdness of the contract.

"I just said, how could people in the United States be so stupid as to set off mushroom bombs in their own homes? It turns out that you have killed everyone here."

"However, if you kill them all, how can you control the release of mushroom bombs? Can this Weird control people?" Mu Rufeng's figure suddenly appeared in the control room and looked at the weird Weird.

"You, why are you here?" Sifu suddenly turned his head to look at Mu Rufeng, with a shocked look on his face.

"The mushroom bomb is very powerful, but even if you are an eighth-level ghost king with ghosts, isn't it easy to avoid it? Let alone me." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

You won't be stupidly waiting to explode. Even if it's an ordinary eighth-level ghost king, it's hard for you to hurt others with mushroom bombs.

Unless you detonate it directly at close range, it will be accurate every time you run.

"Death!" Sifu's shocked expression faded, and then became ferocious again.

Countless cunning hands stretched out from the void to grab Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng sneered, and his whole body flashed with thunder and fire.

These cunning hands were destroyed by the Thunderfire Armor before they even got close.

"Let you also have a taste of the explosion."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he waved his hand and saw dense explosions of thunder and flames appearing all around.

Before Sif could react, a series of explosions sounded, flooding the entire base.

But Mu Rufeng had already left the base before the explosion.

The fire and thunder soaring into the sky changed the color of the sky.

A small mushroom cloud also rose from here.

There are no big mushroom clouds, because the mushroom bombs in this base were confiscated by Mu Rufeng. There are not many, only two.

[Triggered successfully, constitution +0.5, ghost energy +0.1%]

[Triggered successfully, spirit +0.3, ghost energy +0.1%]

It was triggered six times in total.

In other words, Sifu contracted a total of five contracted monsters, two of which were level seven, one of which was level five, and two of which were level six.

"It's a joke that the heart is linked to the mushroom bomb." Mu Rufeng sneered.

"Done, go home."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the sesame ball, directly turned on the Fire Chariot mode and then used the Mecha mode.

"Master, where are we going now?"

"go home."

"Okay, Master!"

After Ma Qiu responded, he immediately flew towards Chang Sha.

Mu Rufeng also took out her mobile phone and dialed Ye Lin's number. Soon, the call was connected.

"Minister Ye, the matter is settled. Also, Si Fu was killed by me. Please do some public relations. I will send you a video when the time comes." Mu Rufeng said.

"Sifu was killed by you? Video? What video?" Ye Lin was stunned for a moment and then said.

"You will know after reading it. By the way, if the United States does not publicly apologize, don't give them the login bracelet at the exit."

"Other countries are not allowed to trade with the United States, otherwise their export qualifications will be cancelled." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it. Although today's matter is a bit big, we can take care of it, so you don't have to feel any psychological burden." Ye Lin said.

"Psychological burden? Haha, Minister Ye, how can people like us have psychological burden? I'll hang up now. I'm a little sleepy. I'll take a nap for a while and talk later." Mu Rufeng said and was about to hang up.

"Wait a minute, don't hang up in a hurry. Do you want to go back to Changsha directly or come to the capital?" Ye Lin said quickly.

"What's wrong with you? If it's not something very important, I won't go." Mu Rufeng replied.

"It's not too important. You should rest first."


Mu Rufeng hung up the phone, then gave some instructions to Ma Qiu, then closed her eyes slightly and fell into a deep sleep.

There is a turmoil all over the world right now.

They almost unanimously criticized Mu Rufeng with words and writings.

In China, they are all people who dunk 666, shout powerful and domineering, and cheer.

Those who wanted to refute were overwhelmed by these people with almost no resistance.

This is true among the people, and the same is naturally true among the officials, and they are extremely tough in condemning other countries.

It also directly interrupted the landing bracelet trade with the United States.

All of a sudden, other countries stopped talking and shut their mouths.

What is still happening today are almost all condemnations issued by the United States and some areas they control.

Mu Rufeng had no idea about this. He was still lying in the mecha sleeping soundly.

When Mu Rufeng returned to Changsha, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

"Master, master, we're home." The ball flew in through the open window and landed lightly on the tiles.

At the same time, I am also afraid of stepping on something or burning something with the flames on my body. The flames have disappeared before landing, so I have to be extremely careful when landing.

"Are you here?" Mu Rufeng woke up, looked around, and found that he was indeed back.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'm quite sleepy. I'll take a nap first and I won't let you go back. You can play by yourself."

Mu Rufeng yawned, walked into the bedroom, and then lay on the bed and continued to sleep soundly.

When Ma Qiu heard this, he was extremely happy. What did the master say? Let him play by himself, that is to say, he can do whatever he wants after that.

"The master said that the owners of Bones and the others are all contractors of the Wancheng District branch. It is now seven o'clock and they should be working overtime to go and play with Bones and the others."

Ma Qiu thought of this and immediately jumped out of the window.

In the mid-air, the Chariot of Fire mode was activated, soaring to level six. Then, as soon as Guixiao opened, it started driving directly in the mid-air, targeting the nearby Wancheng District branch.

Because the Wancheng District branch is a newly built building, it has also hired a lot of employees.

There are so many employees commuting to and from get off work every day, so there will be many food stalls outside Wancheng District at specific times every day.

Although there is free breakfast, lunch and dinner in the cafeteria, you will always get tired of it, and the employees are not short of money, so business here is very good.

At the same time, because this is a relevant department, many people come here to check in, so the flow of people has increased significantly.

The business of those food stalls became even more prosperous, and then more and more food stalls were set up.

After Cheng Youlin found out, in order to facilitate management, he directly divided a place and built a snack street, making it the most prosperous snack street in Wancheng District.

"Fuck, look at the sky!" A man who was feeding sausage to his partner suddenly looked at the sky and yelled, "Fuck."

The sound was so loud that people around him were attracted and subconsciously looked up into the sky.

Then, they saw a blazing locomotive driving in the sky, leaving a long trail of flames in the sky wherever it passed.

"Oh my God, Hell Knight?"

"Flame locomotive? Do you want it to be so handsome?"

"No one, why hasn't anyone ridden it yet? You can drive it yourself?"

A group of people suddenly shouted.

There were many contractors nearby, and they discovered them immediately.

But they soon discovered that this motorcycle seemed to be Mu Rufeng's car.

Soon, the ball flew into the yard of the relevant department.

The flames on his body disappeared instantly as soon as he hit the ground.

There were many people around who looked over.

"Your name is Ma Qiu, right? Isn't Minister Mu still abroad? Why are you back?" A contractor asked.

"Yes, yes, where is Minister Mu?"

"Minister Mu is so handsome today. Heigong said he was going to explode and he actually exploded, haha."

A group of people immediately gathered around, extremely excited.

"The master is tired and sleeping at home. He let me play by myself for a while, and then I came to see my friends, bones and branches. I came to see you."

As Ma Qiu spoke, he suddenly saw two small electric donkeys squeezed out from the crowd. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately ran over.

"Bone, branch, where are the others? Why are there only the two of you?" Ma Qiu said immediately.

"Ma Qiu? Are you Ma Qiu?"

"Really Ma Qiu? How come you look so good now? And you were on fire just now, and you can fly, so handsome."

Bones and branches couldn't believe it at first, and then they confirmed it after hearing Ma Qiu speak, and immediately said excitedly.

"Paper Box followed his master to the dungeon, Garbage Bag and Bracelet went out with their master, and Kettle and Circle went home with their master." Bones said hurriedly.

"Oh, is that so? I was looking for everyone to get together, but it seems that there are only three of us." Ma Qiu felt a little sorry, but soon became extremely happy.

The people around saw the three vehicles reminiscing about the past, although they wanted to ask about Mu Rufeng, but they were too embarrassed to interrupt for a while.


At eight o'clock the next morning, Mu Rufeng woke up on time.

After sleeping for a day, it was really comfortable.

After taking a shower and preparing breakfast, Mu Rufeng picked up his phone.

Every time he eats, Mu Rufeng habitually plays with his phone, whether it is watching short videos or reading novels.

Of course, it is not like this when he is loading and unloading. After all, he is exhausted and hungry all day. When he eats, he has no time to play with his phone.

It is different now. Now I have plenty of time. I like to eat slowly and then play with my phone. This feeling can be described in one word, cool!

"Huh? Why are there so many missed calls?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

Just when he turned on his phone, he saw more than 20 missed calls, half of which were from Ye Lin, and Cheng Youlin called him five times.

Mu Rufeng immediately exited the Do Not Disturb mode.

Because there are always people looking for him when he sleeps these days, he is too lazy to be disturbed, so he turns on Do Not Disturb when he sleeps.

Mu Rufeng called Ye Lin back first.

"What's the matter? Called me more than a dozen times in a row?" After the call was connected, Mu Rufeng spoke first.

"The matter has been resolved. The United States has held a press conference to publicly apologize, and the mushroom bomb matter has been thrown to Sifu."

"And they also promised never to open the channel again, just hoping that we can resupply the landing bracelet and absorb vitality." Ye Lin said with a smile.

"Haha, it seems that they are still afraid." Mu Rufeng laughed.

"Haha, how could they not be afraid? They are about to riot, and it's not just ordinary people, but also those individual contractors."

"They are all a group of guys who are not afraid of heaven or earth. If the old president doesn't want to step down, he will definitely apologize." Ye Lin laughed.

"Since the public apology is done, it's fine. This matter is over. I will start a new round of soul absorption in a few days." Mu Rufeng said.

"Now all countries in the world are not short of soul notes, so for the payment of the landing bracelet, I only accept soul notes or minerals and other resources. As for the United States, the price of the landing bracelet is doubled." Ye Lin said.

"This is OK." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Anything else? I'm having breakfast." Mu Rufeng said, slurping up a mouthful of red rice noodles.

"One more thing, do you know the third forbidden place in the strange world?" Ye Lin suddenly said.

"The third forbidden place? What? Is this copy about to start?" Mu Rufeng immediately became alert after hearing this.

He still has a first-class identity certificate for the third forbidden place.

It's just that he has no idea when it will open and any information about the forbidden place.

"So it seems that you can also enter? That's good, after all, it only happens once every thousand years, and you can't miss this copy. I feel that I should be able to enter in the near future." Ye Lin said.

"I can't enter with my level, but I got something that allows me to enter. I don't know anything about the third forbidden place."

Because the third forbidden place requires level seven to be eligible to enter, Mu Rufeng, a level four contractor, would definitely not be able to enter if he didn't go through special channels.

"So that's the case. I only know a little bit. I hope I can have a big harvest this time." Ye Lin said slowly.

Death or something, with the login bracelet, there is no worry at all, just afraid of returning empty-handed and wasting such a good opportunity.

Mu Rufeng hung up the phone and then called Zhou Wen back.

There was nothing to do, just wanted to ask about some things that Mu Rufeng did when he went abroad.

Mu Rufeng did not hide anything and told Zhou Wen one by one.

Then Mu Rufeng called his parents and his third uncle back.

They also knew about Mu Rufeng's affairs. Now the whole network is talking about this topic, it is impossible for them not to know.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to make the next call, he saw Tian Lin's call.

It was a coincidence. He was about to call Tian Lin back, but he didn't expect him to call.

"Finally got through, Xiaofeng, what you did yesterday was really manly and domineering. The scene of blowing up the Black Palace was so cool."

As soon as the phone was connected, Tian Lin's loud voice came.

"Minister Tian, ​​your voice is still so loud." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Hey, I'm no longer a minister, but you've become the deputy minister of the headquarters. You're a higher official than me, Minister Mu!" Tian Lin said jokingly.

"Xiao Tian, ​​you have to have a proper attitude, understand? Haha~~!" Mu Rufeng said with a straight face, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"You guy, by the way, I have a message for you." Tian Lin suddenly said seriously.

"News? What news?"

"Han Chen knows?"

"Yes, he is the second in command." Mu Rufeng nodded.

This old guy apologized to him very sincerely, probably because he knew that the gap between him and him was too huge and he couldn't think of anything else.

"That old guy has a granddaughter, who was arranged by him to your Wancheng branch." Tian Lin said.

"What? His granddaughter? Assigned to the Wancheng branch? What is this guy doing? Wait, it can't be because of me."

Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered that when he was in the Suiyue Book Room, Han Chen said that he had a very beautiful granddaughter...

"Hey, you guessed it right, that guy is not a good person, but the granddaughter is really pretty. I don't know if it's his child, but I think you should not mess with her."

"If you need a girlfriend, I will introduce my niece to you, Xiaoyi, Qian Xiaoyi, you have seen her, she is not bad, right? How is it?" Tian Lin laughed.

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