I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 286: Return to the Golden City, with full cheats! [10,000 words]

"Goodbye, the strange world is coming, how can I have this mind now." Mu Rufeng quickly refused.

"It is because the strange world is coming that I should find a wife and have a child. At the very least, it can leave a bloodline for myself, and at the most, it can continue the bloodline of mankind." Tian Lin persuaded.

"Then why don't you find a wife and have a child quickly? I remember you are 40 years old this year, right?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Huh? How do you know I'm married? How do you know my wife is pregnant?" Tian Lin said in surprise.

"Huh? Brother Tian, ​​when did you get married??? Even my wife is pregnant?" Mu Rufeng asked in shock.

You know, when Tian Lin was a minister in Changsha, he was not married. He was a super leftover man.

"Oh, I was transferred to Beijing, met a blind date, and got married directly." Tian Lin said.

"No way, you got married without a wedding?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Isn't this a home run? I thought I'd talk for a while longer, but I found out I was pregnant after a checkup last week. It's almost time. We've already got the marriage certificate and are planning the wedding."

"You kid, remember to come over." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I'll definitely come."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng called Cheng Youlin again.

Just said that the call was not connected and was on the line.

Mu Rufeng shrugged and ignored it, and started to eat breakfast.

A few minutes later, Cheng Youlin called.

"My Minister Mu, are you finally awake? Hurry up and take your Ma Qiu back." Cheng Youlin's voice came as soon as the phone was connected.

"Ah? What's wrong? What's wrong with Ma Qiu? He's not at my house. Huh?" Mu Rufeng reacted immediately, yes, where is Ma Qiu?

"I can't control it anyway, so come quickly. By the way, I'll send you a link and you can click on it and see for yourself." Cheng Youlin said and hung up the phone.

Then, Cheng Youlin sent a link on WeChat.

Mu Rufeng immediately clicked on it and jumped directly to the short video APP.

This is a live broadcast room with more than 100,000 viewers. At the same time, the gift special effects kept flashing, making Mu Rufeng unable to see the live broadcast screen clearly.

Mu Rufeng immediately pressed the middle of the screen and swiped to the right, and the live broadcast room suddenly became clear.

Then, Mu Rufeng saw the anchor of the live broadcast, and the anchor was not a person.

Yes, not a person, but a fiery motorcycle, that is, Ma Qiu.

Behind Ma Qiu were eight brand-new electric donkeys. At this moment, their rear wheels were on the ground, and the front wheels were raised and constantly swinging.

The live broadcast room was also playing a very magical song. Ma Qiu and his friends were swaying to the sound of the song, which was extremely exciting.

Watching beautiful women dancing? No, no, no, it's already out.

Now the vehicles in this weird world can not only speak and have thoughts, but also broadcast live dancing, which simply refreshes everyone's three views.

Well, it also refreshes Mu Rufeng's three views.

"I haven't seen this kid Ma Qiu for a night, and now he's broadcasting live?" Mu Rufeng was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

"But he dances pretty well, is quite popular, and gives gifts...Huh? Hmm? Ah?" Mu Rufeng found something wrong again.

This live broadcast account seems to be Mu Rufeng's account.

Mu Rufeng immediately clicked on the avatar of the live broadcast room, and then went back to his homepage directly?

"What the hell? Two accounts? One account? How did Ma Qiu log in to my account?" Mu Rufeng was confused.

But when Mu Rufeng saw his homepage, he couldn't hold it anymore.

His online name is Zombie King, which has not changed, but there is an extra bracket at the end, and the five words "Ma Qiu's Master" are written in the bracket.

In addition, there is some more information about Ma Qiu in the profile below.

[I am Ma Qiu, a level 5 vehicle, can speak and sing, knows the maps of the weird world and the real world, can turn on the mecha mode and the chariot mode, can be called a level 7 vehicle at the highest, can use the ghost to shuttle through space, has extremely powerful abilities, the owner is Mu Rufeng, deputy director of the headquarters of the relevant department]

Then, looking at the bottom, there is actually an extra video.

He remembers that he has not posted a video.

Mu Rufeng clicked in to take a look. The content of the video is that Ma Qiu is in a normal state, then turns on the chariot mode, and finally starts to show off his skills, and even drives in the air, leaving a trail of fire marks.

Look at the number of likes again, wow, more than 13 million, look at the time of posting, it was 10 o'clock last night.

Then he looked at his number of fans, which has reached 20 million.

Twenty million fans increased overnight? ? ?

Mu Rufeng immediately opened his message column, and then clicked into the second-level page. Suddenly, 999 messages kept coming, and new messages were constantly being refreshed.

Because Mu Rufeng had commented on a popular video before, the number of likes exploded, reaching more than 100,000.

People kept replying and liking, chatting with him privately, cursing him, and paying attention to him. This made Mu Rufeng unable to defend himself, so he simply blocked them all and moved them to the second-level page.

So, Mu Rufeng didn't see it when he was watching short videos before.

"This mahjong is really good at playing." Mu Rufeng glanced at the breakfast on the table.

It took him three minutes to finish several bowls of rice noodles, several baskets of steamed buns and siu mai, fried dough sticks and eggs.

He also drank a large bottle of milk, and then Mu Rufeng jumped directly from the window.

Taking the elevator or jumping off a building, jumping off a building is undoubtedly the fastest.


On the green sidewalk on the left side of the gate of the Wancheng District branch of the relevant department.

There was originally a row of trees planted on the sidewalk on the left side, and then a large area of ​​green grass was planted near the wall, and there was also a road for people to walk.

The road from the wall to the auxiliary road is six meters wide.

It’s just that because of the snack street, the trees and green grass were directly transplanted, and then the auxiliary road was also corrected to make a snack street.

There are two rows of stalls on the left and right, five meters apart, with a very wide road in the middle. Cars are not allowed to enter, only pedestrians are allowed to walk.

Even during the day, the snack stalls here are open from morning to early morning.

Even for the convenience of the road administration, a flyover was built directly to connect the opposite side of the road.

Therefore, there were unusually many people, and nearby residents would come here to eat breakfast in the morning.

At this moment, here, there was a thing that was not a human being broadcasting live.

There were still people standing around, one circle after another, constantly shouting, and the atmosphere was extremely happy.

"Everyone, let's have fun! Didi Didi Didi Didi!"

Ma Qiu kept swaying his body, and the horn sounded from time to time with the rhythm.

"Hey, you head, let you play by yourself, what are you playing with?"

Mu Rufeng's figure fell from the sky and landed in front of Ma Qiu.

Lightning and fire flashed, highlighting Mu Rufeng's majesty and domineering.


"Ah ah ah~~"

"It's Mu Rufeng, it's Minister Mu!!!"

At this moment, people around screamed crazily.


Ma Qiu's swinging dance steps stopped instantly, and he looked at Mu Rufeng timidly.

But he soon thought of something, and he hurriedly said: "Master, Master, you said you let me go out to play last night, and I didn't make any trouble. I'm making money."

The eight electric donkeys behind Ma Qiu stood there honestly, not daring to move a bit.

"Yes, I let you go out to play, but who asked you to start a live broadcast? And log in to my account? Make money? What do you make money for?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

The shouting of the onlookers around unconsciously became smaller, because they had to take out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

Some people also wanted to come forward to ask for autographs or take photos, but they didn't dare to come up when they saw Mu Rufeng scolding Ma Qiu.

"Make money to buy a house for the master!" Ma Qiu said hurriedly.

"Uh" Mu Rufeng didn't know what to say for a while after hearing this.


"Love it, love it, Ma Qiu really, I love it too much."

"Wow, I wish I had a car like this."

"Wow, a car that can make money, I want one too~~!"

"I saw that the gifts on the live broadcast never stopped. During the few hours of live broadcast, the gift money must have been at least tens of millions."

The onlookers around shouted even more crazily.

"Make money and buy me a house? Who told you that?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Minister Cheng Youlin, and it was Minister Cheng Youlin who told me to start the live broadcast." Ma Qiu said honestly.

"Cheng Youlin? Very good, then how did you log in to my account? Where did you get this tablet for live broadcast?" Mu Rufeng pointed to the live broadcast equipment and said.

"It was also given to me by Minister Cheng Youlin. I can connect to the owner's mobile phone, so I can log in to the owner's account, and this is a tablet, and the tablet and mobile phone can be logged in at the same time." Ma Qiu explained.

"Come here." Mu Rufeng finally stopped talking and waved to Ma Qiu.

Ma Qiu ran over immediately, but before Mu Rufeng could put him into the inventory, he put the tablet computer that was still live streaming into its storage space.

At the same time, before putting it into the inventory, he directly controlled the tablet computer account and said in the live broadcast room: I will broadcast it next time.

"Huh? Where is the tablet?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised when he saw the tablet computer disappear.

"Master, I put it into my own storage space." Ma Qiu said.

"Storage space? Do you have a storage space too?"

"Yes, Master, there is a storage space when my seat is opened. As long as it is within one meter of me, I can put it away." Ma Qiu said hurriedly.

"Good, good, very good." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction, and then put Ma Qiu into the inventory.

"You guys, hurry up and find your master." Mu Rufeng said to the eight little electric donkeys.

Bone and other little electric donkeys ran away immediately after hearing the words as if they had been pardoned.

"Disperse, disperse." Mu Rufeng shouted to the crowd a few times, and then went directly into the Wancheng branch.


"Hey, Minister Cheng, did you instigate my Maoqiu to start live streaming?"

"You even logged into my account? Do you think I'm not famous enough?"

Mu Rufeng rushed into Cheng Youlin's office.

But surprisingly, Cheng Youlin was not the only one in the office.

There was a girl who looked about 23 or 24 years old sitting opposite Cheng Youlin.

She was wearing a formal suit and a high ponytail.

She had a beautiful face, and she was pure and elegant with a hint of intellectuality.

She looked familiar, and Mu Rufeng remembered her immediately. Isn't she Han Chen's granddaughter?

When they were in the Book Room of Time, Han Chen had used his ghost power to transform into the appearance of his granddaughter, so Mu Rufeng recognized her at a glance.

"Ahem, Mu Rufeng, you came at the right time. This is Han Zhiwei. From now on, she will be the deputy captain of the first action team of our branch. She will be your assistant and take charge of the first action team."

"Han Zhiwei? My assistant?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused for a moment.

What did he want an assistant for?

"Aren't you the captain of the first action team? But you haven't been in charge of anything. Plus, you are free now, so the first action team still needs to exist, so she is the deputy captain." Cheng Youlin said.

"Minister Mu, please give me more advice." Han Zhiwei looked at Mu Rufeng with excitement on her face.

She didn't want to come at first, but when she heard her grandfather say that her idol Mu Rufeng was in the Wancheng branch and was his assistant, she immediately agreed.

Mu Rufeng is now the idol of almost most players or contractors.

With the strength of a level 4 contractor, he can have the strength of an eight-level ghost king, and he has also gone abroad to do some earth-shaking events.

Now Han Zhiwei has just been promoted to a level 4 contractor, and facing Mu Rufeng, who is also level 4, she is like a little fangirl.

"Okay, work hard." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then encouraged him.

"Yes, Minister Mu, I will do my job well and will never embarrass you." Han Zhiwei said very solemnly.

"You go and get busy first, I have something to say to Minister Cheng." Mu Rufeng said.

"Wait, I have something else to do. You can talk to me later. Let's go, Han Zhiwei. It's time to go to the training ground now. Let's teach everyone the first level of Tiger Power." Cheng Youlin stood up and said.

"Tiger Power? Has the full-scale promotion started?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, the full-scale promotion has started. This is the contribution of Minister Mu. We will definitely remember the contribution of Minister Mu." Han Zhiwei said quickly.

"Yes, we will broadcast live today so that the general public can watch it together. I guess there are many people waiting to watch it now." Cheng Youlin said.

"Live broadcast? In this case, will it be learned by foreign countries?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

Although the promotion of the whole people is inevitable, Mu Rufeng still doesn't want foreigners to learn it.

"Don't worry about this. We will only give ordinary people the first three levels of skills, which means they can practice to the level of the third level of weird flesh refining realm."

"As for the subsequent skills, they will not be distributed to the public, but only to our own people, and there will be very strict restrictions and a series of measures for the distribution of subsequent skills." Cheng Youlin said.

"It's okay if the first three levels are learned by foreign countries, and the country intends to promote the first three levels worldwide."

"Because the tiger power is in Chinese, even after translation, it will be irrelevant. First, when those foreigners want to learn the tiger power, they have to learn Chinese."

"Second, it can also give ordinary people around the world a higher chance of survival and enhance the reputation of our China, so there is no need to worry about it being leaked." Han Zhiwei explained.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly. It seems that the country is also making a big move.

The position of the boss has been firmly established. In the future, they can only have the final say.

"Then let's go to the training ground together. I just want to practice and give everyone guidance." Mu Rufeng immediately turned and walked towards the training ground.

Mu Rufeng has now cultivated to the second level, and the speed is quite fast. As for the physical strength, it is still in the realm of tendon training.

There is no way. Mu Rufeng has a strong physical body, and it is much more difficult for him to train his tendons than everyone else. But it is also because of this that his strength can be greatly improved after each breakthrough.

Soon, the three of them came to the training ground.

The training ground is several times larger than the old training ground before, and can accommodate more people.

Now, the contractors, players, reserve players and secretaries who have not yet gone on a mission are all gathered here, adding up to hundreds of people.

Of course, a small number of people are still left to work to maintain the operation of the branch.

This part of the people will also practice tiger power in batches.

Hundreds of people gathered here, which also made the place extremely noisy.

"Quiet!" Cheng Youlin shouted immediately.

The whole field quickly became quiet.

"Everyone, take your positions and line up!" Standing in front, he shouted.

When those people saw that it was Mu Rufeng, their eyes widened.

Mu Rufeng was wearing a white suit, but the exposed skin, including his face, was still covered with bandages, which was a bit weird and also very eye-catching.

Now is not the past. Although Mu Rufeng's identity has been announced, his appearance is not known to the general public.

Mu Rufeng does not want to be known, so he never shows his face in formal occasions.

"Huh? Didn't you hear what I said?" Mu Rufeng's tiger eyes swept across, directly waking up those people.

No one spoke, and immediately started to line up.

One team of contractors, one team of players, one team of reserve players, and one team of ordinary clerks.

Among them, ordinary clerks are the most numerous, followed by reserve players, then players, and finally contractors.

Cheng Youlin, holding multiple cameras and some equipment, is debugging the live broadcast.

Multiple cameras can perfectly broadcast the images of each scene.

After a while, the debugging was completed and the live broadcast officially began.

"Xiaofeng, the live broadcast has begun, and there are quite a few people." Cheng Youlin pointed to the camera in the distance and said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"I think everyone knows me, so I won't introduce myself. Captain Han, come here and introduce yourself." Mu Rufeng took a step back and said to Han Zhiwei on the side.

Han Zhiwei immediately came forward, and her face became cold.

She glanced at everyone, and then said: "I am Han Zhiwei, a fourth-level contractor, the new deputy captain of the first action team, the assistant of Minister Mu, and the person in charge of the first action team."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

These people were surprised at Han Zhiwei's appearance and strength, and even more surprised that she became Mu Rufeng's assistant.

Before, because of Mu Rufeng, no one noticed Han Zhiwei, but now they know that she is such a beautiful woman.

"Wow!" The captains of the second and third action teams immediately took the lead in applauding.

Seeing this, those people also started to applaud immediately.

"What are you two doing standing in the team? Come out." Mu Rufeng said to the two people in the contractor team.

These two people are Zhao Dayong, the captain of the second action team, and Lan Hui, the captain of the third action team.

Zhao Dayong and Lan Hui are now third-level contractors, and they also serve as captains of the second and third action teams.

People like Pang Li, Liu Yan, etc. are also deputy captains.

"Oh." Zhao Dayong and Lan Hui responded, and then walked over.

Mu Rufeng came forward and said to everyone: "Why are you gathered here? I think you should know, right?"

"I know, it's to teach us the method of martial arts practice." Liu Yan in the crowd said quickly.

"Yes, I will teach you now. This method is what I got from a copy, called Tiger Power."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he jumped to one side, his body tumbling in the air, and a stream of red blood appeared around him.

When he landed, Mu Rufeng had turned into a blood-red tiger.

"Roar!" A roar spread throughout the training ground.

The tall blood-red tiger was three meters tall, which made people tremble with fear.

Some people were so scared that they stepped back several steps unconsciously.

"Dayong." Mu Rufeng shouted at Dayong.

Dayong immediately understood, jumped into the air, jumped more than ten meters away, and then swept his foot and kicked four stone blocks used for weightlifting directly.

Mu Rufeng immediately smashed the four 100-kilogram stone pillars into pieces with a slap.

"I didn't use the power of the contract and ghost energy, but simply relied on the power of the tiger force I cultivated."

Mu Rufeng stood up, the blood and qi around him dissipated, and he returned to his original appearance.

"So powerful."

"Without the help of strange power, you can actually have such a strong power?"

"Too powerful, can I practice it too?"

"Does this require qualifications? Isn't it said in novels that practicing martial arts requires qualifications and bones."

Everyone immediately began to discuss.


The training ground was quiet again.

"Root bones, qualifications, are indeed needed, but they only determine the speed of practice."

"Tiger force is different from other martial arts. It is a martial art. Anyone can practice it, so there is no need to worry about not being able to practice because of qualifications and bones."

"Now, everyone look at this tiger!"

As Mu Rufeng finished speaking, the ghost cave spread out and enveloped everyone.

Then they saw a high platform rising in front of them, and then many tigers of different shapes appeared in front of them.

Because they were transformed from ghosts, they were extremely real, and it can be said that there was no difference between them and real tigers.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also used some strength to make them have a deeper impression of tigers.

"Now, everyone relax, follow the formulas and images that appear in your mind, I will guide you to practice for the first time."

Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Everyone quickly adjusted their mentality, and then began to practice according to Mu Rufeng's guidance.

"You guys, start practicing too." Mu Rufeng looked at Cheng Youlin and others and said.

In addition to Han Zhiwei and Cheng Youlin, Zhao Dayong and Lan Hui had never practiced before.

The first group of people who practiced Tiger Power were some people in the army, who were considered pioneers and testers.

The second group was the heads of branches across the country.

The third group was promoted nationwide.

Of course, all the practice methods were posted on the Internet at the same time today, and there were also videos of people teaching how to practice.

At the same time, some well-known departments were also asked to conduct official live broadcasts.

There were quite a few well-known ones, but not many either. Cheng Youlin happened to be a big internet celebrity, so he was also told to broadcast live.

Zhao Dayong and Lan Hui also began to practice under Mu Rufeng's guidance.

As for Cheng Youlin and Han Zhiwei, they observed the tigers of various shapes, and then they lay on the ground and began to practice.

Although it is a bit shameful to practice on all fours, there is nothing shameful about it in order to become stronger and practice faster.

Of course, if you practice to the level of Mu Rufeng, you can use blood and qi to cover your whole body and transform into a tiger.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Because of Mu Rufeng's guidance, most of the time was saved in meditation practice.

Next, it was time to start practicing.

"Everyone, disperse immediately and keep a large enough distance." Mu Rufeng immediately issued an order.

In an instant, these people quickly opened up the distance in all aspects.

Fortunately, the training ground is large enough, otherwise it may not be possible for so many people to open up a sufficient distance.

"Visualize the tiger and practice according to the method."

Mu Rufeng once again transformed into a bloody tiger and took the lead in practicing.

The effect of the ghost cave is quite useful. The images of the tigers are also of great help for cultivation.

Two hours passed in a flash.

Mu Rufeng finished his practice and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It was still very tiring to practice the tiger power for so long.

And looking at the people in the field, many people were gone.

The first group to stop practicing were the ordinary staff members.

They had just started practicing, and their bodies were not very strong yet. They could not persist for two hours. They could persist for half an hour.

One day of practice was considered completed, and then they were asked to go back to work and practice diligently every day.

The second group was naturally the reserve players and ordinary players.

They ate more attribute fruits, and at the same time, the amount of training was much more than the staff members, so they persisted longer, about an hour or more.

Practicing tiger power is still very physically demanding.

The contractors who finished their work with Mu Rufeng were the contractors.

Almost every contractor persisted for two hours.

"Haste makes waste, two hours of practice a day is enough." Mu Rufeng said to the contractors.

"Yes, Minister Ye." The contractors panted and responded.

To practice the tiger power, not including the practice of intention, the practice of form is the upper limit of two hours a day.

Continuing to practice will not only not improve, but will be harmful to the body.

It's just that Mu Rufeng has the heaven reward hard work, even if he practices all day, it will still have the effect of practice.

This is the horror of the heavenly talent of heaven reward hard work.

"That's it for today, tidy up, those who should work continue to work, disband!"

"Yes, Minister Mu!" The contractors responded again, and then

"Minister Cheng, those who haven't practiced in the department yet, you and Minister Han will take them to practice." Mu Rufeng said to Cheng Youlin and Han Zhiwei again.

"Yeah." The two nodded.

Then, Mu Rufeng returned home.

Back home, Mu Rufeng didn't know what to do for a while.

The relevant departments are now well-staffed, and they don't really need him to work.

Now Mu Rufeng can act according to his own ideas, whether it is playing at home or wandering around the city to deal with things.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng decided to continue practicing.

Strength is the foundation of everything.

Mu Rufeng went directly to the practice room, and then transformed into multiple tigers, and began to continue practicing tiger strength.


Time flies, and three days have passed.

On this day, Mu Rufeng had just finished practicing and dragged his tired and hungry body to the bathroom.

In the past few days, Mu Rufeng stayed at home, and except for eating, eating, eating, and practicing, practicing.

However, it was precisely because of such fierce practice that his practice reached the third level and also reached the flesh refining realm.

His strength and physique increased by another 100 points.

After taking a shower and eating, Mu Rufeng took out the remaining seven invitations.

Today is January 9th, and the time is almost up. It's time to go to the next copy.

After flipping through the dungeon, Mu Rufeng suddenly put it away again.

Mu Rufeng still had to go to the strange world to talk to Xu He about the channel.

Also, the attribute fruits, props, spiritual objects and so on that he ordered from Baibaolou should be ready, and he needs to go there to bring them back.

"Besides, I have to go to the Golden City to brush the dungeon times." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

His current level is level 4, three dungeons.

Two more dungeons will upgrade to level 5.

The eternal gold coin enters the Golden City dungeon once a month, and the one that has not been used this month is one dungeon.

Then count the invitation letter as one, and you can upgrade to level 5. It's just right that you can also deposit a handful of invitation letters when you go to the Golden City, so get more dungeon invitation letters.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng immediately said hello to Zhou Wen, and then took the flesh and blood growth device back.

This thing seems to be of no great use to Mu Rufeng now, but he must bring it with him just in case.

Just like the last parasite copy, it played a huge role.

Mu Rufeng took out the eternal gold coin and then directly activated the copy summon.

The next moment, a golden teleportation array appeared under Mu Rufeng's feet.

With a flash of golden light, Mu Rufeng and the teleportation array disappeared from the spot.


When Mu Rufeng appeared again, he did not appear at the gate of the Golden City, but was in an extremely luxurious suite.

Mu Rufeng took a look and it seemed to be the presidential suite in the residential area of ​​the Golden City.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong!" Just at this time, a bell rang outside the door.

Mu Rufeng turned his head to look at the door, then walked over and opened the door directly.

"Dear sir, hello, welcome to the Golden City, I am your exclusive waiter, if you have any instructions, we will serve you wholeheartedly."

A woman in a cheongsam bowed deeply strangely and said.

"What's the matter with this room?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, you are a super VIP customer holding the Golden City Eternal Gold Coin. We have prepared a presidential suite that is not open to the public for every super VIP customer."

"And this one is exclusive to Mr. Mu, and it is completely free and does not require any cost." The waiter said.

"Is that so? That's good." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng closed the door and walked out.

Just then, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Enter the dungeon: Golden City]

[Dungeon type: Special single-player dungeon]

[Identity type: Guest]

[Clearance task: Please successfully win three times in Golden City to complete the clearance task]

[Detected that the host entered the dungeon and the plug-in was loaded successfully]

[Please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Luck burst: Your luck value will be multiplied by ten times] (gray)

[2. Gambling skills MAX: Your gambling skills in all aspects will become the best in the world]

[3. Bad luck: You can reduce the luck value of any target by ten times] (gray)

Sure enough, Mu Rufeng was not wrong, there are still plug-ins, but they are all exactly the same.

Just like last time, you can't choose it again if you have chosen it.

So, this time you can only choose the second plug-in: Gambling skills MAX

It is estimated that when Mu Rufeng comes to Golden City again next month, there may be no plug-in.

Seeing Mu Rufeng's pause, the waiter hurriedly said: "Mr. Mu, I--"

But before the waiter finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Rufeng: "Don't follow me, I'll go shopping by myself."

"Yes, Mr. Mu, you can find me at any time if you need it." The waiter did not force to follow, and responded and watched Mu Rufeng's back as he left.


Mu Rufeng walked out of the residential area and came to the corridor. He looked down.

The lobby was still lively, and many weird things were playing downstairs.

But before Mu Rufeng took the elevator, he saw Zhao Chen's figure appear beside him.

"Mr. Mu, welcome."

"City Lord Zhao, you came quite quickly." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"How can it not be fast? You are our big customer, super VIP. Do you want to play this time? Or exchange soul notes?" Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"Well, exchange soul notes first, and then play a little bit." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, how much do you want to exchange this time?" Zhao Chen smiled when he heard that he was really here to exchange soul notes.

The more soul power he had, the higher the performance, the deeper the foundation of Golden City, and he could get greater benefits.

"Same as before, 10 trillion soul notes, there should be, right? Don't do it the same as last time." Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course there is, this time I took back a small part of the deposits from Tiandi Bank and Angel Bank, 10 trillion is more than enough." Zhao Chen's eyes lit up when he heard that he wanted to exchange 10 billion soul power.

"A small part of the deposit? How much did you withdraw?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

Zhao Chen smiled and said, "Not much, just 20 trillion."

"20 trillion? It seems that you Golden City are really rich." Mu Rufeng couldn't help but sigh.

20 trillion soul notes, and it's just a small part.

That Golden City has at least hundreds of trillions of soul notes deposits, or even hundreds of trillions.

Soul notes are not the same as banknotes in the real world.

Banknotes in the real world will inflate and become less and less valuable.

Soul notes are different. They will never inflate, because soul notes are also a kind of resource. Weird can consume soul notes to practice and absorb the ghost energy inside.

Even if you only have a Tiandi Bank card, you can use the Tiandi Bank card to consume the balance inside to absorb ghost power for practice.

Golden City has so much money, you can imagine how rich Tiandi Bank and Angel Bank are.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked towards the elevator.

"The elevator is too slow, I'll take you there."

Zhao Chen waved his hand and took Mu Rufeng to the exchange window on the first floor.

"Lord City Lord." The employee who was yawning out of boredom was shocked when he saw Zhao Chen, and he immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.

Zhao Chen ignored the employee, took a machine card slot and then motioned Mu Rufeng to input soul power.

Mu Rufeng immediately stretched out his hand and pressed on the machine card slot.

Then the soul power in the soul-sucking gourd was seen being rapidly consumed, and soon, 100 million units of soul were transferred to the past.

"10 billion soul power, deposited, I will transfer the money to you now." Zhao Chen showed a faint smile on his face, and then directly controlled the account of Golden City to transfer 10 trillion soul notes to Mu Rufeng's account.

[Your card with the last number 3318, transferred 10 trillion yuan at 09:33 on January 9, and the balance is 15.2 trillion yuan]

The bank card was surging, and the terrifying ghost power spread out, but because it was inside the Golden City, it slowly returned to calm.

"Received." Mu Rufeng raised the bank card in his hand and then put it into the item column.

"Then I won't bother you, Mr. Mu, play by yourself, as long as it's not too much." Zhao Chen said.

"Well." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded when he heard it.

Zhao Chen knew from the last event that Mu Rufeng had a very high luck value, and also had the ability to reduce the luck value of others.

With these two abilities, playing in the casino is simply a sure win.

As for guests like Mu Rufeng, they have almost never been seen in Golden City.

Because Mu Rufeng is a super-large customer of Golden City in trading soul power, Zhao Chen told Mu Rufeng that as long as the win is not too excessive, it will be fine.

Golden City will not sit idly by when it comes to betting on the kind of heavenly talent, soul power limit, or life span.

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