I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 287 Death Castle: Am I an NPC? [10,000 words]

Zhao Chen sent Mu Rufeng to the second floor and was about to leave.

But he was soon stopped by Mu Rufeng.

"Lord Zhao, I suddenly remembered that when I participated in the event last time, I used gold coins to cast that prop: the toll money. It seems that I haven't been given it yet, right?" Mu Rufeng said quickly.

"Huh? Toll money? This matter is all in the hands of Roth. I'll ask him." Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know anything. He immediately called Roth to ask.

Soon, Roth appeared in front of them.

"Mr. Mu, I'm really sorry. I was going to give you the toll money after the event."

"But at that time, there were some very difficult problems in the place I was managing that needed to be dealt with. When I finished dealing with them, you had already returned."

"I was also preparing to wait for you to come next time to give it to you, but I didn't expect you to come so soon." Roth said apologetically.

At the same time, he took a blood-red banknote and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

"It's okay, just get it now." Mu Rufeng smiled and reached out to take the banknote in his hand.

[Toll]: It is made of special materials and special rules by the Golden City, and has incredible abilities.

Effect: Special rule props. When you encounter danger or difficulties, give this money to the other party to help you get through this difficulty.

Note 1: Toll, toll, there is nothing that money can't solve. If it can't be solved, it means that the money is not enough.

Note 2: Please note that when using toll, your soul banknotes, soul power and life will be consumed. The amount of consumption depends on the degree of difficulty.

Note 3: The required consumption will be randomly consumed in the three items of soul banknotes, soul power and life, and you can also choose by yourself. The consumption will be doubled if you choose by yourself.

Note 4: If the required consumption is insufficient, it will be postponed to the next option. If the three items are not enough, you will die directly. Please use it as appropriate.

Note 5: When it has not been used, it cannot be said. This is a taboo!

"Toll?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised after reading this attribute. It seems that this is a very powerful item.

As long as you have enough capital, you will be able to overcome any difficulties with it.

It's just that the cost of using this item is really too high. Soul notes are fine, but it also consumes soul power and life.

However, Mu Rufeng is not a normal person. He has tens of trillions of soul notes, more than 400 million soul units, and a life span of more than 10,000 years.

It can be said that this thing is really a good thing for Mu Rufeng.

"How about it, is the cost of this item too high? Although soul notes are not much, the amount required is huge. Even a small difficulty requires a lot of soul notes." Roth said.

In other words, among the costs paid, soul notes are the least valuable, so they will consume the most.

The second is soul power, and the last is life.

"Haha, Roth, this toll, I think it is just right for Mr. Mu." Zhao Chen laughed and said.

"Very good, I am very satisfied, just right, I don't need these." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"That's good, as long as Mr. Mu likes it." Roth also thought that Mu Rufeng really didn't need these, and then nodded.

"You guys go and get busy, no need to greet here, I'll play a few games by myself." Mu Rufeng said to the two.

"Okay, then I'll leave, you have fun." Zhao Chen nodded and left directly.

Roth also said hello to Mu Rufeng and left.

Mu Rufeng looked left and right, and still didn't go to the new room to play, but came to the pinball game in the first room.

Mu Rufeng directly bet the seven invitations on it, and only bet on the invitations and nothing else.

Because there was no need, he came here just for the dungeon invitation.

Ten minutes passed in a flash.

Mu Rufeng successfully won.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that after the principal was returned, he was only compensated with three invitations.

The remaining compensation was all paid to Mu Rufeng with soul power.

"Is this... no invitations?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng bet all ten invitations.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Mu Rufeng won.

Only the principal of the ten invitations was returned, and the compensation was only soul power.

"So, there are no dungeon invitations? Or is it that the floor is too low? So there are no more?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng went to the third floor.

Mu Rufeng pushed open the door with strange runes in front of him and went directly into it.

Inside was an ordinary room, about 100 square meters, with no one present.

The third floor is where you can customize the gambling method at will,

and the bets can only be bet on talents or rule-based props and rule-based abilities or special props and life span, etc.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and directly spoke to determine a gambling method.

Soon a gambling table appeared in front of him, and there was a dice clock on the table.

This is a bet on size, which is convenient and fast.

"Mr. Mu, please choose the bet amount." A voice sounded.

Mu Rufeng directly took out the ten invitations and bet on small.

When the bet was completed, the sound of dice colliding came from the dice clock.

"Buy and leave, open! One, two, five, seven points! Mr. Mu wins."

Mu Rufeng won, easily and simply.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that in addition to the principal, the only thing he compensated for the bet was a purple invitation.

"Ten for one?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

He did not see any soul notes of equal value being credited, which means that the weight of this invitation is enough to match the ten invitations.

Mu Rufeng immediately took the purple invitation in his hand and checked the properties.

[Mysterious invitation]: This is an extremely mysterious invitation.

Special prop: After the owner tears up the invitation, he can be invited to a forbidden place.

Owner: Mu Rufeng

Note: When the contractor holds this invitation, it will summon the holder from the real world in the form of a copy.

"An invitation to a forbidden place? No wonder, no wonder it's ten for one." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

If it is an invitation to the forbidden land, this copy must be very dangerous.

However, Mu Rufeng has a cheat, a time stamp, a resurrection card, and a login bracelet, so he is not afraid of danger at all.

[Congratulations to the contractor Mu Rufeng for successfully winning three times and completing the clearance task]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately. ]

"Huh? Is there a time limit this time? Return after winning three times?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

He thought he could stay here and continue to bet after winning three times, but he didn't expect to return directly.

"Three minutes, there is still some time, I have to bet more."

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng continued to bet. This time, Mu Rufeng bet on the invitation to the forbidden land plus another ten invitations.

"Buy and leave, two, two, five, nine points, Mr. Mu wins!"

On the purple invitation, a bloody invitation appeared again.

Mu Rufeng was too lazy to look at the attributes and bet all in again.

"Bet it, one, one, six, eight o'clock, Mr. Mu wins."

A golden invitation appeared on top of the bloody invitation.

Mu Rufeng seized the time and continued to bet.

This time, Mu Rufeng won again, and a white invitation appeared on top of the golden invitation again.

Now, Mu Rufeng has a total of fourteen invitations in his hand.

However, when Mu Rufeng won the next bet, he found that no new invitations appeared.

"Mr. Mu, I'm sorry, there are no more props of the same type in the treasure house that match it. You can choose other compensation rewards, props, skills, soul power, soul money, talent, life span."

"It seems that there are really no more. Have I emptied them all?" Mu Rufeng was a little disappointed.

However, fourteen invitations are not bad.

For the compensation bet, Mu Rufeng still chose talent.

He has no shortage of props, skills, soul power and soul money.

As for life span, he still has more than ten thousand years.

So, Mu Rufeng chose talent.

Soon, a ball of innate light emerged and finally sank into Mu Rufeng's body.

Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry to check the attributes, but directly put all the fourteen invitations into the inventory.

He looked at the time and there was still one minute.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone and called Sun Wu of Baibaolou.

As soon as the call was connected, Mu Rufeng immediately said: "Master Sun, are the 100 billion props and attribute fruits I want ready?"

"Mr. Mu, they are ready. They have been sent to the mine with the life mine."

Sun Wu replied.

"Okay, thank you Master Sun, I will transfer the funds to you later." Mu Rufeng thanked him and chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Then, Mu Rufeng immediately transferred 50 billion soul notes to Sun Wu, and the account was settled.

At this time, the three minutes were up, and Mu Rufeng disappeared from the spot and returned to the real world.


Mu Rufeng reappeared in his house.

I have to say that this eternal gold coin is quite good. It can accumulate the number of dungeons every month.

"Settlement reward."

[Congratulations to the contractor Mu Rufeng for clearing the special single-player dungeon: Golden City]

[100% clearance, obtained item: Iron-cutting Knife, obtained 300 soul notes]

[The host has cleared the dungeon, the plug-in has been uninstalled, congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in's legacy attribute: gambling skills]

[Iron-cutting Knife]: A sharp long knife.

Effect: Level 3 item, extremely sharp and hard, increases the power of iron objects by 50%, with a bleeding effect.

[Gambling skills]: Your gambling skills will become the strongest in your country.

Iron-cutting Knife is still good among level 3 items, especially the bleeding effect, which can be regarded as a high-quality weapon.

As for the gambling skills left by the plug-in, it has been weakened from the top in the world to the top in his country.

Of course, whether it is the top in the world or the top in the country, gambling skills are still useless to Mu Rufeng.

Then Mu Rufeng checked the talent he won.

[Nightmare]: Possess the power to create nightmares.

"Nightmare?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then recalled the nightmare suit man he had seen in the second copy, the bloody train.

The man in the suit has the power of nightmares, which can make people fall asleep and enter their dreams. In the dream, the man in the suit is invincible and has incredible power.

"This ability is quite good, wouldn't it be possible to have sweet dreams every day from now on?" Mu Rufeng chuckled.

He wasn't in a hurry to try, he had more important things to do now.

Mu Rufeng dialed Zhou Wen's number directly.

"What? Haven't you entered the dungeon yet? Call me if you have time?" Zhou Wen was surprised to receive a call from Mu Rufeng.

"I'm back. I'm going to summon the Gluttony Cruise Ship and go to the weird world. There are a lot of things there. You can see where to put them." Mu Rufeng said.

"Summon the Gluttony Cruise? Is there anything else? What is it?" Zhou Wen said slightly surprised.

"Attribute fruits, a lot of attribute fruits, and a lot of props." Mu Rufeng said.

"A large amount? How large a amount?" Zhou Wen immediately became energetic.

"Props, skill cards, rule props, rule skill cards for levels 1-9, and attribute fruits for levels 1-5."

"Among them, props and skill cards worth 50 billion soul coins and attribute fruits worth 50 billion." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? Fifty billion of 50 billion? Isn't that 100 billion soul coins? I said, are you sure you're not joking?" Zhou Wen was stunned for a moment. He felt that Mu Rufeng seemed to be bragging.

He knew that Mu Rufeng had soul money, but it was impossible for Mu Rufeng to have 100 billion soul money, and it was also 100 billion worth of purchased props and attribute fruits.

"Do you think I'm kidding? Hurry up and tell me where to unload the goods." Mu Rufeng asked.

"So many things? You put them all here?" Zhou Wen couldn't believe it.

"Of course not. I plan to put it in the main warehouse in the capital to enrich the prop library. Hunan is my hometown, so naturally I have to get more things. I will distribute 10 billion props and attribute fruits to our Hunan Province. For your own use." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's a good relationship. Just wait a minute while I think about where to put it. The attribute fruit can be stored for a week at room temperature and for three months if refrigerated."

"It doesn't matter if it's the props. In this case, you can go directly to the farm. It's a big enough place, it's hidden, there are several cold storages, and the guards are strong." Zhou Wen said quickly.

Ten billion, that's a lot, it definitely requires a big place, and the farm is extremely suitable.

"Okay, I will arrive in about two hours. Remember to call more people and move things." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I'll arrange the manpower immediately." Zhou Wen nodded repeatedly.

Mu Rufeng immediately hung up the phone, then called Ye Lin to inform him, and then jumped from the balcony window.

Immediately afterwards, the body was covered with thunder and fire armor and then headed towards the Xiangjiang River.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the bank of Xiangjiang River.

Immediately, the Gluttony Cruise Ship was summoned.


The ethereal whistle sounded.

A mist appeared above the river, and then a huge ship slowly emerged.

To Mu Rufeng's surprise, a black light flashed on the side of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, a long escalator was seen extending from top to bottom to the ground.

Then, the escalator slowly started to start. After a while, Zhao Xize, who was standing on it, walked down the escalator and came to Mu Rufeng.

"Boss Mu, look, I have installed the elevator and escalator as per your request." Zhao Xize quickly came over.

"Yes, the execution ability is quite strong. An escalator is much more beautiful and convenient." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's go, take me to the mine first." Mu Rufeng immediately stood on the escalator, and Zhao Xize quickly followed and stood behind Mu Rufeng.

Soon, the Gluttony Cruise Ship disappeared on the Xiangjiang River.


After arriving at the mine, Mu Rufeng asked Zhao Xize to wait outside.

Then Mu Rufeng entered the mine.

The mine once again built a warehouse specifically to store the things Mu Rufeng purchased, namely props, attribute fruits and the like.

Mu Rufeng directly transferred all the things to the Gluttony Cruise Ship's warehouse using Guixi.

Fortunately, the gluttony cruise ship's warehouse also has space folding, which is similar to storage space, and all 100 billion supplies can be stored.

As for the Mine of Life, Mu Rufeng also transported part of it.

"Let's go to the real world now." Mu Rufeng said towards Zhao Xize.

"Okay, Boss Mu." Zhao Xize nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, do you know about the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale?" Mu Rufeng said suddenly.

"I know, one of the three overlords of the Dead Sea bit off one of the claws of the other overlord's Eagle Demon some time ago. He is extremely powerful."

"The Dead Sea has not been peaceful recently. The Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale is running around. A level nine vehicle called the Titanic hit the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale and almost sunk it."

"I hope our gluttony cruise ship won't touch it, otherwise, we will be in bad luck." Zhao Xize sighed and said.

"Haha, don't worry, the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Whale is one of our own." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Ah? One of our own? Boss Mu, are you kidding? That's the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale. How could it be one of our own?" Zhao Xize said with a look of disbelief.

"I went to a dungeon last week, it was the Devouring Demon Whale, his body was occupied by parasites, and he could no longer control his body."

"I helped him clean the parasites, and I also told him that I have a cruise ship under my command, so if you see the Devouring Demon Whale in the future, don't be afraid, remember to say hello." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Really? But, how could such a powerful figure as the Devouring Demon Whale be parasitized by parasites and unable to control his body?"

"Even the most powerful blood-eating worms in the Dead Sea can't do it?" Zhao Xize still couldn't imagine it.

"Blood-eating worms? Haha, the parasites on the Devouring Demon Whale were infected from the second forbidden land." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Forbidden land? I see, that's no wonder." Zhao Xize nodded, coming out of there, no matter what, it's not strange.

"If that's the case, it's great, we don't have to worry too much about the Dead Sea in the future." Zhao Xize laughed.

"Okay, let's set off quickly."

"Yes, Boss Mu!"

Zhao Xize immediately went to the control room.

Mu Rufeng stood at the bow and called Xu He.

When he summoned the Gluttony Cruise to the mine, Mu Rufeng checked the news.

He found that the share price of Scarlet Optimization was maintained at around 150 yuan per share, and the total market value was about 500 billion.

This value did not meet Mu Rufeng's expectations.

But after he read some news, he knew it.

In fact, the highest share price before rose to 200 yuan per share, and the reason for this was that the supply of blood and flesh was greatly reduced by the Dead Xi Optimization.

Although it was said that the channel was not destroyed, the reduction in supply naturally made them think of the fact that the channel was really destroyed.

However, in the past few days, the Dead Xi Optimization has increased its supply, and at the same time, it has broadcast live again this time.

And it also admitted openly that the channel was destroyed, but it was rebuilt this time.

In this way, the rising stock price of Scarlet Optimization stopped, and then slowly fell to the current 150 yuan, and it is still falling.

Xu He and his friends were also very anxious and wanted to contact Mu Rufeng, but Mu Rufeng did not enter the dungeon and the strange world, so they were naturally helpless.

When they finished reading the news, they had already arrived at the mine. After getting things done, Mu Rufeng contacted Xu He as soon as possible.

"Brother Mu, you are finally here. Has the channel of Wang Xi Optimization been reopened?" Xu He said.

"Well, but it was destroyed by me again. You can see that the live broadcast is not open. This time it should still be pretending." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Destroyed again? That's great. Wang Xi Optimization is really like a dog-skin plaster, annoying." Xu He said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I have already taken ruthless action. They dare not establish a channel with Wang Xi Optimization again."

"But it is not ruled out that it will be established in other places. I will always pay attention to it." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's good. As long as there is no real channel, those guys can only let me slaughter them." Xu He was in a good mood after hearing this.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Mu, the profits this time have also been implemented. You have made a lot of money." Xu He said with a smile.

"Money? Haha, I am not short of money." Mu Rufeng said nonchalantly.

Then he chatted with Xu He for a while and hung up the phone.

This time, he made a lot of money, and Lilith also transferred the principal to him, but Mu Rufeng really didn't care much.

Using 15 trillion funds, calculating the interest, he can get 1.2 billion interest every day, 37.5 billion interest every month, and 450 billion interest every year.

Not to mention that there are more than 400 million units of souls in his soul-sucking gourd.

Then Mu Rufeng called Lilith again, talked to her for a while, and hung up the phone.


Real world, headquarters of relevant departments in Beijing.

Before boarding the Gluttony Cruise, Mu Rufeng not only notified Zhou Wen, but also Ye Lin.

So at this moment, the headquarters of the relevant departments were already full of dispatched personnel, all quietly waiting for the arrival of the Gluttony Cruise.

"Woo woo woo~~~!"

A shrill whistle sounded.

A cloud of fog emerged above the sky, and then the Gluttony Cruise appeared from the fog.

"Minister Ye, get ready to receive the things." Mu Rufeng shouted to Ye Lin below.

"Okay, just put it on the open space in front." Ye Lin pointed to the front and said.

Then, Mu Rufeng and Zhao Xize used their ghosts to move the things down.

It's just that there are too many things, and the open space below can't hold them.

So they waited for those people to transport the things into the underground prop warehouse.

After tossing back and forth several times, all the 90 billion props and spiritual fruits were moved down.

"Okay, see you later." Mu Rufeng said hello to Ye Lin and let the Gluttony Cruise go to Changsha.

Although he could only stay in the real world for an hour, he still had plenty of time.

In just ten minutes, the Gluttony Cruise appeared at the location specified by Mu Rufeng, which was built on the Changsha channel.

At this moment, Zhou Wen, Cheng Youlin, Qu Lianhong and other familiar people were waiting here.

When they saw the Gluttony Cruise appear, a gleam of light flashed in their eyes.

This is not the Gluttony Cruise, but money!

Although there are only 10 billion supplies, it is also a lot.

When Mu Rufeng moved them all down, they were piled up into a small mountain.

"Thank you for your hard work, Captain." Mu Rufeng patted Zhao Xize on the shoulder.

"Not hard, not hard." Zhao Xize shook his head repeatedly.

Just kidding, how could this be hard? Because Mu Rufeng summoned frequently, his performance was so good.

After Mu Rufeng got off the boat, he watched the Gluttony Cruise leave.

"You have helped a lot this time, so many good things, but are you giving them away to the relevant departments for free?" Zhou Wen was still very excited when he looked at the props and attribute fruits being moved.

"That's about right. The country gave me a treasure that can absorb soul power. I can exchange that thing for soul notes in the weird world."

"Do you know why you get a soul note in addition to RMB in your salary? It's because of this, because of me, so I'm not short of money, and the country is not short of money either." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Not short of money? Really? Then Brother Mu, get a million to spend?" Cheng Youlin couldn't help but come up and joked when he heard Mu Rufeng say such pretentious words.

"Do you have a bank card number?" Mu Rufeng looked at Cheng Youlin and smiled faintly.

"Uh, no, give me cash." Cheng Youlin was stunned for a moment, and laughed.

"Just for you calling me Brother Mu, one million, I'll give it to you." Mu Rufeng immediately took out a million soul notes and threw them at Cheng Youlin.

The latter was a little stunned when he saw a large wave of banknotes flying over.

Then the soul notes hit Cheng Youlin directly. Only then did he react and put all the soul notes into his inventory.

Although he didn't have a Tiandi Bank card, it was more than enough to put one million soul notes in his inventory.

"Fuck, Brother Mu, are you really giving it to me? You are really my Brother Mu, I won't give it back to you." Cheng Youlin was shocked.

"Where's mine, Brother Mu, Brother Mu, where's mine? Where's mine?" Seeing this, Qu Lianhong's eyes suddenly lit up, and then she pretended to be shy.

"Ahem, I say, Sister Hong, don't be like this, I'm afraid I can't stand it." Mu Rufeng coughed twice, and also took out one million soul notes and gave them to Qu Lianhong.

"Ahhh, Brother Mu, I love you so much." Qu Lianhong screamed happily when she saw that there was really one million.

"If you say you are not short of money, then of course you are not short of money. I will transfer a sum of money to our Changsha headquarters later, which will be used as the operating funds for our entire Hunan Province." Mu Rufeng said, looking at Zhou Wen.

"No need, no need, the headquarters has already transferred a sum of operating funds." Zhou Wen said hurriedly after hearing this.

Mu Rufeng did not say anything, but directly transferred 10 billion to the Tiandi Bank card number of the Changsha headquarters.

"Huh? 10 billion? Fuck." Even with Zhou Wen's self-restraint, he still couldn't help but say a classic Chinese curse at this moment.

"10 billion? Brother Mu, are you really not short of money now?" Qu Lianhong said in shock.

"What? 10 billion? Is this true?" Cheng Youlin wondered if he asked for too little for the one million.

"Too much, Mu Rufeng, really too much, and the headquarters has already allocated 1 billion to our Hunan some time ago. You gave me 10 billion this time, which makes me a little flattered." Zhou Wen didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't dare to think about how to spend the 10 billion.

And now there is a large wave of attribute fruits, spiritual objects and props to fill the prop library, which will inevitably cause a large wave of exchange.

It’s just that, because there is no shortage of money now, the measure of exchanging soul notes for contribution points has been directly cancelled.

For players who want to obtain merit points, the corresponding contribution points will be issued according to the level every month.

At the same time, you can also use props, spiritual objects, skill cards and other items in the weird world to exchange contribution points.

Anyway, it can be said that there has been a major reform.

"You can spend it however you want. Okay, you guys are busy. I'm going home and then I will enter the dungeon."

"If you have something, leave me a message on WeChat." Mu Rufeng said, and without waiting for their reply, he left here as soon as the ghost cave opened.


Mu Rufeng went back to Yongcheng.

He met with his parents and grandparents, and then gave his father a few powerful props and skill cards, and gave him 10 million soul notes directly.

If it weren't for the lack of a bank card, Mu Rufeng was ready to give 10 billion directly.

Then Mu Rufeng called his uncle in Shanghai again.

After chatting for a while, he directly transferred 10 billion yuan and asked him to spend it slowly.

After the initial shock, his uncle kept asking questions, and Mu Rufeng finally explained it to him.

Then Mu Rufeng went back to his home in Changsha.

Then Mu Rufeng took out the fourteen invitations.

Among them, ten invitations may have some differences, but they can be classified into the same level.

The remaining four invitations are ranked from low to high as purple invitations, bloody invitations, gold invitations, and white invitations.

Even the four lowest-level purple invitations are for entering a forbidden place.

The information of the other three invitations is even more mysterious, and it is impossible to guess which one you will enter.

Mu Rufeng's eyes kept moving on these invitations. Finally, Mu Rufeng took out a red and black invitation from the ten invitations.

For the four most precious invitations, Mu Rufeng decided to go later.

After all, such an unknown and powerful dungeon had no idea what he would experience. The third forbidden place was only in these ten days and a half. He was also afraid that if he couldn't get out in ten and a half months, there would be any conflicts.

As for the invitation letter that is a lower level, there is not so much concern.

Mu Rufeng immediately tore up the red and black invitation letter.

Immediately, a teleportation formation was seen rising from Mu Rufeng's feet and disappearing with Mu Rufeng.


When Mu Rufeng woke up, she found herself in a room.

He looked around and found that the room was eerie. The lights were obviously on, but it still looked a little dim.

It seems that the light is not displayed correctly.

This room is not too small, covering two hundred square meters.

The room is relatively long and narrow, and the door is in the middle.

The space to the left of the door is similar to a study room, with an old Western-style desk.

There are many ornaments and a book on the desk.

Surprisingly the books are in English.

The wall behind the desk is a bookshelf filled with books.

The wall on the left has a European-style fireplace, and the wall on the right is a window, but the window is boarded up.

To the right of the door is the bedroom.

In the middle of the study room and bedroom are sofas and some collections of ornaments.

At this moment, a notification sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Enter the copy: Castle of Death]

[Copy Type: Special Multiplayer Copy]

[Number of participants: thirty people]

[Identity type: NPC guide]

[Customs Clearance Mission: Please lead and complete the copy of Death Castle]

"Huh? NPC leader?" Mu Rufeng was a little dumbfounded.

This was his first time encountering a copy of this type.

His identity is no longer a participating player, but an NPC who serves as a guide in the dungeon.

In other words, in this dungeon, Mu Rufeng's task is to let those contractors complete the dungeon content and return, so that Mu Rufeng can return.

"It's interesting, it's interesting." Mu Rufeng touched her chin with a smile on her face.

After waiting for a while, the sound stopped playing in his mind, and Mu Rufeng began to look around for some clues.

Although he is now an NPC, the lack of any hints makes Mu Rufeng a little confused.

Soon, Mu Rufeng found a note under the book on the desk.

[Notes from housekeepers]

1. Your name is Dogula Sen.

2. Your identity is the steward of the Castle of Death.

3. Please note that the thirty players who come to the castle to participate in the death game will arrive at the gate of the castle on time at 7pm, and you need to receive them.

4. You can be attacked by players. When you die, all players will make an exception and successfully pass the level.

5. You decide the rules and gameplay of the death game.

6. Don’t favor any player and ensure fairness and justice.

7. Don’t open the windows, absolutely don’t open the windows.

8. Some places in the castle are dangerous.

9. Please make sure there is at least one fireplace burning in the castle.

10. When more than three fireplaces are lit, you will be able to go anywhere in the castle.

11. There is no limit on the death game time this time, but you can give limits.

12. You need to prepare food and rooms for participating players. You can provide them for free or charge them.

13. Fighting is not prohibited in the castle, but you'd better restrict them from fighting.

14. Please remember that in a death game, a player must eliminate death in every round.

15. Remember, players must not be allowed to enter your room.

There were a lot of words written on the note, a total of fifteen rules.

Mu Rufeng read it word for word, and then remembered it in her mind.

"I really didn't expect that I was asked to make the game. Doesn't that mean that the people who died were killed by me?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of this.

But soon, Mu Rufeng shrugged. Whether he died or not was none of his business. He was just participating in the dungeon anyway.

The most important thing is that this copy looks like a foreign copy, just like his name is Dogura Sen.

A Western-style castle with a foreign name must be a copy of the West.

Mu Rufeng also knew that if he entered the dungeon in the future, he might participate in the dungeon together with contractors from other countries.

So Mu Rufeng took advantage of the free time these days to learn all the languages ​​​​from all over the world.

With his current strength, this knowledge can be easily understood and integrated. Therefore, as long as it is not too eccentric, Mu Rufeng can already understand it.

Even Mu Rufeng's accent is exactly the same as that of her native country.

Mu Rufeng didn't care so much about foreign contractors.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the grandfather clock in front of her. The time was already six-thirty.

The butler's note stated that the remaining thirty players would arrive at seven o'clock.

That is to say, he still has half an hour.

Mu Rufeng immediately began to search in this room.

He did not find too many useful things, but found a bunch of keys in the drawer.

The properties of the keys also show that this bunch of keys is the key to the door locks of the entire castle.

Next to this bunch of keys, there is also a separate key, which is the key to his room.

Mu Rufeng immediately put them all into the inventory.

Then Mu Rufeng came to the fireplace again.

There was nothing in the fireplace, not even a piece of wood, there were only piles of black ashes.

There was a usage guide on this fireplace.

[To light the fireplace, please put in soul notes. Every 10,000 soul notes can burn for one hour. You can also put in a corpse. A corpse can burn continuously for one day]

"Can I use soul notes?" Mu Rufeng chuckled.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out one million soul notes and threw them into the fireplace.

When the soul notes fell into the fireplace, they immediately burned.

Then, the black ashes slowly submerged all the soul notes.

Flames still emerged from the black ashes.

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