I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 288: The Contractor's Outrageous Actions [10,000 words]

A warm feeling emerged from the fireplace and then spread to the surroundings.

The originally dim light became a little brighter at this moment.

The original eerie feeling also disappeared.

The temperature should have been below zero before, but when the fireplace started burning, the temperature immediately rose to above zero, and the temperature was still rising slowly.

"When this fireplace is lit, it will release some kind of power that will turn the castle into something like a safe zone?"

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, this thing is pretty good.

Seeing that there was still some time, Mu Rufeng did not stay here too long. He planned to go to the castle to check it out.

When Mu Rufeng opened the door and walked out, there was a dark corridor outside.

The surrounding walls are relatively old and even decayed in some places.

It can be seen that this castle must not have been repaired very much.

A cold wind rushed in, causing the temperature in the room to drop a bit, but soon, the warm feeling resurfaced and spread out to the corridor.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while, then released the ghosts and then rushed them in all directions as much as possible.

After a while, he just said that his ghost had only expanded a part of the area and could no longer expand.

And this area is actually where the warm light of the fireplace diffuses.

It occupies about one-fifth of the castle.

There is something strange about this castle.

He also guessed that there should be five fireplaces in total. If you light three, you can go to any place in the castle. What if you light five?

Can I go outside?

Mu Rufeng closed the door, then took out the key and locked the door directly.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something and took out a certain prop.

[Powerful Lock]: A very powerful lock.

Effect: A level 5 prop that can install a powerful lock on the door lock to enhance the anti-theft properties of the house.

Mu Rufeng immediately installed a powerful lock directly on the door.

He didn't forget that the housekeeper's rules stated that players were not allowed to enter his room.

Then Mu Rufeng began to explore the castle.

It's just that there are very few places he can go now, they are all with basic facilities and are also covered by the warm light of the fireplace.

As for other places, they seemed to be protected by rules and he couldn't enter.

However, this was not a problem for Mu Rufeng. He immediately activated the rule suppression and easily broke through the rule protection and entered it.

However, he had just entered the stairs and was about to go to the third floor when he heard a notification sound in his mind.

[Butler Dogura Sen, please note that only one fireplace is lit, and you cannot go to the third floor, otherwise unpredictable changes will occur in a bad direction]

"Huh? An unpredictable change in a bad direction?" Mu Rufeng's footsteps stopped in place.

Is he going? Is he going up?

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng stepped forward.

Just kidding, with such a high luck value, could it put his life in danger in the worst possible direction?

However, considering some things, Mu Rufeng also took out the ten treasured bones at the same time and directly used [Life or Death] and Potential Explosion.

Then he was covered with thunder and fire armor, directly putting his strength at its peak.

Then Mu Rufeng continued to walk upward.

It just means that when Mu Rufeng stepped onto the third floor, his eyes blurred, and then he appeared at the stairwell of the second floor.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, and he was brave enough to continue walking upward.

Then he came to the third floor again. This time he did not rush up, but stood on the stairs one level lower.

The third floor was shrouded in a layer of black fog. It was so dark that even his eyes could not see clearly.

Mu Rufeng released ghosts to protect her whole body, and then stepped into it again.

Surprisingly, he appeared again at the stairs on the second floor.

Mu Rufeng immediately tried to fly up, but she also returned to the second floor.

Later, Mu Rufeng tried to launch an attack to enter the third floor, but was swallowed up by the black mist as soon as he entered, without causing any wind.

"Forget it if you can't go up. Let's find the fireplace first." Mu Rufeng shook her head and gave up entering the third floor.

The second floor seemed to be a residential area, his room was on the far right, and there were multiple rooms in the corridor behind.

Mu Rufeng had the key and went in to take a look. It was a relatively normal dormitory.

There is also a larger living room at the end of the corridor, very Western style.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time, it was already six fifty.

There are only ten minutes until those players arrive.

Mu Rufeng also knew that the copy of the Death Castle was opened by Mu Rufeng with an invitation letter.

After it is turned on, he, the so-called NPC, first enters the dungeon, and then the dungeon will randomly select participating players to join.

From 6:30 to 7:00, this half hour should be the time to select players.

I didn’t expect that there is a copy of this mechanism.

Mu Rufeng came downstairs immediately.

The layout downstairs is completely different from that upstairs.

Big, very big, with a ceiling height of ten meters, and a huge Western-style crystal lamp in the center.

The decoration is also extremely gorgeous, but it is said that they are all relatively old.

There is also a long table fifteen meters long and two meters wide placed in the middle of the lobby.

There were fifteen Western-style chairs on each side of the long table, plus the chair at the main seat of the long table, a total of thirty-one chairs.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that this floor was just a lobby.

There were some strange murals carved on the walls, and all the windows were sealed with wooden boards.

There was a huge iron door in front of him, and two sets of armor stood on both sides of the iron door, each holding a big sword in the hands of the armor.

It was indeed armor, and Mu Rufeng's ghost could sense that there was nothing inside.

Mu Rufeng's eyes were fixed on the fireplace on the wall behind the main seat of the long table.

This fireplace was even bigger than the one in his room.

At this moment, the hall was dark, but not quiet, because there was still a whistling sound blowing in from the gap of the nailed window.

It was also because of this that the hall was extremely cold.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked towards the fireplace.

He took a look and it was no different from the fireplace in the room, just a little bigger.

At the same time, the consumption required was also greater.

[To light the fireplace, please put in soul notes. Every 10,000 soul notes can burn for half an hour. You can also put in a corpse. A corpse can burn for half a day.]

Mu Rufeng immediately took out two million and put it directly into the fireplace.

The soul notes burned instantly, and the warmth spread out from it, covering the entire hall.

The sound of the wind squeezing into the gap has disappeared, and the coldness in the air is gradually fading.

The crystal lamp hanging from the roof also lit up.

The dark hall suddenly became bright.

It was like the originally cold and dark cell, which suddenly became a bright and warm home.

[Congratulations to the butler Dogula Sen, you have successfully lit two fireplaces. Please connect and leave again. When all the fireplaces are lit, the castle will undergo unknown changes for the better.]

"Light the fireplace?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the time. There were only a few minutes left.

Mu Rufeng's ghost cave was deployed and tried to enter the third floor, but found that the third floor was still filled with black fog and could not expand at all.

It seems that the third floor requires specific conditions to be unlocked.

[Please note that there are still three minutes before the players participating in the death game will arrive. Please go to the courtyard for reception.]

A message appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

Mu Rufeng heard it and no longer hesitated, and strode towards the door.

But before Mu Rufeng could open the door, he saw the two suits of armor moving.

They stretched out their hands to grab the iron door and then slowly opened it.

Good guy, Mu Rufeng thought they were decorations, but he didn't expect them to be the doorman who opened the door.

When the door opened, a cold wind whistled in, and there were some snowflakes in the cold wind.

Luckily, Mu Rufeng's physique is strong now, and with the frost attribute ability of the frost dragon Xiaolong, he is completely immune to the cold.

Mu Rufeng looked outside. There was a not-so-small courtyard outside. There should have been green plants, but now it was all covered with ice and snow.

Those green plants should have died.

The wind was howling, and the snow was flying. Outside the courtyard, all you could see was a vast expanse of white. Further away, it was a white blizzard, and you couldn't see anything clearly.

It was cold, very cold. The temperature outside was at least minus 20 degrees.

"What a heavy snow." Mu Rufeng took a look and felt a special feeling in his heart.

As a southerner, he only saw snow a few times a year. Even if he saw it, it was mostly some rice sand, which melted as soon as it hit the ground.

Most of it was freezing rain.

So when he saw the heavy snow, he always had a very special feeling in his heart.

Heavy snow is a standard feature of the north.

It's just that when Mu Rufeng went to the headquarters in Beijing before, the temperature was only a little lower, and he didn't see any snow.

He wanted to wait until it got a little colder to go to the north to see the heavy snow, but he didn't expect to see heavy snow in the copy of the weird world.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, and the ghost cave was released, instantly clearing away the snow in the courtyard.

After the snow was cleared, the withered flowers, plants and trees were revealed.

Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something, and directly crushed all the withered flowers, plants and trees, and pulled out the grass roots and crushed them.

Then Mu Rufeng took out a lot of green grass seeds and sprinkled them in the courtyard.

Then he took out several level 5 devil vine seeds and planted them.

After a while, the originally withered and silent courtyard suddenly became green grass.

The devil vines were hiding under the grass.

The change in the environment suddenly made the castle feel different.

Then Mu Rufeng took out a lot of soul notes and crushed them, and then controlled the ghost power in these soul notes to settle in the land, and then was absorbed by the green grass and devil vines.

"It seems that there is still a lamp missing." Mu Rufeng looked at the dark courtyard and immediately took out an oil lamp from the inventory.

[Eternal Oil Lamp]: This is an oil lamp that will never go out.

Effect: It can illuminate a safe area of ​​10 meters in the wilderness. Using soul notes as fuel can increase the range of illumination. Every 100 soul notes can increase the range of illumination by 1 meter. It lasts for 10 minutes and can illuminate up to 1,000 meters.

Note: In the area illuminated by the light, it can drive away low-level evil spirits and emit an aura that disgusts high-level evil spirits.

Although this oil lamp may be more useful in the wilderness, it is also quite good for lighting.

Mu Rufeng immediately stuffed one million soul notes in.

Suddenly, the oil lamp covered the area within a kilometer, and the courtyard covered the outside of the courtyard. The kilometer range was covered by the light of the oil lamp, eliminating the darkness.

For some reason, Mu Rufeng also felt that the area covered by the oil lamp became warmer?

"Where should I hang it?" Mu Rufeng looked around.

Suddenly he thought of something and immediately gave the devil vine an order.

Then a vine flew out from the ground, and then spread along the ground to the side of the door.

Then it climbed up along the wall, and after climbing above the gate, it was rolled up on a protruding stone sculpture of an evil ghost beast head.

Mu Rufeng immediately threw the oil lamp up, and then hung it directly on the vine.

Then Mu Rufeng looked at his current appearance again.

After thinking about it, a black mist emerged from his body and covered his whole body. In this way, Mu Rufeng could only be seen as a butler covered by black mist.

After a while.

"Ring, ring, ring~~~!"

A cheerful and crisp bell sounded.

Mu Rufeng looked and found that they were two reindeers dressed in red, pulling a large carriage behind them.

An oil lamp was hung on each of the four corners of the carriage.

"Santa Claus' reindeer?" When Mu Rufeng saw the two reindeers pulling the carriage, he immediately remembered the reindeer sleigh driven by the Santa girl he met in the Undead Optimization.

"Open the door!" Mu Rufeng gave the order while standing at the door.

Soon, two thick vines flew out from the ground, holding the large iron gate of a courtyard and then slowly pulling it open.

"Ring, ring, ring~~~!"

The crisp bell sound was getting closer and closer.

Then the reindeer carriage drove into the courtyard and finally stopped in front of the steps.

[Player has arrived, please play your role well]

A prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

Then, the door of the carriage opened, and then, one foreigner after another came out of the carriage.

Mu Rufeng counted them, a total of thirty, not one more, not one less.

When everyone got off the car, they thought the reindeer would leave, but they found that the two reindeer actually walked to the side of the courtyard and started eating green grass.

The green grass could not resist and could only be eaten obediently.

And because there was no order from Mu Rufeng, the devil vines did not attack it.

These two reindeer are level 5 weird creatures, and they eat grass very quickly. They ate a large piece in such a short time.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng immediately said in English in a cold voice: "Throw the reindeer and the carriage out."

As soon as this was said, everyone looked at Mu Rufeng.

Then, two vines flew out and directly wrapped around one of the reindeer's legs.

The reindeer is at least a level 5 weird creature, so naturally it will not surrender.

Before the reindeer could go crazy, vines flew out one after another, directly wrapping up the limbs, body, neck, head, two feet, and even the tail of the two reindeer.

There was almost no power to resist.

Then the vines stretched to a height of ten meters, and then swayed left and right, and suddenly exerted force, and the two reindeer and the carriage flew hundreds of meters away and fell outside the courtyard.

The two reindeer did not dare to stay as soon as they landed, and immediately dragged the carriage away and disappeared in the blizzard.

The vines also retracted into the ground again.

"Close the door!" Mu Rufeng shouted again.

Under the push of the two vines, the big iron door slowly closed.

Then, the small piece of soil that was gnawed by the reindeer grew green grass again.

"Welcome everyone to the Death Castle. I am the housekeeper of the castle. My name is Dogula Sen. It's cold outside. Please come in."

Mu Rufeng slightly turned sideways and made an invitation gesture.

The crowd was originally surprised by the demon vines, and then saw Mu Rufeng exuding a terrifying aura. They didn't dare to speak and walked into the castle with a vigilant look.

Waiting for the last person to enter the castle, Mu Rufeng also walked in.

Just at this time, another prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[The host has entered the copy and the plug-in has been loaded successfully]

[Please select one of the following three plug-ins from the host]

[1. Identity: You can choose to change your identity at will]

[2. Unimpeded: You can move freely in the castle]

[3. Game developer: You can set the gameplay and rules of the death game at will, and can set rewards and penalties to the maximum extent based on the castle]

Mu Rufeng thought about these three plug-ins.

The first identity, you can choose to change your own identity at will, it seems, it doesn't have much effect.

However, Mu Rufeng has to consider the legacy of the plug-in, and the third forbidden land is about to be opened, the most important thing in it is identity.

However, Mu Rufeng has the previous identity certificate again.

Let's look at the second one, the most useless, he was eliminated first.

Unimpeded in the castle? Almost no effect.

As for the third one, you can set up the game and rewards and punishments at will.

This doesn't seem to have any effect. After all, rewards and punishments are given to those contractors, and have nothing to do with him.

Can the rewards given by the former be given to him? The punishments of the latter, Mu Rufeng himself can punish these contractors.

As for the arbitrary formulation of game play and rules, he had also seen it in the housekeeper's notes. The rules and gameplay were originally decided by him.

After hesitating for a moment, Mu Rufeng finally chose the first plug-in, identity.


The door was slowly closed by two sets of armor.

Without the influx of cold air, the whole room instantly became much warmer.

However, Mu Rufeng could still see that a group of contractors were shivering, and it seemed that they were frozen.

The cold here is not the same as the real world. It is a cold that penetrates the bone marrow. Even the contractors can hardly resist it with ghost power.

And those contractors are also looking at the environment in this hall, and some of them are still staring at him.

"Everyone, please take a seat. The seats on both sides are free to take a seat. It happens that you are also frozen. I have prepared a bowl of hot soup for you to get rid of the cold."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, a bowl of steaming soup appeared in front of everyone's seat on the long table.

Mu Rufeng spread the food tablecloth on the long table, so as long as Mu Rufeng wanted, any food would appear, which was quite convenient.

When those contractors heard this, they looked at Mu Rufeng and found a place to sit down, but no one drank the soup, or even touched it.

"Very vigilant." Mu Rufeng thought to himself, then he walked to the main seat of the long table and sat down slowly.

"Drink the soup, and after drinking it, our first round of the game will officially begin. Those who don't drink within three minutes will be eliminated directly!" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

When Mu Rufeng's voice fell, everyone's eyes were slightly startled.

It is estimated that a prompt sound should have appeared in their minds.

"Butler Sen, this soup is not poisonous, right?" A level 5 female contractor sitting on Mu Rufeng's left hand asked.

This person's name is Maria Bolton. Mu Rufeng just took a look and this person's name came to his mind.

"Poison? You contractors should be able to touch it and see the properties. You can tell if it's poisonous or not by just taking a look." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

Maria felt that it seemed to be the case when she heard it, and immediately reached out to touch the hot soup, and then she saw Maria holding the hot soup and swallowing it.

"Huh? This tablecloth is actually a rule prop?" When Maria put the bowl down, she touched the food tablecloth, and her eyes lit up immediately.

The others saw this and immediately checked the properties of the hot soup and the food tablecloth.

The properties will not lie, so the hot soup really has no poison, and it even appears in the food tablecloth.

Some contractors had a gleam in their eyes, as if they were thinking about this rule prop.

Then they saw these contractors drink the hot soup in front of them one after another.

Not to mention, after drinking it, the cold air was directly dispelled, and the whole body felt warm.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to announce the rules of the first round of the game, he saw a black contractor grab the food tablecloth and then suddenly flew to the back.

Almost instantly, the food tablecloth was pulled off the table by the black contractor.

After leaving the long table, it quickly shrank and returned to its original size.

"Haha, this rule prop is mine." The black contractor laughed and tried to put the rule prop into the inventory.

He had tried to collect it before, but found that there was a prompt saying that the tablecloth was spread on the long table and was in use, so it could not be collected.

After everyone finished drinking the hot soup, the moment the bowl disappeared, he immediately pulled the food tablecloth off the long table.

However, the black contractor was soon dumbfounded.

Because the food tablecloth was motionless in his hand, it was not put into the inventory at all.

"Dylan Michel, you, what are you doing?" Mu Rufeng looked at the black contractor.

Everyone looked at the black contractor. They admired Michelle for being so brave that she dared to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

"Why, why can't I put it in the inventory?" Michelle was stunned for a moment, her face full of disbelief.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng waved his hand lightly, and the food tablecloth disappeared from Michelle's hand in an instant, and then appeared in Mu Rufeng's hand.

Mu Rufeng is not stupid. Doesn't he know that these contractors will take his props?

His food tablecloth is a rule-based prop, and it provides free food and pays for better food, which can be regarded as more precious.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng used a marking card. As long as the props marked by the marking card, others can take it away, but they cannot be put into the inventory.

"Ahaha~~! I see that the atmosphere is a bit dull, so I will show you how to draw the tablecloth." Michelle laughed a few times and actually sat back in the chair.

I don't know if this Michelle is a little bit nervous or doesn't care at all. It looks like nothing happened.

"Haha, since you like performing so much, then show me a performance of touching the back of your head with your heel." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Sorry, housekeeper, I don't like performing now." Michelle said, putting his left hand on the long table.

Mu Rufeng could see the tattoo rune on his left arm, which was a landing bracelet.

With the large-scale supply of landing bracelets in China, almost all contractors abroad have landing bracelets.

It was also because of the login bracelet that some contractors acted a little bolder.

Just like this Michelle, he was very brave and thought that it was worth taking a risk.

If Mu Rufeng directly killed him, it would not matter, after all, the rule props were already in hand, and because of the login bracelet, he could return to the real world at the cost of his arm.

This rule prop can definitely be exchanged for a limb prop plus a lot of soul notes.

If Michelle didn't attack him, it would be even better, and he would get a rule prop for free.

So, he fought hard, but who knew that he couldn't even put it in the inventory.

"Login bracelet? Do you think you can do whatever you want with a login bracelet? Hehehe~~!" Mu Rufeng laughed strangely, and the terrifying momentum spread.

Michelle was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "The rules of the castle, as a butler, you can't attack us, and I just pulled the tablecloth, which doesn't violate the rules of the castle."

"Can't attack? How come I don't know?" Mu Rufeng raised his hand, and saw a scorching ray suddenly shot out, directly passing through his right shoulder.

The trend of the scorching ray did not decrease, and it hit the wall behind again, leaving a dark hole.

"Ah~~!" Michelle screamed immediately, and the burned arm fell directly to the ground.

The scorching ray not only penetrated his shoulder, but also burned the connection between his arm and shoulder.

[Attack the player, you have violated the rules and will be punished]

A terrifying breath descended, and the warm light in the fireplace was suppressed a little.

An invisible breath spurted out from the wall of the roof, and then rolled towards Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng sneered: "I broke the rules, so what? What can you do to me?"

At the same time, he also directly used the rule suppression on the castle.

In almost an instant, the terrifying black mist instantly dissipated into the invisible.

Rule suppression is indeed a very strong talent, and it can even offset the punishment brought by breaking the rules.

He attacked Michelle and broke the rules, which means that the players will also get some corresponding rule prompts when they enter the castle.

"Don't use the rules you know to challenge my bottom line. When your strength reaches a certain level, the rules are just toys in my hands."

Mu Rufeng swept across the faces of the contractors and said incomparably domineeringly.

No one dared to speak or refute, even Michelle, who had a broken arm, didn't dare to cry out in pain.

He was still looking at the arm that was still burning on the ground with some heartache.

I wanted to pick it up and put out the fire, so that I could still connect it, but I didn't dare to bend down to pick it up.

So he raised his foot and stepped on his arm, trying to put out the flame, but not only did he put it out, but even his shoes caught fire.

Even so, he didn't dare to let go immediately, and even kicked his arm away a little.

"Before starting the first round of the death game, I want to make a few points."

"First, fighting is prohibited in the castle."

"Second, no matter what the reason, the windows must not be opened."

"Third, do not leave the castle without permission, and do not go to unopened areas."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he glanced at everyone and continued: "The first round of the death game officially begins!"

When the voice fell, several virtual options appeared in front of Mu Rufeng, namely:

[Tell jokes] [Eat pizza] [Grab a stool]

[Please choose one of the game methods]

"." Mu Rufeng was silent. It turned out that the game method was to let him choose one of the three, instead of purely letting him make it.

In the end, Mu Rufeng chose to tell jokes, and in an instant, some relevant information about the game emerged in his mind.

"Let's talk about the game later. Let's draw lots first, and then we'll talk about the game after we draw lots."

As Mu Rufeng said this, he saw a cardboard box appear in front of Maria, the first person on the left.

Seeing this, Maria had no choice but to reach out and take out a bamboo stick from it. On the bamboo stick was an Arabic numeral: 5.

When Maria finished drawing, the cardboard box moved to a contractor next to Maria.

And so on, and soon everyone finished drawing.

"Very good, I will now talk about the game. The first round of the death game: telling jokes, everyone tells a joke, as long as one person present laughs, the game is considered completed, if I laugh it counts, if no one laughs, then they are directly eliminated."

"Everyone has a time limit of three minutes, starting from number 1." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

When Mu Rufeng's voice fell, a prompt sound appeared in the minds of those contractors.

[The first stage of the task is open. Tell a joke. As long as one person laughs, it is considered completed and you will get 100% clearance completion. Every time one more person laughs, the clearance completion will increase by 20%]

Instantly, all the contractors were stunned.

The death game in the Death Castle, and this terrifying black fog butler, shouldn’t the first round of the death game be a more terrifying game?

Why, why tell a joke?

In the crowd, a figure shivered directly.

It was Michelle, and he drew number 1.

At this moment, he quickly calmed down after shivering. After all, he was a third-level contractor, and his memory had been strengthened. It was not difficult to think of a joke.

But the hard part is making people laugh.

"What should I do? What should I do? Which joke should I tell?" Michelle thought crazily in her heart.

Others were also frantically thinking of jokes in their minds.

Especially No. 2, he is the next one, so he is the most anxious.

The bigger the number, the freer the time, and you can think of more jokes. Of course, there are many jokes, and you can even make them up yourself.

But the important thing is to make people laugh.

In the last thirty seconds, Michelle seemed to have thought of it and immediately said:

[There was a black man setting up a stall on the street selling designer bags. A female customer came over and said: These designer bags of yours must be fake, otherwise how could they be sold here? "

The black man said: How could it be fake? Come on, look at this video!

Hearing this, the female customer looked at the video shown to the black man and saw that the picture above was of a black stall owner doing a zero-dollar meal in a famous brand store. 】

There was silence when the joke came up.

No one laughed, no one laughed.

"Impossible, how could no one laugh? I made this up myself. I know, some of you must have laughed, but you couldn't hold back your laughter. Do you want me to be eliminated?"

When Michelle saw that no one was smiling, his face was filled with disbelief. He couldn't accept this fact and shouted loudly.

"Quiet." Mu Rufeng looked at Michelle and scolded.

Shocked by Mu Rufeng, Michelle had no choice but to close her mouth, but she was also extremely trembling.

This time it was really a waste of money. He was eliminated in the first round. Even if he had a login bracelet, he had already lost one arm. This was equivalent to losing two arms.

"All games are fair and just. I will not take sides. Whether you laugh or not, your expressions don't count."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, she raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, a two-dimensional emoji face appeared above everyone's heads.

Among them, most of the emoticons are expressionless and sluggish.

However, there are 2 laughing emoticons among them.

"The emoji above your head will show your truest emotions after hearing the joke."

"It seems you are very lucky, Maria and Ellie smiled." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Haha, that's great, I said, sure enough, someone will laugh." Suddenly, Michelle relaxed.

In this way, he would have passed the first round of the death game.

At the same time, a prompt to complete the first stage of the task also appeared in his mind.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, people are actually laughing at this crappy joke." A contractor was surprised.

"Haha, I can't help it. I actually met him on the street last year." Ellie smiled and shook her head.

"What a coincidence, I've met him before." Maria looked at Ellie and smiled.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless. It turned out that it was not the joke that was funny, but that they had actually met each other before, and now that they heard it, they couldn't help laughing.

They can control facial expressions, but have difficulty controlling inner emotions.

"No. 2, Dodge." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

After hearing this, Dodge seemed to have already thought about it, so he immediately said:

[A boss asked his employees: Do you believe that people can be reborn after death?

The employee replied: "Boss, I believe that people can be resurrected after death."

"Oh, that's not bad." The boss nodded, then pointed to an old man standing aside and said: "You took a day off yesterday to attend your grandma's funeral, and now she comes to see you.\

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