I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 289 Successfully captured the experimental subject [10,000 words]

Chapter 289 Successfully Captured Experimental Subject No. 15 [10,000 words]

"Haha, this is really an old joke, but it's still quite funny. I remember that it should be a joke in China, right?" Mu Rufeng laughed again.

Looking at the smiley face emoticon package again, there are as many as fifteen of them. It seems that this joke is really a classic.

"I worked in China for a few years before. I heard this joke and I wanted to laugh every time I heard it." Kalia said in a deep voice.

"Okay, then, I declare that the first round of the death game is officially over. Among the thirty players, twenty-five have successfully advanced."

"Dodge, Aize, Musen, Glason, Tiffany, I'm sorry, the five of you have been eliminated." Mu Rufeng announced.

The next second, the landing bracelets on the left arms of the five contractors bound by ghost energy were glowing, and then they directly enveloped their bodies and disappeared from the spot with them, teleporting back to the real world.

[The first round of the death game is over. Please provide food and accommodation for the players. The second round of the death game will be held tomorrow.]

[Please note that the second round of the death game can only be played on the second floor.]

Two reminder sounds rang in Mu Rufeng's mind.

Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care much. Then he announced: "The first round of the death game is over. The second round of the death game will start tomorrow."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he spread the food tablecloth on the long table again.

"Now, everyone can enjoy a free dinner. After eating, I will provide you with accommodation." Mu Rufeng said.

After hearing this, the contractors didn't say anything and directly chose their own food.

Mu Rufeng took a look and saw that they were all high-calorie foods, which were very filling.

Mu Rufeng even saw a few contractors put soul notes on the food tablecloth to choose better food.

It seems that they also know how to use the food tablecloth by checking the properties of the food tablecloth.

Mu Rufeng was also thinking at this moment. From this situation, it seems that only one round of the game can be completed in one day.

Every time a round of the game is completed, there is a high probability that one more floor will be opened.

In this case, it will take at least five days.

Because Mu Rufeng had seen the whole picture of the castle when he greeted them outside before. In terms of floors, it is roughly five floors.

Five days, it is a bit long.

Only one game a day?

"It seems that we have to add some difficulty to them later. It is best to eliminate them early." Mu Rufeng pondered.

It should be that the number of players eliminated reaches a certain level and then the death game can be ended in advance, so that he can return.

Soon, everyone finished dinner.

Mu Rufeng led everyone to the second floor.

"Choose a room by yourself, three people in one room." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

There are eleven rooms on the second floor, one of which is the housekeeper's room where Mu Rufeng is.

The other ten are guest rooms for the contractors.

The group chose quickly. Six black people chose two rooms, the other white people chose, and then the female contractors chose rooms.

"Don't run around during the break, and don't leave the room, otherwise you will bear the consequences." Mu Rufeng said, and turned around and went into his room.

Seeing this, the contractors returned to their rooms one after another, probably to discuss some of the next things.


Mu Rufeng returned to the room and took out the gourmet tablecloth to eat dinner.

After the meal, Mu Rufeng began to practice the tiger force.

It was not until midnight that Mu Rufeng stopped practicing.

Then he took a bath directly in the bathroom in the room.

Then Mu Rufeng thought about his plug-in.

After thinking about it, he chose to use it directly.

Soon, multiple virtual options appeared in front of Mu Rufeng again.

[Please choose the identity you need]

[Gardener]: The gardener of the castle courtyard, seems to have special abilities for the plants in the courtyard.

[Chef]: The chef of the castle, with extremely high cooking skills, can meet all the food needs in the castle.

[Maid]: The maid of the castle. Because she is a maid, only women can choose her. If you want to choose her, you can choose her.

[Groom]: The groom of the castle, who controls many livestock and carriages.

[Guard]: The guard of the castle, you are powerful and guard the safety of the castle.

[Master]: The master of the castle, you are the owner and controller of the castle, you have the right to dismiss and drive away all the existence in the castle.

"There are quite a lot of identities to choose from." Mu Rufeng chose to change his identity as the owner of the castle without much hesitation.

[Your identity has been changed to the owner of the castle. Please experience the detailed permissions yourself]

Mu Rufeng felt it for a while, and it seemed that he didn't feel any changes.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng didn't want to rest. He could take this opportunity to explore the castle, and it would be better to explore the surroundings of the castle.

And he also felt that this invitation letter should not be as simple as asking him to guide and plan this death game.

Mu Rufeng opened the door, closed it, and locked it.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the rooms of the contractors, ignored them, and went straight to the stairs and stepped forward.

Half an hour later, a door slowly opened a crack.

Then, a figure walked out from inside, and then carefully closed the door, and then quietly came to the wall on one side of the stairs.

He first looked at the third floor, and found that there was no movement, so he tiptoed to the first floor.

The hall on the first floor was relatively dim at this moment, with only the blazing flame in the fireplace emitting a little light.

Because it was early in the morning, the crystal chandelier on the roof had long been extinguished.

Not long after, the black shadow came to the fireplace emitting a blazing glow.

He took out a finger bone that did not look like a human from his arms and threw it directly into the fireplace.

After doing all this, the black shadow quickly went up to the second floor, and then returned to his room, as if nothing had happened.

On the other hand, when the finger bone fell into the fireplace, the flame burned more violently and faster.

The range covered by the warm light was also significantly reduced.

However, the range of the warm light soon returned to its original state. If it were not for the fiercely burning fireplace, it seemed that there was no change.


Time goes back to the time when Mu Rufeng stepped onto the third floor.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the third floor, he was surprised that he could actually go up.

Mu Rufeng guessed that it was because of his master's identity.

However, even though Mu Rufeng had already stepped onto the third floor, the black fog was still there. It was precisely because of the black fog that Mu Rufeng's ghosts could not be used.

The layout of the third floor was almost the same as that of the first floor, and there were also eleven rooms.

It was just that these rooms were transformed into cages.

All of them were iron fences.

You can see that these iron fences were covered with blood, tooth marks, claw marks, etc.

Mu Rufeng looked inside and found that they were also shrouded in black fog. He could not see clearly and could not hear any sound.

Mu Rufeng tried to throw things inside and there was no reaction at all.

"A strange place." Mu Rufeng checked all the places and didn't find anything valuable.

Finally, Mu Rufeng walked to the room on the far right.

This room is above the housekeeper's room on the second floor where Mu Rufeng is.

The door of this room is locked, and there is a sign on the door, but it has been stained and corroded by blood, and it is completely unclear what is written on it.

Mu Rufeng tried to unlock it with his own strength, but found that the lock was very hard. Even Mu Rufeng opened the ghost cave to isolate the sound, and then launched an attack, but still couldn't shake the door at all.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng took out the clown's chainsaw.

The clown's chainsaw can't cause effective damage to non-physical flesh and blood food, but it has the ability to saw off everything for non-living substances.

Even the mysterious meteorite can be sawed off, let alone this small door.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to take action, he suddenly thought of something.

Although the third floor is temporarily open due to Mu Rufeng's identity change, it should be unlocked in the third round of the game the day after tomorrow.

At that time, it might be his room. If it is destroyed, it will be more trouble than gain.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng put away the clown's chainsaw, and then took out a key from the inventory.

[Decay Master Key]:...


Number of unlocking times: 9991/10000


This has not been used for a long time, and it just came in handy this time.

Mu Rufeng inserted the key into the keyhole and twisted it gently. Then a crisp sound was heard, and then the door was pushed open by Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng walked in, he closed the door and looked at the environment inside.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that this was not a room at all, but more like a laboratory.

Various old machines, metal tables, scalpels, glass rooms, etc.

Only the study room has not changed much, that is, the bookshelf is filled with some experimental logs and so on.

Mu Rufeng walked over and took out an experimental log from the bookshelf.

[A data file recording the experiments of the owner of the castle]

Mu Rufeng opened the first page.

[1924, July 5, 21:30, Experimental record of subject No. 1: The chest cavity is completely peeled off, and subject No. 1 has a pain reaction. The heart beats weakly and is manic. ]

[1924, July 5, 23:00, Experimental record of subject No. 1 for the second time: The kidney was removed, and the subject had no overreaction. ]

[1924, July 6, 3:30 in the morning, Experimental record of subject No. 1 for the tenth time: The heart was removed, and the subject died ten seconds later. ]

[1924, August 1, 20:00, Experimental record of subject No. 3: Using a long needle, piercing into its body, the subject still has pain and has strong aggressiveness. 】

[1924, August 2, 2:00 a.m., Subject No. 3, seventh experiment record: heart removed, vital signs disappeared, reattached within one minute, vital signs restored. 】

[1924, August 3, 6:00 a.m., Subject No. 3, tenth experiment record: heart removed, subject did not lose vital signs and mobility, spine damaged, subject lost mobility, brain damaged, lost vital signs. 】

After reading these data records, Mu Rufeng's heart moved slightly.

"Is the experimental subject a human? No, this is a strange world, but if the experimental subject is strange, he will not die even if his heart is removed."

"Is it some kind of monster? Or is it just a human? The experimental subjects are locked in those fences in this castle?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

Mu Rufeng checked the dates of other experimental logs and found that they were almost the same.

At the same time, he took a look at the start and end time of the experimental log.

The earliest experimental data recorded was January 1924, and the latest was January 1927.

In other words, the experiment was conducted for a total of three years, and the experiment was interrupted for some unknown reason.

As for why the experiment was not successful, it was very simple, because the last experimental record recorded was that a certain experimental subject lost control.

"Whoosh~~!" There was a whistling sound of wind outside the window, and the blizzard was getting bigger.

Mu Rufeng looked at the window, and only then did he realize that the window was not sealed by wooden boards.

Walking to the window, he found that it was even colder in front of the window, and some cold wind blew in from the gap in the window.

Mu Rufeng looked at the window. It was locked, but it was okay.

It was white outside the window. The window was covered by the wind and snow, so Mu Rufeng could not see the outside scene at all.

"It's a bit cold, but it's a bit strange that there is no fireplace on this floor, and there is no fireplace in this room."

Mu Rufeng turned his head and looked at the wall in front of him.

This wall was the location of the fireplace in the housekeeper's room downstairs, but here, it became a bookshelf with experimental logs.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while, walked forward, put his hands on the bookshelf, and then gently lifted the whole bookshelf.

Then Mu Rufeng moved the bookshelf to the other side.

A European-style fireplace appeared in Mu Rufeng's eyes.

It was almost the same as the fireplace in the housekeeper's room. The only difference was that there was no black ashes in the fireplace, only a charred body.

[To light the fireplace, please put in soul notes. Every 10,000 soul notes can burn for one hour. You can also put in a corpse. A corpse can burn continuously for one day.]

Mu Rufeng immediately took out another 1 million soul notes and threw them into the fireplace.

At first, there was no reaction, but soon a wisp of black smoke slowly rose up, and finally, the soul notes burned directly.

At the same time, the corpse began to change. The charred body turned into black ash in an instant and then swallowed the soul notes. The flames slowly rose.

The warm breath slowly spread out from the fireplace and spread into the room.

The originally cold room suddenly became warm.

[Congratulations to the owner of the castle, Dogula Sen, you have successfully lit three fireplaces. Please continue to connect and leave. When all the fireplaces are lit, the castle will undergo unknown changes for the better.]

"Three fireplaces, is the castle open to me?"

Mu Rufeng thought about it. There were no valuable clues here, so Mu Rufeng opened the door and left the room directly.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that the warm light did not spread out from the room, as if it was limited to the house.

Outside, it was still a black fog.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the stairs and looked in the direction of the fourth floor.

The stairs on the fourth floor were even more gloomy, and the black aura was several times thicker than the third floor.

The stairs leading up were directly sealed, making it difficult for Mu Rufeng to move.

Why did he feel that his identity as the owner did not seem to have much effect.

And the housekeeper's precautions also said that he could go to any place in the castle as long as he lit three fireplaces.

Mu Rufeng immediately returned to the second floor.

However, he did not return to his room, but went down to the first floor directly.

Inside the castle, he could only explore the third floor now, so he decided to explore the outside of the castle. Maybe there would be some surprises waiting for him.

After arriving on the first floor, Mu Rufeng looked at the fireplace and found that the fireplace was burning more violently.

"Hey, why is the fire on the first floor burning so fast? Is it burning faster at night?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng took out another two million soul notes and threw them in.

He couldn't let the fireplace go out.

Then Mu Rufeng came to the door.

The two doormen immediately opened the door slowly.

A cold wind blew, causing the black mist around Mu Rufeng to sway.

Almost instantly, the temperature in the house dropped a level.

Mu Rufeng didn't care and walked out quickly, but he thought of something and walked back in immediately.

In order to be on the safe side, Mu Rufeng directly dismantled the two sets of armor.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that these two sets of armor were actually props.

[Ancient Knight's Armor]: Ancient Knight's armor set, including helmet, breastplate, hem, boots, and weapons.

Effect: Level 6 set of props. After wearing it, you will have strong defense and attack capabilities, enhance your own strength and ghost power, and summon a level 5 skeleton warhorse.

Note 1: The props are separated into level 5 props, and they will become level 6 sets when worn together.

Note 2: The props worn by the castle guards can only be distributed by the castle owner.

These are two good props. Mu Rufeng happens to be the owner, so he might as well take them.

As for opening and closing the door, at worst I can do it myself in the future. Oh, no, I can let the vines do it for me.

When Mu Rufeng came outside, he was a little surprised that the snow in the courtyard had accumulated again.

There was no green at all, only thick snow.

"Clean the yard." Mu Rufeng said.

Swish! Swish!

Many vines shot out from the ground, and then cleared all the snow in a few strokes.

The green grass appeared in the courtyard again.

Then Mu Rufeng came to the gate of the courtyard, thought about it, and flew out of the courtyard.

When Mu Rufeng left the courtyard, a chill invaded him.

However, this chill came and went quickly, and was suppressed by the power of the fire element in his body.

The whole body was filled with the breath of fire, which dispelled the chill.

Although the cold air of the frost dragon can also increase Mu Rufeng's ice resistance, he is not immune to ice resistance.

Unless Xiaolong's strength becomes stronger, the power he brings to Mu Rufeng will be even higher.

Mu Rufeng immediately flew around the castle.

At this time, Mu Rufeng discovered that the castle was actually located on a cliff.

The front of the castle, that is, the courtyard gate, faces the inside.

And behind the castle is a bottomless cliff.

Mu Rufeng can probably only see the scene within a mile, and farther away can't be seen clearly because of the blizzard.

The most important thing is that the light of the eternal oil lamp has been compressed to a distance of 100 meters.

You know, the light of the eternal oil lamp can be within a thousand meters before.

But it's not surprising to think about it, because the eternal oil lamp can only play its greatest role in the wilderness area.

And this is an extremely cold place, it's normal that the effect is a little worse.

The most important thing is that the soul notes in the eternal oil lamp seem to be consumed very quickly.

Mu Rufeng looked from the outside of the castle and didn't find anything too strange.

Just at this time, a harsh cry sounded from the sky.

A pair of sharp claws grabbed Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng reacted very quickly and disappeared in a flash.

When he appeared again, he was already a hundred meters away.

A huge snow sculpture appeared where Mu Rufeng had been floating before.


A thunder exploded.

The terrifying thunder burst out from Mu Rufeng's body and instantly covered the snow sculpture that wanted to fly high into the sky.

This snow sculpture is very powerful and is an eighth-level ghost king.

However, it is really not good enough for Mu Rufeng.

The terrifying thunder instantly electrocuted the snow sculpture, and its snow-white hair became a little charred and fell straight down.

Mu Rufeng flashed again, grabbed his claws before the snow sculpture landed, and then threw it directly into the courtyard.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, a pit was smashed out of the hard road in the middle.

Then a large number of vines flew out and bound the snow sculpture's wings, neck, claws and body.

Mu Rufeng fell from the sky, and only then did he see the full picture of the snow sculpture.

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng frowned.

It was called a snow sculpture, but it should be a person, no, a humanoid monster.

This was a two-meter-tall female giant. From the key parts of the lower body, the upper part was exactly the same as a person.

But from the thighs, it turned directly into a pair of sharp claws.

And her hands were not normal, but a pair of huge snow sculpture wings, which were ten meters long when spread out.

It was almost like the snow girl in One Piece.

Another thing was that this guy was very ugly, with wrinkled skin on his face and dense sharp teeth protruding from his mouth.

If it weren't for the few pounds of meat on her chest, I would have thought it was a male.

"Huh? 15?" Mu Rufeng suddenly saw the word 15 on this guy's forehead.

Looking more closely, there is actually a metal ring on her neck, which is almost fused with the flesh.

"Wait, this is not the experiment of the previous owner of the castle, right? This is the No. 15 experiment?"

"In other words, those experiments lost control, killed people everywhere, and finally ran away?" Mu Rufeng had some guesses in his mind.

"But what does this have to do with participating in the death game?" Mu Rufeng felt that there were really too many secrets in this castle.

However, it doesn't matter, no matter how many secrets there are, he can dig them out.

"Roar~~!" Just at this time, a roar came from a distance.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and looked outside.

But he saw a creature similar to a polar bear running towards this side madly hundreds of meters away.

When the distance was close enough, Mu Rufeng saw the whole picture clearly.

This is completely a human bear, a human bear with a body size of five meters.

The human head, the thick bear body, and the terrifying sharp teeth protruding from the mouth, this scene makes people extremely sick.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

The bear-man hit a transparent protective cover about ten meters outside the courtyard.

Because of the bear-man's collision, the protective cover was rippled, and then it was discovered by Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn't even notice the existence of this protective cover before.

Even when the female eagle fell into the courtyard, she didn't see the protective cover intercepting her.

The terrifying aura emanated from the human bear.

Level 8, the same level 8.

The black ghost cave burst out from the human bear, squeezing the protective shield.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and looked inside the house, only to see that the flame in the fireplace had already expanded, and the burning speed was greatly increased.

Mu Rufeng knew that this protective shield was actually the effect of the burning fireplace.

"Interesting." Mu Rufeng chuckled, and then a thunderbolt was released, and the eagle girl was shocked again.

This was also to prevent this guy from waking up.

Then Mu Rufeng walked slowly out of the courtyard.

It was just an eight-level human bear, and he completely defeated it.

But soon, Mu Rufeng's footsteps stopped.

In front of the invisible protective shield, one monster after another appeared.

Mu Rufeng glanced over, and he felt a little panic in his heart.

The most important thing was that a giant monster with a very terrifying aura was looming in the distance.

The giant monster seemed to be hundreds of meters tall. With every step he took, he could feel the ground shaking.

The violent blizzard blew on the giant monster, but it didn't stop him at all.

"Where is this strange world? There are so many level 7 and 8 monsters, but there is also a level 9 ghost emperor?"

Mu Rufeng silently retreated from the gate of the courtyard.

Smart people will choose to retreat strategically, and Mu Rufeng is that smart person.

Mu Rufeng glanced inside the house and found that the fire in the fireplace was burning more fiercely.

"Can this stop the level 9 ghost emperor?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the fireplace, thought about it, and went directly into the house.

At the same time, he did not forget to drag the eagle girl in.

At the same time, in order to restrain her, he directly cut several wounds on her body, and then let the bandages directly penetrate her body and start sucking blood.

After a while, the bandages completely bound the eagle girl, and even her body was rooted and sprouted by the bandages.

So what if he is an eighth-level ghost king? In this situation, he can't break free at all.

The bandage has been with Mu Rufeng for so long, and he has fed it a lot of blood, which is the blood of powerful and strange creatures.

This has also led to the bandage being upgraded to a sixth-level item, and its power is even stronger than before.

[Successfully captured the No. 15 experimental subject, please imprison the experimental subject in the original cell]

Suddenly, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that there would be a prompt sound.

This should be an additional hidden task? Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng's mouth corners slightly raised.

Then Mu Rufeng walked quickly to the fireplace. He looked at the balance in the fireplace. He had invested a total of 4 million before, but now, there was only 3 million left.

It's only been a few hours, and 3 million has been burned, and the burning speed now seems to be at least ten times faster than before.

If this is the case, does it mean that the 1 million in the two fireplaces upstairs is almost exhausted?

Mu Rufeng immediately took out 10 million and put them into the fireplace.

Then he quickly returned to the second floor, opened the door of the housekeeper's room and came to the fireplace.

When Mu Rufeng checked the balance, as expected, there were only about 60,000 soul notes left.

Mu Rufeng immediately threw 10 million in.

Then he went to the fireplace on the third floor and threw 10 million in as well.

When Mu Rufeng returned to the first floor again, he looked out from the door and saw that the giant monster had already arrived in front of the castle.

Those level 7 and 8 monsters also scattered.

The giant monster raised his foot and then kicked hard on the protective cover.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The earth shook, and the castle also shook.

On the outer layer of the castle, a huge protective cover slowly emerged, rippling.

One blow, just one blow, all the transparent and invisible protective covers were activated.

Mu Rufeng came to the fireplace and checked it. He found that this kick only consumed 500,000 soul notes, which made Mu Rufeng feel relieved.

It was good to be able to block it. It was only 500,000 soul notes. Even if the other two fireplaces were counted, it would only be 1.5 million soul notes at most.

If calculated in this way, the soul notes he put into the fireplace could last for more than 20 moves.

Mu Rufeng looked at his balance again. 15 trillion, it was really safe.

Without hesitation, Mu Rufeng threw another 100 million into the three fireplaces.

When Mu Rufeng came down from the third floor and was about to go down to the first floor, a door suddenly opened.

"Butler Sen, what happened? There are roars everywhere outside, and there is a terrible breath." Maria poked her head out and asked Mu Rufeng.

"It's okay, it's just some monsters trying to attack the castle."

Mu Rufeng said.

"Is there any danger? Can we go down and take a look?" Maria said.

"Whatever you say." Mu Rufeng went down to the first floor directly.

Maria was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then she discussed with her companions and actually pushed open the door and walked downstairs.

The rules did not say that you were not allowed to leave the room at night, and the housekeeper Mori said that you could go downstairs, so it would not violate the rules.

The most important thing was that they were really curious about what happened, and secondly, it was because they had the landing bracelet.

When Maria pushed the door open, it seemed to have a chain reaction, and doors were pushed open one after another.

Obviously, these contractors were not asleep, because the windows were sealed, they could not know the situation outside, and were curious about what happened outside.

Some people did not dare to go out, but seeing that everyone else had gone downstairs, the safest place must not be the room, but downstairs.

So, the 25 contractors came to the first floor together.

When they came to the first floor, they saw a huge foot kicking hard on the protective cover.

The castle shook again.

The terrifying breath spread, it was the breath of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

This breath made the contractors tremble with fear and shock.

Especially the contracted ghosts in these contractors were more sensitive to the breath of the ghost emperor and more afraid.

"Ghost emperor, that's the ghost emperor!"

"Nine-level ghost emperor, my God, he is actually attacking the castle."

"Will the castle be breached? Is the castle safe?"

All the contractors panicked.

Although the highest of them was a Level 6 Contractor, and the lowest was a Level 3 Contractor.

But the most powerful one they had seen was a Level 8 Ghost King, and they had never seen a Ghost Emperor.

They had never seen such a huge and strange creature.

Soon they also saw that there were many monsters with powerful and terrifying auras on both sides of the giant monster.

"Butler Sen Sen, why are there so many monsters, and there is also a Ghost Emperor, can the castle stop them?"

A courageous contractor asked Mu Rufeng at the door.

"Haha, what do you think." Mu Rufeng smiled indifferently and did not answer the question.

When everyone heard what Mu Rufeng said, they relaxed a little.

Mu Rufeng was so indifferent, so he must be able to stop it.

"Look, there is another monster over there." A contractor suddenly pointed to the eagle girl who was bound by bandages on the other side of the long table.

Because the crystal chandelier on the roof was not lit, there was only the firelight of the fireplace.

The dim vision, coupled with the obstruction of the long table, so they did not see the eagle girl at the first time.

As for why he could see clearly outside, it was naturally illuminated by the eternal oil lamp.

"Hand over the eagle girl." A shout came from outside.

Then the giant monster slowly squatted down, and a face was pressed against the protective cover.

Mu Rufeng saw clearly that it was a human face covered with hair.

This was a man's face, even the teeth in his mouth were exactly the same as human teeth, that is, they were larger and yellower.


Those level 7 and 8 monsters roared one after another, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Some timid people could even urinate on the spot.

Upon hearing this, a group of contractors looked at the eagle girl, looked at Mu Rufeng, and then looked at the giant monster outside.

They knew that it was very likely because Mu Rufeng captured the eagle girl of the eighth level ghost king, so these monsters were attracted.

Then, if the eagle girl was handed over, these monsters would retreat.

"No." Mu Rufeng replied in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, all the contractors were stunned. Don't hand it over? Is the housekeeper so brave? Is he so tough in front of the ninth-level ghost emperor?

"Hand it over!"

The giant monster seemed angry. He stood up and slammed his hands down, hitting the protective shield heavily.

The huge force actually made his fist almost fall on the gate of the courtyard.

However, when the flame of the fireplace jumped up again, it was stopped.

This scene also scared the contractor who was standing closest to the fireplace.

He glanced and found that no one was paying attention to him. He immediately took out another hand bone with a missing finger bone from the inventory and threw it into the fireplace.

After throwing the hand bone in, the contractor pretended to be indifferent and entered the crowd of contractors.

Mu Rufeng, who was confronting the giant monster, frowned slightly and turned his head to look inside the house.

"Hand it over, hand it over!"

The giant monster's voice was so loud that it almost covered the sound of the blizzard.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and looked at the giant monster calmly without saying a word.

Release, that's impossible, he also wants to study the sculptured girl of the fifteenth experimental subject.

There is such a powerful thing as the fireplace, and he is not short of money, hand it over? What a joke.

The giant monster was a little angry when he saw that Mu Rufeng didn't hand it over, and immediately retreated a distance. The blizzard became bigger and bigger, and his body was almost invisible.

Then the giant monster sprinted suddenly, and then stepped suddenly when he was about a kilometer away from them.

The ground cracked instantly, and the giant monster jumped high with great force, and then flew towards the castle like a cannonball.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The giant monster's fists hit the protective shield fiercely.

Even with the protective shield, the giant monster's fists pressed the protective shield and hit the ground hard.

The terrifying force caused the ground to crack and spread rapidly. In an instant, the gate of the courtyard, the wall, and the ground in the underwater courtyard collapsed directly.

On the green grass, the devil vines were instantly killed.

The devil vines died, and the devil vines hanging on the evil ghost stone sculpture were blown down, and the eternal oil lamp fell down with it.

Mu Rufeng saw this and stretched out his hand to take the eternal oil lamp in his hand.

Although the courtyard was destroyed, the castle was not damaged at all and was extremely solid.

"What a pity, it's dead." Mu Rufeng looked at the dead demon vine with a little pity.

The protective shield slowly propped up the giant's fists.

Mu Rufeng flashed and appeared in front of the fireplace.

He looked at the fireplace and found that the giant's move just now directly consumed three million soul notes.

It must be said that the giant's attack is really strong, and the fireplace is really expensive.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng put soul notes into the three fireplaces in advance, otherwise, it might be broken.

If that time came, Mu Rufeng's copy would probably end in failure.

"Let him go, otherwise, die!" The giant's voice came again.

Mu Rufeng ignored it and silently took out another 10 million soul notes and threw them directly into the fireplace.

The scene of throwing soul notes was also seen by a group of contractors.

They immediately widened their eyes. What did they see?

Soul notes, lots and lots of soul notes, at least several million, or even tens of millions.

In particular, one person in the crowd was the most shocked.

No wonder, no wonder he said he threw all the finger bones and hand bones into the fireplace, why the fuel in the fireplace was not exhausted.

It turned out that it was this butler Sen who threw a lot of soul notes into it.

It was over. He couldn't complete his mission. This butler Sen was too rich.

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