I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 290 The safe in the laboratory [10,000 words]

Mu Rufeng went to the second floor, came to the door of the housekeeper's room, opened it and walked in, and threw 10 million into the fireplace.

Then he went to the third floor in the same way and threw 10 million into the fireplace there.

After thinking about it, he simply put another 10 million in.

In order to avoid frequent visits to the third floor, he still had to keep a few times of the master key.

When Mu Rufeng returned to the first floor, the contractors were still here.

But they all gathered in front of the fireplace.

"Look, look, there are really soul banknotes under these black ashes."

"My God, if you take a handful of this, you will be rich."

"This flame seems to be very fierce. Who is brave enough to try this fire?"

The contractors whispered.

Mu Rufeng stood behind the crowd. He saw a male contractor holding a metal rod in front of the fireplace and directly reaching into the fireplace.

It was this metal rod that pulled apart the layer of black ash, revealing the burning soul notes inside.

To be honest, if someone really ignored the flames, they could really take out a lot of soul notes from it.

However, it was a bit difficult, because the metal rod of the level 5 prop had been burned red, and it was obvious that the flame was extremely terrifying.

"Giving you a chance is useless, let me try."

Yalu looked around and sneered, and then saw him swinging the metal rod in his hand, poking hard, and actually pierced through a pile of banknotes.

Then Yalu took the metal rod back directly.

Originally, the soul notes on the metal rod were burning, but when he took out the fireplace, the burning soul notes were extinguished directly.

Many damaged soul notes merged together and became a few brand new and intact soul notes.

Then Yalu took the soul notes off the soul note metal stick.

"Haha, I made a fortune, more than 10,000." Yalu smiled proudly.

The other contractors saw this and a gleam of light flashed in their eyes.

"You, what are you doing?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

When everyone heard Mu Rufeng's voice, they were shocked and looked back immediately.

Mu Rufeng was standing behind everyone at this moment.

Those contractors immediately put away their thoughts, and then they all consciously moved to both sides and made way.

"Butler Sen Sen, I..." Yalu didn't know what to say. At this moment, he was also extremely shocked.

Why, why did this guy come back in such a short time.

"I remember, you just threw something into the fireplace, right?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said again.

"No, no, Butler Sen, I'm sorry, I just saw that there were too many soul notes in it, and I was obsessed for a while." Yalu apologized quickly, and then directly threw the more than 10,000 soul notes into the fireplace again.

"I will compensate, I will compensate." Yalu took out more than 20,000 soul notes from his inventory and threw them directly into the fireplace.

Yalu was in great pain at the moment. This time, he really lost more than he gained.

"I failed to complete the mission, and I lost 24,000 yuan! It hurts, it hurts too much." Yalu was extremely sad.

"Let me ask you, what did you throw into the fireplace before?" Mu Rufeng was not touched at all by his throwing the soul notes in, but continued to ask.

"No, no, butler Sen." Yalu shook his head and looked at Mu Rufeng with fear.

"No? Haha." Mu Rufeng sneered.

"Boom!" Just at this moment, there was another roar outside, and the castle shook again.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and looked outside. The giant monster was still attacking. Mu Rufeng retracted his gaze and looked at Yalu.

"You are quite hard-mouthed."

Mu Rufeng sneered, came to the fireplace, bent down, and reached into the fireplace.

After searching for more than a minute, Mu Rufeng took out a finger bone and a hand bone.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, and inserted the finger bone into the hand bone, and it just matched.

"Hehe, it turned out not once, but twice. It seems that you first threw the finger bone in without telling me, and then after all of you came down, you threw this hand bone again?"

Mu Rufeng looked at Yalu and said lightly.

"Butler Sen, no, I really didn't." Yalu said with a look of grievance.

Mu Rufeng secretly activated his ability, and then asked again: "I ask you again, did you throw it?"

"Mr. Mu, I threw it. I saw you went to the third floor before, so I came down and threw the finger bone in."

"When I came down later, I saw that the fireplace was still burning, so I threw the whole hand bone in directly. If Butler Sen has evidence, then you can take it out, otherwise, I will not accept it." Yalu said.

Mu Rufeng chuckled and did not speak.

The other contractors looked at Yalu in shock.

They admired Yalu very much. He dared to admit it in front of a guy who was fighting against the ninth-level ghost emperor?

Is this guy a fool?

"Very good, it was you who lost it. You admitted it yourself." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Ah? No, I didn't admit it. It was really me who lost it. You have no evidence. Don't wrongly accuse me. It was really me who lost it." Yalu quickly explained.

Yes, yes, it was not you who lost it. Look at how many times you have admitted it yourself?

A group of contractors looked at Yalu as if they were looking at a fool.

"Tell me why you threw the finger bones into the fireplace." Mu Rufeng asked again.

"I don't know. I just want the fireplace to go out. I really don't know." Yalu shook his head repeatedly to express that he didn't know.

At this time, the contractors also noticed something was wrong.

Ming Ming Yalu's expression and tone were of ignorance and rejection.

But he answered Mu Rufeng's question clearly.

This was very wrong, and then they speculated that the reason why Yalu was like this must be due to Butler Mori's ability.

This ability seems to be to change other people's perceptions?

"Why did you let the fireplace go out? Who asked you to do this?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"It's really not me, Butler Mori. My mission is just to extinguish the fireplace. I can't help it. It's really not me." Yalu's face gradually became horrified. He couldn't figure out why Butler Mori thought he was the one who put out the fireplace.

"Mission? The mission made you burn out? So, in addition to completing the main mission, you have additional tasks?"

"So, do you all have additional tasks?" Mu Rufeng looked at everyone and asked.


"Butler Mori, I have no additional tasks."

"I also have extra tasks."

"I only have the main mission, Butler Mori."

"How can there be additional tasks?"

"Yes, how can there be additional tasks?"

"I do have extra duties."

Everyone quickly replied.

Most people answered that there are no additional tasks, but the answers of two people were so conspicuous.

Everyone looked at the two people in surprise.

When Mu Rufeng used his ability, he set it so that it would only work on those who wanted to lie to him.

If you lie to him, it will change his perception.

"It turns out there are two of them, Michelle and Mumuya, plus Yalu, that's three people with extra tasks." Mu Rufeng's eyes swept across the faces of the three.

Although the three of them could not see Mu Rufeng's face, they could all feel the pressure brought by Mu Rufeng.

"I know about Yalu. So, what are the extra tasks for you two? Tell me." Mu Rufeng looked at Michelle and Mumuya.

Michelle swallowed and said first, "I don't know."

Mumuya also said: "My, my mission is to explore Butler Mori's room to find something."

"Eh? Michelle, you are very good. You are actually willing to tell me. Come on, tell me again." Mu Rufeng looked at Michelle in surprise, and then removed his ability.

Hearing this, the latter said with a wry smile on his face: "My additional task is to find the spy hidden among our players and then kill him."

"Oh? Killing spies is a bit interesting. So, who do you think is the spy?" Mu Rufeng suddenly became interested.

"I think he, it should be him, his extra task is to extinguish the fireplace, and the fireplace is to protect our castle, so he must be a spy."

Michelle pointed at Alu and said.

"That's so interesting. Now have you got any tips on finding the spy?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, no," Michelle said.

"Not really? Then you must kill the spy. Then, go ahead and kill this guy." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, don't." Yalu was shocked.

But before he could react, Mu Rufeng's ghost power quickly covered Yalu's body, restraining him in place.

Even his mouth was sealed, preventing him from speaking.

"Do you want me to kill him?" Michelle looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

"Yes, kill him." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"But...but this will violate the rule you set about not fighting. Will it violate the rules of the castle?" Michelle said softly.

"You also said that I made the rules, and your mission is to kill spies. How could you violate the rules of the castle?"

"Now, kill him immediately, otherwise, I will kill you." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

Michelle finally took action, and with Yalu's horrified eyes on his face, he directly used his ability to cut Yalu into pieces.

Soon, a smile appeared on Michelle's face: "Butler Mori, my extra mission is completed. He is indeed a spy."

"Very good. Now, let's talk about you. Come on, tell me, why is your mission to go to my office?"

"What are you looking for in my office?" Mu Rufeng looked at Mumuya and asked.

Mumuya's heart trembled, and he accepted his fate, knowing that no matter whether he said it or not, he would say it.

"I don't want to say, I don't want to tell you, I don't know." Mumuya said.

"Very good. If you are willing to say it yourself, it will save me a lot of effort. Now, say it again." Mu Rufeng removed Mumuya's ability.

After hearing this, Mumuya said again that his mission was to find the key in the housekeeper's office.

If you complete the first phase of the mission after finding the key, then the next phase of additional missions will begin.

"Haha, it's actually an extra task." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then took out his large bunch of keys.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also marked the key with a marking card, and then handed it to Mumuya.

"Take it and see if you can complete the task." Mu Rufeng said.

Mumuya was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to really give him the key.

Mumuya immediately took the key with trembling hands.

Then his eyes changed a little, and it was obvious that the mission was completed.

"Butler Sen, I'll give you the key back. My mission is completed, and the next stage of the mission has been announced." Mumuya handed the key to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he released the ghost cave to cover the two of them, isolating the contractors outside.

"What is the next stage of the mission?" Mu Rufeng asked.

He didn't want other contractors to know Mumuya's next stage of the mission.

"The mission just said that I should go to the laboratory on the third floor to find a safe." Mumuya said.

"Third floor? Safe?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

Third floor, laboratory, isn't that the place Mu Rufeng went before?

But there is a safe in that place? It seems that Mu Rufeng is still not looking carefully enough.

What made Mu Rufeng speechless was that he actually forgot the bunch of keys he got in the housekeeper's room.

This made Mu Rufeng look stupid when he used the master key to open the door of the laboratory.

"What should I do after finding the safe? Do you want the things inside?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"It didn't say, just let me find the safe." Mu Muya shook his head and said.

Mu Rufeng heard this and used his ability to ask several more times to prevent Mu Muya from lying. After confirming that there was no problem, Mu Rufeng withdrew the ghost den.

Outside the castle, the giant monsters were still attacking, and even those monsters of level 7 and 8 began to attack the protective shield.

The soul banknotes in the fireplace suffered a huge test.

Mu Rufeng was not panicked at all.

He immediately came directly to the gate of the castle.

Looking at the monsters that kept attacking, Mu Rufeng tried to perform an attack, which was not too powerful, just the power of an ordinary level 8 ghost king.

The power penetrated the protective shield without any hindrance, and then directly hit a level 7 monster.

The terrifying thunder instantly knocked the monster to the ground, but it did not die, it was just paralyzed and fainted.

Without waiting for the monsters to react, Mu Rufeng took out a whip-like prop and swung it out, grabbing the monster and then pulling it in again without any hindrance.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng cut several cuts on his body and threw it next to the eagle girl.

The bandage was immediately extended after receiving the instruction and then drilled into the body of the monster from the wound.

[Successfully captured the experimental subject No. 33, please imprison the experimental subject in the original cell]

"Experimental subject No. 33?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the monster and then retracted his gaze.

It seems that all monsters have their own numbers.

Even the giant monster of the ninth-level ghost emperor is most likely an experimental subject, right?

The most important thing is that with the protection of the fireplace, he can ignore the attacks of those monsters, and his attacks can attack those monsters through the protective shield.

In this way, Mu Rufeng is invincible.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng smiled.

Without saying anything, the violent lightning in his body burst out instantly and gushed towards the monster in front.

Lightning has high lethality and is a large-scale group control skill.

It can easily stun and paralyze them, which makes it easier for Mu Rufeng to capture them.

The dazzling lightning pierced the darkness, and even the group of contractors in the house were blinded by the light.

Lightning, there is actually a weird power of lightning?

Contractors from various countries have tried to bring things from the real world into the weird world, but they all failed.

However, with a large global base, some people with strong hands-on ability entered the dungeon, and some lucky people made a series of weapons with limited tools.

This naturally includes firearms and even electricity.

However, the effects are not satisfactory. For guns, killing is no problem, weird? Level 1 weird is hard to kill.

For electricity, ordinary people can't be electrocuted to death, let alone weird.

The terrifying lightning burst out, and in an instant, it hit a lot of monsters.

However, the giant monster also reacted, and the ghosts burst out from its body, directly blocking Mu Rufeng's lightning.

And Mu Rufeng also took the opportunity to capture seven or eight fainted monsters and entered the courtyard.

When he wanted to capture them, all the monsters had been wrapped by the troll's ghosts.

The giant monster relied on his own strong experience and physique. Although he also had ghosts, he didn't use them often.

But even so, he was also a ghost emperor, able to block all of Mu Rufeng's thunder power.

However, it can be seen that the giant monster was not feeling well, as if the power of thunder had a great stimulating effect on him.

"Roar! Let them go, let them go!!!"

The giant monster seemed a little crazy, and a pair of eyes emitted a terrifying blood-red light.

The trembling breath was spreading, and the giant monster's body seemed to swell up.

Mu Rufeng saw this scene, frowned slightly, and the giant monster fell into a rage, and the breath was stronger.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand, and the terrifying thunderstorm erupted again.

This time, there was no reservation at all, and the power was released with all his strength.

However, the range of the protective shield that the thunderstorm had just left was directly swallowed up by the giant monster's ghost cave, without causing any ripples at all.

"It seems that the gap between the eighth-level ghost king and the ninth-level ghost emperor is still too big." Mu Rufeng shook his head and thought of continuing to attack.

It's useless, it's useless at all.

His strength is still too weak in front of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

However, to be safe, he still has to throw some more money into the fireplace.

Mu Rufeng immediately entered the house, and at the same time pulled the eight-headed monster in, and then shot two ghost powers to close the door.


There was a violent roar outside the castle, and the castle shook even more.

Mu Rufeng was not panicked at all.

He walked to the fireplace and took out 100 million soul notes to fill the stove directly. The flame also expanded instantly and reached an extremely high temperature.

It was like the metal stick that Yalu had held before, and I'm afraid it would be melted as soon as it was put in.

"Okay, do what you need to do, go to bed, and the second round of the death game will start after breakfast tomorrow." Mu Rufeng shouted to everyone.

"That. Butler Sen, will the castle really not be breached?"

"Break through? Haha, then why do you think I just threw money into the fireplace? To tell you the truth, I threw a hundred million soul notes in it."

"Even if the ninth-level ghost emperor bombards it all night, it is impossible to break through." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

Everyone was relieved when they heard it.

But soon another person spoke up, it was Maria: "Butler Sen, although I think the protective cover can protect the castle from threats, but our castle seems to be on the edge of a cliff, right?"

"If that monster destroys the ground, will it cause the ground outside the castle to crack and then fall directly off the cliff?"

Mu Rufeng heard this and his eyes condensed slightly: "How did you know?"

You have to know that when we came here on reindeer, there was a huge blizzard around us, and we couldn't see the situation outside clearly.

So this guy couldn't know that this place was on a cliff.

"According to the copy information, the Death Castle was built next to the cliff of the Death Canyon Mountains." Maria said.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng looked at the other contractors after hearing this.

"Yes, our copy introduction information also said that." The other contractors nodded.

"I see, don't worry, if that monster can destroy it, it would have destroyed it when he attacked before."

"If I guess correctly, the ground here has also been blessed by special power and is extremely solid."

"The monster can only destroy the surface soil layer at most, and the rock layer below is helpless." Mu Rufeng said.

Hearing Mu Rufeng say this, all the contractors breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, go up and rest quickly, there will be a second round of death game tomorrow." As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, the ghost cave opened, and he disappeared with the ten monsters in an instant.

They were about to say something, but they saw that Mu Rufeng had disappeared on the spot, so there was nothing to say.

Everyone looked at each other, and went upstairs silently.

But some people were still whispering and didn't know what they were talking about.

Mu Rufeng first returned to the housekeeper's room, then threw a hundred million into the fireplace, and then came to the third floor.

Mu Rufeng did not use the master key this time, but took out the bunch of keys.

Mu Rufeng did not need to try one by one, and saw that one of the keys seemed to be attracted and swayed slightly.

Mu Rufeng immediately took the key and inserted it into the keyhole of the laboratory.

With a click, the door lock was unscrewed, and Mu Rufeng pushed the door directly in.

Mu Rufeng also dragged the ten monsters in and threw them aside.

Then Mu Rufeng came to the fireplace and threw another hundred million into it, and he began to look for the safe that Mu Muya mentioned.

But Mu Rufeng looked around, but still couldn't find the so-called safe, even if Mu Rufeng used the ghost to search layer by layer, he still couldn't find it.

Mu Rufeng frowned. Since Mu Muya's task was to find it in the laboratory, then it must be here.

Unless, this is not a laboratory, but Mu Rufeng looked at the equipment and experimental logs inside, how could this not be a laboratory?

Then, there is another possibility, that this safe can only be found by Mu Muya?

Mu Rufeng immediately prepared to go down to find Mu Muya.

But he suddenly stopped again, and then directly gave Mu Muya an extra task as a housekeeper.

Yes, as an NPC in the copy, he also has the right to give tasks to players.

After waiting for several minutes, Mu Rufeng didn't see anyone coming, and immediately frowned.

But soon Mu Rufeng thought of something. He is now the owner of the castle, so he can enter the third floor.

But Mu Muya is just a game player and can't enter the third floor at all.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked out of the laboratory and came to the stairs.

Sure enough, Mu Rufeng saw Mu Muya, who was tangled and anxious, on the steps under the stairs.

"Come up." Mu Rufeng said to Mu Muya.

Mu Muya was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, with a look of great joy.

And he immediately got a prompt in his mind.

[With Dogula Sen's permission, you are qualified to enter the third floor]

Mumuya immediately went up to the third floor.

Although he went up to the third floor, the surrounding area was still covered with black fog, and the visibility was only about one meter.

If Mu Rufeng hadn't been standing in front of him, he probably wouldn't have dared to go up.

"Butler Sen." Mu Muya greeted him.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded in response.

Then, under the guidance of Mu Rufeng, he entered the door of the laboratory.

"Let's get started." Mu Rufeng closed the door of the laboratory and said to Mu Muya.

The latter nodded, and then began to look for it.

The instructions on the task were already very clear, so Mu Rufeng didn't need to explain.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes later, Mu Muya's surprised voice sounded: "Found it, Butler Sen, I found it."

Mu Rufeng, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, stood up immediately after hearing this, and then appeared directly behind Mu Muya.

Mu Muya was squatting in a corner at the moment.

There was originally a table in this corner, and there was an ornament on the table.

At this moment, the table had been opened, and Mumuya lifted the floor, revealing a black metal box.

"It's here, I clearly used the ghost cave to sweep it, and I remember there was nothing underneath." Mu Rufeng frowned.

He immediately used the ghost cave again, and this time he could find the safe under the floor.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng covered the wooden board again, and in an instant, the safe in the ghost cave disappeared.

Now Mu Rufeng knew that the material of this floor should also be quite special.

As long as it was covered, Mu Rufeng's ghost cave could not detect the safe placed underneath.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the safe.

Just as Mu Rufeng took out the bunch of keys and prepared to test them one by one, Mu Rufeng felt a little annoyed.

Because all the keys did not match the keyhole of this safe.

In other words, the key that Mumuya needed was actually the key to the laboratory door, not the key to the safe.

Mu Rufeng looked at Mu Muya: "Have you received a new task?"

"Yes, Butler Sen, this new task is for me to place the safe in a red trash can in a storage room on the fourth floor." Mu Muya said.

Mu Rufeng stared at Mu Muya and then used his ability to ask him several times, and then confirmed that he was not lying.

"Go back and rest, I will find you again." Mu Rufeng waved at Mu Muya.

Without waiting for Mu Muya to reply, Mu Rufeng directly sent him to the stairs on the second floor with the ghost.

Mu Muya realized that he was back later, and immediately walked towards his room with a smile on his face.

To be honest, he was really happy because the rewards for the two additional tasks were extremely generous.

The basic reward is 20,000 soul notes plus 200% clearance, and the two are 40,000 soul notes and 400% clearance.

Soul notes are a small matter, but clearance is crucial.

The clearance completion rate affects the final settlement reward.

You should know that his highest level of completion before was only 300%.

This time, the two additional tasks are already 400, and if the first stage tasks are added, they are doubled compared to his previous highest level.

That is, the 300% completion rate that time allowed him to obtain a good attack prop, which helped him overcome several difficulties.

This time, as long as he can successfully complete the death game, then he will definitely be strong.


This safe is not big, just the size of two shoe boxes stacked together.

Mu Rufeng took out the safe.

[Old safe]: This is a safe from many years ago, which has become a little old.

Effect: Level 5 prop, requires the correct key to open, and forcible opening will destroy the items stored inside.

"Fortunately, I still have the master key." Mu Rufeng smiled and took out the master key.

With a "click!" sound, the safe was opened.

Mu Rufeng first put away the master key, and then looked inside, but to Mu Rufeng's surprise, there was actually a heart inside.

A beating heart.

Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

He couldn't figure out why there was a heart in this safe.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, reached out and touched it, and tried to check the properties.

[Beating heart]: A beating, unknown heart.

The ordinary introduction did not give Mu Rufeng any information.

Mu Rufeng tried to put it into the inventory, and to his surprise, the heart could actually be put into it.

"So, this prop is actually a heart?" Mu Rufeng felt that this castle was even more confusing.

Mu Rufeng pondered for a while, and then took out the corpse used to activate the plug-in from the inventory.

He peeled open the chest of the corpse, and then took out the broken heart inside and put it in the safe.

Then Mu Rufeng put the corpse and the safe into the inventory together.

Then Mu Rufeng released the ghost and brought Mu Muya, who was lying on the bed thinking about things, to the laboratory.

"Butler Ah Sen, do you have anything else to ask me?" Mumuya was startled, but he was relieved when he saw it was Mu Rufeng.

He now knew that Mu Rufeng would definitely not attack him.

Or rather, he won't do it now, because he has an extra task, which is still useful to Butler Sen.


There was another violent roar outside, and the castle shook again.

Neither Mu Rufeng nor Mu Muya reacted to this, they were already used to it.

"Take this safe, and when the right opportunity comes, you will place it at the target location according to the task." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Butler Sen." Mu Muya was secretly happy, took the safe directly and put it in the inventory.

The third extra task can be completed again, he feels so comfortable.

This task is like picking it up for free.

And he feels that he has helped Mu Rufeng complete some plans, and it is likely that Mu Rufeng will take care of him, let him successfully complete the death game and return.

Thinking of this, Mu Muya was extremely excited. This time, he completed so many tasks, and he felt that he was going to be rich.

In the next second, he felt a flash before his eyes, and then he reappeared in his room, still lying on the bed, and his position seemed not to move.

He could also hear the snoring of the other two roommates.

It must be said that the two were really bold, and they could actually fall asleep in such an environment.

You know, after they became contractors, it was normal for them not to sleep for a few days, and it was even more normal not to sleep at night in the dungeon world.

What Mumuya didn't know was that his two roommates fell asleep because of Mu Rufeng's trick.

Nightmare, Mu Rufeng just tried it, and smoothly made the two people fall into a deep sleep.

This is only the most superficial move, as for more in-depth moves, Mu Rufeng is not free now.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng is not going to sleep tonight anyway.

Instead, he sat directly in front of the fireplace, paying attention to the changes in the fireplace at all times.

Although 100 million soul notes were invested in each fireplace, the attack of the ninth-level ghost emperor and multiple seventh- and eighth-level monsters was afraid that it would be burned if he was not careful.

He looked at the time. It was already three o'clock in the morning, and there was still enough time.

Then he took out Ma Qiu.

"Ma Qiu, help me watch the fireplace. As long as the soul notes in the fireplace are less than five million, remember to call me." Mu Rufeng gave Ma Qiu an order.

"Okay, master, I will help you watch it." Ma Qiu nodded repeatedly, stood in front of the fireplace, and stared at the fireplace.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then looked at the ten monsters lying on the ground not far away.

Among the ten monsters, the two monsters that were caught at the beginning have awakened.

However, because of the cruel binding state of the bandage, they have lost their ability to move, and only their eyeballs can move.

The ghost power in the body cannot be mobilized, and the mouth is blocked by the bandage.

Needless to say, the eagle girl, and the other awakened level 7 monster, is a werewolf-like existence.

The sturdy human body is more than two meters tall, but the head is a ferocious wolf head.

They were obviously normal human arms and thighs, but the palms and soles of the feet were wolf claws.

As for the other eight monsters, they were all in a coma, but they looked similar in appearance, all beastmen or human-beast forms.

Mu Rufeng moved a chair and sat next to them.

Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and the bandages immediately came out of their mouths.

Then Mu Rufeng opened several wounds on the monsters, and the bandages were immediately extended and inserted into their bodies.



Low roars and piercing chirps burst out from the mouths of the wolf man and the eagle girl.

"Can you speak human language?" Mu Rufeng said.

The response to Mu Rufeng was still roaring.

Then Mu Rufeng tried to communicate with them mentally.

However, even if it was mental communication, the response to Mu Rufeng was still roaring.

This situation shows that they have no self-awareness at all.

His telepathic communication can communicate with any species, even those plants. Mu Rufeng can speak and get some simple responses from them.

He can even feel the emotions of those plants, and even let them understand what Mu Rufeng said.

But without the existence of self-awareness, telepathic communication is invalid.

There are also evil spirits. Although Mu Rufeng has never communicated with them, Mu Rufeng believes that they are definitely unable to communicate with them like these two guys.

This stumped Mu Rufeng. Since there is no communication, there is no way to get information from them.

"Lock them in the cell according to the prompts?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

"Hey, wait, even if there is no communication, there should be some memories in their minds."

"If I enter their dreams, can I get some information?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of his newly acquired nightmare ability.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng immediately used the power of nightmare on them.

They fell into a deep sleep without any resistance, and then Mu Rufeng tried to enter their dreams.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng felt himself standing up from the chair and then floating in the air.

He looked at the eagle girl and the werewolf lying on the ground, and saw a bubble that was shaking on their heads.

The corner of the bubble is connected to their heads, just like the bubbles in QQ chat.

Mu Rufeng suddenly realized that he could enter directly by touching these bubbles.

Obviously, these bubbles are their nightmare space.

The other eight unconscious monsters also have bubbles on their heads.

Mu Rufeng did not rush to enter. He turned around and looked behind him. He saw another self, his flesh body lying on the chair and sleeping soundly.

He looked down at his body again. He saw that his body was somewhat transparent. He should be in a soul state now.

Surprisingly, there was a bubble on his head. So, could he enter his dream with a clear consciousness by touching his bubble?

Then would there be another self in his dream?

Mu Rufeng was too lazy to worry about it. There would be plenty of time to experiment in the future. Now, he wanted to enter their dreams to see what they were.

At this moment, a magical scene appeared. The bubbles of the eagle girl and the werewolf actually moved closer to each other and then merged together.

Then the bubbles of those guys merged together and finally became a larger bubble.

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