I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 291 The power of nightmare, the scene in the deepest part of memory [10,000 words]

"Interesting, are they dreaming about each other?"

Mu Rufeng immediately reached out and touched the bubble.

Then Mu Rufeng entered the dream.

Black, pitch black, pitch black.

Nothing could be seen around.

Just when Mu Rufeng was puzzled, a light appeared in the distance.

The light instantly illuminated the surroundings.

Mu Rufeng also saw the surroundings clearly. This was a large cave with dozens of monsters in it.

These monsters were leaning against the wall, lying on the ground, or lying on the ground. There were also a few gathered together, all in deep sleep.

These monsters were the monsters that Mu Rufeng had seen before, besieging the castle.

But Mu Rufeng did not see the eagle girl, werewolf and other monsters.

Oh, and the hundred-meter-high giant monster.

Mu Rufeng looked at the light source in the distance, which should be the exit of the cave.

Mu Rufeng took a step forward and instantly appeared at the entrance of the cave.

In the dream, Mu Rufeng seemed to have incredible creative ability. As long as he wanted, any scene and any thing could be created by consuming his own power.

When Mu Rufeng stepped out of the cave, the entrance became a little dim, and finally disappeared.

Mu Rufeng also saw the scene outside the cave clearly.

Corpses, corpses everywhere, the light from the scorching sun illuminated the surroundings.

Everywhere he looked, there were corpses.

The eagle girl, the werewolf, and the other eight monsters were feasting in the pile of corpses.

And farther away, the hundred-meter-high giant monster was leaning against a mountain, closing his eyes and seemed to be sleeping.

"Are these guys dreaming of eating meat?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

These corpses include humans, weird, and various weird creatures and animals, countless.

It seems that the food they have eaten has appeared in their dreams.

Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and the sea of ​​corpses and blood disappeared, replaced by an empty ground.

When the monsters saw that the food was gone, they suddenly became extremely angry.


A monster found Mu Rufeng and roared at him immediately.

All of a sudden, all the monsters looked at Mu Rufeng, and their expressions became extremely ferocious.

It seemed that they recognized Mu Rufeng.

"Roar~~!" The multiple monsters roared and rushed towards Mu Rufeng.

The eagle girl also cried out, spread her wings and soared into the sky, and then her body rotated in the air, forming a terrifying storm, and attacked Mu Rufeng directly.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng raised his right hand and swung it down fiercely.


Ten thunders as thick as buckets suddenly fell from the sky and hit the monsters in an instant.

The dazzling lightning dissipated, and the ten monsters fell to the ground without any surprise, their bodies charred and emitting wisps of white smoke.

Their bodies couldn't stop trembling, and they foamed at the mouth, but their consciousness was extremely clear, staring at Mu Rufeng with eyes, showing violent emotions.

Obviously, these monsters were not afraid of Mu Rufeng at all, and they didn't know what fear was.

Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry. After he entered the dream space, he knew that he could control the time in the dream space.

The ratio of this time can be delayed to one to three, that is, three hours passed in the dream space, and only one hour passed in the real world.

Moreover, as Mu Rufeng's strength became stronger and his control over the power of nightmare became stronger, this ratio would increase.

Then Mu Rufeng used his ability again, and soon, he saw that the surrounding scenes began to change.

The laboratory, the surrounding environment turned into a laboratory.

However, this laboratory became a little bigger.

There were multiple cages in the laboratory, and nine monsters were imprisoned in the cages.

And the female eagle was tied to the metal platform at this moment.

They were originally completely fearless and their ferocious expressions finally changed at this moment.

They looked at Mu Rufeng with fear and anxiety.

Surprisingly, there was a three-meter-tall little giant standing in the glass observation room.

The little giant stuck to the glass, his eyes wide open, staring at Mu Rufeng, but he had no other reaction.

Mu Rufeng opened the most fearful scene in the hearts of the ten monsters, and at the same time he would become the most fearful existence for them.

Seeing the surrounding environment, Mu Rufeng also understood that when they were doing experiments in the laboratory and when they were imprisoned in the cage, it was the most fearful moment for these monsters.

This also shows that these monsters really escaped from the castle.

This also includes the giant monster of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

Because the little giant in the glass room is very similar to that giant monster.

That giant monster seemed to be a little giant magnified dozens of times.

Mu Rufeng also saw his current appearance clearly through the glass.

A typical western white middle-aged man with dark eye sockets, deep sunken eyes, pale face, and hooked nose.

But he looked like he had taken too much opium.

Of course, Mu Rufeng would rather believe that this guy became like this because he stayed up all night for a long time and slept for only a few hours for several days.

Mu Rufeng remembered this face deeply.

Mu Rufeng also held a scalpel in his hand, and he immediately walked in front of the eagle girl.

At this moment, the eagle girl looked extremely frightened. Seeing Mu Rufeng coming over, she became even more frightened.

"No, don't come over, don't come over~~!" The eagle girl spoke.

But this voice was very sharp, similar to the voice of a parrot.

So, before they escaped, they could still speak.

"You, what's your name?" Mu Rufeng asked slowly.

"Don't come over, don't come over~~!" The eagle girl ignored Mu Rufeng's question and kept repeating this sentence.

"Tell me, what's your name!" Mu Rufeng emphasized his tone and directly pressed the scalpel on the eagle girl's chest.

"Don't come over, don't come over~~! Li~~!"

As she spoke, the eagle girl let out a terrifying cry.

This sound made Mu Rufeng's ears slightly startled.

"Bang!" There was a sound.

But the glass observation room exploded directly.

When the glass house exploded, a flash of blood suddenly flashed in the eyes of the little giant.

"Roar!" The little giant roared, and his body shot towards Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng was actually a little surprised by this sudden change.

Seeing the little giant rushing over, it would be effortless for him to suppress him.

But Mu Rufeng thought of something, and he took a few steps back and retreated to the side.

And there was another Mu Rufeng in the original place, no, not Mu Rufeng, but the white man with a hooked nose in the eyes of the monster.

If Mu Rufeng guessed correctly, this scene should be one of the most terrifying memories in the depths of the eagle girl's memory.

Mu Rufeng didn't want to make any changes, he also wanted to see what happened here.

The little giant hit the body of the white man heavily.

The huge force directly made the white man's body fly out, and then smashed directly into the bookshelf behind, and even embedded in the wall.

The little giant immediately came to the metal table and broke the shackles that bound the eagle girl.

The eagle girl was free.

The little giant did not leave immediately, but pulled the eagle girl to the cages, and soon destroyed all the cages.

All these monsters escaped from the cages.

Each of them had a look of surprise in their eyes, and at the same time, they looked at the little giant with admiration and respect.

"Let's go." The little giant punched the door of the laboratory and was about to lead everyone away.

However, there was a bang from the bookshelf.

A muscular man with a ligature stood up.

The white man who was originally a little hunched and thin has become this muscular man with a ligature.

The little giant's just now didn't hurt him at all.

"You, you Borel, why are you." The little giant looked at the owner of the castle with abnormal shock.

"Haha, you are indeed my experimental subject. You can actually shatter my glass house with sound waves."

"And you, Gulas, are indeed my most satisfactory work. Under such a large dose of anesthetic, you still have such great power."

"Isn't it strange, why do I have such great power? What do you think I did the experiment for? Of course, it is to make me a god!"

Borrell laughed wantonly, not taking the little giant and those monsters seriously at all.

"God? Kill!" Gulas became violent.

He was not afraid of Borrell, but was shocked that Borrell was not damaged at all under his impact.



The roar burst out from the mouths of the monsters such as the eagle girl, and then killed Borrell.

Mu Rufeng stood aside and watched this scene quietly.

After their dreams merged, some scenes were mixed together, but they should be almost the same.

The picture here is definitely the most real picture in the memory of the eagle girl and those monsters.

It's just that, in Mu Rufeng's opinion, the final result should be that the little giant successfully escaped with those monsters.

As for the owner of the castle, it is likely that he is not dead.

If he is dead, then what about this fireplace?

No, no, he should be dead, otherwise, with the strength of Gulas, the ninth-level ghost emperor, and so many seventh- and eighth-level monsters under his command.

How could he not destroy the castle?

Mu Rufeng continued to watch this memory while thinking.

The scene has already taken a big turn. It is unimaginable that Borel actually suppressed Gulas and fought those monsters.

Even, many monsters have lost their ability to move and fell to the ground.

From the picture of their battle, Mu Rufeng saw that Borel and Gulas were about level four.

The eagle girl and others were about level two and three.

However, Mu Rufeng also noticed a clue.

That is, there is no ghost power in their bodies, and they are purely relying on the strength of the flesh.

In this way, the Death Castle is not a native building in the weird world.

It is very likely that it is a real building in the real world more than a hundred years ago. It is just that for some unknown reason, the Death Castle and all these monsters have entered the strange world.

Thinking about it this way, does it mean that there are also extraordinary powers in the real world?

As time goes by, the result of the battle is also revealed.

Borrell finally won, breaking Gulas's limbs and recapturing him.

Of course, Borrell himself was also injured, with one arm torn off and a hole in his chest, which was quite miserable.

However, the window on one side was broken.

Neither the eagle girl nor the monsters were anywhere to be seen at this moment.

Gulas knew that Borrell was powerful, so he wanted the eagle girl to escape through the window, and he would hold Borrell back.

"Li~~!" The eagle girl cried outside the window.

The sound waves exploded, causing Borrell to rub his ears, and he did not go to trouble the eagle girl.

Because the eagle girl could fly, although Borrell was very powerful, he really had no way to deal with the flying eagle girl.

Soon, the picture turned to the eagle girl, and the picture in the castle disappeared.

Because the memory here belonged to the eagle girl, and the eagle girl could no longer see what Borrell was doing, so there was no picture, and Mu Rufeng was suspended in the air.

Not far away, the Eagle Girl was anxiously hovering over the castle, trying to rescue Gulas, but she was too weak to enter the castle.

She was afraid of being caught by Borel again.

Then, the picture began to speed up.

The Eagle Girl came here to harass almost every day, day and night, windy, rainy and snowy, without interruption.

And Borel also tried many ways to catch the Eagle Girl, but the Eagle Girl was meticulous and failed every time.

In the end, Borel sealed all the windows in the house with wooden boards, leaving only the window in the laboratory unsealed.

Of course, this was also a trap.

The Eagle Girl was almost caught because of this unsealed window when she was in the most dangerous time.

I don’t know how long it took, because the picture changed too quickly.

One day in winter, a blizzard covered the land.

The Eagle Girl hovered over the castle day after day.

Even a blizzard could not scare the Eagle Girl away.


The castle erupted with a terrifying roar.

Then, there were constant terrifying roars and vibrations in the castle.

It seemed that something terrible had happened inside.

The eagle girl saw through the window of the laboratory that Gulas had escaped and was fighting with Borel.

Gulas's figure was also larger than before, and he seemed to be less rational.

In addition, there were many monsters besieging Borel together.

The eagle girl knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately returned to the habitat in the blizzard, and then called the monsters that had escaped before to attack the castle.

A tragic, extremely tragic battle.

Dead, all dead.

Whether it was those monsters, Borel, the owner of the castle, or Gulas, all died.

Although there were still Borel's men in the castle, they had also been transformed and had powerful strength.

But they still died one by one under the desperate attacks of those monsters, and they were drunk by blood and eaten by them.

Borel seemed to know that he could not escape, so he directly detonated the gunpowder buried under the courtyard of the castle.

The gunpowder exploded, directly breaking the ground, and the entire castle fell directly off the cliff.

Everything was shattered and disappeared, and the picture disappeared here.

The surrounding scene reappeared in the sea of ​​blood and corpses that Mu Rufeng first saw.

The eagle girl and a group of monsters continued to feast on the blood and flesh.

In the distance, the giant monster Gulas was still leaning on a mountain and sleeping soundly.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, and then used the nightmare ability to present the most beautiful picture in the depths of the eagle girl's memory.

In an instant, the surrounding pictures twisted and finally turned into an extremely beautiful valley.

There are two high mountains on the left and right, but the mountains are very flat, not rugged, but all green grass, and occasionally there are clusters of flowers.

This is not a big village, and it is still a very typical Western village.

Windmills, farms, cowboys, etc., and even electric lights.

A 17- or 18-year-old blonde girl and an unusually tall and rough man sat by a stream.

There were many cattle and sheep grazing around them.

"Jannis, I like you, can you be my wife?" Gulas looked at the blonde girl nervously.

"Brother Gulas, what did you say?" Janis, who was fine at first, suddenly became very red in the face and dared not look at Gulas.

"Jannis, I like you, can you be my wife?" Gulas swallowed his saliva, forced himself to calm down, and spoke again.

"But... but if you propose, you need a ring." The girl's face turned red, and after leaving this sentence, she ran away quickly.

She even ignored the cattle and sheep she raised at home.

"Jannis, have you agreed? I'll go buy it right now, buy a ring, and then go to your house to propose marriage!" Gulas realized it later, and when he saw the girl running away, he stood up and shouted happily.

After hearing Gulas's words, the girl ran faster, but still turned around to look at Gulas.

"Don't worry, I will drive your cattle and sheep back together." Gulas waved his hands at the girl, his face was extremely excited and happy.

The scene changed, and it was night.

The village was very lively, and it seemed that some banquet was being held.

Looking more closely, it turned out to be the wedding of Gulas and Janis.

However, such beauty was broken by a group of soldiers entering the village.

The leader, Borel, led a group of soldiers and killed all the old people in the village. The remaining middle-aged men and women, teenagers, young people, and children were all captured and brought back to the castle.

Then, there were cruel human experiments.

In just one year, only more than ten people were left alive out of the more than 100 people captured in their village.

The living people also had great changes in their bodies to a greater or lesser extent, and they could no longer be called human beings.

Afterwards, ordinary people were constantly captured by Borel and brought back to the castle for experiments.

Mu Rufeng looked at these scenes, with mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what to say.

However, Mu Rufeng also knew the identity of this Borel through this memory. He was a viscount in a certain area of ​​​​the United Kingdom.

"Britain?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

After he returns, he will go there to see if he can find any information about the castle. At the same time, he will also go to Ye Lin to find out whether there are any supernatural powers in the country before the strange copy appears.

After understanding almost all the information, Mu Rufeng came out of the dream of the eagle girl.

Then he returned to his body again.

Mu Ru stood up from the chair, and the bubbles on the heads of the monsters of the eagle girl disappeared.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time, it was already 3:30 in the morning.

Mu Rufeng came to the window, and the window was still covered with snow.

Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and pressed on the glass, and then the fire spread out again.

In the blink of an eye, the layer of snow melted directly, and Mu Rufeng also saw the scene outside clearly.

Gulas and those monsters were still attacking the protective shield of the castle.

Mu Rufeng looked at those monsters, shook his head slightly, and sighed in his heart.

They are all some pitiful people.

Yannis the eagle girl can be said to be Gulas's wife, no wonder she attacked the protective shield so relentlessly.

If someone takes your wife away, any man will be angry.

"That is to say, the owner of the castle is Borel, so where is he now?" Mu Rufeng thought.

Suddenly, he thought of the heart in the safe. Is this heart Borel's?

So, is Borel hiding in the area of ​​the castle that has not been opened yet?

"Let's take it one step at a time." Mu Rufeng left the window and stood in front of the eagle girl and others.

He is now thinking about how to deal with these monsters.

In the end, Mu Rufeng decided to put them in the cage first and complete the task first.

The ghost cave unfolded, and Mu Rufeng directly moved all the monsters to the front of the cage.

At this time, the black fog in the cage began to dissipate, revealing the original appearance inside.

It was a very ordinary cell. I looked around and saw that there were about thirty of them. One room was transformed into three cages, and ten rooms were thirty cages.

There was nothing inside, only the ground and walls were covered with claw marks and bite marks, and there were iron bars.

Mu Rufeng checked the numbers of the monsters one by one.

Among these monsters, there were five level 7 monsters and five level 8 monsters.

Level 7 monsters generally have higher numbers, such as the werewolf experiment number 33.

The largest number has reached 76.

There are only thirty cells in total, which is impossible to match.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and took the 15th female eagle to the 15th cage first.

He took out the bunch of keys, and then successfully found the corresponding key, and easily opened the cell door, and then Mu Rufeng directly threw the female eagle in.

[Successfully captured the experimental subject number 15, and the clearance rating increased]

A prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

Then Mu Rufeng put the other four level eight monsters into the cells within number 30, and they all received the previous prompt sound.

Then Mu Rufeng carefully checked the collars on the necks of the five level seven monsters.

There were also some numbers engraved on the collars, but they were different from the numbers on their foreheads, all within 30.

The number on the werewolf's collar was 19. Mu Rufeng immediately went to cell 19, took out the key to open it, and threw the werewolf directly in.

All of a sudden, the prompt sound appeared in his mind again.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then imprisoned them in the corresponding cells according to the numbers on their collars.

"Okay, let's go. Haven't you had enough to drink for so long?" Mu Rufeng said to the bandage that was still clinging to the eagle girl.

Hearing this, the bandage sucked hard and then quickly came out of the eagle girl, and then wrapped around Mu Rufeng again.

Then Mu Rufeng came to the laboratory, called Ma Qiu away, and then returned to the housekeeper's room on the second floor.

He first looked at the soul notes in the fireplace and found that there were still plenty of soul notes in it, so he asked Ma Qiu to look inside.

And he began to practice the tiger force in the open space beside.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


At seven o'clock in the morning, Mu Rufeng finished his practice.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was hot and unbearable all over, and even white steam came out of his body.

This is because the temperature in the body is too high when practicing the tiger force.

Mu Rufeng went to the bathroom to take a shower and felt much refreshed.

After practicing for a long time, I was a little hungry.

After Mu Rufeng finished breakfast, he slowly came to the lobby on the second floor before eight o'clock.

At this moment, the twenty-five contractors had gathered in the lobby on the second floor.

It was dark here, but with the arrival of Mu Rufeng, the crystal lamp above the hall slowly lit up.

"Why are you standing? Sit down." Mu Rufeng walked to the long table and spread the food tablecloth on it.

The contractors sat on the long table obediently.

In addition to Mu Rufeng's main seat, there were twenty-five seats, just one for each contractor.

"Order whatever you want to eat, and start the second round of the death game after you finish eating." Mu Rufeng said, and then turned and left here.

The windows on the second floor were all sealed with wooden boards, and the scene outside could not be seen.

So Mu Rufeng went down to the first floor again.

The fireplace was still burning, but it had returned to calm.

The burning speed returned to normal.

Mu Rufeng came to the front door and opened it.

Outside, there was still heavy snow.

However, it was daytime now, and the sky was a little brighter. It was not as dark as last night, so people could see farther.

The courtyard was covered with heavy snow, and there was no sign of any cracks.

Even the cracked ground outside the protective cover was covered with heavy snow.

The giant monster had disappeared long ago.

It probably left at six in the morning.

It seemed that they could not appear here during the day?

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and the violent ghost power instantly cleared the snow in the courtyard.

The walls and gates of the courtyard had disappeared long ago, turning into a ruin. The ground was full of cracks and pits.

Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and he saw that the broken walls, rubble and ground began to gather together quickly and then recover.

In a short while, the walls of the courtyard, the gate of the courtyard, and the road, and the soil on both sides were all restored to their original state.

This is an ancient castle, a very high-level building. Mu Rufeng can easily control the power of the castle and repair the damaged parts.

That is to say, Mu Rufeng cannot use the power of the castle to attack the giant monster.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng really would not be afraid of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

Mu Rufeng went around to the back of the castle. Below was a bottomless abyss, and farther away was foggy, which he could not see through.

I don’t know why, his eyes can see through many fogs and illusions, but here he can’t see through.

Mu Rufeng thinks this should be the restriction to enter the dungeon, in order to prevent dungeon players from leaving the dungeon.

After returning to the courtyard, Mu Rufeng took out the green grass seeds again and sprinkled them in the garden on both sides of the stone road.

After a while, the courtyard was full of green vitality, which was very pleasing to the eye.

Mu Rufeng returned to the hall on the second floor.

These people have also finished eating, and when they saw Mu Rufeng coming, they immediately waited for him.

After Mu Rufeng put away the food tablecloth, he looked at everyone.

"The second round of the death game officially begins!"

When the voice fell, several virtual options appeared in front of Mu Rufeng, namely:

[Guess] [Arm wrestling] [Death revolver]

[Please choose one of the game play methods]

The relevant information of the three death games also emerged in Mu Rufeng's mind.

The rules of guessing are also relatively simple, which is to let the players guess how many years this castle has been built.

If the guessed time exceeds thirty years, they will be eliminated directly.

This game can be analyzed based on the items and appearance in the castle.

The second arm wrestling is also very simple. Draw lots to arm wrestle in pairs. The winner advances and the loser is directly eliminated. If the number of contractors is odd, one of them will be directly promoted.

This is very efficient. No matter what, 12 people will be eliminated.

The third death revolver, put a bullet in it, and then shoot yourself in the head one by one. If you hit it, you will be eliminated, and if you don’t hit it, you will advance.

This one is really just based on luck.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and chose arm wrestling directly.

"The second round of the death game is arm wrestling. The opponent is determined by drawing lots. The winner advances, the loser is eliminated, and the person who draws a blank lottery advances directly." Mu Rufeng also wanted to end this copy quickly.

When Mu Rufeng announced the second round of the death game, their pupils shrank violently.

This time the game is really too cruel. Twenty-five people are randomly checked, and twelve people will definitely be eliminated.

Although they have great objections to this game, no one dares to object, so they can only draw lots obediently.

Soon, everyone finished drawing lots.

Mu Muya was lucky to draw a blank lottery.

Then the twenty-four contractors started the arm wrestling competition as if their mother had died.

When the game was over, the twelve losers were directly enveloped by the power of the landing bracelet and teleported back to the real world.

"Congratulations to everyone for successfully completing the second round of the death game." Mu Rufeng congratulated the remaining thirteen contractors.

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Successfully led the second round of the death game, the rating has been improved, please light all the fireplaces as soon as possible, and you can start the third round of the game at any time]

[Please note that the third round of the game must be played on the third floor]

"Now, everyone, go to the third floor for the next round of the game." Mu Rufeng said, and disappeared directly from the spot.

Everyone looked at each other, a little surprised that the third round of the game would start so soon.

But they didn't say anything, and finally walked towards the stairs.

After a while, they came to the third floor.

At this moment, the black fog on the third floor had long disappeared. The restrictions here had been lifted because of the end of the second round of the death game.

The contractors looked around and felt that it was similar to the second floor, and then walked towards the hall.

It's just that when they saw those cells, they still felt some inevitable fear.

Especially the level 7 and 8 monsters imprisoned in them.

Surprisingly, the monsters that were extremely violent and fearless outside before, curled up and trembled when they were imprisoned in the cells.

Obviously extremely scared, as if this was the place they feared the most in their hearts.

Those contractors didn't stay too long and soon came to the hall.

There is no long table in this hall, but many glass jars are placed. The glass jars are filled with some liquid, which should be formalin.

There are many organs, limbs, and even the cubs of some extremely terrifying creatures in the glass jars.

Mu Rufeng glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice:

"The third round of the death game officially begins!"

A virtual option appeared in front of Mu Rufeng:


There is only one option this time.

This death game is simple, which is to find specific organs and limbs in the formalin in this layer.

They are the brain, limbs and eyes, a total of seven organs. Whoever finds them will advance directly, and those who fail will be eliminated directly. The time limit is one hour.

This time, it is thirteen to seven, which is not bad.

Mu Rufeng announced the rules of the death game.

The remaining contractors were in an uproar.

But they finally calmed down.

They knew the relevant information of the dungeon before entering it.

It is extremely difficult to complete the clearance task, and this dungeon has never appeared before.

The dungeon that has never appeared means that the mortality rate is extremely high.

Of course, if you finish the third round of the game, you can directly pass the level and return.

If you want to continue the death game, you can, but only one person finally reached the top and completed all the death games.

After Mu Rufeng announced the start, he stood on one side and watched them quietly.

Because Mu Rufeng was supervising, these contractors did not dare to fight even if they found the organs at the same time.

It just depends on who is quick.

It took them fifty minutes to find all the organs in the stipulated time of one hour.

Because there were too many organs, they had to take them to Mu Rufeng to check whether they were considered mission organs.

Six people were eliminated and then directly teleported back to the real world by the login bracelet.

[The third round of the death game is completed, and the participating players can return at any time, or continue the fourth round of the game]

A prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

This also made Mu Rufeng slightly stunned. He didn't expect that he could return directly after the third round of the game.

"The third round of the game is completed. Do you want to return?" Mu Rufeng looked at the remaining seven contractors.

"I want to return!" The black man Michelle immediately stretched out his hand and shouted.

This guy was a bit lucky. Before the first round of the game started, Mu Rufeng cut off one of his arms as a punishment. Unexpectedly, he actually made it through the third round.

And this guy was the first to find an organ.

"I'm going to return too."

"I'm going to return too."

Soon, six people chose to return.

Only Mumuya was still very entangled there.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Mumuya and said, "You don't have to rush to return. I guarantee that you will complete the subsequent death games."

Mu Rufeng was afraid that this guy would not want to do the extra tasks and return directly, so he said.

"Then I won't return." Mumuya heard this and immediately responded with joy.

Maria and the remaining contractors looked at Mumuya with some envy.

For example, those who completed the third round can also get a lot of clearance completion, and the rewards will not be small.

Look at Mumuya again. Not only does he have the bonus of extra tasks, but he can also complete all the death games all the way. It's really a stroke of luck.

Soon, Maria and the other six contractors chose to complete their mission and return, leaving only Mumuya and Mu Rufeng at the scene.

"Follow me, go to the fourth floor." Mu Rufeng turned and walked towards the stairs.

Mumuya followed Mu Rufeng immediately after hearing that.

After only two steps, Mu Rufeng turned around and looked at the organs he had been looking for. He stretched out his hand and summoned those organs directly, and then put them into the inventory.

Soon, Mu Rufeng and Mumuya came to the fourth floor.

The layout of the fourth floor is still the same, but everything here has been transformed into a cage, even the hall.

In addition, the laboratory has also been transformed into a utility room.

"Butler Mori, do I have to complete the extra task now?" Mumuya said in a low voice.

"No hurry."

Mu Rufeng used the ghost to explore the fourth floor.

It's just that, in this floor, except for the utility room where the ghosts can't enter, all the cages have no special clues.

There's not even a fireplace. If there is a fireplace, it's probably only in the utility room.

Mu Rufeng came to the door of the utility room immediately.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the door of the utility room. The door lock was a little damaged, and it looked like you could enter without a key.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng made himself virtual and then reduced his presence.

Mu Muya was shocked when she saw Mu Rufeng disappear, not knowing what happened.

"I'm by the side, just pretend I don't exist. Now go in, I can hear you talking in your heart." Mu Rufeng used the ability of telepathy to talk to Mu Muya.

Mu Muya was relieved when she heard this, and then pushed the door open.

Mu Rufeng also knew that it was not the lock that blocked the ghosts, but the closed door.

The utility room, it was indeed a utility room, about one-third the size of the laboratory.

There were a lot of sundries, and a red trash can was placed in the corner, which was very conspicuous.

Mu Rufeng went over and checked it, but didn't find anything wrong.

"Go, put the things in." Mu Rufeng said to Mu Muya.

"Okay, Butler Sen." Mu Muya immediately stepped forward, and then took out the safe and put it directly into the large trash can.

Mu Muya's mind popped up the prompt sound of the task completion, and a smile appeared on his face.

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